Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 06, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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international Show, Open To
day. Covers Space of Five
Great Circus Tents.
CMwalkro Ar to It Met4 la Coif
portion With Maple- mad Pair
Attract .ttrnikri of Pree-dcr
l m All ve-r Country.
?e daee and (! and r-"eee
pnn"a. tna snteks. ""
., s-aj-.a a t a.-ial'ral from a I the
r-r ef trie Pe-ISc Coet tioB
If ...!!. J.faa. Oufk S"IOft-
t.rg, llerefort. fieraahirae arvt Oete
wa.da, and Inrawmeras.e oiher elans ef
lne aad la end aneap. ttrtd "9
liir voice -4 aaa la
t tie Csloa lto7nrde all "r lot
7 . tarda?
For taa- B-ta Btl4 aoot
aal sbeoe-1 st::s end pane " thai
tnr !( Se l reed.aeae to eeepl
tl to ef the rll IMe moraine;
I tue fis f te I'a--i9a Iotra-
loul llve.fa.-B asr. M)I rti ta ISe eattle tn
!r. ee laof tfierr, i r ts Bee
,,r fj-nr uet t d t tna eountr
fair. To-v broua-st them la drove:
na- Irtnl then lt r the rertoat.
a r'i3l them ta r the trelnleea.
atee ta IraMkl r Tvalalsaaa,
ta:a were t-Jdattn trains of tram
llttil ear aao-it. snur-tlre thn ante
eenxement swltrhaa so that thev Balhl
a aseee. ors ai't scores ml ' af
rd.a-r. enf-Ie wera fnarcn'd out and
! mea thle la tie esal&tt
The fmctSi Inrernatloeat Uo
rcwi'.inn i Bir tries anvtin
fcarrvi-n flailey ever treamd ef pJt
tin en the road, not only la the spread
ef ,. h t In tn- sue of ! aoimal
sneer. TM Be bis? tente. everr
er.e a bit a tha rr: top la a clrcua.
a4 rr on Jn-t fth rows r
. tBt(.l acil aa4 trwdi4 wtta
In llvt'h.
Tftra aa maaa aotrlaa
IM, r a tlir a yaar
l m. i ::.. ara taat taa altn4-aa-a
t4 U aatrtoa til racraaaat a
i4r ra of cuug'ra a taa leita4
a'.ta ;aa cr .'.-.
MinllM tt ta fa ItaM.
Biia accractlena af toa ito
t:ir. taara wi;i ta a aambar of eaa
tutioat aat maottaca af llastoM or-a.j-tio
hal4 bara thl aab
vaa af Bit! orinca Ita tool ot dala-,:-.
Amaa tasaa apaelal coaaa
lon will ba tha eiatroc of tha Ora-..-
J.rr Cattla n. urta Guam
ar Catia ilaa. OT--WalBtoa-I'ha-UonUa
aatna Braa-lara' Aao
clatiua. Oracea Cattla act tlaraa Hata-
f Amc!tMoa, Oraa ! Braa4-
r' Aaolatloa. Ot'3 lto'.t!o Cat
fa Cl'V Jortnwt liaortofa Aaaacl
atioa. urtcii Uuttar an4 Cbaraa Jl-
rt Aaoctt:oa an4 tha Joint aanqaal
at bra4-r ao4 ?ock!an.
Taa JaJflc at"; ba Jim tdaf and
tamorraar. Tj at4nt' JjJla
tt. la arhlca Sa acrtcrutiurai eoll
ba raprasaa'.a. will ba Bald la
tna mofaituc. aat lc tha aftaraooa
tSt nt will ka dona aa tha clti
at (rtord. Shortboraa aad llol
ataina. Tcmormw in of a I n c will Ba la
).ln of ft atl. abaap. aalna.
Jr.a. Ayrabtrat aa4 Oartaaa. aed
la, a a afcaraaoi taa work oa ail
J-J4 CUmi wllafea flalanad,
Balaa Ara Attraattaaw
THa 1'arafor.t aata o raeatnbar H.
nrjap taa aup!ra of taa Amart'aa
Jlaraforl Catt:a liraadara- AaawclaStoa.
:;! ba ana of lt bijt aBt of
It BIb4 la tha Tha aortttoro
win ba an Tharadar and taa
Itol.fataa o- rrtdT. Vadnaday. t. I. tha data -t tor tha
iu of ilwpisi lal. i4 i.a aa4 car
Arooe tha Jlaa ara aoma of tha
r-o: rf'"in',l !t;a i?art in taa
I tit. jttataa. John I. fmilh. taa
f.m.i tiilxtrlit br'!r. will bawi:o
t J'i.ia of tha It-raford aartloa
an t ' T Htft na. of Waoaaaba, WH,
will J-4 ija tr-.a itaortharoa.
W. i. . no. and J. I'.- Taaha ara
min( frorri tha l:jt for tha flrat tlma
ta afrv taa r m'l i:i Jnla tha
BalrT bfi. A. J. Wtirtr. Judio of
taa bf bri nmn from taa Ka
aaa titf t'Bioa t-rirda aat la a
n- of Natioaal (coniitta; la tha
ato-l oaatna.
t X. ac. of pokaaa. wha !H
J-! it wall fcaowa tbroach
lan aru-a la taa NortSwaat at
ri:iu Uaat Ton nora. frmrl
aa tha atita unlur; board, will Jca
tn9 aft't Tom ttrak. of 4t:aox aill
Ba ona of tha Jt?ta of a win a.
Taa aurtal faira a taa waak far
taa J t'Uo an.f ataibitara wtll ba taa
farr' a ad bitr tnt i"l ta ba ha!4
at tha CSansaar f oramarea Tbura
daa Biat. l. it. riaxmtr win ba tar
yttaa at taaara Caaaa ft aaa
"Tha raaalta ta tha ahoar alraad
baao taaa a aarpriaa to ma." aa!4 CX t.
Minnif. (narI raaaaarar laat atcht.
rradrs and borara waa ara aa tha
iranikit alraadr Inform ma tbat It Is
taa b'-ra; aa.S!t of bf braa.; laat
ha ar baa mada aa tao I'acitie
i nul. Taa aotriaa af Jaraar aod
(;i:arniT trlftf taa lima rommant
TSa animala oth!Mt bora Bao
baaa airtad t a roach a doaao ar eaora
a-raat saow ta 3 :f-T.nt part a af tha
t'Bit't li'ataa aad st aow Is rmt
tiara:; taa tut m!" craaaal at tha
car4jioa af tha country.
-1 1 i. a!m!tt4 by all ataa that tnM
la4 la taa pramlar plar for aartton
aa and ta pravtots Tar t bara
t'ma BBt acaia aat saw mark la ear
salas. ota.r ptaca la tha country
t tha raotat!on a.noec daatara la
th a I'm that Portias t baa.
"A rrsal cms ;! man t ta aar anathod
f ahoatnc waa paid todar br Ira
1rr IlKlop. of tha jartrrant of
Mima) baftandry at Taaainctaa Vtata
o;ia. Ila Is Iron rot aod and for
yoars bafora ba cam a to this coantry ba
li;ioid all tha araat r,tHo ahowa la
tha BrttUa talaa. All of tha ro?aJ ahowa
Bd otaar bl rattla aow la acotlasd
a ad Knctaad. ha tBfor-ns ma, ara bald
ta taat paaiilaaa la tha urn faahtoa
aa tna saoar wo aro
"Tha law- ipan a of shawtna la
taata aaabaa It a atraUat atnity aaow
aad matt aoarlr a. I taa monay avail
aaio ta ba appraa tm tha prmlaoi Uat.
TL J. tnusaar. af Artrria. la at taa
Joaa Vajors. af aUIaaa. la at ta
Job a Hartllao. af Bay City, la at tba
Ida Mallo. af tha Orp ha a tn. U at tha
It r. Akr. af CorralUa, U at tha
(aw ard.
A. A. Dattarana. af Saattla. U at tha
W Wood, ef btaataaaBO. U at tbo
r'h!aa. -
C C arta. wha baa baa a la 8a a
rraaarlara for a aambar af waaka. baa
raturard ta tha Multnomah.
E. T. ABd-rsoo. of IiaXar. U at tha
It. U. Itufrina-toa. af ft a Joaa. la at
tha rortlaad.
VT. J. Obarndorf. af rittaburr. la at
tha jriah.
alias Maria A. Paraatt. af Waaeo. la
at tha Oracoa.
TV. H. llath. cf Hood Rlr. IB at
tha Multnomah.
Chartaa far tin. Of Sn" La ha.
at tha I'arklna.
& Hcbwaodarraaa. of Taloa. Idaho,
la at tbo tatua.
II. C l-awi.. af London, la raclstarod
at tha lortland.
Mtaa Itarri't Taylor, of Nw Torh.
Is at tha l-ortland.
Mr. and Mra. C W. Howar. cf falcm.
ara at tha Katua.
A. M. 5"yir. of flrldaprl. Cono
ta at tba -rh!na.
A. Caaia. of Ahardaoa. 8. D la r
ttard at tha iValoo.
Mr. ant Mra. J. Mallard, cf El Paao,
aro at tha Multnoaaaa.
Emry T. Smith. Myrtla Craak. la rac
latarad at lha JSaward.
C. . and C. fi. Frandaar. af Itil!
born ara at tha talon.
Cadria Maaaall. af Darallla. la ra
!atra at tha Corasllua.
It. M. Vantyna. of Fpobaaa. Wub. I
raatatarad at lha Nortoola.
e tff Hianair ttt Tarsal. Waah la
raalatarad at tha Xortonla.
Mr. an Mrs. It O. Calroar. cf Naw
Turk, ara at tba UultnomaA.
Mr. and Mra. r. A. Grant, cf Spc
kaoa. ara at taa MaUaonvah.
p. r. Llxk and arlfa. cf Merrta. Pa,
ara ratat.rd at lha Nortoola.
Mr. aad Mra. A. D. TBurman. cf ara at tha Oracoa.
E. J. Plankaaablp. of tha Caltad
Stataa Nary, la at tha Caraatlua.
Mr. aad Mra. E. J. niankanabla. cf
r.oaaburc. ara at tha Cernaiius.
Miaa K. Oorrasan. cf r4nr. Aos
tralia. Is atopplo at tha Nortoola.
Mary Shaw, baadllnar at tha Or
phaucn. and Itoahaaara aad bar motfcar.
olaa cf tha Orphaum. ara at tha-l'ort-lanU.
A. J. Maarar. cf Kaaaaa City: W. B.
Moaa-rtpa. Laka Lima. Minn.; Job U
KmntK cf Bpokana; J. K. Danka. Vct
-ralrla. tVla. aad T. F. Iloylan. of
a. . -. h. -t.taraat at tBO 19-
partaL Thar will act aa Judtaa la tbs
llvaitoch ashlbltloa.
Thirty students from Cryallla. st
from fullman. al from Voacow and
.aiao from Uaala. CU Slulaala cf ani
mal hujibandry. ara at tha ImparlaL
Tha stadaata ara la Portland to act aa
juda-aa la tha llaaaloek ahoar mat will
bald all w.aa. at tha Union bloc.
CllieAO". laa. a. Ifpalal Trio
following- Portland raafdaata ara rtl
tarad at Cl-ato hctala; Graat North
ara. C E. Wjrraan; La falla. Mr. and
Mra. WlUlam Kapua.
murmr is topic
tumrtontcrr ntobLr.a.
Paa-twv IVrrUraa That tata aad a
ataly aaal4 Praaaat Waata af
Mawt Taraabla Aaaat,
"Otta cf tha teaihsst aed most
aspcratlBC stamptrB that homaa stu
danta baaa had aa thrlr stataa"
Th.a was lha way lr. rrank La. Loa
tand aummad ap tba UBsrnpIojrsd
pro t lam. In his nraio laat hUbl la
taa tnrat Mcthodlat Church.
"Tha unnr.ployad problem Is about
aa old aa tba problam ef ovll and about
as bard to aola.- said Dr. Loaalaad.
Ita aald that for aaaral yaara tha
church bad daalt with It by tha com
fortable but not eoncluaWe way of
wlptna It ofT tba slate.
ir. Liraland aald ln part:
"auraiy svmathtaa ta wrona with cur
civilisation, with our laduatrlal and
economic standards, whea It U aa In
dlaputabla fact that the raatar our
production, the rraater our list cf on
amptiyad: that the mora paramenia,
tha mora porarty: the fuller our benfca.
the more amply flour barrala. and the
richer we bevorae aa a Nation tha more
menac!n b-oma the cry cf the un
employed. This should cauae thtnkars
la the etate aad church. In the bui
nrae and prof etjioeal world to He
awake Blahta.
-Home time we must laaro the cnar
tha safer that man Is the real unit of
aloe snd ihat the hiabeat function c
the state and the city la ta sea to It
that this "unit" shall not be waatad
crippled, btaatad aad dwarfed by com-
morclal. Induatrtat or economic aeinea
Le aa aad araat"
tr. La Itorbe Soon to Ilraort In Ix
slrrd 'DlTorre" rrc-reJlne.
The O Jast of City Attorney Lal'.oche
for some laeal technlcalily by which
tha cfT mtsbt anaul tba procaedinaa
b which Linnloa was annaaed to Port.
I) lavat June wilt be concluded thia
waait. The desire cf the City Council
to fat rid cf Liaaton has beea caused
by the discovery taat proceeding's by
which the Skyline boulevard waa con
struct ware so handled that the city
la apt la have ta pay aaywbcre from
j e to . J e of taa coal.
The eria-.nal eetlmate for tha boule
vard was t:.Ke Bad tba ileal coat
:Ve. hi;e the courts have per
mitted a -reasonable tacreaae la coat
over the erlalnal eat. male. It baa bean
Sard ta this case that the coat baa
aee peaalbly I :. beyond the r
oaable palat.
Patriotic Kicrclaa-a to rrttore Jfal-
rallsatlosi of CI U waa.
(raclal-k Circuit Judca D. . Kuy
kaadalt baa sat tomorrow ever.lnj as
the tirae for the eaamlnalloa af It cao
dldAtes for American clllianahlp la or
der that cltnena araarally may be
able ta attend.
At that time the Baa silk da a pro
Tided by the Oreson rioclety of the
Soae ef the Amerl.aa Kevoiutloa win
ba ereeeatad to the court by Caplaia
O. C Apptasat. of this city, who Is a
srraadsoa ef a Revolutionary vaiaran
ahd a member cf tha ardar. There
will ba ctaar speakera. also patrkaic
sonca. Patrtotle societies, acboola aad
rivte entaalaalioes ar lavitad.
Storkmra Far Extra Month of
Ordloy, and Worry About ITay.
IKOX510E; Or Tea. I. .'paclal
About four weeks ( the first snow
came In this raalon and It la now about
cna foot deep. On two or three nlfhts
tha mereury baa fallea below sro. and
all Indlrattoee ara that the comma
Winter win ba uc a caa aa oldtlmers
leil about.
Conaldersble aprrehenaloa Is fait
anions- stockmen laat their Kar run
short with aa ealre month a fccdlc- In
ivht thla aaaaon.
Iiabhtt ar mora plentiful than for
many ytaxa.
Cargo of Foodstuffs for South
America Is Carried.
Irrnch Rark rifrra Anttmlno Off
IMvcr Jlonth Corn 11 Dart IhxWs
at I-lnnton Steamer Erroll
Is Una Here Soon.
With a rsrao ecnsiBd to tba Wt
Coast of Kou'h America, the Grace Line
steamer Santa Cecilia dropped down
t:a river yeelerday. rearhinc Aaloria
al I. M. Tna ataamer wilt (O
first to th Sound, where she will take
on additional canto, aleo atopplnf at
tan pranciaco for a part load.
The cargo with wnlcn ehe cleart-5
bare la valued approalmalaly al Io.
o and coneiila of li.Hi buanels of
wheat. tSTI barrels cf flour and
loi shook. The santa Cecilia will
probably act out of the river some
time today.
-reach Kara: la Gale.
Tha Trench bark Pierre Antonlne.
which aaa picked UP outside the Co
lumbia Klvar by the Tort of Portland
lue- cneonta al Saturday after
noon waa et III outelde laat Blcht. ac
rordt'nc to Informallon received in
Portland. There waa a hairy ale
biowicc Palurday niht. aicordlna to
reporla. and a tv-mlle wind yeaierday.
and It waa probably thought beat not
lo try to brin the bark Into the river,
f.-.a wtll probably be brought to As
toria some time today.
The Pierre Antonlne la under charter
to M. J I. Ilouser to load train bcra
for Kurope.
Tha Trench bark Cornll Part, which
made Astoria falurday moraine, was
brousr-t up to Unntoo yesterday, where
she will dlscharce ballast preliminary
to leadlna a-raln for turope. The vaa-
aal la under charter to Uaifour. Uulh-
rle Co.
Sleaaarr I'-rroll Dae "aaa.
Tha BriUah steamer Erre'tl. which le
to load (ram here for Kurope. 1 ex
pected to make the river some time to
day. After tsklnc coal al Tacoma she
led Saturday lor thts port. A sooth
wind has beea blowina off the coast
and that may delay ber. otherwise she
seould make the distance la about 3
Te Erroll Is under charter to Kerr.
Gitford at Co.. and la a veaael of : .
ton, the should band: about :Sv.OuO
bushels of arrala.
Amona the cram vsaaela which
ehould reach Portland soon for load
In ara the Ruelaa bark Port Cale
donia and tha Norwegian bark Olive
bank. Tn port t'aladoola Is under
charter to M- IL Ilouser. The veaeel
left Dublin July It en route lor mis
The OHvebank. which la under char
ter to the Portland Flourinc Mills
Company left Rotterdam July IX.
Stramcr rchcdole.
to Aftnivc
.Loa Anes
Da te
la part
1q port
I n pert
L i
Lac 14
. W filer
Northern raclfle..
.fan rranr'are. ...
. 1 oa Ati,:aa. ...
hn I rao -lace.
. San Ihco. .
. Coa Ancle
. F f-rB D. . . . .
,.M lleSO
,.Le AB-!ae. .....
,.haa yranlaco.,,.
. j. F. f -r . D.....
. MS tMcgo.
aa t uia.
,l lMa. ......
.saa I'i-ro. .......
aa Keanrlaao. ...
. I oa Aaselea
.Saa I
, Caa PI-o
,.l.oa Ancctar .....
Saa Ulef o. . . -
-At'aalla Vrrvtee.
r. A. Kllburn
It aanofea.
tec e
lac 1
Imo. a
I'ee. a
l-c. 1"
ti 1-
lc 1
Dec. li
Iea. Ii
Dec :u
al wit near ah.
aat It V . .. .
..rt ... rn raalflc.
liar. au-d.
ia-v W. F.LIer. ...
j h a-.taa
F. A. kiisura
U arna.
1' oa.ioae,
i.aaer ...
From ,.N Vark
,.w Tor. ......
,ar Turk
,Nt Tors
lion ol ulu.. ......
. Honolulu.
.aaa. . .
Pao. 1"
Da-e. i
Pao. rs
Mar. a
raaant . . .
K.i.iu. k'aa. .
Oaarf.aa. ...
Oiannrl Advanced 1510 VcvU
wt a v riTT nr rwc E fflneclaX)
The report ol the dredce Oreson for the
month endlne; November snows inni
!.! cubic yard of earth mere re-"
mnved In the dreda-lns of ins new
Tillamook liay channel, which la bctn
done by the Government under the
supervision of It. F. Cole. Junior en
gineer, tn rharce cf the dredae. The
rhannel was made for a distance of
me lineal feet. The actual worama
dsys were If. with an average ad
vancement of H I feet,
vra From Ore icon Torta.
JiaTUI'.ia. V-r . - . -. . - . '
. . . 1m(U,j mA VAaat-
yart. the a:am achueoer cilymple aalted for
saa i ici, . ..
. - . , Ih.Ii., ha. waat.
pact, taa eteam acaaoasr aaata aloelca sailed
for eava w iibii- .
TS t.m Kaaaaar niii.oi.iia ' '
from Paa Franelaeo aad ii (a to Weal
sort aod Bale i. r ta load lumbar.
lirtnfte iraiini ao ....... ....
I'.am.r Nortara Faciria arrixd tram Baa
Hia -..-nr Qae. W. r:dr smvad from
aa I ran. I- aaa van no ,tn
aand raaa.afart fr A:on aad rartland.
TBa steam rnmwtww ...... r -
a Fraacuca IU a cargo ef lumbar trout
Vt astpocc
MovcmrnLs of Vcauvls,
r".TlJlM. a.-" " ' - .7. .
tri: am-'.a. ffu ea Fraoriece: Oao. Vk. hi
f U- Kai l'lee a war porta. French
tarn Cmu Hart, ftora lublln.
f tmfnmr eafita t, -cii.a. i-i " - -
lln-t Sviur.di Teaamiie. tar n Francisco.
Aiiiria. IK. "" " ' ' '
.1 S OO A. M. ei--.r - ., ...c-..
o-nl. 1 ' afU rnT.q a a -: " -a
S i v M teajnr taaa. TV. Kider. freta ran
l iaa via ar porta Arrived do II U
P u ,.,tn.,r Faata Ceie. Arriaed at
1 to r M . iama Morthera FaclClc, from
ca rranct- . . , .
Fa lta..-i r; -. -
J.a'lr.ra'etrB A. vj tner casta 'Dr
from Co. am b la Fiver: al a A. M .
. a .AaK I.- net.afiil - sT A . Kile
B a.maT- ni' . , - - . . -
t,.,n. iron, lorrurd. via t. oa llav and
ai-ar.ka lar-nbar ."ai'ed at F. M . l-sralao; eieamer Baja
v.a Kornla. 'or Fart land
r: :. Waah. tec. Arrived Btcamer
AdT.t-l Farrasul. Alameda, from Boojh
. . a i u ...... n f mm aill
aaalrra aaiauia. . ' - . ' ,
m.iva rall.J "i .am.ra Admltal
I..,. I Baa Franrieo: Northland. Hr
of stt. r1-. r-i"",.t'H - - -
CM . for tlmoiulo: ... n and Vahony. tor
Craa Martvoe: Jacary. fvr Haaarhai.
. imvmI rilaantanl
Ua, saata Harbara. F. A. Kllburn frem
fartiai4. a.-F . -
a.,.,,.,: Itlo Fsalx from hlial. al.ed
staatnere admiral Bchlar from healUa; City
at l-oab frana Tacoma-
Tacoma. P. a. Arrleed ateamer Var
ssti Abway illrf.laS) from Ntacall.a, Asa-
Ttdea at Aeterte Meaday.
tlisn. 1 x) w.
O St A. X ... faafH-SO A. M.... feat ii 1 fl. Tna F. M....-1-B feat
Marconi Vlrvlnaa rtrporta.
(All a. r acted at S F. M Dee t a.
c a. aaaaaaa awn ,.-,
.... anil. a h of jlaa 1' d TO.
Fran II Furn. Woot.ray fur llaitoa. 1KB
mii.a .-uta "i "."-"-. -
H.-anik. an Francu a for Saa redre, I
...a aeal of baata aiatbaia.
Tanr.lranla. Fao Francisco tor xalboa.
mua .JIH of t- n framiaco.
nty ef I ara. Ila.baa for fB Pranclsco,
5.-. mil south of baa Kranciaro.
Haiti Luckrnbach Kan l"elro t Ba.boa,
TPo mure aou'.h of Fan redro.
Arouna. san Kraaciaco for t?aa redro. on
Point Afue;:
! Frncico for Saa Pedro,
H' miiea so-ata of han rancico.
l(llantB. lino for ban Francisco,
mil' cut 4
latonl. fan -rnnclecO for Honolulu. 1133
m!a cut. tcccnilar 4.
wtihcimlna. lioot'lula for Saa Francisco,
2 1 miles out.
w:-ir. Ticonia for Pan Franelaeo. B
ml'aa aouia of (ape Mcnnoclno.
president, heattla for can Kranclsco. three
mftca a..ufh cf pc M.ndocin. .
'-HiaBM.ia. Bin Francisco for Seattle, 9A
mi:. norm of H;
t;ovartrr. hn Francisco for Ictorla,
ml.. ri.-rUi of l'l.nco.
Vacaran. an Kranc.aca for Tacoma. -u
ml r north of Sn FraBctsco.
i-"rona. f.ra- lltriwr for Oakland. Bo
ml awuTh af I'a'imMi Itlver.
alii! traettl for frto I'aalro. e?0 ml.
frc-o hn r-.lro.
raiam. Tuc't f-ord for aaa FrancUco.
SIT mtlea frorn Han Franclco.
Isaac X. Valdrlp. N
Isaao N. Waldrlp, a veteran of
the civil War. dlod Saturday at
his residence. 1131 East Madison
street.' at the are or 71 years.
Dealt) was caused by cardiac
asthma. Mr. Waldrlp enllaled In
111 and served until tha close
of the war.
lis waa a member of Ben Butler
Poet, Grand Army of the Repub
lic, and of the Jasper Lodge No.
Ml of Oddfellows of Monroe.
Iowa. The funeral will be under
the auspices of the Grand Army
this afternoon at 2 o'clock from
lo: Welmont street. Mr. Wald
rlp Is urv ived by his widow and
two children. Kdward L. Waldrlp
and Mrs Kiln J. Kelleher. of
North Heed, Wash.
Fniei rise. Feectle for Honolulu. 100 miles
frcna t'apc Flattery.
Kama Fonlard for Seattle. BO
ml eooth of Cape Fla-.tary.
1 1. en 'or. ;oniery xur vrwi.
north of ifnr.terey.
nrara ru::ar fas Francisco f.r Esndoa.
Ml milas north of fan Franelaeo.
At:., fortland for Richmond. 10 miles
south cf lllanco.
Adeline finlth. Fan Franelaeo fnr Cooa
Ils. :l mli north of 8an Franelaeo.
llaoa A alahonv. eeattte. lor Aesruvcn, - -mil
from ccatt
Elisabeth 91. eat Wrltea That Cela
fcta Hlckw y Exceed Aaythlaa la
Italy. Pre ye ar Algeria.
Tha Columbia Highway and Samuel
C Lancaster. Ita builder,' ara receiving
mora publicity and praise,
A letter recently received earrlea
thla message to Mr. Lancaster from
Mayor Powers, of St. Paul:
"Althouch I have not had the pleas
ure of your personal acquaintance, I
cannot refrain from expressing to you
a sense of personal obligation for a
areat pleasure I have had In perusing
your wonderful book. The Columbia
America's Greatest Highway inrougn
tha Cascades to the Sea,'
"I receive many elaborate souvenirs
at my office, but never before has a
volume come to my desk which, by its
beauty and worth, so wholly took my
mind from the stress of the day's
ar or k "
Another letter baa come from Eliza
beth M. West, to whom th book was
"I have always considered tba Amain
road a wonder," ssys the writer, "but
the Columbia Highway far exceeds
snvthlnr In Italy. France or AJgena,
Miss West says that the scenery along
the Hudson, upon which river she
make her home. Is "tame com parea
with the wonderful scenery In the West."
She concludes with the nope uai -our
engineers will make the Driage at
Storm Klnr aa beautiful and substan
tial as the brldgea of the highway.
Llttlo Buslnras la Transacted by
Head or I'.oad on Trip.
J D Farrell. president of tha O.-W.
R., N. Company, returned Baturday
from a month s absence In New York.
Mr Farrell went Ksst primarily to
attend the New York horse show, of
which be has been a devotee for many
years. He visited other points along
th Atlantic returning home through
St. Paul, the Canadian Pacific and
Hpokane and arriving In Portland yes
terday morning.
Business question received compara
tively little consideration on this trip.
..i via Farrell. on his return. He held
but on meeting with Eastern directors
of th L'nlon Panne system.
Chelan County Bavnks Grow.
-n. lactirr w . h Dee fi. (Sre-
L.a ii,"!... -- . :
claL The aggreaate depoalta of the
eight banks of Chelan County on No
vember 1 exceeded Jt.OOO.OOO. the high-
water w . - , . ,
ty All cf the banks showed by their
statements that they were In a much
healthier condition than at tha same
lim tan i
.,Mt a..r tartca aa mans
SorkTpTr""plV.V. of" ,'h. t n.,1 btat
h"'1" F . "!. ... 1M act al but
In! b. anBua'ly la t)0 while
"V."it'd th. rau. U aa bl.h aa on.
ta .vary 7I persons.
f"' ,7.. i
I .l
J -" 4
j! v p
The Citizens Bank
25 Years In East Portland.
4cj, Interest on Savings.
Cor. Grand Ave. snd Alder St.
Self-Sufficicncy of Country Re
garded as Weak Point.
w York Banker Declares Tht
AVltli Accession to Position of
World Power Foreign Mar
ket Blast Be Cultivated.
One beneficial effect of the European
war, aays Henry Clews, the well-known
New York banker. Is the realisation
It has brought to American busi
ness men that the United States I a
world power la the field of commerce
as well as In the field of diplomacy.
"Wo have too long considered our
selves self-sufficient." says Mr. Clews,
"and labored under the delusion that
we could Indefinitely shut ourselves In
and others out.
We must awaken to the fact that
we are a nation of grown-ups: we must
take our place In the world's affairs
accordingly and adapt ourselves to the
new opportunities and new obligations
that are fast pressing upon us. With
the growth of population the United
States Is rapidly changing from an ag
ricultural nation to a nation of manu
facturers. The paat generation has
seen big changes In thla direction, and
the next will sea further changes of
vastly more consequence. We urgently
require foreign markets for our surplus
manufactured products, and If we In
tend to sell to others, we must be pre
pared to buy from them In exchange.
for the simple reason that all foreign
trade in the mass la nothing less nor
more than barter, even though In de
tail the operations may be highly com
plex and delicate.
"There are but two thlnra now neces
sary for securing a bigger market for
American manufacturers, and that Is
the co-oneratton. of the American In
vestor and American labor, both of
which can be had if intelligently rea
soned with and led. That trade follows
the loan Is axiomatic, which means that
In order to sell our merchandise we
must be prepared, not only to give
credit but to actually Invest abroad.
Thla is a new but absolutely necessary
departure for the American Investor,
and he rosy require both education and
experience before venturing. Although
the large and quicker profits obtained
at home will always command a large
degree of crefcrence. the rewards of
many home enterprises are settling
down to more moderate and stable
limits, snd foreign fields begin to offer
larger opportunities and larger profits
than In the past, especially 1n view of
the Impaired ability or Europe to sup
ply many of these requirements.
Banks Show Gains and Gralnmen
Still Holding Crops.
A healthful condition of affairs In
the vicinity of Caldwell, Idaho, is re
flected In the current trade bulletin Is
sued by the Caldwell Commercial Bank.
Sam, af tha moat significant observa
tions, which are typical, are the fol
lowing: -"All
banks in this section show a
anhalantlal Inrre.tiae In dcDOMlts tn the
call for statements as of November 10.
over the last call of beptemoer i. ,ik-
wlse all show large Increase in re
n-1.1. .nn.llrlnn 4a hniind tO re
ran -. ..."- -
fleet favorably on future development
and Increase in traae. we are aiao
pleased to note that the trade letters
which -era receive from banks, both
East and West, are reporting a marked
betterment In trade ana aeposiis.
'tk , r , v.... ahlnned from here dur-
v. eir-.r ia months of 1910. two
cars; during the first 10 months of
115. 122 cars.
"Th, Vnvamhar horse sales were well
.tt.nriari and ennd nrlces were paid.
The next sales will be December 7. 8
and 9.
"Those who did not sell their grain
at threshing time are still holding for
higher prices and are generally expect.,
i.. aA hnul until Korlnar.
"Some of our customers report that
they will have entries In the birst .-m
tlonal Corn Show at'St, Paul."
bewlston Bank Deposits Grow.
t t?wTTCTnv Tdaho. Dee. S. (Spe
cial ) Lewiston banJcs now have de
posits of more than J3.000.000. which la
an Increase in one year oi it v'
On November 10 the deposits were:
c-i . iMinml Ttnnk. 11.794.187: Lew-
lston National Bank. 9877.453: Empire
.i , tti t mt- IHaho Trust
Company. 182.157; total. I3.9S5.817. One
year ago the total in mo cuy na
Boston Slerchant to Speak.
Edward A. Fllene, one of the leading
merchants of Boston, will deliver an
addresa before the members of the
Chamber of Commerce In the main
dlnlng-roora at noon Wednesday, De
cember 15. Mr. Fllene Is on a tour of
the Pacific Coast and la studying busi
ness conditions here. His subject will
be "The Economic Effects of the War
on American Business."
Yamhill Banks nave More Deposits.
M'MJXXVTLLE. Or Dee. 6. (Spe
cial.) Yamhill County banks Indicate
prosperity. Notwithstanding that the
farmers have about half of the annual
croo on hand, the banks of Yamhill
County towns show a net Increase of
IKa.OOO for a period or aoout live
months. The Increase seems to be
general throughout the country.
New Mining: Field Attracts.
Many Portland mining men and In
vestors have become Interested In the
reports of productlona In the newly
discovered mining aiistrlct near King
man. Arls. A number of Oregon peo
ple have pone to the scene of th new
discovery to look tbo situation over.
Portland Bonds Bring Premium.
Portland municipal Improvement bonds
now are selling in ni.-ugi
tlal premiums, necent quotations show
that $10,000 iVt. due In 1945. sold for
lOJVi. giving the Investor a return of
about 4.35.
Road 1tj Is Nearly $25,000.
F ANDY Or., Deo. K. (Special. The
in the bank. Someone else puts your money there
if you don't because your earnings are deposited
sooner or later.
Start a bank account in this strong National
Bank and
The United States National Bank
Liberal Rale
Interest Paid
The First National Bank
of Portland, Oregon,
Suggests as a practical Christmas gift a savings
bank book with one of its automatic recording
safes in an attractive holly box.
A Savings Account Can Be Opened With
One Dollar or More.
additional road meeting held Friday
night voted a special road levy of 10
mills. District No. 48 voted a 5-mlll
special road tax. The special road
meeting held at George voted a special
levy of 8'i mills. In the Kelso dis
trict a 6-mlll special road tax was
YOUR BANK ACCOUNT whether it be business or
personal carried here, gains for you the co-operation of our many
departments of accommodation and convenience PLUS the con
structive aid willingly offered by directors, officers and employes. You
will find the central location also a feature of attraction.
Combining by Purchtut Tha Merchants National Bank
Interest on
Savings Accounts.
Sixth and J
of San Francisco.
Capital paid in gold coin
Surplus and undivided profits
Commercial Banking:.
Interest paid on Time and Savings Deposits.
PORTLAND BRANCH, Corner Third and Stark Sts.
Wm. A. MacRae J. T. Burtchaell
n Manager. Assistant Manager,
Canadian Bank
of Commerce
Toronto, Canada.
Established 1867.
A general banking business
tra exacted.
Interest paid on time deposits.
Ceaaaaerclal Lettere af Credit
see aed.
l.xrbance aa London. Enalaad.
Boasht aad Sold.
Corner Second and Stark Sts.
F. C. MA LP AS, Manager.
San Francisco
Los -Angeles
(Wltheat Change Ka Rental
The Big.
I onafortable.
Klraaatlr Appelated,
henselae ,
Salla From Alasworta Deck
3 P. M December 7.
IOO Golden Miles oa
Colombia River.
All Kates Inelnde
Kertha and Meala.
Table and Service
The Saa Francleee at Portland S. S.
Ca Third and Washington Streeta
(with O.-W. It. N. Co. Tel. Broad
way 4SOO. A -3121.
Sails TV edaeaday. Dec. 8, P. M.
Sails Krlday, Dee. 10, P. I
Ticket Offtee 1S2 A Third St.
Phones Main 1314, A 1314.
Third and
levied. Altogether, near 325,000 in
special road taxes was levied in the
district near and Including Sandy, for
the ensuing year.
Eitentve work has been beg-ua to Brora
definitely whether petroleum caa ba fauna
In .South America.
Interest on
Time Deposits.
S-mKwjiv! Dank Building
,:' jvrs, nomaorv.
Founded 1S64
.TwIsjTalaeea- of in Yracfz7e.a'
sjpwpi "asla ' na
a!iTIa limJiWBal.
-v.lifc.Al AOUliLaVKJii"
-Northern Pacific" for San Franelaeo.
UEC 2. J. 11. 18, 21, Zi. 30.
Steamer express leave v A- M. tluaob oa
board ship), arrive baa Francises 3:&e
y. M. text day.
Great Northern from San Franeieee
aaa Honolulu, Dec 16, Jan. S, 15, Feb. la. utUlt, STH AU BlA-hM.
2-hone liroadway 020, A 6671.
Tickets also at ad and Morrison, 130 3S
t., 34s Washington St.
Compagrnir ficT.eraie Tranatlutiqu
Sailings From NEW YORK to BORDEAUX
LAFAYETTE Dec 11, 3 P. M.
ESPAGNE Dec 18, 3 P.M.
LA TOURAINE Dec 25, 3 P.M.
C. W Btloser, b0 Uth at.; A. D Charlton,
i.a.6 Morrison St.; E. K. Garrison, C. U. A St.
Paul Kr.; Dorser B. l-mllh, 116 3d St.; K. V.
Baird. 100 Sd t. : 11. IlckMn. 848 Wash.
lna;ton st.I North Bank Road, 5th and stark
al.; F. a. Mi'Farland. 3d and Vaeht;tB
IU.I U B. Kuffj. 121 3d at.. Portland.
Via Tahiti ajvd Rarotonea to Welling-ton.
connectlnc at Wellington for Sydney and
Australian ports. Regular ialllnga from San
Francisco, January 6. February 2. March
1 and every 28 days. Send for pamphlet.
Union Steamship Co.. of New Zealand. Ltd.
Office 57B Market street. San Francises,
or kK-al 8. 8. and K. B. Ag-ent.
American-Hawaiian Steamship Co.
C.D.Kenaedr.Art. itlt. atarB P
Leave Portland Daily, 3 A. il, except
Leave The Dalles liallr. T A. M., except
phone Main Sid. A tSUi.
FrelBht VT, Tor
Service EjVl Bm0,
Betvreca Cnarlestea
Partland tJir Horfolk