Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 20, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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    mm. 1 TIP II g 1 IF "V I I IJlLI.Ulf 1A.1. A W ,f aft.'..k
J J W a a S s a. - - parsr-OTar. sOTswawaawaa- - 11 1 -
i MMMM"IWWMIM'M''M' - aaaaawaaaeett. II -
Trapshootirg and Casting
Events Staged for Dele
. cates to Convention,
ltl.Ulwn .jalra.. V of Salmota
C Certain Scaaoo lo IW
Adta-alrd hart Lclth. of
Uonlbar. t HUl
rt-t to u third annual eoa
a(ioa af M ra tportOBa'
ta-ue. wata.-r tom hr today.
fa r:i ntrtain4 at IS Jna
Ma'.aa ircunji tt IS. porf.aoai 3a
1 j yeaterJar. Trap sfcoajtine; and fir
ill ban c!!( war Ihe spaa-lal
.ni a r.l baaf diaaer. fiab
iT,Aa at y u. waa rd ufi4r ta
.isr:l .o at t- H. ilorrta.
.-port tm-a from ry seartloaj of
Or(nn tfi aat.i-rait la pvirtlaatt
! IS.raa ef Imnatrtaar la
r. au4 mifft ;; paafore "-
i n. wria-r ttH-a al t"te ln
penal l"tt at t J lm aftereoeara. II
a . ip- t. more flaw i at
l.ia w;tt be ta ettan-laa-e.
,tnua tie mil important thins
Iw Pa alaa-uteai4 l la uaa ef Ml
a Iroii r-t. wWf la sir la
.ne ia fr a lot at cntnm. All r
t t.tfe tsera la a '! ollmnl
eitirat fa na at ern,o I
rat 'Dm( trout. ! a a"" many ef
la . Bete (Jaa mtru'-l4 la
rH B.r4 for " am4 at law pra-
ain'-nas u.e.
I aa aalaaa ! tTwa-leesa.
W n art ara af H epioioa
true if it 14 ef aainaoa a bait
..M h aro.ift.ta4. It U result la
6-ti-r t .ft.a la aU tf
.traama. Ta ! Ia ara ka aaaa
rfta Wava opmanl a? B4t t. a
I a :(( haa. Tin littw 4a
i. a rrna.) la carrr I
afpai-tv Uan4:a4 ta .tba a'l
ll tta t.
m:- riMna aa aama pop
ait"v tita trpa of m:r s ara
a r (( l Ml I1ar akata. aa4
t"i f--l taal Ift-T ara aaafl
h ra. manr a ma ipartn la laka
tia m'n t a, tia.t taa aa at ta .-
a a iav l-a.
Mn aalar 4-faal IFia a.a at
Mima u r:t a'l lalar t
In. faat tftal lea aa at
la a '! r'J tor lak a
aamtaa trai4t an4 taaifaa4. bit tkf
ar firm; rnnl tkal 4'irtna- 1
jtortnf an4 9 jmmr rn a t ft tna aa at
a aiaUi ka farki.Maa, anal alii
ara aiel .;ta a4 la viaar.
Ta f ri naaiii will laka pla.-a
Una m-araiaar al l !.. a a
lammaiief vaamill'i atU ka alacta4.
THa raat'iiaf k'taiaaaa ftiaatinrx. kacia
a al i !'. aiat IJtan, ka la arjar.
Klinaal a rvravalt Oypa n.
Anotftar impartaal IKiac at lataraal
f apaf taaiaa wit ka 4uua4 al
tlta aatkarlnaT Ikla !lrooO. M. II.
'-ajar. prailal af Ika lartijlia llJ
ai4 tiia l lu. a. I ka aa ka4 la lT a kafora tfta maatiaa howtnc Ikal
tt wa a miataka la amaa4 Ika Kama
k la farm.i tba ku:ia- at tamata
CMa ptatMitt. Tfa Caraa:iia elok
ai aa rarar4 al a mmrtina la Ikal
"aira taat Tuaa4a kiakl aa kalac ao
f al la aa apaa ana aa I'll laa
rftaaaani lata tar lima at Ika yaar
Tha a-tia at tha cl'ik a ta al ltkaa
a) ia ronUrat a. arer4a la raparia
at altl tfca cffu-ut.a at taa club ka4
ta aar aftar Ifta t-tle
-w a kaia If a a4o-a at Ika maaar
mi Ika acaca cama farm." a .aorta Karr.
aaa at Ika rhib effi.-la a. ai4. aa4 I
am aura Iftal Ika rlub ia atacii-r ia Ika
kl la lablnc lha 'n.l It Joaa. It lib
taarr faroaia kir4 kll.4 Ika thtr
tat Inarroaa ef fclrj.a la rut atf k Ika
mmf"t t kr4a Ibara ara aauatljr la
It la ate ai-la. hal Ika Naaart
t)l-atlon alii l.tba up Ika aukjaart
at kaatntt a laaaua baual tor tka ra
apaniRaf at Ika ttlmaa talrtarr aa Ika
t liiaaf. ana af Ika trtbulariaa
f I. ina lur.
H. B. Ila Datar Haallaaatt.
Il la raparta, that aa atfort UI a , kaaa II R Vaa luar. taa
praaaal kaa4 af taa late, a.capl Itl
ominatl for a riir4 l"rn. lllou1
ba kaa aa4 l "l ka faala ikal ka akouM
ratira afar ratine ar-a4 la a laraaa.
Tka at.-iar afti-r ara: W. N. Vatx.
r,ral a-praa.alaiil. tr. J. V alill.
n i i.-a-praai Jan t. an4 II. O. I'.artrurn.
aa. ratarr aai Irata irar.
lallaatntT Ika aftaraiar laaatirar Ika
annual I will laka ap tka al at Ika 4-lfaa. Tkla will lta
jtia-a la tka anata 4tntoar.roara al tka
a ammaK'UI flik fcattiamri tt at
.llaataa lalalatf ana a I will ba ara4
k'inf.r a faantoa. fttaalkaat Ireul. tka
a!i(iti at l,1a anilara. will ala ktaa
a pia.'a af kaaatr aa tka aaaaaai takiax
i;Man I. flntaa. gtata bolotrlat.
will atraia ka en fca. witb a raw aa
at f'lma. iorwinat aoma af lraoa
laat'kaaaft aoartaman. aa wall aa ar.
rat aa-atlanal faalafta, Mr. riolaf
will la. tura 4 trin ika coura, at Ika
( a t jraa.
Mara tkaa ( Mar w.ra al tka
trap aaatar4a. a4 aaveral vm4
mrwtf wara ra ataraa) kT In flakar.
man. wna aaa-4 lia a. attar mm far Ika
Tirat time. IC:b a-aalar araa far
li alar want la Oarlar Laitk. af
n aadura tr . wba ! a "art af
14 par cant, flarafta w!.n tn c!aa
praa fx Tft"ala. Marb ud.l
14 1 I Mouitotk Ita4 far ae-ea4. witb
(I par aal.
AraaatT in prat aaaiaaat. P J. Itat.
a, 'itt lll"ka. ef Ma rraaariaaca.
an- II. a Araarat wara al tka top.
lit aa par raat a. k. J. ft. K'4 4
:. Jin : j t ar4 tiia f'aral wra
tra.J.ta.i Witt par taat
a baat rtr4 aatara.
ptaa iaa tka w'nat wa.a blawlaaT ratbar
lar . it waa 4iffWi:t la 4a aToeaa caal
InaT. k'aC, tT. r Ha. k .a aaatfaa) la
mtta ira la.t intrla ! of Ika
aaa witft a Id'aa at I taat Haxrkaa
waa tia - ru.- fir aa4 waa aaa4
la tka 4'ataaa f'r raat.
rilaaiK ara tka averaa aa4a aVatk
lit Ika Iftjalualita a4 raatln antla
al ma 1'ort an t O ta i l-" cra-ta4 w
Tai ka.aaia lam
tNraaaMa!ia larat; gt, tk taa
-aaa T J aa l a; aJaaa
tt I r. Pai.l fl. an-l ttm Ha l
I nat't't-aaaf la.r a )arla t.aa
at, K. ti. aaaanaaa aa. r M CV Nrlata tt
t Twaia at. 14 riaiaaaa . J a, waa.
r.a t, aar amtar ;a. f va aaw aa. a
t ta ia, l r..r:. fct, r,
aa. w )at.ii ?4 ftaa,taa arn J wa-l.
aa a., ita at, a i ar-iaaat a
t r a'l''a' . W a H .- aV II
..m.( ,a 4 a' X r - an a :t l
W u aV . Ha""r !. J I faaa W
r Ha ka la. W Vtiloa a, I. a I'.aia
w X JaT f. t t t ktartk ai..
aa.t at M'aa a;iafv Ikl.t aa It M. a:varHa
a. K. It J a. at raaa
T.waia'-.a ta L. L. rw-ra t. J f lli.ii
at J a i.rkr-na al. K Hall M. aaa
,aara rria-ttrtft .
t-ra I aa a KaaaMa.
Paaaaara r aa,a -J a. wiafa -aas
at- r lia-k-ia. ft. A. K. Il-arrl-t'i
fa ra a M:. .-, ... J. t. ta.rrta
a... a J apnaaa ait r.t
fit W r '. r-a i.ll par
j. apaaar. 11-11 par caal. w. C
. . ;yf v ... - . i
rr.4f f -I' T. .- v..,r - - . 5
- - - - - -' I . . . I
ai-V taaaar"
-V : -r-
aaa f-
yfj y.avattXaV a4CWa" &S rf
. jT).aa J?
Tarb mm bar at the fcanquat toelcht will b .uppllavj with out of tha ba
rar la. wba-b witl alao ere aa a ooanir. The card waa mad up and lb Tb laaart ! It. K Vaa Imiar. praaldant Of the IraKua.
k M . pa" ramtr r . kTWHare.
aa l;.tj par aaaa J t' Haw a ll-l par
'aa. t. at,r!4'ait. a HJ aar raat. J. a.
M,.ra ; i ill pa laat. al-aaaa llai;a.
lU par -"
A-a-a- kai.. ka-f aoa-a K. a". M'Tar.
a,. aa par aat; 4. a. Maara. t O ta par
...i'. tar t-. Hbark. ta par aaaa; f
H.alart P.t paa aael: f J aaawaar. t !
a-r ,. X C. alaralaa. pa aV la af real,
at r lla-kaa. bl -le par cal; J. C. Ma.
fua. a- par al.
I'l.taa.a aall. oa-a:r aa'a aa -M'aa-a.
aa.raaa. arf laaa. J C. "raat. -
a. Ja faa. naf a., wiatarts. aiaiaa a
'' nacia raat. W. T. Bavrkea. IT
t .
Tre aaaWTaaaar ar tka J. c m-rnnm
aa.- F'lta w I., la at aVtaar
Inaart a aaa riral. a rtaa aTia. at
rf aaaaa4 r II 1'rt.a.
Wlaaara riral. II. A. PaUaJck:
i.aan .aa r Tl-aV r l Hawaaaa, at
n. ati J W ta-ita
awaara aaaa a PTraa. a. Kaal4. aa
aal. r..t llt'aaat
Ulaaart a aaa K Ftrat. Mlaa 11 ja ! .
aaaaO. J. a- w a-a
I ...
1 1
to mr. Mkir.o to rir crrT
1 toTHvi:T liai.ii:
t ltlaaaa . Tbat aaaraada kVa Oibrr
Kaataea t lta la traralt arb
aaa la Adaearateal.
HITTP, Mora.. Pec. 11 ltctal
A remmlttae ef rapra.antatlte bulra
mart will raxaaa tka tuainrta bouara
of Ika rllr ta 't to pat Hulle
la the Northwaatara laata. aa the r
ult of a tnaetlrtaf bald bar laat niht
Tha maallnaT alaaa want oa record for
a downtown park. omalhloaT wbl-D
ba fcaan larkinaT alare Iba dara ef
lal. at.t Hulta lad lb 'ortbwt-
a r n taatua.
.(ataiKaa wara ian br Maror
lr.r Ikal tbe city plonaj raadr l Iraaa
round for tha Inalda park. (tome
laadiaat bu.laaaa man who wara al hc
rnaatinat paid liat lha momr would ba
ralaad and lAtl apprt would ba (Ivaa
tr aam ef lha laiiar IndjtlrUl ro ni-
11" aL
Tka maallnr alao wn en rax-ord at
taorlnar Anaronda aa iba arcood Moo-
ana rllr In lha rlrrult and aanllraanc
aaatnat Witaoula bains In the laattua
aaa rota-ed. II a polrttad out that
ttutte and Anaronda ttpraaakl a popu
IttioQ ef I . eaaople and Ibal lha
ritiaa would draw rnucb baltar and
mora rlralrr would daralnp than If
-tlt.aoula and liulto ware lha plat rl
rata. A meaaaata waa aanl to iTral-
danl tUawrlt alallnpi a prrfaranca for
Tba r-laa of tha bualnaaa mart who
plan to laad In lha finarvrio ! to pnd
haif of tba I IJ.kae oa tba inside para.
Y. M. C.
Swaallkaa and Irtlnaula
aalnlr-la Arr Ix-fralrd.
Tba T. M. C A. Spartan dafaatad
Ik T. M l. A. Swaatlbaa In Ike I'anln-
ula I'arb aTtmnaaium laalurdar. 11 to
a. and tu aftrwartfa te I'rnlopa a
I'arb ajtiialrl loat lo the Upartaaa. Z t
la IX. Koa-kbar. er ine rpartan. ana
Hiartakk of Iba Swaatlhaa. wra tba
acara la tbe firet came, while l art,
ef Ike winaara aad Itorsa-aaa. at tha
park i4. wara tba alar a ia te
oe4 affair.
roUowtntr ar Ibe Ilaaspo
?trtaw atta
a aaa i k ta fat
tl rr
1 1 l-aa
J Hlaraa
......... Cra
raataaa'a '"
.. ..... tilt-aa
. . .. . ... Paaaia
....Tl flara-aane
....11 Ct.aaaa
Ik aEia
tl. .M-aita
i. .
W a. "la
at .rttaaaa
W l.a- a ...
partaa ti
'ailat at'. ......
kt.aav at.l......
Via.-- t.
t t
.. .
.a. .
W ra aaaa .
kalaraa. Oraaa-a
nin.i iiot. (.iiout it is vimtoii
t. It. llapa-liiraaf. It ror-tlaMl la Al-
Irwa pot-1mtia Mrrrtlns.
tpotr ".-! Wrda I R'a1lai:iinL
af tiraat aa4 iakr rountlae. krrlaad la
I'or aland raatardar allnd lb
catkarlnar of Ik" a hprtman
laaa im io!r. Mr llajalline broke Into
Ike limallchl laat Hummer bp tbe prop
ration ef bullfroara in the watara ef
lb Joba I-a t and fUkr rlrara.
He rapatrta tbat there la plantr ef
name of all biad la Ike duirirt over
hick k bad Jurtadlrlaon. lie aUa
koaala thai iba Iw rouailaa of Caranl
and iakr hat a total of T mw
vf iroul ptram.
I rnraa hkrh to 1ioo-.
We bare helped tba araoker of Port
tana! aolert ctatara for kaarif three
deradaa. We kaoar what tkey want.
Tkat la wby wa hero It. loo rannol
make a ntiatake If Tea aat rttrtar
Ika M ll"r. Vea da Hay. Palooa.
rd ttattlmore and martr other branda
tip; mrhel ak Co. Third ptraeUAdr.
- . , aa my fAVn V
- a- a-aa h aa- a- r"
Hockey Players to Work Hard
for Game.
A ntilrar PUy la rmrtland for Prra
rpl par-anon to Mart Wrr-k rom
(ialardajr; Smrral Practice
Malrlarw Ara? Sohctjula-d.
Althouch hla latin will not b called
oa to play any mora box-key ma la
lha I'actao Coaal llocky AoclalloB
until a week from tomorrow nlsht la
the Portland Ire Hippodrome. Manager
tiaraate. of Ibe I'ortland l"ncle rania.
will bare lha bora out on lha Ira in!
aftarnooa baiwaaa and a o clock.
Nothina ha bn done elnc tna a
lo-f alrf'al of Krattle la the local arena
Ut Friday ntht. but from now on
worboula will be hrld erery day. tu
ba la at raat condition for lha battle
salnat tka Victoria Aristocrat. De
cember I. Victoria baa been ea-orln
coal rlchl and left lD.-e the araaoo
opened, and at promt land & In
Ibe leacue rare for first bonora.
e e e
Manacrr lavace has flrn order
that lb workout of the t'nrl tam
la lha Portland Ire Hippodrome will
ba open to tha public, r-lnce the order
went into effect a Una number of
rallbtrda hare been on hand to Brett
lha I'ortlandera.
Amateur hockey In Portland for the
lli-ll Ire hockey season will be
ptarted a week from Saturday nluht.
The taame of the I'ortland Amateur
Hockey Association hare been practic
ing faithfully for some lime and by
the look of thins a banner year will
bo etpertenced. Hereral pracllca
malrhe hare been played within the
laat two week.
a e e
Erery member of th Ottawa sextet
of the National Hockey Association
ha suffered a broken nos while play
Ins Ik (real Winter same.
e e e
"The came played by the National
Horkey Association la not hockey,
thousn founded on the National Win
ter port. aay th Toronto Uloba. and
Ihe ixitet Kree Presa come back
with "la which errnt that article of
amusement dished up by tha Ontario
Hockey Association la a mixture ot
Casli ras and flsur ekatins."
a e e
Th openlns same of the National
Hockey Association will be played this
week. Tbe season runa Into March,
white th Pacific Toast Hockey Asso
ciation closes It IMS-la campaign late
la February. Thla la one of the rea
son why a championship eerie be
tween Ihe Kast and th Wet seem
unlibely. at present. Il will b almost
Impossible for tbe winning team of th
local circuit to remain la good condi
Hon for tha hard tour acroaa th con
tinent a month after Ihe Pacific COaat
playinc peaeon la Malory.
a a e
The final In trie Allan cup rhm-
piotvshlp will be p-layed In Winnipeg
thla year, according to th directors
la charge of lha trophy.
Transportation (lab lacteal Valor
Ivrniiata at Indoor lull.
The Monarcha aad lha Transport-
lloa Club won their same In Ihe t'lty
Indoor Baseball larasua yesterday
afternoon on the Armory floor. In Ihe
Brat mis of the double-header the Won.
arch, with Knowlea aad Mr Keen aa
lha battery, downed the Armory nine.
to I, foilln aad I'addon formed
lha loalng battery.
The Transportation r-ub triumphed
orer lha Union tntite in in aamna
game. 1 lo 2. Morton and Metlale
worked for the victors, opposing O Ntn
and P. Hanson.
IVIIala tltra Win, Two taanac.
RIWrriEt-D: Wash. Tec. !. IKpe.
rial. Th first and second basketball
learn of Ike llldgefleld Athletic Club
their first oulald enme of Ihe
saoa were defeated on Friday nlaht
br th first and second team of lh
Felida Athletic Club at lha Fellda, Unit
The score of lh same between the first
teams waa 4t to . and th score of th
second same waa 3 in 2. Ta Fellda
play era were In great form.
Iraaaa estimated Bl
tTO.onO.aVHI ta
i-aj-i .ana r cauaad
act tr.
bail la rraace
1 ' i
Baseball Man Says Feds Will
Retain Players and Repay
Backers From Sales.
Ban tfolmma rhrclaras Pca?e Is
Mure to Come Wards to Be Re
imbursed for Loss of Brook
lyn R pie ball Plant.
CHICAGO. Dec That a baseball
pact was actually altrraed and sealed
last week and that only th details re
main to ba worked out at th meeting
between th National Commission and
reVresentatire of tha Federal League
lo Cincinnati Tueaday. was th state
ment mad her today by a man who
I financially Interested in th peace
According to his statement it was
agreed at th New York meeting that
lh Federal League would retain all
Ita player, reimburse lis backer from
their sale to clubs in organised base
ball, and that th American and Na
tional Leagues would reimburse th
Ward, of Brooklyn, for their outlay,
tha Federals, on their part, agreeing
to withdraw from th field.
Peace Hare. aya Jahaaaa.
Member of th party who returned
today from New York were silent on
lh subject of the meeting, though
President Johnson again said peace waa
sure to come. II and President Chlv
Ington of th American Association
will go to Cincinnati tomorrow to tak
part in th final deliberation.
Of th ball players In the Federal
feaasu roster. TO. It is said, ar under
"ironclad contracts extending a year
or more, Th combined salaries amount
lo mora than f JOO.000 a year. This In
elude, however, ihoaa under contract
to th Chicago Federals, who. If the
sale of th Cuba goes through, would
be retained by Charles Weeghman.
Hal of riaka Not Provided.
Th reimbursement of th Wards was
preciously announced as part of th
terra. Th agreement Include no
mention of lh sale of any club In
American or National Leagues, this be
Ing left to Indlrlduals. but it was said
her today tbat Mr. t eechman, and
probably Harry flnclalr. were pretty
certain to buy th Cub, and that the
rit. Louis Federal League owners ex
pected to negotiate for th Drowns.
tom of th Federal League owners,
It I understood, war Inclined to balk
after Ibe agreement was signed, but
organised baseball men here declared
there was ho chanc of their starling
Ball laser Prekleaa tteaaalaa.
Folutlon of tha Paltlmor problem
may remove what little opposition re
According lo a story brought from
New York. Ihe organised baseball men
at th peace meeting were surprised at
th concessions offered by th Ireder-
ala. It la ss Id they would not hare
asked aa much aa tha third league waa
willing to grant. The main point for
which organized bail stood th elim
ination of lh rival wss accomplished.
There Is small chance that the Cleve
land American Association franchise
will be moved to Chicago If the Cub
abandon the West Side, it was stated.
A stlc Coach to Ilcprcacnt Northwest
at Collegiate Conference.
Dr. V.. J. Ptewsrt. cosch of th Ore
gon Aggies, wss In Portland yesterday
en rout to New York City, where he
will sttend lh ninth annual confer
ence ot the National Collegiate Asso
Clstlon. which opens December IS.
Dr. Ktewsrt goes as th delegste
from th Oregon State Agricultural
College, and will also represent the
Interests of the pacific Northwest Con
erenc and th Pacific Coast Confer
ence. The big coaches, director of athlet
ic, graduate managers and. in fact,
practically all of the Important athletic
authorities of the lnlted States will
gsther at this meeting, which will hold
a three-day session.
Dlacusslon of rules for IMS, with
their application to th vsrious inter
collegiate conference over the country,
will lake plsce. and It Is probable that
with a Far West delegate present the
Pacific Coast conferences will receive
mora consideration than heretofore In
the formation of rules governing points
which apply especially to athletics of
th particular brand played on the
Iir. Stewart will probably be lh
fsrthest-West delegste.
I'.x- liampion Ara-urard of Violating
Contract and neing Cnfit,
NKW YORK. Dec. 1. Charges of
breach of contract and obtaining
money under false pretense will be
preferred against Ad Wolgast, former
lightweight champion, at a meeting to
morrow of th New York State Ath
letic Commission.
Chairman Fred Wenlck announced
tonight that he would recommend sus
pension of the pugilist for six months.
Wolgast will be charged witn violat
ing hla contract with th Harlem Sport
ing Club when he boxed on tha night
of December II at Atlanta, as he had
agreed Dot to engage In any bout pre
vious lo his appearance her last Fri
day night. II will also b accused of
going on her when h knew ha was
not In fit physical condition.
Chriialian Ilr-Mher Baaine College
Tram Win on trwn Moor.
The Christian Brothers College quin
tet walloped tha Holme Business Col
lesa representatives 1 to 1& In tha
Christian Brothers gymnasium Friday
nlsl.i. Thla makes the third straight
for the wlnnera sine th opening of
th I tt-1 at season. Th winners wlil
play th Ilereans Club, of Vancouver,
Waah.. at Vancouver tonight.
Following ar lh lineup:
r. b. H. c.
llolmea IISI
...(Tl Ienle:s
. ..2I
..( Ilarmaaa
J M'Knlaa
to:tna 141 ...
sianlrn .....a.
Kuifa tail....
Hat. re, g. M-
. K. . . .
Prnflrld) Rooa-lan. Are Trimmed at
Indoor Contest.
But on gam waa played In the In
door baseball bouse leacu at tha Muit
nomah Amateur Athletic Club yester
day afternoon. William R. Smyth and
hia allies trimmed Ihe Roosians. lad
by Milton Penfleld. ZZ lo 12. In a hit j H
snd run lugfet. IB
Frank K. Watkln and his Doves 111
Called to alight, and as a result th I fU
DECEMHEU 20, 1915.
games between tha Doves and Oeorge
Anderson' Swedes had to be poat-
poned. The next Indoor baaeball con-
testa will be played Wednesday night,
and after that nothing more will be
done until after Christmas day. Smyth
snd Fischer worked sgainst Lewis and
Brooks of the Rooslsns.
East Portland Fails to Appear for
Game at Vancouver.
Now that the 1915 season of the
Intercity Football League has been
completed, a meeting of the board of
directors will be held this wees to set
tle disputes that have been submitted.
Harry M. Grayson, vice-president of
the organization, will call the gather
ing to order.
The main order of business will ba
the settling of the forfeited games now
on the docket. Kast Portland was
slated to end the season against Wash
ington Athletic Club at Vancouver,
Wuh, yesterday afternoon, but the
Portlanders could not make the trip.
The Vancouver Soldiers and Columbia
Park, of the intercity circuit, have
scheduled a post-season game, to be
played on Multnomah field New Year's
Beatea Leader Becomes Head af First
Line Snad and Practice to Ba
Held Tomorrow.
For the first time In four years.
Rsy Toomcy lost the chsmplonshlp
of the Multnomah Amateur Athletio
Club basket ball house league. Cap
tain Edwards and his athletes won the
hardest fought game of the year yes
terday morning from Toomey's quin
tet. 12 to 9, In a the club gymnasium.
Tbe only redeeming feature of the
day for Ray was the fact that he wss
unanimously elected captain of the
191S-1C basketball team of the club.
He has been a member of the first
string for three years and this is hi
first time ss leader.
Orivllle Gravell was the star for
th winners in yesterday's battle, while
George Dewey tried his best to bring
a victory to Captain Toomey, Harry
Fischer, chairman of the basketball
committee, announced after the contest
that the first official practice of the
club squad would be held tomorrow
nlcht in the club gymnasium. No
definite date baa been selected for the
opening game of the season.
Following are the lineups:
Cant. Toomer t) Cant. Edward fl2)
Masters () F Edwards
Horotoo F (8) Spamer
laarv tS..........C Gravelle
Toomey (2) ...O Allan
iisrtnn a (4) Kropp
K(ere.l Harry Fischer.
Distance Runner Apparently Not
Weakened by Marathon Race.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 19. "Oliver
Millard will never be any more good
after he finishes with this race." This
wss tha prediction of a number of ex
perienced followers of track and field
ports regarding the Olympic Club
champion long-distance runner of the
I'acific Coast. He was competing in
Ibe full marathon held last August un
der the auspices of the Panama-Paclf Ic
Kxposltion snd rsn third to Kdouard
Fabre, of Montreal, the National chum
pion. after making, the pace for the
(Irst 20 miles.
Millard, however, continues to main
tain th honor conceded him as being
the best distance runner on the Coast.
His recent performance In the Pacific
Association cross-country race of six
miles, which he ran in 37.65. thereby
cutting nearly a minute and a half off
the previous record for the course, es
tablished by hira last year, has brought
about a change of mind.
Conference Defines Professional
Baseball as -Respectable."
CHICAGO. Dec 19 The rule pro
hibiting playing of Summer baseball,
which has been In effect in the "Litye
Five" conference of colleges for three
years, wss aorogatea oy a commnico
representing the conference at a meet
ing held here last night.
The committee held professional
baseball to be "a respectable occupa
tion" and decided that participation In
that occupation would have no effect
on the participant's amateur standing
in the conference.
Len Powers Is Visitor.
Lcn Powers, former Multnomah Ama
teur Club lightweight, arrived home
from Lo Angeles yesterday to upend
the holidays with his folks here. He
declared that he is through with box-
ln;r and that he has a good Job in the
Cafeteria town. He alfo said that Al
MrNlel. another former Portland boxer.
and Walter Williams were In Los Ange
les. Len has taken on considerable
weight during his sojourn in the South.
He now tips the beam at 150 pounds.
Grays Harbor Trap Shoot Tuesday.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Pec. 19. (Spe
cial.) An all-Grays Harbor Count)
trap shoot, to be held here Tuesday,
is expected to draw fully 100 entries
The matches will be handicap ones.
nd 2i turkeys will be awarded as
prize. The shooting will begin at 10
o'clock. Tbe shoot is expected to end
in the organization of a Grays Har
bor County Trap Club.
W. J. VanSchuyver & Co,
San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 1. 1916
' We offer the same square deal methods that
have characterized every transaction for over
forty years.
The same value at the price that has made
our brands big sellers throughout the Northwest
The same service that has made the name
VanSchuyver a byword for efficiency in all deal
ings with the trade.
Dependable merchandise direct to you
expressage prepaid at wholesale prices.
W. J. VanSchuyver & Co.
Established 1864
San Francisco, California
P. 0. Box 801
the Crown Distilleries
Company-the largest
institution in the mail
order liquor business,
in the world enters
the Pacific-Northwest
field Jan. 1st, 1916 and
respectfully sdlicits
your patronage.
P. O. BOX 3000
Stakes Not Big Enough" plar Again,
Saya Retiring Magnate, Who Avers
Outlawa Have Won.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 19. Lloyd Rickart,
president of the St. Louis Federals
handed In his resignation, to take effect
Immediately. Rickart formerly was
secretary of the Federal League.
His resignation read:
"Under the existing circumstances
snd to clarify the atmosphere, I have
this day resigned my position as presl
dent of the St. Louis Federal League
baseball club."
To this Rickart. in a statement to
newspaper men, added:
"I went Into the Federal League
when it presented far from as promis
ing an aspect as it does today. I took
chance, and events nave proved uiai
the successful future which I saw for
the' league has been realized in the
present compromise. Now, for certain
reasons which I do not care to discuss.
fed tbat I am ready to withdraw.
I feel that I could not accept a secre
taryship nor a business managership
of any merged ball club. I played for
larger stakes than that, and I can t
play again."
Jack Johnson Still Boxing.
LONDON. Nov. 58. (By Mail.)
Thottch Jnrk Johnon has retired from
Jockey Bennett
Wlanrr 7T Coateeta. v.
Billy Mascott
Challenger, Portland's Favarlte
Senal-WInd T
Special Event
Three Preliminaries
Aeserved Seats, $1; Box Seats, $1.50
Sale Rich's. Sixth aad Wahlngton
the ring, the former black heavyweight
champion is still doing a little sparring
acording to the stage manager in the
Marylebone Police Court. The director
of Johnson's stage career, who ap
peared with one eye neatly swathed in
white, asked for a summons charging
the negro with assault. The bout took,
place at Preston and the magistrate
referred the would-be plaintiff to the
court at that place. Meantime Johnson
i his own staer mannerer.
Lrwrirx Sfi in. t, WaLooar
With inserted tips that
make them strong. S for tbe
GLtTETT, PEABOST A CO.. Ins., Makers
Chehalis, Centralia,Tacoma,
Seattle, Everett, Belling
ham and Vancouver, B.
10 A. M. 5 P. M. 12:30 Midnight
fast train for
Leaves Portland Daily
7:10 P. M.
10th and Hoyt streets.
Change in time of trains from
No. 26, Cascade Limited, new
train, leaves Seattle 9:15 A.
daily for SPOKANE and Inter
mediate Points. Arrives Spo
kane 9:45 P. M.
No. 44, the SOUTHEAST EX
termediate points. Leaves
Seattle daily 9:15 P. M.
Tickets, sleeping and parlor car
reservations at CITY TICKET
OFFICE, 34 Washington St.
(Morgan Building)
P. & T. A.
Marshall 3071
t TT
j Jl'IHl(Wlr''f 1 a 1 1 I