Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 08, 1915, Page 12, Image 12

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Tire 3ronxrxo oregontan. Wednesday, December s, 1915.
I awl aa af lh annat
af'ir ef tr- iiaMD
ra au,4
trla r Urn, (rH.rk LI
Verr. Mr. Jxtft) AB'lrs a4 Ml
Marion I'm It V r. alt ri. at
r-rctoiB ( I -n a r I. th
i:t honr W-- W II lata r. -r rm
s"ia. Th f ni'tion U1 B keM
I horna of Mr. vrrn Utl Ka
Tnr.'-iarrt str.C i'outh.
Aftr a ef a f r dea. 4irln
rWla lotiaff a ha Br
Bi-. bis partiaa. Bo llfillini !
to 4 :rua... t"ir com a bint trial th
Iioooct fil fc brola.o. an that rich
boob. fir on or t populsr irt e
li 1 "' st it sar t I'll of fcer
.trf ha..
To')it' -!; cat-tvlar contain
rI tm. of tlwutl lrttrt. In It.
t'rmt p!.-, thr wltl b tha ?urvhn
at whu-n v . p.iiiw;i win b
Boat ft4 for aabirta h B pIaBB4
rl ttL:'itfi (t ri tut. m y b
Bo"ri airpriaaa.
WaiJatiD t!f rin mrritr I
iat-.l for Mim M xi If.rtiian n4 :nn
.ira f:rora IWitt. ho rnrrlaa?
ill ftaa pU.-o at li W. A. H'fnun
-it.n--; an-t fr Ml Atlr Aott
H I IxM IC Vnrrn. tot wr-i-l.n
' I b a tSsrrli affair.
lor tomorrow atcRt th Scottish
Tttto aif-a at ths tomrto or M'rrta
s'r! aatil bo art important sth.rinaT.
Th parti's lion tr irto S-otli. n f'.lt
mmr ar alarsrs w.ll attnlt
Varnr Bant..ema aaans ar worn. Card
ara oatoyott br I . arao at not raro
alAft' . Ti peronia for tocnor
f w itht- rrty wtlt b: Vra. Arthur
' ran. fr. J J. K4)rrtr. Mra
r'raaH C.:"rIli. Mr. J"fn Annan
Mra Alva l Mrphra, Mr. Janiaa P.
fofftt. Mr. Arthur Nnrrnan, Mra. Itrr.
rt Lrfirka. Mr, (rajanrt W. Muff.
Mr. AIbrt M. Urown. Tlia floor rm
mitt aaml br tho chairman, lu. hrd
Martin, al l !r-!tid Nan Vinr.nt. J
A. Mw-hanji. . J. F:in' v:t.r
'alM. J Arthur Norman. X. Karott.
J. I. AUianctar. Irnoaft Lcndirro.
a a
. ltr ka ihoan Ha lBrat In th
yJ cot bnfli. to bo ctvan at
th Aliuarortn s't!ol at o'clock. rat
rfay. f rr b r I a. pfahota !imiif
I Riunrintf th affair anl lh chli4rn
f trio A-rio Cttapa-I Sunday hrwI
ll in pixr. Muxlr and dam Ire
will h n)oy4 aftar tha hrltraj
l.'vo flay." Tna ratronaaa announced
a-.' Mr. J. I. Alnawortrt. Mra. IC-r-brt
Xi. not. Mr. A. P. Matthew. Mra.
Jam H Krr Mra. I. Ik TSamaa,
Mr, it. r. Hnftd. Mra. A. J. Mar".
Vra, John K'atinc. Mra. 0ro V.
7(oyt. Mra. Iral r. Mra. Kobart
tV'arrai'h. Mr. II. t. rmbr. Mra.
Jam Coo ant Mrs. Dai.l iiMadlar.
TH Boat dn -a of th T1dmont Club I
wi b h:rf on iaturHr nixbt. !
rmbor ti. tn t!)a Knton clubbooso. I
Tl cmuiilr In chare wltl bo John!
1nr. Ardn t'ulal). tl' k Claacar.
J. Clifford :ah!jr.
rorttan.f aha?tr N.x T. OrH.r of
Ttrn itar. annoqnc It bnftl
)an an. I card party on r'rlOar at tMa
t lm. of t o Worl l Halt. S3 1
trt. Tha ptrna ara Mr.
I T M.oa. Mr. II L. Hrf-tt. Mra.
M. It. U. Mr. Oarla Ylal.tin;. Mra.
A. J. .til.. Mr. If. Mra.
94rh Mro. rowmilta on arranaio
mni Mra -ran Moora. Mr. Jatlaa A.
1'ilrf. Ml. It'innio Kara.1!!. Mia Anna
rtdy. Ml ".r,-. Du.JI-y. Taul Wt--t-
John and Laalla S. Iarhar.
Mr. Ilarrtaon
t hr arhr.
"f Tta. at! hi
tr. Ilia. wilt b.
it. rcdn la Boptri
K l:rtt pacaham.
If arkl bh- du-ra-
In l ort arwl fr n.
I r .... ; v, ys - , '
I I - 1 i f t a-- V ' ""a -. TaT .'. I I I
I 4 T ? J ..... jo- Vi ' E II
at I T - " Jr j 1 o I
i ;. - s - , :
' V ,111
ii - i' ; . i i i i
t .'. I 1 I
i S f ' I 1 (
t ill
t " I
i ...... . - r : . ; 1
L .7aa. V.. VV v rJn
r . XSa. : . -zr1
C'retnm- sv-. . X . t ZtT
fi 1
tra aurir. A at Iff yet flexible dough
la formtd.
For almond rakea this can be rolled
out uln- alftod powdered aunar (or
froatlnit) one-third to one-half Inch
thick, and cut Into amall fancy ahapea.
for baklnc. Tha oven muat ba very
low for theaa little almond cakes. Dry
rather than really bake them. Deco
rate with a nut or bit of candled fruit
before baklns; or with Icing afterward.
The paata may also be used for fruit
rakes and layer cakes, aa well aa for
rookies, aa suttatested abpve. It keeps
well In a Jar If closely covered with
ailad or brandled paper.
KaaT white artvea a whiter color to the
paate artd la beat for keeping; purposes,
but where lona; keeping (of months) Is
not likely, and where etc whites are
brlna- saved for frostlnir. the yolks will
do instead. Ground peanuts or walnuts
mav ba similarly used by those who
like the flavor; but they do not stand
for month, as tha almonds and euK
white wllL (Some people una brandy
with eats; whlta In maklns; the paste,
for lone keeplnat. or because they Ilka
the flavor.' I don't. Other makers use
a little cream Instead of water. This Is
nice, but of course rich.
and the ear could not
tell the difference!
By Mas F. AVv&lker.
for a I
Christine Miller, the famous
concert contralto, recently made
was ramm. it was a cf tjje country sinmp;
wjat Z."Tt ?ith th New f dison diamond
... . m.,Ph fun Disc. Everywhere people were
be bad tu something too tryin on held spellbound by this daring
AfUXE CLARE was home
ho'lday. and It was raining.
bad enough to ha
hool. when one
to have It when there was so much fun
the nerves.
So roily sat In the biff chair before
the library grate fire and sulked. Bev-
rly was off at a Boy Scout meeting.
Mamma was taking a nap. Mary was
busy with mince plea In the kitchen.
and the bouse was aa still as a moui
Not a sound but the tick, tock of the
big clock In the corner of the hall and
the drip. drip, drip of the water run
ning down the pane.
She threw her coat on the back of
her rhaJr. but the red tarn o' Ahanter
cap she still kept on her brown curls.
As she leaned back she felt the woolen
tassel flop In her face.
"If this were only a wishing: cap.
she laughed. "I would pretty won fix
bo.i fr. At rrnt th.v are quaran
.n.t Ira I. Anarl a Mr Nrtkam
r-c.ntir was tar ill with tirhthrta.
r.raoi.ri V" in aoapiral. w h.n
th r-Mm arrive thy will go wua
Mr, nc.i.a for a to Sia.
a a U aatilpatlna- tho OiamrWr
""--rt that will bo k. I t r tho
Mi4.unj it ?t jrday aJcht.
Aa a ra!. of the btidr saa
eom- tho aaaorancenfit that tao o-v.
K. .V ;mpl-ya Cl.jb i:i give a
Chrt.tms dru-inr party on Thtartv
'. I warn ftoe l. in Cotitlion llatL
fourtaantr and v.hincton straota
Invitations for tho f.tilly wro I.
a')t yrrlar Th patron. wtl
Mr. J. I Mr. P. w. Itoh,
v.on. Mr. J p. O-llrl.n. Mr William
U.UarrT. Mr. If. M aVtkin. Mra.
P. Mr W. W Cot Inn. Mr.
. C. Mr. II K. Utiii.liiry
Mr. M J. Iifrktay aaa) Mra. G.nrc. v'
Tho 4an.-e rammlllM ln--t-i.
Core r. Ko.-r). rMlrman: Ml. fh.
; Ml. Pthal irart. Mi. Po
Ttb Tlltmaa, Vi Vtma I.y. Mia
Anna Joi. ft A. CaywooH. J.roti
MUH-II. r K M.-O-ir-v Itav PHt.
Harold Waal. Pari t"phm K Taat
M A. Uro.iiiUr II. M. Watktna la
pr.nt of th cl-iV
a a
Mi Alt An).rn. a tnamhr of tha
'in.r sat. w amour tha portlan.1
or who attn..,J th of th
Pitioo, yho win tour Southern
a aiirornio. aarnrtar of h.r
fT-in.. nd will r'tirn Hume ftr th
koil'iay .
Th anBotirn-amani of a .rt. of
eommurwty danclna parti br th. Mar
lark k b.n mad. It I tho aim of
tr dura t promot th "ct acnualnt
S'l" pint of tho young and ld cincr
ef th varlon club and tn bold Ih.
a.rl. of parti. ia Murlark hallroom
ar JtarHy evanlnc. th firt of
which will bo ctaaa on tht cumlnc
ftir.J.y Tn.iao Pirti. wit b Invi
tational trt.tiy and limitd ti mam.
nr only, harhoao nam. or to bo votd
oa by the rluN'a patrotv... and com-Butt-..
A d nr..r wl'l b. clean on Thursday
at ovio- ir tho Hot. I il.n.nrt in rorn
plimrt t. Mt. Marr rlav. Th I'rama
! wt:l b ho.t fr tha Int.rast-In-
vUitor Mia t;.rtrta.o Tlhot I
rnairmAn of th rnmmitta. ft arranaa-m-rvt.
and a.itin hr are Mr. Juliu
I. j. I. .on. Mr. W. IL Ar. Mr. Jam.
Ii. Krr. M Ma-y PVanc M.
li-rtha jituart and Praek irn. h lai.y
t..rtion may b Itaja by aprlvirs
Vi. o.rtrurf Tatht. Mam Ki;.
Mia .hw I appearing at th orphaum
this W.k.
Mi. frma Wolff, an attra. tla so
ei.ty sir! of .a rran.i.o. arrived
..t.r.ia on t ja-i.ta Until. d and
aaiit b th boj..-g'it of Mra. Ia
f.M UBrl for a f.w wa-la. M ae
Wolff wri bo ant.rtain.d at num.roa.
. ill itaira. r. cf will bo a
at rwn.r party at whlcn Mr.
wal bo h.r.s on Thursday,
c.r will bo placed fur a few In-lif-at
fri.nd. Mr lw.nsrt on
ef th of th ynr matrona.
Mra lm Whit and br Mm
T. t! Rnf.M. b returned from a In J" an rn-u. o an j a trip to
th tarra4 Canyon.
Ptftaontra and Wasco trt. Tho Delta
tvlt l;ta girls wt: be bostessos.
a a a
WestmlBstar Presbyterian Church
all house a smart assemblage to
night wb.n Mi Alice Anno Aulirn will
bacoma the bride of lldward Itobart
Morri. th llv. Henry Marrctte of
ficiating. KotlowiBg the rburcb cere
mony tier will b a reception In the
homo of the brldVe parents. Mr. and
Mr. Tatar Aut'ea. Pour pretty tnaida.
Mia Marie llaller. Maa li.Un llaller,
Miss Prtada .iniiiar. of Abardean. Waan.:
and Mi-a Marvel (ihtvld. of Taroma.
will attend t?e brIUe. Harry k'Uher
aal.l b et man and the guests will
be o.h.r.d by Tbomaa Aullsn Allen
and M. Shearer.
a a a
llonorinr Mis Zola Hitchcock, bride
elect, and Mra. Haley, of Nelson.
U. . Mr. Laos Pt.r will be at bom
on Thursday and I'rlJay M she wilt
be host at auction bridge. Nine
table will be arrang.d for each after
Boon, faveral additional tnaida and
matrons al l be entertained at tea at
a a
Irvingtoa rldnt have aa oppor
tun It y to en oy a pleasant evening, with
a choice Nw t.nglaad dinner and a
elev.r play, while thy help lb churrb
that helps the neighborhood. It Is t:i
holiday sale and euppar at tho I'nlver
salial Community Church, ftroadway
and tlaat Twaot v-fourlb street. raday
afternoon aad evening. An assortment
of beautiful and useful articles will be
on sal. Mr. P.UI McLean la the
chairman. The Delta Alphas young
girl' cla.a. aosistad by Miss Morgan's
cias. will have home-made randies.
The Junior itoclsty have a unique par
c post booth, and the Boy Scouta of
Troop No. 1 will preol a play dem
onstrating some of the principles of
their work. Mrs. M. C Winters, with
aa able rorpa of aidant, will serve
the supper aad Mra. M. MirOragor will
bo In charge of the dining-room. In the
octal hall of tn church. The Boy
fcout will stage a play at I P. M.
a o
Mrs. Wilbur W. Habhlda and
daughters. Wiiberta and Hasel. have
returned from a trip which Included to th fairs In California and to
Vancouver. It C . and Taroma. Wash
in all of vaht.n places they were boa
pttably entertained.
a a a
An Important event of Friday night
will be tho dance and card party to be
givers by the Portland Heights Club.
Mr. Char). a tiauld wltl antertaln on
ti-.ntbr li for hr sister. Mrs. James
W. Cairns, of Manila, who la a visitor
to avoid steadily "the tyranny of
things." and who are consequently mo'et
grateful for a present that, after bring
ing It meanaare of good will and the
eeaeon'a greetings, do. not Insist on
taking up floor, wall, drawer or trunk
pare when the holiday season Is over.
Probably German). Hcandlnavla and
Scotland are most famous for their
Christmas cskes, and a aeries of typi
cal reclpra from these countries may
prove both Interesting and useful.
Oid-fashloned caraway cookies (Srot
llnhl lint cup butter, one cup sugar,
two eggs, one-fourth teaspoon soda-one-fourth
teaspoon salt, about two
curs flour, two tablespoons milk, one
tablespoon caraway seeds. Cream the
butter and augar very thoroughly, add
one egg and one tablespoon flour and
best again. Then add the aecond egg.
with another tablespoon flour and beat
again. Add the soda dissolved In the
milk and work tn th rest of the flour,
with the s.ed. to a light, flexible paste.
Pat or roll out lightly, being careful
not to let the dough slick to the board,
or you may make the mistake of work
ing in more flour, thus making hard
rovkLa In place of the melt-ln-your-mouth"
kind. Cut out and bake on a
buttered Inverted baking tin, in a mod
erate oven.
Tha aame mixture glvea very good
rookies without the caraway seeds. It
may be cut Into narrow strips, or dia
monds, brushed with egg and sprinkled
with chopped blanche.1 almonds with
tone. The actual artist in all her
A test which Edison's re-creation of
any artist's voice or instrumental oer
formance will sustain in actual com
parison with the artist standing beside
tdison s new instrument.
Come in and hear the New
Edison Diamond Disc
No obligation, of course.
Graves Music Co.
151 4th Street, Portland, Or.
whether it rains or
than to grumble
(Copyright. 1M5. by tha McClure Newspaper
eynnicie. rw lorK i-lty.J
Mr an.l Mr.
tara.i rcatly
f. . Pt.iacbn.r r
from a visit in Cali-
Mr W. M
afughtr. Mra.
.y aveaiao.
r. i
r I
Vi.itln br
a. of tunca-
A Paa-ll.ltanu- ma. ring will to asM
9n Harar'vy aftarnoaia la rh boeno of
Mr. K L. Chapia. li Aax etr..t.
Masxaeta lake iaia;aa car ta
IN B'i
Mitlon to th store of fruit cake.
hicb every hospitably Inclined
housewife tikas to have la the bouse
for the Christmas holidays, there are of small. p:ttt). wsll-keaplnc
rakea. anaay of thorn originating In th
"oKI countries' that are Increasingly
popu'ar aa boll lay dalntie. and which
axay well be mad In advance.
A fw dainty llttl national cakes,
with or without a slab of thoroughly
Am.rl a fruit rake, will make a very
arc.ptabla Chriatmaa prnt for al
ajio.l anyone, but sapoclally for thoa
w b ar away from tbair own horn.,
or for the Increasing Bum h.r of women
who. Jiving la restricted quarters, have
Wedding Miss Alice Anne
Autsen and Edward llobert Mor
ris. Weatminster Presbyterian
Churrh. I o'clock; reception later
at Autsen residence.
Wedding Miss Maud Herman,
and Hrlnton Ilrown PeWItt, t
o'clock. Stt Fargo street.
Dancing class Iteginners. at 1
o'clock; older children at 4
o'clock. Tortiand Heights Club:
grown-ups at t 30 o'clock, gen
eral dancing to follow.
very good effect. Call them "almond
bars" or some such name. If anyone
Insists upon their having a name.
Or you may cut out the same mixture
In very small shapes and stick them
together after baking. In pairs, with
almond paste (and a smear of apricot
Jam to make everything stick together)
with a decoration of nut or candled
fruit or a "star" of Icing on top for
garnish, and call them "French cook
ies." Almond paste Is so useful, both for
cakes and candlea. that a recipe will
perhapa be welcome at this point. It
ran be useal to Imitate all the famous
Maslpan confections In a way to be
described later.
Almond paste To one pound line al
mond meal thought for the purpose In
cans, or made by passing blanched al
monds repeateajly through the food
chopper) add one pound One sifted con
fectioner's sugar. Add one-third tea
spoon salt, a few drops almond flavor
ing (more If liked; none If one or two
bitter almonda are ground with the
sweet ones!, and one teaspoon vanilla.
I .ess if the best strong extract Is useiL
Mix thoroughly, then knead to a flexi
ble paste with a little beaten egg and
water, say. two tablespoons water to
one egg. or one egg-wbtte. Heat the
egg only enough to mix. not foam. The
exact amount of egg and water cannot
he given, aa the quantity depends upon
th kind of sugar used, and upon the
olllness of the nuts. Add the liquid
very gradually, and knead thoroughly
between successive additions, or you
may make the paste too moist. Less
liquid Is needed than you would think.
If you add too much, however, the con
pl.t.nrv can h r.aior.d h v adding ex-
test of tone re-creation. The
ear could not distmtruish the
original from Edison s re-crea
tion of it.
Diamond Disc
Xo Xeedles to Change
Unbreakable Records
Only Mr. Edison's perfected musical
instrument, couia withstand such a
test. Pao mere mechanical reproduc
things all right. I would never have tion, but the re-creation of the original
any rain or snow ana tne weatner
would always be pleasant and sunny.
Ith no wind at all."
It la a wishing cap," she aeemed to
hear a voice say out of the shadows
of tha blc room.
"My. what was that?" she exclaimed.
"Sounded like someone spoke. It can't
be a wlehincr cap, when It Is a red
woolen one dad gave me last year.'
Just try it once," came again a voice
out of the gloom.
All right." laughed Pauline. "Here
goes I wish It would stop raining and
turn warm and the flowers would come
out and the trees be full of lcayea and
It would be bummer again.
Before she had craned to speak a
wonderful change took place. The rain
ceased, the aun came out hot, the Oldest PhonoeraDh Dealers in Orcrnn
.i i t. a. I . "
l tun r i . riiK uJ ill alio ;aiu no la
magic, and the trees were green In the
sunny air. Hut tne people going Dy
with their V Inter clothing on began to
grow faint with the unusual beat- The
house which was heated by a furnace.
so warm that every one left it
except Pauline, who was too busy to
think about her own feelings.
A farmer passing down the street
stopped by the window and Pauline
heard him talking to a friend about
the weather. "I can't Imagine what Is
the matter." he exclaimed. "This sud
den July in January will ruin tha
country ndr crops will sprout, the
wheat will die. the frulta will be
frosted by the next change. We were
having a nice soaking rain when this
happened. We don't need hot weather.
but a good fail or snow to help the
Pauline had begun herself to see that
she had made a mistake In bringing
Summer so suddenly Into Winter. Peo
ple who were dressed for the cold
weather were suffering; so were the
farmers and everything else with the
"I believe I would like to go skating
this afternoon." Pauline said, aloud.
"So I wish It would freeze and freexe
everything hard aa a rock."
In a moment a violent change was
seen. People who had been panting In
the atreet began to ahlver and tremble
with the cold; the furnaces, which had
been allowed to cool, were rushed with
fire and the cold houses shut. The
Dowers froxe. turned black and dropped
from their sterna and the trees shed
their wilted leaves.
Down the street came the same
farmer who had passed before and
again he spoke to his friend about
the weather.
"Here It baa frosen up and Just after
thst hot broutrht up the wheat
and made the fruit trees bloom," cried
the farmer. "First It Is hot aa Sum
mer and the trees, flowers and fruits
come out; then It is as cold aa the pole
and they freeze that means that the
Nation must starve next year. There
will be nothing to cat. Our farms are
Pauline was worried. Everything she
did seemed wrong. "I guess I had best
l.ave the weather alone." she sighed.
" 1 1 seems to know best how to get
along by Itself." So she wished that
It would begin raining and be Juat like
It waa before ahe started to interfere
with the climate.
Just then a ray of sunlight stole In,
the window and lighted on her eyes
and with a start she awoke
"Why. It haa really stopped rain
ing." she laughed In delight, "and I
am glad It did so Itself. I have found
out it would be sorry weather If I had
to manage It. I will make one more
wish," she continued, as she settled
the red rap on her curls, "and that is
that in the future I will know better
,.. Casa-,..
Spend the Winter in California
For Week Ending Saturday November S7th, 1915.
Max. Mln. Mean
73 44 58
Long Beach...
San Francisco.
Ocean Park. . . .
Santa Barbara.
L.0S Angeles...
Max. Min. Mean
7 4tf no
7'J 5:1 t
7rt 45
73 Oo 6l
riV'l.i'BBt'n mmJsaassj -1 I V "Hj-
HPKND 1 OIK WINTER at this resort the land of pi r-
efual Summer. Situated In the most fancinatinc part of California.
Miles of motor boulevards over mountains, through picturesque cy
press grove, pine forests and alone the Bay of Monterev. Wonderful
li-mlle drive. Unequalled coif on :he sportiest IS-hole ail-srass cours.'
in the West. Polo, tennis, etc. Sup?rb location. 125 miles south of San
rxnncisco. tasiiy accessible to Old Missions, etc.
jot 1
w w. a w a-Jf
..w.-" ...a.aa.a..---a a a.-.. J-iey '.
?ltjai; ""Ti Write for Folder and Rates. ""'rfC
fJF' tarl Stanley. Manager. yfflMf
A. l'crry Shares Iluom With Strang.
or and Hobs Hint.
Caught by Patrolman C. Tennant run
ning away with a watch and f2 in money
belonging to it. Cbrlstensen In Ms pos
session early yesterday morning', Aug
ust Perry. 19 years old. was sentenced
to 60 days in Jail by Municipal Judge
Stevenson. Tho arrest waa made at
First and Madison streets. Edward
Forrest, 19 years old, a companion of
Perry, was arrested later, but released.
The two young men are said to have
met M. Chrlstensen on the street and
to have offered to share their room
with him, then after the three had
pone to bed ferry took tne watch and
This perfectly
delicious story Pru
dence and the younger staters
a long th irresistible twins, keep
snsasthisig goaaag all thai time Laugh
ter asaaJ tsaura lie close together im it.
asstl it raae1 rapadly and inter stiri(ly
Th CaVtUMatsU
A'eWrefjAWaijea. AtmllSfrn
J.75aW. TUBU.S1Tt!lC..rU.
Tut It on
Remember that
ment from jour
V. II. Monroe Wins Bride.
OREOON CITT. Or.. Dec 7. (Spe
cial.) MIms Flora M. Young and Will
lam li. Monroe, ot liJ h.ast beventh
street. Portland, obtained a marriage
license from County Clerk Harrington
An Inventor In Hntlsnd is said to hsve
Invented sn srtlflclal rubber of which the
rhlrf insredlent Is extracted from freshly
caurbt ea flan.
Little Women
bids fair to have a rival
in Ethel Houston's Prudence
brimming with the fun and
frolic of healthy, hoarty girlhood. A
delicate wild rose love story t em parrs
the madcap inerrisrteat.
Review of Revietet
A Norel kg Ethel Wooon. AlmBStcret
$1.25 net. Tkt BoiJ3-Merrill Co.. PnAa.
art rowNTaUK. motel, om ckscwHcna
The Food-drink for AH Ages.
Delicious, irvigorariiig and sustaining.
Keep it on your sideboard t home.
Don't travel without it.
A quick lunch prepared in a minute.
Untesm you My - HO RUCK'S
you may get a. SunstlSutOm
We give you the quality at
reasonable prices.
A New Store
Portland Photo
Supply Company
333 Morrison
Nea' Broadway
A pretty story
charmingly told. It is
sweet and wholesome. I
should like to think that Santa Claus
will put the volume into the stoclcin;
of one hundred thousand dainty
maidauis as conscientious as Connie
and as tricky as the twins.
Reo. Onria F. 1W
Fint Congregational CKank, San Ftaneacm
A A'ooe by EUhtJ Hualon. At oil Stores
$1-25 net. The Boiit-Menill Co.. Aaia.
jj - C tt .X. UU1C aVSB.-'' IB IV awaaWaaS
mkmxmm w m
rei vi i
Guests at this mapnifscent hostelry hy th
sea are always delightful with Its home-like
hospitality. The ct-nter of Winter social ac
tivities. Golf, tenuis, surf and indoor bathing-,
fishing; and motoring over miles of
smooth scenic boulevards. 20 miles from
Los Angejes. Absolutely fireproof. Write for
W. P. NESTIJC. Manager.
Nothing can surpass the pleasures of Ar
rowhead. Fascination erows greater the
lonper one lingers here. Shaded by gorgeous
wist nria. rose and other iraurant climbing
bushes. Arrowhead Hotel facts one of the
must insnirfnr- Da no ram as in all America.
Here you mav enjoy every California di
version at Its bet. AO miles from Los An
geles. Write for folder.
akrouiif:ai spring. California
KI'KOPEAX PLAN. 1.5l anil I'pwanl.
FKKB Auto Bu Meet Train. Steamer
L'nder Manaaement of A. W. TCRI'IN
I J Onci
Aars et"
Write toay
Valuable Booklet
pursued by Tne
jtJui a? a on tte ife CrevA Pin.
mm Vv. KB.Y S IMPJOM Cat 0
r 1
7 .raaOBt.?" l!
4th and Hill Ht.
555 rooms, each with
private bath. Situ
ated in the heart of
the city, near theaters, shops and
places of attraction. Easily acces
s.ble to beach carllne. A stone's
throw from Central Park. Luxurious
appointments, perfect service; splen
did grill; European plan Tartff
from $1.50. Write for folder. F. AL
liimmlck. Lessee and Mgr.
DelifthtfuJly different. '
r-uperDly loeatea in tlie picturesque
Mission Ully. umiast iragrant llowe
gardens. Near the ocean. Just
short distance from the beautiful
Santa Barbara hills. Finest cuisine. Climat
without a flaw. Folder, hi. 1. lunn. J.e8e.
ti 1 1 r
Broadway at Seventh.
The center of shopping, bnsiness and
theatrical district. Finest downtown
location; 3u0 outside rooms, with r ri
val bath. Rates $1 60 up; Euro
Dean plan. New management; n
dining-room, new kitchen. "The hotnl
of comfort and service. J. U. Lanker.
ohlm. Owner. Hm. K, '"loud, Mgr
Phone Your Want Adi to
Mam 7070. A 6095
! V
fcjlmi mir.faiiij r""f - Tirvsil
The Fun Center of Southern California.
Attractions galore. Largest variety of di
versions. Lots of invigorating sunshine.
California's most sanitary beach. Mammoth
indoor plunge, quaint Italian canals. Safest
h-arh in A nierira. Finest hotfl accommo
dations. Special low Winter rates. Send
now for descriptive literature.
Ynl-e Hotel AtMH-iation.
Mix the Breakfast Biscuits
the Night Before
Set Th e m
Away in a
Cool Place
ana Bane
them Fresh in
the Morning
If the family do not all eat breakfast together, you can
bake a few at a time. If you are having not Discuits lor supper,
mix and cut out enough more for breakfast. They will be
much nicer freshly baked than warmed over.
Of course you can't do this very successfully with sour
milk and soda or with any of the old fashioned, single acting
baking powders, but this convenient way of making hot biscuits
and muffins for breakfast is entirely satisfactory if you use
W Baking Powder
which is really a blend of two baking powders, one of which
begins to give offleavening gas as soon as moisture is added.
The other is inactive until heat is applied. The dough will
remain in a partly leavened condition for hours and when
put in the oven will como up just as light and fluffy
as if freshly mixed.
Get a can of K C today and try this easy way of baking
biscuits at once. YouH never go back to tne old way. 61
TI f ;
Phone Your Want Ads to The Oregonian
Phone Main 7070 A 6095