COMPANY REFUSES TO REDUCE BATES President Gilmar. Says No Change in Attitude Can Be Made by Railroad. CHAMBER PLEA IS DENIED Irttrr to Mr. Hardy Hay Ceadlfloa I Xoi Jaetlfy Oat mnd IU la !Icmm I at Ar Ofi FtmlUom I Rrllrraleti. T !Doka. rorlUa ttl Ttaiiwav will not yi!.j from ls p ttla raa.ntaiBa.1 baforw th lnlr- Cnmf-- i'mmnlo asalnat in rdi tarealaaJ rat t Aatorte. will It eatertaia favwraDly pro i ( pit lata Zect lower rale le 1'ortiaBd. Tm ! 4aUB4 daiaratloa war anad triT by L C r.lal of IK raiimad Is Quaellc. i a lttr to Gr K. Hardy. - tiv secretary f th Chamber er Cora- mafra. Mr. Oilman's latter was braucht forth t IS rolatlea ramllr el4 ti Chamber rlMtln( In hpokaw. t ort and ak 5tti la graat terminal rate to Astoria tol to plt th rat to rortUn ea a bai proportion! la th 4Jfr la dtatajac aolwoaa Astoria ant Portias. Ta riooooolo ara CwaysUered. Mr. Gilmaa' letter la fall follow: Tkr Im at4 I a rasirw- t'aa at-ttd lia fort: Cema of Inuuna e 13 - ".aaljia an ion rtw'a .l at laa ril M !. a .:lr CM. Imm4iu to a la i14e4 tnea two trtanalCMM "t Tsal IS oaa, -oVO4 fooKTo SUIlwar CUH" r to Aaterl f-.-m hrm iwiU l Waaaieet. Orar a a I laa. oa a ity vita fa i. It. a. -i nt sal eamaaay pat ra of. War ratae to fwet.aa ee ta ta Jvtceaeal of mr sadr that itr la eti'.:d la. Tk a, .. traeaatea) IB n-at r'l afla a tea aaforo tn lafarotalo Cm imsMim la a sraraaena to im l IMua. rn.aa a aaattta war C lar, aad attar carrvere (a;rated. a fa r-r-lu ta laai aroaaaia IW cams I -ad ra aaawar U tairdacd vi!rak 1M ill a la X mwn.a. ta l&a aaaarar f.4 aa4 aal4aaco talro- ua ! u lfiT atia4 aa4 r.a.L Taa auatUaa - lakaa kaa a ict hMMa fiui4 ai4 ta tka oaattiaa at a nHI KMa laaJaaaca aa la 4 ttaa luoaiaal na aaw aoJar aaoaiitaraiioa lr a aa-.-i-aU.ctal air. U aa aaaota4 ta a xO'.m. 11 mia. a aaaa n 1 af anii 4 Kaa aa. ratartauaiaa- lata l aji.i aj aa rartaar iui la acata ta aoair . 6T " aatara t tna'ajxa kaa aa4 aoaa fa a 4a 4 Iroaa a (bakl : f a4. Taa aaroa4 BTOOoafftoa aBltt4 faaar aaaaltaawy laaaraaa aamar atkar riaa "a . Prt:a4 a aaalt a (f Cotton, aa I rtaa aliwr ISaa Prta4 ra.a. I krL tuaraf.w. kafca aaaoaruc taaaa waiaa ta a iia o-lik la l ' aa a( ! tailoay (aaaaaaiaa ia(art4. Caaa Nat la Wa lala.a. ta tfta daaaal af Iko raraaaataltra af n .-maaar aa4 lo r.raanllo ' wmr aooaaalaa kaalnc a tika lalaa Hralm araoaaltiaa 3. lakaa la (aoaaelina a t? prnpoal'loa . a ! aa h .- af taa frr.;aB4 "-kama-r a lawri f ,r aMa Ikat aaa-4 raaolt ta a aaaoral aea a.iu4etlaaw llliatH aar V aaft atata-t lal at 161 t!Ta la (aaaaal aaaaaaaw 4 aaao aa la -at la taat, lataraal a in rJ.-a aaaasan.aa aa4 af IM aamaaaaltlaa Ika ar oaaial aa aa aaaa4 J rata r4a llaa In tvst. aiaar ai,aiirao ara aaaaolia ta rata laraaa i aa la aS a l.'4 r rar ia ( laata a;a la a atiia la ar.r r-rf.irm ta lo rafca;i- tata taatr aajrvaaaiaa ajar. aa4 aiaao a faaaaaaaaa ratara aaaa lataal. lUaaaata Aro PaaKa. t faat aartaa tkat "' rkaja&a la ta ' aiaar wlta t" a aaral Uaa4 f lil. aaaaaia . T a It rraaaasa a .t la at,. -a nllatf loataaaal kaa ar aa-4 ratir maar. aa4 I tltal gag illw aaaailr: ia af raajaaata aaaj l.taaCCaol lAal aoa4 tai.aai la aaa tk .ra aaua !-4. taa C&amkar U1 a r.t ta ).t:4r taa la r !. t faaaoaa atal4. I . a.ra. aa f a Ik amr I rapr. at -arai. ta (raa I taa rajat maOa. at ta. UD0HSHIHIN6 TRIAL OH HirkoiiK riur r.cT rui: rttlHGt3 TOOIT. Pair t aplar4 la Hai4 of tint la llaa ar HarlaafWM Lavat kaaaairr ta III Aaaarr Awa-allaaa. Taa l"l of Mrtla C rraora and Jam l..lnn. oa a chare of euk lac -xnooaahiaa- hlikt, will bm la Ik t"oit4 Jttta I'tatrict Coort bfor Ju t Wolrtoa al I o clock to4T- Tft two war arraatod la( Kummar ttr t a llo.linc of a 4artd tiil" la a t'joalr pot u Ik Vackratia Rir aral ml-a ( fprtocfl. J. A flra o4r In at-ll w ml bornlc wfiaa l'alt4 tat ntral rna oftluar appr4 oa Iba ace. fua iicloa poiat4 l H room and William an l tky wra arrtad. ror aaral moo tha procodlaaT lhlr arrvat. mooaakla hnuor was a r to aktaia at fprtaaftald. laara bottlca f sond old moontfcie wlil ta oa! aa avldnc la th trial Robrl R Kaak o aaiataot L'nltad Stataa Altor aor. will rprast Ik UotirtBmt ATI tk lmata of aa old-faahtoaod ri.i.irama. wita tha lataraal rna trii-r a haroaa. aad tha allcd mnkinar aa t:lo. aro ta bo found la ta acldaaca that wt:i bo introducad la IB trial. SPEAKI-VG COURSE IS PLAN raltrrwlly er4e rjtcn.-tot WorVrrJ a-faaa. Th esfenslon division of lb fnlver. Bily of Ct"o la n.llng llobart W. !Te.oti. atnc profeor of public paakinsr. lo Ih public library today lo mi ' who at lntttd la tb taaiiatioa of an attention claa la pub lic speaking. Tbl preliminary mt lat ta anewr to nam-roa rul ttt Un a Met ta tb votrltv Tb purpose will b lo glv practical t-iatrurt :oa la Ih organisation of de bat malarial and la It effective eraj peaavetation. Th ltructlo will be tree. Ta meeting wilt b at dock. Xnoei JPrajer Oadera XaanrdL Tb ldrt. tor today mooa prayer fajaatiaa-e will ba aa follows: Al th Vea's roet. Fourth aad Burastd treats. tX R, Pot's; Toung Van s Cbrla I aa Asoc!t!oa. C. Evert IUkr; Toang Women's Christian Association. Vt.s ;rr Alien, staging eriatalut: ! I'Ofi Array ladaatnal b4 II In lea aau. ttt-iff Captain An-iraw. Tie pryr mtln- will coallaa throagftout fanmter aad wilt b held evwry Tdy aad Friday froea 13. J 19 1 'clock. Moving Picture NevV, 0 -CyS w4v ' ""' - jT"' r- ; -r ..... . v v :v ' II ' . : ' - 0s . mw TooiTi nui riUTtnts. paoplaa "Tha Vnknoan." rick ford Tba Heart of tha Eluo l:ida. Colombia ToubU TrooMo. "A Jillora Wlfo' Temptation." Majrtllo "Tba LnfaJthful H-lfa." Natlonal "Tha .folic of tha Waco ttla'a." auaaat "TMTortoaa." "Valuta and eiBDars. Colambla. tEUGI'TrUI bit of eomady-drama ta Douftaa ralrbanka "Doobl Troobla." at Ih Colombia TbraUr. thla hlthly aatartalala Trlanjla-rin Art prodactloa opoatar ytardar at lha lxtk-trt hooaa. A drIatloa from tha tnal haatrr Plot, without aacrlf l"lnt atraertb. aad lb lojctioa of biably- rt.itia blta of romadr br a roaaiar of b art of acra otartainmant, mtkii k offarlnr doeldodlr attraetlT. "A nltor'a If TBiplatlon. la a ra lir marrT-Bo-found of trnitd c- lion, witb artist roodrla. pistol mien InJiTtdaatly and a bum. watar ficbta 1 a rabaiat riot. Vlauaiisa a orira vounr Ihlnr. nkar aod prosldant of Ih Kabbath ..-boot Colon, and too haa Nr. r'air- baaka aa riortaa Amidoa. En hi IK pro too xclttna; aad a vacation la ardarvd. Tap hint oa lha baad a awaita a traia at a looly Junction, nd tkan awahaa him aflar fiva ar f activity ntiraiy fori(a lo Amidoa a turw. Ilo la now a Bostnoaa ana poiitlral powar. a yonnc flow or ta portlrst typo. 0ed IO OD Bin anu drnlrtBa Br- Tba tawUdcrad Amidoa SMI to B mdiam. U plfd la a traar and r umaa kit poalflon a Cutint llrars flald. Th transition from on rhar aetr to th otbr afford c-plionJ opportunity for fin comedy and Talr banfca skouldara tk burdaa aa tbouah II w.r a Joy. Naturally lb arood la AmUoa modifl Ih wlrkodnoaa la lirasafi-ld. wlthoat sctltlcio th Ut lar'a atraatlk Pick ford. CUIRA KIMBALL. TOOfO. blov4 of Ih movlo ralUloDa. la ptcturad a Vlrslnla meuatala lasa of th "moon. hln" vrliy In Th lrt of th blu IUJ.. a World rilm ftur which cpasd at Ih Plckford Thtr ysirday. Actlnj and tcrnlo ffocta. iBcludlB- that pal boar, fulfill advanc aoticaa. wblch la huh praia tor any production. Chastar Karoolt aad Rob art Cummlnaa ably aaaiat Mlsa Touna: la bar Interpretation, ot tha romanc of lito mooBsblaera. Tbo atory Introducea riullna. a coun try a:trl of th mooosbin district, own er of a pet bear, aad sweetheart of Zk tnrntt. a youn farmer, and lov4 by la llodsea, owner of aa Illicit stiX for wblcb tha revanu men are -a-UDDlOa"- I'lutlna repulsaa th moon shiner and In revanao be kill tb bear. Zak five Infortnatioa of lb atUU but ln and hta gana; eacapa to tha moun tains, Zek vowa Tnaaca for th death of th bear, trails Dan Into th mountains, and Worst him la a flhu but th latter acapa. Tb Blill la de. atroyed. Tb plot tblckeoa. with Ih abdurtioa of I'lutlna and a doc bunt for Psa and Iba rlrU Th men flcht oa tha adc of a cliff. Tan fella to hi death, and riullna la rescued. Divorce) fur Clara Kimball Yoanj? ( Ctara Kimball Tounc. on of the mott I . . . - t MVK.ntatl M of)- pf bf) respected) .. ...i rv.rf lot brr Otolt'ttOO. BaS btOUt nd. Jam I etrton irvn wawr """ Tour, tha well-known movtng-ptcture director, on th grounds of cruelty. Suit arouaht In Nw York. Th complaint allege that th raovl director has ba galley of treatlnsr bis beautiful wit In a "crul and Inhuman manner." thai h baa threatened to do bar bodily harm oa evral occasion, that b baa been Insanely Jealous of her. anaktac constant unjut accusa tion of loldlltr. and Ibal twtc b ha used physical vloieoc towards ber. Tb two bv been married for flv Tar. tb wvddlag being th culrolna Uoa ot a Vltagrapa trip around tb world. H was generally thought that tb marriaa would prov a bappy one. bat Air. Young avers thai II f baa bB on ot misery alnca tha marriage. Toting waa formerly married, bis wlf bing lb wll-boowa playwright. Mr. Rida Johnson Toung. but tbey vxer divorced about l yra ago. I tb busln of vlswlng a raotloa picture film tor th Portland board of ranaorsblp a rational and aan under taking oa bahalf of Ih moral of th City af Portland or a slommln party a del.gblfai horror wia ih fair younc triawara (many yoanc woman act In lhat capacity) essay Inc detc llv rolr In an effort to catch ' tha niorl men In their wlckdnsa? "I aaw soma tcrrlbi thlnaa In a movie tb other day." rattled on maid en to an OreEonlen representative sev eral day a a so. Her eyea popped wide open and sparkled with the dare-deviltry ot It all. -So auca-eatlve." aha Tolunteerrd. "You ouhl to ae them." ah advised; or may b ab really wasn't advlalnc- "I II take you down with .m some day." was the macnanlmoua offer, with corloua disappointment yteetlnc the listener when be failed to evinc th proper enthusiasm for the Tentura. "Ton know tb public must ba Just awfully depraved." explained Miss Viewer. "Jurly th people want th aua-geallve atuff wo see every day or rh producers would not make aucn scenva. "It keepa aa mlchty busy watchlnc those klsalnc scenes, for Mrs. Colwell la particular about their length. Throe feet la th limit for a klsa. Of course. It a bard to 111 when, It a lonser than that, but w can't b too carafuL -Vrm. Colwail also haa a prfet hor ror of anakes, as you may have beard, o they mlcbt Just a well keep xhoae snake picture oat of Portland." ei G'seel. "Itatf million dollar wardrobe watched by special aruatxls" 1 the way a headline read ia a yarn aaenl Kdna May and ber treaenre-trov t Ih Vlta arapb Company's Brooklyn studio. Mil lions In diamond, hundreda of thou sands to charity, and then a half mil lion wardrobe. lvo a decidedly finan cial air lo Ih situation. a a a The Ba kind of morlnf-plclure fan la th chap who la Interested keenly In th machine that, projects tha pic ture on th screen. Th projection ot "fJIrkernr" picture on th rsnraa la no mean art. a a a Conatanee Talroadt. ho Joined the Trlaasl with her ietr. Norman, about two month aso, will ba seen In "Th kflsalnc LJnka" aom t!m In January. a a a Ua Murray, newest Lasky laadlnc lady, waa much besoucht by Aim pro ducer followlnc her appearance) In a arraon borlesxjue la th Zlecfeld Kol lieSL All ah did waa to arolie. bow. turn and retire, but her nhotocrapblc rtuallliaa war ao perfect that nlrn ot ter commenced to pour In. a a a Henry B. TValthalL Essanay laadlnc man. recently want on a duck bunting expedition In the Rata along the Illi nois Illver near Beardstown. III. throw. Inc off the Bloom he acquired la play inc th melancholy po in Flasanay'a als-act feature. "Tha Jlaven." e e a Roecoe Arbuckl la aa happy aa ba ta fat. The famous Keystone funmaker haa a wife, an auto, eome Los Angeles property, a bull pup and a year'a con tract to make Triangle playa. He la going to do some directing In tha East, with Mable Normand and himself aa co-star. see II Mary rickford were called upon to answer all her letter ah would have to be a doctor, nurae. civil en gineer, lawyer, architect, chauffeur. French chef and 19 or 12 other things all rolled la one. a a a Before leaving for the Gaumont Win ter quarters at Jacksonville. Kla wbere he la bow at work on a multiple reel feature. Malcolm William slipped over to Philadelphia and waa quietly mar ried to alls Florence Heed. e a a T V a, i cha. w nna.wilKa mmm Tio. ou vim usnu wiav T.ot. 'VV. "VVatvVeAV. wvo. -wW OaTie- i,v Hamper, la starring la Winam)tec,a aim. nut, w certaAnV bc.t.v . .1 4. ...... iiir - .. in tha Question of whether Sbak. tpcar on th film would b acceptable lo exhibitors and their patrons. A M-tloa-wld poll resulted In 102 replies. with 11 against and only II for the -Bard of Avon." and of Ih long list of Shakespearean plays submitted only two, "Oihollo" and "Macbeth.- were fa vor d. e e Urael Barrytnor ba signed a long time contract to appear exclusively in Metro feature productions, according to aa announcement mad at tb Metro offices thla vfaeb, Mr. Barrymora re cently finished playing tha atelier role In "A Yellow btrsak." a Columbia Matro feature. Prtnra Surra, th acton ot a family of high rank la th nobility of India, waa recently engaged by Thomas II. Inc to aid la th production of a num. ber of photoplay based on life in the Orient. Among these feature th most notable waa "Tb Beckoning Flame," Ih Trlancle-Kay-Be feature In which Henry Woodruff, star In many Broad way success, and Tsura AokL tb charming Japanese actress, ar Co-starred. Rock-Breaking and Park Im provements Planned. MATTER IS UP TO COUNCIL No Man 'c-d Be Without Food or Sheltarr, Under Arrangement Pro posed by Mr. Baker, bat All Mast Kara Their Way. Establishment of a rock-breaking plant at Kelly Butte, where nnem ployed alngla men will break rock for their board; atartng of park Improve ment wher men of family will b pro vided with part time work and Inaugu ration of a campaign to get odd Jobs of all kinds for married men. la th plan of City Commissioner Baker for coping with the unemployment prob lem durlnc the Winter. The plan will be outlined to the City Commission thla morning and the necessary appropria tions will b asked for. Mr. Baker haa been working on the plana for about three monlha and aays now bo ha everything ready to start. Th county baa turned over Kelly Butte to the city, a municipal lodging-house haa been established at Fourteenth and Johnson streets and park work for married men haa been planned In con siderable detail. Rock-breaking will ba open to all men willing to work. Labor In the parka will b confined to married men who register at the public employment bureau office, at Fourteenth and John son streets. Every registration will be Investigated to tee that tha applicant la really a married man. la In need of work and baa a family to support. Pal loo ta Care for Shlrjiera. At Kelly Butte rock will be made suitable for macadamizing the drives In Mount Tabor Park. Each man will be required to break a certain amount -of rock for hta transportation to and from Kelly Butte, for three meala and for a bd at th municipal lodging-house. Police will aid In coping with what ever part of th floating population of unemployed la unwilling to accept the work for the meala and longing. Ar rangements probably will be made for street car a to carry the men over the Mount Scott line to aa near Kelly Butte aa possible. Transportation will do furnished those who work at the plant. They will receive ticketa for th rides for three meals, either at the eating- houses of Ben Selling In South Port land, or at the Margullla eating-place on Burnside atreet, and for accommo dations at the lodging-house. Kverr man will be required to work before being admitted to tne loagmg house. Aa to th work for married men. It la planned to do various kinds of park work. Lake ExcavatJea riaaaed. Among other thlnga planned la ex cavating for a lake In Laurelhurat Park. Tha men will be required to move a certain apecllied amount oi dirt for a certain amount of money. Th park work will ba handled on a cash basis, the men being paid for what they do. They will. ho waver, De lim ited In the amount of work they per form In a day. Commissioner Baker aays he believes th city will lose but little. If anything, bv th transaction. Th rock ran be produced. It Is said, about aa cheaply In thla way aa by machinery. The park work will ba la the form of permanent Improvement, which otherwise would have to be done by contract. A careful Investigation Is to be made of all unemployed registering at the employment office. Only married men deairlna park work need to register. The Chamber of Commerce ana other organisations are going to assist in a campaign to open up odd Joba of work lor unempioyea men ui iiniijr. SOU FOR FORTUNE LOST SOTw trFT BT ICHIBWOMIX NOT TO CO TO FHIEVD. Jry Rrlsrsi Terdiet Agalaat J Ira. Italda haver ta Salt tor Mr. Kaasataa'a Saving. Th final effort of Sirs. Hutda Fhaver to secure possession of th 15079.41 left by Mrs. Lena K ass roan, th sup posedly destitute scrubwoman who died in th county hospital In January. 11. failed yesterday when a Jury, sitting before Circuit Judge Puffy, returned an unfavorable verdict. Mrs. Kassman roomed at Mrs. Eha ver'a house. In December. 1912, she waa taken to the county hospital, wbere ahe died a month later. After her death. Mrs. Shaver produced an envelope which she said Mra. Kassman had given to her before ahe waa taken to the hoapllal. The envelope proved to contain 15070. J In certificates of deposit. Mrs. Shaver then said tha money had been given her with the understanding that Mra. Kassman waa to receive It back If she recovered, but If ah died half was to go to charity and haif to be kept by Mra. Shaver. Valdemar Lldell. Swedish VIce-ConauL was appointed administrator of the Kaaaman estat. Mrs. Shaver turned over to the County Court the certifi cates of deposit. Then she demanded th money back and brought suit. Her first suit waa thrown out ot court, the Judge declaring It was Improperly pre sented. Tha second attempt of Mra. Sharer ended yesterday with a verdict against her. DOG BITES; MASTER FLEES Peddler 'a Animal Spoils Sale by At tacking Customer. i Somewhrro'ln Portland there Is a dog lha hnnil Ihmt nrorlde for blM matter. Thla canine specimen ride around on I a vegetable wagon, -l he dog re vealed his disposition by biting Mrs. J. Scbretner. 4:1 Beech street, while she was dickering with his master for vegetables early Monday night. Mrs. Schrelner reported to the police that the canine prevented a sale by his ac tion, aa the owner whipped up his horse and disappeared when ah screamed. Mr. Bcbratner received a aavere lacera tion on ber arm. REED CONCERT IS TONIGHT BBwaaaBSaaawB Chorus Will Tresont Christmas Music in First Offering-. Th Reed College chorus will give its first concert of the year tonight in the college chapel at t o'clock. The pro gramma will consist of Christmas muslo of all kind from oratorio se lection to ancient carols. Helmutb Krause will conduct the concert. Th rhoru will appear In academic gown and tb chapel will ba appro priately decorated. PEOPLES THEATER II . The Internationally Famous Romantic Star LOU TELLEGEN T ae A thrilling; story of love and adventure in the foreign legion in Algeria. How this young ne'er-do-well rescues a pretty American girl during a brawl in an Algerian dance halL How his father, the "Devil Destinn," falls in love with her and how he perse cutes his own son, who is unknown to him, is the central point of this gripping, absorbing drama. There are scores of scenes that will hold you in the grip of a vise. From begin ning to end there isn't a dull moment. YOU MUST BE SURE TO SEE IT COMING SUNDAY FOR FOUR DAYS The Renowned Emotional Actress, Fanny Ward, in Lasky's Greatest . . Dramatic Offering "THE CHEAT" Remember The Peoples Is iVoiw Changing Twice Weekly, on Sunday and Thursday Tell Your Friends. it rr HALL PLANS PASSED Tenders on Auditorium Work Ordered by Council. ALTERNATE BIDS PROPOSED WUltchousc & FonlUioux to Begin at One Revising Drafts So as to Omit Anything Possible Without Lessening Vtility. Bids are to be called for at once for Portland's proposed 1600,003 Audi torium. The City Council yesterday checked over the plans as furnished by th architects' Freedlander & Sey mour, of New York, and authorised Commissioner Baker to go ahead with the proceedings. Contractors wiU be asked to submit oife bid for the gen eral contract exclusive of heating, ventilating, plumbing, vacuum cleaning and wiring, and alternate bids in ac cordance with revised plans with omis sions ot some things which might be left out of the finished structure. The Brayton Engineering Company will prepare a careful estimate of the probable cost of the structure for the I guidance of the Council. The company agreed yesterday to do this work free of charge. The Council wishes to Know for certain that the building as planned can be erected with the money which will be available. If It cannot the Council plans to make alterations in the plana to lessen the cost. Whttehonse tc Foullhoux, local rep resentatives of Freedlander & Sey mour, will commence at once the re vision of the specifications for the structure, leaving out whatever things they say can be left out without damage to the appearance or stability of the building. As soon as the re visions are made they will be turned over to bidders. In the meantime copies of the blueprints will be fur nlsbed. In the bids to be submitted the con tractors will be asked to make the following alternate bids, which, will be specified more specifically later: Omitting waterproofing of tha basement floor and walla and toilet-room floors. Using flat slab construction under audi torium instead of beam and slrder, and ualos concrete floreyle In roof to save eost of structural beams and tie rods. Substituting bollow tils instead of brick bsrklns. and omitting tile furring. Substituting terra cotta where granite is specified. Aliowlns plaster-block partitions Instead of hollow til, and ualnj three-Inch ln strsd of four-Inch wherever possible. Omitting ornamentation In celling of main auditorium. Chanting water tube bolftr to fire tube boiler. Installln one oil tank Instead of two, and buryinc same In ground Instead of building concrete vault. Omitting tripods, ornamentsl Iron grills and metal wainscoting In basement. Changing certain iron stairs to reinforced concrete. Omitting some of the fixture in the com fort station. I ' Council to Determine Action to Be Taken Over St. Johns System. Whether the city will go ahead and Install a water aytem la St. Johns, duplicating the present privately- owned system, or will purchase the present system, will be determined by tha City Council at a special meeting todav at S o'cloclc The St. Johns Water Lighting Company has protested against the du plicate system, saying the plan would wreck the value of its plant, which was built In good faith under what the com pany claims Is an exclusive franchise. If the city decides -to Dulll a dupli cate plant it is expected a lawsuit will follow. Chelan to Hold Coyote Drive. WEXATCHEE. Wash., Dec 1. (Spe cial.) Arrangements for the big coyote hunt ' on Wheeler Hill and Stemllt Creek have almost been completed. The Chelan County Game Association has promised to bar a big dinner awaiting the hunters after a designated number of coyotes ax killed. West Park and Alder Sts. Today and Tomorrow Supported by the Pretty Lasky Girl DOROTHY DAVENPORT In the Lasky-Paramount Production of Unknown 'Every Show Is a Good Show at DOUBLE TROUBLE Douglas Fairbanks in a The Janitor's Wife's Temptations Roaring Keystone Comedy Today and Tomorrow COLUM The Theater of STREET WORK IS ISSUE MEBTIXG OVER WOODSTOCK AVE ME IMPROVEMENT IS WARM. Injunction Agalaat Forming District to Pay for Proposed Hard-Surfacing Threatened. Woodstock nroperty owners held a stormy meeting1 in the Episcopal Church Wednesday night over the proposition of improving Woodstock avenue, a wide street, from Reed Col lege grounds to Mllwaukie road by forming a district to pay for the im provement. An Injunction was threat ened. Captain George Pope said that the cost of paving Woodstock avenue was more than the abutting property could stand, and hence it was desired that a district should be formed that would make the burden light. He pointed out the treat need of the Improvement. City Engineer Dater said that the plan was to pave an 18-foot roadway In the center of the avenue ana mi up the spaces on each side to the curb with macadam, which, be said, would greatly reduce the cost of the Improve ment. Several large property owners out side said they wanted to be included In the district and desired to help pay for theimprovement. Those favoring the improvement pointed out that Woodstock avenue was the main high way in the Woodstock district and Its improvement waa necessary to the de velopment of the district. MANSLAUGHTER TRIAL ON Dr. A. A. Ausplund Faces Charge of Performing Criminal Operation. )Dr. K. A. XuspAund. . rtaced. m trial before Circuit Judge KavanaughJ tor manslaughter yesterday as a result of the death on the operating table of Anna Anderson, a young woman upon whom a criminal operation had been performed. A Jury had been selected and one witness briefly examined when court adjourned shortly after 5 o'clock last night. The witness was George S. Ed mundson. a civil engineer. The Juror selected are: E. G. An derson. Adolph Lenz, Louis Kruettner. J. Stott, A. Fetsch, Fred Ristman, C. W. Wells. O. J. Lee, Edward Hoke. William J. Burlison, A. H. Beeson andj A. Anderson. ' $15,000 SETTLEMENT MADE Agreement Made With Two Hurt In Car-Truck-Motorcycle Accident. Bert Clark and his 18-year-old sister will receive $15,000 for their injuries resulting from the three-cornered ac cident on East Burnside street last May. it is said, as a result of a set tlement recently made. Clark lost one the Peoples jS Delicious Comedy-Drama No Disappointments foot and his sister was severely hurt. The young man was awarded $20,1)00 by a jury recently. His sister's "(10,000 suit has not yet been tried, but is said to have been included in the settle ment. The Seagrave Company and the Gor ham Fire Apparatus Company were de fendants. Clark and bis sister wera riding a motorcycle. A. fire truck pur chased by the city, but not accepted, was being' tried out The truck crashed Into a streetcar and was thrown to one Eide, striking- Clark's motorcycle. The two drivers of the fire truck were convicted of driving while intoxicated and were sentenced to 35 days in jail by Municipal Judge Stevenson. Captain It. Pitman Dies at Pasco. PASCO. Wash.. Dec. 18. (Special.) ' Captain R. Pitman, 68 years of age. for the past several years manager of the Wallula ferry, who was brought to the Hotel Pasco last Friday suffering from pleurisy, died here yesterday. His daughter. Mrs. Bleecker, of Alaska, waa at his bedside. The body will be sent to Wallula for Interment. ICiARAHimiimM (OFTHE BLUE WdO, Clara Kimball Young in the Thrilling Drama, THE HEART OF THE BLUE RIDGE Today and Tomorrow SaaawSw ITU . J WASH. AT PARK ST. A A