Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 08, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Wilson's Address Hailed as
Evidence That "Splendid
V Isolation" Is Fading.
road will aot b Burh looser able to
tow taita it igmuiullr ( present
equipped aad co-ordinated. I illt
thai II would b ih to provide tor
commiMloi f inquiry to aece-tala by
a tborouah cu4 of the wbol. quee
tiea -a bather our lava aa at preeaot
framed and administered are aa aervice
abi aa may muni b la th solution
of th proa. .to."
l-alaet-Aaaarlcaae aa Cralia.
Keea latareat la ba President ad
dra wa shown br th forelga repre
sentative la tha diplomatic gallerle.
wbra every mbaaey and legalloa wee
rpratei. All appeared p. eased with
Iba message, and tba tt-aAmrlcns
spcaad special gratification over tba
rfraoce la Ian-AmerKanlsm.
U ataa tha clearest d.Ooitloa vr
mada of Ibia country Pan-Americaa
po.lcy." aaid feduardo Suares-MuJIca.
Ambassador from Ob 1 1 a. "'nnltiooa
PRESS COMMENT GENERALl0' - Policy ad of th Monro doc-
bar not baa a claar: have b-ean. la (art.
a bit au. Now tba position of Ibia
Necessities of Situation Wi!
Be Determined by Mili
tary Authorities.
Todar la Only lrfcn of Mo-
to iHxtrlnc Time- hers
Warning to t.ervaany.
! V
lrNrcx. v. t rMai vitoo
d ire prove of w lot.ra.l to
In. I'.rtn.'i pre, aa shown by tba ad -
l:.rii ta In aaoraksd papers.
I. Ira iar of tba I'a lr .
( iowfctf .l whether lb Wjiro.
trie ai l ever bo taaabto again, as
na. haaia ..oa tual lo I BUed
fur ran to loeger rely oa political
l.ia!ia fauodad oa l uf r p h i-l d
ta.-ortwnl WBUCt fcav largely I l its
Kir:.iJ "
T:ia Ui.'r Nw irital that It I
g,l li Hrlt.e. aaay athicO today
stand la f.'etie a.:.oa of 15 Mob
s' I tr:B. and fat "if i.fitf
Ware t. tar 01 tr I (If te I Blted
ttt f-4rDtt of lb
af tl e'at. of Mt Ai
ant a worts tba Paper oa hf Ibat
.; la wrttt.a-"
Hard Iteallltae Mas HI?.
T- Tiraa regard ts aJdre aa
r ( rc. f a at, a war
frarw ti;min( la to4." 004
"T: rra4et ha tna and 1
a'. u tntc hrd. ii in f a a p
roA.uoa of ti as... of lb people.
I fa. I to Iba aollea tSel lb
I mt.-i !'.! raa nacin io to lia It
a a If, s; boid .ta.t.l Il!a tbro':b-
m M ar warl. a4 prwmat. ita.'r
!. u!. In U o-i world, wilboal lb asl"'tld laalatloa aba
b. tn li4. TSo bard r
:itia f t atViaclua craat.a by la
war ara l:ni nm ta ilea tai tika
t ot j a lanfir laaaalo wita I "
f.rn aaauranco f tt yaar.
"Tl u44a of tba
Tt .l l'4D roatrorr
b maa a draniae!e ;taa.a II aoql t
b. bva piai without tM. aorto'ta
fmti:,'!M, ad aff Td a rlia la.
o'ana af la arowtaff romolity and
latrd.RJ'a a Iba riataaa bo-
t-a ta ,ui .rl.!,. li. ,.
ra1'a Pa.1 Itaaora).
: Bon trlia lba tl Pr. I
dant a d.O'jactaCioa at tba Oarmaa tttn.
a a I. aaar att ba twmfl
aa ta a'tbj.rt cf fioaal dafa H
t.ri br. t-ia r-"l of
owa partr. and Iba f. t that Iba T.t. vaanet atpa bia prapAala la ba
rarrat !iW'H bard tuMmf. mafeaa
tn att.t a.rt a .fa of tba timr.
"Ta T-n-a b.Iiaa lat altboucn
tba liarman bao . oftra and. ao
r.Mi aiiauad.rat d I AmrKaa at
I t.'.rr ari l ap"a-Uta Iba aiiOtCl-
can. a of tba l-iot Bxaait an .
i bar bad rra.a. draw bat a
WR.ia inara U au:i i'B. f
Tha atO'ir4 . lata a. ' li tant
Hei "a dalarmloalMia wbi-r pro-Oar.
aiaa rona.rara art; bo wlaa a of a
taara.- and IHI "it la d ktfa: wb.lh.
ar iba mja. of ,m.rua aatJf rraciy
ba ;rr4 tba tra rbaractar at tba
m:tn la Iho earn a of tuinf.,"
I V i" a
I : v - - :
. - '
I V a
r . , !,''
. V ... , ft
:: T ' v. . . :
Ncntrallly Not to B Abandoned In
Any Clrcnmatancra. Saya Pre
mier, Who Cltea Probable F.f
frt of Tjirly tntrjr In War.
U 1 Caaa.r. of 4r W laaailtV.
PtalrWd Aflocwar of taaablll
raoacy. aa Mada llrr1a
t laalag A raaaaaal la (Mlk
JlarOr Trial.
country I mada claar that Bona nay
bo la dubL"
la lb xu(ia al!rrr. aa Iba aooba. w aa bio aaaco. Mr.
Normaa 111. w bora Oral appaaraaca
la tb capital aiaa aBBoani;afiiat of
lb riwn aBsatrmat. attractad
fH ait.atioa from lb crowd.
la tb brf.f tim lb tvnato waa la
aatoa aaoro tbaa !. bllla aad roo.
Itloaa war offarad. Uaaara deal
In witb prapardnaa. probiMllea. auf.
trad aad prraiioa of aalo of war
anuBitiona lo blllrBt Batioaa pr
om:i.oi W:wnrMa or, Mot ar Dl. r. ITH rni:aio:xT.
All llrr rrwtoatlao Tarta? Moold to.
rwaaplUb Hrttaa faipaa aad
4 I ado ordow.
Cora M rwd Iirkrt a art 5lrlb
rrngroa at Sharon. Pa.
MAr.OV. Pa. r. 1rn badr4
tribtnd ova'bmuta pirb.tao) today Iba
plant at tba fTt-ca-aanurr Ordnaar
Companr. wbar a comMnad lockout
d a'rik I la procraa.
Laadr af Iba m aai.f tha plrhata
war aimpty oa cuard and ao vlolaaco
W. atpcrt.
fo ITl-SabarT Compaor r-
rni:r paal IrWo Br rostrol la or
-r tat II tnidbt contract far M..
'.I of war man mm. Joba rtara.
lr a-praidat of tbo rompaay. had
rafuaadj la af apt war ord-ra.
a'ta-iad yntn rr.. Par
C"B--aaa to aaactiua aad) out loto of
fact "a aoea aa tbay raa ba proprly
acrutialr.d aa4 ducuaaad.'
. Hawtrallry Dioratta A pplaad.d.
rrTaat atamoojtratlooa of approval
araatad tb rraadaal darUraCoo af
tso at.atfaat atoly of Agaric la ro
mai.' tadiouly aoutral leoard tba
warr.n aat.oa l'o.. ki aaaartion
of frtaad.'bip Vatu-o. bi arcct
yommadatlocia far aa Incraaaad mar.
rbaat air'.a. Iba aacatioa of lv
latloa tor f 4rt.1rt lotara of
li paopl of tba rftt.lppa. and I'oMa
Ki.a aaat bia rcamrnadatiora for la
r...:aa lttriiil
ljt 5t'l attantto rant, ad abat
tba'oa of tbo piaoa lr Na
ai dataaao. lb pro. laswaifcaa of
I'aa-tiicuB. an) tn atrtlity of
II I ra. id. at cri:itirr of AmarKas.
wba ba aaid. k krou(bl tb a-4
ama of tba l)attrm. lata contampl.
If dt-rd bia daoa-tacioa la rrto
par, and Coaatraaama aaoa4 lo
tint oa arr ri t-r area
from aaary part of lb hall wha b
ianclL4 It. aad tba daiuonar rattoa
ra.".d It dim wbaa n Ira.idaat
aad anai-tnaaat of law lo pure ta
.Nitio of it. lataraal partL.
lataaaal T. aaaaWa Mallaaaa.
tlin aro ct'i4.n af iba t a 114
ata. I b.oil I lail." b aoriarod.
ara aaJar ibr fiaaa. ol wau-oavad
lnair 'r inroa a. t ai.jatioo laa
I ta faJ fr.oa aad a.'t-rtuai at
mr, w b powraj t.1 f .' a
of a! loT'.r lac t art.rl.a f
or t!or..l Ufa. wb "laaa aoocM ta
tn -.- iy and co aam of
1 1- Caianani lnt on-.oipt. to d-a-my
awr Induatri.a wharavar Ibay
IM llM oSactiao for Ibaif VladbctI
purpoaaa I atr-.h at l&tm, a a-1 to '-
ba or poU'.K-a to tbo o foraiata
lati .
Na radarat ! :! 14 moot tkl
Bit'it:oa beaua tnert a U:fi would
tan oam4 incradibla la tbo paaf.
P'-b cratnra of paaaloBi. dialoyaity
a rl aaarvbr mii.l b rruab.f out. Ty
fa B)t aiaay. bat Ibay aro
B-...naat. aad t kaad of aur puwar
anou.d clata or tkam at oaco.
Kailaaf la, airy Iriaiia latoraot.
Tbar waa rapt attantloa tbroubout
aad aiaaMra aar;:r commotd fa
aarably oa f a aiaaaafa. RapubUcaa.
bowawar. i1 aom (ormta. oppd
aa of Iba fTaaidaat auscaallona for
Incraaaiad raaaauaa Ilia coa-ludiod
iiiiaiiia ralatlad lo ba Istuiry Iota
rt .ro I law waa raa!-.d witb latar.
ol and Admtalatratioa laad.ra alrraly
bad aadartabaa lo carry out tb pro-
"Tbo traaaportatloa problam." tb
ra!4at dclarod. -la aa aitramary
artau aad praaalna ona la IMa coaa
try. Tbaro kaa f ram l:m lo lira of
lata bB rtatoa 9 fr that our rail-
onjuXUX NKVVi HL'RKAl. Waah.
Ififton. I ;. - waa di.appointad In
tbai portion of tba Prcatdanl'a mra
ao wbl-a da!a with tha country
inaniira." aaid flapraaaritallva Mo
Artbur today. "To my mlad It doaa not
propo any pra-ticabla plan for fur-
nl.airaT tbo moa.y bc aweary to run tb
liorarnmrnL Thar la loo much of a
landaac-y toward d.ract laxalron tbal
will work kardablp. A brtlrr plan
would ba I raatora a roaaonablo pre
lfi tariff.'
"rra.rl.Bl 'i:oa'a plaa of ralaln
rno rerroarkra oa tba prorin- of
I ha atataa." aaid RrrantttTO Haw.
lay. rafarrta aapactally ta tbo propo.d
lat on Iron, atl. aaaollna. ate "lio
ba pul oj lo tba Iwrnocrata a propo.
itloa Ibat will ambarraa Ihrm. Con.
ra Inataad ahould paaa a raaaooabla
prntciia tariff law. I am unaltrr.
ably ortd lo Ibo fraaldrnla bli
plr bli:.
"1'rroidrni Wilaoa ahould follow hl
rrcommrnrlat'on roffardlnc t.)o ralan
lion of h duly on ausar by rrrora
mndinai tb ratorallon of tho duty on
wont and lorn bar." aaid Rapraaentallra
pinrioll. "Thla (iornmnl la loalnd
I ;.. annually b'caue wool la on
tn fr ,,t. Who lb plaa propoaod
for taiin raw rrnu I do not aeroo
la aay particular. Tba anartmant of a
protocllo tariff aot only would produco
all tbo rcnu add. but would ran
dr onnac.a.ary lha anartmant cf an
anil-dumpms law. It w ou d. In abort,
nvako Kurop fray for oar National da
ATHENS. Drc. I. via rarla. Dae. T.
An bmtmtnt for a conforenca of
Crark military authorltlr and mill
tary rrprrantallva of tha rntanti
powrra to axamln Into and report on
tbo nrcaaaitira of tha altuatlon r-
pawtin; tbo allied dVmand upon
Crarra. baa bea raachr-w. and th
pralirninary atrpa toward holdlna tha
ronfrrrnr havo barn takrn. Prrmlcr
tkouloudla announced today.
"Tail tha American poplo that th
aTovarnmaat of Greece haa only two
alma to aaf.fuard tba Mttrtltnly of
Oreeco and not lo abandon neutrality
na mailer for what reaaon ah may be
urid lo do ao. no matter what In
ducementa or prrtaaraa ar broucht to
bear, aaid ITomler Hkouloudla to the
Ao-latd I'reaa correapoDdrnt la an
lnirrlew today.
"I thlok I may aay. continued the
Premier, "that tho air. aurrharced for
month with mlaunderstandlnca. la at
laat rlearlnc: that tba entente pnw.
ere are bacmnlnc to underatand that,
while w ar Immorabla on tha two
head Juat alatrd. w ar diapoeed In
every other rrapect ta civ malarial
eapraaalon ta tbo fellna every Oreek
baa toward France. Great Hrltaln and
Itueeta. daltn from Navarlno.
Military Meollaa Prop ad.
"Two polata which rauaed tbo re
cent friction aro now In tbo way of
amicable aatllemenL. Aa far back at
November I euaTaTrrted tha InaD'
proprlatrn.aa of non. military diploma
llata awrklna lo arranee lha delal
of a altuatlon eaaentlaliy military
of which Ibay uudcratood little. There
fre. I propoaed a conferanca btwee
tha military aathorillea on either aid
authoru-d lo atudy tho neceaaltlea of
lha altuatlon and report on them. l
Ibc Iba Croak sovornment and Iba aa
tenia diplomatieta tha benefit of thai
conciuatona from which a eellleraen
could than b reached.'
"Today tht waa Anally accepted, and
Colonel Fallta. of tha General ytaff,
la leavlnc for c-alonlkl to conault (Ian
eral riarralL Ibo Krcnctl commander.
lo thla end.
-Ke.pectinr tha railroad, tho Greek
(ovrrvmaol baa never been unaware
that tba personnel waa Inadequate fo
tha hanllintr of tho Immeraa In.-reaa
In traffic due to tha military uaea lo
whlrh Ibo rallwaya now are put. bul it
Houralll waa unwillinc to aurrender
control of bia own property. Aa Gen
eral riarrail offer to att In tho op
eratlon of the rallwaya. with tha Greek
control gnigurttlonid. tho Kovernrnanl
la only too triad lo accept.
abeaarlao llaatlas rraxeateaj.
" bat a boot hunllr.c To an Auetro
German auhmarinra In Greek neutral
aateraT aaked lha Interviewer.
That louche our overe!-fnty." r
plied tao iTemier. "We proteal to Ui
world, eapecially to America, alao I
neutral, that wa cannot aanctlon vlo
lationa of our territory. Ilut what can
wo do? Wo hare only a email navy
and a vaal coaal line. We can only
"What we want to avoid, what we
rail avoid, la aaaoclallne; Greece with
th uncertain outcome of tha war. Mad
wa Jo.ne4 the alllea laat riprlnr when
we were urerd ta lo ao. loday e
would have lo bear tho bulk of tha
coal of the failure of lha Galilpoll
ventures. Had wa Joined at the Incep
lion of the recent Auntro-German
Bulgarian attack on Serbia, we would
now b bearlnrf a larce part of the
price In blood and devaatatinn follow
in a the cruahlna; of the Cerblana.
-Py foltowins lha two principles wi
aland aa fovernlnar Grerre'a foretca
policy, wa have been aaved theao two
diaaatera. V e ghoald continue to fo
low ihrm. for la them 1 our only
clared Inaufflclent and ahould have
been excludes by the court.
Other declaloos today war b fol
lane, Goff at at. appallanta. va Grace
Ke.arir el al: appealed from Union coantvi
action ta enforce oral contract for tha coa-
v.raace of lead: opinloa br Juetlc Himi
Clrrait JaHca Knoalaa' Judcmaat tor da
lanaant art'rmea.
U. r liall el al. va. Catherine Creek Ta
talopment Company. aDD!!anu aooaaled
from Tnioa County: ault to foracloae a mort
lata oa land: opinion bv -luetic Burnetii
l ircult Juda atnawlea ludimul for Dlala-
tii I ravaraao.
J. M. Hrrw va. Alex Calrhlna. ap
pellant, appealed from Cnloa County; action
lo recover damace for removal of timber:
opinion by Chief Justice Moore: ludimaat
of Circuit Judge Kaowla tor plaintiff .mod-
II o.
Andrew J. Herdala. anrxllant. V Albert
A. Wad at Bl.. aDMaled rmm Ualhanr
craciaa conirari jor ma Durchaaa of land:
opinion by Chief Joatic aloore; Circuit
Judca Big Judaomt for tha dafendaat af-
rautlona far rehaarin. i.a a.
Jtate e rL va Ridar. Kabaa va. Home
Tepboae fnmpanf.
Lrronrous Impression Ont.
Cominlalson for Relief.
Say a
Itidlac -Vradr-my mnd Carirt Ham
Clc-ae t New York Ivock.
ItnpoKrN. N. J . Dec. T. A .oe.
tacviar fire raced today In a blc rldina
academy and carafe about a block and
naif from) the Mambura:. American
and North German Uord pier, where
II- It German liner, amon tbern tha I nation and force peace. One of my
L mt'ZtMn- l?pT'".'t.,al jBC' I Iral col.eacuea Informed ma that
aad tb- Kai.r ilhrlm It. quanrttl of .moke poured di
rectly er lb pier and report eprrad
both aionar lb New J.rer and New
Tor enere. that the dock were on
Tb rld'nc academy wa deairoyed.
ut in ram .a did aot apread eli
w tar.
sr.nni.w minister coni idf.xt
German Ieclared to Kxliaaat Them
c lie on Many front.
PA KIM. re. 7. The Athene corre
spondent of the Klcaro rend an Inter
view which ba had with M. Baloucd
Jllch. Serbian Minlater to Greece, cun
rernlnar the Teutorvlo campaign In the
Balkan, ii quote the Minister aa
"Tb effects of the campaign ara PlL
Tho more fronts tbo Germane Oght on
the mora rapidly will they exhaust
Ihemeelvea. Th object of tha Balkan
uradertakinr waa lo strlho tho Imagl-
many aaked a powerful pacificist or
ganisation In hie country to start a
movement In favor of peace, but that
hie government waa oppoaed lo the
proceeding, knownvat that It would be
unfavorably received by England and
Vaa.hlaxina Vssinr Altrwd Itrpab-
llran onfcrrn-e.
fMirGMAN NTW.1 CP. I A I. Wash.
I"te. I c. I saoator poiadevler. of
aabinator. Vaeterday formally r
iurnd l tb ltpab:t.aa party. II wa
wrrome. wb.n b entered tb confer
erw of liapublKaa f-aalora l-aier
wbaa tb t'oBratof aitr rtory o-
paarei it wa rouad ho had written
blmaelf da aa a K'publKaa without
arty preSv.
otMteR Tt:'.iniT a;aixt n ail
HOtn n:i.n ILt.CGAU
NEW TORK, Dec 7. Tb foUowlnc
statement was Issued today In behalf
of tha Commission for Relief In Bel-Slum:
An erroneous Imnresslon to tha
effect that there is no further need
for benevolent relief for Belgium seem
to have rained circulation. On the
contrary tha need in palatum aa tha
ever Winter is approaching; 1 greater
than ever.
Wa are now eoncenf ratine-, with
the magnificent co-operation of our
state committee throughout th coun
try, all of our effort on th col lec
tion of dothlnit. piece goods and shore.
o that the sufferings of tha unfnr.
unat victim of war In Belelum and
Northern Franca may be mitigated."
Seaside Council of w and Old
Member Hears Andltor's Report.
8EASIDE. Or Dec, 7. (Special.) At
noon today a joint meeting; of the out-
omc and Incoming Councila waa held
In the Council chamber. Members of
tb retiring Council received tha yearly
report and the expert auditor' report,
which was ordered published, a It
prove conclusively that the statement
made by a rltlsen or two, charging a
mysterious disappearance of 130.000.
waa without foundation. After short
ddresaea tha now Councllmen took
their chairs and all but one answered
lo rollcall.
Tom McKay, who forgot to qualify,
win be appointeJ by Mayor Paget next
Tueaday night. Mayor Paget and his
Council made short addresses and In
augurated an economic platform.
Store Opens
Daily at
8:30 A. M.
On Saturdays
9:00 A. BL
Pacific Phone
SlarshaH 50S0
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
Daily at
5:30 P.M.
On Saturdays
6:00 P.BL
Home Phone
A 2112
Great Holiday Sale of Women's
$1.50 Felt Juliets 99c
A great special showing and sale of the celebrated Dolge
Felt Juliets for women and children, made of the finest
quality felt, insuring warmth and durability. They come
in colors blue, gray, brown, green, red and wine, also
black, and are neatly trimmed with fur and finished with
neat bow and buckle. All sizes. The kind sold in exclu
sive show stores at $1.50 a pair. Priced for this qq
sale at
Children's Felt Juliets, sizes 5 to 8, in 75c quality, at 69
ChUdren's Felt Juliets, sizes 8V2 to 11,85c quality, at 79d
Children's Felt Juliets, sizes 11 to 2, in $1.00 quality, at 89
Dad Clterk O-rrator Wanted In Med
forxl I Iteported Arrested. .
MEDFORD. Or, Pec 7. (Special.)
Word has been received by tbo iled
ford police of the arrest of the bad
check artist who operated In Medford
last week under tho name of Joseph
K. Smith and cashed a check at the
First National Bank for II Si. Mnlth
posed as a representative of the Salur
day Kvenlrkj- poat Bent to write up the
old .Indian war in th Kogu illver
Ac.orflirg to tba pollc Smith op
crated with It. K. liuchea In Medford.
who tried to pas check under the
name of K. II. Kuhlmau, of Portland.
wa arrested and I now in tho County
Xmas Suggestions
Knit Goods
Wool Toques and Caps for wofnen
and children all styles and all col
ors at.. o0f, 03??, 75, 08
Infants Bootees of fine zephyr yarn
all styles and all colors at
lot, 23, S3 to 73f
Infants Saeques of pure Saxony wool
all styles and all colors at
50(S 6o, 73 to OSf
Children's All-Wool Sweaters the
best styles in sizes 6 months to 5
years $1.50 lines at $1.15
Children's Sweaters of finest quality
best styles and colors sizes 1 to 5
years $2.00 grades at $1.75
Children's Three-Piece Sets cap?
sweater and leg-Kins all colors, all
sizes and all wool $3 grade. .$2.10
Women's Fine Wool Saeques and Golf
Vests ht fancy weaves all colors and
styles at $1.50 to $1.75
Main Floor, Infants' Wear Section.
Come and Make Selections While
Assortments Are Complete
The Men's Section
Should your selection be a gift from this list
it will be sure to bring joy unconfined. These
offerings are all of worthy quality and NEW,
and, best of all, attractively low priced. Come,
profit by an early selection.
CaBOX for three pure Linen Handkerchiefs, with neat
""Chem and initialed corner. They come in a fancy
holiday box.
QB0X for three pure Linen Handkerchiefs, with neat
"'Chem and initialed corner. They come in a fancy
holiday box.
QQ - BOX for six fine pure Linen Handkerchiefs, with neat
i'OChem ami initialed corner. They come in r. fancy,
holiday box.
E?" A- PAIR for Boy Scout Gauntlet Unlined Gloves,
OUCof fine quality.
? A PAIR for Boy Scout Gauntlet Lined Gloves, of
O vIC fine quality.
C A PAIR for Men's Wool Gloves in black, gray
JvCand brown.
Cr A SET for Men's Silk Tie and Handkerchief in a
OvfC fancy box.
J1 OC A PAIR for Men's Dent's Kid Gloves a guar
)XeawO anteed glove.
$1.00 EACH for Men's Long Wool Mufflers, assorted colors.
50 PR. for Men's President Suspenders, in fancy holiday box.
49 PAIR for Men's Cuff Links, regularly sold up to $1.00.
0M PAIR for Men's Cuff Links, regularly sold to $1.50.
pleaded guilty in State Circuit Court
here today to elllnir liquor in violation
of tha local option law. lie I the
fourth to plead Ruilty thla week to a
similar charge upon Indictment re
turned by the grand Jury last week.
II. WalWrr Celebrates Anniversary
of Birth at Whitman Mission.
ALBANT. Or, rax?. 7. (Special.)
Cyrus Hamlin Walker, oldest living I
while man born went of th Hocky
Mountain, celebrated hi "?tb birth
day at his home near Albany today.
He waa born December 7, 1S3S. at Mar-I
cua Whitman .Mission, near walla
Walla. Wash, th seen of tha Whit
man massacre.
Mr. Walker has resided in Oregon all I
his life. He I an Indian war veteran
and i past commander of the Indian!
War Veterans of the North Pacific!
Coast. Mr. Walker has been writing
Memoirs of Old Oregon, which ha has I
slmost completed. He expects to have I
the work published next year.
' More at V est port Is Kaooted.
ASTORIA. Or Dec 7. (Special.)
The We.tport Lumber Company's store
at Westport was looted last night by
robbers who effected an entrance ty
prying open a window with a Jimmy.
Several articles of clothing, including
loggers' shoes and rubber boots, were
stolen. No trace of the thieves has
been found.
Four Bound Over on Arson Charge.
ASTORIA. Or.. Iec. 7. (Special.)
The preliminary examination oC
Rangvald L. Johnson, Magnus Hendrick
son, William Johnson and Henry
Bayard on a charge of larceny anil
incendiarism was held this afternoon.
All were held to await the action of
the Circuit Court grand Jury excepting:
Bayard, the charge against him bein
Read The Oregonlan'. classified ads.
TUmtlegger Tleads at Albany.
AI.RAXT. Or. Dec. 7. (Special.)
William Crowrter. a younsr Albany man.
The genuine old reliable Hood's Sar
aparllla correct th acid condition or
tha blood and build up the whole sya
tern. It drive out rheumatism because I
It cleanses the blood.
It has) been successfully used fori
forty years In many thousand of esses
tha world over.
Tbera Is no better remedy for skin
nd blood diseases, for loss of appetite.
heumatism. stomach and kidney
roubles, aeneral debility and all ilia
rising from Impure. Impoverished.
evilallsed blood.
It La unnecessary to auffer. Start I
reatmect at once. Oct a bottle of I
Hoad's araaparilla from your druggist.
no will ba pleaaed wltn the results
After due consideration we have decided to quit business and now place
this splendid stock, of High-Grade Clothing and Hats on sale at about 50c
on the dollar. Our aim is to dispose of every garment on hand, including
fixtures. We call your attention to the fact that nothing but the most
reliable and highest, grade makes are now at your disposal at prices that
compel early action.
.a'la-aa-t Irani t'tt rS
a ta paeeia-. Brat, of Mra. Booth,
laert of Mr. Itraaeoa. than of Mr. Iiooth.
and Idea Ike beariag of lb shot. It
la lha of Iheao vals that
is Important, and th taatlmoay of th
tat. witneae as to tat sequence
haa Bot baas shaken.
Thla waa t B'ath day elnco th
bctnaii of Ihe trial and tb elanta
actual trial dev. counting the time
takao la Itio th Jury aad tba
lima the Jttry ba ba out.
The Bl terra of court will b
fee) V Q iBae-a la
4 Aft IB Stead.
F-eaie i's tiei"sd aiatt-a eCraa.
UatAllvs PBiHo i)t imxi; am to.
fcc car l haa etf aarr U a.a-ae. f r aai
t.e wiu-B Qaiaiaa la aad r a -a cava
aai laaaa aa eec rie ia aa-, naa
l.r a lei Oaa " Hra a V'-'la"
far e!re f . W. WKUV aV i
Saleaa towrt taeeldea taaa pea
eat law tlatlaaal Hear bad by
AHlhaaeli la talawfaL
FALEM. Or, re. 7. (Special.) A
quotlni verdict found by th Jury
aad failure of th court lo withdraw
in evidence from consideration to
day rauaad tb ojprem Court lo r
vera lb decree of Circuit Judg Ao
de-son. of luker County. In the case
of John Drain agalnat th Oregan
Waehlngtoa llallroad A Navigation
Com pan;, appellant. Tha opinloa wa
written by Justlr McBrlde.
fpala brought action agalnat tl-.e rail
road company for dart age following
hia ejection from a train at Hunting
ton. H waa alleged to have been
druak at the time and wa placed In
JaiL The plaintiff alleged that be
cause of bia confinement la Jail hi
arm. which bad been amputated, be
came Inflamed and another operation
waa aeceaaary. Immagea for this In
Jury and humiliation because of bit
arrest ar sought.
H obtained a favorable verdict, but
lb Supreme Court held that th ver
dict of tbo Jury, wblcb waa arrived at
by taking lha sum of each ;-ror'a esti
mate of damages and dividing It by
tha number of Jurors favoring dam
age, was lt!egs!. Tha evidence that
fpaln Buffered Injuries lo bl arm
through Imprisonment a a also do-
aaat ajaeettona oa
at tb
eat Satarday eve at Tl
tlltea St. Joba, Leader.
K. r. Hall (ear. 1 1 lb aad Alder)
Aear Olds V Klag.
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all cLruggists.
$20.00 and $25.00 Suits
and Overcoats Now . . .
$30.00 and $35.00 Suits
and Overcoats Now . . .
$4.00 and $5.00 Stetson Hats now $3.15
$3.00 and $3.50 Mallory Hats now $2.15
Brasf ield & Por
Morrisoh Street, Corner Fourth
Store for Rent Fixtures for Sale
Sale Starts Wednesday Morning