Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 15, 1915, Page 13, Image 13

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Banners Are Paraded Before
Meat Shops That Refuse
to Recognize Union.
Id.-j Will IUi m Il Arrrptftl
hr ytrn rwfor Ttwy Will tlm
nrturnrij la lormcf flr.
V"r of th mat-otters anion
h atrvx-k oa Mo1r (or a -kiir
sow hav raeorted to a mwf!ri
form of b)fo! against several cf tb
fti! th mplrtr tr( -nloT!C
.imlo til!K ra-rutting l( wherever
they ra get It. tslr fr-ner m-'t'jv
ar Irving autlr to la'lien.- buvr
nt lo KltsniM th thnM against
which, th strike la directed.
"If yoa buv liar hour Is
f1 work for on dr pi.. do et
patronn Ibis plac." wa th op?!
painted us a banner carried on the
"" and back "f iron attired In
long-. whit buSrhere roatt who watka-4
and 4wa r from of the afTected
H-sre .i dr yee'erdev.
Th en-player, however. lp?al! thai
their buetaea hae r AC Keen dietarhl
A e of moo arrived k.r reet.rdar
naming from BeattI to take th. p!c
f la striker.
Oaai a hop lo tl-td Oa.
Th Retail Mt IVaIr AM-tlon.
fn ;m1 of representative of 14 of
a prtfv-tpal market In Iho cfcr. hld
ihm!!iii at Boca yevterdsv. tt la
dr,'o.5, tat aom of (ho imi.'lf plant
aro rdr la lako Iko mon back lo
work. Dal preprlerr of Iho larrer
a.sart tt If lha non rtor
tr will bar lo a"pi Iho principle
of aa epa chop. They y that they
i I trr to maao plana for Iho strlk
In but-hera bat refus to rvcogais
their salon.
Tl strikers aro mmhr of th
Am!.rma.d Meet aTutler" ind
Hntr VVorknana t'nlon. Nn, 111. t.. :eren-. with their former ens
rioters aro aoC ever Iho q'4:ioa Of
wee. It la a question of heirs.
trol-foro Iho maa kav start., lo
at 31 la Ik mo mint bad
hour off at aooa and Qail al a clock
In Iho eventing too working tei
( 4ir. On ftnrir nr arkl
nr. I orlork ! ko-r lnnar.
A f wk in tt secretary cf the
mnn xnt a form t!r la a. cf ih
-n3tJTio narkta JCti a ron
frn- ert tno q'4ron ef rl'rir(c th
worhinc ar ! I fcoar. br ctnnlBt
work l 1 A. Ar. a(.al cf ( ).
olllaaaoaf Alrai4.
Tso mrtTr. aa a b4r. rplt4 lhat
r ro il I mot airtopl tai con.litto
Tho onion efficUI ak'l for lafrrna
!! tbo ao.iiin of tn-
ptoyor n4 tao rsoaal cf Ka mm
boa ik
te thC (ho orrptoyora al lhal
lino h bul roru:y rom?:oc4 lhlr
or rtiuiton. Thr protraa to cortifr
a Dmlrij . II. aalon ef.'.
rial, bat bforo Ihor cM r9mp!ofo
tlx I iar 'o eof f: I thai on.
I tir a'l tao t-hovtr d r
tno ma won 1 1 withdraw Iron tkair
Thai waa t( f4ltir4ir mcralrf. Tha
tTjijir akl far f jr'.har lim. of
(Uinmi lhal thar ahotiUI baro al laaat
a lo aaetfr (hair caatomara of ibo
rentamnatad rhana. ISa aninr
raft.a.t Co clafr a t!or any further,
an. Woa.iar mtnl aoao of Iko ma
wan! l work.
N afira karo hn ma4 bjr oithar
id la i-'iu th atr'.ka.
aneaa elkar Norlhwoatora corn man I
lioo la iho rapon froca Kaaaiaxla Irrl
ttaliea 4(rtrt Baar Nortk Taalma,
wkk-a ria:d.4 aa adracato of 4a.;:i
ki.i.'a oa arraa. or aa ancraso of
i aoabaia la ibo aero.
Tbu la aa lacraaao of oao-thlrd ocr
iat year.
Oa rWda Colli r Arxxhrr
Galltj of rorjrry.
Ckarca4 wtk pctykamr bacaaao ha
raproaata i;-yaarold lU'aaor M
Al.iacr to bo fcia wlfa. r.oborl rVhirl
ttr acpaar4 before Circuit Judcc
Kaaaeauak yaalardar aa4 plaad'4 aol
a"ut;ir. lio waa ladlriaxl Mondar by
1 :
t i
A 4
Miss Ruth Price Believes She
Should Get Share of S14,-
000,000 Holdings.
Ln1 Now In Heart of Clly or Ralll'
morw Said lo Hare IWn laarl
tor t Vram and Trrm Ilaa
Fiplrrl. for rroprrtjr.
Mtaa Roth I. rrloo. SO-Vaar-OI4
Uarala Mlat aoal Olri.
llottaw That Mm Mar la
kvavll Ikaia of l
talo la) B-aJllaaorv.
lha crand JutT- It waa rtiarc4 lhat
h waa atlll marrlcl to Cora Schia
Wria ralrrbi14 arij Cheater Purko.
In4irta4 Mondar tor iarcanr In a dwall
Ina. aiao app.ar4 lo ar.l.r plaaa. Fair
child, who said bia trno nam wa.
i htr Malnard. p!Jd not ulliy
Cbaatar Parka plradod ralltr and will
bo a.olancad wlthla a faw dara. Ttiay
waro cbar'4 wit.i brakln into lha
raaij. nc. of Francl C oa No-
cmBr II.
'lctina of LJonloa Road Coltlaioa
Rrportrd ISomrw hat Uruer.
Wolorryclo ratrolmao K.rbr While
fc4. who waa Injurad la a collision
wttk a wood waaoo on the lnolon
rood Monday merit, waa reported laal
aiskt at Lho tiood (amarlun lioapttaJ
aa ilill btKQ nmr 1 o u a. Cur I'hyalctao
Zirc .r. who la att.ndlnc him. and tbo
man a tiaaarai coaditlon thowad aoi
Impro'.mant. and that b waa appar
ently not In ao Jep a etupr aa ttarno-
diatelr followlrtT tbo a-cldnt.
I. Pl XrCartacy. lha driver of the
we4 wacora who waa arraet.d follow
Ina lha arcld-nt by Motorryclo Orflrora
Iran and UouUalane charae4 with
diaplayinc o llsbt. waa final IS
larday la MaaUripol Co-rt
Itlllabvro Jary Cornpk-lrd.
irtujsnono. or, iw. 11 sPrii.)
Tha J'jrr la th trial of lint a Mario.
Indtcla4 lor lha kl.Ilnr of kaabnabaad.
waa rompi. tad lata tolay and. after the
cpaalna addraaaaa by Deputy Dletrlrt
Attorn. y Tcesao and II. T. Haa'trr for
tbo 4fefia. court adjourned. Tomor
row lb Jury will bo takna to the Mrlo
bona at bnt Hoea. wbaro lb killlnc
look pUca. 8. Bl Ho. ton. of FvrtlaBd.
la aaatatioar la Ibo dafenaa. nviin ifi: tlr... faada aiprl
Mania, r la ll " aa
r...t ( a a4 u'y al
To be aetablleea aa one ef Iho right
ful hrlra ef an eatale In Baltimore,
formerly owned by her icral-raat-arandfather.
Thmaa Trice, and now
aid lo b worth I14.000.000. la the hopo
of pretty Mi Ruth 1U. P. frlco. a
TJnrxIn Hleh Sehool-irlrl ho
Urea with her mother. Her. May A.
IT I re. a plrltuallt paetor and me
dium, at lha aouthweat corner of Fifth
and Phrrman atreeta.
Mlaa mca di-aan't know how many
other helr-clalmante there aro to the
TrW-o eetaie. nor how much land l In
cluded In lho propectio lltlaalion.
Uoit of iho information ha com from
out of the heira, Mr a. Anita Calvert
Ho urf eniae. a llneaae lawyer, who lle
In ft, Loul.
M-Trar Laaaa Haa Ftplred.
It la uaAltd that Thoma Trice l-l-
tled on what la now the alto of Balti
more In tbo 17th century and that
the land waa auneequently leaaed for
ll-tttr period or eren a itreater
lenrth of time. Acrordlnar in Informa
tion received, recently by Mle Trice
and her mother th leaaea on the old
e.tata emired about alx year aro. and
th hrlra ar now averting their rlht
to till In th erooertr.
Tbo land at leau la aald lo include
property now covered by eeveral of th
municipal bulldlnaa ef Baltimore, and
lha Cortland claimant have been in
formed by a friend. Cbarlee R. t.hlrm.
of New Tork. ea-Bepreaentatlra In
Con area, lhat lho City of Baltimore
wtll flcht the heir vigorously.
"My areat-Breat-erandfathar. Thorn
a ITlc. with hi two brother, cam
to America from Walea In 16J:." re
lated Mua Frlco laat nleht. bar far
(lushed with th proa pert of Inherit
Ira a fortune. 'H bousht a larea
lata la what haa alcre become th
heart of lha Cl'y of Baltimore. Ill
land waa leased, either by hlmsalf or
hi deacendanta. for a Ions; period. It
year, we hava been Informed.
Geaeral Trie Waa Relative,
"Meanwhile th owner of th lease
hold bavo com to be lie v that they
owned title In fee simple to Ih eatate.
but. aa a matter of fact, ao wo ar
told, th leaaea expired lx year co,
and lb property aoould now revert to
U-. heir.
"My share of lha e.tata would coma
throuf ) my father. Captain Daniel K.
rrlce. ii alood at the head of Com
pny O, of Ih Hih New Tork Regiment
th Civil War. He 4le4 la year
o and now lie la th old Arllnstoo
Cemetery, on th former estata of on
eral La In Virginia. Another great
arandaon lo Thomas Trt'- waa General
Merlteg Trice. Ih Confederal tienerhL
Tb firat I -heard of Iho possibility
of becoming rich through lha Inberl
lane ram last ummr la th xorra of
letter from on of Ih other heirs.
After considerable correspond
reived a letter a few day ag
fling mo aa on of tha family,
Other Helra Aro Bought.
-They are now rounding hp the ether
helra la order that Ul suit lor the
property may b prosecuted aa soon a
poaalbl. .I course, i ajon . anow lor
tiro that 1 am going to com Into th
estate, but the other heir ten ma mat
vi y;' v -a. v
aV a ... Sr. -
It .
i -Jfen s)sl Mil
. ' ' . ' - - J , ' a W-l VS;-- m. S-. faaV I II III 111
ew--Tk fvi ;; "J2nbrV VI III Ilill -
Your Maxwell
Is Ready ISf
Ready for you to step into the luxurious front seat, start it with the com
plete modern controls, and drive it home, to the envy of the neighbors.
Nothing could better demonstrate our faith in the Maxwell's ability to
stand up; nothing could better demonstrate our certainty that you will be
pleased with the streamline body, the splendid appearance, the ready motor,
the electric starter and lights, the demountable rims. Lots of Power. All
for $655, F. O. B. Detroit. Let us Demonstrate. Open Evenings and Sundays.
C. L. Boss & Co.
615-617 Washington Street
Portland, Oregon
Wholesale Office Address
312-314 E. Madison Street Portland, Oregon
th property owner hava bean try
ing to buy off their Interest, which
wiuid Indicate that our chance ar
Mi Price waa born In Norfolk. Ya
Just 20 year ago. After being reared
n Waahlngton. D. C. ha camo West
with bar mother alx yeara aao. spend
ing on year In California and travel
ing fur another year befor settling In
Portland nearly four yeara aao. h
waa graduated front the Lincoln High
School.ltb lho Juno rlasa last Bummer
and haa mr been taking a post-gradual
Mart-tag Licenses.
KINO-DVaGAN Everett W. Kin. 21.
Oiex, or., and Leila Vara Dug-fan. 21.
Laat Tenth street.
fholomew, 21. Eugene. Or., and Winona Heaa.
IT. 4"7 Jrtfer.or. elreet.
KKAl!Ei:-Mut:R6 William O. Kratnr.
cloolc. or., anu Ua 1'. Mocrs. 21, 787
klallory avenue.
ail-ATKlt-STCMI'FLJSG Joseph B. Slater.
1sl. 4.1 lxinsion avenue, and Maxy
otun-.pflinc. lc?al. aame addreas.
HCHLiP-OSi.l EN Julius J. Schllp. ?2.
1 1UT Front eireec and Iiia Oshum. m. Fifty
third avenue and Forty-second street Souin-at.
Holland, io-
B. llex-
irntiaanl (M" pae II
Vv 111
hlt . a ia.l. " I i.s - , - T
a k. L. ''! l a .il. . v.,..'.
K O. a l mu. x A.. -A'w.a
si a-. r"'.e. "in a I'.'.e kalaii a-4
l - ! a-n.a l'n-e -4V'i rn a
m l. l.o a : i T...--.
' . ' . .;aa.e. rura, Her-a ' . --
It t. -i-m .--a a .". va. r . m
"Brtwai. Ila". u a. It. t . and am.ta.
a. "r T"- ai l n... Ud a r-aea".
I. WMA r. V. mt V.r.. , zrltmn-.
I a ei-a. F t. ,i-i'- T-rY'. K aef.
ir, '"aineos . a re a. t at. M .
t.,-v. taile l'l"l' lla.e. t K-. "la
a aair '. Ii-hj ... "Maai.r
ar It a-,n llar-e'. rr. t, ' .
rf:.a Tin.; Fuia :tra?. x pr ---.
!(. ic v. -V.rrT!.ae-.
,f V. , ar .aian'. Lnr
ev-li.,. p..v r"ir--: r, M .r-i.
' W .r lr-'". Mm -l.r-T aaw.acrm
e a;, :4..l". M -ii -. -.t').. mf na
H wi-i r.A'a'. a''!. S.r Vfat.r. 'Saee'.
i-Url, w o. ''aa
T-.--. t, j T . T'n.-e-n
. i-i... . !. ". t;i., "At,!.
' a.'t.aa'. I ?it J !. "V M.
-Tnni. a T v . ! k..i-v A.Mat g...
t-'.-i'T-. ti. a.h..e,. -; a.-?tMr.
Hei.4'. menae, "I4 a,-u-i...,, s.i'ie- tra.a.
t at M . -J it i a:i.-. -..i, .
H .r nr K t "torn Itann. , K-n.a-v'.ia
' Vaat.r 1 -.''. hlilna. T. it
."t. "imt'a l'iai ai.tie. k. tv, 'Sfcc,
ar -!. Miseek. brta. "Wlea I he
a-.a vijm
Mi. Cil C-inlsfcm's Stigf LH IWsn Whe Sh Snf to J3rk Lone-
Lans of Vojca and ImprraaHo Hrard Wondrrfal o!c.
ONCC upon a ttm
gtrl with gold
lure of ra
To Biltata, th. Iinay lilt! pahtl
earmn Lea ted each moatn r Ih Fori
1.0. 1 C-4 TaerSarV Aeaocitt on. la
arl;:e ,!lr. t He orul aaw,y ISle
iri.7a?a. Cf an t 1 adlunet f a
.-! afiuta whl..-S la doing goo work,
f i-.r'ni.sdasi Alderman saya la l
J: u : a .
T Ar'-1 Cieaa.r .r r'. r f T.a rae-a
h . rfei af. a 4 ftr tla eo'v-M. a ur-i.
'.tn a.f wan ine ..!.!. a.
NCC upon a ttm ther waa a little
ea curia. Ilk plc-
In "Vncl Tom"
Cabin." and big bio eyea and a lovely
volco lhal bed never bad aa much a
1 casta spent on cultivating lt Jus
a natural, sweet vole. It waa. and
the llttl girl who owned It didn't know
whether her best note cam. from her
bead or bar diaphragm or her stomach.
What she knew about aa tnu.R-
ta tkucht. yen ceull piar In on large
t- ...a r t -,t j i
t'ne - h' ' iw f got up lo sing al church entertain
en. at and Ladles' Aid lr and Just
sure easily, naturally and beautifully,
fh got a prima donna ion In
muaw-a comedy and. becaus everyone
aald II waa Ih correal thing lo do. she
took about It worth of vocal train
Irg. iforo It had set In on her. bow
ever, eh got a cbanc to go to Kurop
lo (ill a theatrical engagement. And en
lha boat! otng over ah waa lonely
on day aoj caroled her prvlty head
off la th aalon.
leapee aarta. If ear Laaaely CilrL
ntr la fairy lale coo! J ( happen
that oao of Ih biggest impre.arloa In
th world was en t.-iel boat and heard
bar atng. Bul thia la a tru story, and
th girl wba ag waa Cei Cunnlng-
e am. Orpfcautn bead liner It la week, and
th na who kaard bar wa Henry
Aa J rltThl off k encased lb atato
e i omr n.i.lint
' a a.ii-r. i ia
-r t.-e .wa -a.t- .a. .. a.
'r.. T . . va rn -a- m?
t wlafa t Cr I c -, eMt-ea "Brbr of Jtavllie."
Ivaterday. when
e ? a. 4
rear. Ta.,,1 'Ni mi charming Miaa Cunningham
ia i; Dir. e. j to atng (or a season In Farta. Fh
rei7" ( a.r areateet a-jerea In -l aMl'.r
and la Ih eeoe4 Imla rol la tb
S.-.-i. j uaae a.reri t.a I
r Ote aa e'vntrarv I
-. rm .e. a e-aea
t u( w "ta v ! l . ml. i.i.
ai. Se a " 11a
-- ' rir 4 I II eery
.J-i... .n I
r t " tap
W. a
- a ere
earth eh laaraad
I aehed hr how oa
Italian so autckly.
-r w e . a a-aa-r'.-. f la,-, aaj.t
- ... ana .r .wai Bil aw.-it
r aaaa a. tt ta a a e Mat
e - tt aia. etam.itatael aa l lermetteiia
!-. ( i at aa
a "h r e K. F. FX fk .. wit:
inaai " Vr. wr n. Kirksp.
llawtoreea n. f -i.l
Saael ta l:i ltk ahtf IS. pro-
g-avut at 1 aeljc
leerroavrj Arrer 4 Ytrkt I Xo4
a by O..W. I:, at X. ner-ort.
Fao.r f em th r.face1t 4i-t-itrf
e .f :at.r vvhiagtt aal
Favar,ri OfeC't-. rari,ai la th kaet
(ear at, , siru-i: ( th o-vtr. h.
At X i'.mar show e.n--:.i.e;r lhal
aara la laweatlAf a atapl pro! l la
1e ?ea-wet an I ? r eorrtpaa,
JT.a ta aa'.re cuaie effort.. I
aaa t.'-(reams th 1-at'ag kraa
( th aatrt.-tl"irl l(i'rv.
I iaf r :i ef lao t :-1 av4a ia
sh l-
"I IMn'L t stool right by lb piano,
a: mot sat on It la (act. d-ariag ro
baatraatl and learned th td and In
leeaitesa Jt. aa a parrot would, fa
4. parade I aald to John Mat Cor trt Irk.
who waa sieging la Ih opera. "14 b
kpr If 1 kaaw what I'm sayiag wbs
t eag
"Aaxi. with aa t(t.raa4 bresu.
k aaatnma al tint.. I r. f aKfe tc k
s.i-l Thy should know? No oa
a . ,.'
MaMIVee .UI I KsklMtatd.
tie Ooatnhaa la aa Araerican
(lr ef triahi blood, and waa bora In M.
Iua. From bar lome city her faruiiy
la already e a4 1 n a h-r bar Chrtecma
P-tarkag.a. Iha eow.4 sn prtd. fully a k4aarcklaf rn-al by br
notlaf. thinly tatting derorated It
h.m. and It waa proenp'Ir fo;ded agala
latat ta raaaa la wblarh mo tha re
h. had saent It.
"That oat thing Ml never utvo but
atwaye lata It t. k.r (Irat bit of tai
ling, aad vry s'.icrh I wertk a mil-li-e
doi:r lo .' aald th deucbter.
la prteat lif !! Cunnincham la
th wif ef J.aa Haves. ar4 I learned
fraaen Ih Joint war of IB Bam thai
II la prneaaad ft a-la arrertt th
kaa. Jaat B ALr. Uav is la Lo
M i
' 'a
FVtaw twat. I
at Or heaa
Letter Seat Oat Vrglag th Cltlaeaa f
Fortlaad to Hava Mrlng Work
Da Xsw aad Lead a Head.
Employment for at leaat two day for
each of tba unemployed man In the city
of Portland wltnm tha next (0 day
I planned by tn emergency employ
ment committee of the Chamber ef
Commerce, and a letter wa sent out
widely yeaUrday to th citizens of
Portland to co-operate in th plan.
Tha letter contained a card to be
filled out and returned. Indicating the
amount and the natura of tha work that
can be offered. The letter goes out
over tha Slsnatur of President C C
Colt and Manager Georgo t l.'ardy. cf
tha Chamber of Commerce, and the
emergency employment committee.
which consist of the following: John
Pearson. I- R. Alderman, t. F. La.
Loveland. P. K. Arlett. 8. C. Bratton. O.
V. Mlelko and Joseph EberoanskL
Th plan outlined follow In part
gome of your Pprtng work can be dona
now inside ttalntin. carpet and ether
eleanlnr and dustm. carpenter -cm. sen
renovating, paper uansms. aalsomm
Ing. baeeraenl clsamn. p.uutl.ln chauiss
Improvement., certain wora itoui me
yard and outLulldlnsa. certain work about
lha buetneae Institution or office ia
cu.toriarlly delayed until cprug mlfbt be
itutia now.
tndeavor to star at least two oas- em
ploymant ta ba completed within the nest
a data Nrnetr per cent ef Portland tjn-
emnioye4 are family man or women wita
children dependent. A sllsht sacrifice by
brtns a Santa ciaus ana
traae aad a happy heart te many
T I children dapal
f I yeuraelt will
T I marry chrletm
I poor child.
Ce-lt roaalatakaaa.
bet I Hesatllayer
Tkhs Weak.
An. lea. and Ihlther bound la tha orna
mental aa well aa useful Wra. Haves.
tb think ah may do a plctur or two
Mr. Have la a director la lb Kr-
toco ri.ra t ompany and. aa Mis Cun-
etneham says:
"Muslnes will keen u In Hot'.ywood
a long lime yet. I'm going lo quit
vaadesllt anyway, and. after I've had a
reel. I Biigbt aa well b mad Into
Fred Barxrw Accuaed of orrerlns
Starred rhraaanu for Sale.
Fred Bars, once well known as an
sthlet In the Multnomah Club, waa
convicted of offering a atuffed China
pheasant for" sale and was fln4 ISO in
District Judg Dayton- Court yeter-
Car. II gava nolle of appeal, in
cite of ultimata conviction, hi attor
rev said. Bars wUl bavo to aerva out
bla In th County Jail, for ho ha
no moner.
A year ago Harie wa cnnvicteq or
practicing taxidermy without a license.
H aald b had no money to pay th
license lee. At this statement a
etranger roe In the courtroom. ald
b had known th defendant la hi
palmier day. andofferd to pay for
the license out of hla own pocket.
Ark-ta School rrorramme fxK.
This evrnlng Ibo Ariel School will
bold an exbinit ef work done In the
school Including Ih manual training
and domeaue science departments. In
connection wltii this exhibit a Christ
mas entertainment baa been arranged
br th Herman claaa. Tb "grand
march" will open th programm Kanta
Ctaua. Little ited Biding Hood. Haensel
and Orel!, tb Base bud. Lncl em
end Mlaa Columbia and Fslrle and
Flower will be represented. Tha pro
gramme Includea an address on "he
Valu of laniusre in Kducatlnn.
Chr'.atmas ong by the singers of the
Copenh-fer, lral. Si IT Kiarhtr-seeond street
Puutheaet. and Flora May Johnson, legal.
Lents, or.
Vancouver Marriage License
BAK ER-VOGEIi E. E. Baker. 41. of Port
land, ard airs. Florence Lawis Voget. 37.
DAVIsi'oV.JOIIXE Walter Pavlson, S3, of
Portland, and Ida Johue. 27. of Brush
PpalH. W-.h
nsHPii.oi.l'vk'STT Jirob F. Fisher,
SO. of Vancouver, IVaah.. and Mra. Elisabeth
I'lcnkett. Si. of Vancouver, Wah.
MouRE-KOGKKti Floyd Moore. 5!. of
Tlvoli. New York, and Mr. Kmily Rogers,
O. of Vancouver. Veeh.
ELACK-ANUKEWS Theolora 8. Black,
21. of Portland, and Mies borena M. An
1. .. T.i. : , tn f ip
of Portland, and Mra Annie Kant, -7, col
ored, of Portland. .
HTARTKT-JOMS jonn .-. atcvariiu,
J. of Pan Francisco, and Edith i. Jones.
4. of Minneapolis, Minn.
pron To Mr. and Mra. William W. Push.
61 Ka.t ThlrtlatB alreat. uecemoer
ut ti vnnp ta vi i ana aira. t ivoa n.
Rutlecce. til Sacramento street, DeoamDer
t. a eon. .
1'AVI.ICH T Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pav-
Hrh. ou Eost Thirty-second streot, ITecenv
K. A - .t ..,.!...
Bl ialGAKTNEK To Mr. end Mrs Frank
W. Dumaartner. Peninsula apartments, .No
vember a daughter.
KLOCK To Mr. and Mr. Lewis B. Kloek,
I J vi.Vtilt-n .freef. Darcmbar S a SOU.
" nfxLAP To Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Dun-
lay. Ill East Tenth street. December 10,
iirrohT To Mr. and Mra. Martin
Heerdt. T East Burnslde street, December
i. a son. .
Dint wno v To Mr anrl Mra R. O. Fa'
nasors. :7 East Forty-sixth street, De
cember I. a son.
ROSENBERG To Mr. and Mra. William
Roeenber. Atayser, Or., December 8, a
FCHUH To Mr. and Mrs. Peter- Schuh.
CC7 Wilson street. December t. a son.
Bollding Permits.
ar t ti t srT- n TL'XJ t T V V rrt nrta and ana-
V . r ...... rnm. riealllna. 11 Eut Hlxtv-H
second street North, between Alameda and
Franton streets; builder, Millard F. White:
O C. ALLFV Erect one-storr frame
rater. ( East Fiftv-alxth street North,
between Stanton and Siskiyou streets;
builder, same: line.
MAGGIE PEOPLES Erect ene-story
frame dwelling. 0 Wygant street, between
K.aet Tertb and East Eleventh streets;
bulirler, K. Peopes: l:0.
MRS. A. ANDERSON Repair ona-stonr
frame dwelllnr. 10 Belmont street. he-
taet Tnlrty-slxth and E.aet ininy-
seventh streets; builder, same: lio.
J. H. E A 1 Repair two-story frame
tor. O.laan .tract, between Broadway
and Et(bth streets: builder, M. Jacobsso;
A. Ml 'I K.pair t wn-iroft rrante awpuina,
14 Hovt street, between Twenty-third end
twenty-fourth street; builder, M. V. Su-
thuens: lino.
. p. OfBORv crecc one-storr rrama
dwallln. t.vit rortv-eiirhth street Sontheast,
between Division and Twenty-seventh ave
nue: builder. H-netitrr urea.; tittuv.
VFf.I.Ie: H STAFKN Kepatr one-srorv
Member Portland Osteopathic Aaa'n.
frame dwelling, 205 East Twenty-seventh
North, between Pacific and Oregon streets;
builder. G. O. Wicker; S1Z5.
Erect two-story frame dwelling. 4J Last
sixteenth North, between Tillamook and
Thompeon streets; builder, L. D. Horn: $1-,-000.
N. ALDER Repair one-story frame dwell
ing, zzi East Fifty-first street, between East
Main and Esst Aladison streets; builder, A.
Mendell; J100.
CORBETT ESTATE Repair four-story or
dinary stores and offices, 165 Third street,
between :iorriaon and Yamhill strtets
but, tier. Mcllolland Bros.; 12000.
FKAXCI.-iCO LL'ERKA Repair one-story
frame dwellin. S34 North Ivanhoe street,
between St. Johns and Maple streets; builder,
J. O. I'atne; :o.
one-story frams dwelling. (SI East Twen
tieth street, corner Karl street; builder,
same: 11500.
A. GUTHRIE A CO. Erect one-story com
mlssary. Willamette boulevard, near O.-W.
k. ai . company right of way; builder,
same; snn.
M A GLTHRIE A CO. Erect one-story
irame nunkho'isen. Willamette boulevard.
near O.-W. R. a N. Company right of way;
wu-iuer. sftme; a o t
m A. Gl'THRIB A CO. Erect the-story
xrame otxice. Willamette boulevard, near
JJ.-w. r. a N. Company right of way
ouiiaer. same; sio.
W. FAIRBANKS Erect one-story frame
cnicaten house. 4830 Seventy-fifth street
Boutneast. between Forty-eighth and forty'
rtntn efreerw: nuHtler. same: S40.
TJ 1JTT i BroBdwav. at Taylor
nnilvlVj I Main 1. Aim
tljje TONIGHT 8:15
it ,,- iiv rem
Matinee Today 2:1 5
Floor XI, Pal. 75o-.-.0c. Gal. 3.1c-:5c
From well-known stories, Pat. Lve. Post,
by Montague Glass.
Eve's. Floor fll rows) tl.soi T at L
BaL, J I. 75c, SOc. Gal.. o5c, 2jc
Seats Now Selling.
Bioarlnav and Morrison.
Home of th nonulap Baker Players.
Tonight, all week. Matinees Wed., Sat. i
Dramatized from tba famoua novel of Rex
J3ach. Beautiful acenlo nroauction. im-
meruo cast. A red blood tale of Alaska
roid. Evenings. 25c Sue. Box and logo, 5c.
Matinees, all seats OxceDL box). 25c. Next
week ' am 111-. (First time in years.)
Matinee Saturday
Prices. i, $1.50. si. 75c, 50c.
aV,.T. , J fa aaaawaaM talrft ianarataifaiiaia' '
The Beat of Vaudeville.
The Comedienne Extraordinary. CKCIf,
ri.VXINt.HAM; Kyan aV Lee, Harry Fern
Co.: Bert Lamont A Cowboys: Tharber t
Madison: Io daa-kaon A Mae; Orpheum
Travel Weekly! FA TIM A, Principal Dancing
Girl for Deposed sultan of luraey.
NfiTF PRirFe Matinee. Daily, loe. 55c.
IIV" a aaivw, Nlslita. 10c. Kc 50e
The Girls of the Orient
The Sensational Musical Comedy.
Boxes. firt row balconv seats reserveji hap
I phone. urtain 2:SU. 7 and 9.
Ford Auction House. 211 1st. Furniture-
carpets, etc. Kale at 2 P. M.
At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M.
furniture. 196-8 First St.
bhe would roakoa lovely heroin, but i'ortland F-oclal Turn Vereln. recitation
k do. en I want lo a heroin. 11 by Utile Mlaa Jun Norrla. piano and
urtestrd bxing a blond v.mplr.
'No. I want lo play rhararter rd.
old ladie ace weird types.
And thai would certainly ho hiding
violin aoloa by Fortland musicians.
sketches by the mtllirery and sewing
c las sea and drill by tb gymnaelum
class. Th programme opens at J. 14
Barrett. Ir. ft. Lealer, 419 Morgan
131 dr. mono Jtam ..
Brovtae. Dr. Agar 131 lit toe K Blk.
i'bone uroaaway v. main tat:
CI lee. Dr. Mary l 03 Morgan Bldgr.
l boncs Main io. A is.
M.wlaad. Dr. 1- H, tl eelllng Bldg.
Main ill. A 222V.
Keller, Dr. Wllllasa SOS Taylor SL
i'hone Alain 044. A nil.
lev. Dr. II. N. aulte 301 Morgan Bldg.
Phonea klaranau asks, itoor 437.
Leaaarat, Dr. H. F. "57 Morgan Bldg.
I'hone Main 70S, A 170$.
Leva ea ax. Dr. Vlralala V, CIS Sforgan
Blrig. I'hone Alain HJ. war. 4031.
Mr. Dr. K. hi. aad II. C P SOS Sell
ing Hldg. Marshall 127i. A SOIL
Mrera. Dr. Katherlne 8 X0S-7 Journal
Illdg. Marehall 1275. A SOIL
'Mhrp. Dr. B. B 308 Morgan Bldg.
I'honrs Main JI3, East 1025.
Shepherd. Dr. B. F- (OS - COS Morgan
bidg. Alain t j6. East 248. A 19aa.
Aalker. Dr. Kva -. 124 East 34th SL
eS. I hone East 1)11,
They- point cjum
R. A. M. -The annual convoca
tion of Portland chapter No. a
will be held in their hall. Ma
sonic Temple, Portland. thia
( YV'etfnesdayj evening. Dec. 1.5.
1913. at 8 o'clock. EWnnn of
officers, payment of dues and other Impor
tant business. A full attendance desired.
Vlsltlnc comDanions will be welcome. W.
P. Andrus, K. II. P. J. A. ALLEN, Sec.
291. L. O. O. M. Regular
meeting Royal bldg., Broad
way and Morrison sts., at 8
P. M. Visiting members wel
come. Refreshments after tha
A. K, ifc A. M. East 43d and
Handy blvd. Special Com
munication Wednesday even
ins. 7 o'clock. Work In M. AL
Lfr-gree. Visiting brethren wei-
j come. Order W. M.
n. p. Ln.iri.i, oec.
A. F. AND A. M. Stated
communication thia (Wednesday)
evening T.oO, East Sth and Burn
side. Election of officers and
payment uf dues. Visitors wi
A. F. & A. M. Special com
munication this (Wednesday)
evening West Side Tempie, T
o'clock,. M. M. , Degree. Visit
ing brethren welcome.
J. G. MANN. W. M.
U.BUI at;
132 f. o. O. F. Regular meeting
Vednesday evening at 8 o'clock
t 1. O. O. F. Temple. First and
r streets. Visitors always welcome.
R. O. WILLIAMS, .N. a.
OSVALD, bee-
this t Wednesday) evenins.
East Cth and Alder streets.
Visitors cordially invited.
W. W. TEKRT. Sec
W., will give a whist and dance at W. O.
W. Temple. 12S Eleventh street. Wednesday,
Dec 15. Union music and refreshments.
EMBLEM jewelry, buttons, charm, pins.
new -tlemirnB. Jaeeer Bros.. 131-8 Sixth St.
Electric locomotives have been built for
German railroad naving neavy rraaes
that draw loads of 23U tons al a speed of
1 42 miles an hour.