HIE MOTtXING OnEGOXTAy. riTIPAY DECEMTVEI IP. 1915. 14 HOCKEY SEASON TO OPEII HERE TONIGHT Vancouver Millionaires to Give - Battle to Uncle Sams at Hippodrome. GAME WILL START AT 8:30 Jlarray a fttamims t Tcttala-r ! b In Cn- lla-lerf thai lort iand !artrl Will IK- Hard to Iw-al by Aa (liK Haa Be. Maavalln.. w . i. r " l a t 2 a -... i I a f i ; a i '.. ...r ".'..! i4Mvr ... -.Vr lal mm af al th too, B ... ol . at th.re.- M.n-r - II a.. t I'ortlanl I B.la V.Btf.an. a wi.t Inn.aat nt I'ortianl lem ll.pp-Jdrc.rn. ky ta .a oua.r J IUoir bu f IS i-to- lfl nl4 tkam fey " r'.-aad-r. al .aB.ona.r TJt! B'gat. . . ... 1o.S! eante.l I. ka M""'l IB -oa j.r ta tsu I'1" ou' U ta. unir; rn!' "f to, lli-l .h.li: I la l'rtnl t'Sa alrome. Arrn-.mni hav b-.n m.l t"T a .. TO" aon l I -..rt. jfm?t:f J' 'I"''- H.Ki" I'riak latrirk .nd, h Hrll l.n u.m6, tBlt. w:l arrive ' ortl l tr... 'tf"" W.avar . a tant hi. la.arn !"" I"1' Warkout y.ter4. nCmoon and til in luit war u'B i ret "if. -1 wouUat ir'.d T o Murray for Hulk Lman tn way tblr. look H. .' a-omrnanle.t th Hpsr I'ortUnd ..uitr. . h .- at prot.;.. try. 8- tn a lr'i urr I"' a .-r, ia pra'txa , .at-rd-ay at IB I'ort- I. a.i ! Itippodroma. "II aad:4 bim.a:f In gr.il iSit for ! taw Hot. b B'J t p 4 f " fl crl.l roun4 t Ib I Yanomf clrt ioi.l m thl kix m Mr tt-biBil 1 tiii la f rl lh .'. I eg. M'" JoIjbo ff'B a I nur. but It "oi than lit l . nl thm li:r d':- B r BBT " !' I'.l Ir-ina) I tiBfct htv pirB4 rrl ruaaiB mt t l.o l ajuar-l lqrrtr from po!6t . or. II Bt rl claj in tk epaJOlBtt tt-XJ lUnlaom fclu- J.rirai wlt HmMra a to r' B tta -I on IB (funt fc-n -ur4 -r lb l'ol" lan)k A.r.1 bib k-n r- ! t-S "Sl f fo'iun. tn Vi-t.rt p:ar. 9a :a to Jl IB1 .oa. la (i In tn ffl fivaa .f lit (nrmar m4(i". Ltr rlrl''. b .t aff'a).t B i tf mra mBr tian ta I'acift Cmi cirit co-.l4 Bf- Mi). Jr. t.-n-!l. n t"J fjBt-.-4- for l-.irtl.n4 Ut .". "w kn Utut.BBi Milan Mit. B.tk. ef t aaiaalfautta ti..ttaiin, nation J t BBIp. S . . M.mr HI rt4 tfc p- ! tn in t pbib .m. .t H.tI T j".1 ai! tn"n tt: I .e. li.aria. tl. (k.tiBaT J'-aoU"'! a' at. k I.' ta (rbkdi for ! l"ortlna4 kx k.T laum, w tot tk.n lo VtB.e.aa.r. It. C. .-nuan C-iotaln :.! ti. (Vim. frl. at tmkln in rrcak tnar tk tin. At ta.i. iir il an an b I tuBickl Tf f'r l sa w la-n tn. t'a-la m. 4-p.rt for tnttia iU b f ta artir. Ho.-aman t k. VaB"nar.rrf n4 tartar n l"'4 H'- l.tfama tonicBt tsnrn t. t. r-n-Ur a t aii ln. H'tl a .J .f'.rnoon pnrol. U bn BI4 vortin r.iufi sirw mn AM lara al .tight Win ru llrrv fur I lr TIbw. r.i"t"v"t. n. c. t-. iAi T f1". v.nn-.r kofc.r tm tft an taa bt tonlM. Tr.nk Pal ru wtU ln'ro.I" a aaar f ajar la ta tarauit of Art lif t IB Ian I fn. In tomorronr aiMt' m lli. tiB.t wa anni a fotiow.: aLananan. ia!. at.fcora. pr'Bt: Ortfr'.a. i.tar point: T !. ro.r; M-by. a.atar. .:.. lf: tur-aa. riant ni-kr nnd t..ntr a"t4f tb la av. .par. man. toncnn r- :ca atBl.y h) b not hon k. rl t'lrtn .iB.-a rprtiat tbia yanr Trit. Wil'.un I'orrak an"U-d tbjt n.i. aifb.r a.att: or l-ortlABd wtn f n. rbmpinaaiiip tby will b .rmtf.4 t lila partUk of la. u.anlr rip whi b h.r.tof r. fca b'.n rn .i-t.rt n c".nj.ii.a tropfiy ! Ta tru.t... d''!r It Bna.at k.n.-.f raa) ba li'a I upon a. rnblm atK of tria worlf. arijmpaonahlp. Ittt. SU.IIT D AT IIIXK 1.-W. 1 41 X. Iniplo?"" flub to Int on) All Sortn of Mnnta. r...r(. St Stti ne t J. O.ora. K.llor arr.n4 n .tt.n.ir proirmm for 1.W K. N. :mplra." T'lb tbl In t"i TortlnaJ ! a l:tfolfom. to txrf. iM. Ilrxb.y, ti.of-war. p..d rar. aa4 rourla rc. bara aa pl...-i an ta proar.mma. Tan f-it proiraoim t. a follow T.a-minit pr;-.t of bo. ky btw.. ta. rt-an l.m bb4 taa a.rly t'ona i.t a'tttb: tt.a of war b.tw.an tba TV.::. I .rx 4.M a( and Alblaa I5j.. mB a rca. cml t-mlnu( f-.i f ho.'kr: ti-of.wr b t . o afftc f"r. and tr.l f.r-: conpl.a r. r-u- ra a batwa.a V.t. karco kut dina an.l A:bina aopa; lua-of-nai bta'n alntl.r. of pr.vio'i. pull Tb J.a-Di..- b.B.l of IRa t..V. It. A N. Oub v-'ll ba In att.Bdanca. Tba r.atular batina .ion ntil b atartad at a c lo.- b. C.Kla lllClioU II V LKGti: iltt fVa.krtbakll Tranaa to (oraprlf for Irtln Cap. AP8:tl!'Ki!:N . .a. . rc. I. "p.- A ba,.k.tbn. l.aa o of aa.aa Aa.rdaa aa4 llu-i rra t.am waa or aai.d h.ra tonil i I will atari pfarina: upon n --bal.t of taaaa Ta arfantMiiona ta ba rpr..ai.4 ar ta ll' I. lan.a ('ora .nr and k'ourta tt.t.ton N.val M utia. ail af Abarda.a. anal in It an r, ai, M". lrf)4 and 1. 3d. C. A., a. I af Hiwa, A lIBa lil ba awarded tb. I.nm t.tmi taa bKb.ai ataadard at ia an. af la aaaaon. janhnaartna-a Ixfrnl Ilrrn. t n af t" faafaal and naat at rt.n wat.r pla -. at tba aaa.ua taa aaftmari-.. d.f.nf-! tfia 1111 Laara ta taa M.itaoavaa AtalaUa Clab lar k TV dBr4B a!M. I to a. "Broa.nl. M.b.t.r pat or tftn "B for tha win. a.r. Thn Hubmarlna. ba Bot bn.B or.4 n trauB fr tbi. prauoo. Tha lin.up.: , m.fln. Il.:l Pa.r v..M"r " lia i-ni tTMKX IIWK tli:V.'CK Dflrr. to fornpUlo of ltooe Itlrr r lUlw-flm at Mate Mrrt. k ail lb laoyth.rn Oror dlattB arrt lo atlr4 Inn annual ur. I IB a ,.f to Or.coa tiport.m.ra B Lanaun to a hr;. K amtar :. tbr ar quim aor la tl.mnn4 allien In r.rt to t B'. Dabina co tria llou Klv.r. Tba a'.aoa wbHa Jnt clo.l a th Kua I'.n.r bn. br tb" pxrt for nurr .r. from tha lnf point of tbn IOI;,f,. n.iboucb ! rnoarla.a al tba aw!tb of thn rt.r -! a flr how ItMf Tb prtTn cnnlrna that tbia 1. a,4!t Bnliral. braun B.t fi.br t all tba nab nbM-ki rami Into Ibis rn.r. an4 a:iol noon bt.r la .t tbru.ji. BOXING BOUTS III STORE Tttn.: r.tttn to : rtT o it tlTT Till JoaT. kl aaara aaal :aH ktkaan llaalllara at Man Hf t1nb"a 'tr.t baa. ! Taanalajr. f.ir enrJ. wl l k- ti at tha Rut. fur AlhlrUe Clab on I-rr.b.r U. M and Z. Al .aommf ri arixa " ' - ' furrier. Ih- bd in atirartioo on ta flr.t of tb. BJtaa. 1 uru-j ..w.w . . . . . . i a.k in TflT.! t IKKajr aiaran - a a, r;.rk In tb t-mt-final. rla Jr" warrr arn Jr a.n. n.i4b art: :o b a-n in action Srorc jiorBmr. a '""ai'i AL mil. mnb Ma o.Ml U lr.bir bI l pounda -Koi:r J..n. and "Muff- Uroe.on. anotb.r ! ot rahia.tantA. all t euuio-rlar. T. knnlmwlht ehamplonb:p or Ih orl.tat arm ba lll'd lc.nibr t auk Jokr l'ritl aptarirc In . i . .. 1111. I Mjia-olt rhll-nr. Althouara M.cott bo:d tb. Northnr't laiBartni . it,. h.M.m.riflll lo j ji n ib ' w - i blm a nuabijr louab tui. Thrr. two bT ba mt - nM.-h M-oit ata dfatd onco and teusbt a draar. ... wfl. Inla train tnc ta mrct Ja-k! K. tb ft fpo kn boy. In tb main pr.ltmlnary on tbta card. A uttabl oppoBTil for Jack Itoot ta B'lBC aouan. " aindria a l tal ould b dlrd. . . ik. j!ri wtr.horak in i , and (ormar mld4:icbl champion. -WTBt.rloua- IH ly Jirallb, baa -.o Into tralnin to mr.t Ih -Ictor of lb Ko bant tb rk praitloua. Thla mr.kr t: B ta1 iwamur i. u - Ih. irak.up of Ih card Bhould a fittln aindup for tb lli . . .a.. . r-t tin. at air tonilatt of a r.turn mali-h bln -aia.ow and K-t'B-T. a aH a Tramblta and (.-b.n. -ahli- Aba t;ordnn IH try to .. . . . .1 from brat "KIJ !". jljn irant-l-co, woo ia l.tr. ABERDEEN FANS ACTIVE .no itkitaoit -rokkkj Mir larr p-TT l"i -aoHTIIkkt-aT LK.kt.l'a taaollaar I nlrd kt baa fcVawrball ap-at-ara kk III Urala kk balbar ar a l -ar Ikrbla and btart Aaaw. Aiii:iui:r.v. wab. isp- ctaLt A m.tin of tiraya Harbor ttta!i fna lo d.l.rmlna wb.thar A b rrd.aa will tamaln In tba Nortawa.t LaaC4 darma II4 will ba k.ld bra .oasa lima bator Tu.aUay klbl of faaat a. -r..t4'Bt X. B'rtraad. of th Ab rd.q i.Mbalt AMoctattoa. Iblok. Abaralaaa baa a oo4 rbanca to r.maia ta It. laaatJ. and biaa taat lao will tally to tta aappori of baa.ball bar. Tat ab.rla will ba tha la.t ba fora IT.i4.Bt irtraad laa for ti. atti on I.fmbar li lo all.nd a Nortb ..t tacud diractora' rnur.. al wM.b liatraod probablr will tnab a d.tiait atataraaBI a. lo wb.tbar Abar. 4aa n wi:i or will not r.maia la tb ."a. It 12 tana dld to r.maia in tn. I.naua Imm.dnita action will b tak.a lo rat. I wttb wblcb to pay oft ta pr.Bt lad.btadBaaa of tSaclub. i.i;kh ruw niti cami: hspav Mablinz'a Train lo lr( a.hln;ton Alblrtlo lab I lckrr. Coarh Muktln I tnaklnc kt.bal pr.pnrattoBa fr lb Columbia I'ark ka.abtBton Atbl.tte t'lub football cam. t th iBt.r t'iiy I'aotball l..au. n I'Dl'imMa l ark Hudny aftaraoon. Tba Columbia I'ark alaTan baa tba rbamptonabip of lha rtrruil rlnrbod and a bit crowd la p td lo bo on barad. Two awltrb.a bac baan mad In lb. r.i.i.1.1. I'.rk tm.uo kr Coab iub lira tirK lb d'f.at of Oraaoo Clly in I'ortUnd lt Kunday. Johnny Mur pbv I. now playlnar risbt and and bla brotbar. -Curl" Murpbjr. la abirtad to rlabl guard. Tba. rbanrfaa war oa--Mrr wb.n l.ynn Kulirr latl for Tha (nll'a "ltti" Hiaalow. who waa tab. a from Ih Columbia I'ark Junior, and piarad on lb Brat I. am. la bow a aura-anouck raaular. AM:nox hom:x caitaix L)k OIIrr llckrd lo Head Unroln lUsh KejoaJ. .taRlurn n - v... and. in th l"ortlarad InlaracbolaaliO liaru. wa aiari-q '". - tl fo-tbail t.am of Wa.blnaltoa ll;a.h y.at.rday. in i"- - " urwnlmo.a, hi II t.ammata raallnj th.ir ota tor aar-oi - Ittb w.al alaawbarak aa a matter of co'-ira. . . i r I a...J lha 1 I n i-n 1 rt 1,7 n n w - " . llian ifebool warrtora naal I'all aa a ra.ult Of a maalina oa ana a .. plik.r t'lH.r waa choaan all-atat baKback on aary my thoiotTKai ...n ai.rtad durlnar lb Itli aaaaon. Uolk And.rava and .lir apl I ba arad uatad nat Juna. but both haa aiarnl Sad tbalr Intantlona of raturnina; for anotb.r campatan on Iba gridiron. alfWV I.OM-H DAMAGK bllT I jary la-IJm IVallpla jrr Pltla'l IX-. aa-rae IVack Salary. l:oja! N. -unky- baw loat bla uil aaain.t lha Jt.n rraaclaco club of taa laa-ifle Coajal Laaacua ya.larday wb.n a jury In Jade Morrow a Court davrkdad Ibal ba dial not mrt. any back aalary or damaa ba-au of bia au.paaaian on dapunktr - . 111. oa a cr.ra of -Indiftaranl playlna H-.mm aud for about IJ aalary. wbarb ba aa:d wa dua on bla contract. Cal Kwira. a-.l own.r. wa la rort laad d-rrto tl. taa aaxond Jrlal of lha aa. TM Hani, wara r.iratanlaj by Jo.Ja-a kk. W. McCrdi. fraaidaat of da lioaaara. MICHIGAN AGGIES SEEK DR. STEWART Offer of $4500 a Year Made Corvallis Man to Coach Team He Defeated. PLACE NOT TO BE TAKEN Knnxir I Irani of IVtltlona lo lct A not I ar r t'oarh for Orrjcon Aelc, All Not laTorlna Kcciiinx Ir. Mr wart. raitfitrkv f.rttift-TfrtAt.C01XKGK. i-r.iiia iw a aSnarlal.l Dr. E- J- St. wart, coa.h of tha tron Acetr. baa r-lad an offer of Ho a year Ir. r J. Mawart. C aarb af tka Orriaa Aaalaa. k no Itra-rlaad Offer lo taark la tka tiaat. to coaa'k tba MK'hlaan A KB lea Best year. aacordlnaT to Iraformatlon rccaH-ed h.ra tonl.bt from an aulhorltatlva tourre. Tha fact lhat Mr. Kteaart baa no contract with the Curaallla arhool tor - . . 1 . . i .4 b n m . .ti. past year iraua niumiaa --- danta of tha collr:a lo brliava that the man whoa It-am waiiopca ma ..-.-vrrina arhool ia to may arcrpt the poaitlon whlrh will pay blm mora than he now a rarclvina; aa coach here. I'.umor aluo have baen heard that there la a certain faction In the jvolle'e hich la not - altoevthrr In favor of retaining Coarb Mewart for anolhcr year, anai mria . . patltlona al.o ar In circulation "on tha n ilct that may lead to aendlnn out wire for another coach for the ll football aca-recallon. No peiitlona baa appeared openly on tha campus, how e'er. Stewart made a nam forrhimaen . . i. a.t. a..m V'h .1 thla xmmr and d'taated th Mirhlaran Aaalaa ao daa-l.IT.ly. but mnnr or in '""" athlatea of lb coliea tailed to take Int. re. t lr lha way lha Ala team . . t.,.,,iM iheie .howtna I ia 1 r j aaaion . . . ...... . belnd cbaraed to alalrneaa. When a tram ea ata!e tba coach alwaya la crltlclaaat Una petition. It la aald. already ha appeared openly amonc member of th oreaon Acrlcuitural Coiicira alucn bl at Albany. Mr. Mewarl. when aeen ion. am. a . .... If n m th -iea a . ' v.- ...... . ... ..J la I. tha onlr MirRiiaq a ""i ob I haa had. I do rot epect to accept It. nowaer. ........ then waa conclude i r. ria.au rllnira- to r!fr Ihe Information that tb Oder wa for li:o. . . . .. .kAiii .vanlr 1 T iiU'l.r. I a a . ' divided on rtBntna" Mr. litewart and tonkin tor anotnar ro.rn. Mr. Stewart admitted that ha had not oean bho. " - ' tha board of aihl.tlc control doe not meat till atter tn "i v a Itkf UP in rwarnm. . ... board con.i.ta ot two merabat of Ih ludenl boaly. IWO memoer oa faculty and on altimnua. SALE oTltlDIANS LIKELY tit i. norHi "tKM o-i:r OK (l.lltlXtkD CLIH. Ikn.kera t aaanaltte la t bars of aa-aaern AaTalra Intlaaalea Teeaa kt III Bo ald at OBri-o. n.f:vr.aA:rr. o. Pec. . v tma- tlv offer for tha purchaa cf tha Clove land American l-au baaebatl team baa been t.ndered Ih banker- torn mitt.. In charita of ll.a financial af fair of C W. Somer. preaent owner, by ln V. Ilopklna. local capltallat. Ilopkina. who la promotln the Cleve land aubway and la cnairman of the commute appointed by Mayor lUher to look arter tha affalra of, the Cleve land Amateur ItaB'ball Aaaoclatlon. de clared tonieht thai tha preliminary tap toward bla ainin control of the Cleveland club have been taken. How ever, before control paaaea to him aev eral important detail mual be aettled. Ilopklna Inaiata on aeveral radical chance In the lerma of the aala aa pro poned by tae banker." committee. Ireldent rtyron Bancroft Johneon. of tha Amerkran l-aeue; iomi ""'. .n.. aii. hank.ri' rommlttea. and Owner Soman held aeveral confer- encea today ana tonin. nnu . . .K.a aHa Ha.i for th aala of limai'a I " - ' th club, either to Ilopklna or aomeone will be ctoaeo caior I.avea for Chlcaao tomorrow. on of th hard knot hl-n the pro partlv purchaaar and the banker' commute will have lo unravel la tha atatua of th Cleveland American Aa ocia'.lon club, alao owned by eomera. It baa been declared for aom tlm that tha American A.aoclatlon team will b . .... . - nr.i.n .kata It orlfflnallv aniliao aw w uw - - waa located, but whether It will be aold to Toledo capuaiiaia or - o-1 on leacue will operate th club la not known. Juat what will bo dona ra- ardln the plnyere on the American Aorlatlon team who are tha property of tha Cleveland American team la a prooteata jw ..-.-... -The banker' commltle will have to wieatle w un tne American .. . ..-kl.m a . . 1 .1 alAfnara la. lion wain a- " - m Biaht- He. aa well aa John.on and ritaala. declined to dlacuaa either the American Uaiu or American A obla tion CIUD .liuauuna. wiiaa dall-aia atH'Hia eraentlat. b.e. an.aar.d .a Inirfital t-rnpef .1 ur f pin. BaMi -a ia Vafnt.r an4 ba. rutid It ta I. a.a.rl d.r-.a auwa tbal af lb aurrsuad icf air. . i i ' ' V ' I a a , J I t; i' ? H -. l.y-r : ' j ILum y th auaplcea of the Multnomah Anglers' Club al the Jenne Station grounds. Tha convention will be brounht to order In tha Commercial Club bulldin on Monday mornln. December 20. but lha delegate are expected to arrive from all parts of Orecon In time to take In the two tournament at tha Por; land Gun Club it round. HCXTING SPOILED NEAR BEACH IIIj-li Walrra Cover I'cvUinj- Grounda and Dacka Quit Lake. BAT CITY. Or.. Dec . Huntlnn. which until the laat two weeka bad been fine on aeveral small fresh-water lakea alone; Garibaldi Beach, haa been ruined by Ihe continued ralna of the pant month, which have raiaed the water In the lakes so that the feed Ins: haa been covered, and the ducks, which were lo be had In large numbers a lew week ao. have disappeared. Puck of all klnd. ceeae and brant are plentiful on Tillamook Kay. but win to the opetinrsa or tne water they are hard to bus;. But few large killing have been reported this sea eon. Th mud flats at feeding tlmea are covered witn water lovm Trout flahlng has aluo suffered by reaaon of the unuaual freaheta. The water In all of the rivers entering Into Ihe bay are so high that fishing Is out Of the question. BROTHERS 31 AY JOIV LEAGITE llu.inr- Collrce Wants to Take Part In IntrrwciiolaMlc I'lay. Formal application to membership In tha Portland Inleracholaatlc League 111 be made by the Christian Brothers llualnrna College at the next meeting of the board ot directors of tha league. Tha bualneas colleae had one of the strongest Independent basketball teams In Portland last Mason and now u is trviner to compete In regular league contest with the high achools of the CUT. The Benson Tech will make applica tion to get In the league for basketball, track and baseball, according to pres ent plana of Ih student body. Tb In- titutlon had a baseball team in tne field laat year and managed to give a good account of Itself, although not In the running for the championship. J. A. ADDLEMAN LEAVES ATHLETICS PROMOTER TO LOCATE AT SAX FRAVaCISCO. Exponent of Aaaatenr Kport Glvea l omre la Gaa Clok and Aannnncea Retire earat. Joseph A. Addlcmara. who for the last several years has been Instrumental In organizing athletic leagues amonff the younger generation while with Archer aV Wiggins, has announced his retire ment In Portland. "Joe," aa he Is more familiarly known, has been the North west representative of Wright ac Dltson every si rare he aold his Interest In Archer & Wiggins several months ago. He has been promoted to manage the Parlllc Coast division of Wright & Ditson with headquarters In San Fran cisco. Ilia territory extends as far east as Sale Ijkke and lo the Canadian bor der on the north. H haa IS persons under him. Including William Johnston, rhamplon tennla player In the United Mime. Johnston haa worked for the concern for a number of years selling .porting goods In a.l parts ot Cali fornia. Mr. Addleman always haa been a staunch admirer of clean athletics, and amateur leagues of all kinds have been started through bis energetic work. Hn haa been active In all forma or atn letlrs. and for several yeara he has been tha secretary-treasurer of the I'orttand Gun Club. He turned the laooka over to Dick Carlon. and. from all accounts. Carlon will ba the new aerretary-treaaurer of tha Portland Gun Club from now on. J. M. Kord will succeed "Joe as Northwest representative of Wright & Dltson. with headquarters In Portland. TOOMEY'S FIVE VIGTOBS CM R B tkKKTB tl.L C H iMPIO-iJUHP M-.RIr". V TIED. Kdwarda' Teaaa Beaten SI lo In ee- nd t-anae. He-aey la "tar. Making II Plnla. t Tnam, avene.1 un matters In lha race for the IMS basketball cham plonahlp of lha Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club last night In tha club gymnasium by administering a ll-to- . . a, raniain lvranra Edwards and his delegation. At no time did the Kdwards contingent nave acnancowuu the fighting Irishmen. I oomey luai aw... - hou-a league In four yeara when Ed- warda beat mm laat cunuai mumina. The deciding conteat of the year will be played In the Winged "M" gymna aluin neat (Sunday morning, according to Harry Fischer, chairman ot the basketball committee and referee of all the games ot lha house league. rtewey was easily me siar i aim eve ning. He made all but 10 of the win--. ......iiiAii'a rjolnt. Cantaln Kd wards featured for his side at guard - . . V ,.1. a. . n.1 I... n a.. ...... I . and even wiaia a. ....... . k .. ... five points. Following are the lineups of last night's contest: , .... i 1. n Tmey i.ai. Ilrxnion 4 I Hi Dransa u..i.fa ID t - hpamer I.r.rT (III -" V.r",!i" jami.n ............... Toomay 17 " waami liet.rea, Harry ri-ber. V. C. 31. A. Crusader Win. The Y. M. C. A. Crusaders defeated the bu Francla Juniors basketball team II to In the Y. M. C. A. gymnasium yesterday afternoon. Abstock and Cat tygun were the big stars for the Junior. Tha teamwork of the winners brought the Tlctory. Following are the lineups: Crusader till Juniors 9 i,, .-. f Vlrser r r k i I ! . : : : : : . . t u n H,nn.i ( l) Alialork ttenn-tl til .. llaM Wabb.r ..a th. WcUli Hoxca Rfntir ralmer. MKMrillS. Tenn.. Dec . Freddie Welsh. lightweight champion, and Kenny Palmer of Tucson. Aria., fought ....Lrniind no-declslon bout here tonight. Both boxed cleverly, and at no time did either appear in serious au.i culty. Palmer forced the fighting In several rounds Anderson Defeat 3IoCtie. KENOSHA. Wis.. Dec . Freddie Anderson, of Milwaukee, defeated Matty McCue. of llaclne. In a 10-round con test here, according to the opinion of newspapermen. They fought at 133 pounds. An.nrr lo Query. qWII1 you kindly Inform ma the date of the Jeffries-Johnson fight and the round It nnl.hed inT JACK O BHIKN, Ontario, Or. A July i. I10. Jeffrie wa knocked out In lb lilh round. 12 Great That Will Bring You Here Today or Saturday $12.50 Men's Silk Velvet House Coats, in olive, blue and brown; special today and Saturday only $7.50 $15.00 Men's Lounging: Robes in Brown, tan mix- ffQ Art tures, today and Sat. Pa7.VU $3 Men's Fine Silk Um brellas, today (- r and Saturday. aJaUD $3 Men's Soisette Paja mas, spec'l to-(to -j s-i day and Sat. ). ID 50c Scarf Pins will sell today and Sat-OCr urday only at. . M3- GIRL FINDS FATHER Ellen Lysle, 15, Lonely,-Gets Message to Come Home. DENVER QUERY EFFECTIVE Child Will Go to Parent Whom She Cannot Remember Life Has Been Shift From One I'umlly to Another. i-,t x vear old. received a telegram from Denver yesterday Invit ing her to rejoin her father and the brothera and sisters she left before she was old enough to remember. The dla- . i n aa.nmk.a to a telegram the girl sent some time ago asking the Den ver pollca to locate ner ri..i.-j- saae read. It was lsnd by ' Henry l.ysle. your ratner. i- " - .' j ..i. 1M KnlretV is InVeStl- LS o y a ana vm . ' - anting the authenticity of the telegram. . a. k. t All Haft tit TTl V There ixn i mut;n v - - life." the girl said last night. Ever since 1 can remember I have been sent first to one family and then another There were tear m v . iuci. ,.h the Dathetlc ner VOlco aa an an,.rtement. a.er Joneline, piteous longing for tne ni"m i a. . a... i..ir nf home In aha was oorn - the real meaning of the word all were pUrcd in the nu.eU matter-of-fac chatr and continued with a little break in her Tolce: , -My mother died when I waa born. Mr father either could not or did not ' . . Cn Vl a. 0-n Vakj lTla tO wlKtl to Kern itiv. " . . -ra?F F Noble, on condition that she raise me as a naugnier nn trua parentage when I was 7 jears Mrs. Noble told me who I was as she had promised. Then we came to ?iregon. I was 7 then. We moved to Kosfburr. and then to Salem I went to school In both cities. Then Mrs Noble got too poor to keep me. I went to another woman In Salem. The girl told how a scandal arose 1 ......Li foster-mother. concerning mi ------ and how she was taken Into th. care or the Boy's and uiris aiu wunj. ElleX . -wt child, with red. whole- Home cheeks and merry """ ""V", . , . , t,ar n rl v knowledge 01 life' realities have given her a wis dom beyond her years. She speaks with the dignity of a grown woman. "Then I was sent to nnomca 'n Linn County. Then , here The enna is ni. a-"-"-'- "'" , . " at SSs Duncklcy avenue. She has been with them six months. -I wrote to me iveu..-r ,im" . .. . i 1 1 . . 1 . trlrt rnntlniied. eral times. mr ...... r. - - "I did not really expect an answer . . ....... T vnitM liiTA this time, out oi to see my people. I think anybody would." , Little Miss Lysle says she has made no plans concerning the future. Her future course, she says, will depend largely on the result of Mr. Arne s in vestigation and her father's attitude toward ner. Amateur Athletic TWO baaketball gamea will he piayea in the hrl.Usn Brothers Bu.lnesa College vmnaslum tomorrow night, when the collea. tlr.t team meets the Berean Club representatives of Vancouver. Waah.. and rK . .-..1,1.. . Vortland team vet to tna aiuii... . - . ,.: . . be aelax-ted. The flrat game will tart at 7 o'clock: tomoua( Th Waando'.te quintet won an exciting match from the Meier Frank Junlora 12 To 11? on the Y. M. C. A. floor Wedneaday a'temoon. Welnert and Wright were the bright llghta for tha wlnnera. while Secord nd Cain .cored the moat polnla for the Junlora. Tha Y. M. c. A. Crusader .and tha Y Sat- C. A. Acorna battle on tha Y. M. C A. 'floor tomorrow afternoon. Vera Wlndnagle. th former Washington HI Igh School anu i ni.rri-nj v. nili.r. now oi v.'ii ninth In th recent annual cr.B-country run of th Intercoll. glat. association. The I nl vemliy of Main sprung a surprise by wln nlnar the ev.nt with lha famous Cornell Uni- . n.. ...I Tli. I'urtl.iid varsity sajuaa rn"a ....... . - - jboy waa tb third member of bis Uauia t ChristmasSpecials $7.50 Accordion Silk Knit Mufflers, spe-Ayi r cialat...' $4.10 $8.50 Cane and Umbrella Sets, today and rfr or Saturday at. . . J)D00 $5 Tie Racks, with fine leather backs, fto -C today and Sat.p). 10 $2.00 Scarf Pin and Cuff Link Sets, for to day and Saturday at only GUS KUHX, President Successors to Steinbach & Co. finish. There were more than 65 runners entered. ... "It was a poor game. The Oregon Aggies hsd no class whatsoever, and Syracuse did not have much over them at that and Wash ington could have beaten the Easterners by at least three touchdowns. The Oregon team came on the field llko a bunch of sick cats, as it It was all they could do to move. When they tackled a man, they threw their arms around his neck as if for support and it took four or five of them to down a single runner. Neither side had a man who could punt more than 20 yards and when O. A. c did punt that far Syracuse ran it back five yards right through the whole Oregon team. Hurh are a few statements attributed to "Hap" Miller, the all-Xorttaw est backfield of the University of Washington, who attend, ed the recent mauling handed the Oregon Agricultural College football team by Sra cuse University on Multnomah Field. ... The Shaver grammar school quintet had little trouble in registering a 3S-to- vic tory over the Stevens grammar school bas ketball players. "Mac" Maurice, of the Jef ferson High, was referee, while Jake Kau was umpire. ... The HoIIaday ilidgets football team is claiming the 105-pound championship of Portland and the Goldenrod Midgets are claiming the 105-pound basketball title of Portland. Kor games with either squad call Manager Frank Vaughn, at East 5DT3. ... All Intcrscholastle League basketball squads are fast getting Into action for tne 1U15-1M season, which starts soon. Daily workouts are Doing held and next week prac tice contests will be scheduled. LUMBER MEN OPTIMISTIC Baker Meeting Reports Increase in Demand ror JIaterlal. BAKER, Or., Dec. 9. (Special.) A general strengthening in the lumber market, with an increase over the two years previous, was reported at a meet ing today of the Eastern Oregon Lum ber Producers' Association. There was a general feeling of optimism and this was Intensified during the discussion of the ruling of the Interstate Com merce Commission opening the Chey enne gateway to the Chicago, Burling ton fc Quincy market, which is expected to have a good effect here. Those attending the meeting were: O'orge Stoddard, of the Grand Ronde tamter Company. Perry; V. Palmer, of the Q-org palmer Lumber Company. La Orande; J. H. Minnaugh. of the Nlbley Mlnr.augh Lumber company. Wallowa: Joseph StoJdard. of the Stoddard Uimnrt Company. L-akr; A. S. fchockley. of the 6hockley-M' Murren Company. Baker: E. L Kennon, of the Baker White Pine Lumber Company. Baker; K. E. Irwin, of the Boise Payette Lumber Company. Boise; It. S. Ecclea. of the W. H. Eccles Lumber Com pany. Baker; H. II. I-amplng. of the George Palmer Lumber Company. La Grande, and I B. Stoddard, of the Grand I'.onde Lumber Company. Perry. a Civil Service Will Examine. The United States Civil Service Com mission announces an open competitive examination for marine engine and boiler draftsman for men only, on January 6-6. 1916. for positions in the industrial department of the United States Navy-Yard. Portsmouth, N. H., and at Norfolk, Va., at 13.52 to $3.52 per diem. For further information and application blanks apply to M. K. Wig ton, local secretary, Postoffice building, Portland, Or. $1.75 Thermos Bottles Are Now $1 AH $1.00 Flashlights are now 75c; regular $3.00 Agate trimmed Fly Rods are $3.25; all $1.00 Pocket Knives are 80c. With prices like these all over our store, it's no wonder our removal sale is a big success. Here are a few more: Tool Grinders, regular $2.00 sizes, now $1.50; Steel Pruning Shears, 50c pattern, now 30c; 10-inch Stillson Pipe Wrenches, usually 90c, now 65c; House Axes, long or short handles, regular $1.00 values, at 75c; Keen Kutter Hand Saws, always $2.00, now $1.60. In the cutlery section you'll find $5.00 Stag-handle Carving Sets at $3.65 and $3.50 sets at $2.70; Keen Kutter Shears, regu lar dollar size, at 80c; Twenty patterns of regular 50c Jack Knives at 40c. Nearly everything in sporting goods deeply cut, for instance: Nickel-plated Clamp Ice Skates, regular $1.25, now 90c; $3.00 Skating Shoes for $2.75; Punching Bags, regular $3.00, pear shape style, for $2.25; Dollar Footballs for 85c; ball-bearing; Roller Skates, usually $1.75, now $1.25; Duxback Coats, always $6.00 now $5.00. "Just a glance at our windows might save you a dollar." Backus gtOOorris 223Mor.nisonStneet. Bet.lst & 2nd Sts $7.00 Leather Traveling Sets, today and t a Saturday at. . . tp'i.UU $3 Men's Fine Silk Shirts, for today andrt- if Saturday at. . . tpu 1 D 50c Cuff Buttons in many designs, today and Of Saturday at only. .LidC - QC VDC Morrison At Fourth ICE BARS FIRE TRUCKS ANCHORAGE WITHOUT PROTECTION AS FREIGHTER FEARS FLOES. Mall Contractor and Conimisialon Are Attempting; to Keep Snow Off of Trails tu Camp. SEWARD. Alaska, Dec. 9. Although Harbormaster Locke and others sent from Anchorage by Lieutenant Fred erick Mears, of the Alaska Engineering Commission, to investigate ice condi tions at Goose Bay, across Cook Inlet from Anchorage, reported that the ice there was not as thick as at Anchorage, the Alaska Steamship Company refused to send the big freighter Seward there to unload. Steamship officials said that the ice field below Anchorage, where the floes from Knik arm and Turnagain arm meet, would endanger the safety of the vessel. The Seward is discharging her entire cargo of railroad material and supplies for the Government construction camp at Anchorage here. As a result An charage will be virtually without fire protection this Winter, the Seward's cargo including complete equipment for the Anchorage fire department from a fire bell to a chemical engine. Sev eral hundred feet of fire hose may bo sent in by dogsleds, but the heavier apparatus cannot be moved until next Spring. The Alaska road commission is pre paring to keep the Seward-Anchorage trail passable all Winter. One section of the trail near Glacier Creek is so ob structed by snow-slides and ice that an entire day is required tor the mail teams to travel 12 miles. Colonel Revell. the mail contractor, has five horses with drags at work keeping the trail open across Indian Creek summit. There are 20 inches of snow at Anchorage. ZOO HAS BOA CONSTRICTOR RciUIo With Reputation for lame ness Is Given to City. Washington Park Zoo now has a boa constrictor in its collection of snakes. Jay A. Mathews yesterday turned the latest contribution of the Jungle over to Park Superintendent Convill and It will be put in the zoo today. It is said to be a genuine boa con strictor and lias a reputation for tame ness. Mrs. Minnie Yates Dead. Mrs. Minnie Yates, wife of Arthur W Yates a real estate dealer, died at her home'. 219 Fourth street, of tuber culosis The body will be specially em balmed and will be kept in Portland for a year before it is sent East for burial. The body of Mrs. Yates is at the undertaking establishment ot Miller & Tracey. on Ella street. No ar rangements have been made for the. funeral.