3 DECErBER 4. 1915. - MOTtTOXG SATURDAY, I . ' BAN K MESSENGER AJ10 ROBBER KILLED Assailant, Who Carries Three Revolvers, Is Wounded in Ensuing Fight. CROWD SEES ENCOUNTER nttrr Craba a Coatalalo; ! la Rvli Ilo,r at Naw York fcabway Siailoa IV Ikrsnaa riaalf I etU Ilia. NEW TORK. Doe. . Ataa Cardo.r. bsk Baaa.r. anl Grf a Da Kmm. a roooar. tid lata too'.k ttm kil wouo4 r.l. w"""1 ct.net Bi4a by tko lattar to at.ol V cuuinlit !' la tk roort..Bih-...-.. ucaT atatioa ta tao r ' M twxi.r. GrBr waa 0 i. Broa wa waa la tura wound! J k-i:.i tram r."'. - otitm. o. y Kro elad firi. Garaaor ! ailaalM U'r i m ! woro mptoa of lo Tak et ta. M.trcpolia la t aloa a-r.aro. aaor th.o o.o of LM iirvM. who ara.o) wltk tkroo .ol.r. crrfl B.orlr ! TY''l a4 a b.C o( po-dor aad woro two auli. of elotk... walk. S Mkl4 iJ m..al.r, aa Hr4 ta .hot. t.to t.-.o b4 of OardB.r. wka in, b.e. ana a t f" ti " floor ami t!. en-a of ub"' .. th. robbar tnr.w """rJ.t! r.ol..r. m.m4 th b aad "' ma kao and lo Irc d'aw aar.S rovaloar -4 t.r.4. lb. b U-t l th. ..n-i.maa r..trt th t.ll " .., tr.po.4 bla Wl " fU4 lato ro.t-.r By tb!. tlmo war arrt.tB- from aavaral diroctloB. J. wl th.a 4r bl. tblf4 d ardin hi. ant.r IC r.a I. it.. Lnion .tara ll.ra h. !j ,o r.trac. bl w,.,'l,,l by . p.trolmaa. .too b .tt.pl B.Ot. rctrd a poor mn. of rrt th. aaua.. - , . ,h. Th.ra a nxm - orj.oU.tloo,. about bole prwoou W. t. McOuro pro.H.4. Nomia.tTon. of oftic.r. b4 dlroctor. . . - . wnm Tb. .l.ctioa ta bo b.Jd at tso t mt Inc. too w.k. from lax C.rk. pr..Mnl. wm aomi.U o vrv.4 blmtf. Oth.r aomlo.lloo. w.r.: P' ,,c . . . . mmm ud R. A. Covb.r: .wraivd o-pr.ld.nt. M-iutr.: tbtrd lco-pr.i.. ll.lcab 4 M. O.IUb.r: "''; A. K B-rt.: .r.t.ry. U- r. I '"" for of th- boa4 of dirortonj. rio I .lt. Bcb.r4 Ad.mo. rry.. U. r. rrr.r. . f. i.tor. IUnnao.lt. i. H. Molll.l.r. W. - """" A. K.ll.r. Knoa.tii uU J- u'" daa. C i.r .. M il'f-"- R" Tbom.a. ttaa.u.1 tV.lo.r. C . W.a.r B4 CBWt.r A. rbltofa G R flHTACTIDfTP D U BTED prATOK TO OTTT. SO WILt RUCAKOIG LASU9. Otm a) C oUfo.aU Coatrooy IJh.ly Wool4 bo Coospllratod ar oa a,oolooa M.ooaro. I. " CRCCONUN NEWS BCREAf. TV..h loctoa. Doe. . Booalor Lano. of Oro (ob, will latrodaco o MU brm on U. Orotoa Cailforaia la4 roU -Th. I... L;atUB Cobr. "u on th.t .ubjocl." h I4 tonlhU th" t- t'nd.r th. Jfupr.m. Court d-ei.loa th.ro la Htllo tbat Con- r..a ca do. altbouca it can d.floo aa' actual ..tii.r. and It prob ,b;y eaa la omo war fl "m wh"a tr.o Uad. mu.l bo .old- Jt caa aloo diroct that th. land, bo off.r.4 for ul lnsm.diat.ly und.r tho t.rroa or tao araat. or It eaa paaa a law ro.uir lea tbo railroad company to aoll upoa domand of any boaa-fldo .ttl.r. -I b.:i.o a;.o that Conro. could irak. aa appropriation and buy tho on tiro a-raal from tbo rallroa4 rem pa ay at trJP an aero, but Coor w;ll not. la my Judmnt. mak. any .uch ap eroprlalloa. Any l.tltion r"d by ConirtM that la not arc.ptablo to tbo railroad rompany wf.l throw tho '; retroory back Into tho roort. ir Cnnsr.M d;r.arda tbo wUb.a of tb. railroad rotcpaoy and paa too much UsUatloa oa tM. .ubjoct It wUI aur.iy lovlto furth.r litlatloo and tlo up tho craal and tho d..:opm.nt of a at ara for an oth.r Ind.tlolto porlod- BOMB CODE IS CHARGED Kftl.D A Tltl0T. tt4Mn T.b.o rrooa latoraalloaal Aa Ao t-od Aaalaot Tlr. Uplooloa Pampo. lOrt ANGELES. Doc. J-U.tt.ro t.'J tor of -Mh .!.!- and -orantatloa work.- pbra. a:i..d to r.lato la a aTn.miliB coorlfay o.M.4 o. affl-lal. al tho latar aatiooU A-oculte, of nrld. troc -tural troo Work.ra w.r, r.4 Into ta. jLord. all -ay todar In tbo Irul of V.ta.w A. aVhmldt, cbar.4 with mur .r aa tho r.ult of tho La. Aa.l.. Tkt... .p:ool.a flo .ar. ao. Amaac tho J.tt.ra. wbuh w.ra aU t.k.a Iroa tho rtiwa of tno Int.rna tioaal Aoclatoa la Indianapotla. waa oa paroortina to bo from ll.rbort -torhio, of Dotrolt. to J. J. Mc.Vamara. .cr.tary-tr.aurr of tho aooclatloa. 4 eat.4 Do.mb.r I. tioi. ta dia ,u,.is( a f. d.rrlck .p.rat.4 by aa -op .bap1 concora. It r.ada la part r..Uow: mm bltfb bank and t h.ar tbal a:bt a blKh win. J b;.w It est. .!, w miw Uaaatn atr Aeoth.r lttr all4 to ba. bo wrtton !"-ti. mo.r IK It:, to McNa mora by Micr:a. J. Ilaanoo. of fcraa. mt. I'a.. contain, aa a?pal for rnon.y to ! tbo .trtk.ra la Sraaloa. and ..I.. - am pr.par.4 to do aeytainc. but jM know bow car. fit a Ba muat b. ta a ca.o of (hi. klad." -v.'a oc troubl." to "unfair firm." aad "will put tf-.m job oa to bum" aro otproooioa. wbi-B occur froqu.atly la tao corrwpond.oo GAPTAIH LIBELS SLOOP dc ATtt rnon rtiTfcJt. y. Mow ra raaama, mM to Hao .a Oatfltt.d for Itaoor Mlata f Kaaodltloa bo Chit. AXAJaA. Doc I Thorn. Ow.a. form.r mo.t.r of tbo Aro.rl.-mo atooo ymcbt AtaJ.noy. baa llb.1,4 tbo vomoL wbtcb I. bow la caarf. of tao Cnttod kulM MarabaL Tb. Acod.my put la bar y..:.rd.y and la bow la auaraa- . ihit. kAKift b.o roc.atly .... oral d.atka .a board from y.llow favor. rwaa. wlf. who b. bay. waa a d.uabt.r of lt r.mb.rtoa. th. Brit J. a no. tLt. an J oloco of L-erd Nortk. !.f:. 41.4 la Octobrr at tbo Ancoa lloapttal of y.llow favor, contracted bord tho Acaa.my at Bu.na V.nlora. Columbia. II. doclarvd today that tbo nil of tho Ane'.o-Am.rtcaa Eiplor atloa Campoay. of wblck Adoipb it. am. of baa rraactaco. la tbo pr.aid.at. mu.l pay far bar datb. A'eor4lac ta Uw.a. tao Acad.my waa aotfttt.4 for a y.ar. atay la aouth.ra kil. wfc.ro work wa to bo rrrt4 oa In U'tr mln.o wbtcb bo dloco.orS oa a b. b wb.ro b. bad boaa .bio wrorkoii a s y.aro tfo. K. had troubl. witk tbo crow of Ifco yacbt aad waa f rc. to p t into Ba.aa V.ntura. Than, bo d.cur.4. tb.ro aroao dlfflcultl.. wi'b tbo brt-l.a cruir N.wcaatt.. tb. Hrit:. Con.aUr official, aad tbo Co lombU, aatbartttoB. wblck forcod a irti abaaloam.nt of tbo T.alura. liOflAIIOIIS ABE HADE MOLD MUmtti. MR. KING TO STAY AWAY Orrcon (ominltlrcmaa 'o to Maka rrroonal I1ht for Mac. nrnvi i v VKW jt Bt REAL' Vh- K.V. " . vi-. T I tt k'lnr wba I. melon, -wr. tbo roceg-nliod Oroa m.mbor ff tno v. r (w-r. i tr Commltt... will Dot atl.nd tbo ....I0B. of that body oa Tuaaday. noinmiinu.ui . . . . ...in I . Ihan ta bo con i.t.d by H. M. Kt.rly. who waa cho.n National eoini" rrailc prlmarla Mr. Kin will rir. n:. proxy p"' . . . nLl.hAink n.l Will But poronai:y dfnd himif aa-alo.t , t a. CODIMU 1. "-'"" " b. mm r.a-uUrty .loct.4 Natlonil com- ... - . - n f Inn. kilfl and Bail co.ro a UI m apr.aal tho conrlctloa that tbo N- ttonal commltt. would not unaoat him. Mr. KlBa tri.no. oo i v........... ... . . w k.it M r EtitarlT waa duly aloctad. bo waa oloit-l to .ucc..d Mr. Klnjt wa.a too ' -- w pi r.a B.it Jan.. STATE BUILDINGS .CHEAP f.ipooUloai Mrwrtarra at l'mc llaa of Orirlaal Coo to. A f RANCtS.O. Poo. . Tho dlf far. oca b.twoaa B.w and .coBd-baod waa lllo,trail la aa at.oouncm.nl made tc-lay of tho prlcoo at which -.ral of tbo atalo buiMlns. at tbo Paa ama - I'a. If to Kpaitloo woro auc llonad off. ... . Tbo ftato of lUtuola bulldinc. which coat !. waa booekod down to a v. , . h ... 1 1 T l a nd furnl. turo aluod at Ili.Poa brouaht l0OO. T6. N.w York City butldlnr. aald to bin coat Ut.ooo. krouaht $Jo. Waab l.cton .lata a IIJ.-.0 pataca aold for t-o. Th. Ml.ippl bulWln c.t lll 0 and brought liii. lowa a l:.0 bulld inc aold Pr liP Tho Or.soa bulWln brouaat tlJ:o. Tho furnuuro mado lo tno v(gB achooi will o back to th.m. It waa BBbouacod. DEAN STRAUB CANDIDA! t rnly ralty of Orrsoa ProfoaaoP A plrra to lie Cyteroor. EllltNE, Or, Doc J. Dr. John A. .. ... ... 4n of tho ln. T.rlly of Ontoa. nd connrtrl with that inatltutlon tor tno iai today anoouncol hla candidacy for th. republican Goy.rnor.hip at tho nt .iMtlon. tr atrsub .aid tM. announcro.nt waa 'mad. proldlnr Oo.rnor Wlthy rombo la not a candidal, for ro-.l.e-tloa. I'araooat frl.nd.bip btw..a tbo two ma la tb. raaaoa for Dr. Strauba not oppoolnc Oov.rnor Wlthycombo. Xtapooooottac aa pooood ta Opoo-r rio.fatra Ai bro by Hbrbord I Atlaawa, H'nur-. -.rk-o AO It lla t Da With tb. Romano Maa and saiaoatan waa tb. ta.ma of tao Bddr.aa of Rl-hard Adas. acr.try of tbo Oro Wholo io oroc.r.- Aaolatloa. who .pok. i tb. r.cu ar fortniabtly moollna of to Porti.nd Plnm.na CJab t th Kotoi vak.rr lt aiat. Mr. Adama npaaa:o. to Importaaco. la oar-rin -,M'.-. af at ahla miarooro-.ata-aa- fru-a-ajiiua ho -aa Italian Ilrht la Calr. ZVRICII. Swltiorland. la London. Doc j.piariatcho from th. laonio front la tho Au.tro-Itatlaa th.at.r of wsr My tbu d.aplt tbo Icy cold of a aalo. which la blowloa at th rnto of id ml.. aa hour o.ar In. b.lchta of tho Caroo. tho Italian, conatantly ar. mak I DC attack acalnat tha whol. front Tbalr h.ai..t aaaaolta aro aow dl roctod at th. Corula brWc'haad. C0NSTOAT10M. Too will look a goi whil. Mot Ttti tad a T-Tt-T-arat-oti for ccmanraaon that la an-oai toChamborUln'.Tab'.art. Wken thapropor dooa ta tako- tho action of Uo taclaU U to NrbU aad bt sat rJ tt Ton do not roaiiio tiat ItUta 2oct cf a nwiirtna. Cliamborl!n,a Tab lota jtr aar ai toeio pr $rrti that aid U att)llln a natarai aad rofnlarop aratloa of tka bowala. Unr caaoa of ekrooki eoalpado hara booa parma- The Christmas Store The Store of Half a Million Gifts The Great Xnias Purveyor of Happiness At Your Service With 'YaH 4adl dimes I Lipman-Wolfe & Co's. Is the Most Beautiful as Well As the Busiest of All Holiday Stores Here for Your Xmas Gloves Real French Kid Clove $2J25 With heavy exochrt embroidery on the back.: hIt inch welt at wrist, two peail cUpU m bUck. tn. grjf, perl and champagne. Valller SaeJe Clove $2.00 Twolip. pique ftyle. in biscuit shade and con trasting stitching. Lamb t Wirt Clove $1JS . Selected Umbskio gloves, glace finish. 2 pearl dasp. black and white. - Glace Clove $139 . . , One-dasp. pique tewn. glace finish, in black, white, Ian and navy. Lamb i A in Clove $1J2S . Two-clasp style, plain and contrasting stitching, in black, white, tan. brown and navy. Mocha Clove $2.00 First quality. 2 pearl c!a5P. in ray shades. Con trasting embroidery. Pique Sewn Mocha $125 Twolasp flexible stock, in black, gray and beaver shades. CHILDREN'S CLOVES Silk-Lined Kid Clove I to 6-year sizes, $ 1 .00 ; 9 to 1 2-year sizes. $ 1 Cape Clove $1.00 and $125 Finished with three rows of embroidery, tan shades. Pique-Sewn Mocha Clove In gray and tan. $1.00 and $1.25 the pair. Fleece Lined ... Cn And fur-top gloves, in sizes 1 to 14 years. 50c to $1.25. .first Floor The Doll Store On the Second Floor is the home of "a thousand babies" a shop where every little girl can find iust the verv doll that suiu her fancy; 13 if it is Kewpies. they are here in every size and every kind, at every price or perhaps a character doll : if so. you will find here the greatest collection of char acter dolls in the city dressed dolls of every size and style, undressed dolls, celluloid doll come in Saturday and choose your Xmas dolls from this spe cialty doll shop at prices that are lower than elsewhere. 8- inch full jointed Papier Mache Doll 25c 9- inch unbreakable wool body dretted Doll ...P 45c Character Baby Doll, bobbed hair 39c 15-inch Kidlyne Doll, bisque head ;.4fc Laughing Boy Doll, full jointed $15 Keatner character Babiet, jointed bodie with real kin wig; $225 to $16.50 Celluloid face tponge Babie for ; 25c 1lAit Armmmmi. tainted Doll. - - w m - Mf.fu JiAfli . .... ...... .75c 18-inch cork fluffed kid body a af DoNi 'r7 rlltn'iA RabitM. with or with out hair, 10c to $125 14-inch- hair-ttuffed Romper Cirl $2.75 Kewpie Babie of celluloid and buque, 10c to sue tecond rioor 757a-ia Pictorial Review Patterns And Fashion Sheet "For January Novo On Sale Second Floor SACHET POWDERS Pief La Trefle, Flora m ye. Ala rm. La Savao cr. ?S oa. DOray'a Rate. Magnet. .Vlo Irtte. Chevalier Rev $1-50 ox. Ilodnuta la all odor 50c ex. . Tot Ponrri Sachet Zj ox. Sachet bag filled. 25e. Sat all ailk Sa chet with indi vidual pin. all rotor. Sc each. Sachet in fancy package 23c i Irat S'taar. DRUG SALE Six Cake Ivory Soap for 18c No phone or mail order filled. Delivered . only with other drug purchase. 50c Pivert" Faca Powder. .3." $1 Pompeian Massaga Cr"m 60c II De Miracle Depilatory. .79) 50c Sterna Natural Rouge '.19 C J 20 Military Bnuhea $1.08 Pears' Scented Soap lof Woodbury Facial Soap...ll)( 3oc Bezoin-Almond Cream. 1J) 75c Household Chamois. . . .50$ 2oc Imported Violet Soap.. .10 15c-25c Nail Brushes 10? La Xoya Beaotifier with fare sponge, complete... .....50f Euthymol Tooth Paste 15f &0c Tooth Brushes 3itt Pebeco Tooth Pasta .tOe) 50c Vanity Case 3.1f SI Bath Brushes 80 15c Roll Toilet Paper, 2 for 15c Flat Toilet Paper, 2 for 25f 50c Scott's Tissue Towels.. .40f 2oc Boraxo for 10 C Ivory Talcum Holders for purse, with Talcum 10 C $20 Ivory Qocks $1.98 Pin Cushions, velvet top... Ilof Ivory Stand Mirrors iWiif 50c Ivory Vanity Cases.... 33 El Rado Hair Remover. A liquid preparation for the re moving of superfluous hair vatiafactory harm lea. Two ilea. 50c and SI. fj Suits to $25.00 for $15.00 FOR MISSES AND SMALL WOMEN From the Fourth-Floor Section Of whipcord, gabardine and fine serges, showing all the new est styles three models illustrated. Box styles, full or ha belted, patch or fancy pockets trimmings of velvet, seal and selt materials. Full flare skirts. In navy blue, brown and green. $4.00 All-Wool Serge Dresses Size 6 to 14 Years In navy blue, green and brown, showing several different styles. One model has the bolero waist, pleated skirts and loose belt plaid trimmings and buttons. Novelty Hats Half Price For Children 1 to 8 Year Imported models and fancy dress hats and tailored models in the most becoming styles-of velvets, soft silks and velour. Regular $3.50 $4.75, $5.00 to $22.00 Sale. . . $1.75, $2.38, $2.50 to $11.00 Children's Sweaters for Xmas In Size 6 to 14 Year Fine all-wool sweaters in plain or fancy weaves, half or full belted models, with or without pockets, cuff-finished sleeve. Special, $2.98, $3.95, $4.50 and $5.00 Fiber Silk Sweaters $4.95 For children 6 to 14 years. In gold, white, Copenhagen and white, white, rose and white, or solid colors. Straight style. V-neck, patch pockets and fringed-end sash. Fourth t loot From the Art Needlework Shop Stamped Work Bag Apron 50c Made up from crossbar lawn. lace trimmed, ribbon draw strings and bows. In pink. blue, lavender and green. Stamped ready for embroidering. Smelling Salt Bottle 50c Covered with French cretonne trimmed with galloon. Filled with smelling salts. Sewing Screen 95c Cretonne-covered, fold screens 24 inches high, fitted with pocket, spool racks, basket holder and pin cushion. Novelty Handkerchiefs 25c The latest handkerchief fad handkerchiefs of crape de chine, voiles and chiffon, with colored borders. Also linen handker chiefs with colored embroidered corners. 35c Special, or Three for $1.00 Irish cottage embroidered handkerchiefs of all pure linen, with hand-embroidered corners. Special, 85c Box Two-toned novelty colored border and colored embroidered comer handkerchiefs. F'rsl FlooT All Children's Millinery Now HALF Price and Less $1.00 to $10 Tailored Hats 50c Large assortment of hats 'for misses and children 6 to 14 years. Fine velvet, corduroy, plush, fancy mixtures, trimmed with ribbon bands or self materials. $2.00 to $2.50 Trimmed Hat 95c Hats of silk plush, velvet, corduroy, strictly tailored; others with satin pleatings and clusters of flowers. $4.00 Trimmed Velvet Hat $2.45 Trimmed with fur. ribbon, flowers, small, close-fitting. medium and drooping shapes, in black and colors. $7.00 Trimmed Model $3.95 Beautiful hats of silk velvet in smart shapes, trimmed with fur. fancy fruits, ribbons, flowers, in the greatest se lection of new styles. . Third Floor first rioor. Mail and Telephone Order Filled by Expert Shopper Pacific Phone MaUhall 5000 Home Phone A 6691 MM Christmas Neckwear 15,000 Strong You Are Wrong IT CAN BE DONE $1.65 For the Most Luxurious The Most Elegant $3.50, $3.25, $3 and $2.50 Xmas Neckwear Buy It Now This Extraordinary Sale Flrat Floor. FOR BOYS Victory $4.95 Suits With An Extra Pair of Pants These suits are the equal of - any $6.00 suit, staunch, sturdy, all wool suits in the latest models and patterns in tweeds, diagonals, cassimeres and navy blue Dickey cloth. Norfolk coat styles pants full lined throughout and with taped seams. All sizes 6 to 1 7 years. Fourth Floor Xmas Overcoats J&Sf Rushed by Express r"k In clever modified Balma- 1 , Ws. caan and man tailored box Q styles. In beautiful mixtures J I 1 and overplaids, and blue J ) cheviot and chinchilla. 8i"1ft In sizes 2 to 18 years. f L Price $4.95 to $16.50. ' JAl.h Koorth Floor. CJ 'A3" Your Choice of Any Russian ?0 QC Or Blouse Suit to $9.50 for. .S" In Sizes 22 to 7 Years $1.00 Flannelette Pajamas for 79c $1.50 Flannelette Pajamas for 98c $1.50 and $1.75 French Flannel Shirts. . .98c $1.00 and $1.50 Laundered Blouses . . . .39c $1.50 and $1.75 Heavy Flannel Shirts. .$125 $2.50 to $3.50 Boys' Hats 98c 75c to $125 Boys' Hats ..15c All-Wool Rough-Neck Sweaters $3.45 All-Wool Jersey Sweaters $1.50 All-Wool Knit Toques 50c Foarth Floor. Jusf Arrived for Xmas Selling $7.50 Cowhide Bags To Sell at $5.45 Pine cowhide bags with sewed corners, steel frame. lift catch, leather lined. Inside lock and pockets. $10.00 Cowhide Bags To Sell at $7.25 Strongly constructed cowhide bags with large sewed-on corners, doublc-stitched edges, leather lined, two pockets, large steel frame. Seventh Floor For Women New Special Boots for $5.00 A TUitcH-at Of Bronze Kid, Semi-Dull Kid and Blue Kid 14-button style with the square top pattern and light welt soles, Cuban-Louis heels. With self or white stitchings. One of the smartest boot models of the season. In sizes 3 to 8 and tripIe-A to E widths. Secona rioor Saturday Candy Specials Salted Almonds, the pound SOc Choice Salting Almonds, pound 50c Boston Mints, the pound 25c Vanilla and Chocolate Marshmallows 25c Flrat Floor.