Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 01, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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OT.T.f.OS Stala Norm! School at
Monmoth. lb Hamilton Institute
for Girl, la Tor. an4 sbols
f Detroit. Claveleal, BafTelo. fhlUlel
ai. Mianeapolia and lif4 Kaplde
are sa!4 br ta rhotoptav Masealn lo
fee tha moat rpl4 and aroaTaaelve
-hni taat fca r--m'y adpte4
:mi aa a nuM of ed-jcauon.
' The Vjb Ilia-Oar t"s l ) Infant
e'ae of production, wttb Krok fcarl
n li th l-.t C!r WhippU.
t.a purine tr motion plrtur-
Ira Vnl ntil Jut r--ntly. up
Jrl binv
Vla Artino Pr-tty. th youthful nl
pr'ttr VlterPh ctra. Brlr l4
fcr lifo r flItB Into an .:r r-nn-
Tinl rtr whil productn Wt-4
V. rrtty l out of Unr
ad win t back at br Ubors r
All th old romantic chara-tr of
rly Tt will bo r-rrM'ntod In
Tin Martyr- of tho A'.anio." hm
twna. B-t-a KouxCon aad Jam
Kowlt. tho tamoua ln-ntor of tho
Howl. knif. will bo a-ora In tho Co
lumbia ntrtalnront. Tbo historical
dram l tonsa.
a o o
fUo-Uilnc tho Importam-o of F -min
li.tkli.'i ln-ntion In tho nlro
world aa wll a la tho world at largo,
a Dow rnotior p.-turo corporation of
r.rmntown. 1.. b chrtteod Holf
rankiira -ilm Manufacturing Corpora
tion. May Ward will appear la thalr
rat rlao. -Vlrtuo."
o o o
Tha tarco't oatrWh farm on tho Pa
ri ft o Coast it at tho Srlir Zoo. fan
I -wo ta noat. Tho l'JC Zoo baa ob
tained wmt of tho lar-t and Hnt
bird, aad ooma of tho daacondanta of
r-catty Imported oatrichoa aro aald to
bo wondarfuL
a o o
I'm C!ad My Py Crow Vp to Bo a
Mlor ta already fr market now
a atlrrln four-rl drama, ctaaaod
aa a porfori "burniMi."
w, S. P. T. rorothy Bernard lo a
Portland r'rL and b b-n faturod
bro aa aucn cttn. Ilrr laat r-l-a
waa "Tho Hron Law." and waa ahowa
ar at tho MaJtl.-. Mia IWrnard
p ayad with tho liak-r playvra bora
wba a htda arirl. Il-r fatb-r and
tothr wara Auatralian actor, and
-rot- waa bo-n In that country, but
an r-atad tho ratr part of bar
od'i-aton h-ra and bar Brt theatrical
work wha atlil a child.
a a a
film eompanl aro raqu-atinc tbo
onra'tlc acanarlo wrltara to lao off
aafwl n tham Chrltmaa tortoa. aa tn
utora of produrtnc pl paclilly
for bo!iiay occasion ta out of data
ant thair tima for Tral warka la
h paat bit ban takan up with mi.ll
of Tmaakiin. Chritma and Naw
laar'a toria.
a a a
y.nla Mirrtnnff. whom rrt'and
notion-putura tollowara aro familiar
wtt." fr br formar appaarancaa In
yortlaad mol. will ba it baro aoon
Ira "McTtj of fan franclaco." baad
Mt tho book by tbo lata frank Nor-
Anothar Tim rtr. wha will u
to many until t"y (at aaad to h-r
flaw ama. la Jona Iya. fartnarly Mim
ianla Horaa Tha aamo waa wlhd
on bar by aamirra of bar work In
Tha lart Itonaymooa." bot bow aha
M to ba It knowa br all that.
."iian!n with -Haartachaa," rataaaad
Mon4ay. aha wilt ba J ma laya.
a a a
"1tr ttackonln. a atlrrlnc lata Of
I fa. la to ba a National Tbaatar f-alura.
a a a
Kitty iMrd'n. Oa aotad boautlfal
Ti'ib lrl and acompnbad a-traa.
aa baan ancaf'd br Lawis J. faUnk-k.
of tha World I'ttm Corporation, to play
a la a Lookin t;taaa. Th play
la baaaa! en ta book by V. C. I'BIUIpa.
and will, without a doobt. ba shown
kara. la prlTata Ufa Kitty Gordon la
t a wlfa of Captala Barasford. of tho
nstisb army, who waa racantly man
tna4 for bia braaary. TSay baaa ona
cMUi. who to said to inhartt tha boaaty
f bar Jlft-4 fnotar.
a a a
"Jaaa." tha comln Plckford flaT.
waa prwl'ica.J In Amrl.a In li0. altb
Mix Jonnatona Pntl In tha ttlla
yola. TM timo prlty Charlotta Graan
wooil la Jana, Mloy Grant plays
ppesi ta bar.
a a
Paforo sho bocaa bar err aa a
irotton-plctaro star Marcuorito Clark
flayed wtta Do Wolfo Hoppr. who la
in la motion picture. Mix Clarke
will Bast bo aoaa at tha rooplaa.
a a a
Teddy ampon. who waa last saoa
Ira I'ortland a tho adorabta littla Japa-
-a !rl Ira "Tha I'ox Woman." Is la
rl I'.'o Mr. Ford Ftrrllns;. For tho
t,t two year aha ha been, with the
tirlfflttt foreee at Hollywood and Bast
wi:l ba rataaaad la A Man and tho
a o o
"Tha Fall of America." a TlTld and
fooamc creation la now bain played,
o o o
neo Madiaon ta about It years old.
and before sho entered tbo acreaa
world owned and manaced ker own
stock company oa tho atase. tho Is
w directing her owa photopta).
a a a
TrotjH special arrana;amnt with
tha National Guard of New York
i -a. a tar numbor of citljon sol
tfiara wore oeJ la tbo fllmtoc of
Barbar Frtalrhlr. Tho Topular
I'tayer. with Mary Mlnter. tha '
shine actrrsa." la tho lead, will pro
duce tbo play.
a a a
Edna Mar. tho comic opera faorlt
of two continent, will t mora money
f.r pvsinc for picture tban aoy
other atar ba eer recelred lor a
tnalo picture. Hr salary for "Tbo
Belie of New Tork" will bo 110.000.
and Iho most etraordlnary fact about
tho salary Is that erery cent will bo
turn-d orrr to tho lied Cross and
other worthy charlll-. Mis May I
tho wife ef t. l-ewlsohn. a rollllonalro
banker of Nw York, and It wa with
no amall effort that tho Vltasraph
Company obtained bar services oven
for ono picture.
a e e
A Chrlstma atmosphere perrade
tho Vilaa-raph studio whro Bobby
Connotly Is worklns; under Tofft John
sons direction on a Chrlslmaa play
with a bia- tree and all tho other Yule
tide decorations.
a e e
A rreat deal ba bean Said In fluid
instruction on keeping a husband, but
a ono of tbo first photodramaa on
tba retention of a wife. "Matrimony"
la said to bo an entirely new view
of tbo matter. Little Tholma Falter
almost excel th brilliant Julia Dean
In tbia production.
a a a
It baa boon said by a film writer
recantiy that mora tban half of tho
children In the motion pictures who
aro comlnc to the front a younrer
eniuae are larlfi- Coast beHra and
that the majority claim California a
their natal state. The children of tho
motion picture actresses and actors
of that state aro tba paranta of a
Ursa percentage of tho young prodigies.
iitct:4T yr.r.o itPR:r.n ox pko-
remaltteaa aa Bad, aad la eaae rartio
taro Wore-. Tbaa la B-lUea.
Saya t'atber Metaaaewakl.
Tba need for outside assistance for
the people of I'oland ba become Imml
earn .a.t l-otiah resident and sym
pathiser In I'ortland bare set about to
raise a fund for their roller. The money
raised In Port Ian J will bo sent alone
a till other money raised la other cities
of th l olled Mate to relieve suffering-
In I'oland at once.
Key. Father MatuxeaskU of PL Stan
llau Church. 1:1 Maryland avenue,
and J. Ye.ershl. 1 Kast Keventeonth
street south, have been authorised to
rer-ive contributions.
Later a las; day wi be observed In
Portland. It la probable December It
will be set aside for tbl day. It will
bo decided on at a meeting tonight.
vur people la I'oland are In aad
r f': s
:! I- 2 'i
, . . . ; i
a -
-..'' at
: 1 J J
i : - o
Jaaaea C 4VII. rwrilaae1 l-ellew
aaaw. Wte Waa Killed Aee-t.
Oeatallr by H la owa Aatooaatla
t-lafol 1 ea tarda y.
need. said Father Matnssawskt yes
terday, 'and each day'a progress of tbo
war makes condition worse. Tbo Pol
ish people aro In a plight a bad and'ln
some cases worse than tho Belgians,
because they have received compara
tively little outside Help. The Bead of
helping them now la pressing. For
that reason wo are hoping for a liberal
contribution from I'ortland. Wo will
welcome every contribution, aniail or
At o'clock next Sunday afternoon a
Polish day celebration will bo bald at
the I'olisa Hall. Falling street and
Maryland avenue. Ira memory of the
soldier who fell In the Polish war.
which started November I, lit J.
If in doubt as to size
buy a Merchandise Bond.
"Do Your Christmas
Shopping Early"
What to Buy Him for Christmas
in this list of useful articles. Our stocks, you'll find, are of the newest of merchandise.
Make selections now.
Neckwear , .
Beautiful Neckwear in the newest or desifrns
and silk fabrics. 60c, $1.00, S1.50 and $2.00.
Hosiery t .
A full line of hosiery in the best brands, the
newest novelties and shades, silk or lisle, 25c.
SOc and $1-00 pair.
Suspenders in ffood quality irebs. Best makes,
fine buckle mountings and tips. 60c and $1 pr.
Handkerchiefs in Christmas boxes, three), four
and six to the box at 75c per box- Plain, all
linen, at 25c, 35c and 60c-
Fine silk mufflers, the newest style, lonjr with
fringe ends. Priced moderate, $2.00 and $2.50.
Union Suits--
Timely suggestions in fine underwear; noth
ing but the better grades, Vassar, Globe and
Cooper silk and wool, wool and lisle. $1X0 to
$6.00 garment.
A choice of selection of Manhattan and Ar
row shirts in beautiful madras and cords. A
man can't have too many dress shirts. $1X0,
$2.00, $2X0 and $3.50.
A good assortment of nightshirts and pa
jamas in flannelette or cotton, plain or
trimmed with frogs. Prices range from $1.00,
$1.50, $2.00 and $2X0.
Men's umbrellas, good substantial frames and
covers, a nice selection of handles. $1 to $3.
Cuff links, full dress sets and scarf pins, in
individual boxes and separate.
You can buy gloves here in makes such as
Dent's, Elite and Wash-Rite, in tan, gray and
champagne. Priced at $1X0, $2.00 and $2.50.
Aii the newest shapes in soft or stiff hats, a
full run of the newest shades. Stetson, Trim
ble or "Multnomah" at $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00.
Boxes Free with All Purchases.
Make your gift a Hart. Schaffner & Marx Suit or Overcoat unusual values at ?Zo;
others lower and higher. You couldn't buy a more useful present
Sam'! Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Shop for
Quality and Service.
Our Temporary Location
266 Morrison SU Bet. 3d and 4th.
James Gill Dies by Bullet From
Falling Revolver.
Tfca taV'ftawaaaa Railroad a 1 aetle-
fi.ui wtta the o. -lty of He awa aame. ea
-t!ia It mar.!ua ew tri4a ae.e Ka.t
Hi.". lack, (aa Taalxsaaara a-
Vlctlm of Accidental Shooting Is
R arrived bjr Widow and Kour
Y car-Old Daughter Janitor
rinds Body In Hall.
Jamas C. GUI. SOS Ha-t Thirtieth
(traet North, member of th I'ortland
police force alnre February. 190. waa
killed by an accidental shot from hla
automatic platol at th real room of the
lllbernlm ball. S40 Kuaaell atraet. yea
terday morolnr about 1:10.
Tha body of tha dead patrolman was
taken to th morau by Deputy Coro
ner mith. No Inquest will b held.
Deputy Coroner timlln. Pollc Captain
Moor and Motorcycle Tatrolman Bale
all mad an Inveatlgallon of th ac
cident. Patrolman OIII la aM to ha entered
th hall a few minute previous to
th ahootlnir. h having been Riven a
key by tba Janitor. T. I. Maloney. who
waa In a room below. Indications were
that th man's automatic pistol had
fallen from bis pocket and. th hammer
atrlklns; on tha f.oor th weapon had
bean discharged, the bullet striking- the
man In th breast slightly to th right
slle. Th policeman picked up th re
volver and mad a few steps when h
felt In th doorway of the rest room.
Mrs. T. J. Murphy. Tillamook
street, waa paaaing th hall at th
time of th accident and she heard th
man cry out. h notified th Janitor,
who hastened to th hall by th back
door, and found th Injured patrolman
lying in a pool of blood.
Mr OIII waa appointed a member of
tha I'ortland police fore February 17.
!!. and began duty on th following
day. Kecenlly be bad been acting aa
relief man oa th day shift under
I'ollc Captain Moor.
Mr. Gill, wbo waa 39 years of age.
waa born in I'erklnsvllle. Ind. II Is
aurvlved by his widow and a 4-year-old
daughter. Kattrerlne: a father. Kthan
GUI. of tufur. Or.: a alaler. Mrs. Flora
Fauat. Ortney. Or., and five brothers.
Kdward y and R. V, GUI. or Portland;
Charles W. GUI. of WashougaU and F.
M. and George II. GUI. of Iufur, Or.
Clarke County factory to Mart Ojv.
rratlon In Portland Soon.
Th Clarke County Iron Works Is
moving from Vancouver. VVaeh.. to
i'ortland and will rommenc ewra.
Coming Tomorrow
A Towerful Photoplay
That WU1 Make You
tlons her with about 30 skilled
workers on Its payroll. This means a
monthly payroll of about 13000. which
wlil be practically doubled with the
opening of logging- operations In the
The new location will be at Tenth and
Flanders streets. The company decided
upon the move because of the better
transportation facilities In Tortland
which would enable it to give more ef
fective service to Its customers, many
of whom are In the logging business,
which naturally finds Ita supply center
In Portland.
Th bureau of manufacturers and In
dustries In Portland assisted in the ne
gotiations which preceded the move to
Rotarians Hear Speaker Who Were
Born In I "o reign Countries.
There was international representa
tion In the speeches at the luncheon
of the Rotary Club yesterday at the
Benson Hotel. It was -America First
day, and Just to show what a variety
of nationalities there are represented
In th good American citizenship that
makes up the membership of tha Ro
tary Club, they bad addressee from ell
different members who were born In
foreign countries.
V. O. Haines represented Canada,
W. rt, Pmlth. Kngland: A. S. Pstullo.
Scotland; D. N. Mosessohn. Russia: H.
Rlttman. Germany, and H. O. Cartoxlan.
Armenia. At the close of the lunch
eon the members sang: "America."
Mayor A I bee Notified by Junior Po
lice and Visits Patient.
Nate easier. Portland's boy Mayor. Is
ill at St. Vincent's Hospital, following
an operation for appendicitis. Mayor
Albee yesterday received a note Inform
ing him of th boy Mayor's Illness,
which was sinned "A Junior Police
Boy." The Mayor Immediately left his
office an-1 visited the siclc boy. The
note follows:
-Just to notify you that Nate Casler.
the boy Mayor of Portland, is in St.
Vincent's Hospital recovering from an
operation for appenaicltis. A visit from
you woulJ be greatly appreciated."
It's Food for Doakeya.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
"What has become of the candidate
who used to have his photo taken be
side a load of hay?" "He may be a
little out of date. However, no can
didate has as yet mustered up the
nerve to have his photo taken beside
a stock ticker."
Federated Malay States in the first three
months of 10K exported 10,302 tons of rub
ber. , .
Established Before
the War.
Edwin F. James,
Today and Remainder This Week
The Incomparable
in a New Role
with Little
In William Fox'
Latest Triumph
The Galley
Hear The Majestic Novelty Trio
Joe Roberts, M. P. Ogden, E. E. Ransom
Coming Sunday
The Most Daring Picture Ever Screened.
A XCDustin Farnuiriti
Now appears exclusively in photoplays produced by
Pallas Pictures
1 . . . . "..I i i 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I 1 1
Z ' - -v. -
--V . t:::
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A ' Slv a. aa - m
" m " .. 0 XV.fy&t ' , a. a. -
1 DustinFamnm
sT m 4W r AM
PARAMOUNT Pictures were the
first to feature stage stars in motion
pictures. They were purposely planned
to set a new quality standard in motion
pictures high above the blood - and
thunder type of the nickelodeon days
and the mediocre "movie" shows
which sprang up like toadstools.
And Paramount Pictures have suc
ceeded in changing the character of
programs presented by thousands of
the better class of theatres throughout
the country.
Because the public has given its support
to the Paramount idea, Paramount Pictures
are being produced on a more elaborate
scale than the motion picture industry ever
dreamed of.
The Paramount policy is to present premier
photoplay productions featuring talented play
ers in clean, wholesome, moral stories.
Dustin Farnum is but one of the many stage
favorites to be seen in Paramount Pictures.
Here are some of the photoplays in which he
is featured :
The Lasky productions, "The Virginian"
and "Cameo Kirby"; the Pallas picture,
"The Gentleman From Indiana," and
"Captain Courtesy."
Wherever one of these Paramount Pictures is
advertised by your local theatre, go see it.
If your favorite theatre is not showing Para
mount Pictures ask the manager to get them.
Local Blstrlbators ProKreslve Motion Picture Co..
Central IluildiuK, Seattle, Mash.
cyr mjknsmmt that
Showing This Week
In His Greatest Photoplay Success.
The Gentleman From Indiana
Continuous 11 to 11
I West Park