Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 10, 1915, Page 18, Image 18

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Sir Francis Webster Furthei
Explains Value of State
Industry at Prison.
Ilipa-rlme-til t fMxIarrd lo Be of
t.rral Imranrtaiaraa With Fatar)
FowalMltttr-) Climate I'ator
(.row lor of Prodart.
TrorBbly- tha greatest lriba Jt
yt r-1 Ortioa P to Ih ef -fa.
irt manner In which the lte
penm-nt at SItn I. conduct!
la eontair-d In a atlronl given out
yeaterdar bv sir Kraoci Webaier. linen
manufacturer, of Abroain. Scotland. Mtr
ranet. net only repealed statements
b had mad In an nl to
Ts. I'nionus from 5ler aevral day
rv fcm w. at fjrtftr In hi prat of
I -i. .j. r.ral demonstration of t& In
aa.try. ,ir Iran.-! rrtr.' tit altr-nl
ol jnt.rilr and eat a Of It lo Ta
f -r-nt.B. la a not fiat icfcmpBiM
tt ti tna-,tiooe-j ta, tt a:o aa- been
a ltrnit'1 l. afternoon ntf wltn tm
ft t mat. It iuMtri4 at at'. It b
! v.reatra. "n copy nt lo
t, Portland rpr that at
lacaing t."i flat tprlmBt ta Oraon
In csvtou .'fort l dt-rdil ta
! admlnla c ration aod Iv 4-otira
tt B.w India try.
C rltto rail H Im tataat.
Th. aeppr critic tailed to prtal
- tt ttment Iat alftt. Instead It
? aa artid In -k it Bald ll fir
a r'-i.a wa ar b.-u. t p
lrg(l ef It flat xprtmal pad b.a
"a tii f r at4.
fir I ra-i. a em. a hav tit oa
-tfttnt an tit nDj:t tor h.ra I th
il jnurr statement that h prepar.d
a.-.- p..s:i-!:o sis 4 a-ava out .trtJ.
r-m hi.. o'-iarte at t!ta ftenaon ttot.t.
I feat t ple-ar of In.pacttnc
f.t b J f1a praeaniyg nia. h.a-ry at I ft.
re n:'-ntirf ai staler, two ataya
I fa-i-v moat of lat 04 wU row w.
hasitfty t-. n4. ao fr a. I p..
ff of tht-a ic4(rEa rara-
1 it cultivation, ruai of tfta itfw aaa.
kRfartsa.t'Ir. boa :jft'ittl whtlo feoine:
roee.4 ar a coatiauaaca of .r
v.t .tncr. Tola I not an utiuw: r nar B--rowln dia
Ifii f ...! RM laaaM lM4.
"11. a r.'i4ir. a foo4 ta cf mi-ii-
m ta .arli.r ccs of fowl n.
n na c.m;railttlr moi.t rllmat.
aiK. II h.l la tea a-rowta aad later
In tt anaftufavtur. Thk. a.rT rtrtuat
'.a-. aiw..r. Inl. r.rtaia tmcttiM
of ri.a l l c ilti.ation aa4 lo II
tr.atm.rkt aft.r It ta pui:4. A thia
I., a rt.a in l ft aatur of taia It van-
"I 6 rcil
"imo of 11 6a that Baa o-o.oarlt
an apoa4 may hav outTr4 aoreo
no, but a reeN4rDia part of II
oiTM't ta ha wont.rfullr un4 and
irort. Th yt.m of Ua4
f'r ticytn .aom.4 la ftia IruiE.aiiiu. aa4 a4att'4 for th Hfpc. t afor tha ,u!ritn mawhto.a oa
aff ha ba 4la4 la 4tlor.
thai I ail not aMa lo im Iho (Mr
aft.r tt ha4 bn r.at4. TMa ousftl
lo to a faor3l It ma lo maaa aa
t-!-n.Bl in ir.wiet. a. fas
-t:m at a hi" prt-- ow trvc lo tha
vim.-uitv la s.ttia; It cau4 lr tha
irman war.
oawial Jkrm ( oaaralalal.4-
"Tb.ra la nA r.aJion why 4 w -r.t t !
r.a f ftaa r.tt4 oa tha arround ahoijlii
e 4 IL Tt bt aptrvwr Itut
.n n. . ar an-1 ar
only trf rior to la bal friah, l'rcacl
n1 BaLaiaa flat.a.
"It m lo b aa air.lrabta I4a
t" put ronirl'-t labor to thi work. tn
If thta prtmal war Bot lo antcr4.
taa oap.rt.Rc arata4 tnu.l ho of sroal
t-4a lo th atatr. arwt tha a!u and
Importanr of It Kiicht dIoa Ira
anr at any momanc.
"t'Btil v.achleary la dtia4 to do a
T"f of lh vary roaaid.raMo labvr
tnvnt4 In frowiaa aa4 la pr.partn
r for apinnlrw. th rot of labor la
ta ro'iatry will ha tha moat aarlou.
handicap In Ma a'4-caful culllaatloti.
I .a no ethar e.tacla lo ta auccoaafal
'iUItioB. and I wouI4 roBCralalat
limafaar Wtthjcomb oa hi atarprUa
an4 ilf. Cady and hi aa.iatanl oa
th a'U tth whe-a th.y fcaa tackled
Ih probtana.'"
rqri ir! Co'l'C. Corri:i. U at tb Im
Mr. an4 Mr. O. C llaxt. of Aatorla.
r at tb Portland.
C. l' twla nd Mr. Dot, of oattla.
ar at tb Portlaed.
Mr. ard Mr. M. f:jmen. of Dufur.
ar at in Corn.ltua.
Mr. U r. Thomp.orv. of Carlton. Or,
la at i::a Multnoman.
Mra. t. M. M Cann. of McMlanlll.
I a lh MutlBomah.
Mr. It. It. I! of lloaulam. Wut,
ta ai tia MulCnomaH.
n. A. of Lahaaoo. ta rgl
lar.d at Iha itrncllua
1 1. V. McAKUtrr. mrlck. Okla
homa. I al tha Norton!.
Mr. and Mr. K. II. PUiffaT. of Al
bany, ara at th !ard.
B. D. mat:y abd Mr. tnially. of
e.attl. ar at tha talon.
r. C IWrk:r. of Hoe fretk. Or Is
raci.i.r.d at in Portland.
Mr. and Mr. T. . Shaldon. of Spo-
kan. ab ara al Ih Kalon,
Vtra. W. II. Cowl. and family, of
pkin. ara ritrrd at th Mull'
Bun ab.
rrofaaaor Jamoa Drydrn. of Oraon
Acriruttural Col.. loralll. la al th
T. S. Hamilton and Mr. Hamilton.
of Aahwood, Or, ara raitrd al tha
M. I. Walkar. lumbarlnf; man of
r:vrrtt. I ritr4 with Mr. "Walkar
at th Orccon.
Ilarry Krllar. aalmon cannary man
of I'olnt Kobarta. Vah.. la ritrrd
al tha Or. ion.
tioraraor Jam Wiihycomb and
two torn, r.obart and Harry, ar r
Wtar4 al tha Imp.rlat from Salcrn.
Jl. C JnnlB. who I connaclad with
th Matbodl.t Hook Tonrarn at Clncln
aatl. la r.citr4 wita Mr. J.nalne
al Ih f.ward.
Mr. I. I Iruun ail rolird to Prat-
tr jftirrilir hr tha auddrn daata of
h.r molhar. Mr. Jonca, which oc
curr.4 )trday.
CIII0A':rt. rw. ISpaclal tZ. R
It.jrn. of Portland. U at lha lonraa
ao4 y. r- I'uan. of I'ortlaad. la at lha
l.a hatlr.
Astoria Test Case Results
Conviction of Captain
Randall Rogers.
American "Navigator Urlnglng lor-
dsn Vr4la Into Colambla
Muj.1 Hate Orrgoa Branch aa
Writ aa Federal License.
A.TOKIA. Or.. Iae. . (Snaclal.t
Captain Itandall Kocara wa found
Ituilty In lha Cirrult Court today on a
cnars or violatina the tat law whan
Fraach- bark Ptarr Aolonln arrlrad. isol
!) from BaJf.x. and l.fl for Portland
f load (rain, tha la th. vaaaal that wa.
lak.a In low by lha tua Wallula laat fcaiur
day and dropped afiarward on account of
In aat.r a. .. tb Iram.dlaieiy ran on
aborv. rvfurninaT thia momlnt. Pilot Aoor
aon aaa on tward. Captain La Braa. bar
aia.ttr, rvpuru ancounttrluc roufli atath.r
orr iba rlurn, aa well a ion th Oregon
roa.l. Wbl' off California lb bark u
IB a calm fur aaven day..
Th .team ecboon.r ivtlllam H. Murphy,
whlcb I. undersolna repaira at ran r'r. n -claco.
I under coarier to load a lull carco
of lumber at Wealport.
1 Do aieatiter. II. Vanre and Georaa
Kenwick ar relurnlna to tb Columbia
Blear tun. Th. Fenwlrk will b du Satur
day, and tha Vane ahouid arrlv about !.
ember 1.". Both Bill load at th lianimoud
mill. ,
Th at ram achooner Bhaata ahlfle from
ftt. H.leoa durlna lha nlehl. and afur laktne
on lath at Ih Oataop mil! and lumber at
blnappion. aalled lor ban Franclaco.
C'arryln a cargo of araln from Portland,
tb PriiiPb bark Jnvrlua aalled for tb J
United K.nadom.
Th. ateam achoon.r Cetllo aalled for Ean
rr.nciaco Wltb lumber from St. Helena
-'"rr"B fnetrht and paaaenaera from Port-
a" 4.ioria. ine aicamer lieo. w. El
der aai!d for Kan pranciaco and ban Pedro.
Bnnjlnaj a cargo of fuel oil for Portland.
Ih baiae Montiiry arrived Una morning
from California In tow of th tug .Navigator.
in ateam acbooaer Tamalpala arrived thla
mornlnr from San Kranclaco lo load lumbar
at lanuua puioiaooiho rivor.
Election Follows Retirement o
S. M. Mears From
Marconi Wirelena Iicrtorta.
All Ion. raoartad at S p. M Decem
ber ualraa Iherwta Indicated.)
Knterprlae. tteatila for Honolulu. M2 mllea
frmn Cape riaiiery, December P. M.
Manoa. llonclulu for n Kranclaco. 1.1
ntllea out. Ler-eniber n. S p. M. ortheru. Honolulu for San Fran-
he piloted the Japan I earner bate- cU.',"- i,a ,n"' ' December . P. il
oka Maro Into tha Columbia Klver Lot T?",f"U,le l iXn,ua' "
without flral aecurlni a atate pilot' I MuUnoin.h. Portland for Fin Fi
J nulca
llcenaa. He wa fined tiO. but the ex
ecution of aentrnre waa auDended.
ma facta in the toe were asrecd
to by atipulation. o the only Question
lo b determined wa whether or not
ih flat law waa operative. Conae-
Outfrolng Offit-ial Commends Col
leagues laon Results Achieved
by Co-oporation and Re
views Work of Board.
Lack of a full attendance prevented
the Port of Portland Commission from
naminrj a seventh member yesterday to
take the place of S. M. Mears. presi
dent, whose resignation dates from to
day. but the board did elect Commis
sioner R. D. Inman as president to sue
ceed Mr. Mears. Commissioner W. H.
fori Tatterson was unable to attend the ees
yiiocM:n-a rn:w i nutirx oit
to ditk nr M Atr.n.
quenfly. no Jury waa called and the I out.
nearinc waa before JudaT Kakln. I Ailianra. Frattl for San Franclaco. off
u waa admitted that Captain Kogers
wa. in char of the va.a p.lot. laVulnal " Portland, off
and alao thai ha hold a Federal license 1 KiOer. Portland for San Franclaco, 130
rovarmtT in aarlou porta alone thel"1"'" ou" or m. Columbia River.
Coast, but had no state branch. Tha Portland for San Franclaco, So
main contention, th.refor. waa whether r".'. s.'n TnoScVTor Seattle 1IJ
w . .M unrnfaif, ur wanner . nvnn ti pianro,
a Federal llcenaa la lufflclrnl to rival Aacunclou. K'l.hlk.n for Richmond. SI
A tar Kan 1miiiIim
- aiu'i o a.tunta near.
Ililoman. mlo for ban Franclaco. 120
OTiira OUI.
Northern Pacific. San Franclaco
e.avel. 1' mli.. ...... K . . , .... .
Slu.rn. r.atu tor ban FranuacoJ off I ion- being; aosent from the-city, and
luint Arena. I the election of a man to fill the va
in., KicnmoBd for Honolulu. 010 mllea Icancy was deferred until he can be
:. fce-rk larwah Ar
aaad Bad oa raaaa la
4 aa Flattery la Taw.
A baa-
St. I'. Crow hrk to ('omfrl Mayor
lo nr-.lot-e JNioll leva.
tf I". Crow, former mamhar of lha
f ori'n. aoii.-a f orr. who wa d.
aiiarga by Mater Alb, B ad m the
I oiiaty Clark . Si fa.tarday a c-
en. pa'ition far a wrtl of naanj.mua
t roanpal in Mam' lo ramatata him
a a ptro;ma wttn pay at ltl
aa-infH frna May I. XtV
Chief of PoU.-o Clark preferred
of naatact of dty and eon
k'I attxamiaf aa offiear
a row sa Nov.mbar 3 . lit I. and h.
w.. diMar4 troe Ih fare a that
a ara. Mr. (Vaa damaa-4-d aa
ifixtt'ittica by tb tlil jiaralr
loa r
ta hi. patitiort Me Craw .ay lhal
S f"1it Sarvl.-a Boon look actio
tiat h ba ra.tor 1 hi farmer pv.
ifri wlra pay f-on May I of thi.
a.,-. Ita ah. thai th Mayor bo cam
p ;,-! t anfocr IK order of thai
c arX
P. V "!. f Kjfaa. U at Ih Im
n-. r.. Wyrfc-lt. of ftai'aiaa. la al Ih
Crag in.
r A. fmith. of Tamhttt. I. at t
a Lamb, of CryUK I al !.
a. w .r4.
" n'. r0uttr. of J-fJeraoo. at Ik
a V Hare, of Tillamook. I at th
i. V .rton. of Corvatlla. ta al Ih
at. . W heater. f Tb tne at
t-r r. I, Cha. of aitvarton. I at
. V. Fraaier. f Xlloa. Or la at
In. --rt"Bia.
t. K. n.Bar. f Watt Tt'alla. I at
I - orttn'a
''onrta V Ham", of M'l.o City. I
a 1 I a Fafon,
T XV. ti.k. of Sitverloa, Is res
al l. P-rhin.
fi . Howr4. rcr)ute, )r
I th rort'ao t.
fr. an4 Mr. Harry "fare, of r J ton.
r at lb Oroo.
W. J. ICarr, pttt.Unt c 0rtroo Af rl-
-KATTLi; Wa.h. Her. 9 Th
ai-hoottar Anrila' n. whih aatlad
frorai ilfata Harbor Ier atnMr I with
rargo of lumber for l.ttllcton. Nw
Zealand. paaJ In al Cap Flattery
lajar. w atarloMTgad. and I proraajiof
to Fort Tooraaend. low4 by Ih lac
Prosper aol Holyohe.
Tha Khacnar sprang a leak Ih Bra I
niahl out of Gray. Harbor. Th craw
work I Mo pump lhr day, but th
water caiae-l oa them, and lhy aban
oort'd lb effort lo keep lb hoid clear
n4 moved their quarter lo Ih deck-
loa 1 of l'4rr. bar.
Th trftvnnmr Annla Laraan. which I
owned In fan Franclaco. aalnad Inlar-
Baiionat n-lrlaty June by arrlv
In" at IHalani with a cargo of out
of-data rtfie. and ammuottlon. valued
at IJ'-ai. which aha took aboard at
aa t'ito March t. before clearing for
Topolobampo, Maaico.
Th Uraani captain reported thai
attar arriving on Ih high .... a jpar.
arzo look chare of lha boat and an
rie.vored lo dellvr Ih cargo lo th
ttaamer Maverick, which I reputed lo
hav praviou.iy baata enga.)4 In coal-
ina (iarmaq war veaaal.
Tha rifle and ammunition ar In
rtovernment ru.todr at lioautam. and
Ihalr owner pater haa bean found ll
ia auppo-ed Ih tuT wa shipped to
e-T4 p a Huerta revolution In Meaico.
Iaal month th Ann 1-arven bad
narrow eacapo from de.tructioa while
trying; lo enter liray Harbor, having
been driven Into tha breaker, by a are!.
Hir-rt nt 11 : hill. i on it. i v.
a pilot authority lo brine a forelfo
veaael Into lha Columbia Kiver.
Pre v loa a Rallas Cited.
The proaecution. which wa rrnre-
aoted by Dlalrict Attorney Mulllna and
!. C. Fulton, contended that a atate
Pcena la necessary in any ra, hasirvc
it contention on th ruline of th
riuprem Court In tb ca of th state
mile, north of Trtangie laland.
bnaior. Alaaka for cranio, off Eaat Inlet.
Graanvill Channel.
Moifeii. ban Krancipco for China. 510
mi'-e irom rvan r r.nrl,( r
n feaundo. roint w.iia for Richmond.
Zoo mllea north or Richmond
Willamette. I'oniand for Fan Franclaco,
. mile, north or rian Krtri' larfl
Klamath, l-ft Maaallan for fan Pedro
uaramrar 7. a p. M.
r.nn.vlvanla. San Prandar. for Balboa.
a.iin., C.puln Turn;; t ' the ilV ' K""etoe DC'-
nicner court held that lh state law la I I'leuiaaa. Batbo for Fan Franclaco. 10:4
operauv ard that holdina- of a Fad. I "" aoum 01 ban I'edro. recamber s.
r.l li.... . . I . I-. w.
.... ..vw.w-w .a hu aiianw in a criminal I ro:n.a
...... amen a man ia rnargeq with I rranriMn. riar
American porta for Ban
ml e. MUlh Mr M a M V'.. ...
iuii 11 vcaacis wunout navina a latelcico. in-r a. (. p. sa.
i.n Jo-e, ii.iboa for San Franclaco. If)
Attornev Fhenhaprf .1,. mi'" aoufi of Maiat'.n, D-cember X. g P. M.
- J 1 . " f"nr"'r-- "' represented Bum. M-aiicr for Balboa. ll-9 mil-.
ina neiena. look the oppoalt view, and
cilad aa lil. authority a-llon 1111 of
tho revised Frdrral alatma. whl.-h
Reaaoaalklllly of Froanlaa Rrltaat
La-aaatalloa. Haw ever, la Paaaed
If ta C'agreaa.
cr.F.t.;NiAN m:w j bc kfac. vh-
Incton, . . Asaln th Wilson Ad-
mmliiraiioa baa drawn a ahip-pi.r
cbaa bill to meet th view of bacro
lary Mc Adoo and Ih Preakdent. and
th Chief r.xecuttve haa aent that bill
lo Congraaa with order to "Paaa this.'
la tb la.t Congrcaa. when Ih I'rca
Ident concluded t' o taovernment should
enter upon an era of oan
r.hia of ocean carrier, b did not
content himself with transmitting; bis
Idea lo Congraaa; be. with his Cabinet
adviser, draw up a bill. nt It to Con
are-. and with th draft sent order
lo pjt Ih bill aa drawn. Th bill at
la.l Congrea want down lo defeat.
Only a few weeks ago, wbn Wmo
crattc ledr m Coacrvaa grew a
prebenalv over Ih proa pact of levy
ing more 1st lo noanc th National
defenv prosramm. they appaa4 lo
.i ITaaident lo outlin spcclhcally
whatever plan b favored for raising
rvaue. Th President balked and
aM that rvvnu legl-lation must
oris. Bate a tb Houe of Kepreaenta
live, and on that pla n hittd th
rpoaaibii:ty largely onto I'onttaia.
Hut whan II come 10 the question of
providin a merchant marina in Ad
mtsietratloa) baa showa no such re
gard for lha prerogative of I -.a lloua
or of tb fianata. Inataad. Ih rrr
lary of lha Trea.ury draw. new
mp pang bill lo meet hi. own view,
ba lake Ih b.ll lo Ih While llou.a.
la ih I rvaiJenl'a O. K. and ha in
Kr. aidant and It lo CoBcrea with or-
dr lo 'aim here""
I-tl Meal Aalo la Carry riunaley.
bal Arc C'aaslal anil taanfrma.
MOKJM, Utah. I.e-. 11
After staalfnc aa eaornito ber 10
which lo nsk th trio an i in whten
lo carry away their plunder, three
bora, lb olde.t of whora , ; . broke
Into the at flpangla Monday
niM ant robbed It of a quantity of
n. reread ., they corfe-ed lo lha po
ll c a today.
Tha youthful burglar war arr.f4
to4jy A quantity of Ih loot taken
trurn Ih sior at npaacl. toaeioer
other stolen article., w.a found
In room. Preetlratty all of Ih
004 atol.o al Kfaatia ware recovered
vartou. place, m th city, after wo
f Ih thr.a soya had contcaaed.
provt.iaa. in short. Ihal ho lat or
municipal government cam require a
Pilol lo accur any stale llcanaa In
addition lo ih one laaurd by Ih t'nlled
Mate thai will Inlerfera with the par.
loriranra r in pilot a duties.
alaluta. ha averred, cava tha defendant
th rishl lo pilot th steamer In ques
tion, notwithstanding be bad no atate
atlalltr Itawaeht la.
On lha other hand, the prcacutlon
declared that Ih Federal statute cited
by tha defenses applle only lo Amer
ican and not to foreign craft.
In making hi ruling; tha court said
Ih farts aa stipulated showed tha de.
fendanl wa oparaiinc under a Federal
liren and acted aa pilot of Ih steam
er, not aa hr master or owner. Th
law of Oregon provide that with cer
tain evcepiion any parson who. not
having- a slat llcenaa. pilot. a vessel In
tha Columbia River Is ui:ty of a mls-d-meanor.
Th only question, than,
wa. whether his Federsl llcens was
lowaplalaf la I pbeld.
Tha ca.e. said Ih court, railed upon
by tha prosecution la that of lha slat
agaioal Turner, which I the asm as
this excepting thai It related to the
river and not lo th bar. and In thai
case the Supremo Court held that a
Federal licenso wa not a defense
of violatina; Ihe state law. Continuing-.
Ih court said h waa satisfied
th ruin laid down by th hmpreme
Court In Ih Turner raa applle 10
this one. II also added that the Fed
eral statute quoted bv Ihe defense wa
befor Ihe Supreme Court In Ihe Tur
ner case, and lha h Iff her tribunal held
II did not Interfere with lha right of
th state to compel pilot lo have state
lief or o tha fin wa Impoaed. the
lalrirl Attorney. speaking- for the
Pl.ot who brought the char asatnst
Captain Posers, asked that th collec
tion of Ih penally be suspended, say-
ina they had no desire to Impose a
hardship on the defendant, aa all Ihey
wanted was an Interpretation of ih
snn or Mom-rev. Iecetnher . a. p. M.
Nca-ron HalNia for e.n Kr.ncts.-o. leav.
Inc ran Joe da Guatemala. Uecember S.
t r. ,vi.
t.uc.e. a'th bar. PI. Palhoa for Pan
rranriirn. ai.-. mile, north of Balboa. De-cetor-er
S. S P. M.
n.pama. Baa fir go for Pan Pedro off
a " I i in a
Reaver, ban Pedro for Kan Frannlsco. 11
This I mile, or Point roni-awtan.
r-peeoaen. f-euro tor San- -rnelecO.
1 mue Bonn or pan t-ranci.'-o.
laqua. 3a wi:h pmHh or aian Lilego.
Coin'nissloner Mears presided at the
regular session yesterday and was host
at a little farewell party at which he
provided cigars and added more good
cheer through his commendatory re
marks of co-operative work on the part
of his colleagues, which, he said, had
added so mucli to the success of the ad
Work Reviewed 'With Pride.
"When I think of what wo have ac
complished during the past four and a
hair years I feel proud, said Mr. Mears.
"The deepening and general Improve
ment of that part of tha harbor above
the bridges, also advanced work of the
same character but on a larger scale
below, increasing the channel depth
practically five feet, besides construe
tion of two 30-inch steel dredges, lower
ing the tax levy, while other reSDon
sibilitfes were carried on at tho same
time, are some of the things I recall.'
Commissioner O'Reilly led In ex ores
sions of regret that Mr. Mears was
leaving, and as he had declined to re-
call his resignation Mr. O'Reilly moved
mat it do accepted
K. t . Wright, general manasrer of
the Port, reported that It had been de.
termined to operate ail of tho dredges
six run days each week Instead of five
daya and eight hours, as had been the
rule, and thereby he said the, working
litre or eacn or the digging fleet would
be increased 45 hours a month. The
dredze Portland, engaged In redredg
ing the channel in North Portland har
bor is to finish that protect in two
weeks, reported Manager Wright.
Proato Repair Protcreva.
Repairs to the dredse tender Pronto
Beach la Kapected Be Belter Tbaa I
i:er. With ev Sand Deposit,
beanall have Railroad.
are progressing and being hurried so
BULniMa. DOTROYKD BY TIDES! tn"1 h r"n D returned to service
.a. .a .- . I soon. Manager w right s recommenda-
" ' m ai. nr.raair.u. ItlOn that she be enlllnnoH sill, .
electric light plant were adorned, and
as the steamer Ocklahania has a gen
erator that Is too small, it will be
shifted to the Tronto and the entire
cost or completing the two sets will
be less than 70i. Mr. Wright is to
go into a proposal to Install a patent
. r.prir . wr n j a . v. n r . . .
BiPVli u- ale rw. a i,i . - i.uiuu, to
....... ...... ' . . , . i i m.i. , I B nnt-o vim a t a I , V inn
and on the outside of the track ha. of coniract granted McAllister & Son
been demolished by the waves, this ror th. cr.r,n.i-...f i , .w.
an.lla..a.rf K..I . -..-a - ih. ..... ana -iiiiks
.Li..- ... . .... . .L I - f v.. uiti ifuuiiu ary
a.awauio proper. y ai mis place, mere dork, a bill for extras in the sum of
r .i. i. ci i 1 1 1 as presented, w hich the In
va in a . I snector In rhars-a r-anA.n.l . i -
Tt.1. -anaa.- I. - Ik.... a a I U' . ... . .
ina boutnern Paciric. in building a sea-lcation. Dn the hla finitr r.i..,.a
. .v .urio inti contractora were reallv nH.hi.j
considerable stretch of smooth sandy tn the Port in the m tuc ...
beach outside this will at mean tide. Wright was instructed to inform the
now. anu ii muusni ansa nun int con I raclors that lha Purl an...i I . .
lower t-umnier tidea thia ll provide matter to be settled or arbitrated and
.... - - - - - - - - I l 11.11 llltinpv VO 1 11 n a It h hnlri . . . .
ararn eanai as aining in oacia oi me while.
Jetty, and there It Is providing a gently
sloping, smooth, hard beach.
The Southern Pacific Uallroad I. Cfjpjnj ri IMIMATrC II h IM
seawall for a distance ot 1 a-i. inuiz-i i io ihimi.
the amount you are.
allowed to purchase
in our line is small, yet
we promise the same
efficient service with a
half-gallon order as
you would get on a
thousand barrels. All
orders go through the
same system.
P. O. BOX 3000
Ben Selling ft ceo me a VK-e-Chalrman.
Routine Business Attended to
and Bills Passed.
C. B. Moores now heads the Commis
sion of Public Docks as chairman, be
ing elected yesterday to that position
as tho successor of F. W. Mulkey,
whose term expired December 7 and
who had been chairman since the for
mation of the commission in 1910. Ben
Selling, also one of the original mem
bers, was elected vice-chairman to suc
ceed Mr. Moores.
K. C. Knapp was formally seated as
the fifth member of the board, having
been appointed by Mayor Albee as the
successor of Mr. Mulkey. He had pre
iously taken the oath of office and
certified copies of his credentials were
offered and hied.
As there had been a meeting Mon
day, wairn routine business had been
transacted, little was done yesterday
other than passing on reports of Chief
Engineer llegardt and others. As to
contracts under way the sum of
$4352.76 was ordered paid the Brayton
Engineering Company on the Novem
ber estimate of work accomplished in
the construction of warehouse B. at
Municipal dock No. 1. and 1509.96 to
J. A. Backstrand, who is building
second story on the Stark-street Mu
nicipal boat landing, to be utilized as
the headquarters of the commission.
and 1450 to the Kendall Heating Com
pany. which Is installing a heatinj
system at the Stark-street building.
Derr, Justice of the Peace, yesterday.
The complaining witness was J. A. Rob
inson, who is employed at the Miller
dairy and the arrest was madu by J. M.
Hoff, Clarke County game warden.
Trralle I ard lo Carry Hock la Iain-
ascil by Heavy Mm.
HOVlflAM. Waah.. Dec. . (Special.)
1090 feet, extending from the rip-rap op
Smith' Point lo where the Jetty track
branchea off Ihe main line. The esti
mated cost la iZi.OOO. The railroad
rompany ha leased the Houston '&
Harry rock quarry, a short distance
away, and will rush their work to early
The total losses In building and land
will reach about 131.000.
Archie Edwards, Formerly of Cruis
er Boston, Not to Be Fireman.
Archie Edwards, who was lnvolvad
in the scandal in connection with two
girls on board the Naval Militia train
ing ship Boston, lost his place yester
day on the rltv's alie-lhla lisa rn. a.Aaa
riana for rebuilding the destroyed man in the fire bureau. His name was
stricken from the list bv tha civil
Service Board.
Mr. Edwards took the recent examln.
tion for fireman and passed.
amusement places are well under way.
Barvlew next bummer will be as ready
as ever for the vacation crowds, and
with accommodation for all. And
waya there will bo the attraction of the
Considerable damas haa been caused Coal Lif Guards, the busy little din
lo th irestlo work on Ihe north Jettyl ""a Dulling their long trains out Into
by the blah wind and heavy sea of I me sea. tne rresn craos una euros, ana
th. past two week, and aa a resultiotp me sun.
rock work on Ihe Jetty haa been de
layed for a few day. Tha extent of
Ihe delay cannot b. determined, a it
l not known how long the repair will
Th. treat I Is no part of the Jetty.
being th irtl on which Ih railway
run, which I used to haul rock out
over the jelly, whence it I dumped
Into Ih s-a. Th damage consist of
th carrvmc away of a number ot pil
ing, weakening th. trestle.
Movement of Ycwselaa.
rH.TI..M Pao. -.Arrived tftearaar
Tam.ira.a frona saa rialirlaca.
Aat..ria. I-- sailed at I A. at
aia.rr.a- I ell:., far s.ti lleo via li porta
-irrttao at i a-a i.ri an at i ta a. X rama.pai.. from an Freaciee.
et.t at I V at aiaanaer leo. VV fc.i-
M Or.tiai hark Inv.rtron. for I o-ld Kin- I .- will rem.ln nearly stationary here
A-rlva at ti a M and left laallouay asu la.l tomorrow.
si 1 II P w rare la bark pie-re Aolonine. I Arrivir dome at Aatorla at Boon vVedn'e-
fra Ha fa.l A-r.ed at II I A. si. Id... tha llrluah lark loaerlyon. araln laaen
"'' woatefer In tw of lux N.t'.aatar. I f, ih. IMil Vlne.lnm to.e.1 In aa a aa HI
''" M-ir.a. a.:ed ai J .iO P. M- ,ia. . -. !... in.:, .lo,.
she arrived lu th .Ninamnrr 19. from
New Coos Bay Dock I a Free.
Th branch hydrographio office of
this city, under J. It. Blackburn, Lieu
tenant, U. 8. Navy. In charge, reports
having received Information from G. A.
Bennett, of the Coos Bay News, to the
effect thai the new wharf recently
built by waterfront owner at Marsh
field has IJ fret of water along It
front at mean lower low water. This
dock I 330 feet In length and 1 4 feet
wide, and I open to the public free of
Marine Notes.
hav eUrut sain, at orccon City and Port
land recorded yesterday morninl. th vYIl
lam.tle fell at other point and th fore
cast of Hi YVa-atn-r Hiareau la that tit
On their aeeord vo from Monterey
tin. balnf return d 1a eervtr th arhuoner
Monterey and tug Nat laator reached tha
river at It o'clock eatrday.
Thonch spe-tal ho.ld.y ratee veer named
re-ent;r on the iiramara Harvard and Yale
between hen Pranl.o and San blego. the
Marllavn. YaH.. Matlcnl IlianorraJ.
SpviK'ANl-. l-v. John II. Mnn
of Mirltoo. IVa.h. a student at lb
Waahtnston lata colce. wa ctd
lodar aa lha Hhode aa-holar from
e-Biraston. Whitman Colleg and th
nlv.rslty of aahington alao bad can
didal. a fvr Ih Ithode a- bolarsnip.
Vanl of a.e Bittiiarv taere. ar.
a4 ael Itima ar. AB(a-aaa.
Frvjca. sh.aia. for Baa Pe-trn
a. a a-e.a.-o, ta- 9 Arrived at mid
ft atiamara Bant Monica, from Co.
.-nbia k er; flaaBoha. from for
a l'ea Via . par- Arrived a.
I sad Ml' W F llerrm. from
art and tor slo-laray Sailed al Boon .
ta.ra-r too. a. Pom .Vow York for Port.
ra.-l ai. nan., at I P. M nte.m.r
lari I'.rlfi. fe Ft".! ArMv4 t
P. at Aleamer Taaamile from I-nra-aaa
s-ani- a a-. i a,a 1 1 i l .V"rihro I'arific M-amaiiip Company
Her rl n-tttaht. froi-i Prinr llunen Baited I hs ptaeed rate In efferl on th alrim.r
ai.arner Arna a Brtitah i. for So ansae : I Sort hrra Pacific t-rtaevn Portland and haa
-.-rar a a.,. -a a r'.Bclar. Ta.tBy Biua t ranclsco.
"'M';Va..'.r W"'"- a,..a .. ' aaoected that a aatllemcnt will be
Tar. ". a..". IrTm s'.'aiTi. ' -m rea'hed k-laran th owner, and charterer
flalS-a. rw,. I ai:.dim.r Calcha. fc""' Krroll. held al Cooaoa.
.frv. fo, laado. i la t. roa.l an" '? "bi h. wli: .l und.r way lo.l.y lor
rti ae ).t..i.o. u Portland lo load a floor cargo for b.urop.
s.a rta-' ava. raa e. Arrived atnian San Fran-i-., aoMrea hav it that th
V'"" Vara fro Tima . North Pacific ateamer Alliance, which
ll.-ry tro-v ItalHoa: Ada in baa beB op-rald balwaen Pu-l Sound and
.Cw I'-an-, f r"" V.n- Alaaka. S. been ch.rterad by th California
'"f wi.laiaa a s.m. from fori a., a. - .a. a ...i..n... . -,.m ... .. .i . . m
Varlur. . f-arn la.r: Kkaoaaf liiB- I k. .1..- .1.. ....I. ...-.. .a. ,.rf...
Ut asd M.auw..
It la aald llWonr. was received for the
. It-known, lark steamer I'atanta. whlcn
Neva Front Oregon Iort . Ithe I'oaet till lonpany sold to Ih Mealran
aeiroieum rampanj, anu ' unoersiono
fW BaT. 0 . rac. . irria Th. .ha wlil Imi operai-d u th Atlantic aide.
etern-p F. A. Kilbwrn eal'ad for Portion In command of I'aptaln Canty, th Catania
Paaaaaj.r. from her and a full haa baan operated here for several yeara un.
" fra.ahl riar rh.rl.r i. ina I nlnn fill lomnanv. a lie
t..a l.nia a aa aa-hoon.r ISwailer. In port I vee-l alrock on point Sur In October and la
.- , " .C . 1 . " .7. " "Trl"""beln repaired at San Her first
-ia A a l-a. f-ona Apia. Ballad ate.uter.1
-ara-i-n i-airtc nr A.tor.: lawaa. fori
a ari.ano. a .a i Tim.ra. inr li.iDoa.
In uaaiot th.t port, aufr-rm ronarriaran..
dam. a. lariiaUin th loaa af her mat ri.
am, io l et law. an at t'taj Hay.
an aarhorisr laat her anchor and raa..
wb.b the cr.rt draraed. Th vessel i oa
tne Krw a lianfc. ae for r.palra.
Tha Kre Henke a'llptBrd aanottneea
it h.a aaa-.-.d a contract for buiMIn re
aiaarn schooner, but th rontrari i. not
ii-d and IB firm will sol ( any detai'a
voiaae in the ..-rvic of her na owner will
ba with oil for fiio Jan-Ira.
Tide al A atari Friday,
n h. far.
I-M .. M T3 f.eft 3 M J. fiat
3:11 P. M 0 feet l::t P. M.. .t Jot
easel Falered Yealaaralay.
American ataamee Heaver, a.aara rlnm
AsTuRIA, Or.. Dc, I. (Special ) Tb I front saa Franclaco.
St. Johns Men IJelained Because
Familiar With Streets.
K. h Peterson and W. J. Mackey,
who were firemen in the iSt. Johns
station when St. Johns was taken over
by Portland, are to retain their posi
tions. At the request of Mayor Albee
the Municipal Civil Service Board yes
terday agree'd to keep them in the
service on emergency appointment
until the next firemen's examination.
Tho reason for keeping the two is
that they are acquainted with the St.
Johns district and are needed to direct
the other firemen who are not famil
iar with the streets.
II. T. Stewart Not Guilty oT Keceiv
ing Stolen Property.
Although R. T. Stewart, ex-patrolman,
was exonerated yesterday by the
Municipal Civil Service Board of buy
ing stolen goods from a burglar, on
which charge he was dismissed from
the police service, tlie Board found
him guilty of negligence of duty and
gave him a suspension of one year
and four months. At the end of that
time he will be placed at the bottom of
the police eligible list.
The findings mean virtually that Mr.
Stewart is out of the police service, but
that after December 1. 1916, he will bo
eligible to get back if ho can. There
will be about SO men ahead of liim on
the waiting list.
Seagull Shooter Fined.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Dec. 9.(Spe
cial.) Shooting seagulls on the Colum
bia River cost C. M. McKinney $14.70
when he pleaded guilty before W. S. T.
Fislicr Holdup Caes to Be Held at
Vancouver Nc.t Month.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Dec. P. tSpe
cia.) Frank Arnold and Judd Arnold,
brothers, who live near Fisher. Wash.,
charged with robbery, and at liberty
under bonds, were denied a dismissal
of Iheir case today, so they will ba
tried at the January term of the Su
perior Court.
Frank Arnold was tried on a charge
of having held up Harry Kirke. near
Fisher and taking J51 from him, but he
was acquitted. It is understood that
additional evidence lias since been ob
tained and both men will be tried on
a charge of bein.g connected with hold
ups near Fisher last Summer.
Council to Check l"p Plans. Call for
Bids and Sell Bonds.
Fifteen more complete sets of woik
g plans of Portland's proposed Audi
torium are due in the city tomorrow,
according to advice received yesterday
by J. A. Fouilhoux. local representative
of the Auditorium architect, J. It.
Freedlander. of New York. The plana
will be turned over to contractors.
At a meeting of the City Council to
day the plans will oc checked over and
formally approved. Arrangements also
will be made for a call for bids and for
the sale of the Auditorium bonds.
New Year's Oregonian
Annual Number, Jan. 1, 1916
Will be the most interesting and complete edition ever published. You
will want to send copies to your friends in the East. On sale Saturday,
January 1, 1916. Single copy 5c, postage 5c in United Statea itnd Posses
sions; foreign 10c.
Fill out blank form and S2nd to Oregojiian office, Sixth and Alder Sts.
Portland, Oregon.
Gentlemen : Enclosed find , for which mail The Orejronian's New.
Year's Annual to each of the above addresses. (Enclose 10c for each address in
United States or Possessions, 15c for each foreign address.)
(Duplicate blanks may be had by calling', telephoning or writing to The Ore
gonian Circulation Department)