Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 09, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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hat; says viLsof
President So Terms Forecas
cf Defeat, Addressing Dem
ocratic Committee.
tueual !lal l His larailj.
, With 7iief It llrni
I While? Hoaa I.aarhran.
TtirvatriM-al Split IvralrU.
tV.V.III.TN te. a A4lr.aie
members a( th Wrnocrit! .ttoO-
t''irr-nltt. Ro ri bis tu-oeo
! at t . th;l ltoi'. f?.:dal
Vi t'iar atecare.t. after eaputa
In tftet b. di4 sot I'lfik ic aeoee.ary
t- a 1 ires. Id commute lit parlieroea
t.fy Unuit. teat t-. ti
can c ba.;.n ta th lt: m;iia
I. t!j!n ISrouJI fcta tat-
To I reaM-nt iak hri.r.r. II to!4
th ct7im:C?nc.a th lerno.-ratic para
t i'tiil fe la sxi'l or lr fir in. Beit
itm;:(3. I(4 j It h ! crrt.4 out
pee Wis-, a. he --i-i. "in th ftn
'." IT...i-r. t rxi.wd in act
' t! A i r.iDi tr5 ion sine 11 cam
Int. por T- rommi'!raj a
fUuit") him n tr. !' y. .Vo elfcer
! tMi war Ria-Je.
r'r.-i II. Lrnr.l. ) (io has
an iiiirtt4 a a poaaiite ;eeaavr
9 l- t'fcairtraa Mc"imr.. th
c-m-c.:te ttt itf rernc out b
tva fcl?u ol th cb-aarman.
. attempt rua.l. C I. Bw
aja-JrtoMi. to ci.-p:tr Mr. UcCombi
Mr. th n4 cf hi term.
! far s at t aal Oft.
TKroichoul hi. eattr jt. shU-b
tf.:t tta s-jbjei-te rmKirt frcrn
cb0-e of victory to feature of
Iie of a cfctaf . uti.." Ih I'
a a Informal. T'ir; til. ptac al
tl. ha. 4 of ta tab;, b thruet ht
ttVt Into hi trou.r po-ket. east Rt h. .rrr.4 his aires r.ra-1.
Un'i. a4 Ialac4 fraaljf atvi cni
d.ntia.lT. It was th fir.t tim, rmmltlm.q
: t tital their b! h. r .. 4
a a whole la th Whit Itou.e.
,l ti outset th I'txi l-nl al4 h.
nt 4 th. pi.rn''r. I rl lhat thr
.r. a t-rt cf a ttf farniir of ar M. ti
hm w . a M. aa'4
anr on couI4 aut any c - m -
rumnt othr tri.c. th. taritl
bii-lt th LmaMrratl'- opco:tlun cout4
Alvinr.. an4 th comnut!ma ail
riooa bl. knr at
tii t.-n. h. a'I'txl a hat aort of a
tnff m.ur. nu( a frarn.4 to tn.t
rhntr conl;tiuii' fruna th
Urikta 't.ra.t.
l'ii:u...4tn parti... IU-l- ln-
rIl t IT...rvl lni.t.4 that th
Nmo'Ti'it- ir ... thai tri malorltjr
n.! I rui. whi.. tht f cp
orkoca i.a. that a "b.r4 of traat.1
tinul l B t for th. tepl..
T-h:nrf on th. Jl'iivia trobt.m r
aii ih:. a.m. ftialrttr rut notti
a;:4y I' ,Vtt i' a. writ a. 1 Ihi rum
tr. ajtth.jit r'r4 t-i Ih h. cf
t.ron. r.t !irix in oth-.p roaatrvr who
oil M.t.raa proirii II. pr.-. j,rt,,aa b!
com in mrh.n th pwpl w
thoroughly t;r4 of !itir&-
Th rr.M.rt fr1 a uftl4 torn
tnitc. I.a.i.r d'lar4 tnntf M. rt)
anr of thraen4 hr.Ah. p.t.a
frta4. of r.vj IU l.ynh. th Xmnv
kou ronm!ttmn. af4 t'hatrman
r. lli'tmb) baili h'
fmpttf 4itOiM4 of.
Mr. !- nmh an4 m.t of th oth.r
tnmmiKim! Ift fr hum. '
th platform losthr br lodar at
th annual rrtlina of tha Amrtcn
K.4 I'roav Tbr crt4 t olhr
la a brl.f adJr.x. rrIJnt Wllnon
prat. tha humanitarian work b. ma
dia br th AmrKta lt4 Cro la th
Kuropvaa air. aarlna It waa th rat
.t aC'Bcr lb l'olt4 tata ha4 for
K.orr an'tatioa of th aoclot to mt
th i4 of ataral diri.iona la chars
of military an 4 clTttlaa rllf work waa
th chl.f bu.inua of Ih tntlnK.
Pri4n4 Wilaoa orcupl4 tha chair
whi; tr. r.lbr4 t-trone told of th
Am.rlcaa I;4 Croaa aanitarr work In
tamping out trphua la hrbla. and dur
Inc tha addra of Charlaa J. O'Connor.
p.ctal r?rntati of tha Had Croa.
who broucht word of famin and ml-
ry aa h ar two montba aTO la 11 1 r.
tr. Ktroea. In con.Iudlne hla addrr.a.
Iarn4 toward tha rroaklcnt aa b aaid:
"V h h.ard much in lb t ailrd
lili of lb prpar4nra of our
rounlry f r .nrl On Im
portant probt.m In tht ronnctloa la
th n'jntion of h. prpar4na of our
phral'-iana to with pl4.mica of
lnfrtioi d I In Ih fi.ld and tblr of th rroMm rlattnt to
th brvi.ri of ramp Itf and of larff
bo-1i.a of troop."
Mr. OVonnor r'plld to tboa who
h cbAra.4 KJ roa work.ra with
a:vlnc untrua r.pArt of rondltlona la
Vrtli'. br aaflna that ha h4 data
holn that In lh.f4ral slilrkt
about M.ilco Citr la October Ih daily
umbor of dth d-4 to atarvatlon
wa about C - . II addd that b eon
.!.r4 It a conrrll llraal to
ar that al laat : 00 w.r drlnc ry
day lr h wbol of M.mlco for lark
it foo-1 or oa account of dlaa at
an4ant oa fmtn condition.
In th atrt. h dclr4. 1 often
aw (aunt woman and children claw
nar la barra rarbav hvapa for acrapa.
I paw (reus of pathetic wretrbe wait'
nt hour bfor doors of pnvata
bonMt for a capful of eoua. I
acr of panper craa. whr th dead
w.r bur 14 ao faat thai th tire nam
ptale required br taw war not t
be th crarea.'
Secretary Also Asks Further
Provision for Preventing
Evasions of Laws.
Krvornmrmlatlon That Stamp Taira
ad Poly on Sncar D Contlnord
I RrarrirrorJ Inrrraard
fmtiorf. I"Trdlcted.
ri n BLir it, to ro-ori.ii itc for
booD or .rto.-t.
Iralelaf Trll eaatr Cialllaaer II
! " Apr Maklas rarty
laaa la turn.
WAli:.GTO.V. tc. I. 6Dator Cal-
inser lotd th I'realdeBt toUay that
l:publiran In Ih r-enat would
null no partuaa f larhl oa th National presramro If It war not mad
Party me.ur. Iter Mr. (iailinser
atd that I'reetdant U l aon had told
im h would hut ?Ko. of th Para
erratic caucu maaina' Ih lcfaa
Un party niaaaur.
I lira, with l..a thoueht In Ih
mind, of Ih I rld-nt and Secretary
t.arrtaon la th preparation of th
Adrnlniatrsllon plan.." aaid hanatcr
tia.Iiticer at th Whit lloue. 'but I
hat not l atudtrd all Ih delall.
Tt l..put:itao. will not treat tbia
matter In a partlean manner, and ao
1 tol4 th frai4- t.
v will bune.lly co-operat with
th party In r In aorhlna out
dafena plan. wMcb will b ad-uat
and .an. Hut w will not acre to
hat Ih Wtno.-ra.le frame tbelr p'.aoa
la raucue and then ak u to appro
Tb nuctloo of preparing- 'or th
d'fena ..f Ih Nation la not a parly
one. and th Krpublirane ar rtadr
. meet Ih lmovrat half way If
In majority party I really wlliln
to d-w. lht iuvation on a non
pti-m-m um I flw-r llMtMr 1 rim lli4.
'UHl :.V. t-rt tr .6-4cil
Th- u 'ritfil h initrut-tc4 K'itt
.t' rnv 1'. : tint Mr or 4 to rna C
l un t. r-tra(t th V f vt'ro T'yiit
lump-IB t from fa.Kir.-f 1- 10 hnm rt
r th -fp-trif t-. in t h- frnc him
.-tohir Mi TTi mofitMf
Tirn rf i lh f -m-h t. srmmnt
ar It -' f .. ifiKi rrtr. tt.Zi f r
l-pf(T. an1 ll f"i wi or- thtyQ two
cnt 1 mntN.l tt-w rm.nv -rfntion
I ratio, ifim raVt" uttr tb
munum rt-w Th prlnnpl nVol4
t tb mtioritx of t ioDimt.ii to
tcwip.--. p anuiBu ip.! fra tit rv cn
After Mar. 1-a Nat (.rower I'.lns
tanal 'aj lret Wnrl.l. I Vie".
:tii:M:. r. t-. (.peciaL
Oower. of auta In Lan. County caa
' eafui l orrpt with other ec
lxu of the country aft-r Ih rloa of
the war atkord r.- t A. J. M.Uer. of
ll-o'l on of th paara at
th t'ormar..-ial ttun vtnrhaAa Ij4y.
Mr. Milr ear. already Hoo4 l.lear
ferm.r. ah. I fruitcruw.ra ar alanine
t on ahippmic their fruit to tba
.t:.rtir aaabor4 ia lb I'aaama
'aaai. la hen thia fTn coma, b aay
9l ar acr can b aaea4 by erovari
la that ikin ir throuta canal frlht
ratea. Mr. Miller aja h bellcee the
I -a. n County autmwera caa find a
imilar adaata in th sralty haul
te th liMJl.
ir iim: nr.i o i ( oiktio
WITH it l.Mmta.
eeltar rwrlri t.plre al I'rea.
riarw barceej M Ilk ayalraaall
Mekaera far Oa .ear.
HAN I'll ANfSio. r-. A South
era lariltc Italiroad rtlrhintf crew
of thre man waa arre.t4 t.4.y In
rwnn. tin with I a atmatic roooins
of rre:ht car. har du'tn: Ih laet
taar laol Tlu4 at ;! waa r-
reraj an4 Ih total or all tha ri-
bcri.. wa. aai.j to hjti been llo.'..
All of Ih robbartr tmk pUc. th
poitr aa r. wbil th crew wa on duly,
Information waa Kla the pollc by a
Jitnay drirer an! a pedd'er. all'aed
Is h been amployed lo haul and 'H
th aiotaa coo-l.
Th crew con.i.tedl of Ih formn.
trd T.ncer. an l two a...tanta. X Ill-
Una t'eratuaoa and I rank llarrl.on.
The tol le aaid th men repreent4
lbvmlT ae cuetoma officer when
eelluta hir loml
Avowr aj ("hans I'rvrta 10.5 lo
I t MUU Optional AMlh ConiK-ll.
op.i:i-.iiN TTT. Or. Ier. fSp-
eUl.i Whether trafon City will pay a
lei or a I l-mitl city te re.ta entirely
with Ih Council, aaid County Aaaee.or
Jack tod. An amendment lo th
charter, paaaed Monday, provide that
Ih Council ahall lr 7 mill, for op-
eratlnc axpeneaa an4 T milla to take u ,4d thjat th preae
aa Uau of bonda to b la.ued to call er.,,iy aucmanted.
WASMINOTOf. Dec-. (. clerrelary of
Ih Treaaury VIcAdno. In bla annual
report, a eummary of which waa made
public today, outlined bla plana for
raiainr additional ravenu.
tecr.tary McAdoo would redur th
Income lax exemption ao aa to tax
married pareuna with $300 Incntnea
and elna-U pereona with Incomea of
f.'av. II would Increae th collec
tion for-e. drclarlnc that many per
eon now evade payment, and would
rhans th law ao that a" roe. Income,
Inatrad of net Income, ahall be re
turned that Ih tax ahould not
be withheld at th eource.
II alao recommended continuance of
tba pr.aent alamp tax and the duly on
raw iu(tr. II oppoaea a bond leeua to
meet the aituation. Taxea on xaaollne
crude and refined oil, horer power of
automobilaa and "varloua other thlnara
ar aucceated a further revenue-rala
Inaf meaaurea.
Taaea Still la Getrraaieal.
tr. McAdoo. In aaklrtK for an In-
rreaaed collection force, aaid that, on
th baaia of Ih examination, appar
ently more than in peraonal
lax and mora than l.'O.SM.OOO In cor
poration tax till la du th Govern
-Many Inaccurate return ar made.'
aaid th report. om deliberately and
eome lenorantly. and titer are. with
out doubt, wholeaalo evaalona of th
law throucbout tha country. It la ab
solutely certain that th Government
la loeinff throuch Inaccurate returns
and evaalona of th law a aum many
time creater than tba coat of the
neceaeary field fore to Inveatlsate
and check tha returna and to brlnar to
account thoa who ar falling- to make
returna aa required by law.
A further recommendation reads as
follow :
I'.y the art of October !2. 1914. a
tax of li cenia per proof gallon la now
Impoaed on brandy and win spirits
uard In fortlfjrlnr domeetle wine. Thla
tax. however, will, under th provi
sions of th act. expire by limitation
January 1. 11. It la therefor recom
mended that a Ilk lax b linpoKed on
all brandy or spirit uae.l In fortifying
aurh win on and after that date.
"The policy of providing for th ex
penditures of the Government by taxa
tion and not by bond laauea." said th
report, "la undoubtedly a sound one
and should be adhered to. A nation, no
more than an Individual, can e- con
stantly Into d-bl for current expendi
ture without eventually Impalrlnsr
credlt. A w lae. sound and permanent
policy of raialnc th additional reve
nue required for preparedness and the
expenditure of the Government should
therefor be devised and adopted.
Mr. McAdoo expresses the belief that
a return of peao In r.urnpe cua-
fell off I5i.000.oua
would Increaa and
that th leztaUlion suxcestad. with a
provUlon to make th surtax of the In
come) tax law appucaoi at eiv.vvv in-
rtead t.'.oo. tha whole or part or
the additional revenue could b raised.
T:i t-tl estimated appropriations
for th flM-al year which bexln July 1
next. Mr. M.-Adoo put at,;in l.Jtl.; for the poatoffiy
In. Ii la reimbursable, and about
oi more for th Panama Canal an
elnklnar fund, ilecelpt lor th aim
year based on exietinsT law without ex
tension of the suaar duly or th emer
cency tax. Mr. McAdoo put at li'0.:00.
and ordinary fiisoursemants a
4jJ.wl.',, leaving an exresa of dl
bursamrnt. oer I" elpta. If leslslatton
I. not iA..e.l to hantf condition,
-rserlty Itee-larre Katabllabre).
Mr. McAdoo said that th buelnea of
th country waa Improving steadily and
that prosper. ty had been "firmly estjb
laahed throuchout Ih country.
ha financial situation of th court-
trv."" he continued, "lia never been so
sLrons and laH'taMa as no. Our fl
panrlal rrsourvra ar th srreatest In
our biatorv. and our bankins; system.
throuicn th creation of th redera
llrartv. a)rm. Is now th stronatest
in th world. In eaery respect the eco
nomic and financial condition of th
country I extraordinarily sound. It Is
creater than that of any other nation
nd if we us our resources and our
opportunities IntelllEently and wisely,
w shall cstablis.1 Ih prosperity of
thla Nation upon an Impregnable foun
datlon for many yeara to come.
In that connection th Secretary a r'
port showed ti sto.-k of srold In the
I'nlted tt-w on November I. 1 P t was
I.'.IX.III.;.'. compared with ll.So:..
i;.l0 on January : and that It la by
far th larse.t sum In Bold ever held
by on country. Indication were, he
nt stock would be
Sends to
Christmas Piano
teSSI a ' " Start
. With
t"al I'rlc flJO'Te ar Kaelory ITIce. nQn Had need Chriatmaa Terms.
l:iMakrr 9J I aJ Itheat latere!. waaaVUgS t'aaa. Sfi UaaUlr.
Evryone baying- Piano ia interested in cost; both first cost and after-cost
There will be no after-coet for Interest amounting ta f - 7 tha first mnntna oe tnta.1
ttrial of iV-'T in Interest, rapraeantinc a total aavlnx to you of f 142.27 in Interest
snd principal. Deduct this smount from the price of Uia above piano and then you
will reallaa what aaonderful value It preeenta. -
Thar aril a .ao be no af tar-coat for th riral three mrtntha tnr nlano laaaona mlm-m w
firulah you an order at our evpans on itood repreeentativa Portland Piano Teachers
Uii is Included with the New rvano we lurnlah you now.
We alao supplv the Moaart Keyboard 1'lay llama for beclnners with every plaao
sold before a.'Uriarmss.
Kaides. ae inc.uue the first rear's tunlns and a stonl to match tha piano, and free
delivery of all to rour hum-, with a warrantee barked by
Nearly everybody can afford to buy. since nearly evervhodjr can afford to pay 94
monthly, without Interest, and thus secure a savins of ISi In price and SST.27 In In
terest, in all 12--T. by buying- now.
New Pianos - $235 $265 $290 $315, etc.
Player Pianos $290 $395 $435 $495, etc.
Used Pianos $ 65 $ 95 $165 $195, etc.
now. while stock most complete,
you do not want to nay th full
DavmeiiL and then, before delivery on I'hrlatmaa eve
you pay th balance In cash of $4 or $9, or whatever agreement you make for
th first payment, and the balance IS monthly, etc, uulil the piano Is paid
for In full.
Out-of-Town Buyers It la safe and satisfactory to buy one of these pianos
by msIL Write us and w will send you full description, or. if you like, ship
th piano aublect to your aooroval. We Dar freieht to an v ooint In Oree-nn
Washington or Idaho. Buy now and have It shipped when ready.
Lverv nlano or nlaver nlano nurrhaaed carries with It the Krhwan Plann
Co. guarantee of satisfaction, as also the usual guarantee from each manu
facturer 01 ineae new musical instruments; oesicies. we tatte it in exchange
within one year, allowing- the full amount paid. If desired.
Pi a lITa fjt) Make yotir selection
" -- payment, and then. b.
O 1 T r-e Maaafartarrra'
" " -a v aaaaaaw- -aaavs rinr Warranty liar
Coaat Diatrlhatora.
itrrt. Near Waahlactoa.
aeked hr S 1 '.IKHI.lMHI.
The ft tare That Bell at Factory Prlrea and Charge N latereal.
Mud IrUU I'arra Trial oa CHarxe
of KHIlns Another.
ALIw i;LX ruho. Ic. i.jtp.
Cil After d-lib.ratm t tor it hour.
th Jiry ia the iaia of ha4 fields, a
sh.L harder, cbar.4 wita anurd.r la
in ftrat da-rae. r.turn4 a v.r4ict of
not C4:lv. t il.l w oa trial for
ail. in 1:4 Ward in llui. County Ut
ptam'er. A 'on4 tndt.-tmeat rharg
1 if h.m w.tlk th m .r l-r of ft ) ma
Iv jri has baa a, fite4.
l'roaut;n; Attorney Kbode, of
:ok. C.j jntj. Ja. la.-., that th
man. will b tried on th second charge
se.t nioruh. Many woman la tha eourt
r uia .hook hands sl'.n and con
gr.t4lte41 bins n hi acquittal. Tie
::n mats wer ett;.r an4 leave
!.;. an l s:h .hiMf.n.
Jl.litary aaid Civil llrllef Work It
tVe farpearatraj.
WA3KI'aTO.V. t I rresldent
TTUsoa aa4 ITidat TaA sat a
la outstanding bonds or a total of II
It wr. th Council ha pa.d an
ordinanc levying 11 mills for 111
ard notice of th levy ha been filed
with th County Assessor and tha
Cour.ty Clerk. I'nless the Council file
a second sotlc declaring th lery II
mills. Assessor Jack l I extend Ih
It i-mlll levy.
I-Tlaoncr la Ciratltade ta She-riff Itf.
vrala Caclao of Ionry.
n.Ki:n. r, iw. t. spciaD
OratefuJ to bheriff IC P. Anderson, who
haa treated him with kindness during
hi. recent Illness la the County Jail.
William Krby. arrested la connection
with th robbery of lie from A. Mo-
Adam la th i::ka Hotel last Wednes
day, volunteer to direct Ih officers to
the biding pise of th money.
Accompanied by th Mterlff. Erby
went to lb Welts feed barn and un
covered a tobacco caa bidden under
chaff In a a4twt In one of th rear
stalls. Th can. apparently, w as filled
with tobacco, but $y waa found
cached al th bottom. Krby admitted
having bidden th money, but denied
bavin; anything to do with lis theft.
A.liUad Tax tVrfkHI Is $2138.
.VSIILANr. Or Nor. V i. . 11
Of th munUlpal tax for Itt. which
approximate ii o. all but I: haa
beeas paid up. th levy being mad in
Itl. All hit vt th general tax
for ltl also has been paid Th d
llaiuenl saaer tax for 111. a local
aaaxent. axtounta to a tri!t mora
tbaa tier, being Bancroft act ob.l
catloa. This as a wbol la considered
a s4 s&o laav
Th met.iod of legislating for public
buildings In an omnibus bill received
th Secretary's disapproval and he
asked mat it be discontinued. Needless
wast f public money, ha said, would
b avoided If Congrevs would hereafter
not aiithorli th acquisition of public
building sites until authorisation had
been mad for tie bulldlnais to go on
th sites. He asked that th Secretary
of th Treasury be authorised to fit
th building to th city and not to make
it Just aa imposing as tha sum appro
prlatrd under in present system will
Jail Scnlcncca fail low "J"l.
CENTRA I.f A. Wash.. !-. . (5n
rial. Kecently Henry Herman was
sentenced to th County Jail on a va
grancy charts after h had been ar
rested at Adna with a complete afa-
blowinr outfit In hie possession. Th
man's term expired yesterday, but he
waa resentenced on a charge of carry
ing concealed weapon to permit Sher
iff foster continuing his Investigation
of th man past record.
ll llntl Near II urn I Itrporlrtl.
BAKER. Or. Per. I Special )
Considerable excitement waa created at
Burns by the sews that otl was dis
covered at the oil well. 17 miles south
of Burns. Th well haa reached a depth
of i'.t'i feet and drilling baa been dis
continued nntil casing arrives, when
It will be determined whether tha well
Is of commercial value.
Itaaad niorTlaor I Klccfrd.
CENTRA I.I A. Wash.. rer, I. (Spe
cial At the annual meeting of th
pryad rood Koada Association. George
W. linn waa elected road supervisor
for th co mi rag war. About Ii hew
members wer added to tba association
at the meet ln.
DltTcrcnc f Coadltloaa la Latla-Amer.
Ira aal4 Be Mad led Here,
ftaya Trade ana.
NEW YORK. Dec I. What Is good
advertising in Virginia la nut always
good advertising In Venexula, declared
Hugh iL Kahler, of tbia city. In tell
ing at th closing; session today of the
International Trad Conference of
some of the pitfalls Into which Ameri
can manufacturers fall In framing their
advertising; to be translated Into a
foreign tongun. Differences of lan-
gusge, race, climate, laws, customs and
Institutions must all bo considered In
advertising goods In Latin-American
countries, the speaker aaid.
As evidence of th car that must
ba exercised by American advertising
In th -South American countries. Mr.
Kahler Instanced an advertisement In
Brasil of a aria engine guaranteed not
to frees. This man failed to realize,
he said, that the cllmat there is so
hot that it would boil an egg.
Still another spent thousands of dol
lars advertising an article, tha name
of which, translated Into Spanish, waa
aaors than blasphemy.
chancellor commander of Laurel Lodge,
No. 7. Knights of Pythias, of this city.
In the semi-annual election this week.
Other officers were chosen as follows:
Vice-chancellor. Richard F. Thorn; pre
late. Fred Fortmiller; master of the
work, L. Reade Dowlin; keeper of rec
ords and seal. L. M. Curl; master of
finance, John G. Bryant; master of the
exchequer. Francis M. Arnold; master-at-arms,
William J. Patterson; Inner
guard, Ralph Thorn; outer guard. Cleo
Jenkins; trustee for three years, W. A.
Forccloaure Proceed lugs at Vale Are
Agalnt Humboldt Corporation.
BAKER. Or, Dec 8. (Special.) F.
L. Hubbard and J. H. Nichols, attor
neys fur F. L. Anderson, of Mormon
Basin, made public today the filing of
foreclosure proceedings at Vale against
the Humboldt Consolidated Gold Mines,
seeking Judgment for 37 labor and ma
terial Hens assigned to Mr. Anderson
and totaling (lt.71s.63. For attorneys'
fees j:i50 is asked, and for filing fees
11(10.30, making a total of S19.36ti.93.
J. T. Donnelly, trustee, is named as a
defendant because of his holding a
trust mortgage given to obtain a bond
issue made by the mining company.
and the complaint asks that the labor
and material liens be declared prior in
right to the claims of Mr. Donnelly.
Veteran tiaccuiiiba at Cottage Grove.
claL) Tha funeral of Charlea Bohm
waa held today. He died Monday nigh
al th age of 7 S years. Tha funeral
was conducted under tha ausntces
App'omattox Post. Grand Army of th
Republic Mr. Bohm was born In Ger
many. He had been a resident of Ore
gon for a quaarter century. At Buffa
lo. October :o. 1877, he married Mis
Keglnla Reltx. who survives. He served
during th Civil War In Company C,
Twenty-first Regiment. New York vol
unteers. wa wounded at Antletam and
was honorably discharged February
1J. 1J. Surviving children are Charles
Bohm. of Drain, and Mrs. It. W. Waters,
of Mcdford.
Albany Iyttilan. Elect.
ALBANY. Or.. Dec . (Special.)
Charles C. Curry, chief deputy In the
Count Clerk's office here, waa elected
Catarrh Is such an Inaldloaa disease and
haa become so prevalent during the paat few
rears that Its treatment snouia D Bauer-
stood bv all.
ak-i.m- haa fully proved that catarrh is
constitutional disease and therefore
autre, a constitutional treaxrneni. oprara.
nhalera. salves snd aoaa aournes eeiaora
if ever glee lasting benefits and often drive
he dieeas further down tn air passages
snd Into tha lunss.
If you hsve Catarrh or Catarrhal deaf-
aa or head-oolsea. go to your drocclat and
eat one ounce of farmlnt t Double strength .
Take tbia bom and add ta It Va Pint of
hot water and 4 ounces of granulated augar;
tir until dluolved. take on tablespoontul
4 tlmea a day.
This will often bring quick relief from
tha distressing head BOtses, clogged n.
trtis should open, breathing become easy
and mucus stop dropplog Into th throat.
Thta treatment haa a slight tonio actloa
aablch makes It eepeclslly effective In cases
a bar Ih blood has become thin and weak.
t la ar to make, tastes pleasant and costs
little. Kvsry person who alabes lo h free
from thta deetructlv disease ahould give
his treatmant a trial. Adv.
Former Centralian Coe. With l ord.
CENTRALIA, Wash.. Dec. 8. (Spe
claL) Hampton A. Steele, until 1912
city editor of the Centralis Dally
Chronicle. Is & member of the Ford
peace delegation on Its way to Europe.
Mr. Steele Is representing the Stete
Journal of Topeka. Kara., with which
paper he has been connected since leaving-
Be Better Looking: Take
Olive Tablets.
If your skin Is yellow complexion
pallid tongue coated appetite poor
you hsve a had taste In your mouth a
lazy, no-good feeling you should take
Ullvo Tablets.
Dr. Edwards' OHt Tablets a sub
stltute for calomel were prepared by
Dr. Edwards after 17 years of study
wita his patients.
Dr. Edwards' Ollre Tablets are
purely vegetable comnound mixed with
olive oil. You will know them by
mtir olive color.
If you want a clear, pink skin, bright
eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy
liKe cniianooa days, you must get
the causa.
Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act on
the llrer and bowels like calomel yet
have no dangerous after effects.
They start the bile and overcome
constipation. That's why millions of
boxes are sold annually at 10c and 2ic
per box. Ail druggists.
Take one or two nightly and note the
pleasing results.
The Olive Tablet Company, Colum
nus, u. Adv.
a I aaAl I ak n a . a ta
j Sara Cream Applied in Nostrils "t
I llnana Aie Pajao-e Rio-rrr I'r. T
vraa a a " 0 "T"
Instant relief no waiting. Your
clogged nostrils open right up; tha air
passages of your head clear and you can
breath freely. No more hawking.
snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness.
No struggling for breath at night; your
cold or catarrh disappears.
Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream
Balm from your druggist now. Apply
littlat of this fragrant, antiseptic
healing cream In your nostrils. It
penetratea through every air passage
of tha bead, soothes the Inflamed or
wollen mucous membrane and relief
comes instantly.
Jt'a Just fin. Don't stay stuffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh. Adv.
LADIES, I am of
fering all tailored
Suits that have been
$27.50, $29.50, $32.50
and $34.50 at one flat
price $18.85.
These are genuine re
ductions from normal
prices on suits of un
usual high quality. It is
your opportunity to
save many dollars.
Suits made from the
best fabrics velvets,
broadcloths, and other
popular weaves.
Some handsomely
trimmed in fur, some in
braid, arid some plain-tailored.
The models are exclusive with
this store the price is the low
est you will find.
S u i t s formerly
priced $22.50 and
$24.50 are going
now at $15. These
have the same
thorough . vv o r k
manship as the
more expensive
The materials are
broadcloths, gabar
dines, whipcords and
novelty weaves, many
of the models being
trimmed in fur or silk
A decidedly attractive
price on quality suits.
, :
One entire rack
filled with $10.00
and $12.50 Coats
and Cravenetted
Raincoats that are
now selling at
$7.95. Garments
that are in perfect
style, warm and
All of the popular
colors and mixtures
in tweed, corduroy,
cheviot, and novelty
Garments that can be
worn with satisfaction
in the most inclement
See them at the spe
cial price $7.95.
Ben Selling
Morrison Street at Fourth
Yes ! We Carry, Sell and Recommend
Waterman Fountain Pens
The Pen That Always Pleases
Expert Pen Man Waits on You
Ten Days' Trial Free
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
Wood-Lark Building, Alder St at West Park
to Receive is What
vv iou uugnt to oive
XSw .
K r aV aavnaua as. aeatM
X. -VeV 3 Xjst b I -3 I II II I V
"V vr-vL I a a - a ST a! m sj awe- -a a m
to see
the Safety,
and Regular
V .r.r rm eleaire ran be PTatificd
mwA a.anr kinii fitted. Price, S2.50
to $150.00. Be explicit: ask for the
genuine Waterman's Ideal.
Sold at the Best Stores
L. E. Waterman Company
171 Rraadmr New York
The Gift
that is
lit MSI IHI I'll
To settle that question which is the best place to
Visit the Fountain Pen Department at
The J. K. Gill Co., Third and Alder Sts.