9 ' - V SViSS PARLIIEHI ELECTS PRESIDENT CamiHe rfe Ccppet, of French Canton. Follows Italian, Who Followed German. NEUTRALITY TO CONTINUE Time fwc frriom Moirnctl Toward l'rare larrenrtl o Arrtttti. la trw of I lird Attltad of All IlcUlarfral. HII'.Nr. SltJ.Hni. via rru r. 1 t'antilt 4 Ceppel wa.a today ! 1.4 'r.Mnt of in wt rvpablic. n. :.lmal eVhulth.e Vte-rrl-aai M. Copp.t l aa -W:utr f Jiiin-t n. are..! Ylc-PTl.al. Ta election wr at a -Ul oatos ef t"i national a.snb:y to- i !.- ta ppr bb4 lowr rn.:h ef I'artum.at Jointly particl- TH An.rl'K ViBlat.r lo H"f lni. rin A. t. tU witb a party ef Amrt--a. eccupl.4 aval la lb 4!)acriAUc falLry. TB e.r.moay was a n.f ee. rmthrv a Joint .ioa f Aovrr'.. t"r" r- rti4 to O'.nt tl ixrtora.t Vot tor Petald'al f 1.1. t Blts atat.a. atna ilnl ! ia Ota. jl ri rnpj rnm front a Ft.bvb riRtnn. in pr..l.rof. If. Giat.ppl Votr. rm rrum ax Italian tea to a. ni' Fr. M!U pr.d.caeor wan frvm OtBM ciot.io. .i a nuaktna: a '! eu'e,voe. f Bre:I.Bl Croat in r'rn.-h. ltIia aa4 (ifMt .lorn- . ' la el reramaai'r. A?r-r hi i tioa W. t Coppl r ei n A'it4 PT r.preeen iti II tpr'l aatiafactioa in. r.j ilt ef i -i eie.-tioa nt r.f.rr.4 l tt .Btiki!ir of awte .levttose a a. tor tn cmpi"n for th election f iiat:tt la ta. t'ait.i Stat... "Tn. mter.ata of ts I att.4 lUatee ant ttir!.l, M. 4. Ccppel. .-. bv ! l!i a.fn. W bot balaac t r.p'iM;..- wtta IB. aatn l4a iihI aapiraeioa, th m t'-irnt of ao.ara ai.nl. til Jut or aaaia lnlroa- tiat poi.r cf r-n. 0:0 ttrl. t.y au. la 13. pr..ae atr. rU I r IKf IWmlf Taaa. "lfw..r. Amrl- n.w . I a. rot flii-l from a itn-c.. wb.raaa ear .o- crasfii'-al peaitioa mat. a B.atraXitr a rii'i t'lxtio wits t ie ficRtlsa: an.nl .l tretial a Aatna aa !- t, ;.rmas er la -tta. I'raaa aa in. w.at i::r ea la outr ..n-p:.t. f Kvi f D.t:!.rBi tfooti.r. "I.e. I k. IB. t'Bii.4 fttat.a. w. ra .'-. 4 la aiaiatAiniac aaalraiitr, a oi .air wits our military tore but r iu ..rr bumaa at!ity bkl itw.cjwruaj b.aa ca:i4 ea lo par frai. auxa a. ttt. paaatsa f ttcHtt4 wun'i aoitii.ra roa ur t.rrttary. tookitf aft.r ir i;.a !4.a.a proa 4 :p-9.--.aiJ froaa tav4.4 ractuBa aa4 la m imm: t.rtn aa altr pail a.nr Wm b.tw..a pri-iB.ra ef war ef tbe apf4. b.i-'f.r.ac corsatrt.a an4 lh.tr r .'!. All mi baa ba 4'-a wtia "I am c 4 la r IHal New Yerfe kj a.'-- aa gr.tir la bmIik lb ftwf aitia'ioa. wtt4er.aa4 baa ab iia.4 ail It Btocka ae wb.al aa4 flour tram N.w tark a "4 alaa a.cur.4 iifm Tr a. I f.riati.a far U.ir fnaapertaliuw bjr ok.. a. f..4 tta at aaal. TC bn). Impartaal lo t.cur lh -op"fct.a ef Amrlrt r.4jtrl. an. abipp.r. aa4 J toua4 lb. at r4r la a.-t aa tvl'-T. A. a raat.il ef to... Aan.ru:. .i ra-ep.raciuaa twitj.rlaa4 h s.a.r l-k4 lb aaa.aiial aap pl:.. partlcuUrlr wheal aa4 f.etar, ant ba. B.a.r lvk. prarapt faeill li. . far lh.tr ebipm.nt. Tt.rafor. f f.o- prfc ar kpt aoraa.1 Ifiraajrb Cfltnmat cwatrol ta. 4r paopi b ii f.il anr arv. 4ittr bjr f.a.oa ef IBa w.r road'tloBa.' Wbit Mf. 4. r.pp.i w.a aka4 abii p.;. n4 In pe.aibtuiiM ef a-tiait la lb!. 4 r.'-l.o It In a. . lrl of.ram.ata. ba abaek bi b4 aa4 aat4 -Tl l:m baa net T.I rente tor aa B.riaua mov.m.al owar4 p.are. aB4 It t 4.fi.-'i;i lo ajr wb.a tbat mar arria alfS : the parti. as firmly t aatainat caai4.rtsc Iba qo.atloa. ti tii. a la a I tmt!.a r.laiia la in war. th peai'tn f lb pPl at ttj.rra.t la ene ef Impartial ma-l.r..t.4a..- M a.otralitr , 10 0. A. C. PIGS-Win PRIZES CalrWna la) rnrtlaad IJ-mlork $hom Ar Sar-rMral. Ct-rMi. Iva. I. tsprul- K.ry en. ef la l pica eat.r.4 tr lb 4 p.rtm.ai ef aa.mat baabo4ry ef the VT.ott A'-u:trl oi.. at Ibe i'urti-in.1 LiTfilocIt sinow Uat ai agg prit a am eaa C tb a.rtovi vl..i. lit ia. rUn. Cttlaa ctaaa. four aa b Oita.4. bor J'amr ei cttm piob. (t".a ooilr ax mo at a, firat aa4 laird, ir. aoofvl In in t'uro Jra cta Tb'Ma earar.4. br4 UB.I.r moalUa, ftral an I J.n or r a m ti-aip ; triit. aa4.f ait B-nt:. ftrat ae4 fourth. la t.i- K.rkaMr cl THre ea .r.. itta. qn4.r als moatba. Mroa4 .nl f fa. f.'.t. evr ti monta a aa4 anir 11. ta'i. ateo. awa.r aa4 e4itor of tba Ilouaton o.c. al IBe Kal.ich. "Xany cl our popl ara afraid tnara will b contiau.4 ratolutioav. aaJ ar roainr4 Ibal oaly a man of I be typ of tiaa caa r.lot permanent peat, larren la not that ITpa of man. -o-raon w!io la known to many Tana. U coc.l4.r-hd IU r.al l4.r Of tb t'arraaJa faction. an4 there la b-aliel la aema plat that Carranaa la takm hi erd.ra from Obraenn- The latter mlM ba atrooe; enouah to put down to racjtiona that ar tuft to crop up. Ilu.rta doubtl.aa roul4 bave done ba4 ba b.a rwjtnla. ('oloa.l Joftnal'w I bra with Iba t.i d.i.-r.imn boomlnc the Taxaa city for IB Democratic .National Con tention. wee formerly .-aiion. romm.lle.maa from m i-"" "- Utai. and baa a bol of frland amonc tba coram it ta.m.a. PARIS SAVANT VISITOR rRoruOR VICTOR BAacil I.EC Ttfti: rnr.irii ctviux iTion. oajr of a I Caattl tr- aaaa ftepaaraaaei la Aaaarar. t'rarksaa) Ara tUpbelleaL VL-inf ILaM-b. orofMaor of a.ath.tlca la tba TarU Coiraitr ar4 on of tb raakiaa: saraat ef hla coonlry. Ik ture4 la Ibe l'ortlaa4 llot.l parlora la-l i . . ik. .u.ui, of tba Allk- an- 'rap'-al of Ibia city. t rofaaaOT lUKt oaa e. l'alt.4 tualaa to lector on Krencb .LHI..H.- i A mnbAi O.rman propaaaad. lie la the Uat of lour ami- a.nt rem-n man oi aeienc lo v kail America, erne, tb war ban aa4 to apeak In all of tb lara renter aa4 a;t.r aalaraitia an4 eoll.a.a. Aaata.taca to Ibe freachman I cm pr.b.aie enoua"- lo coaer all pbll Moptr, arte and the ecl.ar.. frof.aaor Ka.cn apoke in rittct laat mam Urce itdittn that salh.red to bear . . 11. . - . t I'f.nrh riVilltJlllOa aa far be--k aa btatory run and aouht la point out Bow ii wa w -Ibal Una tbrouaS tb centurlea and Tbe ittnatu eaa F '- " ..-- tbe arte, ert.nr.a and bullur. but I'ro f.aar Haack al4 Ib.ir claims were nol JuatlR.. ay miory ano 1 tact. A boot tbe only eir.Uenc b waa wttlinc lo (rant tba U.rmana I taair cealua for oraanlaatloo, and even ' V G r Mm Bear, of l al- a.rwir of far, kw L-r.al hm ra-nlaa4 La. I lab. IMMIGRANT TIDE IS LOW Irara Aritata 11.T. Com pa rr-4 Willi l.3l.4k la 111. WA.iHt';TfV. Tka H4 of Immigration Into lb l'alt.4 Mai. abb-xt to It lowaal point la more than : y.ar 4-irmc tb paat fiacal year, -tordinc la tia-ir.a mad pubiie lo 4y In la ann i! report ef Hr.tary i9 ef lit l-.prtront of Labor. Tb ltal number of Immirraal a'l.n. Ik r.port ahewa. fU from I. :!, in lb pr.ttoue year lo ;.) lo tfi .ria4 endma Jun. 1 laat. r.prtr. ef all.aa. emtcraat a4 aea-emlairant. Iihawie a how a notable 4.r... For IB. f:ral year of ll. d.partur.e war aJJ.Hi. for 111. 1. in. TEXAN S D0UI3T CARRANZA tWMM Tblnk Obn-trooi I Heel Leader and C.ltra Order lo Prraldeat. n'AailtN'ITOV. tae. ! "moni Tai an t ere La aa earn..! diapoeitioa lo a". Carraata a cbaac and let btm low wbal b ran 4 la M.-ilca. but It.r ara many who fear t!)el lb ai Vati.a r.nn k..p tb cvontry at p.:. 14 Coiuaai Hiaaat M. Jula- Ikta. be ."UMO, -tn.y . " ever from Ibe rrancb aa tbay ba4 don la a'l otber Ihlnc."" -urtB; m r l.cturieaT tour. I mack pr.f-r lo apeak to tb C.rmaa than lb rraach.- aald !Tfeor Haach. ' ba caua I know the rr.nrhm.n are In antipathy wttk tb.lr mother country n.i tb Cerman-Amerlane the hy- rh.nat.d on.e. aa you In AmerK-a -h t.m manr ef tbem nat araJly po.eeaa preju4'c. Terbap I may bo able la con-riac Ibrm from in. rr.n.-a tandoinl. eui be prudent In tnr dlac-uaelon -f lha KtroMal conflict. be con- tina.4. "m-o 1 am la a a.utral coun try an I may not do vioi.nro la your e.tttralllv or.r here. - I ennn tin. tk.r.fore. orT.nl acain't Coo4 laate. Ilowea.r. Ib.r la no doubt that the war that le btlchtlnc l.urop w etart4 by Austria lo prerenl tb rWrbt from oraaaumr Into a nation, wnico waul4 bar J.opardUe4 Auria-Hun- rary and latr diamembared tbal oual monarrbr. Austria therefor found eretatt la prectpltata the war that ba drawn ail of J.urop Into tb mael- ltrtua l-ref.aeer Ilaarb waa one ef tb llnauiab.4 foretaa cuett ef tb I a n- ama :Bpttioa. Man rraartaro. durlntl tbe clota week ef ttant a bow. II. wae arcr.dlted by bl eerment kn4 made one of tb cloaloc addreaaeo of lb a ipo.it ion. lie ba a ton wbo I a aurceoa In Iba t'rn-rk army. II a-oee ri today. Tbe rrenca colony la Portland entertained blm. GASTON CONTRACT IS LET UaU-r s-raicnt Ccotlnx f lo tie Coanpk-tr-d Ullhla t I-aj. :a.-TOV. Or. te 14. -eclal. Tb t'ity Council of U.aton baa Just completed arraodemant for a new wet.r syttem lo rr-a l.ea. and tne ntr baa bo" a bond. 4 for that amount. Tn rontrarl ba been atten lo the I-ennl Cootructloa Company ot I on Unt. and I lo b completed within oirt Tbe water will be rurnianed ay tne North Coaet Fower Company, rorm.rir Iho Wahlnton-r'-a 1 orporation. lb. -aunt of eurpty will b jlain Creek, and will connect with lha Ca.ton line is. enoutb of h--orlne Valley. Iler.tolor tbe water supply lor tne Iowa baa been pump4 from ibe mill rar Into a raarrrolr on tb bill above tb loan. M'MINNVILE SEEKS DEBATE Cilles:e Waal rmlilbllloa Orator ical Coolet t Vear. .uov-wn f r Ie-. 14. llPO- Cla. 4lcillnnUl Colled, whoa ra- reeentallee won -ona pt -on In the Tarlrtc Coaal Int.ratal. pro btbllton oratorlral eonlat In Berk. ley Ibla Talt. etpct la entertain a simi lar cont.et n.t Uprlnv. McMlnnlll bop lo bare Iba wln blnd orator from Ihle tat acain. and I aokiou la brine tbla Important con teal to Ocea-on. Wbat.vrr eolleda rP r.aentatir win In tb alal eont.al at raclno Vnlveralty. WcMlnnTltle pldes lo eupport lb tron man. and aaka support of other slat collCe. ra. M. J. Trimiwl Ilea la KUroalh l'T.i V1TH FAtXR. Or- !. 1. fSpelaLV Mrs. Mary J. Trammel, wife ef Jack Trammel, a pmmlnent Klamatb County ran'h.r. dl.4 Wdaday at the family ri4ne on Ihe 8'imm.rs ranch ,,4ia of the ntr. Mr. TnmtnM has oeea an Invalid tor about It years, bba aa ei ) ears of a. '1915 Is the Greatest Fur Season in History-All th t Women Are Wearrng,or Wish to Wear rurs Harpers aazaar. ujj j. j. -- - - The Mo emisaitcfloiniai ALE OF FUE Sini.Pfl Hnsttoiry OPEN NIGHTS - in linn li n a. This Great Store Lets Loose. $30,000 Stock Must and Will Be Sold Now-Kigtit iNow: "It's the End, the Wind-up, the Finish to My Retiring From Business Sale, Says S. Silverfield The Doors Open at 9 A. M. Sharp Today, Friday BUY FURS FOR XMAS Blue Fox Neck Pieces for $1.00 $ 1 SSableGray FoxScarf s$6.SO $12.SO Manchurian Bear Sets BF;75: Children's Sets at Half; Ladies' Fur Hats, Half, in Fact Any thing and Everything Goes (Pick 'Em Out) at 7 p AND' LE HAL HCE Listen (o me, good people of Portland; my mind is made up. I have decided to let my stock fro now right now, in the most wonderful money-saving sacrifice sale ever held. There is nothing; new about the fact that im retiring-. I told you that eome time ago, and my Intention then, as now, was to quit, But I had hoped to get near cost for my stock, and I could, too, by taking- things slow. That's not my nature, however. I'm not that type of a roan. SO TODAY MARKS THE BEGINNING OF) THE END. When the doors open the entire stock will be thrown on sale at prices the like of which you f ave never known. " All Fixtures in This Store For Sale Make Us a Bid Now EVERYTHING GOES, WITHOUT REGARD TO LOSS, COST OR WORTH. As you well know, I'm not broke. I'm not in distress. I have money lots of it AND THAT IS WHY THE ENTIRE STOCK IS TO GO IN SUCH A SALE AS THIS. As soon as 'the stock is gone and it will not be lonir I shall close my doors, lock tip shop AND RETIRE FROM ACTIVE BUSINESS FOREVER, NOW, IF YOU HAVE READ THIS FAB. UNDOUBTEDLY YOU HAVE MADE UP YOUR MIND TO ATTEND THIS SALE TODAY. TOMOR ROW OR NEXT WEEK. DONT PUT IT OFF LONGER. YOU MIGHT MISS IT. THERE NEVER WAS SUCH A FUR SALE AS THIS YOU CAN TAKE MY WORD FOR THAT, I KNOW. S. SILVERFIELD. The Steps of Portland's Shrewd Xmas Shoppers Will Lead to This Store Today. 1 omorrow ana Tbe So S IdCa alvertie 286 Morrison, Between Fourth and Firth Streets " "V mm J I . ml 77 kv i.r-- t tit n I T M -a. ' III , Immmmmmmmmmmwmmmmm . , . i BIG PLANT PROBABLE Idaho Mine-Owners May Build Smelter in Portland. COST PUT AT. $1,000,000 Wraiih of nailn Material and Kaati of Tranportln Coke Ar- i. in V.Tor Advan- pn.n ta-e lo CHy Is Noted- .i .- ha lha sit for a bic shelter, cosltna- $1,000,000. to be built within the comli.a: year by the Banker mi - e..i'i..n Vinlnar A ConcentratlnK Company of Kelloac. Idaho. It Is onderstooo mat in a, Hu'.lltan orriciai. wno n-.-IneeatliratinK arloua propos.d ! for lha laal tiri nimi . .nKin i h. next fear days. and that Ihey wf.l beln artual con- ttrurt Ion operations awn The director of the company appro priated il.Bve.e"" lor in, ' ... ... i..r,wM! ther hare peen Intrallcallra: various ati.UMl n'are. Inrlortlne fortiana. i .cum . n., Wallace, and a number of fc"a I""1"-- ,v. i, i. r.nntiM now. nowrr. mil . k.KI- .III K. a.l.rte. a t on U V 1 V-..-". T - ... tbouab no definite conclusion bss been put forth by orriciai or in com..., K. W. PradJar. prealdent of th com- franfiim and la ex pa nr. 1 " - pe-t4 l make a derision before the end of the year. a-.if aite laaaeetedL Dfflrlala of th company lalld Port land a.Teral months azo and Inspected a number of atai.able sltts offered i v... ti. rtimbtr of Commerce officials here ought to Impress them with the advantasea or locium u. The Chamber also ha bad soma corre spondent with Mr. Bradley and other officials of the company, but has had no direct information regarding the proba ble Ilnal aecision. . , . -. ... tK.t B amelter In ft , pvinirg vwv Portland would so far toward atab- llshlna; tne permanency . it ..rtlrular causa of the lack of etmhlp service between Portland ana Aiasaa .-. the Inability to secure aouinoouna canro. . Alaska always baa an aourraance ot ore of varloua srradea that It ships to th smelter at Tacoms. The Plant at Tacoma. It la earn, cwuiu full tlm oo Iho Alaskan ores alone. with a smeller in i nnnnu. rsued Portland could handle enousrn ore fro'm Alaaka to supply the soutn bound vessels with cargo and at the same lime not Interfere with the ac tivity of the plant at lacomm. . While the Bunker inn ac cum.. n hniiil the smelter to linai, j . . ... handle their own ores. It la saM that they could readily equip it to n.... the Alaska products aa well. Fartlaad -dvaala Clle. Another point In favor of Portland. It Is saVd. la the ease with which cone and lime materials nerti-tr lneT the ore can be obtained In this vicinity. Coke can be brought In here by steamship at iuuo epn.- be produced cloao In the vicinity of Portland. Native limestone neiaa in varloua parte or Oregon wouia o m- ft. . i. . i k. I . i-nmm cn i t V . Further than this. It Is pointed out. there are an aounaance i . .iin. th. amelter in Portland. The Hunker Hill ft-Kulllvan property formerly was ownea oy r.r -. . . u 1 1 tf H vho. with his wife, left the endowment to fount! and to maintain Heed wonego, at vo v..... was the principal owner. The mine has had an Interesting ca reer and haa been the subject of much litigation. It haa been a eteady pro ducer however, and Is on of the best psyln'g properties In Idaho. Mr Bradley, wbo represents a ma jority of the stockholders. Is active In Its direction.' At present the mine ahlP racst of Ha ore to the Tacoma smelter. "IS BROADWAY TO BB SCENE ASU MOVIE MAW WILL BE THERE. Deeeaaber Raaea Will Be Antsnunltloa 'of oHIa-hwayateB' aad Fwada Ara la Ga far Vlata Ilouae. Rrniuiwav- from Tailor street down town to Oak street, or farther, perhaps, will be put Into moving plcturea Sat urday morning at 10 o'clock and with It will go the faces and forma of 10Q leading business men of Portland. For the benefit of the Vista House fund, from which the memorial to the i Kinn&.. min be erected at Crown Point on the Columbia. Highway. the 100 men win siaae a nu i- while tnev are auiiis It some of Portlands December roses. will be carted down rrom tne uemiu. and pinned to pedestrians and others who are accostea Dy tne i "gang." The Rosarlan band will be out In uniform. While this is going on a Pathe Week ly man will be grinding out pictures which will De put on io practically every city In the . Lntted States. , . The committee staging tne event win meet today at 10 o'clock at the Cham ber of Commerce to complete plans. The Tact'that the roses picked from out of !oors bushes will be used by the "holdup" men in the middle of December haa appealed to mo u. picture concern.' INDEPENDENCE MAN DIES Fll T. llcnklo Succumbs fo Paralytic " Stroke. INDEPENDENCE. Or.. Dec IS. (Special.) Ell T. Henkle. Justice of the Peace for this district, died at his residence here on Tuesday. He had Just recovered sufficiently from an operation, to be able to resume his i office work when he was stricken with paralysis and died witnin a lew noun. He was found in an unconscious con dition In his wood shed In the morn ing after being out for quite a while. Mr. Henkle was S3 years old and a member of the Katsern .star, Oddfel member of the Eatsern Star, Oddfel lows. Masons and Knights of Pythias. Knights had charge of the funeral from the Presbyterian Church today. He leaves a widow and one daughter. OFFICIALS' SALARIES CUT t - Seaside Economy Council Wields Ax to Carry Out Tlcdge. KPisinE. Or.. Dec. 16. (Special.) At the first regular Council meeting, 1..11 .hi. ,h. i-ltv fathers. In or der to carry out the economy policy of Mayor Paget, reduced the salaries oi number of city employes. The City Hall janitor was discharged, tne auui-..iar.- rut fin a month, and that of the City Attorney 115 a month. C M. trodfrey whs eieciea prfii"i- of the Council and R. H. Peeler was ap pointed chief of police. Auditor Berry gave notice that In view of the cut in his salary he would decline hereafter to do the City Treas urer's work. I Colleges Confer at McMinnvillc. M'MIXNVILX.E. 0, Dec. 16. (Spe cial. The faculty of McMinnville Col lege will give a banquet to faculty rep resentatives from all tbe denomina tional schools of the valley tomorrow night. It will be the opening feature of the faculty conference of colleges, including Ueed College. Pacific Un -versity. Pacific College. Albany Col lege Willamette University. Philomath College and McMinnvlle Colege. Drain Barbershop lilt by Fire. DRAIN. Or.. Dec. 16. (Special.) Fire yesterday partially destroyed the building and fixtures of Guy Hamlet's barbershop in this city. The loss is partially covered by insurance. Quick h fire company saved ad- jolning buildings. , REMOVAL SALE Take Advantage of This Jewelry Opportunity $1.25 Alarm Clocks 50c $5.00 Cut Glass Bowls $2.73 $15.00 Diamond Rings $9.25 $150 Sterling Silver Tea Set $87 $20 Cut Glass Electroliers $11.63 $5 Solid Gold Cuff Links $2.13 - This is a few of the hundreds of Bargains to be found here. Come in and look lis over. STAPLES, The Jeweler "The Big Little Jewelry Store" . , . 162 FIRST ST. JUST SOUTH OF COR.VER OF MORRISON. C0 108.2