Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 22, 1915, Image 1

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i:i.riu:T.Tit: makiis i-u:
i;i:. nuiM. posrun ice.
Wind, Snow and Rain
Leave Havoc in Trail.
Blizzard in Cascades Knocks
Out Great PJorthcrn Trains.
rrtUn. II .93.tnrh Rainfall
. and Vtln.I That ru Pranks
x W Ith t'mbrelle. KrrrinS Tardy
Mmtfrra la lcimforl.
prt U or irarmntf
a tun owtiw r.T.
Par City. V. Kisaty-mila
with taaedsr anol l'tl l
a ompanimeBt d ci4 atla
Ott Orova. Or. LIs-atinaT
system al out af commmm by
Irxxor. Or Two Ira-ha ef
aar f:t aa !! sad fear Nt
IS bit!.
)'.! C 1 1 y Pm m of por rm
pay ewept ait. but water felsa
naislk la fnf(
II x4 River Cam at Mood
Klir to protect spawning fita.
wort ltl'l. wh. out.
tt: Ttncot I a a I a I
trair dlaT4 an4 ino4I la
Cascade 4trej-i by !.'.
La tireade Portland auto
party caught la bLasard croestea;
k!o Cowtlta Ooanf iimmi
erfTow ati4 bride r.4 cat.
Vnouvr Rainfall for day I J
Tacatsa Oa of I brum
UN railroads and teUphoa y -tov
Cball tret flood end
farmer worried about Iivto-k.
Ctade Lock r.averd, rainfall
of four lachee rport4.
H fh wind. acoapaal4 by a driv
ing. rata, wbu-a. bee swept
la I acifte Northwt for tb taat three
attalaias dtrctlv height at
ru tma Sunday. Monday and
Tuii). promisee to subside torn
attt today.
WxHoaK aa tea North Bank Rail
toad east of Vncounr. Wm.; ginltar
1- .(fiction oa tea rati line toward
t:. tA-.t-ag eWaye-1 trains, slides
on fia Columbia Hisby and general
nliraor Is the way of failles
tree and pole. iKklB( iksi aod
anaaing reads bad. ara the xidtace
af boc wrought by tha iita. la
comiaa ship ara cruising about out
ei the Columbia lllr waiting for
calmer woataar. and outcome ahlpa
tri making tno passage with caution.
If at a-l daring the wildar !- of
tba blow. Coast rvsort ara esparteoa
Ir.f h-" !! again, but without
uajr damage.
baavrara Bravo toataa.
Cferistev aheppora have fett tha f
fct at the storm considerably, but
Itit braved tna atualla la ttadraia
.b4 Burner daily, although tnaay
taa Iot gmtriLu la tea baltla wlta
to raata.
At tlkamaaia. 41 mi'.aa op tha Co
lumbia Ktr frora Vaacour. tba rale
wab4 out tba North Bank track.
and pacr traia No. 1. dua hcra
aarly last B.tjot. waa aot aapactad uct:l
at3ut I o'clock tbis mornin Maaa
t:mt a craw of workm.a at ekamaata
wa coopiad' Bud lato tba abouL
Tba storm la arl in tba Nortb
t. Tbo maximum io.-lt of tba
w.nd kas rmioJ aromd mtlao at
orik Ji-1. wbtck la at tba Baulk of
t&o Coiumtiia. mlUa ol Tatovab
liUsil at tha aatranca of l'ut Sound,
and il tti'.a at attla. la I'ortUad
tna wia4 kaa attain.d volovity of
S rc.U at tirr..
Tba rainfall a Tortlaivl ytrday
was 1 1 lackaa. but tba rata contiauad
wtl lato tba BKhL Tba maximum
tmpratura waa ii and tba minimum
dara. To data tbsro la M lacbcs
of ri.a la ssca of tba kormat aikva
bptm(r 1.
Tba bay rala ya.tarday praelp
:a!4 a larc s. wl oa tao Columbia
II r Just l of tbo Automobtia
Tha sliJa la atool t ft dap. about
1 fat w!d. st.aJioji far acrosa tba
fo..iay. and about " tt In laaatk.
Yk'. L. t'ai:as. of tha Colombia H;k
way .. waa oaabla to tabs bis lara
car pat tno s:id ycatarvlay and said
with Iba atcptlon of smatlsr' car,
proablr pjaa wouM ba lmposiaia
far a day or
Tba bank alca Iba btibway at Iba
p'aca la about 1 f'l kick but ot
tarticuUrly atop.
Ballrwada llvavy allrra.
Waitixua uf?ar.d htttlly free.
!)a storm.
Transcontinental traffic ea tba Croat
t ornr was ti4 u? today by
s:iii la tha mountain. Tbraa bJB
drsd fat of isai4t batwssa acanic
d Tja. an tha - I lop of tha C
ta. coli.cMl andr tha anermous
wa ft vf snow vbUk J slid 4owa
to mountia. Vha saowfal la tba
ita4u a i'aa U
MlpaUlwn of Sonlrrn Tina for
Wor.-IEmm I loor rroir-lfd.
lkqatna Mon .Jlctl.
lrton. Dac. I. -tprsantHa Me
Arthur lxly called on Iho 8uprla
Inc Archltrcl of tba Traasury aad
ur-4 that, a far practlv-abls. Ora
con matsrul ba av4 lr Iba construc
tion of Iba w I'ortland postoma.
n auix ihsi aeacirk-attoea call for
Southern lto'w pina floortn la
rnatn workroom of Iba postofnc.
iht,Or-non. nr Is ttpulatd for otbsr
ftoora. Ha prolst4 asalnst tha osa of
any iuibra pin-, coniandinp; tbal tba
ur.con Boorink la suita aa durala
sattsfartory In osry way.
Mr. McArthur also urd Iho arcbl
ts:t to spclty lbs ua of Orson slont
In farin tba aitarlor of tbo bultdin.
and lcsist4 tbal Iba atona from Tk-
oulna Hay. aa well aa otbrr Or.iTor.
ton, la aa Too4 a can ba bad la Iba
Is.t. Tba d'parlmsnt la arsa to
spocifylnd any partlcuiar atoao for
pablii bultdin- work, but Mr. McArthur
inist4 ursson atona should racla
fair ronltlon. ilo tol4 Iba krchltact
It Is drslrabla to jaa local matarlala.
not only ka-ausa thay ara asoo4 n
any othsr. bul also bacnuan Ihslr usa
will aid Iba homa markal and
mplotmcnt to Oron laborrrm.
lux ! 1 1 Mar at . A. f- i:tsas" to
Wed Coraallla f.lrl.
tn r. is ao r in-tn coixeg e.
Cor-aili. I. SI. IHpavlaLV II waa
aanouncad today that .Ilmar J. Tkomp
son. of LsRoy. Minn.. ;uar4 on thla
yssr'a football tram, would wad Misa
llta llutoo, of Coralli. ato a
tudsat at Iba Orrcoa Acrlculturai
ColUs. lanibar 5. Mr. Thompaon
la k marnbsr of Iba saalor clas and of
to Kappa liM fratarnity. Mia llo
stoa Is a spsclal student In tha school
of mulc
Tba popular Aa alM will eom
p'.ata bis courts of study In Iba acbool
cf asru-uMura at tba closa of Iho first
smtr In Tabruary. and ltl taka
bla brtda to Mlansaola. wbara ka ka
a position a manacsr of a lara farm.
2,524,460 GERMANS LOST
Caaltlr-a la Army Akne Totaled
by Drltish OfflclaL f
LONPOS. Dae. SI. Harold 3. Tra
BhM. rarllarnsntary fndar ttacralary
of War. mada Iba atatamant la Iba
Houso of Commons today that tha Bum
bar of cauattia publlha4 ln tha offi
cial li-ta for rrul. Daxony. BaTarla
and Vurtmbar: up lo Noembr
wsra l.J:.4.
Of tkla aumbar. Mr. Taaaant add4.
4M.S.I mrn wara ktllod or di4 of
tbalr wound. s:.Iff wsra araly
wounded. :7.TI dld of dlsfksa and
.11.14 wara mlsaiBk.
Naval caaualtua. bo said, wara not
Included In Ihe.a flura.
Kcs-t-ailn? Content at Washlnston
Slal College la Notrmbrr, I I '
SPOKANE. With, IVr. SI Wash
Inctoa State Collesa will conduct aa
acc-laylnsT contest, to ba participated
la by pouitrytnea of Montana. Idaho.
Washington and Oresroa. according to
a decision reached today by tha Board
of Rcntj la session hero. The receat
kutbortiad aa expenditure of 11000 for
tha construction of buildlnca at Pull
man to cara for tha bona entered.
Tba competition will beg-in Novem
ber. 11. and and October. 117.
I ipkwion at l a-llle. III.. I I'rt:
S 3Illra Away.
CAIRO. ItL. Tc. St Tha nltro
atjrcerta plant of tha Aetna Powder
Company at I'ayvKle. I1L. waa blown
bp today wbea 1099 pouada of ntlro
Ctrcerta exploded.
The explostoa waa dua to chemical
reactions. Theso reactlona sae o.T
furor, thereby warmnc Iba workmen.
ail ef whom escaped.
Tba axpioaioa waa fell at Cairo. S
miles away.
British Craft henrr Victory la Sea
of Marmora.
L-TXf. Pa. St. Aa Athena dls.
pat.h to Reuler'e Tel-cram Company
! that a Brltleh submarine baa soak
tha German steamer Lero and other
craft la Iba iea of Marmora.
Tha stsamer Laroa waa owned by
tha Deutsche Levante Una. She was
It; toaa and :l taal long, and waa
built la li- When last reported aba
waa at Constantinople.
l'alrrlly Statlcnt to lle-cln Conrw
. at Oxford Next Scplrrobrr.
Et'CEVE. Or. Pc. SI. Luton Ack.
erson. a sraduata of tha I'nWerslty of
Orrcoa la 114. today raa appointed
a the Orecoa stud.nt to receive the
three-year Cecil ft no.' -a ho!rhlp at
Oxford LnHer.lty la Enfland.
Ha waa tna only Oron applicant lo
pas tha Oxford oxamlnatloa recent.'y
held throughout tba state. Ha wi:
oca la kla work neat bepiember.
Zwiedinek Confers on
Ancona Affair.
Situation Is Similar to That in
Case of Arabia.
Chars dWffklrfw UblUIa IU
la for Informal Negotiation",
IJhv Thoaej Conducsrd by
Count ort Brntorff.
WAHINOTOV. Pa?. it. rendlnC re
ceipt of Austna-llunarya reply to tha
second American nolo rekardlnc tha
slnkmc of tha Italian ateamsblp Aa
cona. Baron Erich Za-ledlnek. chkraa
of Iba Auatro-Hunkarlan arobasay. la
conductlne; or forming a basis) lo eon
duct Informal neeotiatlona with S-ero-tary
Lansinc looklnt; toward aa nmlc
ablo settl-mcnt of tha controery. Aa
Intimation to that effect was reeld
at tba Btato toparlroant today after
the charge had conferrod al soma lenth
Ith tae Secretary.
Beraalarffa Eaaasplo raHowed-
It Is understood Baron Zwledenek la
attempting neeotiatlona almllar to
Ihosa conducted by Count on Barn
storff aa A- aasador. follow
Inc lha alnklnk of tho ttaamshlp Ar
abic. Il la considered Improbable, how
r. tbal aueh nefoUatlona can de
velop to on important tae until after
receipt of tha mn v"
t'.nn from Autrla-Hunsary. woicn
expected soma lima wltnin i
Just what authority haa bean clan
Baron Zwiedinek by bla ioarnment
baa not been mado known. It waa re
called today that relation between tha
foiled tstatea and Germany warn aerl
ously slralned whan tha German Am
baasador look Tlrtually a free band
to conduct tho negotiation In soma
official quartera tho belief prevails tbal
it waa tha neeotiatlona conducted by
Count on Barnalorff which prevented
the situation from becoming more aarl
oua than il at on llmo admlttadly waa.
DkMwaalaa Held CaafldealUL
Baron Zwiedinek now la Tlrtually In
tha same poaltloa lha German Ambaa
sador then found himself. It la con
sidered tbal with a knowlodga of
American lew and tha adTBntaka of
personal contact with United btalei
officials tha Baron might ba able to ' ac
compli h mora than could reault from
tba exchange of diplomatic communi
cations. Tba charge la known to bao
bad word of loni aorl frora hla home
government. Il also Is known that bla
attention waa called to lha reply which
waa mada lo tha first American note.
Neither Secretary Lansing nor Baron
Zwiedinek would discuss their confer
ence today. It baring been agreed that
beyond allowing It to ba known that
ii'nnc Iwoed oa I'- - ?. 1'olurna I.)
Mrnt rxvlarcd Harmlcaa, Tlioush
Health Department IKxn Not
Kxartly Ilrromnirnd It."
NEW TORK. Doc SI. Ealo of horse
meat for food will ba permitted In New
Tork after January 1. tho Board of
Health announced today. Commenting
on tho revocation of tho section of the
sanitary code which prohibited tha use
rf horse meat. Commissioner Emerson
said that, while tha Health Depart
ment does not exactly recommend It,
no harm can bo aeen In Its usa.
"Tha horso never haa tuberculosis,
and almost never communlcatea a
mallgant dlaeasa to human beings," ha
said. "Hereafter old horses. Instead of
being sold for their bones, which are
worth titlla or nothing, wilt bo fat
tened and disposed of for meat.
"Dr. Emerson announced that special
precautions would bo taken to prevent
tho aala of hora flesh in tho guise of
veal or be.f.
Chemical Concern Distributes $3,
000,000 Among; Stockholders.
CLEVELAND. Dec SI. Directors of
tha Grasselll Chemical Company today
cut a war melon by declaring an extra
cash dividend of & per cent and a spe
cial stock dividend of 10 per cent. In
addition -to the quarterly dividends of
H per cent on both common and pre
ferred stocks.
Tha combined dividends on both com
mon and preferred sharoa. Including
tha apeclal dividends, hava a cash value
of approximately 13.000,000.
000 Men In or Near City and Sur
render Plan May Fall Through.
EL PASO, Tex, Dec. SS. At 1:15
o'clock this morning the El Paso police
department received a report that 1000
Villa troops had just arrived In Jhiares
from tho aouth and that S00O mora were
within a abort distance of tha town.
It waa said General Villa waa not with
tha parly.
Tbo arrival of tha troops revived the
report that tba surrender arrangement
had fallen through.
Is. Occupied
After Defeat-
Ing Opponents.
LONDON. Dec SS. It Is announced
from Teheran, according to a dispatch
received here from the Patrograd semi
official news agency, that the Russians
hava occupied the town of Kum, 10
miles southwest of Teheran, after a
great battle.
Tha opposing forces were completely
defeated, aays tha dispatch.
American Makes Donation to Chris
tlania Society.
CHRISTIANIA. Dec SI. A donation
of f 10.000 has been mada by Mr. Ford
to tha Chrlstlanla Students' Society for
a new building.
In making tha donation Mr. Ford an
nounced that ha believed tha students
were doing much to promote world
' . - ' ; &vJ$B$ :
Guns and Infantry Are
Landed at Varna.
Garrison Is Said to Have Suf
fered Heavily.
Turks rteport They Captured Mnch
Booty When British Left Posl
tlons on Gallipoll London
Minimizes Losses.
LONDON1. Dec. S3. The Dally Chron
icle reports tho capture of Varna, Bul
garia's chief Black Sea port, by the
Russians. It says tho bombardment
of tha Russians silenced tho Bulgarian
guna and laid the town in ruins, tho
garrison suffering heavily.
Tha Russian then, recording to the
report, landed infantry and artillery
without loss and In sufficient lores 10
hold tho town against Bulgarian at
tack. NEW TORK. Dee. 21. The Turkish
nffl. l.l communication of December 20,
as received In London, differa some
what from tha statement wnicn came
from Berlin by wireless:
Tar ha Report Pursuit.
"Tho enemy saw tho success of our
attack against tho north was unavoid
able and embarked tho night of Decem
ber H-20," says the report, "with all
haste a part of bis forces. Nevertho
leas. despite .he thick fog. tho enemy
could not hinder pursuit by our troops
during the retirement.
-The latest reports today says that
our troops so thoroughly cleared Ana
Karta and Arl Burnu of tha enemy that
not a single soldier remained behind
Mack Booty Captured.
"Our troops advanced to the coast
and captured great quantities of booty.
Including munitions, tents and cannon."
LONDON. Dec. Si. When the Brit
ish forces withdraw from the positions
at Suvla Bay and Anxae on the western
shore of the Galllpoll Peninsula, their
total casualties were three men
wounded, according to an official an
nouncement made this afternoon.
Six guns, which were destroyed, were
left when the British withdrew from
tha Suvla position, it was added.
Government to Fight Insect Which
Attacks Western Stock.
WASHINGTON. Dec 31. The Euro
pean noso fly. which attacks horses
knd cattle alike, has been found to
interfere seriously with farm opera
tion In tha West.
Tbo Department of Agriculture is
planning to stamp out the pest li pos
Deliberations Begun at Noon Yes
terday Continued at Midnight
in Illicit Distilling Case.
Twelve jurors who were locked up
at noon yesterday with a 15-gallon keg
of moonshine whisky, which Govern
ment experts, testifying in the trial
of Martin C. Broom and James Will
lams for moonshining, had declared to
be 85 proof and perfectly good and
palatable cbrn "Iicker," were still de
liberating at midnight.
At that time they bad been alone
with the keg for 12 hours.
The jury came out onco early in the
afternoon to ask Judge Wolverton for
further instructions. Then they retired
with tho keg again. If they should
agree before morning, they will re
turn a sealed verdict.
Assistant United States Attorney
Rankin prosecuted for tho Government
and W. T. Vaughn was attorney for th
defendants, by appointment of Judge
Portland Has Less Fatalities in
1915 Than Seattle.
' Coincident with Federal reports of
Portland heading the list of cities with
lowest death rates, official figures were
issued yesterday by City Health Officer
Marcellus showing Portland to have
outranked Seattle during the fiscal year
of 1915 ended December 1 In low death
rate for babies under 1 year of age.
Last year Seattle was considerably
ahead in the statistics of Portland and
other cities.
Tho Portland official report for 1915
shows that 57.7 babies died out of every
1000 born. In Seattle in the same
time 61 babies died out of every 1000
Woman Ketains Nino Attorneys to
Recover Cost.
Eleven attorneys have been engaged
to wage a legal battle over one ma
tronly, clucking old hen (feathered)
and her 11 chicks, payment for which
is in dispute between Mrs. Mary Haber
man, retainer of nine of the lawyers,
and John Hart, who has employed the
other army of ,lwo expounders of legal
Mr. Hart is in possession of the
feathery family. Mrs. Hibernian is
suing in District Judge Bell's court for
12, alleged to bo due for the flock,
and $10 damages.
Krupps Plant Destroyed.
COPENHAGEN, via London. Dec. 22.
The National Tidende prints a state
ment of a Dane from Constantinople
that the Krupps works outside Con
stantinople have been destroyed by
bombs dropped by British airmen.
Tbe Weather.
TESTER DAY'S Maximum temperature, 51
decree; minimum, 'J decrees.
TODAY'S Occasional rain; outheaterly
British premier' wife set Injunction
nalnt nauapaper charging disloyalty.
face -.
Frenchmen In trenches to cet Christmas
gifts. Psge S.
Asquith tell Commons situation demands
Uritaln s Tecrultsble maximum. Pace
Peace pilgrims encounter opposition to
Madam fachwlramer as member o( party.
Pg .
Russians capture Bulgarian port of Varna.
Pag 1.
Sarah Bernhardt Is reported to b dying.
Pate .
Austrian Charge 'dAfTalrs seeking to settle
Ancona case Informally. Page 1.
Representative McArthur urge Oregon ma
terial for Portland postofdee. Page 1.
Gompcri testifies In grand Jury investigation
of unneutral .plots. Pl-ge o.
President and Mrs. Wilson take long walk In
cool mountain sir. Pag .
Wilson's friend. Colonel House, going to Eu
rope on confidential mission. Page 3.
Restrictions sg-Inst eating horef!eh re
moved In New York. Page 1.
"Lady Nicotine" asks tobacco for European
soldiers. Page 2.
Illinois Attorney-General asks prosecution
of doctor who let baby die. Page d.
Ex-Secretary Flcher ays peace partly de
pends on economic policy. Page 15.
"Hermite" finds being "in tun with In
finite" nigh-sounding Illusion. Page 2.
Miss Alberta Balr, Portland heiress, duped
by alleged crook. Page 4.
Return of Fed. player to major league
alters forecast. Page 14.
Brown University men put through fast
paces to meet Washington State College.
Page 14.
Baseball peace concluded; papers to be
igned today. Page 14.
rariflo Northwest.
Klamath homesteader held on murder
charge Page 7.
Fir destroy Gcarhart hotel. Page 6.
Supreme Court rule that to wed is no cuae
lor teacher's dismissal, psge .
Oregon railroads and utilities spend
U4U. Page 7.
Commercial and Marine.
Storage apple holdings In Northwest much
higher than year ago. Pag 19.
Chicago wheat bulge due to hugs buying by
British government. Page 19.
Gale Interfere with rirer Boats. Page 18.
Cargo o' tie and other railroad construc
tion maierlul to be sent to Europe.
Page 13.
Portland and Vicinity.
Northwest In grip of severe storm. Psge 1.
Mr. Da'.y to recommend dismissal of Dr.
Marcellus. Page a.
Multnomah station robber 1 silent. Page 9.
Purses open wiuer in aid of Charities.
Page Jo.
New Year- eve revels to stop at midnight
or be beyond rale of law. Psge 1.
Three bouth C-ntrl Washington counties
wsnt to trsde in Portland. page li.
Jury Is locked up with keg uf moonshine
whisky. Pag 1.
ymi ask Immediate aid. page IS.
v. w. C. A. girl have "children party."
Pag 9.
Washington orator capture cup. Page 9.
Introduction of Bible In schools asked agalu.
Page 4.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page l'J,
Troubles Lurk on All
' .Sides in 1916.
Liquor on Table Must Be Paid
For by 12 to Be Legal.
Part of Law Forbidding Persons to
Gather In Place for rurposo of
Drinking Threatens to End
"All Gaiety on Minute.
Tf you happen to be one of the boys
who figure on making this new fangled
prohibition law look ill New Year's
morning by ordering a lot of drinkables
put on the table before midnight at
the hotel or restaurant where you are
celebrating New Year's eve, and then
drinking up your own private property,
by heck, until going home time, if any
body does go home, just have a care
about it.
Hub? Oh, certainly not! No insinua
tion intended at all. But a number of
the boys are figuring on it, as every
body knows, and so are the hotel and
restaurant men.
Payment Must Be In 1915.
Everybody does not know, however,
that these innocent diversions will be
attended by certain dangers. The dan
gers, which he politely termed "a few
complications," were pointed out by
District Attorney Evans yesterday.
The District Attorney put some of
the complications in the form of ques
tions, with the accent on the answer.
And the District Attorney's answer,
of course.
Complication the first has to do with
paying the bill. If a Jolly fellow or
ders his table stacked with champagne,
for example, and forgets to pay the
reckoning until sometime in the morn
ing of 1916. what's the answer? Ac- '
cording to Mr. Evans, what's paid for
in 1914 is the same as sold in 1916,
under the law. and the restaurant
keeper is liable for selling liquor and
the jolly fellow for buying it, contraary
to statute.
Prohibition Begins at Midnight.
Pretty strict interpretation? Sure,
but as Mr. Evans says, the law was
made to be interpreted strictly, and ho
Intends to do it. And he adds, further
more, that so far as his office is con
cerned prohibition goes into effect at
one minute past 12 o'clock of January
1, and will be enforced from that time.
But Jolly Fellow' troubles are not
over. Worse is to come. Ah, yes!
In discussion of complication the
second, readers are respectfully referred
to section 13 of the prohibition law.
This section reads, in part:
"All premises . . . where intoxi
cating liquors are manufactured, sold, .
bartered or given away, in violation
of law. or where persons are permitted
to resort for the drinking of intoxicat
ing liquor as a beverage, or where in
toxicating liquors are kept for sale,
barter or delivery . . . etc. . . .
are hereby declared to be common
No Loophole Apparent.
"Well," inquires Mr. Evans, "How
can you dodge that? Pretty strong,
isn't it?"
"Where persons are permitted to re
sort for the drinking of intoxicating
liquor as a beverage," is the particular
clause that threatens Jolly Eellow's
Being declared a common nuisance
under the prohibition law may be com
pared for pleasurable sensation with
catching the srip. The penalty is only
a line up to 300 or up to six months
in jail, or both.
The law as quoted foregoing could
be made to complicate matters consid
erably for the restaurant or hotel-
keeper on whose premises in 1916 Mr.
Jolly Fellow was "permitted to resort
for the drinking of intoxicating liquor
as a beverage," even if it was his own
liquor, bought and paid for. But Mr.
Jolly Fellow himself might get his toes
stepped on.
Section 15, as pointed out by Mr.
Evans, goes on to say: "And every per
son who maintains or assists in main
taining such common nuisance shall
be held guilty of misdemeanor."
Does this include, or does It not,"
asks Mr. Evans, speaking loudly, so
all Jolly fellows can hear him, "include
the men, or the women, too, for that
matter, who are assisting in maintain
ing the nuisance by remaining on the
premises to drink their liquor?"
Guess for yourself the answer. Mr.
Evans has his own convictions about
it, and being District Attorney, bis in
terpretation goes until a court decides
Other Complication Remain.
There are other complications which
Mr. Evans or one of his obliging depu
ties will be pleased to explain to per
sons still in doubt. But those quoted
are enough to convey the general idea
of the thing to the boys who may con
tinue to figure on giving the law the
merry laugh. I
In fact, there are quite a numDer oi
oteher. complications. One of them, for
instance, relates to the finding of bot
tles and such, the such including beer
pumps, kegs, brew, liquors and the like.
on the premises, tneir unaing oi useii
being prima facie evidence that liquor
is unlawfully sold.
And there are others yet. But let
these do for this lesson