Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 08, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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tut: morxing oregon'tax. Wednesday. December 8, mis.
All Coast Pilots in 1916 to
Work From Bench Ex
cept Rowdy Elliott.
(alUKas. and Mmlle .All
Tbra.-s.h tlih A-tl Play.
Jlmiu j Jotin.ion I leal.
rr ii'wui! riirr.
TVypit th bowl cf Kofiomy. th
bencfy manaaer will pr.Tail again ty t
... i I th Pc fie Coit t.g-.
V 1-1 alt managerial poat f.lted fori
I'll ft0i T.wdy' Fllioti. th
-';? n!fi4 cat. he, will In.
"tr tl'lml t Iri th clfnil.
Tiff i irkiuli ha beera rea-i-.nt-.
Biaeai.r of th !Ult l.ah H.
Harry will rul th !"
p. swal lnT a Iter, "Wry own
tni a' cording t Hrri, Ham Fater
nn, (orm.f f will dictate
1 1 f i . trnnrj f -o m t". hen n . Jimmy
4 :iJr-. ef h ic . Ht b a yew
B. of l-ie Atis.l. n 1V-.r !-i
4're.ti-. rrt'ir. will hot-l vf
. ar of In vrtlnrt cl, I
M.- wn ene-h.f lntefet la hl
r.,f!,l, cl-. and II t aM thai CvMa.l
rlub smoker, probably professionalised
atmawlf lt night by appearing In a le
mmata preliminary to lb Taylor
I'orsden mairb at Hlllyard. It ! for
Ihi earn or fen, that Elllngaton and
other im-kan Amateur Athletic Club
bxr cam under ft Aroaleur Alb
I'ttr I n Ion ban.
;:h a few days ago euthorlaed
'alrmnt that b Intended retiring
from the imil'gr rank and tarkl the
profe.tonal gam In Ih Kal.
Jack Taylor, of Hutte. Mont, de
feated lien llordaen. of Portland. In
wrestling match her tonlirht In l
traicht fall, tha flrt In 14 minutes
and t h second In taro minute and IS
ko4. Loth fall vera tha raault of
hammertock. tha first being a combi
nation of hsramerlock and bar. Taylor
weighed Hi: ftordwn Ii.
MtK- mw ::ki. mtts
lit Vict: inon :it.-a.
k . bouaht aa lotrt In th An-
f cif. M.-Cr.L war f"t a'
ti tn. i--i. wh.r tha tim r-:t
a'u-t. at nana of th- l-wt 1'm
!! atrtouilr tBa out n
r l-o-tInJ from tna tlfiH eBd!n'
m a-l'-tioa tn railroad r'r
tit fot l.'4a 'jf'!
I t... n ,!io bat thl lffid will
t , l- tt ymt Th rail-
ri i aa m.a B" 4-t " "I
. r,f- r J'l ll-i V.''r"t
r.r... wor4. h.wa.r. fr-trk uB'-fft-th.
th oil r.d'd rta
Will ba Mlnfl
Jadao tir r.dl Aria far Cal KwlaB
all at Ublrll Jarara llnr Wlf
-llaak;" Uu Baaawadrd.
V. lltonkTl Shaw In Or
rnit J t4t Jlr'i courtroom yrtar
Ur ani lotrnad latently while, durlnc
n"l of tha afternoon. Miirlry I', far
kr. c l altornry. fi dcpoltlon
from Al Taunt, t: A. Unf. A. Mv'.kl',
T. irarri and othar baaaball tay
m, tou'-htnc upon Murky auepao
In I 1 1 by tha !.
J'a'-inc him. b-Jt prald by two
hy o.k table. -t fal Kl". for
merly owoer of th reals. li'Jt tha
Juror couWt not ee Kwinc. ftr bla
tziall form w aa completely hidden be
hind the bue bulk of Judf V. V
U.l'red.e. nrelldent Of tfl
Ard Judce M -Creel I e. Itearar
pr.ii. we conduct ma" lb 1'atel battl
for t'? :af. th former lai owner,
satinet Hunkr.
A rard on th de.k of Clerk Will
Pi. art d emlnled th Information
.ndtna-:" ;
I for th e:. In
Oe.. ct
.'feal. known la
Ji-nm Johnetl. tha famone tot
T' e ha-tealee. b deflnl'ely ear.
ered Ma ronneetlnne wltb rlanlial
. - ' k . ,, ...r rlu!. I 1-eaeu er e.nee.
ff I: ay Pare., ih pnr(ia-l hlrd-ekee
1 .ten. t th- lyre ha arvt Jimmy will
be n the earn rt'i
JoHn.ton la of m:or tmue eatiber.
aid one rn harlly hum Mm f..r
hmrinf lor eerl year In a row
be hit T In A A earie. an t toe
all tha be In the emeeree. an, yat
ha d.dn t ar-t a fair trial mka rood
In the t-rer ytrat. Th "hl. atfo ih
errl'd Mm throuahj th ttl !"
hut ttih rhre yeter-an a: i "v arood.
Jeern oi.ln t et mo-h ehow tn bre-ak
In a. a reutr. la hie f-w aTamea be
I..)nt .how mui-h. b-t Co.t t
fan. fata wat.he.f htm perform for
two e.on.. and l woill ha h4 to
ronyin.-a any f Joh. na'on'a admirer
that be l Bt a tn!or leaaTtley.
John. ton broth-r w on.-. Inrne.l
elnwn hy a major l'-e rt'l n-ye-l.n.l
tried him all ona eon at firel
h.a anl frono'iW'l Mm a tlnyer.
J.ihneiton ul)ejieBtly turned up at
tittesurc and lt rttT-
. . . -I
fti'l rjrtelt. hae eiarne M rnirari
fo rla third bAe fr Vernon "'it year,
thue d..ei"in of on holdout.
that the rau. now at lu. waa that
of lti N. flia yerua taa Herraa
lion l ark Aeaortatlun. and II Waa
In at be jury.
l or four month durlnc tha Itll pea
ea llunky o--urled lb third ark
In hi In.l le et pocket
a rontrart br which tha
la court th llecrr
lion I'ark eeoriation, aarree-j to hire
him f.r Kl to play baeehall at
th rate of a day. They hired
hi'ti In ity and on Miilrnibrr It. h
UK. they upen.e. Mm for "Indif
ferent pUtlntf" Tbey Jut j.peBitd
him. they d.-iat releaea him. romrlaln
llunky. While ba w aj uefended be
wa ettll a .-eel. and ba couldn't play
envwher elye.
He finally yiarned with fpobana and
hae been l lal m In the Northwestern
llunky . hi red j t ton In aalarv
a a reeult of -oin to Spokane
amount tn l!jl. and ba want that
from th rieal. M also want I.MI.Ji
a lh balance due on hi lt-day con
tract and I a ererl damace to
hi reputation a a thlrd-a'-r. Al
together, hi want from the ieala foot
Ui S i-3 V.
rn M.iii iiiU'Rirk T iti
ionr.ti.ii. ,:i.::a.
Vancouver Millionaires Beaten
2 Goals to 0 by Port
land Septet.
Orreon Men nua.h Through
t Time After Time Only to
Kan Agalnat fruperb IX
frnc of Ixlinin.
racifhr Ca Hockey Maadlac.
W. UP. W. IeP.
r.rtuad ... I l"- Victoria .... 1 ."of
aeacii .... I O Kuu Vaoeuar .. V 1 .WU
law! Mbf ltelle.
At VaBcoB'er. li. c. I'ortiand 3. Vaocoa-
r a.
At eeatlt. W . See 1 11 J. Victoria
VAXOOl-VER. K C. Pec. 7. b
c!al. Hockey of a hnrdy-aiurdy. tren
r.ou art Ihroutrhout. but tnorougnir
the title-holder, Harry PbvIk, 4 up nd
1 to play, on the Waverley Country
Club link yesterday. Ever since the
annual Gearbart tourney thla Summer
Mr. Standifer ha been bettering hla
play, and yenterday ho went around the
IS holea o .
Because of the recent Ion; spell of
Inclement weather Harry Davis has not
touched a coif club for some time, and
he was unable to put up his usual
came. Yesterday's defeat was the first
ilr. Iavis has received since the per
petual tournament , opened several
months ag-o.
Wellington Elects Sea grave.
KEATTLK. Wanh..' Dec 7. Louis Sea-
Brave, of Huokane. a Junipr who played
e uar. I on the undefeated University of
Washington football team, was elected
captain of next year's eleven at the
annual football banquet tonight, r.i
mcr Leader, of Portland, who starred
at tackle, received the Flaherty rotat
ing medal for havlnac been the frrcstest
Inspiration to ni teammates.
Benefit of Gridiron Pointed Out
as Incentive to Excel in
Other Things.
William Diets, the famous Sioux In
dian. -whose Washington Staters cap
tured the Northwest championship In
football this rail, is not tn sympathy
with the move to kill the gridiron sport
, r:al . . . ,
t:4i Oatsaaat. Cantata aad Ratrer a
fr Prt laad I aele basaa.
Clenlea by ce.a Aarbrallaral t'el
eae Tessa la t aaalaa et
Uar l-at I be-bawl.
J Cat i:in. th farmer fin !
. ....t. I. "a PortURd vi-ltor. Cal
S'lmit that
e tha "v
w. . e r In Chrtetin rt
-.ward I deerye.!y ponutar all
Ih re.-iiit." ! Mr. :wlnT. "He
1. real hm man and I think h. wo-llj
ad t treriti ! th pa ;f: i'at
tea;i rnanasarlil personnel. Ilyrry
Vnlorim cut areat cre.lit Ihl paet
seofi for arini a winner, but yon
rn'i.t rememhey that Wdeerton built
on Itn.aria found f ton. Howar.1
re.t'r did a m'Kn to w n that petioant
a Wolyerton. If bd th. club In I"-.
nd t ' most of th I'M saon and
w earrylnc only flea f.r five
mr ly rnont.: of th t m. Howard I
fiaw on ht. ran. h in California.-
Jam )l fil l, owner of th penyer
nd tnejian pr ell. I after mor
tro iht.. f r.'U ba tieeottatina- for h
pur-ha of tie Jt. I.ocl Prown. t?
ha I onaMa to h.jy the firown h will
i. ker fir tha t tui Cart.
rtrrrs t. triikt :r. M;i.mi: win
t:tt it otiim.
Corvattl. (Special.! Herman
J. Abra'am. of Albany, for threa years
(cn of th etronse.l football layer In
ill. ...ih..l aaa laat ntfht elertect
ba triad la.t summer i lo r.ptam th Oreson Aarlcultural Co.
to ram. NI " "l i ,rc. fooibll for nt The
e. Hon touk Mac after a banquet
tendered iha team by Coach Stewart
an I va unanimou.
Abraham entered collec from Al
bany lii-h b- hool In 114 and Imm
dately won lb fullback position,
where hi work a a llne-pluneer wa
I for two year th senaation of the
Northwest. This year be wa shifted
l batfba.-k and had tha taak of run
time th team. Ill at r cat playliaat thl
year in the new poaitlon brought blm
y O-arVea law Oyer Jaek llea
ai rarsl at aaawkeei Ya ea -Mr
aavd tarn lleava.
P.attt royat W!! hay ta have ptac
em boyina carda in t'ortland tn lb fu
ture. inlin( by th. way tit. on. t.w.h
tiia boylnar fan lt HUM at
th. Ho. ttty Club prmilir t'lVe
betfro. stepped lntt 1 rlntf aftrr lb
b"aia bi t.
Ii i a e b.iylBaT t'oara we, eurptied
tberm and they went erter ecr trter
hammer and tons. At h. f:ni.h of
th. fir.t round, whi.h la.tcj three
mmate. on man w.nt out. tn t!se
lat round two ptepe.i fn-m th. rlnar
wh.n th r"in to? t.w ho' for theoa.
Two f.B hed. and K-er.- llrnnett de
clared the affair a diw.
la th. biaina part of th. programme
the bet mil of the eyeninr wa fur
M led by Tommy Clark and Jack W at
Bar. II t ilat r!u It went eiy round
to draw W.fner f.A,rtt on af te
li'Mt eshtbitivie he ba ever put up.
Th man nt wa furnlre. by
K-nr a ririeaa and Jack Ailen. Iannv
won the deciyton after sly round of
hard milltna. He wa too old a bead
for the sto. kyard lad
Fr.h I'arelow ottweiched Henry
Krl-i-r aeaeral pound and wa award
ed a eia-round dcti.n over the ? e
art!. boy. it::oub th miv
pretty eyen to th at th rln.lde.
la Che, Initial boiinc encounter Jack
Xar m.l. cood kt cumrbark hy wal
lopinat Kill trailer In els roun.i. lUa
n.r wa a loush boy and at times
ehowed f'ahe that would ha; woo
foe htm had he held fXiK
The receipt of th. show will b0
lira-i oyer to th. tarecn ttat Ho
tel tlrk A--ttlon. torncab pip
and tobacco ha. I a r lac on th bill.
(..unit: Tii:xs riioiixMnxti.
ioa,aie Alhk-tlc Club ry-tl-r Ap
pear la Prr-lirul na r y.
SPKAN rT. Wa.h. le-c. T. . Special )
-I'rank tilahe. National Amateur Ath-l-tlc
I nlon, 1 1 -p-und wre.tlina; rharo
ehampion at both II. and lie pou OAla.
pioty. and Pacific Northwe.t Amateur
for i year an almoai unbatabi rep-1
reaentatii of th ypoaan Aniateur
ALklelM Club la .Nurlbwssl iaur
la. kmc In pollh. waa lh sport menu
erved up to 4"0i hovkry (aria at the
arena tonight In the opening- aame of
the seaaon at tba arena. Cortland yaa
n opposition lo the Vaurouvcr Mlllion-
lrc. and the Southerner won by a
scor of 3 aoal to
The gam wa a comparatively clean
one. but many a hard bump wa handed
out In tti slam-bang, slash-crseh melee.
In which efforts at combination mere
a rar a water hole in tho desert of
Sahara. Tha Individual efforts were
totally larking In result and it wa not
until th l'n I Hams got the Mllllon
alrea ttred out In the last session and
worked soma ciran-cul tram romblns.
tiuns that they beat Lehman for their
two goal.
Portland had It all over the Van
couver bunch In the energy they put
Into their play. They skated them off
their feet lit bai ki he. klnir. followed up
much rloser and were far the frenher
when th CO minutes of plny over.
Th score at lh end of the gam nilcht
well have been 100 or so to 3 In favor of
th t n-1 Sam, had all their shut
been effective, but Hugh 1-chmaJa played
as bril.lant a game In goal a he has
ever put up In this company and
stopped evert thltiit that tame his way
on which he had the ghost of a chance.
Young Tom Murray, the Portland
goaler. was not called on to save a
score of shots all evening, but handled
everything which came his way In
clean-rnil fashion. He wa as ck as
an lie berg at the North Pole in the
middle of a hard freeieup. He was
lucky on three occasions In the first
period, however, when Lloyd look had
as many chance on the open net. but
failed to do better than hit Murray so
straight that he would have had to
dodg. to miss the shot.
11 Irvine also played a nice game,
and all th old-timers need I pollh to
Washington Stale Coach Declares
Petty Politic Is to Blame for
Loss of Prestige of School
TTUGHTEEX years ago this Wlntei- In Games With Pigskin
I J December, 18J7 an alert baseball
statistician delivered this message to
the Hug Caravanaarle of his day
-Three world's records were made
this past season that will never again
be broken. They were made by Top
Anson, who concluded his "d year In
big league baseball : who completed hlsat Carlisle.
string Of ::-0 game, ana wno in mat "Football has done a rrut deal more
time mad J01I baae hits Twenty-two for us Indians than Commissioner Sells
years. J games ana Ji Dane nils I and Superintendent Llpps imagine.
will stand as a mark ror Bu time. aja ne tne other day in Portland
'Many an Indian has been spurred up
"AH Tlase" la a Use Time. I to belter things by discovering that
-Alt time- is what you might call a he could excel in one white mans line
eoei.Merabl period. It covers quite a I or endeavor.
t.mnorai stretch. I 1'ieix waa connected wun tne iar
Yet at that the baseball Statistician I ii'io inaian scnooi lor several years as
of 1S7 semed to be Justified. Old piayer ana assistant, coacn. dui just ai
Cap had started hi big league career Present he Isn't taking jnuch interest
in !. In Ji r.e waa still playing "
or. ratner. naa juat compieiea nisi ,9 ..u yj kwii"'."
.V.BP career. I mixed up In affairs back there now.
Tweniv-two years under the It g siant ne rueiuuj. iuniiiiiMuiier ui
Tent la an extended Interval or play, linaian Anairs rui came irom lexas.
Two thousand two hundred and fifty nd I guess he promised the coaching
..ene. era nulla a number, rnree thou-I joihu io nmr ivruj, a. icu uiiu
. and thirteen baaa hits are moral Anyway, conditions were made unten
ih.. . ,w. And vet. of tha three rec- able for Glenn Warner, and he -went
ord estlmatea made by the oldtlroe re- over to Pittsburg and tied for the Na
porlcr but one baa stood the test of I t'onal championship with Cornell. Poor
t.en. . v , ..o.u
- .
W'tft. th. .Trent Inn c f c Tnune a l",B-
e.nek.e who worked In le. than looo "Along about November I uus weicn.
games, no other ballplayer ha re- ex-Indian ail-American quarterback,
m.ined for over 40 vears In the Main called back to help Kelly, and now
Corral of play, a member In the major "' r trying to make Welch the
order of Son. of Swat. Here Anson is "t. Kelly did not play at Carlisle
-mi ii. I long enough In 1S0S to get his letter.
,HI .1.... . . - . .. 1 4 I . ... hla
l .1 IICI ..! I I ' lift, m.lkll. vr.
..,.... K . " - I.. .1 . . I. tir,n.-.v.e for
Tb Other Tw neesrsa. ..,!. ,h. I-.H hi. Pl.hurr eleven
nut in Oilier l e. O in-UTUI Ol iamra j.,..,! I'a rlUL 4'.. n
Played and base bits have been Kronen Carlisle's record for the disastrous
191. season follows:
Car- Oppo-
llrle. nenls.
Athrlsht 21 7
Ubanon Valley O 0
I-eliiKh .' 14
llariard 7 21
ritlnbutg t 4a
Puikne:i II 0
.l Virrlnla Wealeyan 14
llniy Cross 23 -1
Iiirklnon :d It
Kor.:iam 10 14
Brown 3 It
Total 1 19.
In two places.
when th oldtime writer waa com
piling his data IS years ago there were
two youngrter Just beginning to at
tract notice. One waa a Dutchman by
th name of John Teter Wagner. The
other was a Frenchman by the
of Napoleon LaJole.
Like Anson, both were of massive
Hid. powerful above the ordinar
moulded for a long span of play.
ew Mark.
Both were Just starting about the
time Anson quit. And this last season! The coaching position at Wisconsin
both sllnned bv tha marks Old Cap has not been orterea to anyone yet.
made, with Wacner out In the lead. according i to President Charles Van
At the end of the campaign of 1S15 I ISilmour uoMo ana J-.dUie .Marian
Wagner had rounded out games I ex-Harvard star, have both been men-
and Szii lilts. LaJole had finished 2io3 Honed.
games and made 21Z1 hits.
Which leaves their ranking as be
Tear nun lilts
Plsved. Play. d. Ma'le.
Wnnrr Ill ..
.).! ? :l 31-1
Anion 23 23.V) 8013
New Marks.
But thes records are not yet corn-
Here is an all-American team chosen
by J. II. Ingram, head coach of the
Naval Academy. Kleven men ard from
the Eastern teams and the rest from
the Pacific Coast:
Ends. Soucy, Harvard, and Higginson,
Penn State; tackles, Oilman. Harvard.
and Way. Yale; guards. Hog?, Prince
ton, and White, Syracuse; center. Peck,
e u-.-n.e t.toi. . e. ,i I'nlverslty of Pittsburg: quarterback,
plete. for Wagner and Jajoie are not ' o nithrr-
half backs, Barrett. Cornell, and Berry
:tt.i:t: mmi..s wix titi.k
1aanalonlalp of lllantetie Valley
4 In leral by I-efratlo Salem.
Itugen recently won th bowling
rhaniplonaMp of tha WlUamelle Val
ley when a team of ln smaher from
that a-ity tooa; a quintet from Hale m
down th tin In two straight games.
Th game sir rolled for th till
of th valley and a aid bet of !:.
Tb firt gam. waa played on th
Fagcne aUe and was won by S3 plna.
T i sevon-l game was played lo Salem
and Kugen won br II pins. It was
on of th.. beat malche ver n In
tie valley. Cation, of Kugene. was th
star ef th sert. having high scor
of : ' : and blsh total of i:ia plna for
si game.
Th eor ef th last gam, which
a a played Sunday In Salem, follows:
I 4a-n
l'nce Sams have ever been.
ilal summary flmt perlo!. none: ee.nd
r-t.Ml. n-'t-e; third prlo.l on PnrMRml
i Port laud:
atmoet unanlmoiii all-North weat
nr.. Hi grcate.t gam thla year ,,, them as effective a team as the
afaln.t th Michigan A a tie, an-i waa
a revelation to llantern football follow
er, who had pot sn such llne-mah
Ins sine lh days of I teuton, of Mich-
Abraham has all the qualities of a
leader and hi election ba m-t with favor at the Oregon Agricul
tural College. He I an excellent stu
dent, being registered In tb school of
agriculture. II I a member of the Alpha Krelion fraternity.
T.t'-i fo.n Oatman I - .
ur..1er.a:e from T.t.ln S OH,
Oaal. .. .
Pnt ..
.4 oaer point
Itoeer .
. . . .I'enter. . .
. . . l eft a lna
-t'lret rerl-Kl.
ti'apt I l lalman
... liun.lerdale
t'k.i:a for T-
. . .
1T la -.-;
t.j rtt ;a..
! 11 'H
1:1 :ii ;:;
lo. -:i -
s-2 - rt
la c. a:-
llt Z e1
t:t rn t.::
s t:- s:
li i:s ta:
7 txi :;vi
. ii-t. i
I e. . ..
laiua .
i rr
f '-e . .
a i a
I-.. ...
k '
.-od ...
O.-W. It. at X. Mf.HT SATllaDAY
Froplcijc-a f'lnb Plan Sperlal Pro-
gra m nia- for llipp-odrome.
Uemt-em of th O.-W. R. te X. Em
ploy.' Club hav taken over th Port
land l- Hippodrome for Saturday
piaTht. and It will b known as "O.-W.
I;. N." night. Spclal stunt hav been
arranged for. according to J. lieorg
Ks.lcr. asoialant manager of the Port
land Ice Hippodrome. All th events
will take pis. previous to th regular
night Ice-skating sesalon. which starts
at IS o'clock.
Ueorg McMath. secretary of th
Portland Amateur Ho. key Association,
bas rnarg of th affair for the ero
ptoyes' club. The first hockey game
of tb amateur circuit will b staged
In two weeks at th Portland Ic Hip
podrome. Howard KiMM-ka Out ( 'oak ley.
ST. lAVIit. Mix, 1 -ec. 7 John How
ard, of liayonne. N. J. knocked out
(.lets Co k ley. of Fort Warn. Ind. In
th sixths round of a scheduled eight
rotnd bout her tonight. Coaklry
wiasbe-i lit ana Howard It pound.
l-eh man ......
infTia (Capt.l
Stan ley . . ,
bfn ' eec..l ten!. fnr I kxi'a
tlftl. a r-'e-ee. T-.Tnmr lhi::il: luilSe
nf pla. IM ll'ark. troal uniplre. (r.rr. Ir
alne. linrnqi.r. Harry flo-Ifrey. Portland:
ram tlmrkreoer. A W. Iala. Vaneoueer:
'-e. l.yn- I port:ae.-l: penally tlmekeep.r.
f'ef- J Kearly. Vancouver; I. I. Smith.
I'.a' summary AH pena'tle. thre mi.
te.: ir-t -period, la- kav. Ilarkar; secnn.1
p.riol. J.fiM-.. tundralal. llarrlf; third
perlMl. atackar
l:ieyrn of ex-College Star- Are In
Tlirllllng ; rid I run 11a (tie.
PHIN:VILLri Or, Iec. 7. (Special.)
Two eleven of ex-college star bat
tled for supremacy on Davidson Kleld
at Prlneville Sunday, with th reault
that at the end of a most exciting con
test Ih -or stood: Prlneville 1J.
lend . On Thanksgiving day th aam
eleven played at llend. with w. scor
of c to In favor of the winners Sun
tiouglasa Lawson. formerly of Har
vard, captained the local team, and
from start to finish th game was
filled with thrills that kept the spec
tatora guessing.
Following wa th lineup:
rrinei:.' Poeition. B-n1.
r-nari-wa .......... u w. n siover LTR ataazaluakl
e If -rarland
.i. u R.Lamberaon. Ithodea
..C Saodre. 1'rinc.
. r rt....
K K I.. ...
L MR...
..r H
et through. Honus will be 4 Z years
old on tho 2th day of Fcbrunry. LaJole
will be 41 years old on the Sth of Sep
But next April, barring an unex
pected side-swipe from Kate, both will
be In the 'line-up when Pirates and
Mackmen take the field.
What mark will these two make be
fore they hang tip a pair of faded old
uniforms and drift out Into the dunk
for good? Each year now has been
their last season for a long time. But
man. Penn State; fullback, Mahan, Harvard.
Dr. O. J. Pweetland. Jr., ex-coach at
Willamette University, made quite a
remarkable record as coach of Hobart
Dodge Brothers
Spoken advertising is by far the
most powerful factor in the ex
traordinary demand for this car.
Unsolicited letters of enthusias
tic approval continue to pour in
from every state in the Union.
The motor is 50-35 horsepower
The price of the Roadster or Touring;
Car complete is $785
(f. o. b. Detroit.)
Canadian price $1100
(add freight from Detroit)
Washington at 21st Main 62 11
ames John High School
Taken Into Circuit.
Schedule Calls for Seven Oames by
Each Team Interscholastic Di
rectors to Slake Arrange
ment for Soccer Play.
Brown. nenls.
they are still at It. One drew $10,000 ,.., v of Buffalo I'larks.
last season and the other $9000 and L and st' , LaWrence University. Hobart
,rr, -.uu i".. 'Sillier .aa a h . . enrollment of 130 students-
pensioner. -k the aize of the football sauads
. -nn,a e. f iha Fmlirn Institutions!.
Wagner, as we understand it, has I Amherst. Syracuse and Harvard were
tr.i aniDition to swing on lour more the only teams which numoiea tsrown
jrara until no is i 10 piay in luuu t niverslly auring xne rurreni arasuu
games and to mage tout) bits. At first Brown's scores for the year follow:
notice this seems to be beyond all
Ingle. It Is beyond probability but
after git not Impossible. I rthoclo Island State
Warner this last season In his 41st ir,"."L. '
? r-ir -.i.jcci uiiuuKn iv K.-imni, noi I Wiliisms
inisning a oatitn. no ira tne snorisiops svracuae
In fielding and ranked second among I Vermont
th shortstops of his league In batting.
He waa not quite the Wagner of 10
years ago. but he was still far from
being through. Three more seasons will
put him over the CbUO-game mark, but
there is little chance that he will ever
make ttie 72 j baae hits necessary to
complete a 4000-hit total. It would be
beyond all reason if Wagner wasn't
James John High School has been
taken Into the Portland Interscholastic
League. Faculty managers from the
various Institutions of the circuit met
esterdav afternoon in the committee-
College In New York this Fall. Last, letij clul) and dr.w up the m6 basket
schedule, and this Fall, against the
same teams, Hobart won every game
except one. which was a tie. Among
the teams defeated were l nlverslty ot
On New Year s aay ttrown win lacxie
Washington State College at Pasadena,
. 2S 0
. 0
. 0 7
. 33
. 4S 0
. I
. 7 14
. II
. 16 i:
Llk the reporter of 1197. w might
Not all the New York newspaper men
are holding their Jobs because of the
accuracy of their statements. Note this
bv Walter Trumbull in ine jew iora
Th Brracune eleven trimmed the Oregon
her hasard the opllnon that Wagner I Aeele lust about aa eaally ss Wsshlnt-ton
had set or was setting a mark for all Stale did. From all that we can learn, most
time. Possibly he Is. of tho Axste p:sers noi " m -.oima
Hut w .re taking no chances pl;r'""Z??rZ.?Z?Zi
any such obaervatlun. with a certain " ,,,, ,,, be found on old Dart
Mr. Cobb still In the harness. I month nlaver and at leat a coup of war-
Co tb will be I years old on the ISthlrlor who once played football at the L'nl-
of thla month. Yet h. hu alra.Hv enlt of Illinois. Anyhow. It s a pretty
completed 11 seasons In the Main Cor- trong eleeen. and Syracuse deaerves much
rail A r. .1 I n , , . . a. . i . i Crr'lll lor lie.'....', v ' j
... u ,.. ..... ' '. . r v .. . ..
A Mcrar.and
Tom tlarnea .
I. Uatec ....
Ilrlertck ....
Wy.sand ....
It l.i.lar
Hroaiu .......
La w .. a
H'l.rei. U
... Armab-ck.r
. DranOenburg
Mel. II
umpiiw. Clyde
lataard Hall and Voung Woman io
Tliroucli Ice lo Ilealh.
STORM LAKE. la.. Iec. 7. Edward
Rail, football coach at Burna Vista
College, and Miss Kern Henedict were
drowned at Storm Lake this afternoon,
when lew on which they were skating
gav way. heveral score persons hel
lessly watched the couple sink after
efforts of fellow skaters to rescue
them had failed.
Haifa horn was at Valparaiso, Ind.
Harry Davis, Taken From Iearl
Perpetnal 4Jolf Tournament.
Herman Abraham, Hnrry Cole and
I-o Lavthe. of the Aggies, can boast
- , a .u I- .j.u hlv.kj.v.
aged more hits to a than any ?' nV"f pf , a - . . -"-" ' V . a. .
II ... DUt IQia IS HO uiu-i -.i.rtia maul o. -..t-s
more than loo games and has I ade I
more than !000 hits. Cobb has aver-
man that ever played. He has come
closer to four hits from 10 times at
bsl that Is. rloser to a .400 average
than any other entry. In the ay of
run, hits and stolen bases his lecotd
la beyond all comparison.
stars of the big Eastern teams. Cor
ills followers will be Interested In
Trumbull's ex-Dartmouth dope, chiefly
because of Its news value.
than either
has taken more chances with that lor a
reckless slide of his.
But Cobb at I gave no evidence of
going back. Last season he had his
second greatest year a season sur
passed only by his work In 111.
lie led his league at bat aaln for
the ninth consecutive time and the
second .man wasn't In slgl.t at the fin
ish. He was hitting the bail aj clean
ly, he bad as much power and even
greater speed than he had shown be
fore. His record of 97 steals, smashlnir
all American League marks by a big
margin. Is proof enough of this. He
stole It more bases last season than
he ever stole before In his life. And
still It Is a long way from 29 years
to 42 years on the ball field. More
than one minor incident can rievelop
In 13 campaigns. And while Wagner
ha) already played 19 seasons. Cobb
bas eight years beyond him to tlo this
I mark.
I But after obxervlng the aftermatn of
I that 1S97 prediction anent Can Ana'in. i
Guy Standlfer went Into tha lead of. we've decided for the moment to let all
th perpetual golf tournament of the I the 'all time- stuff slide a bit further
Waverley Country Club by defeating !vo. I
flaw Mark Far! her f
Whether or not Cobb can last as long Overlook rtaxkelball Team Defeated,
as Wagner. LaJole and Anson Is an- .... n ... v-i-
other kink. 15 to , on Opponent B Hoor
ir lobb can travel 10 more years I i v..v,.thnii team waa no
holding out until he is J9 he will tear match for the Peninsula Park quintet
.... near. ui vi an rrairm ng "" on the Peninsula floor. The park ag
wsy of runs, hits and steals. gregation won. 15 to 9. Carr and Pres-
,Jut Cobb In hla first 11 years hna cott featured for the winners while the
-v - -... o -ti mi C"P work of Lodell and lioimes Kept uver-
......c. ne ..,. fmm receiving a worse drubbing.
hollowing are tne lineups:
ball schedule which included the James
John High.
Generally the faculty managers rec
ommend officials to the board of direc
tors of the Portland Interscholastic
League, but because of the time it took
to draw up the basketball schedule no
action was taken as to officials. An
other meeting will be held in the Mult
nomah Amateur Athletic Club this aft
ernoon at 3:30 o'clock when the 1916
soccer football schedule will be con
The schedule drawn yesterday will
be presented to the board of directors
for final ratification
Washington High School opens the
season against Pranklin High on Janu
ary 18. Twenty-eight matches have
been slated, making it the longest
schedule ever attempted in the local
circuit. There will be four games a
week from January 18 to March 10,
Tuesdays. Wednesdays, Thursday! and
Fridays will find the teams battling.
In all probability the principal garnet-
will be played in the V. M. C. A. gy
nasium. while the majority will be
handled In the gymnasiums of the vari
ous Institutions in the Portland Inter
scholastic League.
Following Is the 1916 basketball
January is Washington vs. Franklin. .
January 19 Jefferson vs. Portland Acad
emy. January 20 James John vs. Hill Mili
tary Academy.
January 21 Lincoln vs. Columbia.
February 1 Washington vs. Portland
Academy. -
February S Franklin vs. Jefferson.
Februsry 3 Jsmes John vs. Lincoln.
February 4 Columbia vs. Hill Military
February S Wa.Mngton vs. Jefferson.
February 0 Franklin vs. Portland Acad
emy. Februsry 10 James John vs. Columbia.
February 11 Lincoln vs. Hill Military
February 1 Washington vs. James John.
February 16 Franklin vs. Hill Military
February 17 Lincoln vs. Portland Acad
emy. Februsry IS Jefferson vs. Columbia.
February 22 Washington vs. Hill Mili
tary Academy.
February -. Franklin vs. jamei jonn
February 2 Columbia
February 2 Jefferson vs. IJncoln.
February 29 James John vs. Po
March 1 Lincoln vs. Washington.
Marc'n 2 Franklin vs. Columbia.
March 8 JefTerson vs. Hill Military Acad,
March 7 Washington vs. Columbia.
March 9 Franklin v. Lincoln.
March U
March 10 Jefferson
Portland Acad. vs. Hill Military
James John.
Bereans of Vancouver Beaten, 24 to
SI, In Hard-Fought Game.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Dec. 7. (Spe
cial.) The Loyal Bereans of tho First
Christian Church -basketball team lost
their first game of this season to the
Peninsula I'ark team. 21 to 21.
In the first half the visitors rushed
the Vancouver men off their feet, but
during the last period the locals came
back with the addition of Edson John
son. Johnson and McMullen. for the
Bereans, were the best players, while
Jewell and Patterson, for the visitors,
were the shininp lights.
The lineup: Bereans White. Ben
nett and Johnson, forwards; McMullen,
center; Chapel, Martin and Davis.
Peninsula Park Fordney and Jew
ell, forwards; Patterson, center; Camp
bell and Martin, guards.
Unbeaten Basketball Teams to Meet
Saturday Afternoon.
The Wyandottes. of the Y. M. C. A.
Junior basketball league, yesterday de
feated the Quests on the association,
gymnasium floor. 11 to 9. The guard
ing of Robert Brown, for the Wyan
dottes, and Clarence Horner, for tho
Quests, was the feature of the game.
Undefeated teams In the intermediate
lague, the Spartans and the Lions, will
met at 3:15 Saturday on the associa
tion gymnasium floor, the Arcadians
and Beavers at 2 o'clock nnd the Acorns
and Crusaders at 2:45 o'clock.
Aberdeen Bouts to Be December 20.
ABERDEEN. Wash, Dec. 7. (Spe
cial.) "Si" Gotchy. of Lima, and
Charley Fox, of Aberdeen, are billed
to meet here in a 10-rotind go at a
Foresters' smoker December 20. The
men are middieweignts ana tne maicn
promises to be fast. Fox recently de
feated Harry Bishop, of Taeoma. here.
Several fast preliminaries are being ar
Woodland Defeats La Center Five.
KIDGEFIELD, Wash., Dec. 7. (Spe
cial.) The La Center basketball team
sufferefl another defeat at the hands of
the fast Woodland quintet last Satur
day night, 21 to 13. Woodland has
now won the first two games, having
defeated the Sara team. The ne4c
game will be December 11, when
the Kalama team will play at Woodland.
1 HARLAN, 2fi IN.
2 for 25 cents
Lodell -2)
Murnana ..
Sprlns.r .
Holmes (7)
. . . . f. . .
. ..
Peninsula (IS)
(4) Prescott
(6) Carr
(.11 Ijiman
(2) Metcalt
......... Brown
New Outlaw League Forming.
KANSAS CITY, Mo, Dec. 7. That
plans for the organization of a new
baseball league and Its posslblie affili
ation with the Federal League are well
under way became known here today.
Cities In Missouri. Kansas and Okla
homa, including Kansas City, Kan., are
slated for franchises under the pro
posed organization, which probably
will be named the Continental League.
Paa-cr Chase to Be Held Saturday.
A closed paper chase by the Port
land Hunt Club members will take
place next Saturday afternoon. The
start will be made at 2 o'clock from a
point near the clubhouse at Garden
Home. The hares for this chase will
be C. V. Bowman and E. K. Crebbs.
$5.00 Fly Rods for $3.25
This is just one of the dozens of bargains we axe offering
at present. Our removal sale is in full swing and you will find
snaps in fishing tackle and sporting goods all over the store.
Here are a few: Goodrich Hand Balls, always 35c, now 25c;
Featherlight Trout Reels, regular $1.25, now 80c; Bike Jockey
Straps, usually 75c, now 40c; Heavy Sweater Coats, regular
$7.00, now $4.00; Ball-bearing Roller Skates, $1.50 values now
$1.25; $3.50 Punching Bags, $2.70; $4.50 Boxing Gloves at $3.40;
"Ever-Ready" Flashlights, $1.00 size for 75c, or the $2.00 size
for $1.60; quart-size Thermos Bottles, regular $1.75, now $1.00;
Trout Spinners, all sizes, regular 15c kind, now three for 25c.
That is all we have room for here, but just take a slant at
our windows. There you will find dozens more just as attractive.
Backus & CO orris
223., iMor risonStreet. Bet.lst & 2nd Sts