Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 08, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Scotland Manufacturer !n
spects Fiber Plant Bin
at Penitentiary.
I i.iit Toarlele WrUw Mala
p Ilea nttrmi Material
aiu I mew Hr J Italaa
Darin; timing PnT.
tLT'f. 'T. r. 7 tsarist To
t-:.-t tne n t:tr ef tha (U prefaced
rtjoi. nr rraa-te vVeaet.r. tiea
nft-if a-"r ef A&roetn.. ai-wUand.
,..! tev atra. waere k r
.r. ! "Re 'i.r-.i crop mml fiber slant
at ! r'it r.ntieatiarY,
..- I'rtn i ..Ure trial r" f'ei
t mtc MM'l br oe la ie world.
ta .,o1o Md Vial it fcaa (!'" " "
rt-: r.i fro-n to.t rains 4r.
I ia rett'ng prrwe...
Vv':-.H S;r I'raO'-l. are ife.
rv.,.t.r. sa t . v. J. Webster. Tne
t,n.! aiirmm fpurrt tne iaa
Krin'ttr, i:?oit!jn. S-r Franeie waa
e,jt-iar4 t reg
eel area t!ie l'ri fU M6i at IBS
r-'l la a ven-reMe. !!
"ir. s-ntmi f proSaSlv ' year.
i n i. t a era I ft t' factories
ta Aii"ja-.f. e--etand. since he became
f Hi fatri.r en-I gratulfainer.
ft.,-. ra-n he beere. eondeteel tbe
.in b-i're hlrv
Th ti-n t. knjwn Mr rran--te
T-,t"f A 9on. tv. wae fiu-Jel In
:.. Me U a m-m "ier ef a st.-otit.h
f r-n oiin a mtll.on aTe 'of U4 In
-t catie t- t fnil Statee." he
li. -rrimarffT lo look after the Infer
e.t. of our f rtn l Teaae. f
, tna. lrts every veer. Ttin. I
I mifx nr finUr !h-i to '
ipoairion. t lh-r thl I
iToii t rttt :itMI. I W you
FfJ'' " hr J
4., t cjt- N'ofto ntl for mytf.
Vow know e moi of our f:
f-nn RMi. Wlt- tteort cut eff br
l w r. t tnt!' of J-ot!n4 n4
Nor! lr.:oi rnit fie4 otfcr nrk(
ta t ay In. "
from h: rrt. tr rrn-l
tik.a lo fU pur.t l h Pfln
t rr an-1 inprt4 Bipl- of fl.
tM w.t arui lhl whl.-r t4 In
a'r i -in mrnull ti r tt in pro
r.. ni.n om of too trw. Mh
i d -!r ' rom4 w .miblt4.
It t'-:ii.r4
"If t-. j yonr wft r. y"
a-j wrrT. for tt l -. fiirlr "4
ffi.-. in1 Bffr4 o drro
tnrti r mfitln j on. tour bt f'.a
r-iii b fine ln1i.'
Ts fUiuf m.Jj crf il ! af th
fpr nt pcortotjfii-rl It of flna rolor
ant of fir!y rx,4 lntt.
raw ttar4 tlrW.
T?io .t yoi lro. ha -I'l
l. i. -i wht w wojH -tl
f H d.tir-mbla l wilt r4 ea
a p w" wa obtain front Hm'K.
Th rr'Mr rro-o !. tho prttrul-r
f; f in t. lor f trw. an oftoa
mtmn iit IU etr Kr. It lira
ait t 6a tcoiloet.'
1 aw irTlo riant fart4
t'a t tno prtoa to-1y a4 ir rn.
t wa m ra iotort. la It TSa atia
roo'ia J' traT ai-a t f"l Ion ar.4
.lrut a t'r rap:i'y of pun4a of
arw h:f ho'jr. It rT'"
im to 4-r t"i tr i. tt l ttlm
inti hif tons of tn rott'4 trr eta
-i-,. i 4
T t-kotl In 19a o'4 toua4ry
auiMinf Rsp' t4 an4 iui4 ta
-.i-t f . of (os-S Ua4ta aat '?
lin.l! ... . 1
!:!. t ty axl rrHato "l Art
Aiding !. t'mm WorVrn.
r.ral k-IimI t!-irouieit tfca atato
a rpon4-nat fi't ta aa la
)rntton of tutarilanx
tcar4 ' rrt:i4 w
rtftji"! ef ,iillt4' fTuX wlf
ir K Jw.r l'T!t a lasr. aa by
t- a-::iry t- rha ftj?!way Vail
t A.j. Uti'n. J;rr'to41 y Vra
. I. JI'irrpoA
TJtor4y at tho rtty rho!a me--il
: wnrt of ! a bit a tna
l.ipl wit n4aor t t I. tbo
r eo frfttaU aro bo-plta.
TeXaT tno watnsa of t n Crnr
liona. ."httfca wul ha anarco of t
. an4 on Tnurrfay tfta Tort aa4
Wonun i C'ia c4 t l'Tcn Ura4
ato .ar wt.l
At-raaartl of H'oorjoct Inc Ta-
Vrrrakxi HunpUal la City.
Mra. U hurrtu t't Couaril Croat
rio. wa r4 wlta a warrant -
t.rjr by I'atratman P. I. And'raoa.
ckar..n hr wttlt tba rlty
ar4.nar.ra proaibtttnc tb-a mndurttac
a xruurtm f.jr t4Vrculr Jiao
wf.atn tho ctiy limit Tho warrant
wa m out by W illiaro Toon. of
t; Mount A 4a ma drtva.
M-a. t-hirru. who la a Bursa by pro, la a:l l baa rnt4 a prl
a'.a ri4rv.a at tbt fUra and to
b ba a prKala nl
tar;ara for about two moeiria.
Oornaaa to atrlka bard bafora tba al
lies, who coatlaaa to land troopa at
(Ulonikt. baaa complatad thair pra pa
ratio aa.
tt la rportl that tba Oartnana hara
.a rna availablo. Tbora la no la
dtcatioa ef I ha iiutcarlaa or tba Ao
i:ol'rrk atraactb. but ono roport
tsat ria alUad Jiulooa fnaarly
I -. . man baa baaa landad tbu
far. Tba baltlo. tharafore, will ba osa
of tba graaloal Importaaca.
rcor4n to tba ITtacft. all tba Bol
rrtaa altacka ba b rapalaod. but
tao Omum aay thai the rreejeo, wara
corapaUoal to (Ito bp tboir aoalUooa.
Tba ilaafloa for tba aHloo ta aora
p!l. atari by tba attttuda of tba Craak Ta aa-otlatlona at Atb
ono aot yl raacbad a aatiafactory
roncUaion aa4 attnoub tba Oraab
K!n baa ra.'f irroaj bla aaatralltr anj
rpaat4 bla aaaaraaraa taat Craak
troopa wlU aaaar attaf tba alllaa. tba
it.alloa aii caaaaa eraat aaataty.
1 DO "l"" -
ala aaaiaat tba Voataaatyrtaa and
liarotana aal ara toiiowim iw roa
Into Albaaia. w bara tba ratraat la roo
4ara4 ottromaty 4iff'trutt owlac t tba
re4 waatsar ana oi ra.
ara a!4 la ba . ftarblaa trtxp
. . . i ui,.aMa I m Albania ant If ia
r.prt4 that l-rbian ara tabtnc wild
fiam Auatrtaa prlaooara who
w.ra ratara4 durinc tba praloo
n. Mtot ao crl mrrm
ui.r conditio. i, r.tnoo.
I.airaar Aria at luinllaa of Kaaral
oa4 RoWaaaa Major ha la
Plakl Rarlaly.
5ALKV. Or, Iar. T 5paclat. )
Two conditional pardoaa aod Blna
parntaa from Ik panttantlary wera la
uod today ty Uornor Withycomb.
oa tha racommandatma of tba farola
lloard. Karl .CIry and A. r Ixxl
on rocatrad roaditicaal pardoaa.
I od ton. who h baaa In tba pnltan-
tlary fr la yaara. waa aantaocad from J
Joaapbina lounty I-r maror in n
ron4 d'Crca. Ila ia bacemtnc blind.
and Ma ralaaaa waa raoommandrd by
l i. I'arolo rbrrd that ba mla-ht CO to
hia brolbar In Colorado and raralva
trcatrnant whirb may partially pra
mm hia lht.
V-Oaary waa aanlcnroa) frera Mu!l
aomab County la August. IM. for ob
taining mon.y by falaa pratanaaa.
Ju'fra Morrow and tha Multnomah
County !itrirt Attomay'a oOKa urged
tn.t na aa frrad.
Thoaa paralrd wara:
Kcar Kminra. aatanr'ad fram rotaaibia
Cunr la N"Mr. iia. Tr roriarr.
k.mar Hacaaiaa. aaataara4 rroaa Marroar
Cnm la taM. irlt. for iaxcaay e(
a raw
j ttiar. n'c4 rroai jaraaaa crooaiy
la Mur. UIX for ailaipi4 urcaay la a
Cri;ia riaa. tm!nal . from MaJaur
Cauaiv la aayectwaar, Jul. tr tarcaay train M'trrta. arataarad from Valhrar
Cavity la aapinbar. far iarcaay o( a
aad i; .
J i Or la. !n-4 rram ciaiaop
rimr la Jaaar tail, far abiaiaiag moar
t falaa pr,raa.
Mi:tM H c'iara. aar Iwa4 frara Klamain
r-atf la DtriaMi. tar aratuiorr t-
te" - ....
r.lrr Aa-arrao. aa-aacr1 Taai
r'auair la lrarj. lait. far larraay tram
a a' .
W ii liana a. Taa. aralaaraa rratw I aa
aonic ia Jaaaary. for alalaiary ol-
ILI :t.t. r..lTIHTIoai FOR OT-
Toesdays War Moves
IMIVElTANT batttaa baaa bcua or
ra Imp-ndintf la Maaoootamia.
Whrra tba Oarmaa ltrld UarahaU Paron
on dar Goatj. baa tahaa command of
tba Turbiaa totr and la about lo al-lar-b
tba pnti.b, at Kut-rl-Amara: In
f4!natara Krbia. whara lha :ui
ariana baa air-aiy attar hrd tba Aa
i i I'nni!) poaitiona and haa baaa
r-p,4'.4; oa liat'poll. whara. ar-rord
In Ij Triiiah a. rounta. tba aliiaa baaa
laaan tba orf-nalra aad In l.Ilum
aa i 'ik. wbara. rria fron Hol
tn. aay. iba Uarmana baaa ronran
traiad atrontf rrinforr-rmanta and an
mm-n aaauunl of artillery, with lha
ani'ta of a:rtkinc a blw al tba aitiad
tia ia ruaadara and Arloia.
:t"pt In) f-rbia. lha bat!-a ba
re bayond lha prallmmary
afaa. . far aa la known, lha artillery
alone af lha different armla being
a-tte. Atona- ine Var4ar-rne. Kara
. f-ont la P-rhia the lu:tariana baaa
a. ready fcaaum tneir attar a aaaiaat tha
Ana'orrenab. aad II la reaortrd that
lia liamiait army of fl-aeral oa ft;i
wit a haa bea reoraaniaed and rela
fur4 and ia marching aoata to taA
ban ia tna eeratuna.
It la aatdatly tba lataattoa of the
ateral laalrwrlara aad kladrala Ara
Arralaaed aad Itead l Cwllty.
Cli laa kfrarMy far Appearance?.
fAMBRItaiK. Maaa.. !. T. Nine
nan. 'ril of w horn ara Idrntlfird
wlta llaoatd t'nlaerali. pleaded not
guilty in tba JUDrlrr Court today l
tndictmenla charging conepirary. lha
making of feloe oath and lha alca
Irg of falaa certlflrat' In connection
with tho alleged regtalratioB for ot
lr by Harvard lntrurtora and tu
4'rta. :ar firnlahed lla eecurliy
for h a appear nr at trial.
T:i grand Jury returned a total of
t J m4t. toient aaalnal tha drfendanta.
Iwla . tiannetl. a Harvard atudenl.
pleaded not gullly to Ibrea indlrlmaata
ef a week ago.
Tnaa arraigned today wera Hal 0.
Knifht. aa aaitant In tba depart
mt.l of gornment of Harvard. 1'aul
1 9ablce. aaalalant Inatructor of
peychlca of Harvard. Tbomaa H. Rlna
ker. a atudeat al tba Harvard 1-a w
!M-hoot: Rev. f.dward K. Atblnaon,
Harvard '. who live at una of tha
rottega fraternity bouae: Jaroea R.
Wild, engineer of ona of tha college
4orroi:orlre. Kenneth t". lll'L a atate
Reprearntatlva - alert, of Cambridge;
Wlifred I. Clarh. a Cambridge bualneaj
man; Arthur K. Reading, a Cambrlga
lawyer, aad Herbert U. Harrta. a Moelon
Itrataaraal Otaorr, tO. Yrlla and
Tat Invader lo ."light.
Pr yelling loudly for police. J. Orr.
yeara old. frtgatened off aa armed
robber who entered bla reutauraot at
ti:i Lwrby etreat at Ml o'clock laat
aicht and ordered Ihrr to bold up bla
hania. Mr. orr waa alona la tho raa
taurant. The robber pointed tba g'in at blm
and told blm to ba quiet. Tba robber
fled out of lha door and ran until ba
r.arhed a clump of buahea aeveral
b lor he away. Ueorga A da ma. patrol
man, waa eent to acarrh tba diatrlct
for tba highwayman.
riant Near I.lnnlun to Ilrgin Oprra
Hurt a la Jaoaary.
TSa big aw-mlll and proper' V of tha Lumbar Supply Company,
below Linoton. on tba Willamette
.. . W . . L a.. Wa A K ( llMfM
rilTr. naa r"-" r
H. Comatock and aaaorlata and will ba
equipped with modern machinery pre-
. aA . . 1 1 r . Kbaill Januarv
Tha traBaactloa and tha Improvements
repreaent about liaa.ova. and to laa
men will b-e employed.
Mr. Comatock raid a khlpyard may
pa lorairu JU 'r' - ' " - "
Krcr-aa Appolnlsrrnln KatMnlltrcJ.
onriMVUV Vl'W.t rtl'RKAL. Villi
legion. lc. ' Tba rrealdent today
eat irenat Bomlnatna following ra
ceaa appolnimenia: uoaroo m. ltuhi
K.f.r w . ' : - TA'atta. collector ef rua
ioma Veal tie: Jacob W. Owen. terell.
rexeiaer eattla land office: Ueorge
A. C. Rocbeeier. Seattle, reglatar Keal
lle land ctfl-e: W il lam A. While.
i . M.iia. W'.tl. Walla land of
J.ErvM. . . - oZ.
lien IU Cray, receiver uaiiey aaad 01
We Are Goins toio Semetliiii
' r,Vj - ,.ri-5
iAm S Anv Hat
in tne
Store $5
if I Sr.
Enormous Stock
of Furs Reduced!
A Word to the Wise Is Sufficient!
Nothinj? we could say here would cause you to imagine "The Event" to be of greater importance than it is.
It Will Be Like a Chris tmas Gift! iVo Exaggeration o f Values!
To accomplish this we have worked day and night to mark down every article in the store. Ladies who
are acSmed to trading in this beautiful new store know what - beautiful jrjgj
uhft have not visited this Store we now particularly invite to attend THE GKLArbal U ALL. nuLix
Any Hat
in the
Store $5
Every Hat selling
up to $25.00 or over
is included at this
price. Plumed Hats,
Paradise Trimmed
Hats marvelous
creations of Lyons'
Silk. Velvets,
trimmed with the
newest and most
costly trimmings
shown this season.
One price
Just when the
earlier Winter Hat
is beginning to show
wear, and when the
instinct for new
ness is strongest in
all women who keep
abreast of the fash
ions, comes this an
nouncement. We Reserve Abso
lutely Nothing
A Fur Set is the most acceptable Christmas gift for any lady.
Here is an opportunity now that knocks at your door but once, for
we have marked our Fur prices within the reach of every purse.
$12.00 Fur Sets, new gg QC
styles r
$15 Natural Leopard t0 Ott
Conev Sets pO.OiJ
$18.00 Black Wolf
$G0 Coney Scarfs,
irfs, COQlt
black and brown. . . .
5S.50 Black
Brown Scarfs.
$10.00 French Coney CC CO
L)Vdl AO. - - - - -
Sample Muffs in black gfCl00 and $6.45
We'are'also showing the season's choicest Pun i and Fur Sets at
from One-Third to One-half reductions
Skunk, Raccoon, Civet, Seal, Beaver, Mink Sets froir i25 to S100
xr n c n 'c Kn Fvrhintres. Come early for best selection.
N- siloStarts TctoeX Morni& at 9:00o-Cloek
Every Untrimmed Hat in the
Store in Three Great Lots
A remarkable offering of everything newest in shapes, Velvets,
Hatter's Plush, Shirred Hats, Fur-Edged Hats, in fact, every
style that formerly sold to $8.50, is now arranged in three lots
50c, $1.00, $1.85
Misses' School and Street
t r- co rvrar-1G Now 65c
jt.. C o AA fnr anv fn OI these Misses
Hat, but to cause a sensation you can choose from r j-
Velvet, Vclour or Corduroy Hat, simply trimmed, for DOU
Children's Hats at 69c
Dressier Models 95c
'fc 'J
All of our dainty Dr- HaU for chiUren, wllinff to $2.45
rfg-uUrly, now
A Timely Christmas Suggestion!
Ostrich Neck Boas Sacrificed
DUrk. Whit, and BUck and White
T ct 01
. . -, , 11. ,r lioaa uua v-."r
HJ0 Boa now
1 t '
ef .ei a g. VaJ hv . -
$9 to $10 Boas now $..&
$4.50 Trimmed Hats, Special $1.00
did you ever go bargain hunting? If so, you must come and see the
one hundred and fifty new Trimmed Hats that we will sell J 1 ff
for this special event at pi.ULI
Trimmed Hats to $9.00, Now $2.00
These Hats are far more beautiful than the price implies, and they
will go quickly. They consist chiefly of models selected from our $7,
$8 and $0 tables. Trimmed with costly fur ornaments and new, dainty
wintry effects. Some are hand-made and others are of tO f
hand-blocked Lyons velvet. Little enough for Hats Va-.VV
To $13.50 Trimmed Hats at $3.00
To appreciate the value, you must come and see the Hats themselves,
for it would take more space here than we can well spare to describe
them all. One model is of Black Silk Lyons Velvet, hand-made and
trimmed with fur band and ornament of black marten fur. The trim
ming alone on this Hat cost more than tha entire price Jo ((
quoted for the Hat pO.JJ
The New Store:
At Alder and 6th St.
JltM." TO MKKT lit UK.
Oae ll.adr.d Urea Vera af Oreg.a Aaea-
claltaa Kiaae-ted rrreeet.
bearraer eak.
Tha fifth annual conTentlon of tha
Oregon IHata Aaaoclalion i - '
Judgea and Coromlaelonara will Pn
t o'clock today at tna -ou"""--
At laaat 10 Cooimlionre auu . -ara
eicected to ba In Portland.- Oo-
ernor Wlthreorr.b. will ba P""1-,.
Klectlon of orncera ia ona .
rlrat aantJ oa tha programnir.
Itiat comaa tha report o ma are---.-.
V. II. Mattoon. of Clackatnaa Countr.
and tha report of tho aacretary. PhUo
llolbrook. of Multnomah County.
Tha addreeara of walcoma by oo
ernor 'W lthycomba will ba dclleerad at
1 o clock, and rerona win oa maw
V. K Uunnlng. of WUco County.
Thar re.t of tha programme, begin
ning at t o'clock today and continuing
tomorrow, con.l.ta of talks by epert.
In tha different Drancnas 01 i"
work. , ,
l-riday la scheduled as an aantful
day. Many automobiles naea i
preasad Into serrlca. and tha visitors
will oa ladtn on a tour si u '
c-ountT'a hichaata. and an inipecuuu
of all tha different kinds or roam now
in uaa in tha countr. Luncheon will
ba eaten at tha Crown Point chalat on
the Columbia Itleer Highway at
.viMk Friday afternoon.
At P- M. KrWay tha Chamber
of Commerce will gla a huge banquet
ib honor of tha vtaltora. Vaudaeilla
.nt.rtalnmeot. following tha banquet,
.n emtent this affair lata Into the
At I II P- M- Faturday tha remaining
elaitara will ba taken to the Pacific
International LJreatock Kxpoaltlon.
Senator Ilratly III.
Or.F.iiOVAS NEW Ill KKAr. H ,,h-
laxtoB. lao. T. toanator Brady, of
u.t.. i. aerloualv 111 with acute Indl
geation. and It waa aald today ha prob
ably would not ba out for a week or
10 clays.
Liquor IVpalcra Con-rlc1?d of Sclllng
Warcs to lll-h School Bojrs.
Charged with selllnic liquor to
minor. A. Ippen. proprietor or a sa
loon at i North Blth street, snd Jack
Cohen, of ona at 40 ortn Mxin. were
fined i0 each in Municipal ,oura jn
lerday morning.
Tha men ara said to have sold liquor
. . ki.h .ohwii ho v a out on a
Thankeclvlnc lark. The hoys, who are
Th. mnu-i.e of tha back do tha heavy
work of tha body. When they ara over-
worked or 111 nourished tney acne ana
nia who ara looking for trouble be
gin to worry about their kidneys.
Backache may ba due to lumDago.
which la rheumatism of the muades of
the back, but more backaches ara
caused by overstrain, overwork and
muscle starvation due to thin blood
than by anything- else.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build up the
blood and. sufferers from backache
would do well to try this treatment be
fore giving way to worry over fancied
organic dlseaae. Beat and the tonic
treatment with lr. Williams Pink Pills
will correct most forms of backache,
even rheumatic.
t-'or people who work too bard or
dance too much and sleep too little,
better hablta and a couree of treatment
with Dr. Williams" Pink Pills are all
that ara needed to drive away the pains
and achea that are warnlnga of a com
Ing breakdown. '
Two books. "Building Up the Blood
and -Nervous Disorders" will ba sent
free. If you are interested, by the Dr.
WU.Iams Medicine Co, Schenectady. N.
Y. iOU can get Dr. Williams" Pink
Pllla at the neareet drug store or by
mail at cents per box; six boxes.
..M in have nnrchaRed the liquor,
willhm rtnvlaiul. S118 Korty-Ilmt
avenue Southeast; Clarence Noon. 327
Seventeenth street: Sylvester .oonun.
ill Overton street, and Wallace Ewins.
JI30 Fifty-first street Southeast, were
turned over to the Juvenile Court.
Ilonch Owncr'a Son Dlsapsx-ars.
It. B. Illnton. son of the owner of
the Imperial stock ranch. Shaniko. who
was arrested with a youni? woman at
a hotel Monday nljrht on a charge of
vagrancy by Lieutenant Harms and
Officers Martin and Powell, disap
peared yesterday and a bench warrant
When Mixed With Sulphur It
Brings Back Its Luster
and Abundance.
Gray, hair, however handsome, de
notes advancing- age. We all know the
advantages of a youthful appearance.
Your hair Is your charm. It makes or
mars the face. When it fades, turns
gray and looks dry, wispy and scrag-g-ly.
juat a. few applications of Sage Tea and
Sulphur enhancea ita appearance a
Don't stay frray! Look young! Either
prepare the tonic at home or get from
any drug- store a EO-cent bottle of
-VVyeth'a Sage and Sulphur Compound."
Thousands of folks recommend this
ready-to-use preparation, because It
darkens the hair beautifully and re
moves dandruff, stops scalp Itching
and falling hair: besides, no one can
possibly tell, as it darkens so naturally
and evenly. You moisten a sponge or
soft brush with It. drawing this through
tha hair, taking one small strand at a
time. By mornlnir the gray hair dis
appears; after another application or
two, Ita natural color is restored and
It becomes thick, glossy and lustrous,
and you appear years younger. Adv.
was Issued for his Hmton
was out on 1100 bail, ills case was to
have been tried In the Municipal Court
yesterday. Tho girl was discharged.
Man Says He Was lilt From Train.
Charges that a brakeman on a train
between Spokane and Portland had
knocked him off a train were made last
niBht by lAuirutit Johnson about 30
years old. after Johnson had been taken
to St. Vincent's hospital with a shat
tered arm last nipht. Johnson was
taken from the North Bank station last
night by the Ambulance Service Com
pany, which took him to the hospital.
Johnson said he was stealing a rklo
on the train when the trouble occurred.
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