Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 07, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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$2,104,000 ASKED
Store Opens
Daily at
8:30 A. M.
On Saturdays
9:00 A. M.
Store Closes
Daily at
5:30 P. M.
On Saturdays
6:00 P.iL
Fate of Amount for Columbia
Mouth Depends on B'vers
and Harbors Bin.
Pacific Phone
Marshall 5080
Home Phone
A 2112
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
I 1 1 r-a I I
- . aj . " . " ' ""avar -ar . ai. -..- -a. - i
JirtU.J-t-' flora Cat $90,999
Thaa) Appropriated Lvt
j Year tor ear rroer Xorlb-we-
llrtm .rv Many.
I tit-"n W.-. C To coaplli the north
tv at the snoalb of the Columbia
; Fiver, eccordlnf litlsul! cf Army
t engiaaara. wt:i rei-tlre aa epproprla-
I ti ef CllMK.
Coesreaa tedav was asked la ao-Ti-Bprui
l:.It.u14. tli If aetaanv
oempru:4 t:l aeellate enty email
? appropriation east mmIm. The large
apre;rt!lo ea be secured anty In
e event of the reseter river and
$ r arbor III pa..: a. Walla IM U the
, Itrseat :e a a5ropriat-a ever
- r. m-cd-d for a Nocthareet proJ.-t.
If I l thaa w a.i.d tbia i-i fur
1 t"i. Ei.awra. Tiwmi UMo. MlmIc
eroi or M;..ourt rtvere.
Tinui rt:r lacrea.lna' is M
for lb snoutb cf ta ColamM
: f te vi::amatte CotuarMe, l"ort
l..j.rim..d. 114.1 &o I-. 1 1 vve
y IM aruj.ct received !').) mart thaa
tau amount.
( l;l!au!M for Orion rivers and
' k.rbora Columbia Rir. from
! F-U'6tr leading. ir. to t.-e s.a.
t:.i U.ov: Coo Bay. T.'ia; Till moo
)ut aad bar. 1 ; Clat.ealea Rive
Ili-it. tot:i River. !. Tan-Una IJ i't. Columbia aad Low.r Will
emt: river., d.o I'oraUad. tl4e.s
Columbia Rlvr. month. SJ.Ul.aee
1 jj.f rolimti River and trtbotartae
above C:ilJ rI! lo the moatfe of
fnait lli.eo-t: ftneke Rir ap to
)'it!inirf t-aadia-. Ili.eee; WllUmclla
e"d lemhiii rtvar. it:. to.
T1 Trea.ury Department, will aub-
tnit a budget that UI carry the fol
! hie( ucfc ltme la addilioa lo
thm annual routiae appropriation
TrB National foraaCA. IH.JH. Wuh'
- !- i an ! troa. caw aalabllahssaata.
t:.Di. K!im4E;oa projacta C
til;. I ); Kiaavaeh. Ill !.): road
' an4 lmtroinaaca. Cralar Laka Farh.
' tlll.ZH. coottooinf work oa public
WUtnr In l'ort:n4. f:JiW; Iloaa-
I b'if-. I .: Vtanqitr.
Indiaaa KUnvata. ': Warm
fL) IIM'I. L'matiU. U4: tijilam
booi. Grae4 Koi4 aad
- h.i-tt. I ()-. Klamala rritioa. J.-
rira miarllaa rroTlaVaal.
X Othar orvcoa approprlalioea ikoo-
; tiaB.iail lo Cwncraaa ara:
iTotacttoa of Oroo A Catlforsla
! Ui'l crtut acaiaat fir, lii.1: cot
T ttnolaa; road coutrwtlaa. Cralar Laka
lark. fl4.4': admmiatraltoa of
Cralar Laka Park. tt.S-33: complaltoo
mf itnproaaajant. Tillamook liar. IJi.
; hi. coejtnictton of total mtfj
a'aamar lo rplara tba Uadaar. ca
mwl. t.'j.iaO; lmproaraota of Co
limbi i:ir cuaxaatloa atalloa.
trta. tt;.).
tf aa appropriation for tba Salam
; Indian 5rhooL fti.') la to ba a pa at
- or aanaraJ rpaira aad iO'J to ro-
a"d I IAa aawar ajratam.
Tba following approprlatioaa ara
ta-omman4a4 for Waaatnctoa:
Vificoutir public bulldlDf. I i !.'.
a. rd-'n puMi- bulldtnt.
l:;taaitir( buiidiac. $ .: Saattla
(wMtoffica. ia.4 to atart coaatractioa.
Waatrba balldlnc. IM.: nulnK
. tioa cf dam a-ro Taklma Iiir for
Irrtcatlna of lodiaa land. 1 :)
t purrbaaa or air for Taklma J aula o
- projori. $',); Okaaocan proct.
)')!: Taktaia Vl!r projart. :l.
; a.i.; mproamaal Crara Karbor and
l'bh:ta Rir. $H.'J: C'.arka and
r lt f:ar. t :!.): Kalian Pinrr
llftikaua IH.tO't: Mount Ralalar
I rk. I U. ): attla a.ay effl. 113.
'.; tadiaa Si-boot. Taroma. I j ..
tnacailea. Puat Sound Nary-yard.
I !. torpedo atatioa. PUa'at (uuad
ay-rara. arwd tha uaual aa-
proprtatmaa for avaiolaaaaca of lodtaa
acat'a la (tata.
fafca XaoaVa Ara Clara.
A moot tha tdabo approprtatloaa
r"-omma4a4 ara tba folloarlaa:
f.oi Irricatloa proJt. ii !.;
Vinidoka roj-t. I l:.oa: Jarkana
ljkH atoraa. I;ll."l. Twin alt
bonding. t:j. . ladiaa aaaltarlum.
'rt tapwai. H I': Tort Hall Irrlca
I tn prt. jaa.m.
A total of It.? !;.: la aakao for no
t.nuinff work en the Ataaka railroad.
: tf this. It. :. la la ba aoaat oa tba
C brtsca road from Uataaoaka Jufw-lion
lo Maeaaoaka coat rt-ld: tl.i:.aa lo
r!wt railroad frora MiU I, oa
. A laska ta Sbip Croak: U.JJt.
1 a.. to ait.nd Aka N-rtbara from
Mataauaka Juartioaj to Ml la IIS, and
baianea for a-aaaral aap-aaaaaL
I Otb.r approprtatloaa r .command ad
j er.:
apa Fpaacar tlbtboqaa. I !.:
aida to cattoa. road and
all. Ill . matical rtlaf for ta-
n.. 1 5 .; car for laaa. f :..
t - pisrvhaa farm Imptmanta for aa
inn. I; ".'I'll: .tbinm.ot of Ha-bl
Iiium daavol. Jj.l; to ceaalrwt fi.a-
.riaa taapaction aal. )4.aa: aow
; but;dlaa for fur taland. I J J.;
tnarkiBa booadarr. lltJ.-: op rat loo
' cabta ael t-l.rapa Mttaa, fjil.lia.
a. a
"Four Christmas Shopping'
CAN BE BONE With the Most Satisfaction HERE
Photograph by Underwood.
Tbl pictnro farauhaa additional proof of tba tramaadou powar and daatmctlva force of tha powerful Otr
iin baary artlllarr. Tba (unt tbat azecutad thia Job wara of tha Gorman and Austrian JO J-callbar Ekoda typa.
Altboaja in ritadl waa of tba mo t mod ara typa. It could Dot aland tha terrific bombardment of tbeia high ex
ploatra abali vary loac. Tba plctara ahowa German aoldlert axamtnloa; tha wracked cltadeL
St. Louis, Chicago and Dallas
Center Convention Fire.
San I'raorlaco Krrrua to liar Left
rirLJIVrjnocratlc Comraltfre to
Hrar Itrrly King Conmt
Over Orrcoa Chalrmanablp.
WAJtHIXOTO.V. Dae The flaht for
the Iemorratie Natmpal coorentlon cf
1 narrowed tonight to three cltiee
St. Louia. Ch aco anl Dallas with tba
lattar harm by far tba lara;et and
moat rnthuaiaalia detrsatlon on the
baa Kraaclaco. brratofora recardad
i a conteataat for coovantlon booora.
saaraa to baa l.ft tha flaid.
Tha Democratic National Commlttaa
moeta tomorrow to decide the lima and
lace of the convention, which all the
rommittreman aarree will renominate
President Wllaon.
tb la t alt far lallaa.
Tha 5o u t h a r n remniiitrmtn ara
pretty aanaraUT lined ap for Dallas,
M'e oiVf membera of the party-con-Irot.lnaT
body aro about eoaally dlvtd.
ad bataje.a lMraao and tit. Louia. There
ppaara to be a arenaral feellns; unl
tba Democrats that the Republican Na-
local convention will be held In
The rommlltra will haar the contest
f II. XL kleterlr asalnat Will R. Kmc
nd datarmlne who la tba rlahtful Na
local coumlttaaman from Urearon.
Klnf bas bean In conference all day
itu frt.nde oa tha National commit-
aa and faeia confidant ba will ho he kt
ntltlad to cmrnttteemanblp until the
lo.o of hi lour-year term.
Dr. Klas tadleeite) aa favorite.
I'p to a lata hoar today Mr. Katerly
bad not appaarax al Deoiocmtia hrad-
uartara. thoua:h he bad bean expectel.
be tloaa riot appear neither con
aatant will make personal tr(umnl.
a Judfa Kins haa a Ivan hi provy to
H llaw.a and Inatrnrted him to
ol fr faltaa.
To roptr.ta ara to he aettled. one
from Kenlurkr and the other from
T'ton U.naraJ W. B. Ilaldrrean. of
uiaville. la cooteatlnar for tha seat of
rey Woodn. of Owaasboro, in tba
their name from tha State Department
iut. They have no credential.
When attarhea arrive at an Embassy
tea Ambassador Informs the State De
partmeat of tha fact, and their namee
ara placed oa the official Hats of the
state Department. If their namee are
removed they have no official status.
la the eae of fioy-ed and Von Pa pen.
however, the Government desires that
they leave the country. They ara not
wanted here, even In the capacity of
private cltlsena, and tha State Depart
ment will be satisfied only when they
have crossed a border or ara outside of
tba three-mile limit.
Iteporta were circulated today tbat
nea-otlallona for the settlement of
question rrowlna; out of the slnklnr
of the Laaltanla would be discontinued
by Ambassador Bernstorff until the
present controversy waa settled.
It waa pointed out at the Mate De
partment, however, that tha Am-
baeaador and Secretary Lanainc had
conferred about the Lualtania ques
tlons aa late aa Friday, after tha re
quest for tha withdrawal of tba
ttachea bad been made.
cut or as rxciiixcr..
International Volunteers Are
Called Out at Shanghai.
Crew of Cruiser Thought to Have
Mutinied Found to Have Been
Overpowered by Insurgent
Force) From Land.
. r-krvUnt and Rrltef fart to
pa-ad intr la Arctic
Mrw li'RK. Dec. . Word reached
tha Amri aa Muaaura cf Natural His
tory lo-lar ft bo the Crockertaad
.9e-1!tioa a ad a reUaf party cent lo
it. et '.lt ssend the Winter Icebound
ti Arcti--. tetters recaived from
t-ona.d B. KKitiliaa. leader of the
r aer'.and eapeditioo. by way cf Co.
en!aaa. said that the men of bis
tarty were la coo-d heel'b and were
prapartax ta epaad the Winter ta the
.- t;c refions and to cootlaoe eiplora
t in the Uprise".
Ir KUnuiad O. Hover, who ta lead
l the reliaf party oa tbe steamer
iMorn B. Cluett. report bis ship
r-oa la at Nortb Star Bay, i:t miles
ofti cf Etaa. tbe base cf the Mac
M::; at pad it ion. There la ao lad lea
t oa that tha two pertiee have aue
raadad. la eatabliabiaa; commualcatloa
wnb aa'-a atbar.
.oTf,e L. Itakrr to Speak.
rommlaaloser Georce L. Baker will
t.t:ver aa ad treas before the Piedmont
m-amity Cl'ta this evenlna; at 7 11
Wlowlsc the monthly benqtet of tbe
r'canliatioa. Me w..i take a his sub
"Ti fnamplojrment Probiesa."
The PledoMal cla waa 'fuU4 two
esoatbe a. .
kantnrky flchl.
Few member ef tha committee
war there I a ronteal from Ore
on. hut thoaa familiar with tha faets
itfil aipftttad the cplaloa tbat the
rommlttae will decide la favor of Mr.
Kmc. eeparlally In vlaw of the fact
t:t be ar aa eected for four years, and
hi election ae raiified by the Na
tional convention. Committeemen wbo
bold tbl vtw contend thare a aa no
vacaawy at the time Mr. Leterly waa
td. and. therefore, be Is aot en
titled to co oa the committee until
Mr. K tea's term espirea next J ana. Mr.
Kie. tebea told tonlabt of a report lUtariy would not appear before
tbe committee, but bad banded bla
credentials to eenator Lan. erpresee4 view that ronator Lane would not
appear and make the flfht acajnat
biro. No member of tha committee
coult be fxoad to lad tbe contest la
behalf cf Mr. Caterty.
Hiploalve Ar Reported Foamd
Apartsneat of A a atria a.
NT.W TORK. Dev. Aetlasr ander
In.tructions from William flyna. chief
of tba eecret eervlee. detectives took
to police headquarter for laveatlcs
tloa today Kucea Kluaer. deecrtbad
as a liunsarlaa typeeettar. bta wf
aad Anton f. Meate, aa Austrian.
la Klusers apartment tha detectives
say they fund a tarre ronalfament
of chemical a aad esploalvea.
fVA?!uad yreni FTrvt Pare I
but when Dr. Dumb left tha United
State be asked the State Department
to secure a safe conduct for him. and
the request was rrmnted.
Accord n to tbe official view, the
State Department asked tbat tba at
tache be wrhdrawa as a matter of
court. y to the German government.
Should It so desire, the department
could discontinue their official stand
lac by tbe simple method of remevtns
Xorthweatera W aaklaartaa aad a-aatb-eaatera
Rrltlafc Caleeahla Ar
ttelda of Oaerafloaa.
HOOD RrVKIt. Or.. Dec (.(Special.)
While W. N. Winter, a local tele
phone man. decllnea lo dlacusa hla
future plans, he does not deny state
ments of Ms associate to the effect
that he wilt become president and gen
eral manacer of tha Puftet Sound Tele
phone Company, a company that will
merge and take over conrerna operat
ing about IS exrnaneea In Northwestern
Washington and routhaatera British
Mr. Winter will leave tomorrow for
San Francisco, whera It la understood
tha Onal steps of the huee nerotia
tlons. Involving more than $1,000,000.
will be taken. Slnea last June he haa
been at work on the merger of the
Independent line and since that time
he has traveled 0.)0 miles ln his
labors of organisation.
One of hla moat difficult tasks. It Is
said. ha. been that of ehowina; the
1'nlted States Departmrnt of Justice
tbat he waa free from the Intereata of
tha Bell Telrphone Company. He haa
lust received permission from the de
partment to conclude hla narotlatlon
Simultaneously with tbe Wsshinrton
m-rg.r a change wilt take Place In
tba operation of the Oregon-Washing
ton T.lepbone Company, a mercer of
tne systems or the Hood River Valley,
V) nite e-almon and tioldendale. Wash
While tbe lo-aJ board of directors win
continue their meetincs bare, the it,
a-ru tire office will be loeated at Everett,
uo. wnere Mr. "inter will have hi
Mr. Winter will continue In the offl
elal capacity of president of the local
company, which also has control of the
triepaone company at Stevenson. Wash
Fv-Reeretary to Give) Testimony on
' Kale of ftalUeshlpei to Greece,
NKW TORK. Dec. , (Special.)
niliiarn J. nrysn today waa served at
tha Mil t more Hotel with an order signed
by Justice Ciegerlch requiring him to
appear faturday morning to be exam
Inad about transactions connected with
tba aale by tbe 1'nlted Statea to Greece
of two battleship.
Mr. Bryan will bo asked whether any
secrets of fir control, aiming or other
control of gun or war vessel sold by
tne I. n uea Metee to ureec were con
fided to Agamemnon Schl!ema;n. Prims
Minister of Greece. The order was ob
tain ad In connection with a libel suit
brooght by Petros P. Tetania against
Atlantis, a Greek newspaper.
Oregon Poatmastere Appointed.
Inert on. Deo. sV-Oregon postmasters ap-
poinieoj inqaf were
Kmll w. naekua. Hlldebrand. vli-a
rrmanaei J. Pool. Ceceaeed: Mrs. Alice
P. Orev, Trastor. vice Mrs. O. Trestor,
Rear-Admlral Ludlow III.
SEW TORK. Dec i. Rear-Admlral
Nleoll Led low. U. 8. it., retired, la In
a dangerous condition at his hotel here
aa the result of an attack of apoplexy
lata today.
T Car A Cold la Oae Day. LAXATrv BMOafO QCTNtNg! Tablet
t-raf st.te r.ruad aoaa If it tails ta nn a
K. UaaVt e aaataxe la on aaca baa. Ue.
SHANGHAI Dec . Three out-
breaka by email bands of rebels within
tha last 14 hours bava been put down
by the authorities, who now apparent
ly have the situation well In hand.
Tbe cruiser Chao-ho seised yester
day afternoon by 40 men who boarded
her from a launch, was abandoned by
the rebels early today after she had
been shelled and set on fire. It was
reported at first that the crew of the
Chao-ho had mutinied, but It developed
today that the bombardment by the
cruiser of other warships and the
arsenal was carried on under com
pulsion from the rebels who surprlxod
and overpowered the crew. Three men
ou the cruiser were killed and live
An attack from land on the arsenal
at midnight waa repulsed quickly after
some rifle firing.
The third outbreak occurred at 4
o'clock this morning. A party of 30
or 40 rebela attacked the Chapel sub
police station, throwing bombs, which
killed one policeman and Injured three.
The outlasva were dispersed by troops.
Althouxh a number of shots fell In
the foreign settlement, no damage of
Importance was done there.
During the forenoon further trouble
developed in the vicinity of the French
concession. About 10:30 o'clock 300 men,
for the most part coolies, armed with
bombs and Mauser rifles, attempted to
setxe the Chlnexo police station at tTfe
west gate of the native city, adjoining
the French concession.
Tbelr attack waa repulsed and they
attempted to retreat Into the French
concession, resisting attempts by the
French police to disarm them, firing
on the French and throwing bombs at
the French police station.
The French replied to the fire, upon
which the rebels took refuge In houses
in the Kue t-tmene Hard. Firteen ar
rests by the Chinese and French, police
followed shortly. Intermittent firing
by the rebels was Kept up. The Inter
national volunteers have been called
out and posted at strategle points with
orders to search for weapona all
Chinese coming Into the settlement.
Thia afternoon French police arrested
a body of 3& men at Siccawel. near the
native city. The men were armed with
bombs, rifles and bayonet.
New York Commissioner Removed
ALBANY. N. T.. Dec Governor
is "Crowded with
there are
six more in
Th?7point (juia
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
Boundless Variety in
Bolls & Books
Don't put off buying until the last minute. Early choosing
is always the best choosing. A small deposit will hold your
purchase for future delivery, if you so desire. Let these
attractively low priced offerings help you in your selections:
In the Doll Section
12-inch' Kid-Body DoIIa, with light or dark hair, at. . .
12-inch Baby Dolls that are delightfully attractive at
13-inch Character Dolls in a great variety at.
12-inch Character Dolls in various characters at.....
14-inch Kid-Body Dolls, with moving eyes, at. ......
24-mch Kid-Body Dolls, hip joint, moving eyes, at...
20-inch Kid-Body Dolls, with moving eyes, at
17-inch Kid-Body Dolls, with celluloid heads, at
19-inch Kid-Body Dolls, with eyelashes, priced at...
le Staffed Animals priced for this sale at
35c Stuffed Animals priced for this sale at
$2.00 Large Jointed Dells priced for this sale at
Campbell's Kid Dolls priced for this sale at
Charley Chaplin Dolls priced for this sale at.
Little Billie Handcars priced for this sale at. ..
Books and Books for Boys and Girls
40c Foxy Grandpa Comic Books reduced to
50e Boy Scout Copyright Books, this sale at
50c Campfire Girls' Series, in cloth binding, at
50c Mrs. Meade's Books for Girls reduced to
75c Home and School Stories, in cloth binding, at
Mother Goose Series, in cloth binding, priced at
The Wizard of Or, In cloth binding, priced at
$1.00 Presentation Books at 50t
Full cloth binding books, including "Black Beauty," "Uncle Tom's
Cabin," "Evangeline," "Courtship of Miles Standish," Hia- r A
watha," etc books regularly sold at SI. This sale at wv
Special Slio-wing
Holiday Silks
181 T
m kf TVajro H aV
' C h a rminr
and dainty
p a t terns
and the
wanted plain
shades in weaves
and colorings
waists, dresses, trimmings and
all sorts of fancywork.
Japanese Silks, full 20 inches
wide, shown in over seventy
five plain colors. A r
rare value at, yard .aw DC
Japanese Silks, full 27 inches
wide. They come in ' a fine,
heavy weight, suitable for
fancywork, waists and under
garments. All the wanted col
ors to choose from. At,
the yard
New Novelty Silks at
$1.00 to ?2.00 Yard
An endless variety of exquisite
ly beautiful Novelty Silks, full
36 inches wide, shown in all the
correct patterns and colorings
for waists, dresses and holiday
sewing. Stripes, checks, plaids,
warp-print fancies, jacquard
weaves, etc Matchless values
Fancy Bath Towels
At 35
A good large Bath Towel, espe
cially desirable for gift purpose.
They come in fancy styles and
are very attractive. Other sizes,
in same styles, at 12c to 22c
Whitman tonight sustained the charges
of official misconduct and neglect of
duty .filed by the Thompson investigat
ing committee of the Legislature
against Edward K. McCalL of New
York, chairman of the down-state Pub-lie-
Service Commission, end removed
him from office.
Quebec Citadel Catches Fire.
QUKBKf. Pe . The Citadel, one
of the historical landmarks about Que
bec, where a considerable amount of
hay, grain and oils are stored, caught
fire today. The flames were extin
guished with slight damage and before
they reached some largepowder maga
zines in the building.
Mrs. Ellen Luck French Is Dead.
NEWPORT, R. I.. Dec. 6 The death
of Francis O. French and mother of
Mrs. Elsie French Vanderbtlt. at Bourne
Mouth, England, was announced here
today. Mrs. French had been a Sum
mer resident of Newport for 35 years.
At the time of her death he was
visiting her daughter, Lady Cheyles-merc.
Amsterdam Is Increasing- its water supply.
Alligator do net attain lull size until
of Mrs. Klln luck French, widow they are nearly 100 years old.
That Will Help You Choose for
Christmas shopping is dreaded by many persons be
cause they can think of nothing "new" to buy for gif's.
Feeling that shoppers would rather buy gifts they
know will please ' their friends or relatives, The Owl
herewith presents a
FewStapleChristmas Gift Suggestions
Buy a
Now and
Send it
Dressed to
For Women
Tou make no mistake
when you buy Parisian
Ivory. The Indications are
that French Ivory will be
more popular tbls year
than ever.
We have Just received
several large shipments in
new and staple patterns.
There Is a big difference
In F re n e h .Ivory. Some
kinds have wooden cores
which are covered with a
thin coating of French
Ivory. The French Ivory
we carry Is solid. It is
made Into thick sheets and
then sawed and worked
into the various articles.
' Th French Ivory that
you buy at the "Owl" will
give a lifetime of service.
Regular f 3.50 Mirror
Regular 3J50Ha'ir Brush..
Regular .85 Comb
Regular 1.25 Nail Buffer..
Regular 1.00 Nail Buffer..
Regular .75 Cream Jar...
a friend. They make artistic
bric-a-brac, 4 to 8 inches
high. Celluloid Kewpies.
, $2.8
f 69
Most Men Prefer
Military Brushes
Ebony, per pr. $2.50 to $5
Rosewood $2.50 to $5
Parisian Ivory $2.50 to $5
Safety Razors
To Every Man
The OWL'S Prices for
Auto Strop
Gem Junior
. .$1.00
Sale of
One-quarter off our en
tire stock of umbrellas.
Reg. $1.25, now.. 94c
Reg. $1.50, now. .$1.15
Reg. $2.00, now.. $1.50
Reg. $2.25, now.. $1.69
Reg. $2.50, now.. $1.88
Reg. $3.00, now. .$2.25
Exclusive Agents Red Feather Toilet Preparations.