Tim 3ionxrxG oitcgoxfax vi:i)ni:stay. prcrararTt . wis. FIGHT OVER HEALTH OFFICE PROBE NEAR Mayor to Oppose Sitting by Council Members as . Jury in Hearing. MAJORITY KNOWN HOSTILE tr. .lf I a tore. Introtlsatioa by Ilialretrdl rrrwns Ilalhrr THen by IUa Provided la y Mr. Pair' Krwtatioa. Vire JmuMm are In (tare for tbe rjiUr metie ef th Council Iht Morr.icf, wb.a Comtr.too.r Ialir will I'mpi to pal troh a rottioa (!i.r( fir aa lBe.tictla ef th. n(&ol ef administration of lb Oty Ml" fvffli-a tr I'. M. H- trctlu. Mr. t'!r b rpr'l kit rlni r:!!R for an in..ttti.jn ef lr. lr :! at iri to bedn Bt Woo . wit te Co'iO'-il :Mtn a Jury. T re-tioa I. ta outcome ef lb f : .ttrrrd o a weea ao, whn Mayor .l. anJ Pr M.rv-i:u.. ctsml4 tra T. Hrrr. a fu'O'T. r'nmmuMit't I'alr firt tntrdvd en e-l.ia.-e ! cut IT Wrr.to" 1 err li I ov Tki ordinance U still A t.e lnrl'.-t4 tr,!ar tht . oiil f"r a thoroK lnTtl-ti-n ef t'r. V.re.Uu aod th li.alth wr-- rri.l4 It w. coM-iflH f.:r'r. It . h ran no tlmnt ef ftirn.. la tha proposition of th otiB- ii ttcisa? a a lirr. Ia.ti.-1 a a maturity ef th Cooocll baa t-.ti.-f..l proD f.I!n- acalnat tr. V rctt'4 bacaus ef th 4imtl of 3 f - .rB4ft. No chrt bar fcB ma4 aarala.t T- V.r;il'. and Mr. tlr BT b fl.-ia tit rrh da uatil Mondsr. wha tn ln..trr'oo I th. no. ThT lit !I wi the at:ntnitf atloa ef IX It!"" l'ro. h . ar. not wf tf. Mr.-lt.V "wl affi'. t.er Ala he ! Utterly r(n nr rUa to ha a lot of iu '! rhr broucht a? aiat T". M rv-l!'j. wlta no rpportanliy o M prt to Mf thm. It y f' n litilla. will a' f r liintri'l pron o ll a a ttrr Mr. r-!r T fc tji norhtnc I"! b oofair I tr. WUu. -o'Ioir l a eopr ef lh rolilln vbI.'b Mr. Vl9 pral to lae Coinrtt th!a mofo'iis: w- I- 1 l ' '" t'" f -t ti 9r II rntarW IAI ff ikA lv cr rtrB5. f4t ii tn rr ' f f ,r t. t'.if r r"'-f. i ! ! DVMrf Ih r .! t BB f- i.--r m"!"B a t:i t Bmf mr b I,,,,,,,,.! mm tt 1.1 wwif f li crit- tt rit. tbrfjr II ,--. ). k th f'uvii f ''tr r.f n. tt 4 ff)-iI lC:et U MlHfalte.f. t f hll ... r..i M n4r. ImainMr II. I 1 1. Bl ':'- " LIBEL CHARGE IS RENEWED lulian Pp-r rabll-lwr lU-arrrIrd Aftrr Cm I Plmljwl Oner. TAi"r . n-AAh.. rc. t ((ip-iBi) ,li.mi twrtohai. yaolafal ltnr ef I torrtr ItAX-BBo eqblihS la l'"rt Ue'l. r.ttl bb4 Spn. ho tr;l or a rhtrfa ef crtfr.ial ltl tom-y:i:i--1 ef tr ;iipp MiocHnl. r J-nt the IUl Jli'l'ool Com fmnr ef T.:oma. wb for toJy. apr !! In fir1 wit II wltB fi.i J.rTi4 ti.t t hr b4 bn i! mlont A ar lnformlla araa fi-l. Br. ar4 PrtoinL a 4ip lr. rnal pro(iT ef forvlsa B p j ri'i'-. wb rvorr!! Bad rla4 i t '' boB'i arcr pijj!BC not ''tfy. fortowinr M-b tn court ar- ru'l tTi 4fn2Aat' !mqrrr Mxxiinl trrttni r.rtn!nl ef wrlt- tC BrtU-la ntlCBttBC Ihit UxiIBiHl rponl for br In mcroal f.cfori la VBor. H. C.. fpokaa M Ti'"n. wi'b xM.-o be b to. nacti't f r IK lsir-. an4 btallac at etar loUtlon ef in law. CAUSE OF ILLNESS FOUND OperatkM ot Ma JM Addaasa I o4 prnbablr. ftfAC. t-. T. Mi.a Jb At'-m ntMr will Bt be eprat4 n. lr. Jsib H. Ilrrtcb mU tartar, la aaBBia4T tnl ta wi4iy ' afvvHBf: bbI ttImBt worbr I nffrtaf front a bmorrfisc of th IMutt nrl Hiji.lo ware B'ii la cnnai'tta t dtrstB la a''r ef br t:in. "t roaaot Mf bow toaa (be wttt bo BTr.t to rearn la tao it Ir. rrru MM. l 4 Bo I. Icrtttr, t eprt. i.b4 ef ti At!m wre aa citia wbcbr to Brpl tbo ia rtfr r wsthr tb pbyslciaae d ! !.! eot l oprf a avcoual ef la rbja ef t-b ai-tioa. RAILROADS ARE ACCUSED ttUrrlanlnatioe) ,cal( ImmlfntU I Ovrs-J. VrnK. t'r. T. 0arc taat Immumii a r'4 for f'rt c rilro irn ?ortt ioo tare ba nl trona - tark to tb'lr 4t!B t.on la tn t'oi'.-l Mt ea plow triBe vr ctrvuieeu roq la tia ef tb lo'rtf ronmrre tw m.l y Wrta K. .trk, rh f lntiTt jr ef lh ti4 ef la dua'rtM sa.t mm!crti.o ef lb lor Mai tabor l-;r?m.Bt. a a tcoBt 4j4 lonsM Ml. ttlL T b r.lrt I4bc "to support romp!:nt. ftt4 rBt;y wirb ta lnlrfc tommrc Commt- mi ibat l ri rli Birtn Nw terk wr olJuCf t.cr.miBtiBJ acalBt Immlirttit ROSEBURG PLANS ADVANCE tlori ob Irtirral KallUInx IJkrty to Mart by Jan. mr.C',ixs x:wi tfRrAf.w. i-nn. i. :. i;.prniatT llaw Ur b aJi4 by ib upriB ln arrBttt ef lb Trury lbl run for tb teSttrt rublic boll4 Irg are aow w!l a4anr4 an4 will be r for a4rtiRiorl in "brtjry. Th Ub ar bio Jrawa by Ib t-.o.ramBt arvbil. t aa4 wi:l call fr a bviltnt lo root boi more ta I !. '. B'jff :.-IBlly lf to l"0"""t" o MM'tf fii-e. Ian4 offir. forlry of- fi-o a4 Artvlt'4ral lfftmol a- Do Your Christmas Shopping EARLY Say this to us: Show me the best, all-around suit for my money; 'the most style, the most wear, the most value. "Well show you Varsity Fifty Five Here is everything you ask for. We honestly believe this suit is the best "buy" of the season. Made in many variations and in beautiful fabrics ty Hart Schaffner & Marx Priced at $20 to $33 Overcoats at $15 to $33 Everything in men's wearing apparel for Christmas Hats, Shirts, Neck wear, Gloves, Jewelry, Handkerchiefs Underwear, Etc Copyricat U SckaUaer Mam Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co. The Men's Shop for Quality and Serriee Our Temporary Location 266 Morrison St, Bet. 3d and 4th What better gift a VrCTROLA to delight the family for years if I J There is certainly no gift that would give greater pleasure to every member of the household for many a Christmas to come than a VICTROLA. These wonderful instruments are priced to suit every purse $15, $25, $40, $50, $75, $100-and up to $350 and on the easiest terms. J There is a bigger demand this year for Christmas Victrolas than ever before. Make your selection now and have it put aside for delivery Christmas week. Our stock is now at its best a leisurely selec tion now is more pleasant than a hurried choice dur ing the Christmas rush come in this week. The $100 Victrola VICTROLAS AJD RECORDS III Shermaniilay & Go. w J PIANOLA PIANOS STEINWAT. WEBSH AND OTHER PIANOS Sixth and Morrison Streets Opposite Postoffice HOVE WINS EXTENSION UkD HOARD TKi: ACTIO 0 Bbt-T rHOJKIT I.ttAV oaf TUB t atll May I I .raal4 aa ta4l(loa That Hlaala II Aaotaa.4. FAH.il. Or. Pec. 7. fppeclal.) t'poa cobdillon that ba baU assicn hi. Iraaa to a corporation to ba formed un4r tb. lawa ef Orrcon. rhall com ptrl tb. (tipulatcd bond and c o nd i t .ipcrlmcclal testa a lib th. wat.ra ef Hummrr and Abort Lakra, (b. Mai. Iand Hoard today ared to allow Jaroa l Moc.re. ef New York, until May 1 before It aball finally can cel tha IliH on th lakra. to coBaldrratlon of lh four month' itcnriun granted bint. Mr. Moore, throucb bla allornry. C. A. Shrppard. ef rortlaad. are4 to drroalt ! la truet. Thl amount, with lb lt. 04 which the New York promoter al ready baa on drpoalt with Ibe Hoard a a .ruaranteo of oo faith, .will re vert to tbo elate If Mr. Moore falla to n't the condition tmpoeed. That Mr. Moor, will coiit to a Isn bl ra to a corporation formed ..-j.. ik. i.r. o r Iht. aiaie. with re- ponlble direclora wbo ar appro.d by lh DoartL tbera la no auirinci aa yt. Wbea the tt Islatalore eonflrmed Iba jBd Hoard" ra of th. lake, to Mr. Moore. It wa pclrtr4 that b. ehoald a it a a bond of lii.ooo. Tb. New Yorker fornlhd lU.tea In eah. but waa not able to put up tba re analrtinc 11 !.. Mmbr ef tb Hoard took th yw that aolhr Mnion could do no barm, etnee. thry aald. BO olher parti Bppard clamoroua lo tak up th. I.e. of tbo lakra. Ilrllala Ilaa 33 War l'Unt. lSPOS. !. 7. Ta M!Blatr of maailiosa. laVd Lloyd ;eore. an aouaree that ther. are now ::4 for eramrBt cootroltrd mualtloo tab- tiahmaate. Columbia "Mignonette" Outfit ha3 Via aft ArrrpUblr. Ilolpoint FI Per rrkea Whr taka e h a acts with tha eld - fh tor.i wax candles wben y o a can obtain one of our Christina Fntoons maj turn? 8-ticht 1-I.rht : Ii;ht xi-hght Absolutely no danrr Saml3 alumin um, cannot taint coffee. ftarU in 30 aecond-, at t achat to any lamp forkrt. ue littla carrmt. ....$.1.00 and an for auch a of ...&t.no .Xl.trO ..yu.oo fire: no moke, no odor, no melting wax. TOT MOTORS Why not (omethinf in structive, a well as sim ply smujing'? Have you ever conUJ red the ad- h yar.tares of s" Jin alactric VSaV-'-f motor over the average toy? There is no end of inventions to be made by the small boy with an electric motor for the motive power. Price TtOf and l"p- Stubbs Electric 1116 50 With of 32 Selections Music See this beautiful Co lumbia outfit today at Meier & Frank's big, new Phonograph De partment Basement Balcony I It will be a magnificent Christmas gilt lor ine en tire family and on our special Club Plan of easy pay ments, it is within the reach of everyone. This exquisite Columbia "Mignonette A," as illus trated, is an exact duplicate of the S200 machine, ex cept a size smaller. The mechanism, the cabinet work and design are the same. Plays Columbia or Victor Kecords. . , , Finished in mahogany, Circassian walnut, waxed or fumed oak. Outfit, S11G.50 $10.00 down and $10.00 a month. No interest. Columbia "Favorite" and 24 Selections This splendid machine has all the wonderful sound-reproducing qualities for which the Columbia is famous! It is a large-size machine without record-filing space. A separate cabinet or albums may be used. Finished in mahogany, fumed or golden oak. Plays Columbia and Victor Records. Outfit, $02 S down and 5 a month. No interest. Columbia 'Leader' With 32 Selection r' i&t $62 $88 .80 FlnUhrd in your choice of five beautiful woods. It has the peerless Columbia sound qualities, combined with exquisite de sign and cabinet work, that makes harmonize with any home. Ample .space for filing records. Plays both Victor and Columbia rec ords. Complete with 32 se'ertlans ef music, JflO S3 down and 5 a month. Xo interest,' .lai7 Ordcrti given special attention. Write fop par ticulars. Kaay Jerms, deliver Talking Machines and Records anywhere in Oregon, Washington or Idaho free of charge. i c ii ujr 7 mi aaVVVl'1-'V - 1007 1BH7 4 The FIRST Records of Marimba Music Marimba music is a new sensation to North American ears. Favorite compositions played on the mari?nha assume a new individuality the effects obtained are fairly startling. This little-known Central American instrument was first presented in the United States by the Hurtado Brothers of Guatemala at the Panama-Pacific Exposition, where it speedily' became one of the features of the Fair. The Columbia Company is first to present its novel music in record form. The instrument itself, as pictured . here, is over twelve feet long, and has wooden "keys" arranged as in the xylophone. It is played in a manner similar to that of the better-known instrument, but unlike it, each key of the marimba is equipped with a novel "resonator" a triangular wooden tube that reverbrates with tre mendous sonority as the key is struck. Marimba effects are so far outside the musical experience of all but globe-trotters, that in Columbia Double-Disc Records No. A1832 and A1845, old favorites were purposely selected to display the difference of rendering the first offering Suppe's "Poet and Peaaant" and "Pique Dame," the second, Strauss' "Blue Danube Waltz" and "The Three Jewels" twotep of Moreno. listen to these records and note the resonant, booming bass harmonies ; the sparkling, vivid "trilling" as the scale is sharply ascended; the new impressiveness or gaiety each passage gains in this unique interpretation and you will feel the thrill of marimba music at its best Columbia Kecords Alow ana i oj are genuine musical novelties of extraordinary interest CtltmUa Rtctrdt in U Foreign language. The $110 Columbia Grafonola with Record ejector. Thu advertisement dictated t tie Dictaphone New records go on sale the 20ih of every month. GRAF0N0LAS and DOUBLE-DISC FOR SALE BY -Heory Jennlna; St Soa Farallara Co-. Cor. Klfth aad Waahlaatoa Streeta. -Hjatt Talklna; Marhlne Co 350 Alder Street. -Kllere Talkie; Machine Co., Broadway and Alder Streeta. -Meier at Fraak Cow, First Baaemeat, Fifth and Alder Street. I lpman, 'Wolfe & Co. Keed-Krenrh Piano Co.. Cor. Tenth and Stark. Columbia tiraphophone Co., 420-431 Washington. Buah Jt Lane IMano Co., Corner Thirteenth and Waahlnsrton Street. Gravn Monle Co., 151 Fonrth Street. ,rhwan Piano Co.. Ill Fonrth Street. Cleveager Moale Co., 125 Broadway. SUth at Piae. We Deliver. Tbo 4?artmt b!ia cuoaCract ca bta by Jus t. ti-a