Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 07, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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Sweet Home Karnes Woman
to Council Jwction City
Drys Win Victory.
fr. J. A. Head Lade I IUce for
flavor at FVadtoa aad Xewpcart
!rm CeOM lUc OOxr A
. te Cast Votee Today.
y.etlaa la Mir Oregoa cities y ea
ter-lev wara smrhed by hot eoateeta.
and ctoea flataBee at eoea placo
T 44itM tot lfiH tied at
Vdaei la. U) R O. Tnomaa was
ei tad iur at Tamer by eisbl vote,
rT J ka.t was k4n( J. !
tmnr for Uinr af -eadleta.
a; Newport a fall ee evel'ed.
as It A- ti.aeeU woa the bleyoraty
tii dry foreeo at Jaexiioe Oiy.
TSe little ! eet Mama
red a woman, t.ale Prasad, by eiaetln
bar te Ik T Coaactl for the
vemr teres.
bilir a. actions wUl be b!4 te-lay t
rtue Oregon toae end la eectioaa of
tesbiagtoa State.
irt. pi:st lead i. n:nurrox
J atom ytoutfotaeTj. AIo ladrrwadeal
taadldat. May Ito Loeer.
rEVDLETOX Of, Pa. a iSpeclaU
Indications saera la point that tr.
J A. Vest. IolepaoJ.ot. baa tea elected
Mater of rB4;too over Joba Wool
gunnery. Independent, by a B-.aJorUy of
-n Ji to : votaa.
Tae election, i c was by far tka
not spirited and vigorous tf seen la
a s-.aaiclpai campaign la reodleten.
fpotat eul III voters la the bills.
Wtta t ere warrfe roanplete to I ha ma
jority cf the other t heard from Ir.
iieat la Tl votee to tba good. Mont
rmanra own ward iarat4 a s-to-l
ot la hie favor, bat hie lee.l a over.
oma ta 16a other wi. Monteornery
earrrlng onty He awn. Indications
T-mnt Peel wltt earrr e Fourth
VTard br a 4-to-l vote. C C. Feolaad
woo tea Catl cbalr la tae fourth
Ward bT a Z-lo-1 majority over Cola
a si fAIa.
It. cry Taytor waa a!a-ta4 Coaaclt
maa la tha F"rorJ Ward In a foirror
tr! ra'-a by It votaa etr Cot KJ
aitoo to) 0.te!". C" h'.ng rond.
In tfa nrat Wr4 Kirkptrl-t !
faaia rnaod.y by tka aarraw asarcia
af aia voeaa.
Ralrk rolaera wi:l rart-y Ika Tklro
H'ari ky a -t-t malotity.
A! moat ena-tmr-l af thoaa Ttlo lo
4 if wara awarw la at tha Bolt.
Thrrw Chart Araxadnvrota Carry In
Ottt City Ejection.
ORtOIX CTTT. Or, tvaa. . t?z
aHaL 1 C C. Itarkatt u lcta4
Xayer is to4r alaetioa oar W. A.
i by a oa af tt to UU
r t ril'lapa. caaJ-Lara foa- Traaa-
rar. ao(Daa'i raala4 9i ba.:ola
TSa 'kraa Ccilmaa aleta wara
T..1 Mataaar. War4 I : X R. Buck:aa.
V'a.-.J r. C U JO. Ward J.
Tha traa r Bar tar aman4riB ear-
ril Trsa flrat sukaa tha officaa of
(..rijr aa4 C. 'T IToaacutor a. !
T: o4 proula for tha r hl at bT lory In tha Haror4r'a eoort.
t'ha I Mr 4 aatkoruaa a bor4 taana of
I ::J. at t p-r rant to taka np ool warrant, fliaa tka ap-iI
Uy at T bbIIU. aa4 raatrlrt tba tax
lac eowara of tka Ceunctt.
in n..t Lias, J. B. Lawtbwalta wa
atar'a lTor: I. L. fortar. nvoMr:
V. J W!akal. rhlaf of rtl. ac4 iL
E. c:aisay. Traaaurar.
Ta Couaei:rraa ala!aJ wara J T.
C!am. H. A. Ilammarla. X. T. Ilam
Hr;. r. A. LaKhtoa, U. C Ulcha.a
aaj Chariaa !Ma;..
A bai:-t InltlaClva to ka.p cACCto off
tNa p'jSiio atraota at all timaa waa 4a
faa4. Tka tVUTanatt mrxr waa carrt-4.
to u tv'.t.areatla wi: ota oa tka
nar(r la Jaaoary.
Albaay Tta-rarta Mayor a ad Alao
flarry Caalrk for Trraaarrr.
AIDANT. Or, D. l-4 asocial V
r.ariy taUca:Maa la tka city aiacttoa
kara toaickt wara that L. it. Carl
w-ii4 k ra-a.'actaf Mayar by aa al
ma at aaaaioMaa aota. Harry Cal
UI acaia bo Cty Traaaurar by a&ol
fa aarao wialorliy.
ta tha f ai tar City Ra-or4r ttuy
Tjt!:it aa laaWiaj' laa to oaa oaar
J. aa Wlnkl, la l&o "rat and tux
a4 tVar4a wktlo to tho Tklr4 tk.o rao
waa aa-a aat aack. Out af tha nrat
110 o(aa caat irk tia.t rtralTMl (V
la tha rara for patiom la tka C'r
Vnni t1. J. II. Kooatt la fnncl !
- bo alartad In :a lrt WarS. an4
I. t 'ra ta laa -wv4 War 4. wbt
li tha TMr4 ta rara la bam rloaaly
rtnaaa4 by traa ran4'!taa, Hanry
J( t:i-i-wrrT. tn--umbant. IL L. Kalar
4 tv. t Riehar4a. Iarly rgnii
Ucaltnorry i. r.aJar tl aa4
i.-har4a t.
Tha i4if(!om ara tha aman4
r-iant rt.nt t"a city taciatralloo
ta-o wt!I raa by ahoa( two to oaa.
aM?o a acofMt amaa4mnt allowmc
tha Crtn n". J to flaot bonrfa to par off
tvo warrant In4abta4aaa wtl bo
4afata4 by tho aama mar la.
MTwronT urt nor coxtist
t ail te rto4 aad R. A. IVrnaa-ll
Choaoa for Mayor: laoaea TVraira.
VrwrORT. Or. p.c . .poclal
T!r'i a!a:t!oB waa hot:y ataat4
aa-t a till ta waa po;ta4. Tba roaalta
K A faaaaU. Mavor- JoAn Tray.
Ifaraka!. D. T. Ilaraiatr. n-or4r. Ar
thur wiao". Traaao'ar. Coosllraao:
rt W ara. H. , Blia aat J. I.
.imaa. ra4 t ar4. w. O 'ajra4
an.J K. r. Par: Tllr4 War4. AJ
txkoart. A. L. Klrkle4 aa4 U II
4 arao.
Ocaosalloa lu. autoeiobit t'ranaa
a 14 trasafar Itcoaao wara laauaa 4a
fata4 two to oaa. Tka ckartar ansoad
tnaat arr'.a4 aa f.lowa: r.aai4aaa
t-jalifltfatioa. 4r. to asaka Town
Marakat appoiatlaa iataa4 af aiactlva.
Vayor ar Council ta cat raalty la city
t qjal .'y for eff ca. asaktac tarata af
roiiacilsaa two yaara
tvrrxrt homk iuxcts o.max
Lata Soarad Will aVrrw la loaaclt
aa Oao-Trar Trma.
AL"AXT. Or. Nf C-I5PKUI)-rort
roeola4 ' tnlht from
waat Koa r-afa that R W. Vaa riaat
waa a acta-1 Mayor; S K. KaltB. City
Itacordar. r. W. tory. Troaaorar.
Jar Lb Axat Uaso ta tba lUktor a
araat Homa a wagna waa alartad to
pooitioa la tbo Oty Council. Ial
Smaa4 bataa" cboaaa to aarva for a ooa-
rnar tarra.
CoHjocllraao aloctad for tba t wo-yaar
tamxa wara M. J. Nya. W. IL i"umam
aai A. N. Daal4aoa.
Xrw Mayor la Maa Who Waa De
fratrd roar Year Aro.
rtSTIUUA. W'aab. Dae . (Spa
clat) Carry ia aaary aroctact la tba
city. Job a Oairta dafaatad for Mayor
four yaara aco. waa a lac lad at today'
alactloa. polUBf a total of lUi ol
aat of 141 ruL
TV. TV. Dlckaraoa aad T. C Roirara
wara alactad to tho two Coremlaaloaar
hlpa. po.llB Hat aad 11 votaa ra-
A bisr yota waa caat at iouay-
auction la an at tho primary two waak
aao. Mr. Oaiaia'a alartioo waa eoa-
eatlad. tko Intaroat la tka oallotlna oaa-
tartnc la tbo flabt for tho Commla
aioaarahtpa All of Iba Daw alstd
city officara ara old raaldaaia of tba
city aad aatabltahad boataaaa maa.
jicto mayoh is fxorrosin
Only Itarw for MarahaUhtp, aad
Xrw CUartrr la Adoptrd.
AtJANT. Or, Dor. . Jpocial) A.
a. Hrl'.l waa alactad Mayor of Sclo
wlOout appeaitlua. J. . Klcha waa
lacta4 City Kacordar aad Roy V. Sboi.
Ian City Traaaurar. bota without oppo-
it:cn- Tha only raca waa for Cuy Mr
a-ial. J. .V Ib wianiaa' oar J. .
W'rvU.a by a ota af t to It.
ioaq paw Councilman wara a!ao I
tactad without appoaitloa. Thay aro T.
I. HUyov. T. T. Ttiayar. C. C. Irry. R.
U. Cain. X L Morna. r. II. M. Donald
and Joba Waalay.
A aaw city asartar waa a4opta by
a oto ef III to IT. Thar waa muck
letaraat la tha Bt w cbartar aad l 1
waa rajfxoib!a tr tbo larca vota.
Cttartrr Amrndancat la Drfratrd aad
Two Aldcrutru Elrctrd.
SALtUf. Or. Da. t. (Spaclal.)
wltk but two ward to alact Aldannaa.
tba chartar amrndmnt aroposlna
chanca In tha mr! hod of forrcloalnc
aaaaaaatant liana for atrvat Irnprova-
mania draw but faw volar to tha poll,
and tha alact Ion paaaad off with II 1 1 la
Intaraat. Out of tha total rasialralioa
of ta. only 1 1J vota war cL
Tba chartar amandmaat waa drfcatad
by : vot.a to Hi.
la tha Fifth Ward C. M. Robarta ra-
catyrd SO rota for Aldaranan. dafaat-
latf Lavl McCrackta, wbo obialnad ltt
voiaa. X. l. lailolt waa alactad Aldar
otan la tha bayanlh Ward oar John
F. Wblt. tba rota be In It! to 11).
I'oor Trnatrco IJectrd. bat fifth
foaltion Vnnrttlrd.
AIJ1A.VT. Or. Dac. (. 5poclaL
Four naw trualaaa wara alactad for tba
oarn of fodavii; and two maa tiad
or tha fifth poa i tl on. aceordlac to final
raturaa racalaad bara lata tonlcht.
Tha aaw truacaaa ara: A. Cola, A.
A. Kins. H. J. Hood aad Cbarlaa
Thicker, with Henry Robaon and
Goorca Xaal. tlad R. L I'attaraon
waa alactad Ctty llaeordar oar v. A.
J.T.Ith. W. C Kmtth and A. J. IJahtla.
La Mourtla waa aiactad City Marahal
oyar J II. Bawlay and ilosua i arrlsa
II. Marfan in alactad City Traaaurar
without opa-oalllon.
S. A. nroaUcad .mrd Mayor aad
Ma nil a rd Oil Orta I'rrrolU
TILLAMOOK. 6r, Doe. . 4pactaL)
Tba city alactlon raaa4 off qulatly
with a small yoto cast. Tho ouccasaful
candt-lataa wara. Mayor. 8. A. Uroad
head: Treasurer. M W. Itarrlron: Coun
cilman. I'irat Ward. Iald U'Donnall;
Second Ward. U. H. llJmJnda; Third
Ward. R. T lul: Foor-.b Ward. W. J.
Hilt; Flflh Ward. IL A. WlUUtna; Walar
Commissioner. Albert TV. I'lank.
Thero waa aotca UtUa Intaraat takaa
ln tho nvaltar of civlnc tba standard
IMI Company a franchiao to local a a
4iatriautaa station bars, wblcb waa
carriad by a majority of mora thaa .
IL O. Thomas DTrata Joba Wataoa
at Turwr, Or.
TTR.VKR. Or. Doc. paclaD
At tba aloctlon bara today R. (X Thomas
waa alactad Mayor oar John Watson
by aiht yolaa. Tha tola! number caat
waa t
Two ties 4alpad. ona la tbo raco
(or Trsaeurar. wbara Harry Crawford
and 5. A. )l Mooro dlvldad tbo voto.
and In tha Cotiti. l!mnm contaat. wbara
Manry Chlaaoa and II. L Carl tlad. W.
hrr.itb dfatd lb ma!l tor Council
man by on ota. For City Recorder.
Krank lltil woo over Ira I a Jioblaeoa
by aa vole.
J. 11. Sand era I (lioom Rrrordrr
for 1'oarth Trrm.
MIKRIDtX. Or. Par. paclaly
With no maa.ura or lseua bafora tha
Prp. ibartdan'a wite today waa only
partial, and 314 ballots wara cast.
J. r IHIiay waa ra-ala-tad Mayor for
tha third lima, and J. H. andr Ha-
corvicr for tbo fanrtb tarmw tl W. Haa
waa ra-aiected Traaaurar by three ma
)rtty over bt opponent. J. F. Fcott
For Marahak F. M. IMrbey waa Te
alcctad over Georfo Clark by a ma
jority of one vole. Councilman ejected
era IV. L :.krile. R. C Field. ". K.
H"ider and Loo Kow.IL
Andrew K era haw rtr-clcctcd aad
Two Xrw Cooncllrorn NamrcL
WIIJJAMrNA. Or. Dor. (J ra
cial Andrew Kershaw waa re.
elected Mayor bara today at tha tows
election, when only a email veto waa
irther officer named were: Recorder.
Ira C. Harbor: aaw Council men. Joba
Phalrr aad W. K. Coyla: Treasurer,
Paul Fundaan; Marshal. George Rata
aaj. Three CooncJIrsea bald ever.
Only Elfht Votra Caat Afalaat Ea
gene Coartnry. Xrw OfflcUL
LAFAYETTE. Cr. Doe. a. SpoclaL)
ioty eicbt votaa out af let today
war cast acalaat Eueaa Cosrtaey
tor Mayor of Lafayette.
Other officers elected ware A. P.
rietcber and W. M. Todd for Couacu
maa. Jamas Darby. Recorder, re
elected: Keith PawaU. Treasurer; A. P.
Lama a. Marakat
(.rants Pa Purchase Tlrjrrtrd bj
Vote of 1I3S to t.
GRANT PA'.I. Or. Dec. . Spe
cial About lie voted wore caat to
day. Intaraat cenlerlnc 00 the preposi
tion to parchsee the Reae River Water
ConMHr'1 p'snt at 1 1 :).. The pres-;
1 ft'V The nraa-
ent Mayor a4vocaied toe purcnaae, I
r a4vocated II
wbXa bota caadidaua at todays aieo- I
tloa opposed It. A few yaara o tha
water company offered tho plant at
a much lower flrura. Tha propoal
tloa waa verwbelmlnt-ly defeated
ibea aad aa badly bealea today, tha
rota be Ins (t for purcbaaa aad 1111
For Mayor. Dr. J. P. Trou waaaleetad
over U. M. CaJdwalL 747 to 4t.
Tba following Councilman war
elected: W. A. l addock. C IL Demary.
William Bunch. O. J. Kalpa.
jcxctiox city Dnrs wrx
Mayor aad roar Councllmra Elrct
rd. WcU nectint Two.
JUNCTION CITT. Or, Deo. t. (Spe
cial.) Tbraa hundred and three, ta
tare est aambor of voteo oast la tba
history of tha town, wra polled to
day. Tba Cttlteas ticket, tba dry.
elected tha Mayor, four Councilman aad
Recorder. Th Taxpayers', or wta,
elected two Councilman,
Tha results wara:
Clttaena- ticket C IL MacKnlcht.
Mayor. Ill: Councilman, two years. P.
O. Bowman. !:: F. U Roaeboroucb,
lt: C. IL Wain. I4: aloala term.
C. A. Janee 111: Ed Leppert. 14S: Joha
Ladena. lit: Hav. J. A. Panaatt, Of
Christian Church. Recorder. 11.
Taxpayers' ticket i. . Murphy, ex-
Mayar. IK: Councilman, two yaara.
Georye WUhalm. 1J0: Ola I'etereon.
lit; II. C. Hansen. 14: alnxle term,
ram Flint. 144: J. M. Nichols, lit: F.
O. Loo. t:s. William U rrman, for
Recorder. 147.
ftiayton Electa Physician.
fTATTOX. Or. Dec. . (special.
Dr. H- A. Ileauchamp was elected Mayor
of Ptayton today by IIS votes, bavins
no opposition. J. Greer waa cboeen
City Recorder over Joba Thorn. Tba
vote stood ltt and tl. respectively. John
ivownln defeated Wess Rices for Clir
Marshal 11 to - J. R- liardner and
Charlea Lulhy wera alerted Council-
mt over tbeir oppoDaia. C ll. Holford
and G. M. Murphy. Tba rot stood:
Oardner lit. Holford ST. Luthy lit. and
Murpby 14.
rear Cast Tot at Tall City.
FALLS CITT. Or. Deo. .( Special. )
-With a total rota east ot It, out af
a votlof population approximately of
tot. tha annual election today passed off
quietly. Out of a field of els-ht. winning
candidates for lb three vacant Court
rllmanle position wsro N. Keilf. wlih
lit votes: i loort - March, with si
votes, and U. W. Orentner, Wltb
Lebanon Votra Dowo Library I'lan.
LEBANON. Or. Dc. (Special.)
At tha election here today J. U Under
wood waa elected Mayor, and A. M.
Reeves. Councilman, rirst Ward: D. A.
Iteeve. Councilmao. ttecond Ward, and
O. M. Wllaon. Councilman. Third Ward.
Th plan for tha cliy to taka over
tho W. C T. V. Library waa defeated
by a larxe majority.
Callilamrt Rrnamea Mayor.
CAT!! LAM ET. Wash. Doe. . Spo-
claU) At a mass medio neia nera
last arenlna M. Gorman. was
nominated to succeed himself. John
West aad D. C. Butter, rellrlna; Coun-
cllmeo, also were nominatea tor re
election. The elty election will take
placo tomorrow.
Molalla Electa Eerhart.
MOLALLA. Or. Iac. t. (FpaclaL)
W. W. Everbart waa eiectea aiayor w
n.f M. N. klverhart City Kocordor
and J. If. Vernon City Traaaurar. 1 area
rnnariimti wero elected for two years
L, A. Dausberty. J. M. unver. r.
Ilanrtksan. Tom Wortb waa aiectau
for tba ono-year term.
Jeftcraon Illcrtlon Llntlroa.
JEFFERSON". Or. Dee. t. fpclal.)
In a li.tiess election hero today, nr.
W. W. Allen waa elected Mayor without
opposition. Oeore f. orimtn was
chosen Traaaurar. and Councilman were
lected as follows: Ray Heaves. J. la
lilackwell and P. If. Iooney. Tna vote
was extremely lisht. owing; to tho lack
of competition.
Object ot ladaacrtal Aaaorlalloaa la
so rrwsaolw lalereot at fa a Ha
ta, Car at M
OREGON CITT. Or. Dee. . (Ppe-
del.) Eleven Industrial clubs have
boon organised m Clackamas County
alnca last Monday ay County School
Supertateadeat Calavaa aad S. C Marls.
af tbo Stale Department of Public In-
true lion. Tba purpose of the clubs Is
to promote the Interest of tha pupils
a tbo practical matter of education.
such as demesne art and domestic sci
ence aad the proper care or stock ana
blckene and tba srowlns; of the more
common crops.
New Industrial clubs ara organised
eah year throughout tha county. Their
success has been marked, and mucrt
good baa been accomplished through
I h am. Mr. Maria will pass another week
la Clackamas County with superintend
ent Caiavaa soon after tba first of the
Aside from tba Industrial clubs
formed. parent teacher associations
wero formed during- tha last week, aad
bo officers elected were:
Caeereeb ITi3i). Laura Creee; vlca-
praatdaab Hesal kieore. se-retarj, Lule
Klotear; traaaurar. Linel Vltar; eaviear.
Mrs. Wary Hrn. Oaa other edvtear wtl
bo elected laker.
rerkp:e-e Praaidaat. N'eraa rrartaa;
vtre-eresldeat. I'.ra Mapea; eacralary.
B ase be Maoes; uaaaorar. It K hard M us
Gladalaae Praaidaat. re4 McrirUn 1 :
vlre-preeteeat. Habart bfrera: saemarr. Oar.
trade r.doerda: traaaurar, Thara Smlta.
Clackamas rraalJaal. Tlsrlay Haraoiaa:
vte-saaal4aat. Ra;pa Jobnaoa: earratary.
Clara Joaaaea: treeeurer, ailldrad ladnan.
-tTaa'4iw Muriel Linnet! :
Thonaaada of woraen rnffrr miarrablj
from pernoJio attacks of headache, never
draamin that a permaaerit care may be
bad. Headache nearly always results
from some disorder of the stomach, liver
or bowels. Take Chamberlain's Tablet.
They will rorrect these disorder and
there will be no more beadarbe. Many
dath Drain farm,
nava paxen
aaenllr cured br Cham-
OTta - a taoieia. tTlce 43 CtDU a ll
Iligh-lacrd Boot, midnight blue,
bronze and black glazed kid at
$0.00 and 910.00 the pair.
Just It for Christmas.
Morrison Street, near Broadway.
rlce-prasKlaBt. Ernest Linnatt: eacratsry,
Harraj eluckr: iraaaurar. Cbarlaa llaad-
Helton Presioent. Atvlna Scharinser;
tinridraL Harold Wrlsht: eacratary.
Claranca Doty: treaaurar. Jobs McDonald.
Wliiamette ITealdeat. Terry Fernee. vice
preeldeav Marlon PattersoB: sacratary. Viv
laa aartboimew: treasurer, nasal Ksansy.
. UouBt Pleasant Prerl dent. A lean Chris.
lanaaa; vu-a-prai4ent. Majorte Caul: aee
retary. Bertha Hertse: tr.aaurar. Howard
Cburoi adUars. Wrd li. Lawtoa and
Mr. T. E. atcl-aiB
Clalrmoot President. William Schmidts:
vlca-praelilenl. Jean Holiday: secretary.
Ucn claf:nay; treasurer. Luclle Woarma
llanrlci Praaldeni, Mary HonaII; vice
pradrltnt Arthur Lln,ey: secretsry. Anna
linnewsM: treasurer. Welter HenMrl; A4
tlarra Miss Lacks tpence and Willamette
Mullna President Oscar Rnckson; vice-
preetdent Caorsia Rurs: saoratary. Mary
Fnodxrses: treuurer. Jsmes Jsckson; ad
vleera. Miss Flora Grlc and Robert Enod
Watch la MalataUcd for Several Mshts,
aad Tbraa Arrcete4 Glrla De
clared Patroaa.
A palatial lottery same baa been
runnlna for soma time In the basement
under a Chinese store at 131 Vk Morri
son street, according; to oharges made
by Lieutenant Harms and Patrolmen
Martin and Powell, after they raided
tho place last nljchL Tba Ulcers say
tbo rooms were luxuriously furnished
and equipped for transacting; the lot
tery business on a larse scale.
No white men or women wero found
In tha place, but the police say they
havo Information to the effect that tha
game was played by a croup of girls
wbo work In business ollices around
tbo city.
Tbo same waa reached, tho police
say. through the Chinese store. The
olllcers received reports of the game
snd stationed themselves across the
. . .k. .I.linr. After
UVVl IV 1 1 v . ......
a vlxll which lasted Intermittently for
...... -t .... 1 h,,ri ware re.
acciai uiauto, .. ..... - - -
warded by seems a man they suspected
ot piayin ina aau.v w
Down a wlndiiwr passaare from the
store lby roiiowea cautiously dmuuu
.it.KAa.ii wi.itrtp in a room adorned
with beautiful screens of Chinese silk.
and lurnnnca wup icwuwwm
.. ih. nniir, fmirtrl three Chinese.
Tbo ofllcers say they- found whole
bunches of lottery tickets addressed to
. . . ., th. n . rr' . . mera not
aiuercai jvu. -v.- ..v
fully written. '"Ted" waa the name on
a bunco or ticaeia seizes oj m iv.i.v
aa evidence.
The Chinese were arrested. They
ware Ah Lre. charged wltb conducting
the place, and Ah Sen and Ah Hoy,
charded with visiting-.
Aarcaaloa Cbaarl Saaday School WUI
Rata Faada for rises at Iloa
pltal for Hart Newslew.
1 imu nalH" who are 111 or Ret
v . k..r.rn,ii will havo a cot and
care free of charge at the Qood Samari
tan Hospital. Lishop Sumner, assisted
by tho children of the Ascension Chapel
Monday scnool. win proviuo "a""""'
col at that hospltai which will be free
to the youngsters.
t 1 fundi for endowing the 00 1,
-Christmas Kve." play. w"l bo len
by the children of too eunusy iraom
Faturdav. iecemoer i. at nm
The Fireplace
The" warmest little spot in
the Home should not be for
gotten in selecting a useful
and beautiful GIFT. SEE
our beautiful, new stock of
Brass Andirons, Brass and
Black Spark Folding
Screens, Fenders and Fire
Sets. . .
M. J.Walsh Co.
Salesrooms 311 Stark
Across the Way From the NEW First National Bank Bid?.
At the Store Which Always Leads
$5.00 Gillette Razor
ber only, genuine $5 Gillette, with blades
and case, as illustrated. Only a limited
number at $3.98.
At $5-lhe Gillette a Bulldog."
At 6 and $6.50 Gold or Silver Plated
At $8 and $10
worth School. ? The affair Is v being
financed by Bishop Sumner and about
2i children Mil take part.
Tha public Is to attend tha perform
ance and the money will go to the cot
fund, but the newrboys will be guests
of honor and will be Invited to come.
A number of affairs are being
planned for the "cot fund." and the
"Christmas Eve" play is not tha only
affair that Bishop feumner and the chil
dren of the Ascension Chapel have ar
ranged for the benefit of the Portland
newsboys. Some of th grown-ups of
the church aro Interested and will as
sist Bishop 8umner and tha children.
Instructed Verdict Ordered Kegard
lns; Death of Walter Branln.
Coroner Damasch set a precedent last
night when he ordered- tha Jury con
sidering the death of J. Walter Branln.
manager of the Portland office of the
Cnited Press, to brinit In-a verdict that
Mr. Branln met his death by being run
over by a streetcar. No testimony was
heard. ' , , ...
This Is said to be the first time In the
history of Multnomah- County that a
Coroner has Instructed his Jury to
bring In a verdict without hearing tes
timony. The order was the result of a
combined request rrom attorneys rep
resenting the family and the Portland
Railway. Light & Power Company.
Salem Fire Loss In Year Is $80,582.
aiTPr re ni . fpDeclaL) Sa-
lem's fire loes during the past year was
So Badly Man Could Not Lie
Down Cured by inoL
vaa re' and years we have been
telling tho people of Portland that
Vlnol Is a wonderful remedy ior orim
cblal troubles. Here Is positive proof
Tim., tii -Vnr flva Tears I suf
fered from bronchial asthma. In the
Winter time I was obliged to sit in
a Morris chair all night, as I could
it. naii nalni ta that dreadful
choklnf sensation. I tried nearly every
known remedy, but nothing gave me
any relief until one day I met the Sta
ii.. ient at Willlsvllle. 111., and he
said be bad been a sufferer ior years.
w.a v... ...r. k, vinoi. i ar once
commenced to take It, and the result
Is my cough is gone, my appetite nas
inr,.ov.H and I can He down and
sleep ail night, and my experience leads
me to believe that Vlnol la a certain
remedy for bronchial asthma." John
IL Condell. Tllden, 111.
Tha rann that couzh syrups fall
In such cases Is because they are pali
.nv. nnlv. while Vlnol removes the
cause, being a constitutional remedy In
which are combined the healing ele
ments of fresh cod livers, togetner
. i. .AMi I,.. mnA heef nentone. It
strengthens and revltalUes the entire
system and assists nature to eii uig
disease. The Owl Drug Co, Portland,
p. 8. In your own town, wnerever
you live, there Is a Vlnol drug store.
Look for the sign.
Today, $3.98
A stirring Christmas Meier &Frank
special a reduction on one num
Gillette Sets in Pigskin or Morocco.
Cutlery Dept., Main Floor. Sixth St
orders filled if mailed at once
' - -vvy
180,532, with lnsuranoe amounting to
J63.911. The loss to buildings was 140.
27 and to contents J40.30J. Insurance
on bulldings'was $34,674 and on other
contents 135,237.
Pressure of AVorX on Coroner Causes
Postponement ot Case.
No inquest will be held tonight in
the case or John Llnnd, who was mur
dered at 407 Stark street last month,
as had been announced, owing to the
pressure of cases at the Coroner's of
fice at the present. It will be held in
the near future. The jurors have all
been sworn in and the Inquest will have
only tha purpose of straightening the
records of the Coroner's office, as Llnnd
has been burled. The supposed slayer,
George Bartholomew, is still at large.
In police circulars, to be Issued today,
a reward of $500 is offered for the cap
ture of Bartholomew.
James Mofatt Is Dead.
OREGON CITT, Or.. Dec. 6. (Spe
cial.) James Mofat died this morning
at the Oregon City Hospital at the age
of 68 years. He was a brother of J.
W. Mofat, president of the Oregon En
gineering & Construction Company,
and was employed here about four
years by the Willamette Pulp & Paper
Companv. He went to Forest GroVe
To Seattle
To Tacoma
'llSbj 'jisai "lll'l,"
& " Ill 2i
For convenience, comfort,
satisfaction THIS LINE
day or night service. New
steel sleeping cars latest
improved; new steel coaches,
smoking cars, diners. Ob
servation cars on both day
CONTINUOUS SERVICE to Chehalis, Centralia, Ray
" mond, South Bend, Aberdeen, Hoquiam, Olympia.
Northern Pacific Railway
The Yellowstone Park Line
Double Daily Through Service
To Chicago
To Minneapolis-St. Paul
City Ticket Office: 255 Morrison Street
Phones: Main 244, A 1244
A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A. Portland, Or.
about 15 years ago. Following an at
tack of paralysis recently. J. W. Mofat
went to Lewiston and returned with
him. .
is "From a daylight
rthere are
six more in
r ,-, -, MsT-s.arwaa-bw