TIIE SfORXTNG OREGOXIAN, FT? ID AT, DECE3IBEB 17, 1915. GREECE BELIEVED SAFE FOR PRESENT Bulgarian Proposal to Estab tm lih Neutral Zone Is Con- . sidcrcd by Premier. ALLIES WILL HANG ON Faloaiki to Ive Occupied Cati! I 'sac I IXrUral. SJ Officer. Handrrd e( Urfn-n Art? la Xrri-B. Misery. tVNr"y. rr. 11 U I JUr4 la Crtk official circle bar l&t tor th time ea.o- o a Grva lacarloa nt O'nI territory from rsi l eon- ii.r.J protebi. and It la ba4!a le b r.rta.n IUI ic a measar would at b ika salt; it we dta4 to A Renter dr.oatrtk from AIR. T thtl I iraitr .-aoMloiirf.a sad ieastsr oa.'afor wlt! tb U'wli Wr ! lt. aad IB atf ( aeaaral a tat f "lar ma ..nation la la-loaia. t-ie principal ia;- d l s-lns: t"a liaicar aa prapaaal ! eataa ti.nrtt.at f a aeurai s.l.adiB; from X jnaatir la Uiavli. an4 ' boa al Kalt by taa llul-rteaa. slaeea la.it BlrT"t. J fro -9 II rp-rt'l let rac-ratta from avti-4 tfutrlct l SWr!a Wen lnf. ta th Bilfra irar. Tha. wti soldier caaa from snaaj Bitnrt itn?tl an4 mee J Tr f ajre. It dcar4 la aaa trvn ara et?vti la produce a (area af H'MO. SortA. vi.ti.!.. r. I A tral m it.dts; Iwa hilora.tar aa act alila f l!ta frontier a a araa4 aa sw .a Graav Bad Bit fftr'.tt, at:cr4;a la aa a'lctai aa a ia.'mat mad bar today. Tea "T i ' - a I annetsa--SBet save: (arlaa artrl-a. r tb captor ef Voaaxttr end l;Bm. Itin P proachad l Uraaa frontier, th Ful- arlaa (oi-rinKl. ta avoid arr poaalblllty cf acridaai two a4 V rvi peats t Oraaft frontier (uria. repoed l lb Gritk lottfa en. at Ital a aauiral so ka form.! by taa ret.-.al ef troop aa e side two kt 'X-Mtora tram th Iroat.er. Uraac i4 accoytlo-. StLCNtKL Craae. Teeedav. Pat 1. -'Toa mar Uka tfiis a f.oal. To a!:ia will aot aait fUmikl anttl ITaro. p aa-a U.bnitbl iMal. tafci aa r:cr of tha a::t- la taa Aociat4 rr orrp.jaJot today. faaala-aaaa Laala paal. Oa'a-olaa ara eroad-4 wtlk fnrinr. prllco'.rI Urman aa4 Autrtn. Tk InhaMtanta of ala- !l ara Ua-ln tha citr la far af ! Ta KritUCa Comal I alliB ll.La Britiia aakjarla. apaclai:r wma. ta taka th.if dasartara. llonarvJ ct farkUa ftuf as4 Or'a. Il'.n4" b w a luoikl as4 tka froatiar. mm ta eoatrarr. ara ar rl-la koorlr. Tb froataal mljari tat ameac Sm. A rafuct cams la low wall (M.aba'l at Vo'.o wh.ra taa a:a-l aaaal baaa will ba lorata4. loa ef aTrala on domaatle markata with a 4araalofi raauUlaa. TSa mtTto u flrat placad la affarl oo lha LacMaviaaa itallraaa aaral aca. Kmbarcor tor I tw diti' wtn boa baa put Into at (act at alftaraot tusaa. but tba araaant arrtkarco at (; to avrrr Waalara rail real and ita Wcat-rn coaoacttog Hara' CltAlX 1ILUXG HSTS POIITS Rate C Soacht That t'.sporta Mar Co by New Orlcana. Wheat, la IraiotoaJ lola. or ta -lee out of i'ortlaad aa4 Taroma to tka AlUalle aaabeard for eaport. Tka orlnrlsal rorta of tka Eaat are reacaatait wllk Ira.Tie aa4 lia piaceo aa mb.rco asaUat tla falpmraU from tka v(. Tka raltroeda of Ika Nor".awal ara a.o(iailn( with lark atker by tela craaB aej pel, wllkla a t'-r dara. to aalabiiab a e-cBt tat to Naw Or laaaa la aa Srt to MM tk Id; wkaal of Ik la territory tkroujh lkl port. Tba recent daaelormenla Bra do rflrartly . lo tka Inability to Mala rfcartar for ala marlm berwaao Nortbaaaiara aorta and Europe. Tb war baa for4 tka price of char tr tp ao htsb tkat local portara caBBOt touch Ikam as4 baa ma4 II naat lo ImBoaaikl ta get charter vB at Dim Pf urL Aati' ipatinr thte aituatlaa Ihe Tall- UNION WAR. IS ON c Market Men's Association De clares Open Shop. WALKOUT CAUSES ACTION Sfcatraltrra Demand WorVIn; Pay H Cat IVora 10 1-1 to ! Hoars, Bad Klnco DUpoaltloa to fight Oat Isaac. As opea (hop u declared for by tha rortlasd Market Men Aaoclatlrn laat BlTht at a ap-ll meeting at t-.e Cbambar of Corn ma rr. That -Mini they ara going to light It out with tb union meat cutter, wbo walk'd out Monday morning re-auee emracementa to tb and of hostilities, .leapt for war contract. All debtors. It waa said, will be permitted to psy la installments of Jl per cant. - . , DEFENSE PLANS OPPOSED Church Peace Tnlon Protests Aaaliut Prepared nee. NEW YORK. Dec Tb trustees of tha Church Peac Union, repreaent Ing : different church organisations. paused resolutions at a meeting here today protesting against any lncreaa In the Army or Navy. Tb resolutions declare that military preparedness has proved Inadequate as a safeguard asalnst war aad ask all paators and minister to help to foster a deeper spirit or racial sympathy ana International good will. The meeting was held at the home of Bishop Greer, of tb i'roteathnt Episcopal Church. 28 MILES OF MAINS LAID Water Itareaa Ttrports $3 75,241 Kxpcndcd In Fiscal Tear. rortland Increased Its water system during the fiscal year of ltlt. ended lirnmbrr I. ty 1.07I miles or new BIGGEST lt-INClf GUN IX THE W0RLH, TO BE USED AT PANAMA CANAL. IS READY FOR TESTS. TV- . v a i tw. w mm .7 : in- Hi -? i I qii m Double Stamps Today and Tomorrow With An Additional 20 on the Coupon BCY A MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE AND LET YOUR FRJKNDS SELECT THEIR OWN GIFTS. ALL MARK CROSS" SEWING BASKETS AT HALF PRICE. ' YOTJ MTST SEE THEM TO APPRECIATES WHAT THIS MEANS ALL, OTHER "MARK. CROSS" LEATHER GOODS AT GREAT REDUCTION. USE THIS COUPON and pet 20 extra S. & H. T r a d lng Stamps on your Rt&niDS anco of purchase. Good on first three floors today and Saturday, Dec. 17 and 18. iv l frst fl casn pur EaUj chase and double t-v' Rt&niDS on the bal- Panoara rboto Copyright by Underwood. - CRKIT CIN AT lAJfOT HOOK. Tbia I eat of tb big moastere apoa which America will bare to rely for protection against any foreign pew tkat may sr-t Ika not.on to sals tka Panama Canal. This U-lncb disappearing gun Is th biggest gun of Its POSTMASTERS ARE NAMED Nomination for Wsahlagtoa id ho Town Annonncrtl. and CnEGONTANSEW BUREAU. Wastw tnctua. Pac It. Tb rresld.at today aomiaated tk following poatmasters: T'aaklastea GroT.r C. KoolckaBa. W::1ut. J. 1L GilU VTasktaaa: G. A. R. foeeil. Buck'.ay. K. J. Tramlll. tMhas'lala; S. A. "tanft.ld. Ikiaa.a: Aa tolaa lickar. KiUaiU. J. C. Crane. Kb JoHo: V ilma Itowa. Tanlao: llry L. Tikoala. Part Tawasa4; T. 1L klcd.arr. Catraila. Chart. '. IinaU Col (ax: l-orc rirasavlala. F.dro Wavlley; C M. Vaur.l. T. aoa. Maho Jotmtlaa Erwla, fjl!n; ."t;iia Jf. Saar. Aibloa: J. C. rord. i'Mll: amt. It!t. Cmmitt; R. L feaaaX Lewlatea. Ix o. Castatar. Par as. ! C. l Mre. Sand I'olot: Je-a-pa Baaley. Hardaer; U. P. ktxeck sr. kii'-e. II ato Bern Is a Cod Edward R. Worth rs Oartaa A. Vacts aad Edward Hal Ut. t H'aakisctoa. to (4) f;rt Ilea t.aaats la Ik medical reaere eorp. FOOD COST TO BE CURSED Orruaa Iladrt Coounilre Takes Ao . I loa for Regalalloav. TT.tSJS. t"m. It, l I-ondoa. TSe bodft committs ef tka Keickatag has alvptad vari4-a rtutloaa looking lo IM raculatioa aa4 ck.ecanlac of o4 iP.:- T!a.a re.aluttoB laclad B r4u-"tlna (a tk autlm'ia prtra f axltr aad ky-s roJo--ta. th fiatng ef naiiania pru.a torrk a and v.satakl f a. I h!si. a. wail aa foodatus for ltT.eqck. aad proaMlag for special al-lawaix-a of graia to krvlr of anl atala aad poultry. Tka ceaamit. Uo d!rtj.a.d a pro peaai la r..ljc tha war aalarl. of lb ktc&r afftc.ra la rd.r to ur funds for la-raaia taa pfivai pay. Tka iutii.ta Baally o(trr4 a raolutoa aanaadlsg a thorouca raiUloa of all SBilliary salarlaa. GRAIN ELEVATORS CHOKE "n(n -! Trtm flf! ff a. Ik a I a . aa rlaaa la tk. world and le rapakl of tfcrowln a projectll Jl miles. Tb sua prop.r w.lgbs S00 tons and was mad soma months a.o at Vat.rvliet. S. Y, trvm wher tt was shipped to water town. Masa. to have tba carriage filtad. lUT.ral Urn. along th way Its estraordinary wetsbt spread tha rails. December 10 U waa shipped to frendy llooh proeing ground ot a train of It speclaUy consrlucled car. Th gun will ultlmataly b usd In th frtT.yOcarYtbt earrlag. and tb specially constructed cars which wer used to transport It. roada. several month aso. mad a rat of l rent tor 140 pounde from th Northwa.t to 5t- Louis and Chicago. K.ary volamea of grain bav moved ond'r thl rat, tema of It for export and aom for dom.atic consumption. Tka last of Ik eld wheat ao was car ried eaatward under It. Tha rat to Ika Atlantic a. aboard la about 1 cent a-Mltional. Until tb preaant weak all the al bound movament baa origtoatad la th Interior. Aa tb rat apptla from Portland and the Puget Douod Irrmlnals as well aa from tk lelcrtor. the exporter a re abl to sand tb wheal now rollrt.d la th local warehouaas tulvtrl. but In ao dln thay will bava to abaorb the local rat for tk orfviaal movmnt from the producing ceoter to lha ter minal. Thi rat varl from l to 11 cent per 10 pound. lUrir this waeK Iv.rr. uinorej io. Portlaad eiportrrs. movrd aa aggr at of ! car to New York from tb Xrthwt terminals undr Ihoa con- dltloaa. Th shipment waa handled In tbre are-!! train, two train moving out ef Portland ovar Ik L nlon Parlnc and one train oat ef Tacoma over th Northern Pacific. PLAGE WILL BE VACANT t ccr:oi to gckm i attchi: ARR KrHOIABU. I la ;. i't turtb.r skipmaat ustti aaaa vaia clar tk lartaina:a Tkl mar b doo la a f.w day a aad It mar sat b den fur waa. It all dpaad pa tka aumkar of va.aa.s tkat caa k krougM into servlr." "Tk embargo affect rrlaclpatty r"a.ia rrtia a t port . skipped Via I'ait.d tt. port,." aaSd K. If. Raaaa. bun. of tka J. Koaeabaom Grata Com pear, fcig iprrtra. "Tkar be baaa Ikttl a port trad for L'nttad ftta grata for trt laat two er tare week, aad tka .rabarao doaa t at('t ship Mat f r dm..t!c tr4a TM ka keen th prlaelpwl buslaaa la tk As-iartran grata mirkal" If coatiau.d. th mbr( will retail ta a big cuodtlea of grata la th Chi cago. M. Loui and I aorta snarkata, with a probaki d.pra.alng effect on tha market, la tha opinion ef O. K. Marry, of Armour Urmia Company, and M. Comb, of kaf far Stream, graia d.al.ra. Market May real r.ttect. "Tha emkarso ha not host any bad fferta C" eald Mr. Mrcy. "It ea aot afr.Tt shlpmant for local consum ara. and tkl I th principal trad ot Amrt'aa graia bow. it shews princi pally tha lack of ocaaa shipping fart 11 im aaould it ebnttau long la e tract It might bav a depressing affrct ea 1.1 market.' The shipper have shown no ta ct nation aa yet to hurry the shipping grata." Mr. Comb said. "If th am bargo remains la effect for a long f ar.vd It la likely to result la Ik load. Taw JWraaterff rteda pwallUa la pre tad. It I Said, by Remaval of . rasa af Crlltrtaas. WASHINGTON. Pat it In th light ef rellaMe Information received her tody. It Is rgrdd aa doubtfut whether th occeora of Captain Boy-ad aad Captain von Papea. with draw a G.rman naval ar.d military at- tarhaa. will bo appotnte4 by Kmperor William until ta enj ef the war. Connt voa li. matorf f. tbe tiarman Ambaasador. It la understood, may aucg.at that successors wUI be node titaMa at this time, a they wuld Im mediately bacoma tb subject ef criti cism, to the detriment and Impairment, parbaa. ef the g.n.ral situation. Official of tk Utate Wpart men t re gard II a poa.ibl that more diplo matic rorriodaace may follow after tha altsjrh.e have made a report to fcmparor William. Tha eploion prevail In official cir cles that now that tn attache t.a be. a withdrawn l German Ambassa dor finds ki poaltloa improved, a Be Is repr.aentad aa fe.llog that some or tha crttlcuune drectd acainat the at taches actually were Intended for him, CIVIC LEAGUE ELECTS rill'K S. MTICR It CHOtRN FOR a-RPJIIDat.-tCY. Membarablp laereaae la Large laariag 1 ear Speaker Oat lie -rk Is dertakea by Oraaalaattan. Frank S. Vysra was choa.n president f th Oregon Civic Lcagu to euccee-d Jud John it. Fltttiuoa at th annual buasaea meeting of tk organisation keld laat aiskt la tk Central Library, la addition to the election or officer lb report ef Ike secretary -treasurer. Isaac tiwett. wae heard and addresses wer given by tbe retiring and incom ing executive. Members of tbe board of directors rhoeea ar: Mr. A. C. Newill. Lr. W. Cooccr Morgan. A. C Nawill. Ms t:mrra Wold. Mia Gertrud Talbot and lavld Robinson. Tb new board will net next Monday v.nlng for th elec tion ef a crtary-tresurr and for Otr-r preliminary bualn'sa. Tb membership of th leagu In creased from to nearly III during th Pat year. Judge bteveason outlined th work of Ihe league for the past year, showing th varying actlvllio which It bad participated In. In thl connection b touched on tb work which 11 had done for tbe relief of unemployment and the eatabliabmenl and maintenance ot the second aad Errtl-lrt bous for men. a Ihey said their demand for a 10-hour day was not granted. "Tha association Is msd up of vir tually ail ef th market men In the city." said William Constantino, prsal dsnt of th association, after tb meet ing last night. "We. all of ua without dtsaeat. hav decided to stand pat now and ao to the mat with tbe striker. "Th dtsput wa over a balf hour's tlm.- h continued. "Th meat cut ter notified their employers (Uturdsy afternoon lhat they would report for work at T A. M. Monday morning. In stead of :10 as bad been customary. Th demand was sudden and without previous Intimation. i "We asked them to delay the matter so this association's members as a body mls;ht mil toaethrr. discuss and settle Ike differences by arbitration. Thl they refused to do. t believe that had th anion men shown a disposition to meet us a recjueeted. w could have ail gotten together and avoided the trlke. They walked out Monday. "No member of th association Is any mora responsible for the strike than another. Tba situation has gone be yond the point where there will b any arbitration. All of th association member will gat along and wait on th trad. W are gelling eome help and e i pert to get more vry day. Th association Is stronger today than It aver was. "To bav granted the half an hour In Ihe morning meant tba loas of much business, for there are boats leaving; early which we have to supply with meats, also dlnlng-tar. cafeterias, ho tels and tha Ilk. Th union' strikers wer equally de termined laat Bight to fight It out with tbe employer, according to a state ment secured. TRUNK MURJJER REVEALED Man Missing Nearly Two Years Is I'oaud In Cellar. PHILArLLrillA. Dec. It Th body ef the man found burled In a trunk be neath the cellar of a building here yes terday waa identified todar as that of V. J. Mc.Mchol. president of th Keller Leather Good Company, who disap peared In March. 1)14. Edward Keller, employed aa a foreman at th leather work, and who waa later Intereated In a laundry In th building where the body waa fouod. ba been arrested. McNlchol left his wife and year-old child en March 10. Ill, saying he had an Important ensssement, and no trace of him wa found until today, when bis wife Identified Ihe scapula, shoes and lime-eaten clothing which were found with the body. NAVY BUREAU NEEDS MEN Short ape In iK-slgnlng Department May Delay Ship Dalldlng. WAfHINOTOV. Dee. 11. Unless Congress provides for or 70 addi tional employee for the bureau of Con struction and repair of th Navy De partment, th designing of th ships included in th Administration's five year building programme will b de layed sis months or longer and Con struction of Ihe ships themselves held up for that time. An estimate of 1100.000 haa been submitted by th bureau to cover tb pay of additional draughtsmen. PORTLAND I. W. W.S GUILTY Mr. Jean Dennett and Clarence Par tita Convicted of Counterfeiting. SAN FRANCISCO. Dee. II Mrs. Jean Dennett and Clarence Farlin. ot Port land. Or, and Claud Lawless, of Sac ramento, were found guilty today ot counterfeiting United State coins by a Jury In tbe United btates District Court. Mr. Bennett and Farlin. according to Federal authorities, came to the atten tion of the police In Portland In riots by Industrial Workers of the World. Uentsnces will be Imposed Saturday. French ill tend Moratorium. PARIS. Dee. !, It was,sald today by tbe Minister of Commerce that he would submit to President Polncara for hi signature a decree extending th moratorium pertaining to commercial mains costing 117S.141.01. according to th annual report completed yesterday by Water Bureau officials. This makes a total of 700 miles of mains In tba city. Of the new ISIS mains 14.1(4 miles were four Inches or ovsr In diameter, while construction of mains las than four Inches In diameter was limited to 1 lut miles. Tbe towl mileage of mains now In the city la o7.07 miles more than four Inches In diameter and 111.111 under four Inches. The entire watr system now represents an outlay of fll.000.000. not counting several rallss of mains donated to the city by private owners. BULL RUN LAKE SNOWED IN Snow-shoe Sent Into Water Reserve So Ranger Can Emerge. Bull Run water reserv ss far down as th headworks to the water system la covered with snow, according to telephonic reports received yesterday by Water Superintendent Kaiser. In the Ktill Run lake region the fall is several feet in depth. At the head works It Ik only a few Inches deep. Municipal and Federal forest rang er have come out ot the reserve for tb Winter. It was necessary to send in snowshoes before one of the ranerers could be brought out. During the win ter one ranger will make weekly trips on snowsltoca to the lake to make depth readings. MAYOR GILL BEATS COUNCIL Supreme Court Rales Seattle Tax That He Vetoed Is Invalid. OLTMPIA. Wash- Dee. If. (Spe cial.) Mayor HI Gill, ot Seattle, won a notable victory over hi recalci trant Council majority, when tbe Supreme Court held invalid a tax levy adopted by tbe Council by resolution. Tb Mayor had previously vetoed an ordinance providing for the same levy, holding It 1270.000 too high. Having Ore votes In tbe Council membership of nine, his opponents were unable to repass the ordinance over the veto, but attempted tha resolution method, which Ihe Supreme Court bold invalid, aft-r having heard th case en banc Chief Justice Morris wrote tb decision and there were no dissents. Anto Ilita "Safety Find" Sign. Rom autolst thought th "safety first" sign Installed by tha public safety commission at a dangerous turn at Kat Thirty-ninth and Belmont streets wa placed to enow tb rout automo biles could travel. It appeared yester day, when the twisted remnants of the sign were discovered by Patrol man Blgelow. An automobile had driven Into Ihe sign, from all appearances. The Independent Order ef Good Templars e1 nl1 In New TorS In Store Open From 8 A. M. Until 10 P. M. Visit Our Art Dept., 2nd Fl. and Select Your Xmas Gifts Everything in Brass to Choose From DESK SETS, Fern Dishes, Jardinieres; also a 1 e.f f Fine Line of Smokers' Articles on sale at 4 u,l EXCELLENT VALUES IV PICTURES Values OCg L up to $3.50 on Bale today and tomorrow at ONE-FOURTH OFF ON ALL FRAMED PICTURES TO- w DAx uu luaunnvn. You Will Find Just What You Are Looking For Here! Expert Engraving Free. GENUINE PYRALIJT IVORY MANICURE SETS, white lined box. from 1.75 to S8.00 TOILET SETS in white lined box from RT.SO to S25.00 MILITARY BRUSHES, all sixes, styles and prices. WE HATE a Complete Stock or Genuine Prralin and Parisian I very, Ebony dc Rosewood Backs. A new stock of Ivory Picture Frames ' on sale st from 50e to .00 Fancy Bottle Smeliinir Salts 354 to...2.aO Perfume Atomlxers oO? up to SS.SO Fancv Hottles Perfume 10c up to 810.00 Coty Lorigan Perfume, original bottles. on sale at 83.25 and 95.00 Gift Stationery from Sl per box to...S7.oO Game Sets. Pinochle. Bridge, etc- P COFFEE PERCOLATORS Popular llannimr Bowman Aluminum Ware four, five 0 Eft and six-cup up from.., tOU.OU The "Ideal" Gift e UIATERMAN'S "IDEAL" FOUHT1 n PEN, self-filling-. Regular and Safety ATERMAN'S "IDEAL" FOUNTAIN tvrtpH W" E GUARANTEE SATISFACTION A pen for every hand 82. 50 up to 82T.OO WOOD-LARK AND CON KLIN PEN S on sale in all sizes. FISH AND MEAT PLANKS, solid oak, nickel-plated frames, $5.50 and 86.25 BARGAINS IN MEDICINAL WINES AND LIQUORS 11.15 Funny Brook, hpnded, special now at 8 X.O& 1.00 Halg Halg, Scotch. - Imported, on sale for 8 I.Jo IL1S Price's Pur Malt, full quart, on sale now for.... 7oC $1.1 S Monogram, good blend. per case of 12 quarts 8 0.50 $1.15 Muskingum Valley, our Desi oraau. vo v& quarts now for....... $4.00 Old Tom Martin, the Kallon on sal now for... 8 $1.50 Colmont, blend, tb gallon now only 8 2. -IS 811.50 3.00 x CHRISTMAS CANDIES AND NUTS Pure Sugar Mixed Hard Candy, the pound SOC Royal Cream and Bonbons. mixed, the pound at... 25c P.lbbon Candy, the pound at. . Z.C. Candy Canes 5. 10 knd. . . 2uC Fancy Holiday Boxes of Chocolate 81. OO and -S2.50 Family Boxes of Choice Mixed Candles on sale for 81.00 Diamond Brand Selected Cali fornia Walnuts in Cartons on sal for 25 and BOC Don't Walt Until Chrlstmaa Eve to Get Your ELECTRIC LIGHTS OR CANDLES CUT THEM NOW! WHILE STOCK IS HERE. Sot of eight Vari-Colored Electric Lights now 83. OO Box of 36' Colored Candles- 10 Spe'l on Candle-Holders, doz. oS PATENTS, TOILET REQUISITES $1 M a r y T. G o 1 d m an's Hair Restorer for T9c $1 Mrs. Potter's W a 1 n ut Hair Stain now for. . . . 72 $1 Sal Hepatic for. 79 $1 Scott's Emulsion for... 69C 60c Canthrox on sale for.. 34c 60c Parnotis on sale for... 36? 60c Dodd's Kidney Pills at 347 75c Mentho Laxene for. . . . 59d 25c Colgate's Tooth Paste- 20c 60c Elcaya Cream now for 39 Jl Silmerine now for 90 Toilet Water 25. 60... 75J THE NEW VACUUM CLEANER, "THE APEX" CULLY GUARANTEED. The most i easy running- onthemarket. Thoroughly efficient. You can't help but be pleased with it if you will give us the opportunity to d e mo ns t r a te it. ThetOTCft price Is only Jil 0 J Complete Set ef Practical Attachmenta 87.50. CUTLERY AND TOYS All 12.00 Dolls special at... 81.39 All $1.50 Dolls special at... SI. 19 All $1.25 Dolls special at... 9Sd $2.00 Stuffed Animals on wheels special at 81.49 $1.00 Teddy Bears for..... 79c Thermos Lunch Kits 82.25 Erector Toy from 81 to..,.810 All Pocket Knives, Shaving Mirrors and Brass Clocks A BOOK OF S. II. GREEN STAMPS SAVED 13 SEVERAL DOLLARS EARNED n. ZtttT- '- 7W-MMK A 6171 - WOMEN GET HEARING Suffragists ' and Opponents Before Senate Committee. LONG SESSION IS HELD National Association Slerubcrs Re pudiate Militant Tactics of Union. Antls See Xo Injustice In Slan-Mado Government. WASHINGTON. Dec. 16. Woman suffrage advocates and opponents de bated the proposed Federal suffrage amendment today before congressional committees. Representatives of the National Woman Suffrage Association. iha Congressional Union and me ra tlonal Association Opposed to Woman BnrTea had a bearing before me gu dietary committee of the House, 'and the Congressional Union delegate also .nnurtd before tb Senate committee The House committee sat practically throughout the day listening first to tha National Association speakers. i a. a k. nr. Anna Howard Shaw, their president, then to those of the Congressional Union, led by Miss Alice Paul, and finally to me inu-iuus with their president, Mrs. Arthur M. Dodira. Members of both committees ques tioned spokesmen of the Congressional ,in..i. aa to their reasons for campaigning in the last election against Democratic candidates for re election t9 the House who had sup ported the euffrspe csue. Miss Paul. Mrs. Minna Van Winkle, of New Jer sey, and other speakers, frankly de clared that they had opposeu met candldatea because they had partici pated In a Democratic caucus which de creed that the Federal suffrage amend ment should not be maae a pan oi ie legislative programme at the last ses sion. . . . Several of tbe women remaricea inn their campaign had been effective, as the Democratic leaders now were n"i proposing to prevent a vote on the amendment by caucus action. Dr. Shaw, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt and other members of the National As sociation declared they did not support the militant tactics of the Congres sional Union, that they were nonparti san in their appeals for votes on the Susan B. Anthony amendment and that they appealed to both Democrats and Republicans, despite the attitude any members had taken in the past. Mrs. Dodge told the committee that the anti-suftrasists represented the great majority of unorganized women of the country who opposed suffrage, and believed that the question should be left to the states. She referred to the recent defeat of suffrage in New York, Massachusetts and other states and said it would be unfair for Con gress to force these states to vote again on a subject already decided. Mrs. O. D. Ollphant, secretary of the New Jer sey Association Opposed to Suffrage, declared that women were not suffering any injustice from man-made govern-, ment. Salem ex-Resident Dead. Dei rfcr SALEM, Or., Dec. 16. (Special.) Word is received rfcre of the death Sunw day of Georige W. Pavis, a former Salem resident, at Hayward. Cal. Mr. Davis was 72 years old. From 1891 to 1895 he was Secretary of the Oregon State Land Board. He was a resident of Linn County for a number of years. A son, Walter Davis, lives In Portland. PAYROLL TO JUMP $10,000 Change in Schedule Is to Add 20 Families to Pendleton. PENDLETON, Or., Dec. 16. (Spe cial.) According to O.-W. R. & N. Co. officials, within W days there will be a payroll of $10,000 monthly at th? new Pilot Rock Junction terminal yards. Pendleton boosters are working hard to get a macadam or paved road from Pendleton to Pilot Rock Junction. As' soon as the terminal is installed the run will be made from Pilot Rock Junction to Huntington without change of engineers. This means an addition of about 20 families for Pendleton. f Lewlston, Ida., Postmaster Named. WASHINGTON, Dec. 16. President Wilson today nominated R. L. Pennell, postmaster at Lewlston. Idaho. Adaptable to Every Financial Need CHECKING ACCOUNT Deposit against which one may draw by check for current expenses. A necessary convenience for the business and home. TDIE DEPOSIT 'Account placed in bank for specific length of time. Very desirable form for Trust Funds, Estate Moneys, and surplus Private Capital awaiting invest ment. Earns reasonable interest, and is readily accessible for use. SAVINGS ACCOUNT The stepping stone to capital. A means of systematizing savings and an incentive to accumulation. Earns safe and sure return in interest. Affording Its pair easatrartlT aid la all financial affair. We akall be pleased to advise yea which I meat adaptable to yonr need. Northwestern -tuiiumj Sixth. and lEnornson, Hp D. C. Burns' Grocery Specials CHRISTMAS DAINTIES R4ISIYS Thompson's Seedless, 16-ox. cartons. Per carton., RtlMVS Unbleached. Per lb HIISIVS Seeded, 16-oz. cartons. Per carton ', KAitivs Loose, 4-Crown Muscatels, very.fancy Per lo HtiMVS Cluster Table. No. 1 cartons. Per carton HMss Cluster Table. No. 2 cartons. Per carton , HISINS Cluster Table. No. 6 cartons. Per carton.- CITRON Orange and Lemon Peel. Per lb Ct It RANTS Cleaned. 16-oz. cartons. Per carton MINCE 51 EAT Condensed. Per carton NUTS-1915 Crop WALNUTS Oregon No. 1. Per lb.. WALNUTS Imported No. 1. Per lb PEAMTS Raw. Per lb ' FILBERTS Per lb BRAZIL Per lb ' ALMONDS Shelled. Per lb DATES -New PARI) New, 13-lb. box. Per box , FAKD New. Per lb PICKLES Mrs. Kidd's Pin Money Pickles WILMTS Pickled. 18-os. bottle. Per doz., S4.70. Each jHELON MANtiOKS 16-oz. bottle. Per doz., fi.'O. t-ach...... PEPPER MANGOES 16-oz. bottle. Per doz., S4.T0. i,ach.... HI R GHERKINS 16-oz. bottle. Per doz., 4.i5. Each MtKTI.MA 16-oz. bottle. Per doz., S4.25. Each IU-OZ. MIXKI) Per doz., .-3. Each IB OX. CHOW CHOW Per doz.. 4.i'. Each Hl'R. GHERKINS 1 gallon kit. Each MIXED 1 gallon kit. Each CANNED GOODS JO cans Tonalora 2s solid pack. Laurel Wreath brand 91. 10 rana Corn Fancy Haven brand, gl.OO. Each j caaa Cora Choice Appetizer brand. Sl.OO. Each N rana Peai Fancy Michigan, S1.UO. Each t r-iia PaauiklB van lamp s, sona pacx as. ai.vu. ca.cn ..12Vi ..12'4C lOc ..lO'iC ....17 40 .91.25 ..22's! ..12Vi ...9'i5 ..25 ..15 ..18C ..18c ..50c .82.00 ..17-ic 45c 45c 45c 45c 45C 45c 45c fl.75 1.75 Each..lOc lOc 9C 13e 13e H can Peaches Pyle s Extra, halves or sliced, L,aurei ivreaio cranu. 2 biB, 9I.U". Eacn i-r xjjcj 8 can Apricots Pyle's Extras, 2s. 91.00. Each 13C 8 cana Pineapple Large cans. IV4b, Libby Happy Vale Brand. 8 slices to tin, Sl.oo. Each 13S FLOUR ai PKKlOH FI.OI'K Fancy Patent. Special per barrel J5.00 M 'PERIOR KLOl'R Fancy Patent. Special per sack S1.30 WHITE ROK Kl.org Family. Special per barrel 84. SO WHITE ROSE KLOl'R Family. Special per sack 81.25 l I'KHIOR GRAHAM KLOl'R 10-lb. sacks, 83c C0-lb. sacks. . .81.35 CORN MEAL White or yellow, 10-lb. sacks, 30c ( EO-lb. sacks. . .$1.40 HOMINY Coarse or fine, 10-lb sacks -4 O BUCKWHEAT Eastern 10-lb. sacks, 55c 45-lb. sack SS-.-J Shop of Honest Coffee riTT- rnrrrr IS KING OF THE brkbakkast tabu a line, neavy J U It IS tufH.li coffee, combining strengtn. Regular Special , price per pound 36c. 32 IBS. 2'kor character, body and flavor. $1.00 OR SPECIAL PER LB. 29c TURKEY! TURKEY! TURKEY! PLACE TOUR ORDER NOW KOR OUR FAMOCs CORN-FED TCR-KEl'S-SO COLD STORAGE STOCK KILLED AAD DRESSED ON THE FARM. D. C. BURNS COMPANY 20S-210 THIRD ST., BET. TATLOR AND SALMON STS. MAIN 816, A-1626 v noiesaiera la f rivaic ramiiacrv, Muu lal Mall Order Service. Write for Catalogue. 8 peel