Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 10, 1915, Page 20, Image 20

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Soda Fountain Special
Hot Chocolate xcith
whipped cream, sandwich,
pie or cake, 10c. Basc't.
See the $95 Alcazar Pathescope Movie for
Range to be given away, children FREE Satur-
Slove Department, Eighth day 9, 10 and 11 Sixth
Floor FREE! Floor,
Men 8 Bath Robes and A Willamette Sewing Choose a Victrola, Co-
ci' c t-t- ir I..-..- t "i 7.. ttj: x
ttttraonyiff Third rinny interest Flnnr. Cnnst Knsiest. Torms
1348th Friday Surprise Sales --the Store of a Million Gifts!
Meier & Frank's Surprise offerings
today fairly sparkle with the Christmas
atmosphere. Gifts every way you turn.
Neither have we forgotten the every-day
practical things which folks must have,
no matter what the season.
Over 11 acres of Christmas stocks!
The greatest Toytown in the West!
The greatest Christmas Book Store!
The greatest Jewelry and Silverware Store!
The largest retail display of Phonographs in
the West!
Trained, courteous salespeople!
Unsurpassed delivery facilities!
Ride on the
Moving Stairways
Meier & Frank's has the fourth largest
installation of moving stairways in the
United States!
-During: Christmas shopping, and at all
other times, you will find them quick,
safe and uncrowded. Always running.
Use them to both upper and lower floors.
M. & F. Merchandise
and Glove Orders
As noat. Meier Frank orders will
solve rift problems f t thounl !
Th.y are Ujed Ttr it the Glove
Store n.J at special Main AUI Booth.
RedmaM any time for gloves or any
ether merchandise.
$1.50 and $1.75
Kid Gloves, $1.19
Fine real French kid
gloves for women just the
thins: for Holiday giving!
Piroe mvq in one and .two-
ctasp style.
Black, white, brown ami Un.
Fancy embroidery stitching.
All sues. Friday Surprise,
Mala floor, fifth K(r.t
Ribbon u
We've sold so many thou
sands of yards of ribbons the
rast few weeks that short
lengths of ribbons have
piled up.
Iter they are for Friday Sur
prise! Plain ani fancy ribbons, wide
and narrow ribbons.
Velvets, satins, imported fancies
Sn.1 all kind.
Three-quarters to two yards
Friday Surprve at ha!f price!
Mala floor, fifth Street.
50c Accordion Silk Socks, 35c SPJ
rautiful silk sock for gift purposes! jv. f ViU I I
i: L 1 i i a j t -. , . -
A beautiful silk sock for gift purposes!
Accordion ribbed, in all the wanted colors.
100 doten pairs of this rerular 50e quality, for the 1348th Friday Sur
prise Sate today, ZZc, or 3 pairs for f 1.
Men s Finest 50c Neckwear, 35c
LiteralJy thousands of gift ties to choose from in this big
Surprise Sale today! Beautiful satins, messalines, peau de soie and
other silks in infinite variety of patterns and colors. Every one a 60c
tie at C0c, or 3 for 11.
Men's $2.50 to S5 Mufflers, 79c
A clearing of broken lines in Full Dress Mufflers, Reefers
and Full Dress Ftotectors. in white, gray, pearl and black. They sold
as high as $3. Limited quantity onty. Friday Surprise, while any re
man, 73c. Main Floor, Fifth St.
feteria and
Dairy Lunch
Where you can get a de
licious, wholesome lunch, well
cooked and quickly served.
Prices moderate.
Direct entrance by the stair
way, Sixth and Alder streets.
To encourage early morning shopping; and lighten the rush that will
be sure to follow on the announcement of these toy surprises, Santa
Claus will give FREE between 10 A. M. and 12 M. candy in a souvenir
box to children accompanied by grown-ups.
65c Train
Today 48c
Friction Loco
motive and tender,
ed. Bright red with
tion. Sketched.
75c Dog 57c
dog that runs on
wheels. Has
blanket, collar
and muzzle. As
for 67c.
$2.50 Train $1.89
Mechanical train, with track.
$1 Doll 79c
Jointed- char
acter dressed
doll. Cloth body.
Almost un
break able.' As
Well construct-
gold decora-
$1.50 Waists
Friday, 92c
Dainty voiles and madras
waists for all -year -round
Plain and trimmed models.
Stripes and plain colors,
long sleeves and convertible
Prettiest $1.50 models
Friday Surprise at 92c.
"-Ttirll rinr. Oatr.L
Xmas Rings
Special, $2.59
What could be more
timely for Christmas giv
ing? old gold rings with sinfle
stone in Tiffany tnounUnr.
Sapphires, rubies, amethysts.
topas and other pretty stones.
Limited quantity that will be
taken quickly.
Women's rinrs at J 2-5 9.
Main l loor. tiistlt Klrol
Embroidery and
Lace Strips, 89c
Long enough to use on
dainty Holiday gifts.
This Friday Surprise item
brings a saving in dainty
SUS-S130 Embroi
dery Strips for S9c
Strips 4V yards long. Long
cloth and Swiss, with dainty de
signs embroidered by hand looms.
Novelty Laces to '2 Off
Short lengths of Chant illy, net
top, maline and metal laces, 5 to
19 inches wide.
Dainty for blouses and holiday
to 2 yards.
Special Friday, U to H off!
Mala floor, fifth Slrt.t.
A Stirring Christinas Surprise
Men's Gift Slippers, $1.39
$2 and $2.00 grades!
Bay gift slippers for husband, father or son
and save enough to buy several other gifts.
ZOO pairs of men's slippers, of brown and
black kid and calf in hand-turned soles. Opera
and Everett styles.
All sixes. 6 to 11, in the lot.
S6 and $7 J&T Cousins
Fine Shoes for $4.15
2Z0 pairs of short-vamp. Taris-tast lace and
button shoes and style as illustrated. Col
ored and black cloth tops, with Louis heels of
cither leather or wood.
You know what J. & T. Cousins stands for in
women's footwear supreme quality! Broken
sites, but nearly all sizes and widths in the tot.
Third floor Order by Mail.
S1.00 Sugar and
Creamer Set 59c
Just 100 pairs of them!
Beautiful sets with sil
ver deposit in exquisite de
The illustration shows
how dainty and pretty they
100 Christmas gifts for
Friday Surprise at 53c
$11 and $12 Bed
Spreads, $6.98
Imported Marseilles full
size counterpanes!
Scalloped, with cut comers.
Floral design in center light
blue, pink and gold.
Friday Surprise at 6J)$.
$10 three-quarter size
bedspreads, Friday Sur
prise, $.98.
Sobo floor, fifth Street.
Today We Open the
Special Bargain
Gift Floor
Fourth Floor, Sixth Street
A big Christmas bazaar, with gifts at popular
prices, arranged on tables for easy selection.
Gifts for father, mother, sister and brother
prices to suit eveiy purse.
Friday and Saturday!
J Vo men 's 50c Round Garters at pair 25c
1000 Genuine California Rose Beads at 25c
1000 boxes of Christmas Stationery at 19c
5000 pounds of Pure Candies at 12l2c
1000 pieces of Gift Chinaware at 25c
5000 Men's Gift Ties in Xmas boxes at 25c
2000 Mens Gift Suspenders, boxed, 39c
100 dozen Mens Fibre Silk Socks, 25c
100 dozen Men's Pad Garters at 10c
Ribbon Novelties Books Perfumes
Infants' Gifts , Hosiery Jewelry Notions
Special salespeople quick service easy access by the moving stair
ways and 16 elevators.
Nothing Over $1
$1.25 Piano
Today 98c
Rosewood, ma
hogany finish.
Has 14 keys and
good tone. Like
60c Fire Engine 49c
All steel auto truck with gong.
A sturdy toy.
Our Own Importation
From Ireland
Women's Initial
Kerchiefs, 15c
A wonderful surprise today
300 dozen dainty, sheer, hand
kerchiefs, hemstitched and em
broidered initials. Warranted all
pure linen.
Splendid 25c grade, 'for the
Surprise, 15c each, or 6 for 75c.
Main Floor Order by Mail.
Spanish Lace
Scarfs, $1.39
Sold at $2 and $2 JO
Beautiful imported scarfs
in black, white and a few colors.
A number of dainty patterns.
Size 24x86 inches.
Packed in holiday boxes.
A gft that any woman would
Friday Surprise at $1.39.
Main Floor. Fifth Street.
A Coat Surprise $7-50!
One Splendid
Winter Model
as Pictured!
Another wonder
ful evidence of Meier
r. xr i- u. i
power 100 of the
most desirable new
coats for women and
misses at a price
that'll make this Fri
day Surprise the
most talked-of coat
sale of the season. A
fine assortment
These would be $12.50 coats anywhere
today's Surprise Sale at the extraordinary
fourth floor, ttb SL Mall Order Cuatomera, slve size, style and color. Satisfaction cuaranteed.
1 S , a ana V -.9 J- WW
$12.50 Would
Be the Regular
Storm coats in the
two models exactly
as illustrated. Splen
did warm fabrics in
brown plaids and
blue or gray mix
tures. High plush
collars some of
them with wide
strap belts at the
back, of plush and
self material.
just one hundred of them for
price of $7.50.
Girls' New $7
Corduroy Dresses
Friday $4.95
Just in and on sale Friday!
Fine quality velvet corduroys.
Box-plaited skirt and straight
With white embroidered collar
and cuffs and soft crush belt.
Sizes 5 to 14. Friday Surprise,
$4.D5. Second Floor, 6th St.
fir Jill
$1.50 Silver
Pieces, 87c
Three splendid gift sug
gestions Sheffield bonbon dish, with
handle; glass lined.
Fine extra heavy plated three
bottle caster.
Jam or jelly jar, heavy Shef
field top and holder.
They would usually sell at
$1.50 Friday 87c.
Main Floor Order by Mail.
75c Outing
Gowns, 59c
You'll want two or three of
them at this exceptional Surprise
Sale price!
Splendid, heavy flannelette
gowns yoke style, cut full and
long. Well made and neatly
trimmed. White and colors. x
Our special 75c gowns today, 59c.
Third Floor, Sixth Street.
Order by .Mail.
For a Xmas "Surprise"
$9 to $14 Quilted
Silk Robes, $5.95
Long robes, beau t i f u 1
and warm.
Two models in blue, red,
pink, brown and black.
Sizes 36 to 46. Friday Sur
prise, So.yo.
$5.95 to $8.50 Short
Silk Embroider 'd Robes,
Friday, $3.95.
Third loor. sixtn street.
A Lucky Purchase Brings Just 50
$15 and $20 Men's
Raincoats, $11.85
50 men will get raincoat values that
they'll talk about long after the coats
have given full service !
They are all-wool Cassimeres, thor
oughly waterproof coats that combine
the style of an overcoat and the protec
tion of a raincoat.
Two colors tan and gray, with plaid
lining to match.
Cut full 50 inches long, with convert
ible collar. Sizes 34 to 46.
Don't wait too long today, if you
want one of these 51o to $20 coats at
Third Floor, 5th St.
-Order by Mail,
for Christmas
Our $6 Grade
White wool blankets, full bed size
with colored borders. A splendid
Friday grift-surprise!
Second Floor. Fifth Street.
Order by Mail.
Grocery Surprises
These will make it
here today. NO PHON
Batter, Blue Ribbon.
fine quality, roll IJOf .
Shredded Cocoaaot.
freshly rrourvd, the
pound I Sr.
Teas, all Oc bulk vs
ricties. pound 39f .
worth your while to shop
Coffee. "Challenge,"
lb, 2Sc:2 1bs, 50c; 4
lbs, osr.
Quaker Osta, popular
cereal, package 10r.
Gold Dust or Citrus
Towder. pk. 10r.
Nlntb floor, fifth btr.tu
KSS fs- Al
r. -to I.
The Quality Store of Portland
For Dainty New Drapes
15c Scrims 10c
Several of the prettiest patterns, edged
with laces and insertion.
Scrims that suggest the daintiest bedroom
. curtains.
Regular 15c quality for the 1348th Friday
Surprise, 10c a yard.
Seventh Floor. Sixth Street. Order by Mail.
TT -
3 a?! ! L-1
From the Big Gift
Furniture Store
Cabinet $3.80
-Exactly as illustrated
a gift that'll find its way
straight to the man's heart!
Splendidly built of solid oak
in both wax and fumed finish.
An extraordinary Friday Sur
prise at $3.80.
Eighth Floor Order by Mail.