Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 08, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    TTTK 3101.:0'0 OHEGOMA5, XTEDXESDAT, DECE3IBEK 8, 1915,
Salesman Says Woman Cast
From Cliff After Receiving
$50,000 From Father.
Con fa-.arn Prrlarrd to !! IW-ea
In.plratJ by Con-rntloje I.
ire in rnbrdn Mifit of
ConnlMloa of Crime.
rtbiB. eait to icn4 a eon
f-aalAft r CMtiM to the effact Ifl
e "ee aa coejlple of rrrdrrlrk T.
" aUea. :Tin of Price
tr. oa Naamtr :i. Utl. f4r n
wlrPI "friiera la lb .:ra h-ra he
e.ii M-a. l'rif trirown over
t.itt aa rfetaia of the l ed
:t'-Mn. a lrtin aalramaa cf
iiMtitto. r. ".. en.l I'rtre era tnd'r
lo4 etm.oi for muriir. b'4 I'cic today
e.irf ts.t tie w mncroi of the d-etb
of hl arire. llarjr Kridlar Price.
memSar nf a rromiarnt Ulnnaaola
fm:r. Price uiit fc wife aciint
air fI eiar tLe cliff. After her
tech he uvl the Oct ef Minneapotia
for t'j .') dirmcn laeainc tha
naj.ila on tne rir b.nfc uoprolKi
A He witbirr the euit later.
ISM' fkWIt AIM Wae.
rn- i ato rherr.4 with kicimr,
fcanne; hfi, it I .aid. thrte atrae arith-
out a tfivorre.
l.t ntot tc-tar 'o4 in the e4ae of
tfta c: ff or whirh Mae. Prico foil
l eai.i that on tha n.'sM of bar eata
aha ini rar Itujbea! aa,i he vara rid
In la aa autiobi a. . iai 1 tt-.rf
f5i...J at tfiat point and Vr. IT lea
I'ft ! car whaa br hu.henl eai-l
IRare ee enema iroibla.
Ma a 'M mat lh oman than
kj'-) oar tha embeaamant to th
ro- fcaloejr.
t.-M.oa !d that fee an4 Prlra thaw
..-.n.:..i tha bantt and Prica bnait
ia tna bclr of Ma eifa. Kt.h.aon
4 i ha baard a aound at mada him
think IK. I I ri.-o wee bat:B ba !(
it a atofta.
TalNala) taaaterval faaa4.
II aald ha rt jrfid ! tha araaa tha
4r aad fund a b:mdx atona aad
tiAtarad out a pitfa ef ro'b t'dr. aav
Ma tC aimtlar ta fha ena bo foiind
A.tatat nftty Attortiav i:raat
aid mat rt.-M.or bad told Mm th
ai ." cr'ma bad r'"d oa bia aalad
aatil ba araa minpi:. to roafaaa bia
part ta tt. Ila aaid l.t-Moo bad a
rtad that tha vrirn rhftrc a aa
piann.d f r thraa month, that ba bad
if.4l t- part.rfpata. dptta aa af
f.r of ItM far bt aru-a. but bad
f:aa:r cwnaanta aftar I'rva bad tel.
lowad b ra to Waahea-ta Vtata.
Wra. itih t. ad t haa ra.-a!Tad
from br fath.r tr. rfr b.fora
aha dia.l Whan tod of 1.1'MwBI
vtatamanta. ITtc baadad tha ilorr aa
!: an t d.'- arad that ba would prata
b ISB'HtW-.
Tratoo Captaro Atlarit to Jofla
kail lraa-ojrr.
lTlS. t t. A Athaaa ca
fatk!, t trio i:hana Tataa-rapt Co"
paar t Colon.l If . Napiar. ta
lata H.-iti.h military atta.-ha at fofla,
baa baaa takan off a liroatt ataantar bjr
a a'-rnaa iumarina aaar la.tna.
A lrtti,h orTli-al raprt r.aivad to
hc tnat rartairi Arthur Jtan-
lr W 1 1 o a. mvnr of I'arllamant for
Vjrbh;ra. baa baaa mala a prtaoaar
of war. Ila waa mnujirt tattara from
I a l atarn Matitarranaan l lnda
and waa travahaa bv a tiraab staamar,
wh-lk waa ptoppad br anj Auatrian aub
anartna. It baa baaa asoartaioad. tba
raoert aata, that nooa of tla papara
tabaa from him waa of ana Importance.
datloa. Mr. ram. a, rarda4 br but
aa a rapraaaatatl of tba Admiaiatra
Ikoa. aald. amid rbaara. tbat ba ba4
war bad fcarmoaioitaly wllb Mr. Mo
co aba la tba paat mad purpoaad ta work
barmoaloualr with biro la Ua fmora.
MrCoaaaa bavw . t Wwda.
hairmaa McComba alao aroaa to ra
mark that tba laroorratl roromlttao
would contlaua to work, lodafatlarablr
for tha furthar aorraaa of tbo party.
II dac:arvd thara waa not a cloud oa
tha Iamocratle horlton aad tbat It w
tba duty of tba comrollta to aa tbat
flora abould catbar.
Tba roramlttaa waa eonfroata4 with
two roataata which thraataaad lor a
tlma la rauaa him faallna:. but thay
w.ra a-1 1 ad la a abort tlma and tbo
aimoaphara aaaralnsly waa claarad.
fray Woodaan. of Kantucky. waa eal
ad la bla ronlaat with Oaneral Halda
maa. of l.oui.llla. aad Mill R. Klac
waa .td froro orcsoa la a eontaat
with V. r. ratarly.
a o.rt of tbo day waa takrn op la
baarlnc tha raoaa of woman auffraca
d i-u..'d by rrpraaaotata of tbo uf-!.' orcannation aad 7 a ww
om.n in oDooaltlon. Tba commit
... .r.m.uj.d all tha apaabrra, but
thar waa no effort to placo tha mam
bar. on rarord. laral hundrad wool'
an rrowdad Into tbo eommlttao-rooia
rkMf thalr a DO k ram an-
. . . . ..HHim iha XVttaaifi
A dm taiairaiioa " -
mambara of llouaa and nata who have
h.irad to rarry forward bla pollclaa
waa adopiad br a aiandlnf ota.
il trailtt lm r.o I
Trawrla Daotroyaw aa Albanian
aaaf V bllo (Mac bars la aa
pllao lor AUbra.
VIKXXA. P. 7. Tba alnklna; of
rrn-( ubmartna boat, tba Kraanal.
and als ataamara aad als larsa aad aav
aral imtll Mnntaaatirla aallinc vaaaola
In ibo lowar Adrutlc Ma. off tha coaat
of Albania, la rclatad la tha official
communication laauad bar a today. All
tha vaaaala waro loadad with war mate.
riaL which thay altber were trytn to
land on tba Albanian Coaat or to con
Tar th-re.
ria of tba ataamara and tba aallinc
hlpe ware ot to the bottom by the
Auatrlan rru lar Xovara and Auatriaa
torpado-boat aiaatroyara at Haa Ulo
t.nm da Wad ja. which Itae la tbo Oulf
of l-rlnv to tha north of turao, Tbay
ware nacad In di.charalnc munltlona.
One Italian ataamcr armed with three
cuna. and an Italian motor veaael war I
aurk while on thatr way from urinaiai
Puraaao. Tbcaa were loadad with
While tha Aoatrtane war amacrd In
alohlna. the aaaal at fan tiioaannl dt
M ! u a. funa oa ahoro bombarded
ham hetlT. but. tba official report
a; a. without eurreea
lr, .Varah A. Jrffrlrw. of rwport.
Votra on I It lllrthday.
Xi:t-rRT. Or, Da. Special I
Mr, r.rah A. Jaffrtaa. of tbla city, ceie-
bratad bar 'ib b'fthdar aterda by
alkmc ta the po le and otlc la the
Ur alarlloa.
Vra. Jaffriaa la aa Oraon pioneer or
f. and la tbo oldeat plonaer realdent
tha Taiuma country, ribe waa mar
ird ta Outer Jaftrlaa and hay movea
Tonralla Vallay. near Uralna. where
bar lived for yeara.
Tba bnabaad. both km and one
auchter bare ainca died, but Grandma
ffrtea la allll bale aad Bearly. .ery
t. a day ahe may be aeaa walklac from I
rh without aaalalance. Khe baa made.
er own ardan. I
, ,
1 1 frnm frwf rmtf
''wttti'ja.f rrn yrat Taea
.an tad o plJa from tha asaoctatloe
af rommarre to contribute ftaa.aoe oa
rail ef tha traaaurer ef the I'.roocratic
Wlaaaarl Damaa rata aad llalp.
The adaocata ef ft. Iula .uppla
anaatad thalr finaftctat Inducamanta by
a wernlaer to tha rommittaa that tbo
renaantloa waa naad'd In Miaaourl to
kaap the It electoral ota of that atate
In the remo-rtic column. The detata.
Ilo. from t.!Ua plrad.d with tha com
m t taa to reward tha lorat fkamocyacy
ef the itourh by an l n the ronaaatloa
it aar to a ."nmliafn atata.
Tba epaaine; of the ee.aioa took oa
ao atmoaphara ef a lova faaat whaa
Themae J. P'. ef Xorth Carolina,
a prate of aratary ef the Xavy
Paitiala. waa mlti aacratary and la
a .paevb of accaptane daclarad report,
af t ('mc betwaaa bimaatf and Xa.
t-.wi r' t t'r.r r bl n fnnn.
that finally thalr nam-i had been man
tionaJ q other omlc.lrable connec
tion. It waa rnnaldared doubtful tonlcbt
that the tail of tba eotnrotintratlona
which have paaaed belweea Fecrelary
Lanainc and the Carman Arnbaeeador
would bo made public In the near fu
ture, unleaa the preaent vlewa of the
a'ita.f rnenead matarlary.
TVMtam brlnra akin r-owfort: tulrV
ratiaf f rom .or.n.. Itrbina and ae
craaattoa. Whan I'lmplaa. Kruptlona.
I.a.haa. ril.t.r. Intlamad llrhlnc
Spot, Abraalona or otb.r aurfaca (mu
bi.a annoy. lo.lam ta tha eoothlnr
antlaaptio ramady to quickly ha and
drtao tham a a ay. oftantlmae It clrara
away ttndua radnaaa ovar nlcht. For
Ixlfnu and etubborn akin diaaaaea It
la aa emcellent traatmanl.
poatant (oap Imnarta tha rood a f
facta of aniiaaptic m'diration with
1'o.iam. Try tt for Toii.t aad liath.
I'or aamplaa. and e. to
rTtnarttancy l.aboralorlae. JJ Wa.t ISlh
M.. Naw York City, sold by all Drue
c .r.
Holiday Bazaar
Now Open
On the Second Floor
Thousands of Christmas Gifts
Collected From All Over the Store
arm conveniently arranged tor your selection
Nothing Over $2.00
L &pman$otle & (Set J
c"M4tnaK4.rW.vo of C Men I Only"
An Appetizing, Homelike Luncheon Served in the Economy Basement for Holiday Shoppers, 11:30 to2 P. M., Special 25c
Catting Skirts Free of Charge
TTbra tha mat trials arm purchased fmm oar silk
or dress foods departments.' In mMitirm.
. ' Mr. Edmund Gamey
Will personally conduct fret classes
every Tuesday aad Thursday. On th
eighth floor, where press irons and sav
in rmach hres are at yoxrr mrrvixx.
mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shoppers
raw. a a av
Pacific Phone Marshall 5000
Home Phone A 6691
Om Personal Service Bureau
Is fully eqnipped -vith expr vrnrsd shop
pers lo care for all mall and telephone
orders. Every order is given personal aftm
tmn, T fKnt iervicc Lurean do ytmr Crmt-
PwSMimdl Xmaas Store
The Store Accommodating Is at Your Service Service With a Smile
Over 1000 Boudoir Caps
At 79c Each
Regularly They Would Be $1.00 to $125
And such pretty ones, and so many different styles. This is one
of our Chrutmas wonders our makers have been working on them
at odd moments all Fall theare of fine nets, laces and organdie
with trimnungs of ribbon bows and roses. Many women, we are
sure, will buy two and three or even more, as they are so very
attractive and so inexpensive. First Floor
er s
Italian Silk
Can be purchased here by the yard,
and is now being used for making Xmas
gifts, such as underwear, waists, scarfs
and skating jackets.
In plain colors, 44 inches
wide, at SI. 50 yard.
In stripes, 50 inches wide, at
$3.50 yard. Second Floor
Your Pictures Fitted Free of Charge in
These Old Gold Stand Frames
Very Special, 79c
If you have a favorite print or drawing, or a
photograph, bring it in Wednesday and let us
fit it in one of these stand frames, which repre
sents the newest thing in artistic frames. All
sizes in rich old gold finish, with glass and back.
As illustrated. Sixth Floor
i P
Concerning a Suit Event
The Greatest Transaction of Its Kind
We Ever Planned and Carried to a Successful Climax
We Went We Saw We Triumphed
Our suit buyer made a special trip to New York for this purchase. He has lately returned, and a
few days ago the result of his trip was shown by the arrival of many hundred new suits.
Suits such as we sold a month ago at almost double these prices. Suits that represent the
finest in fabric and tailoring.
It is impossible for us to illustrate the many models, but you are interested in the fact that no matter
what size you wear we have it in many styles. Nothing has been spared in fabric or tailoring.
The suits are all man tailored in every prevailing style. The great strides made by our suit de
partment this Fall is a proof positive that women are looking to this store for their ready-to-wear
While the assortment is generous, we urge morning shopping when we can give you better indi
vidual attention.
Some Very Smart New Handbags
Have Just Arrived for Xmas
Very Special at $1.50
Of fine and long irrain leathers in variety of the newer shapes
such as pleated styles, and are beautifully lined with Dresden and
moire silk. Hinged in coin purse and hanging mirror. Mounted
on metal frames. . First Floor
Sale Bohemian Glassware
Nestled away among the hills of Austria was a small residence
which was factory at well. In it lived an artist glassmaker with his
sons and his apprentices. Together they engraved and gilded, in the
beautiful Bohemian way, many artistic creations of their own.
This artist glassmaker produces no more. Mis sons and. appren
tices are on the firing line, valiantly fighting for their country, and
his work may never again be resumed.
Today we consider ourselves most fortunate in having a large
quantity of this artist's productions, bought at the before-the-war
prices directly from him on his premises, and we now offer these
pieces, not alone at the old retail prices, but at special prices far below.
4- Inch Handled Nappies 39c -
5- 1 nch Handled Nappies ..... . .59c
Two-Handle 4-Inch Nappies 39c
4-Inch Tall Bon Bon Comports 55c
6- Inch Tall Bon Bon Comports 69c
7- Inch Tall Bon Bon Comports 95c
Low-Footed Bon Bon Comports 69c .
Bon Bon Baskets, 4't-Inch 39c
Low Sweet Pea Vases 69c
Mith Klaer.
For Suits Selling at $30.00
68 suits in this assortment, in plaited jacket styles
some plain tailored, others braid or fur trimmed. Every
jacket is lined with silk and made in this season's popular
lengths. Of poplins, serges and gabardines, in black,
navy and brown.
For Suits Selling at $38.50
Exactly 83 suit in this lot. comprising some of the
choicest garments worn this season. Of velvets, broad
cloths and poplins in a large variety of styles. Trim
mings of fur, braid and velvet. In black, navy, brown,
green and plum.
For Suits Selling at $47.50
37. novelty suits of broadcloth and poplins in the
new 38-inch lengths. Every suit trimmed with fur
or braid, and beautifully lined with silk. In black, navy,
brown, green and plum.
For Suits Selling at $35.00
74 broadcloth, poplin and serge suits in black, navy,
brown, green and plum. The variety of stvles is large
and almost every popular model can be found in this
special assortment. Fur trimmed, braid trimmed an
velvet trimmed. In every size from 14 to 44.
For Suits Selling at $42.50
54 suits, copies of the highest-priced models, repro
duced to our especial order in recently designed styles
of broadcloth and velvets, in black, navy, brown, green
and plum fur and braid trimmings.
For Suits Selling at $50.00
38 suits representing the season's newest and most
correct styles. Every new model produced during the
last ten days will be found here. The long. 38-inch,
fur-trimmed, flaring-skirt suits predominate. Of broad
cloth, gabardine and poplins in black and colors.
Third Floor
New Heavy Beacon Blanket Bath Robes Vq
That Would Be $3.50 Regularly, Sale ....
The warm, comfy kind, in artistic designs, beautiful colorings and becomingly fashioned, that
women would delight to receive for Christmas gift Made with square collars, and revers or V
shape necks or with large round collars and small tailored collars. They are satin bound or cord
trimmed. Also plain styles, all have cord girdles and pockets. They are made extra full, beau
tifully tailorfd and finished. Sizes 36 to 46. Fourth Floor
Try Our Special
25c Hot Lunch
In the Basement
'VVierc You Spend the Least and Get the Most for It"
Order Your Xmas
Greeting Cards
In the New Stationery
Shop in the Basement
One Radical Reduction of Suits
i '
Representing the Remainder of the.
Most Popular Styles of the Season
That Sold Up as High as $16.50
at $6.95
This is a suit ev ent that will arouse the keenest Interest, especially among
women who are familiar with the excellent styles, the superior tailoring and
the fine materials used in all our suits.
In this sale . are suits 'of serges and
poplins in black, navy, brown and green.
Every jacket is lined with satin and is made and finished in the most
perfect manner. Every skirt has jusf the right fullness that the fashion of
the day demands. Basement
Here Is Your Opportunity
For Buying a Xmas Blouse
de Chine and Silk Lace
Blouses at $1.98
Hundreds of Newest Models
Embroidered, tucked, plait
ed and fancy trimmed styles.
In white, black, navy, flesh and
It is an exceptional lot of
waists, in fact, we have never
offered tetter or more attractive
styles at the price of $1.98.