rn: mot.vts'g onEnoTAX sattttidat, icrorBrrn is. lots. " HARBOR WORK FOR OREGON OUTLINED mmgs Engineers Say Coos Bay Im provements Have Reduced Freight Rates. FUNDS, STILL AVAILABLE) and Xrbale-nB Project Can. P CompUte-d Oml of Mooera at Head Olllo Canal Halabed with Cash to 5par. rsiivxiw sew BtntRAC wash rngton. Fe. l. The uJ report of Cbief ef Ea'art tflMuuo la de tail work doe ea tie various rlv.r eed harbor Im5rtmfiu daring tbe pest r " a.-. t4 indicate. ia a g.a.r.1 war h. vera coniimpiaUj for ta. coming fecei raf. provided rncnw appro priate, th. tawin asked tor. The entire appropriation r.commBd 4 for Cm Ray l to bo etp.ad.4 la drsdgtag l-rsdctag at lb bar en ! la.t rear increased tfc. bar 'hansel depth to : tHL tilx'nc a.sa w carried ea ta the Inner bar fear. The report says that aa a roau.'t "f tbe in&roTtmaE tb.r. baa been redaction la freight rata, aa oceaa Wing vesae. a at lav ur4 to Bar "ity. ! BHii tram th. bar. Above title point there er. SO miles of chaaaol tit.'U for navigation by beats of Lgfti 4 raft. faaatlb Fvafee-s BWIaa Re reared. The Cojil'.le Klver pro.'wt was com- pt.te-1 la Ju.r. Ut:. but heavy sees la November. UtJ. broke through the J-ttv. aad ta ioaqgaa llll.w was alloctsd out of Ida last rlv.r an4 bar or tiii to rapeir tao dtm. Th. work of cloiiif is. br.ech la oti:i under war. bate- 3 par c.et finished an J'taa J . Aa a result of tbo Co apsfl.e imprevemeat. veaeale drawing 13 f ! caa near ! aa far aa li et.le. O mt.e from tba ocean, at high til-. Fund, on hand er. amrlo ta eora- '( tso ilil4 Klver project, bat I ) l a4 for BBeiat.naace. Tto Jetty project wea - par cant rata flataJ aa Juno 3-. aa which data IBara waa .11-1 eveilab:.. frera paat app prteEloea. imDjt I !;.. Tfter. ta aoar a u'.r.:iDf eVpta sa tbo stasia w bar af 13 fs.c. Tb app'aprta'lea of asksd ttt Tillamook liar la to Be etpeed4 auiair for dredgtBg. Local lnt.r-.ts ara paying Balf tbo cot af too ftel.oa Far lmprev.sa.et. an s IS. Jjxtal fjaJ. Bow aai:abla. ara aa.!ai ta ba ampa la complato tfco pro. act. Thara la ::U allatla lilt. fl. At btca tI4a. aaala faln I faal caa ar aaTaty era a tba bar, rvatabl Ra4wr1 aa Maa Si at a Ida bactnalaa of tbo Improva- Biaat af Jiaaaa f !f from !- aMta t l".t'orB Lao.! IB .tba (itri re port taara baa baaa a aabaiaattal ra !! af fraical rataa. Tba aoako Kiaar proJt la aw li par ea coaa p'otaO. aa-: lU it't baa baaa a4 for att ymmt ta caatiaaa 4ra4(la( aa4 uixiir Aa apereprtatiaa af baa taaa racomtnaa4a4 for ooatiaiiaa tba lm-pra-vaeaaat of taa Coloasbta fUar ba twaaa Car la aa4 tba Baaitb of tbo Baaa a. Tbla prajat la l par cast om j -!. aa4 t :ata aoar la aoarai:r abaaaal !( fiat 4aaa ttrsxcb tbo ta t.i: at rates of tbo rar. . aaar aproprtat:oa for ia Pallaa CaU.a Canal baa baaa a.k4. la tack tna H-I..ia app',opriata4 laat yaar baa at baaa Baa44. aa tr.a caaal waa ( Uht la .iortar tima bb4 mora oo-lau-a.:y tnaa ba4 baa. opacta4. T" T. !!a4a was iaeatspatast ta f.U paaittoB of Haak Examinar. "Oa tha eontrarr." mM Ur. SarvoaC 1 coatHlar Mr. Ma4a fallr coospataal to boi4 tba poajtloa. an 4 Bar baallaacr placa waa t faara4 toa your, vorabla to blia. I ratinatad4 fatta wilb plaaa ara." bir nJa waa racaattr aaaa4 aaalrt- aat baa k lanlaar ta asccaa4 . T. Btraa. waa raat-aa4 aa Examiaar. la raaeoeaa to rntlciama of tba Jour nal bavasaa ba rofuaa4 to ota for Ala- aalar Marua. a faiaiocsat. tor Cms tear. Iltala Troaaurar Kar aai4 to4aj bta acdoa waa luatiflaa br praco4aaL V.h.o Win Wrlabt waa Saparta- laadaat af Baaka." ai4 Mr. Kar. b r-gii)aadt4 a maa for Examiaar wbe waa a Kapgbltcaa. bat Oovoraor Wt and 9arrtary of Utalo Oleott wouUl col roafiraa bia apaoiatmoat. aiaUna Marry Albart. a prooalaaat Damocrat. ta Ula placa I coaaldar. Ibarofora. tbal tba baaklaaT board aat no praeadaat la Bt olactiaa a amacrtl. wbaa aa affi. ctaat Hapobllcaa waa avallabla." CAR LESSONS STARTED DIVISION IS OPPOSED Steamboat Inspection Dis tricts May Change. OBJECTIONS ARE - FOUND Some rortland Inlrrrata Frar rrat- tlo Maa Would Bo Snprrtislng laxpector Over Oregon Coder 'ew Plan. oplna that tba ozcaaa la aboat tbo woakeat yat pot forth, ualeaa flour mado In olbor countries haa boon car' rlad with aoch aad coDiuotncei. ai thay aaaort flour manufactured hero could hare bo such effect, otherwlae Ih.ra would ba equally strenuous ob jection oa tha part of Brltiah and Norwegian owners -of both sail and steam veaaela Under ezlatlnr conditions It Is rea soned that If soma carriers bound hero for rraln could ba used for flour the arrancament would prove decidedly bandy now and It Is underatood there ware prospects of recharterlna; bad French owners consented. CAXAIi FTXDS ARE SCFFICIEXT On TWltTT-O.TsI rATmOLMKW IXAkX. IHU MOTOR CONTROL. Jltway" Baa4 lib rtva Maehtaea ""a 4 Meaated) patralaaea r. (mm Craaa ta barn a. ' Inatrurtlons In 0.hs Intrtcarloa of aa- tooiok.la maaaemeot wera sTlvea to 31 patrolmen lestcrday at tha Ford aa- sasabllnc plane Grand avenue aad Divi sion street, that they may ba compe tent to pilot the live raacalnea JujI purrhaeed by tbo rlty for use oa tha beats formerly patrvlled by mounted aaaa. Tba Iraaoaa yeeterday were alvaa br mechanics at tbe plant. Todar further taasona will be held. Yesterday the mala work waa to familiarise the mem bers of the "Jitney squad' with tba porta of the automobiles ther ara to operate. Todar ther will have their first leeaona en city streets la tbo aula. .nee cf the care. Tba amateurs will ba low. 4 to practice where tba traffic la I (M and there are few obstructions. The secesa Blent relief mea lake their lessons it I II A. M . the day ra il, f maa at IS A. U. and the first nlibt relief mea at I P. M Thoaa oa the automobile patrol tor the second BUht rall.f ara f'atrolmaa Moemaker. Krelburc. fcott. MrMlrbaet. liumpbreya lial. Nalsoa aad Keek. Oa the day relief are former mounted pa trolmen gcort. JScCulIoch. Arnold aad Biselow. They will teach thalr part ners, who are not yet named. On the tlrat mailt relief ara I'airolmaa Harms, l-onjt. touna. ftllay. Urltfltb, Adams. liaal aad ITatt. i'otlce-Lieutaaaat Jaaklna. "enter ef PL Johns, la eleo taklna leaaona One car win be aermaaeatlr stationed at el Joboa Tno auto patrol will ba under tbo supervtaioa of Police striaul Crate, who look chart e ef the mounted squad 11 yeara aaa. Da la nee on - Hand Will Carry Oregon City Work. ORKGON1AN NEWS BUREAU, Wash Inrtoak Dec 17. Congress will not be Baked this Winter to make any appro priation whatsoever for the repair and Improvement of tha canal aad locks at1 Ore ion City, which recently, were pur- Ospoaltion la resorted ta have drvel- I chaaed br the Federal Government. oBeal ta raa !.. fiUrnKrt RedflaldL I There was on July 1 an available bal- of the Dep.rtnl.nl 0f Commerce. Tor of "" w.h,ch U en,1 "' division of the W eatern district of the " ... r.mrt n,,.. of E. United States steamboat Inspection I flaeera states that machinery and service, so California, Arlsona. Nevada I other equipment have been purchased. TRADE FUND IS SURE Routing of Freight Via Colum . bia Is to Be Goal. ALASKA BUSINESS WANTED Prominent Representative Shipping, Railroad and' Financial Men to Pay for Investigation of Plan to Get Bfovement Started. TRADE INCREASE URGED THE roRTLaXD BALtUVCV; CLt BEARS TALK AD CEalCT. Csteaabaai ef Baalaews lata Sawtaara Onus A.ee-at.4 A. . flara ta Rata laved aa rraaJdeat. PiSGAH SELLS GREEHSE3 Ca-RIV-r-s) TREE AU-0 rtT ov, MbRKET RT HOME. ally aad teapa v Ul R Devefed ta , Sap part of taatltatlaa, Tbrea tbouaaad Caristmaa trees. kta4re4e ef bolly aad Orecea rape wraatas. alee tains, la ether holiday averfraea d.a'ia.. all from the Pt.cab Home cetoey at rcappooaa. wera eat oa fie market la t'ortiand y.aterdar. The noaee from thalr aa:e wtll he Bae4 tor tne support of tba Institution. Mr. Euaica E. Evaae baa cbarse of tha vesture for Mrs. itatuo Lawrence. 1 94ar and mother of the colony, which) baa baaa tbo refuse ef the dowa and outs and tba thoee who bare bawa penciled by economy ton l:tlon. pit:ha-t la the P'Jiot where Ibay caa "l make Ih.ir way. Booths at the Pillock bat!dtr.. Tr.i eston aa4 Tenth streets, aad al Third and Ta.-nbitl streata are headline laa wreath aad evercre.aa. Toe irfitaai Iraaa are al Third aad Market, the auditorium site. This Is ta eftarfe ef Edwarl AJarae. superia Ien4.at af the ts.tttatlon. "Had wa hit apoa this scheme a weak earlier, we could have sold 1 i hrietmea trees to Ie Aes.t.a wairh was la tbla market for a atock." said Mrs. taaa "Eacabliabad this year, tie llama will contlaae tba bulaa la year to corns. Xx every tree or wreath biusat b tba people ef f'ortlaad al I a. .a botbs w..l ba for a worthy ca'ise L 1 SLIDING DOOR STARTS RAID rrlKv ,r Aboat to Pe-parl Wheal Caaalng lima la Revealed. - A :! fins- door. wb!ch t'H epaa st the tiapa. cum4 tba ralin of aa a :-'! lott.ry ana lai aiaat la a at. or a.aoa a'. SIS NortB Sitta .treat 1-v ariaat Vaa Overe aa4 Patraimaa K::aaa.mtta aa. ik-aad. Elbt white ma ware arra.t.4 a tao placa, T3o r-ie w.ra atiracta.t to tne en0 bv a scrtaa of maa. wBo fM4 ateattnily tn tne 4'Mir Tie effl'ero fe.loweii. The iL:or tt buay w''. bis tet'i:. sr4 1 a.a'v. No one ele waa ta sicbt. Aj tha potia ware anaat ta depart, aa apparently aalM wa.l la tka b-e-k of le raioa partat Tba poice arreat.4 Ab Wa. r):Ma, rbarse-t with cen4.Kt.na tAa Uta. an. i.cr paaeU am ntara;.n. M.rria Mi. uw.a H.aa r rl A'lrva. ftti tlailaahack. Peter Aa l'rma and Tteaia "peocer. rba'cad ! vif:a tka r.sort. Addresalea a meeilna of tv.e Portland Saleanea'a Club laat aia-bt al tha lloyal Kaa.ry. Charles Koblaen, deputy t'ls- trtct Attorney, emphaatsed the bead of the e i ta toa of Portland trade lato aoutaera oreoe towna aad particu larly that territory that now eaaa Cali fornia cltlee as trade coatees. Ia reply to a communication from the Portland Roae Festival Association, the $4 assembled ealesmea want ea record aa favortna the continuation of the the oae outstandinc sryone. racardle.s of circa metence. la able to via Tba following officers were ' elected: Preaideat. A. G. Clarke Ire-eleclad). of Wedhasna A Kerr: vlce-preeVdenla. Fred baow. of Albera proa; W. hV McGulra. of Ji.-ire-ltl.4 Wheat Company, and Burt Hotcoroa. of the Flel.hman Tsaat Com pan: secretary. It. F. Klsettnc. of l.lp man. olfo Co.; trea.ur.r. A. T. Bar- Ion, of Powers Furniture Company. Tha directors elected were: C. f. liana wait, of the Oredon Motor Car Com pany. C. F. Waver, of Mason. Lhrmaa: K. Ik Thomas, of Golden Rod Mllltn Compear: K chard Adams, secretary of te ur.soa Wboieaale Grocers Aaaocta Hon. and Ksnnalh 0Loaae. of Blaka Mv lall Co. and the Uawallaa Islands would be In one district, with Oregon. Washington ana Alaska In another. At present all sre un!er one bead. Captain John K. Bulger being the supervising Inspector la chsree. According to the story here. Oregon Intervals prefer to remain In the sone with California, one reason being that if the division la carried out as planned and In support of walcb a bill Is now pending before Congress. Seattle will ba made tbe headquarters of the Northern district aad In all probability tha supervising inspector there would bo a I'ugst bound man. All of which would make no difference. In the Jud- I COLON'EL meni ot many, aa tne creation oi a new district would not alter the steamboat Inapectlosi lawa or requirements by any means. On a recent visit to Portland of Dr. K. Lester Jones, superintendent of the United States Coast and Geodetle Sur vey, who met with commercial Inter eats In an effort to enlist their support for a bill to provide funds for new ships for the use of the service on the Pacific side and more money for bet terments, he said Secretary Ked field had requested him to apeak of tbe propoeed division of the steamboat In spection sone, which be had fostered oa the ground the present territory Is too large tor one executive to cover properly at all times. Tbe organisation of the service Is such that there are Inspectors and aa sietante In each state who are held re sponsible for conditions there. Any objection to ther rulings or decisions raa be taken up with the supervising Inspector, aad In turn with the super vising Inspector-general at Washing ton. who. at present, is George Lhler. A change In the Western district has been tried unsuccessfully before, but this time It Is believed Congress will order a division, Whether the pro gramme will be strenuously objected to here Is not known. and dredging over the site of the pro posed dividing wall haa been begun. At tbe close of the last fiscal year the re construction project bad been but t per cent completed. An appropriation of $47,000 haa been sskrd for the Willamette above Port land the Yamhill. Tha work above Oregon City has resulted In obtaining a navigable channel of Hi fert at low water from Oregon City to CorvsJUs, and from Portland to Oregon City a depth of about alx feet. On tola project last year tha total expended was $34.- tl. Seventy-five per cent of the pres ent project haa been completed, M'lXDOE IS HOME Prominent representative men among ue shippers, railroad and financial concerns yesterday pledged funds for conducting an exhaustive inveatlgatton to determine the most practicable and workable plana to secure routing of freight via the Columbia River and developing the trans-Pacino and Alas kan trade out of this port. - The meeting was called at the Cham ber of Commerce, under the auspices of the bureau of trade and commerce. A special sub-committee will handle the investigations and carry on the further development of the movement. The serious interest of those who at tended the meeting yesterday was ex empllfled In their remarks and their willingness to provide tbe funds neces sary to put the movement for the bet ferment of shipping business out of Portland surely under Besides the direct investigations that will be made and the steps that will be planned for furthering the ,work, the meeting yesterday is expected to result in much closer relations and more effective co-operation between ship pers. financiers and railroads in the Intereata of tha whnla i-ommnn of Manila has blossomed Into the me-1 Portland tropolls of the Orient, commercial poa- c. Colu prudent of the Chamber aiouiura in tne rniuppinM are B'auj of Commerce, presided over the meet and wonderful improvements have Thm itrm i-i..rH rnnv. been carried out since the early occu- ngham. A. L. Mills. H. L, Corbett. L. A. patlon of that domain by American LeW(a j. c. Ainsworth. U a Gllman. forces, but Lieutenant-Colonel James w j Burns. J. D. FarrelL Edward p. MCinaoe, Ol US unuea oiaies l-orpi RaK. Emerv nimafeaH. Ktlwarrf V.hr of Engineers, wno exenangea nis rorr- mB Nathan Strauaa. C A. Burckhardt land station two years ago for the r S. Jackson. Georxe McDowell and sou in sea arcoipoiaBo, ia uociucuij I Georga E. Hardy, pmaeinl to Dt eseju J a .ue biuicu btt. ' MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Colonel Mcindoe amvea yesteruay mormni vy way vi oau x-iauw.ew I . t- r-i.- k. wllll oiramcr ocuwuic be In charge of improvement projects I DUE TO ARRIVE. for a time. Today he will go to tne v.m. mouth of the Columbia to look over I r0 city work he was in charge or while on Geo. w 'w HEALTHS WINTER RESORTS Spend the Winter in California AVERAGE WEEKXT TEMFERATCKE8 OF LEADING CALIFORNIA RE- BBBBBBBBBBBnsai SORTS FOR WEEK ENTJLNO SATURDAY, DEC. 11, 1915. Los Anrelee Ocean Park...... Pasadena.. . . . . . . Del Monte Santa Barbara...., Max. Mln. Mean. . 68 60 f9 . 68 44 .67 42 65 . 6.1 43 t4 .72 44 58 Max. Mln. Mean. Long Beach 68 46 57 Arrowhead 67 47 57 San Francisco........ 58 c 54 Venice 67. 44 56 2 (TEMPERATURES CHANGED WEEKLY) t rrrax m di ram ji ;ii.u.'.if.-,j Engineer Going Over Ground Former Responsibilities. of ESS I FASCINATING ia life at Del Monte. A thousand delights . to interest the Winter visitor. The wonderful land of perpetual Summer.- Miles of mag---nlficent motor boulevards over mountains, through picturesque cypress groves, pine forests -and along ' the historic Bay of Monterey. Unsurpassed golf. Polo, horseback riding, fishing, bathing, boating, hunting, etc One hundred and twenty-five miles south of San Francisco. American plan. Write for iolder and rates. CARL STA.YLEV. Mgr. duty here. Marine Notes. ALFRED TICKER OS HOARD rortland Importer Ia Elected Mem ber of Port Conunlaaion. OfBclal action on tbe selection of Alfred Tucker. Portland manager for tbe Importing firm ot Meyer. Wilson A ta. as a member of the Port of Port land Commission, waa takaa yesterday morning with the election of Mr. Tucker to a seal on that board. A vacancy waa created through the res ignation December It of 8. M. Meara. Captain James W. roarer, head of tba tibaver Transportation Company. was named vice-president, succeeding K. D. laman. who waa elected presi dent at the laat meeting, a position that bad been filled by Mr. Meara. Other officers remain. Drake C. U Kelllv. of the Hegulator Una and D.amond O. being treasurer, and Captain A. L. Pease, of the Columbia River Pilots Association, secretary Other members are Captain W. H. Patterson and Captain i W Latest information bearing ea tha North ParLfio steamer F. A. Kllbura Is that aha 14 reach Portland Monday and sail oa the return Tueecar algbt. H. a. Moefaer. cur ticket agent or ue "B: Tbraa" Una. laar.a todar for Dearer ana Oklahoma City ea bia annual vaeatloa. Ta complete her barter carse for the relied Kingdom, the British bark Oalgate hlfted last alsnt from Irving dock to the Uregoa A wsanlngtoa dock. Frank Welkins, of tbe staff of Lnltd States Immlcrstloe Inspector Barbour, has departed for tha boulb with Hookum Singh. Hindoo, was SUN eeportea ia inaia via sea rraaclaco, and Iula uarrua, a Mexican, who Is to be returned aero as the border br war of El Paao. Ern.at Albert Ward, now la the peolteoilarr at Salem, will atanea for Kngiana loaar. taamg a et earner a: Portland. Me., and William Henry rmith. held at the County Jail, goes to Innlpeg via Fsrte. rtara boatmen hare takes up with Oov ersment erficials tba matter of being al lowed to carry oil for Illuminating purpoaaa af a lower standard tbaa preeenbed la re cent retaliation., and It Is hoped to hare eUfbt coac.aetoBs graated. DUtrlet Porecaater Baals Is ta leaTe Tbnrs- dar or Prldar lor Waehlnston, D. C, wbare be deiieera aa adoreae oetore toe seoona Pan-A merle-Aa SclentKlo Congrssa. Shifting to tbe plant of tbe Wasa Oregon Lumber Company, tha steamer Daier Osd.br la to load the last of bar cargo tooar and il for baa Francisco. lavitatleee bare reached Port land .re to attead tbe launching of tbe Caloa OH Com- From Loa Anreles. .. Elder. ... . ban Diego m Francisco. , .ban Francisco. ...... .Los Angeles. . ...... San Dieffo Los Angeles. .. DUE TO DEPART. For S. K. for 8. D. .. San Dleco. ...... an Pedro. . . . S. F. for S. D. . . ra. A. KUburn San Kranclaco.. Northern Pacific. an Kranclsco. . Northern Pacific. F. A. KUburn. . Bear. hoanoka. I beaver Name. Tale K lamath Wapain, Harvard. Date. Dec. IS Dec Doc Dec Dec Pec Dec. di aVanLiii fl aa7j" Data Multnomah. . . Willamette.... Kone City Olllo Oeo. W. Elder. roeemlte Bear Koanoke. . . . . Beaver . an Dleso. .San Dleso. . . . . .. Loa Angeles... ..Kan DleKO. ... . . . f-jin Diego ...San Francisco., .Los Angeles. . . baa Diego , . .Los Angeles. .. ..Dec . .Dec . Dec . . Dec ..Dec .. Dec ... Dec ..Dec ..Dec . .Dec ..Dec ..Dec. ..Dec ..Dec ..Jan. Scores of delightful Winter diversions to bid for your time at Long Bearb. A region famous for its equable climate. Ho.Ditalltv true Vtrxinian is the aernnfe Af tha eervlce at Hotel Vlr- . n a meriran flan. ADSoiuteiy proof. Luxurious appointments. Unsur passed culslnc Fast electric . service from ls Angeles, 20 miles away. Write for folder. Vim. jr. xtcsue, ffianagar. Nrce- Paoevman. . Kntuckian Nam. f-mnaVXtlBD . . , KntuckteU. DUE TO ARRIVE. Krom . ee.ee N'W TortC....... Nev York. . Naw Tork. ... DL'E TO DEPART. For Jlonolula..... . Honolulu. .. . . Honolulu. . S7 ai -jt Date. ..Dec CO . .Feb. 13 ..Msr. Date . Dec 21 . Feb. 16 . Mar. tf REST AND FECr- lt MiTV U7RK THIS WINTER ALTITTCDK 2000 FT. VnltiT Arrowhead's many WOn- iferfnl benefita. its rlorions mountain sir, the marvelous curative properties of Its waters and baths, the fascinating scenery and tha countlesa diversions. The moat con. picuous health resort In the West famous for Its wonderrul natural ui-soaium steam cava hatha and radio-active mud baths: 60 miles from Los Angeles on four transporta tion tines. - write lor loiaer. Arrowhead bprings, California. Hnra new steamer La Rrea. which takaa frENOTA CASE NOW CP I p.ace at the plant of tbe Union Iron Works 10 ociock tais morning. airs. -w. Ht.wsrt Is to be tha sponsor. Tbs vseaal Sanervlalnr loanrctor Orders Proboll being built ea the Isharwood syetem snd I will be propelled br a geared Curue tur- The Vnn renter of Southern California. Largest vsrlety of diversions. Csllfornls s must sanitary besch. Mammotn inaoor plunge. Qusint Italian canals. Finest hotel sccommodations. Special low Winter rates Send for descriptive literature. Venice Hotel association. SILVERWARE THIEF HELD Intruder Also Has 5ioln Mackinaw I'nder Coal When Arrested. With his pockets filled with Sliver, ware etolen from B. nder. of Hi lot M.:ion street and with a stolen marktaaw ot red peeping from beneath hi. overcoat Thoccss Byrnes wss ar r.ated by Patrolman Glace Isle Thurs day. George Regan, aged 4a. was ar re. ted by Detectives Moloney and ew.eaes yestsrdsy morning as aa ac complice. The detectives assart that the twe man entered the house at til East Mad I eon street three times la tae eourae of their tKefts and were not questioned, as It Is a boarding-noose, until Kegaa was discovered, and. at the request of the land adr. thrown out of the house br itr.et -ciean.rs. It was net known then that he bad stolen anythtcg. Into Itlg Veeeel'e Troubles. Orders have been given by Captain John K bulger. supervising Inspector of steam veaaela for the Western Dis trict, to Inspectors at San Francisco for a complete Investigation of the Minnesota rase, the vessel being at that purl after having broken down at sea and been towed Into tbe Golden tiat bine Her lecsin over all Is :2 feet, beam e 1. mokled depth II 4 feet, draft 17 feet. abaft boreapow.r 300. apeed 11 knots, ell carse eapacitr "O.eoS barrels, aad provision made for carrying 3eoe Barra.s ot ell for tbe consumption of the vseaal. Tba keel aaa :ald September I&. New from Oregon Porta. ASTORIA. Or, Dec 17. Special. Tbe temporarily stopping her voyege I four-msated Brttieb bark Metiwsr arrived JOURNAL STORY IS DENIED fr. Sargewi Instate IT 's?wt !. r tared r. ylade laooenpeneat- SALFM. Ot. r. IT 4. reels! V fe B'ai waa e-a4a te-lar br a, O. Sargeat. Sas.rlat.nJ.ot ef Pan He. ef a state men t appaar'ag ta the Oregon Journal, yraarel be was tteclarta la have said POSTAL RECEIPTS INCREASE rortland Gala ladk-alea lUnnrr Ir. cvmber. Says rvaatmaster. R.lpts of the Portland poeioffice during the first IS days of December ware !:) more thaa they were for tae same BerkM last year, according la ro,imi'r Myera "This Indicat.a that the volume ef buaiae.e et the Portland poetofflce Is going o be a, bean. r I-ecmNr." con -Iteaed Mr. Myera There Is alao going la be shoera a net lacre.ae la tbe po.t- al savlnge department deposits of !:.- r over la.t rear." 'Mos.y orders may be If as In num ber but they are larger In amount.." to England with cargo from I'ugst oond. The Minnesota baa 14 boilers, they being ef a French type, and It Is said their construction Is such that If a single tube gives way that boiler Is rendered ueie. for the time being. There are lilt tubes In sIL On ojher kinds of boilers In big ships tbe loi of a tube or two. Is not regarded as a serious matter. After the Investiga tion Is completed by the fan Fran cisco board the findings will go to Captain Bulger's office. COQriLLK SCRVKY ORDERED Government to Ascertain If Rocks Mill Hamper Channel Work. Authority has reached Colonel Potter. Corps of Engineers. I. S. A, to con duct a boring survey at the mouth of the Coqutlle Hirer as a means of as certaining the probable depth of water thst may ba attained there, as rock had been found and there Is a question es to bow deep a channel caa be pro vided. The borings are to be made late In tbe bprlng of 11. or during the Sum mer, when bar and weather conditions are fsvorsble. Work on the rebuild ing of a portion of the north Jetty la side the mouth of the bsrbor has been Bniah.d and the crew paid off. Both Jetttee are now reported In good con dltlon. eicept that the outer ends hays bean battered and the enroekment low ered somewhat through the Influence of storms. from iiobsrt In ballast snd will load grain at Portland. Captain Williams, her master. reports a pleasant aad uneventful trip ef is daya Tbe Medway la a training ablp aaa la addition to bar regular craw, csrriea 21 eadeta, one surgeon and sa Instructor, mak Ins It mea on board. The cadets are train ing for the msrchsnt msrina and sack paya to pounds, or aooni e.-w, tor cuuioa a ur ine th. time tne vessel ia maaing tae rouna trip from Lng.and and back. Tba Hrlllvh eh Ip Wiscorabe Perk, grala- laden for tha L'imed Kincdona. arrived from Portland aad wiu probably ge to sea to morrow. Tbe lank steamer El fteguado. with barge si la low, which lay off tha month ef ths river ail nlgbt, arrived todar. Thar bring fuel oil for Astoria snd Portland. Ths stasia schooner Santa Barbara fla labad loading lumber at Waeiport and wUl sail lumorrow for ban Francisco. Ths steamer ceo. W. feawick completed her csrgo of lumber at ths 41ammond mill arid dropped to the lower harbor. Sba will sail for baa Pearo tomorrow. COOS BAT. Or. Deo. IT. Special. Tha steamer Adeline Smith sailed for Sea Fran e.aco with lumber and passengers at 1:30 tale morning. Tha Coos Bar bar was reported extremely roufk this afternoon. Ths gssotlae schooner Rustlsr. bound for Cold Beach aad Wadderbora, was delayed thia afternooa br a rough bar aad remained la std JEWISH REFUGEES HERE Slarconl Wireless Reports. (All Doaltioas reported at S P. SL. Decem ber 17. onleee otherwise lndlcated.1 reaasylvania, e-an rrancieco lor neieoa. laft Champerlco. December 14. Santa Cecilia, ban Pedro lor caiiao. He. south of San Francisco. I Grsat Northern, baa Francisco for Hono lulu, 47 miles west of Saa Pedro. -Lucas, with barge V, Balboa for San Francisco. 813 miles soutn of Sao Francisco. Deaoto. San' Francisco for Payta. boo mile, aouth of San Franclaco. City of Para, San Francisco for Balboa i&& mile, aouth of San Francisco. Nov. port. Baiboa for San Francisco, 10b mil, uuth of Ssn Francucc At I.e. San Francisco for Honolulu. ZOIP Ilea out. December 16. Motrin. San Francisco, for Woosung. 2018 miles out. December lo. I a taenia, Honolulu for Sea Fraaciaco, 1277 mi:., out. Decejnber 16. Minnesota. Seattle for Honolulu. T40 miles from cspe Flattery, decern Der in. Persia Maru. orient for San Francisco, 2iio miles out. December 16. Olson snd Msbony. coupeviiie tor Ban is Roastla. J ml.es south of bsn Frsncisco. Kilburn. ban Francisco for Eureka, 14 mile, south of Point Arena. Arollne. baa Pedro lor baa Francisco, en Point bur. Hear. San Francisco lor baa rearo, zs miles south of point our. baa Itainon, San Pedro for San Francisco, 13i mile, south of San Francisco. Elder. San Francisco tor rorusna, is mile, wulh of Point Arena. Koanoke. Portland For an Francisco, 14S mllca north of San Francisco. Hrrln. Linnton for Avon. 450 milea sooth of tha Columbia River. Speedwell Coos Bay for San Franclaco, 162 milea north of San Francisco. Colusa. Brazil for baa Frandaoo, 106 miles soutn or r-en rTnncisco. Congress, Ssa Francisco for Baa Pedro, flv. mile, south of Plaeon Point. Celilo. Raa Pedro for San Franclaco. five miles north ot roint r-or. Centralis. Aberdeen lor pan Francisco, iu mile, south of Blunts Reef. Porter Everett for Sau Francisco. 227 mile, norm " ' -7-- . ----- , . cnliinea -vsrwm Asuncion. Richmond for Seattle. .70 miiei "" 1 i m.j north of Richmond ARIIKGTOH H0IElSi r AMTA D ADDADA "Alt A iV JSSW Vtr-aJ FTREPROOF M fcfeH am-Tl I.niLA.1 aTJ- eK aaL.' n SdMrbly located la th ptcturesau Mission City amidst fragrant flower rardens. Near tne octsan. just a anort aistanc rrora the beautiful Santa Barbara hi Us. Finest cuisine. Climate without a flaw. Folder. . F. JLonn. lea9. HOTEL TURPIN "IN THE HEART OF THE CITY" 1J POWELL ST- AT MARKET 8AV FRANCISCO. FVERT CONVENIENCE and COMFORT Et'KOFEAM PLAN. $1.50 and Upward. KKFE Anto Bus Meets Trains, Meeiners Under Msnsarraent of A. W. TLRPIN i mm LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA - 4th and BUI Sts. 5.1 5 rooms, each with private bath. Situ ated in the heart of the city, near theaters, shops and place, ot attraction. Easily accea s.ble to beach csrllnea. A stone's throw from Central Park. Luxurious appointments, perfect service; splen did grill: Europesn plan Tariff from $1.50. Write for folder. F. M. Dlmmick, Lessee aad Mgr. Hll''illll!ll!l!!IHIUI!l'lllllllllllll . tf ft qua ftrfyl! TVE Mil St f 3 1,1 S S;T!U'IHEI I Broadway ut Beveoth. The center of shopping, bnslness and e thratHcaJ district. Finest downtown g location: 800 outside rooms, with rrl- 1 ale bath. Rats $1.50 up; Euro- ti pean plan. New management; ne H dining-room, new kitchen. "The hotel G of comfort and servlce."J. U. lankpr- g hlni. Owner, ttm. K. "lood. olcr. 9 Healtlti is One gre alert et" Write toay .or IhivS Valuable Booklet BSjwb"1 ruejcnbingnetnoaj purmtsu vy mc BEACH SAKITiHIUli IOJ LINDEN AVE. LONG BEACH. GALI FORNIA. jtajlijtt on tfit B&ttle Creek Man. -V.ivvySlnP30N.tiMeca sass 1 ....r0 B 1 Ilohc 2000 ESSAYS ARE FILED I Hllonlsn. San Francisco for EeattJs, miles north of Northwest Seal etocka 36 I BEGIX SELECTING WINKERS. Adeline Smith. Coos Bsy for Saa Francisco. 25S miles north or ban Francisco. Slovcments of Vessels. PORTLAND. Dec. IT. Arrived Steamer El Secundo and barge ro. 91. from San Francisco Sailed steamer Beaver, for San Pedro via ! rrancisco. astorla Dec 17. Arrived st 0:10 A. 1C snd left up st Z P. M-. steamer E! begundo, from ban Franclaco; arrived at 0:10 and left dd at 11:20 A. M.. bargs No. 91. from Saa Francisco: arrived st 10 A. M. snd left Dtvlaloa ef S25S la Prises ta Time for Christmas Ia Hoped for. Bat Mere "Weeding" Hay Be Needed. Between 2000 and 3000 essays on "Portland as a Great Seaport," are filed in the office of Superintendent Lv R. Alderman, and within the next few BXAI B'RITH TAKES CHARGES PARTY FROM RCS9IA. OF WIFE DEAD; DIVORCE ASKED Albany Man Lsrarne aolt Vnn sary Aftrr Hglnnlnx rall. A LB A. XT. Or. Dec. IT. Aftsr be had begun divorce proceedings against his wtfe. Charles C Cola, of Lebanon, die revered she bad died la New Tork City four months before his complaint was Bled. The res. accordingly waa dls a:ieed ta Circuit Court here todar. Mr. Cole and bis wife. Mamie Cola married la !! sed separated three years ago. Kry 0emea rag'weat has a Cairo poCiat at its MKfiWAV I" inoM HOIJAKT Gal gale I'lnUlira Today and Pierre Antonlne la to Mart. Just Tl dars from Honart, the Brltiah bark Mdwar reached the river yester day and joins the (rain fleet to work a -vral load In the Interest of Balfour. tlulhrle Co. The vsasel Is of lore net register. The Medwar arrived about the time the Wlscombe Park reached Astoria on the way -borne" via the Atores. where she la to pick up dlflnlte orders sa to her port of discharge. So there are aovs la the river four grain ships not loaded, though the Oalgate will have the last of her barley cargo aboard Mea Leave Wbra Caar Orders Me sabers af Their Race la Front Ranks While FightlBaT Trel.aa. I'Lt30 P" Bltl1, Medwy- from days a committee of Judges must se teci zrom mem a list or a dozen or more prize winners. The essay contest, which ' was par ticipated In by pupils of both high schools and grammar grades was under the auspices of the bureau of trade and commerce of the Chamber of Cora- erce, closed yesterday. The Judges ti n rr.nciaco, ljv-. ii. Amvca oiu era panamsn. JrmnJwiT-Bsa,?. ' R rook 1 ro. from Kinnon united otate m Nereua. from Honolulu; San Joae and P Jews arrived In Portland Thursday and were taken In charge by the Jewlab Relief Society and the social service department of th. B'nal Brlth. Tbe namea of the young men are being withheld In order that they may be protected from tbe Russian govern ment, The men had been serving In the Russian army, but had been mustered out and were at home at tbe time a general order was Issued by tbe Rus todsy. Th. Pierre Antonlne and Cornillsian government to place. Jews serving Bart are the others, the former being staled la move into the Gslgst.'s berth at Irving dock and the t orr.il Hart Is I la a loading berth at Mersey dock. IXOCIt CARGOES ARE REFUSED Fscuee of I'rvnrh Owner Thai Odor Cling. Ia Called Weak. Freneh Veasel owners have refused to give options to load flour on ths plaa that smell from the manufactured cereal clings to tbe holds and might Interfere with handling other cargo I tsscscUele to odors. Grain exporters seed for their wives, In the army In tbe front rank. Real lung that they would be called again to tbe colors and placed In the front rank, they started for America. They went by. way of the Siberian railway and. crossing to Yokohama, took ahtp for Seattle. Tbey were with party of about 200 Russlsn Jews, all anxious to reach America. At Seattle tbe party was taken In ban Francisco. Dec. 17. Balled at noon. stesmers Bear, from Portland, xor bsn Pedro: P. A. Kilburn, lor port, and via Coos Bay and Euresa; at i r. jo., steamer uea W E.der, from Saa Diego, for Portland. Arrived a' 2 P. M., steamer Northern Pa cific from F level. December 3 6 Sailed at a p. M.. Wm. H. Murphy, for Portland. Fan Pedro, uec is. oanea steamer le- Ulo. for Portland via ban h rancisco. Honckons. Dec 14. Arrived bteamer Yo kohama Maru, from Seattle, bailed oteamar Tamba Maru, for Tacoma. New lork, uc. ii. Arrived mesmer Honoiulsn. from Sesttle via Norfolk; Man churia from ban r rancisco. baa Francisco, uec. ii. Amvea ntesme Asanoon and hip lsi- sdes. from Bsiboa: Northern Pacific, from Astoria. tal.ea ateamers r. a. a-liourn snd Oeo. w. Elder, lor romana; ciizeostn. (n. R-nrion. Seattle. wssn.. uec J -. Amveo Bteamera Mills, from Los Angeles; Vsietta, from Honolulu: A. si. irora noutaesstern Alasica; Admiral Evans from Southwestern iiukL Sailed bteamers bnintsu Mara (Japanese), for Vsdlvoatok: Lyman 8tsaart. for Port San Lnls: President, for San Diego; Prince Rupert ( British . for Prince Rupert. Tide, at Astoria Saturday. Utah. Low. 10:30 A. M....S.S feet I 4:4 IA. M... .8 5 feet iii r. ja. . .v.s loot Columbia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. Dec. 17. Condition of tbs bar st & P. M.: Sea. rough; wind, east, 10 miles. hope to have the $250 In prizes ap portioned and awarded In time for the winners to use for Christmas. The essays already had gone through a preliminary "weeding out" In the schools before they were sent to Super intendent Alderman. It Is estimated that in all between 8000 and 7000 essays were submitted In the contest, to say nothing of the thousands of chil dren interested who never got to the stage of submitting a finished manu script. The Judges will be D. R. Alderman, S. M, Mears. C. C. Colt. F. W. Mulkey and R. D. Barnes. Owing to the great volume of manuscripts, a sub-committee may give the essays still another "once over" before they come to the final corps of Judges. "Apple King" Dies at 93. CHICAGO. Dec 17. Franklin New hall, aged 93, the "apple king" of the Middle West, died today at Bis noma in ("Jle.ncoe. a suburb. Me owned inou.- sands of acres of orchard land in Illi nois and MichieTatiLj . Salem Man Is Dead. SALEM. Or.. Dec. 17. (Special.) Jar S. Phillips, ot- Salem, died here charge bv tha Jewish Relief I tods v at the home of his brother, W. Society and they are being distributed to various cities. The young men will probably be placed on farms. Some are married and hope to save money sa that they can IL Phillips. He was 53 years of age and unmarried. lie was born in Idaho when his parents were crossing the plains to Oregon. The family settled at Salem In 1863 and Mr. Phillips has lived here since. Ladies and Gentlemen: It affords us great pleasure to advise that we are in position to route you to the East in Steel Palaces through Orange Groves and Sunshine, Mountains and Plains; with Noted Chefs to serve you in our Dining Cars. Our Travel Bureau is at your SERVICE. M. J.GEARY, General Agent, Passenger Department 111 Third street, Portland, Oregon. . A 2666; Main 334. i i