14 Tnt ?IOItyi'G OR EG ON I AX, aroyPAY. PECE3TBER 20, 19IA. - ' , I Ti f ' rioBisTs. TIMFI Y TAI KS RWFfl isiSMM $ rj) .70 , Special Music Also Is Part of Church Programmes. SERMONS ARE INSPIRING TaW-tid" Vrf SWT ! I'ollowvd hj aoe-lal Hoar. l Whkh Cilrl a a. I W imrii trangvrt rd HrlJ T. W. C. .V. At lrJ4 ef approachls Car' at -Saaetide. eeociel m)i'. ttfU aed aa tm. ae.J rroety M'wm tt.r k.ard tHimltf in many of the church ef th ritjr. t-.rvt.-ee trill few h:d Chrtetraa day tit avar rhaKh. n't la a malortty i eijhorat. f"hrl!ra anii-a4 pro r'amt a-Hl b pr.n'd et a t . t atmmi end snna.'e la lfnf wftk -rir.7. iwn ra giveo la th first CBbtu Crrt by the ebotr aad) the pastor. Rv. tieorge Dar- e rv a tnpirmc morein c ' a T!a rTrim rieirif and at th icAf ervtre he ap-oh ea "A Tvt or h Holiday. The ! n-d a a. T ret everr mas apoa ble IMnii, bat every rr a a alo apoa the threat ef others. - f r. Ivmh' dertue I ou are foaad la hi ulmol that t keynote ef ri reri.iira boIWar aftoul I he uiMl!iBM. fr. ba Bald. -i?.:ri..h I tt cornrtoa at Chrlstianity.- talterlae HhI Ttetabtev ta tba nl t"aitari CMurrh I .J wnl' of aiiiaf a. slvea by tt demr. cbri.tr: Mr. '. ta, )(.ar-iaer. Hnfrtnii; Un C'ourB lid. roatr-ilto. J. K" Ftrto, tor; Will. Urn raaa;tf,tlolIiUI. and l! W. llojt, eV Bit. The- f-tur cf the moraine were: .!. -t.enu Not'" dni. tunc lit Mr, 'ro. tt- violin aoltgato; Klanitrr anthem. "ltoann I . ftj-. H.rhorti: "Holy Nisrht." off-rto-y tt irtniBiii ilurrettl. and t.r. a lt.a l"er IHfMmtn At i MMt s.rvtr fv of tha old t .' itional I'rinck an J KnstUo carol '. la aitn fir effect. The ttory of the - nativity. tt! Cri.ri'al tettlns. u siv.a yesterday at I ! o'.lo. It at Ih Ve.per Kfltlra of ti Kdh nir ruk Mthe.t!t C!ora. tiMwii a.t aH tha air. k.r.i, (g4 vim m" of IBa tirat Chriat m . ;ifta ar rcl fr 16a poor a M a ..i jf . T. W. C. 1. WaWaaaaa traara. ta tba Taf(C lt'o'i CriMtlaa A nitl oa TalM ap- rlra ara M at Ja a'clixk an J .r ::al k a -ll boar, at ahl.'h Btrl aad a m.a. ilntcrt ia tba dir. aral- t t'-ia T. M. r. A. ! Mrtl' ran-a-' f "Aa Adlra ta Ma br :i.iv..p H. J. C"oa. fa f4 bU a'ar. v . to m a CnM..t-Uaat I f'. Th- rnf a-prtBt of Wblta Tnri a 11 1 a lra amatnl at m'.aion an4 :fta aotiabla tor tba lig gi.trtQata amuna? tbo aoar a a railt ef tba arl bM aT. rf.r tinranx at ! II o'clock la tba Mis awliiiirlani of tia tbf. atbar t i d in Uf arnoot rlaaaaa (oat for a C'hriatmaa ar- i-a of ; ftaof "-lf. twrrlra aot liibata" a.ra taa (ain't ef IHe aarata. klaar f IA Bm9n (Ideal tbaai-t lo e. -'.a warb arwt ail lenk aa.laatual f. tr.t for tba l frtaala tnao W. It lliaaoa. aho bad "a lit f ir .r a w. u pr.a at botb antra a r ana a - aeria a4 U Lra ."-)a-tte..- lie ill m-rnur bia fifptt for tae aal two r iMiM m all! twcia bia aor fir trie F.cit!t ltno M -auoarT Ha. ciafr ea Janaarr 1. ABANDONED MINE TO RUN Ira.4.rada Ore I-fl rrr Trail Para a to IW MllWd. PITEfmRT. Wa. r-e. l a aL ter Trait Miala CoeipaaT. Hf of propart!" aorta ef bare abNr for four raara. tim ana li . aip9Mt more t a I l itf ! of are ta tna Taroma amaitar. baa rora. Ua.t 4 boad'4 for ltn.l. from tb prcKi ef iH a mi l anil flotation fr.. aill No lntalW4 cacablo of rartn for ine Io-cr4 ore. about J.. 14 tail of a !. l la ea tbe aump. Wbea artipRienta ware made tba ore ea t ta bo bau.aJ mile ta LaT.oporl kr laia. aa aotftirc bbt are rusoinc 1 1 or better araa RlPP4. Near pror. eaeva are aafat ta bate maie poeitte prdta&ia mminc of tha material ia trie tiraj. WOOL GROVERS DISPERSE f.raal Coant Sraalo at IVaker Team Thank to O. A. C. fliprrt. FAKER. Or.. Tr. I (SpaclatV Volflna tbeir apprectatloa ef the tdaca tioaat work done bare la tba aheap. anae'a trwetiact. rr aad raat ('auntf t'r tandcret a vote of friaaaa at the final aneetinc tialir. . dr ta W. T. IMtrft. ahp eipert an4 l.;;'rr aa4 ta !ra M. Nalaoa and W. ki. Kayaol'. repreavntiBS nrnon AfM. rnitural Cotl. B)"r the ajspicea of atlra Inatttutioa tke meeties bat beea b'14. la hi a, a5 )re-a thi mornlnc. Mr. T.-trh apok biiftlr t cooperation la arool aellma. til altU'-t a thoroaab taeet:atloa ef tbefiald fore naalsg any onart.ln j of tha kmi. HOQUIAM ELKS PLANNING IrrfarBUoaa to Il fade at Oooa for It I Mai Controtlos. f-KJttA. IVirt.' rer. !. 5pa eiL ItcKjuum Ufc will btna layia plane at oae t ratertaia tha t 1 4 mntan'aoa ef the Waahtnctoa State t:;a' K.uoloa Amoctatioa. loe loual la. titartoa hailni been a.-rrpteJ Saturday .r the ii9tlH coraaiittaa. raeetlnc at att;e. utnr compettore for the rao tnt.oa a ar Tacaaia asd Waoatrhe. Tha atteadance at tha annual eon Ttt'ioii of the aaaociatioa laat tiB lm h Ua.ham a Ittv. CHILDREN GIVE TO POOR CaM art lrrabytrrtaova Mo Carol of OirLtaaae at Srnice. "ICark. tha rtarald AaaeT a.ia. tha aeet towee ef happy chl'.drea ei a rr h -Inar ta proeionel ran ait yeaterday uirtia ta Calvary rreahyterlaa h iirrh aa tha Sunday Kcbeot claaea tna.e their way bp t the arr-.i'a croe ea the au'Pit. aad d'pealtad their aiftj "t the K-Ba." their rforatloBt ta the p.e aad ae-Jy "ii-d" rlttie en." Ta rhirh tn drated la bolty and grary. with Bit ahinin trt l(4l frana tha ci.u'l. Attar aavca rhud bad placed cirt at tha foal cf the r'oea. aeieral carols aero aon and I T. tx f. ilaam. tba paator. fata a ort ad4ra oa tha a otflcaaca of .arljCraaa. Aa p-cla!ly beautiful part ef tha prearawrue aa caatrleuled by tha lit lie tola aho preaeated aiercltea and mbii Tha choir. nadr I tie directloa it tieorce Mitch klaa Mil. rendered Tral approprlata aetbtm. REALTY JINKS IS TONIGHT Kaciirwr- TUylrd Will Vn Clyftt l Arradlaa fi ardent. r rea a. jtH aea Is rharte ef tba affair, bate errenaeJ rtoarm roror rJ to at at antu Toon. fyaarta I. rranria r. lach. who diad Saturday from heart dlteaa. will be barled today. The funeral altl be hrld frora tho'rraldenr at l"j William avenue at S.l r. f, Mr. Iarh rama ta Torttand J: fmm fa'bury. t'.L. and tartrd an iron T.ondry, In which bualne ho continue. until flvl yaara aao. when he retired and turned tha concern avar to hit mm. He waa known throutrh oot (he Farifie Coaat aa tha pio neer roaoufacturer of Bath weicht. II la aurrUed by hi widow, five aena and four dauchlera Joeph M-. J. Herbert and Win. flelt . of rortland: Edward . of Han rranciaco; VI re. O. U. Mo Krnna. Mla-e Harriet and IHor. enco. of fortland; Mr. J. U. Klb bio. of Chtcaco, a procramma. prominent on which will ha a pUylet arrant'd for the occaaion. tt t railed "Noodlehaum Neutral Noodle tloaee. and will ba aplced wltb om..of the latet raatima aonaa. The Really Hoard baa doubled II mernbervMp durlna" tha pa yr and eonaceiuently tht promlae to b tha bet-attJ'd and btat annual a-ato-erlna; aver held by the oraanUatioo. MOOSE PLAN GATHERING Udtnara to Hold hrtotma Itnlcr. talnrew-nl Wrdnradajr Mchl. rortland le. Na. HI. Loyal Order t iinu. will alt a araad annual ihrt.taa aatharlo aad eoterlalnmeot oa Wedaeaday veniB. iwmwr -at their clubrooma la tba Hoyal Anne balldlatt. Aa entira IhealrWal company haa beea nca-d. lief reahmeat will ba served, aad thera wlkl be dancinc and other forms of imuwminl. Harry A. Iioaer. chairman of tba atertainmeat committee, ba provided aa eteaive proaramma a that lhare wlll ba aom'thlna lakina place on botb floor all t"a time. A feaiura of In evenm will ba lha "Daya cf '" In lbs clabrooosa. rhe-halla !aa Ivcbalc. riirnU!. Waah.. !. l (Sra- tlaL The Cbehali Hlah eVhool da- batina- team tot ta r.aymond ta a ae tata en tha Monro Ioeirtna beinf con ttnucd. Became of lllo two aubaM tut mamber of the Chehalla teaTn weca aetil to Raymond. Uwlna to lb provaieaa of co d In tha acboola thy wera cloeed Friday lor in nouuaya. Trtnp-Talarr at Wallowa IVrlow Zero trtlilVA Or Ic. I Steclal.) Colloalnc a warm now perUl. th temperature audJaoiy dropped to ero weather. The thermometer rCitrd 1 below laat BiahU Te rio fca e aeveraaaeet ba aeal to Tat- !aa4 tr '!' a ! 'oJ rr a aerraae a.-euM ta n4ue at aaaaur aa a emprw ael canal mwn 4.td.ei tfi.reua tc vmI4 taae i veaca aaa lifce'-.wv iw carry ovtt the aeheme Lire oa oarr.oi miito MikKLU tar ACTIITt. W. A. Wash. W..A. Wash, who died recently at Catacada. wa a prominent tic urt la th early rtHool of newa paper adttora In th Stat ef Ore pro n. Aa a eoldter In th Civil War an t as an odocaior h had a no table career. t wa a editor ef th folk County Itemiaer. which ho porrbaeed from Uraham Oiaas. la !. that be aaiaed aad held a place of . prominence amooa the editor it tha atate. At th ttm of bit retirement frora tba wapeper field, he wa ona of th olieat editor, la point ef conliauou activity la charge ef on publication. In th ttal. Mr. Wah w bora In Kentucky la lit and leaves a widow aad oaua&ter. lt.fb );aha of arAi kiada will cbartctarUe the annual Joiaflcatlaa cf the rrt:Bd f.eaity Hoard which r.l ba htd toalnt at the Arcadtaa Car dee la tha kleltaomaa llotaL - . . . . . J at. pnmmlttM I. Wara. r j : -i: a ' ! 1 1 i ; ' v a : -: ' 4 : ' s - ; X,, t x .- . II' ae III 1 ' II U frrTCTaWSrTOwn f Ij'-hnrrrT''' LiT1TTrffr n a ij fi. Is the Round Trip Fare rb OS Dec 22. 23, 24. 25. 30, 31 'and Jan. 1 Return Limit Is Jan. 3 , ExcrJlmt train wrvice. Ft lime. A!l-tl coaches. Observation era. Standard and tourist hleepir; cars. Also Round-trip tickeU are on sale to all Oreg-on poinU on December 22, 23, 24, 25, SI and January 1. Return limit, January 4. Ticket, reservations or further information at City Ticket Office, Cor. 6th and Oak St., Union Depot, or East MorrLson-St. Station. Telephone Broadway 2760, A 6704 SOUTHERN PACIFIC John M. General Pasaenf er Acnt CAREER IS REVIEWED Rev. Dr. Marcotte Observes 12th Year at Westminster. ANNIVERSARY- IS HONORED Conarr-caiion Sends Iloral Remetn brancr Growth of Chorrb nod Arhl"e-m-nln Am Attributed lo Followln Old Teal. - -Twelve Tear" wa tha eubject of the ermon delivered yealcrday morn Ina; by R. Ilanry Marcotte. tor of the Weatmlnter rrbytrlan Church. It belnc the Uth annlvrary of hi pastorate, ef the church. Dr. Marcott waa called to Weatmlnater Church from Attorla IX year ao. and th tet of hla first rraon thso waa the Urt o ue.d yealerday tnornina; for Ma anni versary rmon. "Kor I am determined not to know anythlnc " Tu av Jeeu Chrlat and him crucltled., At tba openloa- Dr. Marcotte reviewed briefly the acblvemoia of hi pas- ta-Mmorle of the IS yena Juirt closed rush upon lh 'no ,l ,hl" ,lme' Ir Marcotte. "and they are the mem ories ot thlnee minipi are present thl moralo; who wr present at th bealnnlna: of th IJ " . I ear an a. n i many h been called to their final borne. .- tlraalk la Keealled. T mlfht 111 about the old cburob, . ..i.tii it three times. first th lower floor "belnr enlarnad. .w- 1 1 f K.n n addition tO (he bulldlo for the oae of the Sunday school, and then cam , for tha preaeot stone church, with Its Itrd led In he selection of thle block of a-rounu. Our plana wer coo-. j .... m.i the difficulties iniri.u. . ... . . incident ta the erection of thta church. W overcame thos difficulties, and we hail overcome other difficulties In th future." Dr. Marcotte then took up bla text Tqr I am determined not to know anything tmont you save Jsua Chrltt . 1 4 .mi elMIared tha ana diu . t . . . - . J . success of his ministry In the pest rested on this test, ana wm 1 1. . 11 aatd bo m a MOD 1 a tnlrht wonder why be conttned bis minl.try to tbla teat, but he pointed out that It I wide aa the world, and Included literature. cience, pouMij, art. architecture, economic and hla- tory. . . Tea la Eapiaiaea. "Blot out Jeu Oirlt and him cru cified." declared Dr. Marcotte. -and you wine out an tne tninas iiiera- . .. hiiforv. noetrv and economics. And hence today I use the .... t .r..iii.il tram 13 vears ssme i ... -- -. - a-a at the bealnnlna; of my ministry ner anvna datlon. Jeaus Christ and him cruci fied, and maklner It the foundation of the future, be it many or few daya" . .w- .eei-i.l mAmtiatre and elder SI 1 1 uir vni.'.i . .. - of the church were present to irreet he people, lr. imroiie icmu - - ....iMi.tiAna t'.rlv In the mornlnc a friend aent to hi home a . ....... t hUnf which waa Pfiuilim r -. placed on the breakfast table In honor ' tbe occasion. rw 1 n a t . Dinprli has mad marked proa-res In the 11 years doe- toe; yeeteroay. im memoereun. um Increased from 11 to 70S. The Sun day school haa an enrollment of more than (OS children, and th Attendance - - -1 a A A f . Xf . n ' . yeeieraay -mrmm nii; - -Current Eventa Class, with Charles E. Cochran aa president and Hush Henry i m .tttii.ine ettmnt and eco- Inomle quitttons. ' Alao the women have S . I . a.Kli-1. la il.lH. a curreni ! the eame Una of work. Sermon Thoughts From Portland Churches. ((TJAll'l tbe man who kaowa bow XjL to profit by his own mistake and the mistakes of other. Such are comparatively fw. Despite the in vttabt outcome of vice, heedless mul titudes -o on Ira their evil way. seeklna; present enjoyment at the espenee of th future." This sentiment, expressed by th Rev. E- Olln EldrldaT. pastor of the Mount Tabor Mtthodttt Church, was part of bla eermon yetterday on th subject A TounaT aiaa wot rounu Himself" . Kldridc aald: Hhallow.mlnded people rerard na fortunate the child 'born with a silver soon In Its mouth, but In tr major. Ity of auch caae the outcome of their live proves It lo have been a mla- fortune, -The prodlsal lan-l a radically bad man. He la a-enerally a hind. warm. hearted. Bood-naturvd fellow. Irt- ijuantly be baa la him th beat of Scolt Tortland. Or. AMTKM ENTH. BAKER VkaVlal. Tonlcht All This Week Mata Wed . jet. The Uaker Tlsrera lo a beauuf ul production or CAMILLE Greatest of all emotional love dramas. The play that haa mad hlatory. Rvenlasa a. 60c; box and lose. i&r. Matt, seee All aaata 2io xcept box and lo. Moeclsl barcaln perfermanc tonight mati- NtPweS Hoyt- "A Temperance Town." BBOADWAT AND TAMHI1X. 1 a . tfeav oi - 1 America a lxeliet Woman IJLI.IA.V KI!XK1X Comfort A Kir.a; Rajnnlda t Doneaan: Whipple A llu.ton In "fpookt": Msor Haaaer: Jean Challon: I lloea A Dupreece; Orpbaum Travel Weekly. Matinee Daily. !vrtt PRICKS Matlneea. 10c 55c, 60c. Klrhia. IQe. ase. S"C 73c (frym-EZiGES vt57HAIlKI IMTf 230 IK)K K .fcVA.M OrtRA tO. With Mbm. Uore la "tireat MoeaeaU rrem ;rvad Opeeaa. . I OTHI.H Blli ACTS S rWaee, f icM row belroar eeata resorted by phone. t nrtaln 7 and material, but, lacking- proper training. It haa never been developed. "Thank Cod. the prodigal haa another chance." ' e e e -The rhrlstmaa of the world today la not tbe Chrlat ma Ood planned." said Dr. C O. McCulloch. pastor of th. Vnworth Methodist Church. In bla acrmoo yesterday morning-. Th apeaaar quoiea too "i"i" nioix: "Behold. I bring you tidings of great Joy." and said: "Alas, the tiding or tbla -r are not i on Joy. They tell of mllllona of men carry ing arms: of homea destroyed; of heart broken and Cltiea aesoiaieo. nui t . mv. " - - .k.n - i . . . h. There shall bo a new earth when ridhteousneaa shall have way and there anau oe no more leaca. u.MiiMk minlMl um, of tha L ' I . I. u ----- prophectca to thla effect, and aald that the way to hasten tot goou r ie each Individual to pattern bis life after that of Chrlat. e e e In bla acrmon on"reae" yesterday i -. - ii.i...,An, Methodlat Church bwuth. th pastor, Kev. W. J. Kenton. said: -If there la a Christian conscience left In Kurope. that can be appealed to. It would seem that now la th lime . 1 1 i , whn. the effort mla-ht be ot . " " .- . . . . crowned with auecesa. W hether Henry Ford aucceeda or tans, nm prayera and besl'wlahea. - .. . . w v nMi-inrt to criticise 1 k 1 .u . r or ridicule any man who attempt an effort to atop men i rum aimua fellowmrn. " "The truth Is the man who makes no effort la the man who Is not only u.Li. . .iti.-i.m hut he must one liawie iv day face the Judge of all men and give an aocounx. "He who waila In lh trench today to be killed tomorrow la my brother. God help ue learn mo i"""u ...... the good Samaritan." -We are enioiaea ai ms .v...... the atmosphere of one who 1 the highest and holiest of all time, and the purpose of hla mission waa to take tha unrent and chaoa out of the world and bring our wllla to hla by. deliver ing a new law of pity." aald Dr. John IL Boyd yesterday at the First Pres byterian Church. "Jesus looked upon humanity and saya we are responlble for the condition ot the world, con tinued the pastor. . -Sin ia nothlna- In ttie world but CLASSIFIED AD. RATES D-ilv "Mr- r-IJne, Oa tune. e. . . . - - l. taa. ad toe laMieuu" sue some ad three coKeran.. -- --,.. 4-. eam. ad oe -tea cor-ectlte Tbe ho raiee app.j w ; -"r.i.-i,i eodee -New Today" aad all ether daaaUI calleaa eacept the folloein hltoatleae Wanted Meie. Ml eat ten W aated Ta,ala. le Heat. Koome l-rl'.le f am I lea. Ileard aad Kooma VrirM Keeveveeptoa svoome lri vale laaiUieB. K..V0- .he -bo., clncauoa. i. J eeaU ':'-en.'r?rSl1er,le.t. eb.ree. will V, th. eomber ef Usee .Pl.r.rin Ml thVpaper reardle.. of the sum OCT of LorUa li each Ua. Minim am charae. two ""the O retro laa will aeeept ela-alfled ad TertWmeei. ever th lelephooe, " the ad.eelieer ta a aulcrltee eilhee pbea. . price alU be aaoted vr tA K eae. bet bill will be re.de red the Jar. Whether aobeeqaent adverllee at. wilt be accepted eter tb, ' P"-- de eeeda apoa the prompts ef J"ro sad f-ereoaal adwrtleeeaeat erlll e, f" eeSed eter tbe trl.pl--e. O'Oer. for ea laeeeUo. Mlr wiU be accereted ! r e r lore lor eJe.- -Bariae PPOctaollie. -Koeming ll.aea" aad -Wealedte Keat. Aderti-aaeata ta reeve proper . cU-l-eireikejo nwl be ia The Oreaoola afflc afJrta eTcloTk at alaht. ..rep. r-tnrdar. rTox b.-r t The h-edav "-ia- Vit erloch Saturday alsht. Th enire wlll be aoea aalil I e'cloce I . St.. as eaoai. Zl VIIVL deceived tea late for Proper ruZelneoiioai will be raa aader tba beadiag -Tee late la riaeeifr." Tetepeoeoi Meia 77S. A SPSS. ACCnOJC aVALE TODAY. At f .. at iVt Morrison tt. near loth, fpnaht piano n-ahoaany and other furni ture. UKeioe Wllloa carpela. etc, J. T. tt lleoa. auctioneer. rord Auction House. Sit lat. ruraltura. carpel ete. Kale IIP.. At Wlleon't A rtlon Hons, at IS A. M . Xuraltur. lu-t s'ual at. Thla directory la for the Information tbe different llnea of business which to ua. Any Information which ca furnished by phoning Main 7070 or A' 1 ACCOaUJION PlJSATLNa. L ST&fiiAK. h.msutchlnc. scalloping, ac cord, sids pleat., butlona covered; mall orders. :u fmock biocfc. Broadway lu. l-LI-AIl.G. h.maUtfhuia. button covered, taatera NevaiiyCo t. eia. Bdy. uvu. AaoAXXAS A0 AAXk'8TB. MONTANA AbaAT OFFICE. 141 Id, Uo.d, aiiver uod piauaum bo us Ul. ATTUlLSKVa. W. J. M AKtUIit Probate, real eatata, mln In aud coiputauon ie; adetracia aad tl t.a aaamlBed, vraten oplalooa turaianed ! .orttiaatern Bank bias. Mem iHi. CAM'fck. LOWELL si. JONES, M. U. Practice' limlt td aaciualvaiy to cencera. tiatorgaa b.d. CAKFtrT MKAVfclia. .SOKIlittttI HLG CO. Ku.-a from old car pal, res niia 111 K. eta. Bom pbooea t ELJLl lOU) BtTTO.NB. BAUOl. TUE IKWl.V-HOUaON COMPANY. It; Waaturi(lon at. Mala IU aaa A l:6. CUIKOPOUlSld. William. Eateii and William. Jr., Deveny, tb ooiy aciaatlfic chlropodiat la th city. Parlora, Jui CerliBger b.og, southwest corner :d sBd A.der. Phone Maia 12U1. CJIHufuUV and pedicuring. Mr a M. D. Hill. Office e.i.dper bid. Main 147a. CUXBOPBACTIC PUVBiClA8. DR. McMAUON, sixth year, chronlo casea, taking lint, ll traaunents II; worth tfttf. Eooaomy. health, wealth, 121 4th st. COLLECTION AGENCY. MuTH A CO, Worcester bide. Mala 174 No colieclion, no charge. Kaiabllabed ltOO. DACINO. UA.VCUEiTtK Danclns Acadamy. 5" tth X.. beu ritark and Oak. bp'l ratea,.4 pri vate aaaaoaa $2. morning, afternoon, even In; all lateat dancea suaranteed; claat Tbura.. Sat. evenlna, 7-S.lQ. Bdwy. 2164. HEATH'S SCHOOL Leasooa dally; cul Tues, FrL eve., 8 to 10. 10 2d at., bel Waab. and elark. Main 120a. Leaaons 25c. ML'LKSV BLDG., Id and Morrlaon 10 lea tons. $5; classes Moo.. FrL, eve. Mar. 111. EITS. EAR. NOKE AMD TUKOAT. ' Trtatment by.apeclallat; glaasea fitted. Dr F. K. Ceased y. 617 Dekum bldg.. Id A Wn. FIRE IN151.R.V-NCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. LAWYERS. J. A. NELSON, lawyer. III Plttock block. Broadway S17S. U. T. FREE DM AN. Ill Chamber of Com merce. Consultation free. MESSENGER SERVICE. HA6TY MESPENOKR CO. Motorcyelea and bicycle. Phone Mala 61, A 2161. WHOLESALERS AND At TO AND BUGGY TOF9. PUBRCILLE BL'fcGY TOP CO.. 20 Sd at. BAGGAUB CHECKED AT HOtE. Bsaaase at Omnlbua Transfer. Park A Paris. ' -BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery A Conf.. Inc., 11th and Everett BREMTKIr.S AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEI. HARD. 10th apd BumsidS DRY GOODS. NOTIONS. IXRNISHINGS. FLE1SCHNER. MAYER A CO.. 207 Ash tt. GR.4IN MERCH.4NT8. M. H. HOUSER, Board of Trads bldg. GROCER8. r:o.. e7-7e Fourth street. WADHAMS A HATS AND CAPS. THANH A USER HAT CO.. 63-65 Front St. HIDES. WOOL, CASCARA BABK. KlliN BROS.. 191 Front street MEN' AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 33 6th St roan's refusal of good and' right, and they hear the call to right and duty and still they go on and-do tbe wrong; therefore sin is what has riiade the world what It ia today, and the diffi culty of man is not with his Intelli gence, but In hia will." OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS Members Portland Osteopathic Ass'n. Barrett, Dr. U. Lester, 419 Morgan - lildg. Phone Main 429. Hewlaad. Dr. L. H, SIS Selling Bldg. Mala 2:iS. A 2229. Keller; Dr. Wllllaai O. SOS Taylor St, Phones Main 644. A 3444. Lacy, Dr. H. X, aulte 301 Morgan Bldg. Pbonea Marshall 18S8. Tabor 4278, Leonard. Jr. it. K.. 7&7 Morgan Bldg. Pbonea Main 709. A 170. Leveeaax, Dr. Vlraiala V, 613 Mrgan Bidg. Phonea Main 1491, Mar. 4033. Moore. Mr. K. II. aad It. C P. 90S Sell log Bldg. Marshall 127. A 303L Myers. Dr. Katherlae S S0&-7 Journal bldg Marshall 1273. A 3031, N.rtsirea. Dr. It. B, 10 Morgan Bldg. phonea Main 349. East 1028. Walker. Dr. Era S 124 Last 24th St. N Phone Eaat B112; MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 4 A. F. A. M. tjpeclal communication Monday, De cember 20. 1:4S P. M . E. Slh and Burntlde. to conduct th funeral of our late brother. H. Fl Koter. A full atendance desired. 1 ne attendance of members with automobiles will be greatly appreciated. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. becretary. rORTUND LODGE. NO. .'., A. F. AND A. M Special im. municatlon thla (Monday) after, noon at I o'clock sharp fof.he purpose of conducting the fu neral services over the remains of our Ceceaied brother. Martin Winch. Servleee at hla late residence Ji Broadway, corner Main, at 1:30. mil ai tendance urgently desired. ' C. M PTE ADM AN. Sec fELLH'OOD JX5DGE. NO. 131. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication this tMonday) even Ina. 7 o'clocg. SUood MI s.inlc Hall. Work M. M. degree. Visitor, welcome Hy order W. l. J. H. BUTLEK, oec CAM ELI A CHAPTER NO. 2T. O. E. 8. Stated communications thin IMondayl evening. Degrees. Annual bunquet and reunion 01 members of ( amella Chapter. By order of W. M. MARIETTE ROB1N5UN. r-ec. HARMONY LODGE. NO. 12. A K. AND A. M. Special com munication this (Monday) eve. at J:iO o'clotk. Work In the Master Mason degree. Visiting brethren welcome. W. M. Lti lis, eec EMBLEM Jeweiry. buttons, charms, pint. B.w d.;ns. J.es.r Bro... 131-3 Sixth tt. DIED. KfVG Dec. 1". t hit home near Helena. Samuel Ralph King, aged 43 years, form erly of Portland, eon ot S. W King and brother of C. W. King Mr. C T Sum men Mrs D. C. Southworth. J. C. Olds and w. P.' Olds, all of this city. Interment at Helena. Montana. O'KEANB At residence. 133 North Six teenth ttreet. Mra. Hannah CKeane, aged 7rt yeart beloved mother of Slant, Agnes and Elisabeth o'Ktane. Funeral notice later. COON December 19, Samuel H. Coon, aged 73 yeara 10 months, beloved father of Samuel H. Coon. Remalna at Dunning McEntee's parlr.rs from ahere they will be shipped today to Cambridge. Idaho. KELLET In thlt city. Dec. 19. Patrick Kelley aged S yeart. Remains at parlors of Miller A Tracey. Announcement of fu neral later. HATFIELD At the residence. 8V5 E. Aah, Maud A. Hatfield, aged 40 yeara. Remains at the parlors of Ml.ler A Tracey. M1LLIKES P-cembr 19. John Mllliken. sa-d t yeirs. Remslnt st Dunning A McEntee's psrlors. Notice of funeral ater. GRAY December 19. John Gray, teed 45 years. Remalnt at Punning A McEntee t Parlor. Notice of funeral later. FU ERAL NOTICES. DONILSON At th residence. 391 Yamhill .t.. Dee. 1. Mrs. J. B. Donllton. aged 4. Tears Funeral aervlcee sill be held today (Monday 1. Dec. 2". at the Portland Crema torium at 2 P- M. Funeral in charge of Miher A Tracey. HART December 1. Charles Hart, aged 4S ears. beloved hust'and of Mrs. Theresa ilart Funera' aiTvicea m'lll be held at punnlni At McEntee's chapel today (Mon davi. December 20, at 11 A. M. Ifrtenda lovlteo. of the public, to give as far as possible the average person may find occasion nnot be found here will be gladly 6095. House 40. . . MUSICAL. Emll Thlelhorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 207 Fliedner bldg. A 4160. Marshall 1621. I"-OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIAX8. Honeat prlcea on glaaaet: lit quality lenae In gold-filled frame, fitted to your eyes. 11 60. Toric and double-viaion. l:.6u uu: 200 aatlsfled customer.. ism" dupiicaid. big aavlng. CHAj. w. uouu Man. opiumttrl.-, !.' Momaon. TOUR IES fitted with beat lenses, sold - filled mounts, ti tu nr. Tories. 12.60 up; anar and lar bIocA;,'-.50 up; lensea dupli cated; mall ordera ..... Ur. J. U. Meredith. 121 Washington at. PAIEJ1V ATIORNEVS. R. C. WRIOHT 22 year practlc U. 8. and forcls-a paienta. tol Dekum bldg. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York ats. Main ll- PRM'TEXO. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbeln. Mar. Prtntlna and linotyping. 100 Vk iront au, cor. 6iark. Main or A 1411. KAO RIGS AND IUFF BCGS. Inrraln. Brussels. .Smyrna, Axmlnster. i5 rugs, all sizes. Mall ordera prompt: booklet. WE.-TERN FLUFT BUO CO., 54-6e! Union iva. N. East 6518. B 1475. REAL, ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER. JONES CO.. H. P.. 404 Wilcox bid. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO.,J21Yeon. BENEDICT BROS.. 130 Hawthorne avo. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. w ALWAYS PICK THE BEST. Houtehold Goods Specialists, storage. Packing, snip ping ajMt Moving. Horse or auto vans. Special freight rate to all points. C O. PICK TRANSFER ac STORAGE CO.. ia mil Pine .ta. Broadway 596. A 1S9S. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 Gllsan at. corner 11th. Telephone Main 69 or A 116. We own and operate two large class A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rate In the city. MADISON -ST. DOCK AND. WAREHOUSE Office 189 Madison. General merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main i69L GREEN" and dry slabwood. blockwood. Pan ama Fuel Co. Main 57:0. A 3899. BLNUFACTUUERS MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sts. PLAIN AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER & CO., llith and Davis PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. RASMCSSEN & CO., 2d and Taylor streets. PIPE, PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front street. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES." M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front street. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. W, BALTES A CO., 1st and Oak Sts. F. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING &. FARRELL. 140 Front. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co, 14th and Northruo SAFETY RAZOR HONING. AUTOMATIC KEEN EDGE CO., 18944th. HASH. DOORS AND GLASS. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Dsvlt. W. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. FUNERAL NOTICES. SLOCUM December 17.'- Alfred K. Hlocum, aged S3 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Agnes Slocum and father of Ietgh and Herbert Slocum, son of Mrs. -Katie Slocum, brother of Mrs. H. C. Smith, Miss Juliette. am C-, K. M. and Fred Slocum. Kuneral services will be held at the Portland Crem atorium today (Monday), at 2 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited. Hemalna will be at Dunning A McEntee's Parlors until I o'clock. WITHAKER At the residence. S.'.O Savler M. Rachel L. Wlthaker, aged 6. years, beloved wife of Harry Wlthaker and mother of Mrs, Mattie Cleveland, of Mt. ('annul. III.; Mrs. Francis Bickle, of Olyni pia. Wash.; Mra. Rose Creycroft. ol Fresno, Cel.; Lucy Belamy. of Tacoma, Wash.; Mrs. EJTie Welsh ind Sam Nida, of Mort land. Remalnt forwarded at 7:10 A. M. tomorrow (Tuesday), to Olympla. Wash., by Miller A Tracey. SEAM ANN" At the residence of her son. S6-1 Elliott avenue. December 17. Mrs. Eliza beth M. Seamann, aged 70 years. 11 mos., 10 days, beloved mother of Dr. Clayton Seamann. of Portland. Or., and Fred A. Seamann, of Pasadena. Cal. Friends In vked to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral par lorn at 3 P. M. today (Monday) Decem ber 20. Concluding- tervicet at Portland Crematorium. DOWLING At the residence. 1351 Grand ave. N.. Mary Anne Dowling, aged t:i yeart. beloved wife of John A. Dowling and mother of Geo.. A. Dowling. Funeral will take place from above residence to morrow (Tuesday). Dec 21. at 8:30 A. M. Services will be held st Holy Redeemer s Church cor. Williams ave. and Portland blvd., at 9 A M. Interment Mt. Calvary Cemetery. Funeral In charge of Miller & Tracey. WALKER At Tillamook. Or.. December 17. Martin Grant Walker, aged o-' years, brother of Frank P. Walker, of Portland; Mra. Martha Orchard, of Sau -Francisco. The' funeral services wjll be held from A R. Zeller Co. 'a parlors today (Monday). December 20. at 2 P. M. Friends Invited, interment Columbia Cemetery. M4.YCOCK At the residence, 1066 E. ISth st North. Alice Maycock. aged 47 years, beloved wife of Wm. E. Maycock. mother of Edgar Mavcock and sister of Mrs. Jonn Srheueer, Mrs. Mary Straton, and Mrs. Harry Spencer. Remains forwarded to Ruttevllle. Or., tomorrow (Tuesday). Dec 21 at 10:40 A. M.. by Miller & Tracey. WILLIS At the family residence. 76.1 East! S'.ith sr.. Dec. 15. worace iireeiey w imp aired 68 years, unloved husband of Flora Willi. Friends Invited -to attend funeral - services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors, at 2:30 P. M., tomorrow (Tuesday), Dec. 21. Interment River View Cemetery. LEACH In this city. Dec. IS. Francis P. J each aged 67 years, at his late resi dence lfl.'.H William, ave. Kuneral services will be held today (Monday) Dee. 20, at " 30 o'clock P. M., at the above -esldence. Friends Invited. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. WINCH In this city. December 17, Martin Winch aged 67 years. Friends invited to attend' funeral services, which will be held at the family residence, 241 Broad way at 130 today (Monday). December 20 Interment River View Cemetery. Serv ices at the grave private FUNERAL DIRECTORS. The only residence undertaking establlah ment In Portland with private driveway. Main 9. A 1699. J. P. FINLEY At SON, Montgomery at Fifth. MR EDWARD HOLM AN, the leading funeVal director. 20 Third .tree t. corner Salmon. Lady assistant. A 111. Main 60 7. ' p s. DUNNING. INC. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 Eatt Alder ttreet. East 62, B 1525 A. R. ZELLER CO , E. 1088. C 10i. end night service. 692 WILLIAMS AVE. Lady attendant. Day " nuNNING A M'ENTEE. funeral director. Baoadway anil Pine. Phone Main 410. A 45i. Lady stendant. MILLER A TRACEY. Independent funeral directors. Funerals aa low aa 120. 340, 160. Washington andEllajts. Main 2691, A 78S6. "PL LERCH, East 11th and Clay ttreett. Lady assistant. East 78L " SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. Main 4152. Lady attendant. "BREEZE SNOOK. Sunnyalde Parlors; auto tea-ae. 1026 Belmont. Tab. 1258r.B 1252. R. T. BYRNES. Williams and Knott East 1115. C 1943. .Lady attendant. UliitiPP MARTIN A FORBES CO., florists 34T W ashington. Main 269. A 1219. . Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., fiorltts. 287 Morrison St. Main or A 1865. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch atorea. MAX M. SMITHTilain 7215, A 3121. Selling bldg., 6th and Alder sts. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 2S5 Washington sr.. bet. 4th and 6th. Main 8102. A 1101. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-266 tth tt., opp. City HalL Main 8564. Phillip Neu A Sons tor memorial! OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 674 BELMONT ST. Phonea East 1423, B 2515. Open Day aad Nlga. Report all cases of cruelty to this of fice. Lthal chamber for small animals. Horse ambulance for sick; and disabled animals at a momeat'a notice. Anyone, desiring pet may communicate wltn ua. NEW TODAY. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans quickly closed. Call today. C(Jf LARGE! LOANS OW COf 0 JO BUSINESS PROPERTIES U A. H. BIRRELL CO. X17-219 Northweatera Bank Building, ' Marshall 4114, A 4118. MORTGAGE! LOANS , A. W. Mclaughlin & Co. New York City. Unlimited Funds Quf&k Service. Large or Small Amounts, r FRANK A. STEELE!, Representative, 303 Spalding Bldg. Main S2SS. Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Money at Current Kates. MUNICIPAL AND CORPORATION BONDS, FARM AND CITY LOANS. 60 Fourth St.. Board of Trader Bldg. FARM LOANS Large and Smalji Amounts at Current Rates. Send lis Tour Applications. BANKERS MORTGAGE CORPORATION CAPITAL ." 00.0OO. ' TITLE AND TRUST BUILDING. BONDS MORTGAGES s Large amount of CCf on Improved Ine money to loan at O O side property. Residence loans 6 and 1 per cent, ac cording to location. Bonds and Mortgage for Sale. ROBERTSON et EWTNG, 207-8 Northwestern Bank Building. i inaiWnlfHT''A'jM'14 REAL ESTATE. For bale Lota. SELL POPTHSff HSIUHTb EXCLUSIVELY. Most healthful aim beautiful residence di.trl" in city: price via never be lower, than right now. Marshal! 4bJi. BROOKE. A 3S397 $475 ROSE CITY PARK. 50x100 , ' blks N of carllne 011 6'lth : good loca tion sacrrt'lrni in order to mate a sal at once lii'-'kman & Wilson, coi. 45th aud Sandy. C -1-1. BEAUTIFUL southeast corner Haigh and jtssup. Just north of Killiugsworih : big jewuf, J ....... -. snap: name yourjtruio. for San -JIouMefl. NEW and modern residence of 11 rooms, in Irvington for sale by owner; hardaood floor throughout, finest mahogany oak. and eiAuiel finish, three artistic tireplaces. finished attic, full cement basement, large and Spacious rooms, beautiful ground; th.; i?,TnS?,v will stand the severest test ot the most critical; inspection ot Premwea only to those interested In the Purchase of a first-class Homo; no nscnts. AL o0. Oregonian h7"noTUR-SAX BLf bEN INTO TS'CUME? WE WILL FL'RN.&H THH M-BUILDPARTMENTS. RLM- DKNCL O a-?'t"friVt -WR KNOW i.Jr-. . r I- u-ITH Hi R CLIENTS rTrvt WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY CO , INC.. COXTBACTOO SitcHITECTS, M4 ABINOTON BLDG. t irnvrm'RST HOMES. Before buying, be sure to look at our lisfof exquisite homes just, completed lrj Laurelhuist, the addition of beautiful hmes from I2i00 up, on rent-like terms. L AKELHCKST CO.. SlOi. Stark tt. Mala 003. A loio- HERE you are for a modern gaiOvv , city livd rooms, hardwooa hsVmii. lurnace. Urepiace. doors, full no Hricum- nMme: a wonderful buy for $2Tnj; no trade, considered ; part ca.h. - near 3"in. un - is- YOU would Ilk. , to ""rrot'and'nav; 'n.F. " m in and tall. It u iuiiy iiuui.i-u, V6X- rr-TO 1C7 LL niK ( ,H110. 7 w-. . . and financers o D,es on either lot of client or lot belong fnit to company. 1 ne uwn Y;-;o ' W. Bank bldg For terms, phone owner. Suburban Home Property. "...c- UiT IT ACRES. eaHhuofa For Sa le Acreage. "CHICKEN. FRL IT. GARDEN RANCHES. to per acre; easy. l r,n' Farms f or sale, all sizes. r-RlNK MFARLA.ND REALTY CO.. FRANK M tAKt. portiand or. r7-REAGE In famous Tualatin Valley, best soli good location, low prices, auanti-?f- and terms to suit purchaser Handy ties and terms ol Stock Ex. bldg. Tel, Bros., ownei". Marshall -0) moo ACRE tracts, Metzger Station; near ' chTrch. school and .tore; 30 minutes out on Or. Elec. Inquire illl Lumber Ex. bldg. "For Sale Farms. farm; $& eaah and 15 monthly; no interest or taxes; highly pro Suctlve and; close to three big markets. Write 6for Photographs and fuU a tion. Munger. D Hi. N. Y. Lite ins oiag. Kansas City, Aio. fcT ACRES, improved, :5 head of stock and 3 all machinery for your cay PP"0,0 acreage; also feed and seed. M. C. Poln dexter. Bantry. N. D. 1000 ACRES, well improx-ed. and 100 head 1 of ttock for Coast property: also feed and seed. M. C. Polndexter. Bantry. N.D. COWLITZ CO. stump lands. SID acre up: yVas tern" Oregon. "$0 ll Wheeldon Annex. WANTED REAL ESTATg. -. L ...wi ffnnntrv home witU Vim& 2& VST- H Nuscnenaon. rmwi KTANDAhD ABSTRACT CO. (W. R. Halzlip. STAMJAi.iJ .rlf nrice reasonable. ;.VW bids'. 3d and Yamhill. FOR RENT FARMS. i-ntt TtENT Dairy ranch, about 100 acre! rw?m'snd close to city; barn and tmall OUmg'-houae. Inquire J. H. Middleton. .24 Chamber of Commerce. . FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS ' '. BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. Jl'CRAKEN. S01 M'KAl BLDG. TIMBER LANDS ON TRANSPORTATION. READY FOR OPERATION. ' FISH at HODGES. Owners, ALBANY, Ott I UilJUaj)t!lJaw A i