Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 03, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Aim Is to Father National
Convention to Urge Recla
mation on Congress.
IWxlj ri-il;rj in Work for Messare
authorising botrniinral to .V
aist by l.aarantrclnc la
lercst on Lnil Iund.
PAV rRNCtf0. r. Z T
rn M'. CoBfrac. In purpo f
it I to ftft-r Nuol con--
l rM la WMnit. D.
l grjt CenrtoBjl 14 l '
Un.j.. ujo.-?-.i b'ft tif
mnfimrt of rprnMt:a "f
--.r W tst. Joa Hartmaa.
f 1"M. c.rmi f f WsBB
at Ks.-Um ri..i 'onfra-e. uod-r
;!.- mtin wa Bli.
ta ;ct'i temporary tbIrmfv.
A xceu'lM cmn"'. orfi t.l f
4;.4t- f-orr i: Wa.tera .(.
t 6. n-inifiriH tomorrow. Tae co-u-ri't
wi:i n it of toe
t r-.,l r..t: t' fc l WSBiB
ta . f?r tr6r 2 1.
HMHMt I aB)l.
tf .l ra r.r wilt W-in-t
.n'rt I'oniNit lo I'irl aij for
i ari.. ft struts aa-J ur,t mora
f:fl ?j-ol rit on btn Federal
an.i it'. autnonries It ti devslop
c tf t vartuu. lrrtxti' projects.
T coofroro lo.Uj dlid taat lo
a... (or n;rinut.oa la l& National
rini coi of Uroor
of - :! il lrrU'ry ao4 loo (Do Interior i tra rp
rntatte la b 9iBt-I ty Biro.
- i.n;:jn ta dlele will lariuJs
In to,. jam: from sa'B stale.
t appointed or m loroor; en
front . a Irria.tioa. reclamation,
vamp or oarCa d stru-l c prvlt.
en from i4rl iitat ifn: taroo from
l.-i ti..nal I'lurnltr of Coromerr. on
frorn ta U!or "nri rouavtl of tr
fe. on frorn rat a rlarB"-Bxs or-
niiat.op in tba t'mto.l Mtoa: on
(rom ai.a ri'.rJ curatlr torooib
t.ofv ro-'laraaCion. oni or or.
i juifi'-n. ono from (tata. to
r-rr-nl the rltil nt inriri HTie
on from ai r otato lrrltttoa or
f;ilor. ni tbroo dlt from
tn ntrnatinAl Irriiatiu I'oni'tM
n i ttio .Natioaal Iraino Concrn.
Jo- Bill la UokwA
Tht roofrrw- I pt-i-.l to work tn
N lnt.rt of a l):i Introdur-d b
(.of Joooa of V Mn Jtoru whl. a
wouij tot&gria th iiuitrnml to
t lr ISo rorlamalioa of arid. mt
arl.i and owairp Una tr Kuaraatoo
of pajnot of tlia intrt toida l
'i.l by cuMir dxtrirto for ta rorla
iAirD of t-h land.
Ti o ornt-jitioo tommll' rom-ro-l
of t-a foliowins: It. M. liotiort.
Tuurr. t'al.: K. f:. "Wll'f. alr.
!Ua. . I:iraard. TortUnJ. r : -t.
Mtn-a-V rro.-r. ah : Marry
h tr. fhoonix. .r.M.. I M. Klfr. roat
II. Wa-H. .'irtf t'alit u ropro-rtt-f
bf ' K M.rh.
Tr rotnt!on romtnlttco was a fol
low II. M !tr-t. !attl: '- M. t'.'.jt r.!r. tda'io: J. W. rirom
tn.r. portlan-l. r.; I. J. MrOoltaod.
1.1 Ov N.: V. A. Board. Sirm-nto
. waa rrroitod br Harry
n of L-o n . and Norta I'a
kola br Minoah.
iw-a--l of f Ii.Ot for ttrnvrr lllc
Arrlt C'oatrMrd bjr UrUllin.
fi:xvi:R. !-. I. irp-riL lloira
f )o lat John If. P. VoorhU. wcaltiy
t'ar rl tt and riurran. who
nxa pftioo la hit wlit. ntnr ITi.
! fur to oro-tioa of an arra on ta
rtvt: rmtcr otto In Btmorr of blmalf
1 wtic mar d'at " intnt of imo
-lilor (ill. Ir. t'hart VoorMo.
f ltictfr. K . a priw ! WBom
a bt iot id I ''. and v I iiara Vf.
bia. m broCbr. or w rrlaft. who
waa oof Bintinnd ta trio w til. aro
clasaiBct t pp th" wil.. i.corj fit
i o word rwoi Inrr from Ir
oorf. l)r4oa Vojrht, a tHow.
f I'ortlaad. Aaa a: 1 bo will Biako Bo
ton cor.
It wt.'l a crntnd t:at no wi l of
V - Vrh!. ifl'h(.p ha alcornpt! u
ooa of bfc I ;. oCat. wa naUo Oo wa la til naua and qao'jn4
frara'iy. 1iio will. aevordiBtt to) I r
mvii0 wa I ba ba jttroT4
by Mr. Vcwrhir. b'jt trot44a aomo
ril II waa tot.
'.-....4 r-
ntion of tna Itrlcta Jif(imiil. w a
lt."'tai ! IO' ro b. tbo matr
aa t otr a in"'J prttl If bo
r-'ja'-r l&at rol'ii itof w r-tm-r
'-'l- . ehuan no Hi(ornnii" bad
r-otv4 from Amb4l0r Taao
" tnt. It w . or.m4 by dpart
rrt e.rfU'iata that bo bad rocio4
T Jpar?Ttnt d-'r t- bnow
wht at-tia Mr f'aao ba lboa bfra
o'rniift aa f"fi frtbwr rpro-
trtn hall tab
T 4.MrtmrBt at- waa lnforw4
lOf tbi th Tir!-aa Trar-t-Unf.'
'mpay ti nrf'y romplt'l
tr rn::rtim of arft.Ju frrw tho
tin -ir of o?.M-a If t"ta rrprilon.
w r . h wil. It l aarl"f. prto hl
f prmiir I wno'ty own4 by
-n-i.-at fUn. . I b'4t two of tho
arfMa!, It w ail. b4 ba rot
).. Tio P- of ban-i. it waa ai4.
m c't bo l-nm. ;atl t 'jbmittod t tfiO
t.tatt tivrrtmr)t f.r it information.
Oodo ta Manl atoM).
T'i ll'bi!itt wa r'i-iiition)4 undr
iif Stritf of a r-ii of prxtm rourt pfo
. ir. prui l l fur by tbo ordor la
l. rad;nt aa follow:
-vrtro it I m d tv appaar to tho
J t.l tn) t"ia ppiiftl..r of tha rropor
r..r of trio crown trial It la dlro4
t r-i j i -i'loa on boba f of bla M.'ty
a bip tn rr of wbK-S no final
rrtt of tur)lmntloB ba boon mad,
b -"! orvtr 1 .11 tllo hl? ortall ba
ppr.i-d. an! that jn aa an4rtah
.n bint l n la Mt bail bo rt
I iikI t-iir4 to Ibo crow a"
. KWad Ctoow by (!".
'nn-it anral Toan(' iipatch
r 4 ibat wba to ordr allowing
rafpitin wa srane4 by to prua
rnurt :a MI.r today It waa itiP
l-4 tnt tho crown hou'd bo io
an o n.l.rt k in for tHa apprald alo
of I ip- Tba crown. adr tbia
arr jiimBt. aero to par Ibo amooot
of rh a-pr i-mnt ibco lia court
roi..i final HI Hi.tlo la tho raao
ba ml tba Hnti-r ot.rtJmnl Tho
isrt contain-! bo 4'H rocardlna
n appra:mnt. lnftctioo rocotvad
by iu;Eitif I'olb.. of tho tata to-aart-Tit.
rrsm a'torBra for Ibo
,pnrt. aa Tran - .t'ant 1'oitipjrn.
.iit,', v-4 Ual ia tba caaa eX
Goooaoo tho aadortaklBK bad baaa flmod
at lli 4t.
Official of tha SUto ropartmOBt
atroady aro arraoln tho I'gal area"
mata which may bo ud la tba caao.
Th.y bao found that darloc tbo Clrll
War cortala aoutral ahlpa war al4
and roquiltloo4 by Ibo fnltod Staloa
boforo tbo priao court BdJu4lcatloa.
Moat cf tbo ohlpa. howor. ara bald
to bao bn blockada ranaora.
Tbta r:a waa coatalaod la aa amand
maal. which waa wad aftor tha Aitor-Bor-Ooaoral.
appaaria for tba Britlah
roTarr.mont la tha cao of a naulral
hip which bad boaa romlHlonl. con
lor.d4 teat baliraront atalo bad a
"riat lo roqutaitioa. accordina" to In
ternational law. for orcant purpoaa of
offaao ar dofrooo. tho proporty of nou.
trala. provii4 it la not wlthta nau
tral Jurl4lctioa.
Wooaody la Dtptoaaary.
Il wa f jrthor roelondod that such
rajjiicion waa aubjoet to "acjtmaat
rompnalloa. and that tha aubjoct of
a Boniral atala whoa proparty bad
tiM niri R ii war" has
.trrORXKT UH II lit D.
J. I. aotborlaad.
V.VTl"Vi:n. Va.h ror. t.
lal. J. I- ulbrtand. who
was l'td prldnt of tbo Van
roucor faambor of l'omm-rcf laat
niht. la an attorney of thla city.
bariBr roma hora a year aco
from tiolJondal. whoro ho had
practicioc for i yoara.
Mr. uthrland la 41 yrara old.
arad'iata of la law doparlmont
of tbo l"aloraity of Muhiiao of
tha claa of l. Two yrara ba.
foro aotnc to Mirblsan Mr. iutb
arland altand'd tba A arK-ulturai
Coll'ca at Laoln. Mich.
bran so rol'Jlilnd could not com
plain to a Hrtttoh court, tbo romady
boinc throu-a diplomacy.
Tho Amorfan Traoa-Allantlo Com
pany la a Witaurt corporation and
waa formod r-ntly by Hl-hard Wan
nr. of w York and Vla-onaln. It
bousht ta blp. rioarly all of which
bfra Ibo war wora fllnt tho flacs
of ortKn counlrls now nootral. Tha
talus of tha l waa quratlonod by
tiraat Hrltain and franc and appltca
tiona Riad to tiia lpartm"nt of lom
mrro for Ibolr lranfr to Amorlcaa
rosljitry wrra hold up) pondins; Invoatl
Billon of stataironla that thsir o Bar
ship waa largrly
Tba Stalo Wpart mnl rulrd. bow
rrrr. that lb ! am rntirjrd to
Ara or I ran rrsl'try on a prima fact
showing that tbry wora owned by an
American. rorioratlon.
c.uTt:Roit an urmirr nr si:
otT ntcrtBtTK rvw data.
QoalMy of roa a ad Roaalla of la
doatry t pbeld Joaraal Attack
( allow 1 afalr Political Mo.
bALKM. Or. Doc. r (ripocial.) Kn
Itro blamo for lb acttallon attalnul
tho stalo's attempts to promoto th
f'.ai Induatry wa placed today by
Governor WHhycomb VPw Secretary
of Stat Olcott. whti. ba said, proclpl
latod Iba Iroubt by anvlnc out a atalo-m-Bt
bad upoa Inacrurata data.
la lb attacka of tn Or'ion Journal
upoa tha ( ti Industry tbo executive
tn po'ilical motive. II doclarod rt.
cant artt.-1-s In that dally waro for Iho
purpooo of ratlnt dlxrrrdlt upon Ihr
- bold ?cTtary of stata otcott
wholly rtponibt for tbla absolutely
unraUr-l for flat acnatlon. fr lln
oit a statement bao4 upoo Inaccurate
data. aaid th tJovornor. "Thero Is
only otto doubt about tbo aucc of tbo
flat. Industry, and that I whether wa
ran tl!d-ret flax durln; tbo Winter
months In tbla cllmat. Tbero la no
q tatlort about tho quality or Ul pro
duced in H tttrs rea"oo romp4
wltr. any In tbo world.
rh i n d - u--ion In lb oroson
Journal I purely fr p.l' Ileal purposes
In a """ al'-mpt to dlrro4!t th ad-mlai-trtn
Tbo report furalbod that
ppe br their reporter n I only
rtl4 but mirprsenled Ihnao h
att'ime.l tn q iote. aa both Kred Hart
maa aa-f liucena rloa deny tha stato
rntnti. Tb reporter put words la
their mouth
-t I very onfortunato and unwu
I' attack an infant Industry In this
manner, so unfairly aad without foua
dallon. -Thu far th fat, work at th Peel
leatltry Is proarinT satltf acloruy
and artws proml of bolnc a completo
succes. baa about '4 bushels
of flrt-clat sod and for tha paronl
ss4 last san Ibo cost lo lb slat
waa from lo l a bu.hel. At a
conaor-rattvo ostimato this seod Is
worth I
llolilrr Mat btbcralt" r (oti
Irwrt. Xa Itoard jM-rrrlar" Aide.
tj:M. fr. Ic. Special I Pa
rima nlno contract-holders of th t"o
lumbta Mnliitra lrrino Company
falie4 lo f.lo with t-".o I-aaorl Land
Hoard prior lo July I. last, aa aasian
tnBt of Ibolr conlra.-ts. as provided
by ! slatlv tnartmBt. t liotr only
rtrsgrM now whereby tbalr Intarast
may bo proaoreed ta lo asocuta now
contracts with lb atala corrlnc their
lands or roak esw scl lions. rvcvinc
credit for IS money lhay ba paid lo
oa tbalr former contract.
la a report sjbroltlej today to th
member of tho Doaort Land Board. J.
L.-M.-Alltotr. asaiatant crtary. su
fssta tha only remedy. Th Bin contract-holders.
It ta shown, bava paid a
total n:iHi
Ctotlllcb Meyer Dlc-a at Praturu.
PAt.lM. Or.. loc. S. 4SpclaI.V
llottheb Meysr. 7. dl4 today at hit
homo at ITalum, Marlon County. !
was a nallr of twtterland and cama
lo Oreaoa la MTs. Hurctnna him ara
a widow and fia chlldron. Mr. Lena
Achats. Mr. William t-lchty. aad Al
fred. Chart aad Oscar MJr. all of
Counsel Contends Government
Is Estopped by Action
Previously Taken.
Acre plane of $38,000,000 I rom
Nouttrt-rn Taclflc Declared to
l;r Allark on Ix-aae Ural
bait Also ricaded.
ST. LOLIS. D4. i. Answr to th
ariuments of tha Uovrrrirntjnt In th
suit t separat th Central Pacific
from tha Southern Pacific Hallway war
nvado In tha Federal Court hero today
by Peter i Dunn, of Han Francisco,
counsel for th Southern Pacific
Mr. tunna arumnt waa based
lar-'ly on th preposition that the
GortrnminU bavlna secured th disso
lution of th I'nlon Paclflo mercer on
on contention, could not com Into
court now and. en a contrary conten
tion, seek th dissolution of th south
ern racitlc.
"Jo th I'nlon Taclflc case. he said,
"we arcued and. aa w thouchu logi
cally that tha ownership of th South
ern) Pacilc with Iho Central Pacific, by
tha t'nlon Pacific, could not b a com
bination In restraint of trad, because
thrr never could have been competi
tion between th -Southern Pacific Sun
set rout and the I'nlon PaclHc-Central
Pacific route by way of Ocden.
t'osspetltloa PrevUaaly Feoad.
W based our artrument In th t'nlon
r rifle rasa on th fact that tha Union
Pacific wa dependent on th handling
of transcontinental traffic to California
on It connection at Ogden with the
Central Pnel3c. which th Southern Pa
cific would aot us to Ita own disad
vantage. "Tho Government argued and th
9'tprem Court bold that aa a mailer
of practical railroading lhr had been,
before th t'nlon Pacinc merged, actual
competition between th Central I'a-cinc-lnl6n
Paclflo route, and tha Sun
set route, both becausa the Kastern
connection of th fnlon Pacific were
competing with th Southern Tactile
water-Sunset rout, for Atlantic sea
board buslne-a lo California, and be
causa th Atchison. Topeka tc Santa
Ka wa competing for th Central west
"On this contention, th Government
won on th contention that by the dis
solution of the Union Pacific merger
competition between th Ogden route
and tha Sunset route would b restored.
Th Government cannot now coma In
and ask a severance of tha Central Pa
rifle and tha Southern Pacific on the
ground that competition cannot exist
between lb Ogden and the r.l t'aso
routes so long a the Southern Taclflc
control! the Central Taclflc.
Uebt ftaarej by bealhero Pacific.
Garrett W. M.-Knerny. also of counsel
for th railroad, said that when the
Southern Pacific! Joined In the plan of
adjustment of tho debt or the Lnlon
Pacific to the Government and Ihn
trovernment received Iii.o00.000. the
Government wa stopped from ques
tioning the validity of the lease. Me
also declared thai traffic conditions
now existing showed a violation of the
Sherman anti-trust law.
Kdward I- M.-Oennan argued for the
Government earlier In tha day.
"Tha Sherman anti-trust act." he
said. "Is not limited In Ita prohibition
of monopolies: it I not necessary to
show an annihilation or competition. It
there I a dlrct. substantial restraint
or competition that la sufficient for a
dedaton under thla law.
"The effect of the competition of the
Alchlson. Topeka sc Santa Fe on th
California traffflc Is Inconsiderable
compared with th effect of the South.
ern Pacific and th Central Pacific.
bow under on control. Th most pow
erful competition of th Southern Pa
cific Is entirely suppressed aa long as
tha Southern Pacific holds the Central
Toons Man l'oond Competent lo
Handle Ilia JtOO.OOO lortonc.
PHILADKI.PHIr. Fee. Z. Grover
Cleveland Hern oil. the automobile
racer and bViator. waa declared sane
and capable of handling his fortune ol
90 by a Jury In tba Common Pleas
Court today In proceedings brought by
the nund alatora brother. Charles A.
Hergdoll. Th latter petitioned for
the appointment of a guardian for hi
brother's estate.
Mrs. Ktnma t. Be'; doll, mother of
both tb petitioner and hi younger
brother, defended the sanity of her son.
Alienist. profess'cnal automobll
driver with whom Hergdoll had com
peted. t'i warden of th county prison
where ho rpent a rerm of 0 day for
breaking tba speed limits, and friends
and acquiictance also testified In hi
Ilody of I la by f.lrl t'oand.
Th body of a baby girl, dead for 10
da) or more, wa found beneath a
tree In a lot on Alosworth avenue, be
tween I last Twenty. ninth and F.ast
Thirtieth street yesterday, wrapped la
an old newspaper. Th body waa taken
In chare by Ieputr Coroner mlth.
who said that the girl bad been killed,
or tiled, within a fw hours of birth.
Iwtt rghtmc over the torn corpse at
tract! a passerby.
W hy should rheumatism, a disease of
the blood, be worse la cold weather
than In Vuomcrf
Th rheumatic poison In tho blood Is
the predisposing cause of tba disease.
If you have th taial In your blosd you
may bava rheumatism whenever the
exciting cause stir It to 'action. Cold
weather and dampness ara exciting
causea of rheumatism. They excite to
action something already In the blood,
something that you must get rid of It
you would bo frc from rheumatism.
What thla something Is. nobody
know. Not very long ago It waa
thought to be uric acid. Many doctors
now think It la a microscopic organism
of a specific bacillus, but tbry cannot
nnd th bacillus.
it s a known fact that In rheumatism-
tha blood become thin rapidly,
that building up th blood relieves th
rheumatism and that there will ba no
return of tha rheumatism aa long as
the condition of tbo blood I main
tained. Vr. William Pink Pill ara
recommended for rheumatism because
they keep th blood rich and rod and
free from raeumailo poisons.
Tbo free book. "Building Up th
Blood' tell all about th treatment.
Send for a copy today to Iba Vr.
William Jdedlctn Co Schenectady. N.
Y. Your own druggist sella Dr. Wll
1' ?- I'lnX riUa. ,
15,000 Xmas Scarfs for Men-Ready
Make It a Point
to Go Window
and See the
Presentation of
Xmas Scarfs
Ever Shown in
One Great Sale
This Sale of
Xmas Scarfs
Will Answer
Every Demand
for Gifts for
Father, Brother
Son or Friend
Be Sure to
Attend This Sale
Foreign and .American Silks and Brocaded Satins
Extra Large Flowing Ends, Easy Adjustable Bands
' Brocades, Persians, Stripes, Polka Dots, Plaids, Checks and Conventional Designs
Special 49c, 58c, 69c, 89c, 98c, $1.35
MEN This is your store. Wc have anticipated your every want in furnishings. We want you to feel at home here. This
sale of neckwear will acquaint you with our store better than any other way we know. It is a practical demonstration of what
this store can do through genuine helpfulness.
This neckwear event covers every possible requirement. No matter what your taste may be you are bound to , find an immense
variety at any price you have made up your mind to pay. But no matter what price you decide upon you 11 find neckwear
such as you have never purchased before. r , n
These scarfs are made of silks of a quality only found, as a rule, in much higher priced neckwear. tint tloor
Mr. Man You're Wrong, It Can Be Done!
The Finest $3.50, $3.00, $2.50 and $2.00 Neckwear
Xmas Special $1.65
We have heard it said IT CAN'T BE DONE IT'S IMPOSSIBLE- you cannot sell neckwear regularly priced from $2.50
to $3 50 at $1.65.' Of course sale neckwear can be sold at those prices, but not regular neckwear.
-We'll demonstrate to any man that in this sale at $1.65 we will show them neckwear that has retailed in any exclusive fur
nishing store and in every department store regularly from $2.50 to $3.50. and some of the identical scarfs as high as $5 00.
Furthermore we want you to satisfy yourself by buying these scarfs, and making your own comparisons. Compare them
ThUll coZince yol better thin Iny argument we can say in their favor that this the most extraordmar sale
high-grade neckwear that you have the good fortune to share in.
Shirts for Xmas
Will b appreciated by every
man who liles neat and dressy
patterns, in hairlines, and clus
ter stripes, in smart color com
binations absolutely new.
Special $1.50 and $2.00
First Floor
Mail and Telephone Orders Filled by Expert Shc-iers
cJMercUndfso of cJ Merit Only"
Pacific Phone Marshall 5000 Home Phone A6691
Rain Coats at $20.00
you want to give a
useful gift, select one of
these snappy storm coats,
with raglan sleeves, Eng
lish horn buttons.
Mezzanine Floor
IB a I I m
I ' J I
- I
Wisconsin Foils Attempt on
Public Welfare Laws.
Tour or Mate Willi Interview Willi
Various Clashes Revrals No Im
mediate Pinrr, Is View
or Hector MacPlieron.
nr iikctor MArriEn.oN.
CHICAGO. Iec I. ; Special. Last
week It waa lha prlvllcR of the writer
lo b ona of a mall luncheon parly at
which "Or-:a nix lion for Rural Welfare"
waa tba loplo under discussion. The
parly Included th secretary of what
I probably th most Influential asso
ciation of business men In the Middle
West, and tha chairman of th legisla
tive committee of the most powerful
stata ors-anliallori of farmer In one
of tha c real est of our agricultural
Tha central fla-'ir of the llltla croup
waa rr. friaries McCarthy, chief of the
legislative reference department of th.1
Stata of Wisconsin. t
Someone ventured to introduce the
subject of the political changes which
last election heralded throughout Wis
consin. Idea Is Declared Safe.
When asked if the -WIconsir Idea"
was In danger of being torn to pieces
and tho work of a generation undone,
Mr. McCarthy exclaimed:
Tear nothing! A small group of old
time reactionaries thought their time
had come and were going to pull down
everything. What have they done Al
most nothing. The Legislature was
not with them. The people wouldn t
stand for It."
The outcome of this conference was
that I set out for Wisconsin to gather
some first-hand facts.
I need only mention a few of the
laws which marked the evolution of the
"Wisconsin idea." The railroad com
mission was established; the public
utilities act followed; the tax commis
sion took charge of taxation; the in
surance commission took charge of life
Insurance: a law was passed providing
a state system of life Insurance; a new
banking code made Wisconsin banl.s
the safest In th country; conservation
and development of the natural re
soures of the state were provided for:
primary election and corrupt practices
act were passed: labor, health and pub
lic welfare bureaus were established;
co-operative laws were passed, includ
ing provision for rural credits.
Keac-atlea I Kanaaatlea.
Then th foundation for the perma
nence of this whole programme was
laid In the establishment of an educa
tional system which is today leading
every lat In the Union.
How csn wa account for the election
School Children's Store
Under the Management of the
Pupils of Kern School
Saturday, 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.
The Last Play Store of the Season.
Owing to the tremendous response to the School Chil
dren's Store we find it necessary to limit the Play Store
money to 2000 school children customers. This money can
be secured by parents
Today Only
This method insures safety and comfort for both children
and parents and will prevent disappointment on Saturday.
Free Play Store Money
may be secured by parents today at the Postof fice on the
First Floor. Children with parents only will be admitted to
the Play Store Saturday morning.
cPMerchand; ofc.Merit fin!"
of the reactionary Governor, Emanuel
U Phllipp?
The progressive government of Wis
consin, with its numerous commissions
and high expenditure for education,
was made the campaign issue, and the
new administration went in pledged to
undo much of what has been the re
sult of years of constructive legisla
tion. A fight was made on nearly every one
of the reform measures, but when the
smoke had cleared away not a single
plank in the progressive programme
had been seriously displaced.
So, to conclude, after having inter
viewed Wisconsin farmers on their
farms, statesmen In their mngnilicent
capitol. and professors in their state
university, I came away convinced that
McCarthy is riglit. The "Wisconsin
idea" is in no immediate danger.
Child Bruised by Auto.
Clinton Finneran, 9 years old, was
knocked down and bruised early la.t
night by an automobile driven by A.
L. Chandler. 501 Commercial street, at
Broadway and Couch street. The po
lice say that the child ran in front
of the automobile and stopped. Chand
ler took the lad to the Kmersency
Hospital, where he was attended by
M. S. Lawton, the steward. The child
was not hurt seriously.
W. Park
(1 Park
Emmet Corrigan
Metro .
Frank L. Packard's
Tale of a
And "Stolen Hearts and Nickels"
Two-Reel Farce
Today, Tomorrow Only
Coming Sunday
"Tables Turned"