T3E JIOItXIXG OREGONIAX. FRIDAY, .PECE3IBER 17. 1915. 20 JAPANESE CONSUL IS BANQUET GUEST K)0 Kumasaki Is Entertained by Busnicss Men and Cor dial Relations Mentioned. EACH RULER IS , TOASTED 1 Uj nl Two Nation Art r laced I before ruir and Spirit of tllMrrlns I Ttval of Ilar n-y-j lliitim (oanlrtes. A t:ml In honor of Kyo Kuana ai. Japanese Con.ai at fontanel, wa iitan by ba.ineee meat of tb rtcjr at lie l!iriuli llot.l al iM. C. Colt. preaid-nt a I the Chamber ef 'romm.ria. wa.a lo4li4lr. l Mi epantBa rtmarki Sdr. Coll ap-oh of the a-aiiy .lurteete. eJhteh Mr. Kuma :!. a Ceo.ul. hi ctt.nd'l to beat re. a r-o K-r. and ct their pleasure at btc'l t .how their apprerla t. ct tn. rovrt'.lx al of Mr. Kgmaukl t diplomacy ami ability, at trie ba-iT-i-t. jniaeufy-ene per.on alt- n dd. Ar riimrri for the banquet wr mad Kt William T. tVhaelwrtchl. II. B. Mil 1 r an.J J. W. ti.aon. Tha beai.t waa h.M In lb hotel baKroom en tha mea-aanlna floor. wbl.la aa beautifully decorated wits KT'itt. Jaraae.a pan. I painting, laniarna. (riM. -at.t.ria. cherry Homooh and --il fUc. of Ida enteol ataca and af t United fuirt ru of l United Mala and ef Jeca war before earh plate. A ansa Jeraoee ftaa it .tretrhed ca lb well at ana end af tha room. Mr. l olt tha opening toast to . "Tha Kmpwof." tha avieeta standi.., wan aa orch.etra, flared ta national air of Japaa. Than T. Urabe. of M!tul . Co. ticonil with a toaal to Th 'r.iiint." .-.a gue.tj acala standing. wm: th "iittpuiUa luaoar" u . played. nhar pahr vara t!oal Coma T llua Gardner. United State Army. re- tired, as "A Tribute from tha Army:" . iMd m.nda AInraya." s-Untted . "tee enat.r John M. r.ttna: -New etioae In Timaa.- tao llev. John II Ho yd. an. a re.ponaa by Mr. Kama altl. fiwl af tha -er.ln. Tt. -akr tnptuljH tba friendly relation between tha United flat. a4 Japan. and .pr.4 coefManca tnal aotninf would r occur to d a I ir tnem. Mr. Kim-wkL whoaa reputation aa a C-r (al prcJ- him la 1'ortiaad. aa an a-H-.a that ma'1a a daaa tm- pi-..ion. H in happr ia fey .crtbtrr t dim-larwa arhaa ha ar n.4 ta I'ortlael t taha or tha dv tia af ronanL Thouch o atpactlnaT to k ttiaroor lau!T rar.lTad, ha lilt ha ha4 aipart- I ta f'n4 '"a paop:a of I'ortUnd rthr tor't Tha aarnlli af hi rwapltoo an a moat pUaaot aurprta. h t.i'i Mr. K'ima.ial apoka f tha a.plra llona af Japaa ao4 d. Ua4 that Japan raprMDta la lha Ortant tha am aa ptraiiooa aa tha l'oit-4 Stata doaa la lha W..t. ICa atirr4 fela andloa 10 aalhoataam whan ha aa4 that It d.pi-.d4 aa tha two nattona, Japan la lha Tar t'aat and .tha I cicd Mam i tha lar Ural, lo -arrr out lha hKh national td.als thai .h 4aiar4 aikmat. both aaationa. and aahU'i. ha a...rtd ta ta It. a aiaThaal Id.ala h.14 br any tatkiaa HAWLEY B!LLN0T LIKED Oraaxv on. Idrra lalrrrat Hala Too Ills' tnr I araM-ra. Miattnomah County Tmna Omasa ad-pta4 raaoltioaa axhina tha Coaaty amrufaafoaara la amploy a county aa raialtaral .apart, aahlna for a larajar appropriation for lha County Fair al i.nihaak ar4 faaorlna- aa atamptloa of ftaa y.ara for all manaractorara. at tha maatlnjat 1h4naday la lair' law. rho fair aoar s.ta (ran tha co'intr. IL U !4:amaa 44 that tha alsht haur law and corporation l.aTtaiatlon aa.ra hindrancaa to tha precraaa of tha tat ariat to tha a.tahl.ahmaat af manufa.-turtn roncarna. Tha rural cradt aratca, p ropoa4 by r.-praanttla Haw lay. via danounca4 tanuM of ta a par cast Intaraat rata, alirk ar aa cocatJar4 too h!h- BOYSEN TO PLEAD GUILTY alary lo Try Hold IWIle Owner 00 Mqaor C'luarjc la Ilaraljaacd. fir.tnos CtTT. Or. Pax-, li l.tpo etata rnt Boraan. proprietor of tba liotal Paila. la M.Iwauhta. will aalar a plan af (cuUty lo a cnaria of aatllnaT Unor lo minora baforo Circuit Judsa '-opba:t tiatrday. tha day at for bla trial. John Uoa. attoro.y for poyaaa. Informa.l lnstrk- Attorney lladsaa today. County riark JlarrinaTton. al tha ra a ja.t ef tha li.trict Attornay. Inatruct d tRo Jury ant wltnaa today sol lo appaar Saturday. Koyaan baa baa a arraat4 thraa lira, an iTior rharj.a la tba taat year and a kalf. ;v;ork o:j bridge goes on ' Flaarlaz of ClrUrr paa In Ore too Monjh lo lu-jla Urrk. VA.NOIfVtn. .. tae. 1 (Npa ala Work will ba bea-un i.tl w aa k ' l ariii lha attrdar apana for lha via dt ocar Craaroa Mouah. Tho plan t. to pia-a lha at.al work for tho q(a apana aa bartta aal fear tham lta piara la a mannar almllar ta that af fl't;n out tha bif ataa paaa In n mam bride. la tha oraf-a Mouch brldca wilt bo two i Mara 1.1 ft ronaT aa4 aiaTht f.ac bh. AU af tha ata-l for Iba Co Hm:a RlTar apaaa. aar.pt for apasa 1. and . baa feaaa racalvad. DrHcr Ad wit a CmcUy. CMrr.WCViP. Or. ra X l.dpaaclall V.roon taat.. of M;dd;atoa. naar .-a pl.a.ta. aT!tty la Ju.Mca Court l.ay lo a chartra af crn.lty to anl--rta.a. tna comp. alnlna w t s n a. balBaT J I'.. tar. af Middlaton. taa-ta w aa aal l: and rwata, tha Una balsa ra- mittad aa ravornmandatloa af La w la w. l-ura. af -an wuoa liamaaa Jociaty. of I sri aa t Ouart f.ntrmtrr W antad. Tha l'o:t4 Ktataa Ocil Karala Cam miaioit annouacaa an opaa cempatlltaa a lanlaali.a for t.1art amratir for f-.a aa:y la tho l(4rorapht Offlro. liraan of ai laratioa, Na? Caprt mant. at ! par annum, tar further l-iformat!oa aal application b.aska. at p:r ta M. K. Wla-ton. local aacralary. Jsateffica b'Jt.'diBf. rcrt:as4. TRUNK MURDER VICTIM AND THOUGHT TO BE GEORGE trrT jom" Hi-ID. ictih or PHOTO CLEARS MAN Witnesses Say Wyoming Sus pect Is Not Bartholomew. DENIALS ARE POSITIVE ttvparnrae Police Notified to Ite rraao W. I rirajtla ItcUlUra of Trank M order Vlctlra Write for - of Caaap. MIV ll ! ati- Thrto paopla who k4 Oror lUrthotontaw. who la chars wttk tho mardar of Joba IJnnd in rortland. mad a thta remark ya.tarday l' ahowa photoaraph of William F. hmtth. lha cook under arraat at Chay anna, Wyo on auapirlon of bains llartholomaar. Aa n reeutl tba pic tur.a will not ba.ru.he4 to San Fran ciaco tor 14-ntiruatioa by Anlooa An daraon. Ulnnd a frlano. and pollen Chief Kmorey. of Cheyenne, wna lela-araph-4 by talectla Caplala Baly to tel.aa tha au.pact. t-t.rtta Tuhnor a"4 John Maloney ecured tha daniala of tha Identity of lha au.pact aa lha man wanted- Thay -howed tha photosrapba flrat to Mra. Anna l Cory. Und ady of tha houaa at 8tark atreat. wbera lb murdar took placa Notrembar 1. tlha aald quit poattlaaly lhal It waa tot Bartholo mew, aithouab aba aaw a faint rreera- bdrZ im Althof. who conduclad tha roomle-bou at 4 tHark atrael. waa certain Iba Chanaa man waa not Kartbolnmaw. M , O It. Jlowltl. manaiT of tha Model Utablea. waa ahowa tha plcturaa and declared wltb certaloty that laay wera not piriarea of tha man who ranted a hula the day followlns tba mur der, aaltb aabl'h lha trunk waa lakan to tba fool of Klandrra atrl from tha bonaa wh.ra iba murder took plac. Tha poTlca yeatarday rcld a phoioarrarh from faa rancleco ahow Inc Lnnd and Aniona Anderaon. of fan t-ram-laco. toaetbar. It eapUlna that tha plctura auppoaad to ba that of Uartholomew waa of Antono Aoder aora. Of Ivan Krwclara Andaraon and lUartbolomaar reaembla aacb otber. but tba polira arc roavinrad now that tho wronc nun plctura baa been uaad 00 tba circular. Information concarolnej polira pros raaa toward catchlns tba murderer of bla sari.. John Unod. la a.kad by An drew H-non. a n.phew liclns at ail KJiat Kijbtyelshth atraet. Naw Tork City, la a leiur rcai4 br tMmlct Attorney Eaane yralrrday. Mr. Evan aaewer.4 tha letter by replylns that tba police la rortland had eshauated every ciew. and he turned Ui letiar over to Captain of Prtactlvea Maty. Mr.'Henaon aald that Llnnd had two brothers and a aUltr la Chicago, and a ltr In Hoaton. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Straroa-r Bclacdate. Pl'l TO ARttlVS. haaao. Kaa.ar Raaallly ....... Va, W B dec. ... heetaera Pavtrl.. ? A. Kuaara I.ar keeaea. ........ Naaaa l.rad t-aer. .......... a..a. .. K a..lh. ... w ..a-na J H at.taao M. i..--a....... W U-anaOi.. ...... Taaaoalta ..... r A kl.tara . ... .ctra rartTla. . Maea.......... CaU.a. .- Oai W. Kleer. ... H.ar Haaaehe. ........ Data ..la pot .ae. I . . 1 . tec l ..iac. lo ,.lt a . Pec -a ,.Laa A.aeWe. .. iXa Ana-iaa... ,.aa I raartava. .Ma yv.aetava. ,.t.aa ABa.e. . aa Utoaa TO DKPAfcT. fraa . ji. r laT ex . . ,.Uo Auaataa .. . . r for a IX.. .aaa t.e. ,aaa I'aara..... , lta . aaa tnca..... ,.aa IHa.a. .... ,.aaa r'an'ta-a. . ..a I ran. la a. , .Aaa Iraac ia.a. Le Aaae.e... . a.a l'iaa. ... Aaa ttee. ... . Laa Aaitaa... .. tc, ...:. .. .. ! .. Dec. .". .. taa. .. tc . . . Lac. . . . I . ...Daw. .. -l-c. .. !. .. lae. ...l-a. . aaa taaa. ...... Aiaaai-a imWa PCS TO AlllliVS. Freen . tarb N.w 1 .M.w t r TO DCTAItT. Par .11 .n-I ila . ll-.ro. u. . II.-..!..:. Naaaa fmaiaa. fc."W:.taa Dala a , Ja r-a. la Mar. 1 Data. t.. S raa. 1 War. iiarf iaa. PI'S Naaaa fam-aa. . .. K.aa".taa. . MoTer-aa-nla of Vcwarla. r at Tt 1 l"ac. 1 Ar-d a-eataera K:ai-a. r- aaa rraa-.. vfijaapia. rHI arrfad at a4 Ufl a at a A. M. .'-eaa.r Kanata frafw aa r-a-.'. . a :.4 A. w . at.ao.r .aaae. f T'aaa a, war paela. at f a at . .taa'a.r Da l-aia.aa. t aaa a-av.-la; al I .- t eleaaaer Nartkva ..,( fe aaa f'a-eev aa. r" l-r I -'ailed llla.ll. Mea-aar tavai. far f' "- Arrnad al . 1 - "- L- -1 Li' ('! w a- . 7 , ' - - ir-' v . t ; : vh ; - ? . .. - Jns SAN FRANCISCO MAN tVK lint. BATHOLOME". SLATER. c rime, axd a.moms asdebsox. A. M.. ataamar F. A. Kl!tam. from Port land ala looa Pay and Eureka- Arrlvea. aiaa-nar Oeorae W. Eld.r. from Ran Dleo far lonl.nd rla war porta. Hailed at n A. M t.mer Aar.lia. Ir Aatorla Balled i X P. M . .learner Koae Ciiy, from aaa redTo far rartlaad. . , Ma Franriaro. lec. li. Sailed at a P. aa , .t.am.r Wapama. for Porii.nd. Arrived at a t VI atresier Roa- lly. from Man Pedro for rorl.and: al I P. M . ataamar Tama:ua:a from Portland. aaa padre, lw. 14. Arrived Btamr Sha.ta. frem Portland. . " g.taaioea. Ia. It a-Arrived Brltlah V.-k w.i:M..ilia (mm Portland. Melbourne. I '-. ti. Arriaed Bark.Btlaa Pn.ka. from Columbia Kiver. lelooeh. le. U P-d In at P H-. teatn.r loaan. frem Portland fr Bealll. Ad.:alda. De-. I. Arrtre-I Urlllah t .mar ajueea Mead, from Portland. a . 11-iallF.I at 4 P. at.am er a'. P. Il.ma. far Pan Pr.nc.eco; at P. M. ateamer aaaauaaa, or ion awa Luia ran Franelaca. P-. 1 Arrived RteaaB era ilraoi l..l'.r. Turalan from Taoma. Ha f r..m .!!. P. A K.lboro. from l-rl. land: Qulnauli. from Grin Harbor, railed ri..tn.r. l-aia. Koe OIJ. lor Port.aad. T."o. Ir eVUlapa, yrJaer. N a. u TVw IS Ballad Btaaaa tr Konoma. t"r laa rraartaco. .alt., huh !. 14 Arrived Hteara. era J.fTeraon. from aouth.im Aa: taaldal. from n.o tjlr.a; ! an. Coium a.. frora - r Torh. Irl-a llupart iHrlt lh. Pr1a Kuptrt ai:.d Miimin cllr at awallle. for louheeetm Ala.aa: I.) man i.airi. fir pert r.a Lull. I matilla. fur laa Ft.ntiaco. Marconi Wire lea Itrportn. (All .uliliai r 1 parted a P. M.. II. ram haw I, aaaew. oabecwh-e badtrarieall Cnrao.do. oarlaiind In l.rar. Harbor. Mil a. baa Pedro for aeaitia. Jl nl.n from faattia Sort bet Parlfle. PRkael for aaa Praaclaro, 123 am: aouth of the i-olumn'a River. K-anok. I.rt'.ad f-r ran Pranriaca. 120 mll a-ain at lb. I'ulamwa Itlvar. f.l aacaado. towtn bare No. PI. Rich mond f r I'ortlaad. barb-eaad off tba Co lumbia lUv.r. pon.r. Evere'l fr ft.n Kranclaca. 41 ml .. aorta ef ran praanero. Kipaiaa. pan Pranriara f ir Portland. 4a au-e Bank of Bluai. H-ef. IJ.rrtn. 1 Innton f. r Avon. IH tnllr. aoutb af the a'olumbla Iti.ar. '(ealealL 1 aaa Iter (or fia Pr.ocl.co, (lie ani..a aouth of tape Arao. Caairaita. lira. Ii.rbor for Faa Fraa rlK. off t'lTtpnua Kiaer. Vruawa aa Kranrlaru for ttaaltle. 44 mite. B-ta of laa. tt.ani-o, Moff.ll. ban PranclM-o for Wnoaaaf. ITU. tnl.a oat. iMfiaur IX A P. M. M.taonla. Ilooo.ulu for f.o Pranrleco, 14 mi-a out laev.mbar IV a y . M Mnao;ao. eaatila f.r lloao.ula, P40 mllea eoutta of i-pa Plattery. Daeamber la, a P. M. Top. a a. Eur.ba for Han FraacUca. 10 mil., a-iuth of Point Arana. AlUarlon. Itlrhmand for beattla. 13 mite. &ora af lolnt He... Rjee (1ry. pan Praat-leo for Portland, 20 ml... aoutb of Point Arena. raa J'a. Kalnoa for ran Pranrleco, ISO ml., aoatli of hao Pr.o.eco i.reat Northern. Kan Kr.ariero for1 llono Inlo, ala f.n I'edro, 2i mllea eoulh of I'le.-m Point, lllloai.n. .n Pranrlaro for hVattte. 1 -mr.a north of Point Keea. 1'i.tad.a. It. !Ma for Kan Franclaca. 114 mr.e aooih af nan Pr.nn.co, v iibelmtna. aaa Pr.actaco for Honolulu, mi .aa oat. Aroiine. mo Pedro for ".a Franriaro. off Point Pirrpln oiuaa. Hratll for Han Franriaro. 33V mr.ee aoutb of Pea Pranrlaco. i'.IUo. ban p.dro for nan Franclaro, Iwo mt'ee weet of Point lnrant. Oovarnoa, p.n I'edro for ft.n Franclaco, Is mil., raat of point Araru.il. l.tm. n.n Pranriaro for Valparalao. laa mil., eiit-i of ban Kranrleco. Siapor. Il.lboa for Han praocUco. 131a aallaa aoutb of Han Vr.nciaco. tavaa. aim barca b. Halboa for Ran Francieca, lu.'J mile aouth ef fan Fran c !. i"it of Para, nan rranrlaco for Balboa, aff Hlrhardwn Rok." a feolo. ban Pranrlaco for Patla, 440 mll.e aouth of fan lr.ncieo. Frorn Orrjon Porta. ASTORIA. Or. Dac. 14 f pedal.) Prtnalna frelahl for Aatorla and lortl.nd. the et.am acboonr Klamata arriaed from an Prenrteco. The .team a hoon.r tHitay Putnam flnlahed load in ( lumbar at W e.tport aad .ailed today (or Han Pr.nclaco. Aft.r dlacbar.lnr fuel ell. the tank steam er. l ..bteaaw and W. P. Ilerrta aalled for CUfemla. rimiaa trefcht and tvaeaenaa. from Portland and A .tori a. the .learner Roanoke eelted far aa ranclaro ana Han racro. Hie loaded w Ion. of r.nned ealmoa at lh. .-Mm I'allln rann.ry. With the amal amount of freight and fair it.t of pa-a.nar.ta. lha .t.amar North ern Paclflr aail.d for ta Pr.nclaco. THa lank .tramar Pi rWcuado, with a bare. In low. ... outal'fe t.-ia bar tonleht- roO BAT. Or.. Pee. la. i.raHl.) Th. at.amrr Ad.Maa "mith arrived from aa Francfara thi. aftaraoon and la ablppln lumbar al the Pmith milia Arrtvtn tod.r. tha .team echooner Tel- low. too. brouaht a lar.a rarra af frelabt from Ha. Pranetaro. Tha v. .aal will load lumber at the North Bend Mill a Lumbar Cemt-anv al.at. The ateamer apeedwelt, def.ved hera one day la completlnc her lumbar cara;9 for aa Pedro and Redonao. aaiiad today. The aaaoiina choonr Roamer. Captain Fd Hkoa. h.e resumed from a fretrhtiaa trtp ta Port Orford and will ea laid up for tba Winter at Iba Oceaa dork. I ( te ru mared th Roamer la .boat to ba aold la Coiamtla H'r ln'er.t Colonrl MrlndfM la Doe Today. XJaolraant-Colonel Jarne. F. Mcln- doo. Corpa of KnaTlneera. I'nlted Mates Army, who waa trnnaforrad from Port land about two waaka ao to Manila. P. I in to artiva In tho clly Ihla morn Ins from fan Franciaco and will apand tha day hera. solnat to tha mouth of tha Columbia tomorrow to look over work bo waa In rharare of for a lenctby period. Colonel Mclndoo will continue to Hoa 1 1 1 e. whera Mrs. Mclndoa aaad family ara al preaent. betnc sueata of Colonel C.vanauath. ' Mr. Mclndoa brother. Colonel Mclndoa la to taka tatlon at Kanaa Clly. which will b tba cn of hi labor, for a lima. T aardiee catch la Kuropa baa baea a srea! failure OPIUM NET GRIPS TWO, WHO CONFESS Raid on Engineer's Cab as He Reaches Seattle Reveals Cache of Drug. WIDESPREAD PLOT, CHARGE rortland Captive Admlls He I One or Ring 0nrratln I rom Canada to Coant Cltleii Woman Bafe Krom Cnmomi Off trrm. SEATTLE. Wash.. Dre. II. Peter Mctlreitor. a Great Northern ctaslnaer. wan arrested hero today, charged by Federal official with brlnslns opium from Canada to the Colled titate ora hla locomotive. ... . . A warrant vti also Issued today ror tho arrest of V. K. Kant, all Kins, who wa captured at Portland days ago with opium valued at - In lil possession. Kent. wno formerly a Canadian custom orricer, now la proprietor of a lodBlns-housa. In Vancouver, and It Is alleged that McGregor wa a carrier for Kent. Tho arrest of W. R- Kent a ha stepped off a train at the I nlon Depot In Portland Wednesday night. bar S. with 14 6-tael opium tin In hla po.eslnm was th first act of a rapid ly moving melodrama which now reaches It. climax In the capture and confession of member of an organized ganar of smuggler. United btate Custom officer, act ing on ecret advice from beatUe, had baen -laying for" Kent for oroo time. They had a tip that Kent waa ""PP'y Ins the Portland Chinese opium trade with quantities of the drug .muggled In frora Canada to battle. Kent wa shadowed hero for day before hi. arrest- u.dd'"l5r,,fi,0Pn reared but wa. traced to Seattle. On 5S nTght of December I waiting for him atj the depot a he Twin jauntily off aPullman. carrying a leather grip. The 14 can. . f oplurn worth li a can. or $.20 for tho 1 can, were found In the grip. Tin Hidden la Kaglae, He fay Kent at that time gava hla name a. W . y. Kins. He wa. taken be ore Robert R. I"'"n-JAr",mntvc?ru. S,,,a. Attorney, and after a vlgorou. cours of questioning nJAn" be waa regularly engaged in opium "mHU: pro?...d to be la the employ of a "hrewd old Chinaman of Vancouver. B C named Charley Suey. He eald ,Bh.f"Suey bad an "-""et rettiPS th opium acros the border, fhl. method con...t.njf J" -omT't.me'beror. "a train w..' da. ; t- " ,Um.""aV.,n: wa. not w.l- .Nsturauy. nv" -' . ,,. n..nn lowed in It. entirety by Mr Rankin and the eustoma man. ' " e - - real of Kent a secret, however, pend ing Investigation of It detail It wa. given out th.t a man n.med Jone. had been arrested for having opium In bis possession. Coafesaloa la Obialneat. Then local eu.tom. officer went to Seattle to follow up th b Kent, or King. he wa then known. Shey atre.dyKh-d had their ..P'" directed aa.lnst .i3?! Northern locomotive engineer, and he was c!"ely shadowed during hi. .tay ,n ."'""ir. -a .ao. .. McGregor's train arrived In Seattle, his enlne cab wa raided. In a i-ce under the engi-neer- eat were found many tin of opium. McGregor. 7." Informatlon charging him. Kent. Kent a wife and a brakeman named Dutto wne a . ,..- heen filed w tn conspirai.?. - by" Assistant Inlled State. Attorney Rankin In I'oniano. waa - ' At fVr.t he maintained his Innocence with great po.ltlvenes. After everal hours Of -sweanna. down, completely and confessed hi V, oaaaa la Safe la Canada. The only evidence against the brake- i. that ha had a pretty man. imu"". - - - good Idea that opium smuggling a a ..a a V. aaa l tinlh na I O SllOW iht ha hd anything to do personally with the murgiin-r McGregor will be brought to Portland i ..j v. -. . I . I. Want for In today ana ne u .... .-- L. a, v the arand lury. They will subsequently be tried here. A for Suey. me oiu . . L i,.w in Vancouver Mrs. hrni. - .. , and thus out of the Jurisdiction of the Cnlted State. There Is no extradition treaty between the United State and Canada for smuggling offense.. A amanuensis lor ner nui.nuu ..... the others In the smuggling gang. Mrs. Kent wrote the letter and hand.ed all correspondence. HAWAIIAN CRUISE LIKELY Wa hl net cm Xaval Mllltla May Be Away All of Next June. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Dec. 16. ISpe rlat.l The 11 Summer cruise of the Waahlngton Naval militia probably will be made to llllo and Honolulu. Ha waiian Islands, during the coming June. Such Is the word received by Lieuten ant E. A. Bradner. of the Fourth divi sion, ststloned here. According to hla advice the men will have two day1 shore leave In Hllo. and two day' ahore leave In Honolulu. Tha proposed cruise will last "'.a" period of ' days nd will bo the longest the Washington Naval mllltla hss ever made. Lieutenant Bradner expect the cruise to begin early In Juno and to end prob ably about July 4. The men will have their customary target practice near Port Townend after their return frora th Island cruise. FICENK KUVICE POSTPONED Oregon Krectrlc Bridge Not to Be Opened for Six Montli. Steps taken to extend the service of .. - . . t t . ... m r m from the leuow riara iino v ij Corvalll to Eugene, so they Ju'd - run from Portland Cover W iwiiitti.w.. , . , . Instead of turning back at Corval.i. have been discontinuea. '"""""' ment wa made yesterday By Captain A. V. Graham, of the line, that the undertaking had been abandoned for the present season on the receipt of in. formation from the Oregon Electric Railway Company that the draw of It bridge at Harrlsburg could not be altered to permit th paasage of learn ers In less than six months. Th draw of the Southern raclflc Company bridge at th am point I reported In working order and It I said that steamers bav been passed, but th Oregon Electric official are quoted a having said they were un able to obtain steel and appliances re quired Immediately, hence the delay. Captain Graham notified person along th Willamette abov Corvalll that It would b unnecessary for them to pro vide for the coming of the steamer. also giving up options on lease ground for dock DurDOse. The Eugene eervlce Is expected to be maintained from November to June. because low water during the Summer season would make It Impracticable to attempt to run the entire year, and li 1 said the fact the Harrlsburg bridge cannot be passed until about June must postpone the extension until the Fall of 11. . MAJOR WILLIAMS MAV SHIFT Cliani-e Looked For in Engineer of Flrht Oregon District. Portland friends of Major Arthur Williams. Corp of Engineers. United State Army, have been Informed that since he entered a San Francisco hos pital, having gone there frorn the Van couver Barrack Hospital, surgeons at tending him have agreed that a change of climate I desirable and it is Inferred that they Incline to the view he should remain in the south. Colonel Potter. In charge of the Sec ond Oregon district as well as division engineer over project. In the First and Second districts, and In the State of Washington as well, is personally look ing after the First district during the absence of Major Williams. Major Jew ett being at the Second district head quarters. It la expected that another engineer officer will be named shortly to suc ceed Major William, who came here several month ago when Colonel Mor row wa relieved and assigned to the Panama Canal. It is the second time Major William was stationed here and he regarded hi. Portland work as among the most desirable he had shoul dered. CALGATE LOADING IS BEGUN Wlt-combe Park Leaves and Cornll Bart Moves to Loading Berth. Work of loading the British bark Galgate was started yesterday at Irving dock, she having been shifted there from the stream after having been at anchor while a debate was on between Captain Griffiths, her master, and M. H. Houser. her charterer, concerning the amount of ballast to remain in the hold. The British ship Wlscombe Park left down yesterday with a cargo of wheat and proceeds to the Axores for orders. She ha a total of 127.198 bushels, valued at 1137.375. Captain McLaugh lin has made many trips to Portland, as has the vessel. The French- bark Cornll Bart shifted yesterday from LInnton to Mersey dock to start her cargo, and that will leave but one Idle square-rigger In the harbor, the French bark Pierre Antonlne, which goes Into a berth at Irving dock as soon as the Galgate 1. finished. IIASSALO IS CHRISTMAS SIIIP Crack Slernwliecler Being Prepared for Vnletlde Rendezvous. In preparation for theeannual Christ man dinner given by the O.-W. R, & N to hundreds of men, the steamer Has salo was shifted from the "boneyard" to Ash-street dock yesterday and the work of cleaning and decoration Is t be Inaugurated so she will be fully equipped for the yuletlde reception. Since the big transportation system played host the first time to men who might otherwise not have Christmas dinner under such attractive conditions. It ha expanded its scope of entertain ment until close to 1500 invitations were Issued last Christmas. It is made an occasion when every executive and department head of the company Is on hand to do hi share, and prominent clergymen will contribute toward wel coming the guests and making them feel that it is a time for a more cheer ful view of the future. Japan Heaviest Pacific Buyer. SEATLE, Wart. Dec. IS. The for eign trade of Puget Sound for Novem ber amounted to nearly xi9.eiz.O0O, according to the Collector of Customs. Imports exceeded exports by more than 1200.000. Japan was the best customer, sending goods worth over t6.12S.000 and taking goods worth J1.S60.0OO. The prlnotpal Imports of the district were raw silk, tea and rice. The chief ex port was canned salmon. Northern Pacific Sails. On her regular southbound sailing yesterday the turbiner Northern Pacific carried 1500 tons of cargo and 125 pas sengers. A large consignment of Ore gon canned fruits was dispatched to California, also Tillamook rheese. po tatoes and other commodities. Addi tional Honolulu sailing dates have been announced for the sister ship, the Great Northern, for March C and March 24. Aurora Girl Dies After Operation. AURORA. Or.. Dec. 16. (Special.) Hazel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bachert. was buried in the Oddfel lows" Cemetery yesterday. She was 18 years ojd and died at the Hubbard Hos pital following an operation for ap pendicitis. She in survived by her par ents and a brother. Glen Bachert, of Seattle New Year's Oregonian Annual Number, Jan. 1, 1916 Will be the most interesting and complete will want to send copies to your friends in the East. 0nSradSes January 1, 1916. Single copy 5c, postage 5c m United States or Fosse sions, Canada anti Mexico; foreign 10c. . THE OREGONIAN, Portland, Oregon. . , -lo-v-on PWIrcprl find , for which mail The Oregonian s New Y (Enclose 10c for each address in Untted State. or Possessions, Canada and Mexico; 15c for each foreign address.) (Duplicate blanks may be had by calling, telephoning or writing to The Ore gonian Circulation Department.) J. N. TEAL TIED OP The Dalles-Columbia Line Dis continues Service. AGENCIES. TO BE CLOSED State, of Washington Sale Is Com pleted Twin Cities toBun to t'pper River Regulator Line to Extend Facilities. Following the sale of the oteamer State of Washington by The Dalles Columbia line to th Regulator line, final details of which were carried out yesterday, the steamer J. N. Teal, which arrived last night from Pasco and Kennewlck. was tied up by The Dalles Columbia management and her crew ordered paid off. With her withdrawal from the route the company will no longer accept freight for points be tween Portland and The Dalles, and agencies along the Middle Columbia will be discontinued. The steamer Twin Cities will be the next vessel sent to Pasco and Kenne wlck. handling freight for points above The Dalles. She Is to depart from Port land Tuesday night. Charles Steel smith, manager of the fleet, leaves to nlpht for the upper country to look after agencies above The Dalles and arrange for continuing the service there with the one steamer. The change leaves the Regulator line with one competitor on the Portland The Dalle, route, the Peoples' Trans portation Company operating the steamer Tahoma. The former is to continue the steamers Dalles City and Stranger In service, with prospect, that competition will be keener than ever. Freight on Taylor-street dock for The Dalles-Columbfci. line destined for mid dle river points, was picked up last night by the Regulator interests and delivery is to be made today. The Dalles-Columbia flag made its appearance on the run between Port land and The Dalles. August 11. 1914, when the steamer State of Washington was started, and she ran until the pur chase of the Open River Transportation Company's fleet In the Spring, when the State of Washington was retired for an overhauling. In the Open River fleet were the. steamers J. N. Teal. Twin Cities. Inland Empire and Relief, and the two former have been used most of the time. Along the waterfront the price ob tained for the State of Washington is said to be close to $25,000, and when she goes out in the Spring, under the banner of the Regulator line, it is promised she will be in condition to maintain her reputation for speed and comfort. In the operation of trie Twin Cities without stops between Portland and the Celilo Canal, except to pick up freight destined for points above, a faster serv ice will be possible, though it has not been determined whether she will run on a weekly card or make a trip every six days. ri'AKO REACHES MELBOURNE Lahaina First to Make Port In An tipodes In Race From Columbia. t n tii. ..rival of MelhnitmA Wednes day of the barkentine Puako, Captain Pedersen, was ended a spurt made by the skipper and crew to wrest laurels from the barkentine Labaina in a race from the Columbia River to the Antip odes, but the Lahaina had the best of it in Teaching Sydney December 1. She left the Columbia October 6 and the Puako departed OctoDer b. Both vessels were in the river In company and the two skippers were quoted h all quarters as to what each asserted hi vessel could do in the way of speed, with the result that all eyes watcned me gei-away ui mo oonui l V. ha arrival in lha aotlth of The Lahaina the first report from the Puako has been awaitea. xne lanuna I to proceed to Lyttelton. If. Z. NEW STEAMER GOES FOREIGN Arrow Line Building A'essel to Carry Big Lumber Cargoes. "AoHv" Mnran. mananer of the Arrow line who was here yesterday and left last night-for his San rancisco neau onurtara. . savi a new steamer under way for his company at the Long Beach. Cal.. plant of the California Shipbuilding- fomnnnv. formerly operated as the Craig yard, i to be about 8000 tons deadweight and is Intended for the general foreign trade. She is to be com pleted In eight months, providing steel Is available. . The Arrow line recently chartered the North Pacific Steamship Company s steamer Yucatan, at one time on the Name Street " I Town State v I a . ' (BvaJBIBIpBBajrSaa-BVS aa-aaaBBBaB Portland-California run, and she is due at San Francisco today from Puget cminH tn loud cotton and steel for Japan, working a return cargo at Shanghai for San Francisco. "At least for the present we will not build more vessels for the Coast trade, as returns are more attractive In offshore business." said .Mr. Moran. "The new steamer will be of much tha same type as tha Robert Dollar, and being built with a view to being used i ,, - a . wall aa areneral carao. will have large hatches and most mod ern cargo gear. Regarding Captain Ahlin. who wa on tho steamer Caraino until the com- i a ha, a fw weekii aso at New York. Mr. Moran says he will rest ashore for a time ana men do given command of one of the present steam- K VI tha rcnvntO- Which is DOV on 'the way to Ipswich with a grain cargo from Portland, ana nno ui uo retained In the foreign trada for the present. FIFTH LOCAL CARGO TAKEN M. H. Houser Began Exporting Ca reer With Pierre Antonlne. One vessel in the harbor is closely linked wtih the fortunes of M. H. Hou ser, who has her under charter and will begin loading her in a few days for the fifth time. It is the French bark Pierre Antonine, as she was the first carrier ho chartered and dispatched on enter ing the grain exporting business here in the Fall of 1908. Incidentally the intervening time has not only placed Mr. Houser at the head of the list of Individual grain export ers in the 'West, and there1 have been times when he floated more of the cereal offshore than any one man In the Union, but the interests of the owners of the vessels have been bet tered. Her 1908 engagement was at the union rate, 27s 6d. which ruled in thosa days, and now she receives 80 shillings for the same voyage to the United Kingdom. The Pierre Antonlne came Into the river December 9 from Belfast and the probabilities, are that she will be cleared about the middle of next week. LIGHTSHIP IS IN POSITION Columbia River Vessel Drifts Five Elgliths of Mile. Thagt the Columbia River light-vessel drifted five-eighths of a mile from her station Sunday, has been confirmed by Inspector Warrack, of the Seventeenth Lighthouse District, who yesterday re ceived reports from Captain Nielsen, of the vessel, as well as Captain Rich ardson, of the tender Manzanita. the latter verifying the distance the light vessel had moved. An unusual part of the matter Is that the lightship had out 225 fathoms of chain and she carried that, weighing 17 tons, as well as a mushroom an chor of 214 tons, over the distance. The mushroom anchor has a diameter of 6.3 feet, and an idea of the length of the chalp is offered in the 111""-;1'0" that it would stretch from Uirst and Washington streets to Sixth and W ash ington streets. The chain and anchor were picked up by the ship. anS she steamed back to her proper position without assistance. Marine Notes. Two e-riKS "t louBShoremen yesterday be aan Toa"ng the British .learner Errol I at fe Por t and Flourin Mill t"mpanto irid a third gan will be employed today. So the, vea-el will fini.h this week. Arrlvlnir In the river yeaterday from tai lfornTa ports, the McCormlck steamer Klin SthTroceeaed to St. Helen, t load for the return, and is to sail tomorrow. Chrlstm.. trees for Callfornlans. as weH a. .hlpme. of Oregon gra pe will form Dart of the cargo of the steamer Bea er. Caotam Mason, which rails from Ainsworth captain ... ,.. Every year TnTr of rhe"irnne carries tree. for the market, as well a. a few lor th. use of the company. r. for Newport and Florence Is going aboaYS the'gasoll.e schooner Patsy at Pine ,.. da..k she Is to sail tonight. The gae "line ".Sooner Tillamook left Ba"don Wednesday and Is looked for here t"- On the steamer Daisy Gadsby c eared -lerdav for San Francisco, were listed ship mems of U tons of wheat and other cereal, and 500.000 feet of lumber. Completing work on Grays Harbor, tha llghthouM tender Heather ha. returned lo the river and the tender Manianlta sailed yesterday for Coo. Bay. Iltr ves,ere7.erwhTch sU-nthere for an ov.r- bu"n- a . have V S as! ta oan" f w.- from EHmsport for Portland l8Thnatth,ehe British bark, K.lma first of December 14. was a message received at th. Kiuhanee yesterday. bhe let. the river July 18. Tides at Astoria Friday. . . II.'.gh- or e.tit ' A- m'0":.3.2 feat 10:16 P:'M:::.6 1 ft5:0a r. M 0.1 feet Columbia Biaer Bar Keport. . . la aonH t rirl (if D ba?at5P. M: Sea, smoothTind. northeast. 10 mllea. Vessel. Kntered Yesterday. ..niir,a arhooner Patsy, general cargo. from coast porta Vessels Cleared Yesterday. . .teamer Dal,y Gadsby. general cargo, for San r rancieco.