Tm: sronxnro orehoma. moxdat. peckjibek . o. idij, 8 REVIVAL OF TRADE IS UNPRECEDENTED Business Canvass Shows Bet ter Conditions Over Wide Section of Country. LABOR DEMAND GROWING M rh I Ci parr ted Frofw Plan of Traafc Lla la Ee to r-apply aMp Jacraxh, 4o Ralo rrtght Illarkad. O'lTAGO. D. . TH Chicago Trl hu lu siad a urvey cf basis condition. a raetalt of It fmJ tkl Beprace J-atd fMrllr pri: cir a wide ar. eapcir.y the c-nrrl etion of th I'olt'd Stat. Toi tim: i Im4 oa report from Bnr larg cantor. Th Dvtrolt Hoard ff Coaatrt r ort tbat Stasia. ka ba crowing i '! tin ni tk,t th poo-ilatioo eftu aa ivimm of J.)1. Indiaa (oii bank elarac ami otl r--ipte ar reri-U (4 crtaira br- t-r a kick pla of prorerity. Mionol'e ehow a Ixriu la four ehipmant f .). barrl aer any 4lr pMd of prtou year. n-t from c I'anl It la rerte mat a 1 linae kaa br showing I trM4 velocity ia th Ut t week Th iuI Uakot abl crop M ( Bain of a aw tl etui la Imiuiit r aa factor la tk apbuiid o. fnt Ml B .-. K4UU City a fcia traa-t cf Vultt. du t kwpir crop aad aa lni-r.4 b;point of pusi an I factory prod-ict at w r prU-.a. Marvbants r ituri'4 taalr rirk aa a raeult of kiim Kaoru frooa Kauu, Oh :aus. Ark4tit.. Hott Natraa, law an J ttajlert. I url. Cll g.v.e cut cr-m-n I of til trad lapromnL Cvitmb ekowe a great damand fr labor la ftrt. T01 -Jo bn a c.rir eely have aoa!'! to mere tba l.'i.m.Wl. abd B4ir a Irduatrtal plaata k ba stotlJ. A C'ai'ma.til effu-il of i?r?4. compare rl.ciar. M. rompanjr baa 4 a a holiday buain. darina tae aa)ta af Nov. .0 bar. Kry tl ia lb vicinity of Youctatowa l r-port4 to to wurkm; at fall ca T af. Loot tnorittii) rtt:r r- tort tAat t1lr b'.ic la InproTlas ani tCC holtUr bin ia ahad of t:9orta from avorr boIrI la tba 9u!.v particuUrty Km kino a 4. B.l' n.i l-i,ii.-ta tkat cropa ar am( hirl anf tni nnoay for tnarn la com. a wuaiut at. at a at taat a tfl af vjat prnprly oaeatna. I nmi:r i)r ka:n la In4ica!a4 ta aw i i.oii. Waaia fna faaf tt aaraalaar. a: I Lata anl 9aa rrri fparX q;aa aoeHitlaaa lrmelottIy m (fjU't J! mmatina ta a-ocxt doao r taa fair. a rraar.aca a au ia roa la all yti ta att. arcor4lnc la a4--.- frooa Wir:oa. fron a ptn aua t- aa pra fcy taa Kaaeara t-no r..rua4. warer la t'rlt la runfinmt mr b fjrp.!.) ta ra.lo ta onpra. a.iot alport traffic tmsait o at Ai!ati prta. Tna rail r'i.lj ctaatfa to cmpi nclR4 to J tr tha pritl-a af a?rtina; rem. inn4ara.t Caa.4iaa vk'al tarU(a ta ln:i sntaa porta. raat i;.-ig ctaaet kanc!I tn ta IP":I inNi) trouia Tort :'(. Ma.. tSa Wia:r port of v ( iu. I'acii.-. an t tit prt of Vnntraai w.t 000, a frt "4t. T5H i:o. t oi la i?t4 to fare tk k-tttak iitiiinwti ta aiDort a iar part of 1. .a t(nma. t'ark.tia ptrvba.a taru( Amaric-aa porta. .T" aarri-r. an it la r-rt ar Baxrtaa; that I:nlaa4 oui ' p 'HI ta t irnUa a 'iT..-iot aumkr ' bn'tnrrt to r!r tfi Tort an4 I i. i.. !?ai tipori jam fef ora tk aaat la llro tn Il iSalo or aora atr-r u!iif rr c..rir tkrouak ai4 ot.lar At.aaoa porta af Ii f"i"-! fha Ttrltl roTrnrBat to 'l moinf tn b:Ka4 tho rail 'K It ! aaij. k'ilav tftl KnrlaR4 k.l Imaai:!.!, tnak aa(a t rl-ar kotit tn Amaru-art as4 tlril.ak atport inlnninu alraady ea bn4. POPE ASKS JUST PEACE AtlO IT tax TOOII To mil ikuicrco AT ro.lTollT. Arbk4abaf trloa4 Mtlaal urth. MNk raaalkaa Xaaati 1 Ca ( rarallaal la ROME. Paw. I At tka coaai.tory whivb wUl k balal toaaoarroar Ida I'op dallaar aa airna-otisa acala darlof inc t.i korrora of tko war an4 commi. 'tin tka Armaaiana. Tho fouttrf will ar tk auta-a. conrluaina of a !. 3kl kou.4 bo Juat ao4 dur atia. farortaf aaitbar af tko bl.lcr cnta. Attantioa wl'l b catlap to tha fact 111 daaptra tho Will of tkoao la thorttv la ta arloua IwKiaar.ot coa tria tn war kaa anal mora t4at ti:a abaormal condltaoaa provalllaaT at Ik. M 1 .to. Car4n.l ar t b rrvtai w ho a n.rr.a. haa atraaay kooa m.l anl a f.port waa carrant la Vatu-aa Tir.-Ua talay that tka lor may. la ad iitkia. arpotat a Ma cardlaal wiatr nam wi.j b rMtrtl "aa ptto. tbal U. ortoaa aam wi;i b witnbi4 Batil th l op (boumi to rai it. - t'l nam ara mRtl.-ad la thla rnanartmn. intcjiaa; taat of Arvb bt.bp laalanal. f St. paaL MRS. S. L WOODFORD WEDS tUtrw of SoiUia-r aao) Dlploanal tlrido of Draiaiji Man. T W Tor.:. Xo.. Mra. St. wart L Wot 'or 4 olilrt of Oaaral Vm i fnrd. 4!a4 ta Itsl. waa fcarrt4 thla aftaraooa at kar horn. 14 Woat Ta:."A trmt. to Dr. Kaary L. tKbal I . a wi4oar af Brooa.ya. Th w4 f waa diat. It waa parformaa) by tn F---r Er llnward Oufriald. of tko a.. I f"Vt iTaaartartaa t'krvb, who auarria-1 kar t Oaaarai TA"oafor4 la 03 (am tor. till. lr. a -hi Mr .-haU;a a ratiralac fe tktr wli:n tt9 witl tiro at to ko Jo la TAaat Til!t atroot ul bf'ar tko aa w yoax. Nra .. .a waa la S;.'a with Oaaarai t"oo4'or4 whoa tka apaaiaa mm n- T ar comavaacaxi. Oataarai Woo.l:nf rafraaantlac Ik I coustry rvaia at tka tlmo. DANCER'S PET CIUHUAHUA WEARS PEARL EARRINGS TO MATCn pZ . :, , , . - :v J RS.- ' ik. "-"i. - .',2 5-: r5 :' -... -.. :'a'v'' --F lUka. tka tloy Maxicaa Chlboahua 4'a!iw(na. r kir. tka rirai Aom to f.mooa :o.k prl nklir. Kia to las tka raraoaa paarla about bar Bc A moai daily Iiaa Da:ya may bo la bar Up. Mammoth Reception for Suf frage Petition Prepared. CONVENTION OPENS TODAY ttraldrat to IJc-crUo Cootrraaloaal l aloa Ixlrrtc at While Hoa. rawrn Kioto to Have Xotrworthy cort. WAJMIIN.-.TOV. fw. Jl Jndrada of wema auf.'raaa workara from all part of th country r.arh.4 tVaahlnctoa to alaTkt. ra4y ta walromo tomorrow Mr A Vara Pard riald. of I'ortiand. Or, aod Mia rtanca Jolllffo. of ftaa Franrlaco. tbo two ao of tvat'a woman otra who ba molorad acroa th rontlrwat with a mammoth auftrava palitiort to tho IncominaT Contiraaa f r a r!ral auff.'ac ammdmaat. A.'lar lha praatatioa of tha r-t!-tloa to a huadra4 marnbara of Can fra th atvp of th t'apltoL th anaoya. aacortad by a parada vf mot than !' woman, will go to tho Whit llo raa to t rrlva4 by th Praidnt. Th arrival of th otltion and In rarotlon at th Whit lloua will mark th opnln of tho flr.t National moi.ntloo of th Coacr.aional In loo for Woman Suffrasa. which will held dally aaaaiorv throushoot th waak. offroao arvoll llaa aarwwa. Mr. Plaid and Mia Jolllff wara la Palllmor loHar. a-comraraiad by Via Intrbrod Klndbarc and Mia Maria Klndatadt. both of Rhodo laland. who doaatad and oparatad tho traaarontl nantal au'frata aQtr-moblla. Vhaa It atari d from tho woraaa vetr' roavantlon at Par. Franclaco In aptambar th patitloa waa ll.tO faat Ion T and bad 00.e4 alnatura of tra ir ofraachld atataa. Do rink" th trtanacontiaaatai trip thouaanda : alaTnatoraa from BOB'uffrac atataa war add'd. Th procaoaloa to tha Capitol, with tho patition born oa a baaar of whit cloth, will b bradad br a 4lttn of worn. a oa borhack. follow by a croup of woman on fot. baartnc m fraa lan'ari. Thn wtU rorra a yroap f trtrla drad In th purpl. whit artd loll of th Concraaslonal Voloa and waarlna? Ittrty cap. Ikyoaalaa- Woaaaa ta Load. TMMaan woman. rprantln th II anffrac itaix and th Ttrrttory of Ataah. will bo lad by a woman votr of WjominaT. th firat affra'o at a to. Tba aarrra anaora la thalr antomo bt will ba followad by tho who will b rxlr4 with thm r tha praald. A cna airy racort will btiot op la lb rar. r?aadtartar f th ConaTralofl t'nioa ha boa tabtlahod la lb -Uttlr A"hl Houaa." lb fclatwle rl 4nc en Madlaoa nar. wkr many Vlca.PTaI4Bt bar lt4- Tar th coaatloa aa.a'.ona wltl ba bold. POLITICIANS ARE ACTIVE r atanaa) fa0 Wfat f ar taiiiaaT of tk availability cf co lor Trurtoa. flaaator "harman. of Illlnola. backed br Rapubttraa avpnort front bla own tat. I carry ra aaj;acy tbroBch th wtra atataa. Otbov Blawtlaaad laraawalttaatty. latarmlttaatly tbar alldaa la iobh tklnc aot tb vood ajualltl af Oov raar WklUaaa. of Saw Tork. klyroa r Mamcfe. of Ohio. 0Trtor Jokaaon. of Ca lforula. aad aemo otnra BidUo for In pprt t tafh aad mm IN CAPITOL C3AST DCLia AD II KR IXXi. rboto by Undarwood. tfotr. which la abowa haro with Ita mUtr. Gaby Daalya. baa tha nniquo war aarriara. Thraa aarrinai wara mad hr br a-Kir.e Manual of Portugal. and tn cof wun in paana in 11a - ran ttCiug la bar autorooou aoout . - ail of tbraa lcalera tn tb two rrat partlaa thara ar othar orcnnliatloo at work alone political line. Tit Klvara and Harbor Conrrc Publicity Bureau I teaalntj tb Drmo rrat on praaarodnr and tho Rtpub liran on protvctloa. Th Navy Lau make It appeal Cn non.partiaan llnaa. Tb woman ction of th Nary Laa aaha for curlty of th bom and th woman. 1 Th Ammraa Dafaoa Society plead with ;i pollticiana to lock up to country acalrol poaalbl attack. Th I'aac 5o-lty warna a!nat pr paradnar and Ihrratana oblivion to all politician who voted for enlarged. Na tional d arena. Th National Woman Puffraa Al oriatlon la damaadlr.a woman uffra but la wlIllr.aT to so to t: atatca to wort tho tranrbl prlvilrc. Tho Concreaalnnal C'nlun for Women FuffraB la threatening th Iwmarrti. le party aow In power with defeat unleea II come arroa with a cooatl tulftnal amendment srantlnc National womaa uffrat. Th American Anti-Woman Suffrar party I urtinr Coniran to lirnor tb demand of tb utf racist. Ble4.ll aaapaia-aa ladla-ated. Indication and actlvttlea point to a red-hot campaign for everything In alchl aad Imasinabt. and th wlao onaa urn their opinion up toniitM In th (Impl aeaertlon. -Thajfre off" Ail other ficbta and aaaaulta ar col laleral to tbia main point that th Waocrau aro In th addl hoidlna th advantas. and to dlalojRr them from thla poaltlon will require not only lb development of all weakneaeea In their poaltion bat th puttinrT forth of all united power by tha party not In. "What la th Pull Mooa literature to bo put out by Mr. I'erklna. and where will It lad? la th quaation aakd by all polltirtana hero. Tho Ite-pubil-ana hop It will not Indlcat a diaaf faction vtllh th resular organiza tion. Th I luwril a ar banklnaT on tho rhanr that It will, and th litera ture of tb Itepubllcan paclflata I worded on th eubject with a skill to put th moat expert bulldera of olj faahlooed worm fnra to th blush. INLET TO BE KEPT OPEN ALASKA KAILROAD COVUtiailOVJ AXXOV.Ct: IXTT.XTIOM. Rwt la Mad far I'aleadtaa; of ride Material at Co Bay la Mad f Coeapaay. SEWARD. Alaaka. Dec. I Unten ant Frederick JJtara. of tha Alaska Eortnaertng Com-nlssion, Is determined to maintain Winter navigation of Cook Inlet and baa asked th Alaaka titeam- hip Company to nd tb fralcbtar ha ward Into tb inlet to unload her cargo at Coo so Bay. across th inlet from An. 'borage. Mcara' plan Is to dis charge the cargo ot tha Howard, whlca eoaaieta of bridg material for ua on tho Matanosk branch Una. on th beach at Ooos Bay ao that It can be hauled over tH anew .to construction poiat. Th distance from Oooee Bay land ing to the point I th iimi a from tha end of tba raliroad llV xtar.dlbg oat of Ane-orac. 1c conditions In Cook Inlet prcpr ar said to b less severe than at Anchorage. Should the tambip company agra. It would be ncaary to tak Lb commission's barges and lighterage equipment from Winter quarters at SeMoTia. on Kat chemak Pay. aad low thara through th Ice floe to tha head of Cook In let. Preparations ar being mad here for large Winter traftlo by dog aled from beward to Anrhoric- The freight rate I tl cat a pound cMpmnla ot Win. ter clothing, diverted her with othar Aachorac .'ralcl.t. have already bern forwarded to Anchorac. aoa with aalckry Tantovakla ol aid baa ka ba.a tavaa4 la yraa for rai.ra4 aaa a that liar eaa eecap aboud leir let e ai ia tracaa HER $200,000 PEARL NECKLACE. br Tiffany of paarl to match oaoy a Tha ptctur show Mil Ixily wear- r - .,,. -a w lora who oar mui PEACE SHIP SAILS OH Ford Party Still Cheerful Off . Coast of Maine. SQUIRREL MUCH EXCITED Dclatr-d Drlejrale Who TrlVd to Over take Liner br riaoflns; After Her Recovers and Will Go on Frederick VIII. NEW TORK. Dec I. (SpclaX) With two stuffed -dove of peace u panded In th aalooo and a caged squirrel In th main companlonway looking- hungrily through tb bar of bla cage at parsons passing up and down lha stairs, the Scandinavian American liner Oscar II. with Henry Ford and tha members of bla person ally conducted peace party on board, waa atcamlne eastward off th coast of Maine today. Tha laat wlreleas from th peace ship waa sent via Seagate at midnight. Mr. Ford said ha thought th departure from New York brought a great exhibi tion of community plrlt, and that everybody, from Thomaa A. Edison up, realised th Importance of the project. Bqalrrel Chatters t'eaataatly. Theodore de Lavigne. one of Mr. Ford's secretaries, who went down the bay on lb Oscar II. and who returned who in pnoi-ooar. last, nignc. aia to day when ha left tho liner all the pas sangers wer In a cheerful mood and not a bitch of any kind had occurred. aave that th caged squirrel kept up an Inceaaant chatter, especially when any ot the peace delegatea approached the bar of bis gllden prison. Ford peace headquarters In tb Bill more Hotel ara to b kept open at leaat until Wednesday, when the steamship Frederlk VIII la to leave with more peace delegatea. All who missed the Oscar II or decided too late that they would like to help settle the European war as Mr. Ford's aides will embark upon her. lwtasata Effort Vamaceeaaf oX. Crbaln J. Ledoux. who aald he had been- an American Consul at various posts for IS years, and Is at present a lecturer on .peace In St. Mary'a Hos pital. Iloboken. Intends to ba a passen ger aboard th Frederlk VIII. He Is recovering today from an effort to overtake th Oscar II after th peace ship bad started down stream by swim ming after her. His attempt was un successful. Lasdoux was o the chilly water half an hour, when he waa picked up by the sklppar of the tug UcNeeiey only a few yards from the Ford peace ship. SEMBRICH GRAVELY ILL Opera Singer's Physicians Say She Has Plruro-Pneumonia. NEW TORK. Dec. . (Special.) Th condition of Mm. Pembrlcn. th opara singer, who Is seriously 111. took a slight turn for the worse today and made necessary the calling of another consultation of physicians. After a careful diagnosis It was de rided that M me. Sembrlcb I Buffering from a serious attack ot pleuro-pneu-monla and sbe waa said to b "gravely BOY SCOUT CHIEF QUITS (-wntlnoe4 ft rota llret Pa. tlon tonight. Mr. West immediately communicated with Colin H. Living- Keep Away From Drugs ' t AXATIVES and cathartics, used continuously, only ao JL ccntuatc the condition they axe meant to cure. Nujol. a pure, white mineral oil, is the recognized common-sense remedy for constipation. It conforms to tho requirements of the well-known Lane treatment. Nujol is odorless and tasteless, absolutely neutral, and is not digested or absorbed into the system. It acts merely as a mechanical lubricant. Nujol is not a drug. Its use will not give quick, temporary relief. But Nujol is a genuine remedy in that it relieves constipation in the most natural way by lubricating the lin ing of the intestines, softening the intestinal contents, and thus promoting healthy and normal bowel activity. STANDARD OIL COMPANY. (New Jersey) Bayonnc New Jersey A PURE W M I N ERA U A PUM -TOrTl peat. t'A. - arawar STTa." 5 lUaj.aJ V stone, of Wajhington. president of the Boy Scouts of America, who cnaracier tzed as -unfriendly and selfish" Mr. Seton's action on tha eve of a cam paign to raise funds to finance the Boy Scouts' work in New Tork for the next three years. "Tha National council." a statement credited to Mr. Livingstons said, "at its annual meeting at Washington lost February decided not to re-elect Mr. Eeton as chief of the scouts, because be had failed to respond satisfactorily about bla Intentions about becoming a cllixen of the United State." Parrlotlaas Part of Plaau Touching on th policy of the move ment, Mr. Livingstone said: "While training along the lines or woodcraft is an important part in our programme, wa believe tnat cnaracter development, patriotism and good citl- senshlp and the required daily good turn are of equal importance." Denial also was made that there is any dissatisfaction with present condi tions In the organisation. FAIR SEEN BY 18,871,957 CLOSING DAY CELEBRATION AT TENDED BY 4.VWS3. Panama Itepabli Reprewewted Tkroogk- oat Expoattioa by Empty Bnlld. lag. Clewed to Pwbllr. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. B.So great was th attendance at the ranama-Pa clflc Exposition yesterday closing day that It took the department of ad missions until late tonight to figure out that 4S8.SSS persons passed through the gates and took part In the farewell celebration. This was th largest attendance of any of the 2SS days the exposition was open, and brought tne total attendance to 1S.S71.J57. The republic of panama participated In the exposition to the extent of erect ing a handsome building, but because no funds were appropriated by the repub lic to keep the bulldtng open to vis itors, it was learned today, it remained closed throughout the exposition. The Panama pavilion was one of the first foreign buildings erected and was given one of the choicest sites In the exposition reservation. The building was formally dedicated but the open ing ceremony never took place and the country where the engineering feat was performed that furnished the motive for th exposition was represented by an empty monument. M'ADOO PLANS CRITICISED McCumber Says Hole In Treasury Cannot Be Kept From Public, WASHIXGTOK. Dec. 6. (Special.) In. an Interview today. Senator Mc Cumber, of North Dakota, member of the Senate flnanc commltte, criticised th plan of Secretary McAdoo lor tne raising of additional taxes. Senator McCumber declared that the Administration ought not to be fear ful of a bond Issue, aa the "hole in the Treasury vaults" would have to be filled, and th fact could not be con cealed from the public He addea: "Th last Republican Admipistration waa not only paying all the ordinary running expenses of the Government without devising- new and additional methods of taxation, but was also meet ing the heavy demands due to the con struction of the Panama Canal, and ti:i maintaining a good surplus in the Treasury. With the eneetment of the new tariff law began the process of rapid depletion of the Treasury." . rl .aiibfi. 1l .-iJi!,lk. Nxifo r-. Li ft co. u. a. fat. orj A PURE WHITE MINERAL OIL Write for "The Rational Treatment of Constipation," an informitira treatise on constipation. If you can not get Nujol from tout druggist, wo will tend you a pint bottle prepaid to any point in the United States on re ceipt: of 75 c money order of atargn. aa MaaaTsTwaa aatJ-j arSB. 1 wJraS. SWISS SYSTEM FAVORED CHAMBERLAI.V PREPARING BILl, FOR MODIFIED FORM. Oregon Senator. Not Impressed With Contlneatal Array Idea, Consults 3Iember of War College. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Dec. 6. Senator Chamberlain, who In general indorses the President's plan for strengthening the Army, is not enamored of the continental Army plan as proposed, and while preparing the bill to carry out his ideas of the Army increase has been conferring with officers of the war college with a view f framing a bill which shall propose the adoption ot a modified Swiss system for the United States. In general, this contemplates more military training in schools and col leges, and also provides for a short term of military service in tne neia for young men who are graduated. In some respects Senator Chamberlain be lieves this system has marked advan tages over the continental Army plan. Since the President ana tne oecreiary of War agreed on their plan of Army legislation Senator cnamoenain na.t been called Into conference seldom. while Secretary Garrison has been con ferring with Chairman Hay, of the House committee, almost uany. it is iikplv that the Hay bills will more nearly reflect the Administration's de sire than will the Chamberlain bill. -It is thought Senator Chamberlain will take a more advanced stand than Rep resentatlve Hay, and that Ms bill will Wa r V V mJH I wJipri 1 where I 1! ! j i . 100 j . 90 ; . 80 70 ! the decree) ra reri Standard Oil Company (California) Portland AAA A A AAA AAA 11 1 ., I aaU. ELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it 25c at all druggists. come nearer reflecting the views of Army experts. GERMAN WAR PLANT LOST Hundreds Iteported Killed In Ex plosion Laid to Workmen. LONDON, Dec. 6. Destruction ot a large ammunition factory at Halle, Prussian Saxony, by an explosion, with the loss of several hundred lives. Is reported In a message trom Holding. Denmark, to Copenhagen, as forward ed by Reuters correspondent. dis contented workmen are suspected, the message says. It ia said a similar disaster was nar rowly averted at Bogden. Silesia. The ammunition factory there, it is report ed, was saved by the discovery that it had been undermined. Bay City Bazaar Robbed. BAY CITY, Or., Dec. 6. (Special.) The women of the United Church of Bay City held their annual bazaar last night with a good attendance. The proceeds will be used in paying for a new piano purchased for the church. After the bazaar closed, persons broke into the building and stole a quantity of Ice cream, cake and candy. mi h ? 111! IB a ..j 'j ?you C feciion Oil Heater Smokeless and odorless. Deal ers everywhere For lest results use Pearl Oil