Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 29, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    MONDAY. NOVEMBER 29. 1915.
- ttit Mnnvrvrc OT.EGONTA-.
. .
1 l
Postal Employe Slugged for
Trying to Prevent Mal
treatment of Women.
lelkrwno'krr vaunl Thai Mar
d'rrr Ba tlroagM la Jatk-
atMl f"tdral fioitmiMI
! Take Hand In Caa.
rtt;-"A. Nv. Jrlal
C.a."t. I'atset. a feus .replay. '
t t' l 'ate po.t.l a-riwe. p!s
ti. i f. Ut r is. aarfartua-.-.
f it act of cti-alry.
T ' ia a-.t laolv. Oe rde-l llav.
am. at I ta murder vara aaw
? lo tae ara (
a" r
r ttvim- a grt f--n aB-i--al a :.
('.(:. wRCa aa 4iiT an4 dr..- 'a
hi. uaifo'ni a a a.f-aal fail col.
l.'.e. a..iel aa-B.e a wotaaa w.
k.i m tra.ixl 1 inn oa wa.
.f. ta In .ol a4 reeete4
f-.-tir at from '.-
. f-i .i'i lat.r
A4aM Me Call.
T. .r la aSwa en;.f 1'aUat la
iir-MM-M.ael f.' e.iaa Neisae i
t. .. at a we-uaa. JJ yea'a aid
l. i,in( ! ia a..U' . e.iar
II it.. Un laaigat 4e-
raMni. arrt4 tlaweg.
l i'Mii'i I Jrnrtii a trl- !
-Ti.r A IS. aaraa f fr.ea4
v a. a rfnil wita te llaal
ti waa ba4 baea
. t. .4 s ; a- la.ea-
I '. ma 'et.-t 4atV Nat'
-.... r 4fatt-4 g-.Ul. a aaiKa
4-.it4 ! ma a taa
r.ei a fn '
f.r l". Bi.a
.-.! I - I'-I.a 4a.
. :-..!, "I .. " "
no i ,e't..-a- aal .te aM e
.a e II "aa laie-f.t...
l a i-'fl .!- Na
.t -. : fcai-a-H
,f. II. ! a a'T
l-r.a4 ril a4 4'4 fraa IBa
ImihM. Ial4
r'-l. a a I ra J
s . ru Ma-aia!aa-a4 a. a-
ta Bll f rUtioa. . Jojl.4
!,.. ti a ( eiU af-
.-. .weloj.. .( lha I ia4 Jtt'
FS-aanl. Ta p-'tl .mptoT.a.
C ti arotr .miera. tnar-H-t
KinlKWKlf 4je.4 ralittac
a.'-ifc.i a a-l af a:raairr aa ia ( 4a paaiia
4 .t. - a- raliaaj M ! .I.'HIH a
-l.a Miitmi un4ao la a'tri bl
Ai ia a - Ka ihua tar aaa
..4m-4 I'l'l .r af !& a..tia
!.. .t ll aat-i. liiBl
acac. poMir will a roal lata
t r... .'oa'.iaaa'.r l'H ai4 fca
wauUi fUt ! aa ta laa tailaj
IH.tfUrt aaaa lafarm4
lia m.i artar at fcia 4aal "ibi.a
a 4tr.
Krfcrrttoa at Art la-cana Ar ot
lllh Cdaralloaal Tata.
Aaoc.-.r at t aata af (:
.. coav.rt. r tha Irla canaaaaU af
!-.. ua ran a.J r"-pa. aloUai.C: Far
aaal Kara4. "eaUal. ao4 J. K taawt. aojoyi lur.
a.r n-M at tha Maa-uim af I'loa An
an t tha 1M1.U iBinu tha laa
ina .il arara ca4ia::jr applaudad.
Tia fiaa ar.r.. Tri la i aalaor.
mj'x tl" (J-aamaaai. and 111" ! li
ai nor. p ti j.taaa.
j!ot al t.a aaiea'tiooa ara claa
. l aa i a.ra. ala Wnf. a4 ra
I met ria!r aaouaa la li.aa af dnt: ca-m-n
a i.roiaa. n.taca aaa H
.:. r-ta .a af m.laa-
:..: ai"4 aa4 at 4!a4 ta -IUi aaar Paaa aa4 ataataaa l
trloa ara 4-fia4:v warlh baar-1-
aU a.-a a4'attoaJ la ai ic 1
... , bat U ara a I ha baaa aa ta
IM'tMil l la 4t.a aalavtloa.
(..-'. f a4
f-m r.i.t! a al!lw- Ta
tv.a a.aa.ciaa ! a atl-r-4
f l tt-9 af at aaai.- aa
...I citaatta' tnt:l af ll i
.r . aaa. 4aaaa II.
P. I.bolaaa. mt l.r-ha)aa. Arrratrd
Ahar foiiuioai Miu. hr r.r.
1at riaav af Or.?(ax r. ".
aa. ,.i. ! a ara af
n a- ' ie.fv4 "
M,t-:-- f-!-r. T.lir. Mri. aa4
f; n .: a I 'a aj..l
a-.i.. . a-J bal'r wraaa. 4j
. , 4rt.aa r F A. bW'--!
.r i:, at .a.!.". aa. i -
l',M'.nt ri'.'a
n,..a a a bt. :o't.
ta aa 4'i la ia . r. ini ' w.U
.ta.' a aa la-. ! a4 '.
a. I ... !' a"."aal
w t r.mari. a. a;. af U"aaa aba
i.(-4 uaai.aa. aaa a a
l.atvtto. af Ct-rba loa.lf f.rraa
a rriraaaa) bT Carf.
V N urt j r. Tt' .1.. ca.
, w mi!. r-)aaail al.
t,r- f . iUfi t'if laat l.rna. ba
aaiifiaa) ba tba . at a t'oarl
t af ! 4ara lr!
at la . r...'i. r4r4 la caaa af
j i.aia ... ot.-t4 af mard.r,
Ii ta sr 44aa. ba -ba.a a "-
.la-.-. a. r..kl4 a4 bUIix. i
,.,t-..r tlra-a la t'aa. Mar t. Ili.i
-.a'.n kin. la I ba4 na !m.i
a. . U . "v: Mr. P.'tiit tri.a
tia aa - ab'aiaaa ka aaKtia. .
tawaa'a Marka IVa-rrplloaj to Itc-r.
T. . MUlaana al Orrtroai C1t.
rirr.'JV c"TT. Or. X. : ioa-
nmimnmir? pui
univHLnuuo i
cia ! Wall Tatlar -m-a.r a
facaptlaa I- r. To. J. W lUlaaaa.
!, aaar r--l f rl I
kr.-b. la. I pia..4 aapular raaio.
a,., aa Iba pta wMl. t. parl.aio...
,r, d,a-a4 ta oaa-.i.a a4 atb-r. that
a-. ..n.l'f f..or'a
Ta r.. sti" ,h
, , .. r tar .. '
j.aa llaf.a. aal Joba i-paaa.
af -arv.aa4. altaa4
- - 1
:..z.. f ar--x:::tttTtrrruitittt-trrkTrtiirtrrru
lhoto CoprT!M a CndrrwcoA.
TBi..c:.i. r a 4 photn.taph f Mr. a4 Mra. Ilran4 TT.
a,.4. N,.mo.r ! m ,., at I;,t-. arilon. . Trlk Ihr. hour.
af.r h.ra. aboard to., Jlrndbain. of lb. Lolt.i etata.
kllal.t.r aal bi wit.
Union Murderer and Three
Girls Lie in One Grave.
Coadllloa of lr. ;. I Hafrman,
Uow of Pcrix-tralor of roiaoo
Traill. I Oratr. and Hrr
CotlM-r la Saffrrrr Alao.
rMON. Or. Nor. St. Spaclt
Tbraa llttla h!ta and lb. on.
Urea btara on arara law.rad lda by
Ma In ana lar trr. In tha caroalary
in f i city lh: atroon aftr ona of
lha iiO.t ataaU fuaaraia aar baid
.. t-. inir .hit ca.kat
conta!nad lb. bo.!i. of lha Ihr.a Uttla
dauabtara War'tta. Joacpblia and
Kata as'd S. and yra. "I'C
tT.!y. whila lha laraa blacb
con'.iD.d lua body of lha falhar. O. I
llu-man. who ra lha lota poi-onct
easily and eoini:t4 aulcid. l ITairl.
CUT lt Vadn.uay.
Tim aarvU.a w.ra coodoctad by n.
Mr CslliwD. umlci lha au.picaa of Iba
Woodm.a or ina norm. "
.... . ik. roi.t w.ath.r bun
Df 1 ... w
4r.d. of J.opla alt.nd.d tha Ul aad
'"iwi tiltla Urt. acted a. pallbaarar.
for iba tbraa Mil. --tctima. and Iba
Woodmaa marrh.d m a ooay P'"' " -Iba
baaraa. Wb antlcty I. lt for
laa widow and moth.r. a boaa coodl-
ttoa U r-. rafu.aa to touca
any load, and la b.ln up only
r tha u. of iiron .tlmulanta. ha
a. .lot tht lh. lat b.r d! alao.
Tha tbraa litt'a iri all bar
tb.JJf.n. lha Ihr.a .orllnr bo. ba-
ln baan b r lunnnoi -
Tha coa4rtton of Wa lluSmaa a
dvotaar. Mr bha. of thai eit. la alao
riv. frm tha afiocb.
Mra. Huefmj-n b.a a:thy brotbara
aa t MUri. -." lit taiata la llmal.d
lo ba ' 1-raMa.
klthobaiN. trtoto li At.K.
to m im ttro.
C mm Mrttl ba-a R.aaaa Ara riaa.
Ha4, a ad tovarry I ..ataaOy HI
a alll. M'afc
r.RCNttx :w4 nrn.:uwa.a.
la.taa. . i Tba Ku.kokwiai !'.
It. taax4 .iil ! !
la fca r.ialt aa is aa a ra.oil
f .ra.. aaarfa 4rt Ik. (l .
a.r k Ita .t .4ra.y party aboard
la UMa.f lu. I ' 'ba
MHa I i ".! f'-r ta o-iat
ia4caw4 aabal .i.Mo. kaa aa
?t. 4 a. imeuUt cortl na?a
Layit -j.m.r taa .aa.t ..r.T party
ar.arad Ilia K-J.babwlm from taa B.BI
af J.aa .a ..iaiian al Hi. tar a I
. ... . . ..---Ik i
4.u. ar ..a at i.
.a a la appar rlar. II
-. fM4 ! r.'.r t.aaft aa
.; ran I" M.-Ja". aJ Jroaa Ibara
j. b-i:. f-rta.r op-.tam. Tb.
K,.kil.w. !' I tfibutart.. I.
aataia tr a total di.iaaa of ll
m.a. Tba 'Mil irrr a.
-Tcaa4 oolr la lha ) in ita. tha
k- i. n.arly br but
aa or laraa n-a I .i.arn.r., "hub
aM.rid aa far a. Uih.l. but Iba
pb.laia of chart, ba. mada !t p-
.,t .!: ar t J.ntly l nai4ata
iba (Ssvl tbauh lha a.t ar.a af
a4 f'ala anuk .la !T tba- rlar-
mlb. a Ul formarty
baaardoua and .airir4 um.tlm.
..a. to accooapl.ih. Tha consparloa
of arilh pr.loa. fra.ahl rai.a
I. u. tba .'.ory of putu. tba Ku.hok-
. ik. r.fflBwrti.1 map.
-Ttaa craakk far.dla. lr and
raioa. ia promia of luoa aa4 pronl.
bia hydraulic 4 .i"lnnl. rich cln.
B,br xiairna ba.a b tah4 oa tba
kaak o4 ta n.r. a.t r.nSiik ar.aa
for rri4ar ara arallabla and tha
ui: lr.h potato la lha vjI of
.row a. Tba lima I. rmll arbao o.t
ti.m.rt '! apt 11a rl.r a curia
an-t tb tojnlir -!! ba a boma for
:h ajhi! tcatv-
Colk-cra lo iK-baia Prrpar-vdncaa."
i i
::::::in:::t:tt:tna::::::;r- a-a--aai -rnt
Wh Nor. pa-tal Tla ub-
) of la m.n'a rlauulr djbat.
ttwaan WMtmaa Coll. W. R C. and
f. or W. lot yaar will ba -National la lha of
ttarl Htimaoo. of tpokana, ancratary of
lha ahlnton Ibata Laua for
tnia aar. Tha .ubj-t I. lha ona iut
mitla4 b lha htata folt'.rall jr lo tha
olh.r n-hool. cf lha Ivaicua. Accord
ln la lha contract WMtmao bad lha
.lortlon of lha a-rtarjr anl lha Se
rldtnc ota on lha aubjatt. Ona dabata
la hold at .a-n achool on tha m.
nichi. Ih. mfftrmadv. team p.akln
at homa.
Tayaaa aa Try las That Chlaf Ealaer
ala Ufa af ballar aa
Raarblas Vaaeaarar, B. C
VAN'COUVER. B. C Nor. :. B.
bind Iho fact that Chl.f Enslncar cf tha American .Lamer
Mackinaw, which r.achad Vancour.r
a:fr a 27-day trip from Honolulu, Fri
day niornlnr. to contlou. on
Iba !. lie a tbrllllnc tory of tha
truccta of ilia hlp to keep afloat on
lha ro. Mr. Klemmer aay. ba haa
had anouth of tha . for aoraa lima.
Tba Mackinaw left Honolulu Octo
ber x for ban and two day.
later bar trouble began. A baavy
ale rpranc up. and through lha buffeting-
of tha wave. an. w.a badly
trained. Tt luel oil be'bn lo leak
from lha lack'mio t!i. bllg.. fooQ
tba furnace were choked by tha mix
ture, and sufficient (team to keep lha
e.el under way could not b. kept up
bba .1jP.vI for half an hour while
lha atcatn pre.fura tu brought to
normal again. A day or two later the
fuel oil waa found to bar. leaked Into
tha freh water tank, and tha mlK
lur. of oil and water bad to ba pumped
orerhvard. On account of tbi aall
waier had lo ba u-vl Jn tha holier
for tba rt of th. trip.
On .No-ember I. barral of fuel
oil bad lo ba pumped orerboard on acr
count of l.aking Into lb. bll.a. Tha
all .upply bacama ao .mall that Cap
tain Kurmann real Had that b. could
not reacii Can FrancUco. On tha after
noon of Noternbar I fire broke out
twira la lha lir.ioom and waa extin
gui.had with diriruity.
r'.nai y t". oil .upply ga. out alio and It waa constantly being
pumped orarboard with th. bi'.ge
wat.r. and for tour day th t.l
wallowad la tha trough of th.
wt-.h oo headway and with taa ea
breaking oer br continually. After
foar da.. the Ul c;oliat appeared and
lowed ber lo Vancouer. The Oollah
ar-s'-oaa broke down, but r.palra war.
iriaa and tha continued.
all ta Ooliat lowed th. Mak!
tli mil' bafar. r.acblng Vancour.
Mr. Klmmer Uft t""ght for aa
Ft a c I o
Of IT Appllratlona Vndrr Widi
Ington Motln-r'a Ijw. t;ranl-Ht.
VANCiHVrn. W.h.. Nor. JT
i(ipa.iL f:n'a Ih. of th.
operation cf th. moth-i" p.n.lon law
in Wa.hlngtoo, Ailiml, lU. Clark.
County ho paid out In pnlon III
J IT. Th' amount pay P until
January I. Il. prorldlng no mor. ar.
arantad ba'ora lhn.
Purlr.4 ihi p-rlod. ITS haa applied
for ad hare b-n cranl.d.
Tha it mtl.r. b.d 11. chlldrrn. who nrnoi obtain pan.lon.
r temporarily by tha County
from tha rdinl fund and tha money
, .sp.ndrd from thl fund I. greater
than lha wldW prn.lon fund.
Cold Snap at Ancltoraga Cauar.
Mtortagc of Supply.
PKWAO. Ala.ka. Nor. II. Cold
weather al Anchorage tha new town
e.tablished by tha Government aa corv
tructioa fceadniarter for th. Alaakan
railroad, ba cau.ed a water hortag
Ihrr with rorra.pondlngly high price.
Tending tha completion of tha water
O.t.m. whlh lha Government ensM
na.r. bopa to bavo working wuhln two
weak, all wter for domtic pur
pose, at Anrborage I being taken from
bol. chopped In th I. a on thlp Creek.
Today water "ld at An hor.g. al
tl a barraL If purchased by the
bucket, tha price w It cent a bucket,
or two bucket for li cLt
Blame for Delay in Harvesting
Penitentiary Flax Crop Is
Laid to Emil Hansett.
Clilrf ExecntlTe nd Jfr. Kay Both
As-rco That Chanj-c In Manajrr
mrnt Would Bo Apt to Kc
ault In Raining EiT-rrlmcnt.
FALftM. Or. Nor. it. (Special.)
Convinced that J. C Cady. up.rlntend
ent of th. Penitentiary flax pUnt. i
fully compel. nt to handle affairs, and
that tba lt.-. flaxralaing; project 1
sured of ucce. Governor Wlthy
rombe today reiterated hi aert!ona
that crttlc!rn of Cady at thl. time wa.
With Trrurer Ky agreeing that
rVrratary of Plata Oleott wa. wrong
when h. a.ked them lo Join with bin
in removing Cady from charg. of th.
Bar. work, the Governor refused to ac
nulece. and a thing now tand C"'
will continue to upervl. th. handling
of lha flag at th. prison.
Neither th. Gbrernor nor Treasurer
Kay conceded that there ws any
grounds for taking draatlo action. As
they pointed out. to remove Cady now
would only rr. to crlppl. th. worn,
for Cady admittedly know, more con
rernlng th. flax Industry than any
olh.r peron available.
-For IS year Mr. Cady ha been in
ter.. ted In flax." ald the Oorernor.
"nd o fr M nr" h" bT'n
lafartory. Before employing him the
board mad nrtlgtlon of hi record
In Eau CUIra. TVI, and acquaintance
there testified to bl ability.
Mr. Olrett Crltielaed.
-I am escaedlnrly orry that thl. aarl
latlon agalnat Mr. Cady ba com. up.
for It will only err. to hamper hi.
Fork. It la to b deplored that we hare
one member of Ih. Board of Control
who is spinel. on th. flax question.
-It would be poor policy to oust Cady
now when we have no on. better to
lake hla place." said Treasurer Kay.
-I admit that perhap I bar. not the
confidence In hla ability that I ought
to po.aes. but when we first took UP
th flax question both Mr. Oleott and
I agreed to let the Governor upervlse
affair, a he I In agricultural
matter. It would Indeed bo poor grace
on my part now to Interfere and per
hap cause tb. atate'. experiment to
be a failure." .,.
Official her. looked a-kanc. at th.
Intimation appearing In the Oregon
Journal today that Eugene Bos.e or
. . IT" ii COUld
ma son-in-law.
have handled the work to better ad
vantage. They aay Uai wnen io
wa planted Hansett wa In charge of
distributing th seed among the farm
er and gar. them Instruction con
cerning the amount which hould be
planted. Later It dereloped that too
much flax bad been aown to the acre.
Ilaaartl'a Mrtaed Blaapprered.
When Cady took charge because
Haneett had kept no complete l it or
the location of the rarlou flax fields,
some delay wa encountered In going
about Marlon and Polk countle and
discovering the field. Thoe familiar
with the ttuailon declare that the cry
of critic against Cady for dilatory
melhoda Is not well founded, since,
throua-b hi predecessor 'a negligence In
not giving complete data concerning
location, harvest of a email portion of
tb. crop wa held back. They aay It
I unfair to blam. Cady for thl.
Failure of the tale to ue Bose
flax machinery and the discharge of
hi eon-ln-law from the tate em
ployment. It 1 uggested. may have
aomethlng to do with the latter crit
icism of Cady and the flax work In
general. ...
That It la polble for the tate to
lose but a mall percentage of lis flax
straw, eren ahould the worst weather
conditions prevail, wa hown today,
when lnvetigallon revealed that not
to exceed 75 ton I out In the open
In tba procea of retting. The re
mainder of th. tat- tOO-ton crop 1
safely hou.ed or otherwise protected.
If condition appear to bo unfavorable
for completing the retting proce thls
Wlntcr. th great part of the crop will
be kept until Spring, when It can aafely
ba spread In the field for retting and
Orr-jron School, raying Men More
Than Worrwn. la Itcport.
t !.- -w Vav -t SneclaD
t i.iiriifinri in Oresjon school re
ceive an avergo monthly salary of and woman instructors .....
. -. . n f n f'.urn complied by J. A.
Churchill. Superintendent ot Public In
struction, in a new uunn
of Oregon schools. Isrued today. Tha
directory shows that eliy uperlntend
enlj in dutrlct of tha llrst class re
ceive an averg. annual ai-u-y of
I.ited In the directory, which t the
.i i-ntnnlela Vet published by the
... .. t t aHuraiion. ara all the
schools in tl" stato where more than
on teacher ! empioyea. i no .
.re arrans.d by counties, the name
and of school clarka and
te.cher r. given, a well a other
inlorroatlon r.aardlng r:hool enroll
m-nt. salarlea of teachers, elc.
Ms soling Men r Ilucna Vll Scn-l-ncrd
lo 30 I) In Jail.
DALLAS. Or.. Nor. rs iFpeclal
fx young men of tn nuena
Irlrt. all more man i. 7r"1 a
ronvlrted by a Jury today of disturbing
rellgiou meeting and r. .ent.nced
by Judg. to erv. to dy In
the County J.U- A .pecl.l train wa
reiuirel lo return th. many wltnesae
to their home In Ih. .oulhern part
of Polk County. I
Tho.a convicted wer. John IIunlcutt
Andrew Mode. Charle. ti.ymour Will
iam Wilson. William Caaldy and Harold
Gano. They were aid to have dl
turoed meeting near Buena Vista for
a year or mor. and last Sunday to
have been overheard planning the dis
turbance for which they were con
victed. Henry Sarulcr. MllwauVIe, Die.
XHLWACKIE. Or.. Nor. :. fSp.
claLl Henry ijanders. an old realdent
of thl. Place, died yesterday at the
ge of T yeara. He I survived by
hi widow. Mrs. Anna K. Sandr. an.
. - . nr M.rv Sanders and
.! HQ . 11." '
th. l.i. Mr. Ann M. Cooper, and van
grandfather r nsirn. "-
George Cooper. The body Is held at
the undertaking establishment of K
i nnnnlnr. East Sixth and Eat Alder
tract. Portland.
' Tnim-r. mMFis o-vir OXB
ATB.lDntt si.nris " ' J 1 .c
01 ' to-
k4 . i ; , it
r. i pr j-i -
Large Assortment of
$2.00 uL
Christmas GreedneT Cards
D.tIi -.Joallty Cards." the
very best, from two for 5C
up to SOc.
Private Creetlag Card En
graved. See our styles be
fore placing your order.
Price reasonable.
An "Ideal" Chrlatmaa Gift
Waterman's " Ideal " F"oiin
tain Pea. Useful every day
in the year. Prices from
S2.50 ta R2T.OO.
C.ikli a'a Self-Flllla; and
"Wood-Lark" Foaalaln Pens
From 81. 5Q "P to S10.0Q.
The Erector Toy
A wonderful steel building
top. Price 81 to 815.
i T.iiiiT Rears, special 79c
Floating Toys
Daring Acrobatic, Good Muale, Comedy,
Seaga and Society Clrcoa by
Smart Aaiamala Included.
Versatility and distinctiveness mark
most of the act presented in the bill
at the Empres thl week.
Th. .how 1 atarted off under the best
poslbl. auspice with the Mlzpah 6el
blnl Company, which offers Juggling
and acrobatic that pass with dizzying
rapidity from one, feature to another
and touch the high spots of nearly
every sensational type ot Juggling and
acrobatic work that has ever been In
vented. The Cleora Miller trio present a
musical act which offer an equally
Intereatlng variety. The feature of this
act Is the cornet playing of Al Miller.
He achieves a marvelous range on his
cornet and produces some effect that
on. would Imagine quite out of the
capacity or anything but a clarinet. Ilia
performance, not only on the cornet
but on the flute and saxaphone Is all
the mor. remarkable for the reason
that he has but one arm.
Welsser and Reeser, In black and
tan. are good funmakers. with fine,
bell-like voices In their singing and an
entertaining line of patter.
Misses Gertrude Moody, Helen Ham
mond and Janet Moore, the "three
. 1 ffl.t, ara srcut favorite.
Ainciiuu ' ' . - -
and their offering consists of pretty-
songs, in pretty cosiuiuoa
exceedingly attractive and dainty Bet
tings. Will II. Hill's society circus is an
aggregation of beautiful ponies and
dogs offering a series of good feats,
and the act closes with "Sunny Jim.
the trick mule, who delights the
audience by kicking his would-be
riders into the four corners of the
stag, before one finally succeeds in
sticking on his back. .. ..
Herbert Hodge and Mildred Lowell,
in "A Rural Flirtation." have one of
the funniest acts of its kind that has
been round the circuit in many moons.
Hodge's rube characterization is de
lightful, and Lowell s costume and act
ing on her reappearance in the last
part of the act sets the house rolling
with mirth.
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Scott, already
well known In Portland, having ap
peared in a sketch a few weeks ago,
were billed for the Empress this
week but. owing to the sudden illness
of Mrs. Scott, thy will be unable to
appear in the engagement. They may
be billed at the Empress at a late
New Tract I Rich and Croaaed by Four
Goe4 Ra4e Chorea aod School.
Are Provided.
. . .-. vm .fi fKnecial.)
The solution of the logged-off land
ii..f...iAallu axtl Vd
question has been aun"'
bv the St- Helena Lumber Company.
- . ia. la ml amhraciiie
The nrsc unit 01 - --- -
. . . . Vv. a-.t-ia.nA4T to settle-
ment and will be sold only to actual
farmer ana opiiu-, -
The tract is a choice section or tilla
ble land and four main roads traverse
. ..,. Yankton center.
tne enure v...w-
less than a mile from the center of the
nr.t unit, has a gooa bluooi,
tor. and postoffica.
The company is m m
ronrern In the Northwest to altempt to
r-V i - l H .;.vil a
II .It I 1 ... a.nm ia arrrTrpAI. nnrijR" Mn-rn
I a-g '
will be the series of articles appearing
in this space from time to time on banking and
its relation to business and private enterprise.
The effort will be
First, to present you exact
and .specific information
regarding the many ana
various services nuuiu
by a National bank and
Interest on Savings
Northwestern jrSffiffl03" ULU"-li"
of oir mast tieai. price savings
" wild kmkh
Toilet Needs
25c Mum
DOc Satin Skin Cream.. . .
A evr Stock; af Gardcnglov
Toilet Artsclea.
00c La Blache Face Pow-
der at. 3jC
50c Cameline for 34c?
10c Skat. 77
10c Bon Ami for 7c
10c Sapolio for 7C
10c Wood-Lark Milled
Ivory Toilet and Manicure ret (encravln-;
frP(. to fa-vow
A Casserole or Baking Dish is a useful
gift to a family. We have a large stock
of new aesigrns in nickel, silver and
ft to S5c
aluminum. Prices yi.&O
floating 1 i a " "
book, o o. m o. 0
dispose of Its cut-over lands in this
-. nhi. nnir riT f n n 1 1 m.m uccii
surveyed and subdivided into tracts to
suit the small rarmer. xveariy 1
acres of this tract has been seeded to
timothy and is now excellent pasture.
The news of the opening of this tract
was welcomed by the settlers of the
Yankton district, as the land is com
pletely surrounded by good farms.
Washington State May Co-Ordinate
AVlth County.
STPVKXSOV. Wash.. Nov. 2S. (Spe
cial.) L C. Otis, locating engineer for
the State Highway Commission, of the
State of Washington, arrived nero irom
Olympia at 10 A. today. Ho will
inspect the Stevenson-Collins road be
ing built by J. M. Ambrose, of Port
land, with a view of co-ordinating the
1- 1- -: . . n.ttv, tha nlnn nf the
worK ueins uu"" ' ' ' ' '
state relative to the construction of
state road No. 8. we win db k'"-
1 j i. t r Tiaii chief engineer
in charge of the work In this county
under the recent bona issue.
w . . tn . I. a Anrrinfur who had
.III . una ia niw
charge of the construction of the sno-
qualimie Pass roatt lor me ii."
Washington t
Miss Perry, Formerly of Portland,
Becomes Bride of A. F. Barnett.
ST. HELENS. Or Nov. 28. (Special.)
The most important society event In
this section was the marriage of Miss
Lois Carl Perry to Arthur F. Barnett
at the residence of the bride s sister,
Mrs V C Perry, in Rainier, November
"4 Rev. Frank J. Meyers, of Portland,
officiating. The bride, until recentlj.
was a teacher in Portland schools and
also taught in the schools of this city.
The bridegroom is vr 1.
Mrs. J. K. Barnett, of Seattle. He is
. ... . .1 ..1. - rnltiTnhia
the present (.ouniy n. .
County. The couple will take a brief
tHp to Seattle and Victoria. B C and
will be at home in this city after De
cembcr 15.
William Branson and Mrs. Booth to
Stand Trial This Week.
...-TTTTTr- rr- ov. 28. (Spe-
Uu'-Th. trial of Wii.iam Br8o and
Trs William JjOUii. -..ii. fs. -- -murder
of William Booth, in October
near Willamina. will open Monday.
Both have been held in Ja 11 her. for
some time, though Mrs. Booth for a
Ume was under the care of the matron
JA". U"SV(i?,U,!LJ.iweek at
least Is the prediction here and already
witnesses for the state and defense are
gathering, here to be on b
ca led. The muruei woo
. ... .u i, i. n lozed. Booth had
snooiinB, v 11 ... ... - .
followed Mrs. Booth and Branson to the
Willamina bricKyato.
Vancouver Has Clean Bill for
Period Covering 9 Months.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Nov. 2S. (Spe
cial) Two hundred and eighty days,
or nine months and five days without
frost is the record established here this
rear, according to A. A. Qarnberg
Government weather observer. TbU "
the Uteat frost recorded for mwlbM
20 years. The average tirst trost is
November 7.
The last frost noted here in the
spring was February 19, and the nrst
frost this Fall November 27.
f.rt ar. i.jOyitoo f-attlr i ''V1'
twofold in theme:
Second, to acquaint you
with the methods used
the facilities at hand and
the personnel of this insti
tution. Interest on Time Deposits
A - a a
oir DOORS.
$2.00 Shaving Brushes 81. 19
U.50 Pocket Knives.. .$1.09
$1.00 Shears, special.. . S9c?
M e Carry " Keen Katter "
Scissors and Sheara.
Toy Paints
Small sizes of Paints. Var
nishes and Stains for
finishing home - made toys.
Per run 15) to 25.
to Si.all.
rnrr 1 n mir
rrvt.i iu i. s-
STAMPS ceVrn'o-r
soda purchases In
our Tea-Room or at
the Soda Fountain
from 2 P. M until
we close at 9.
P. T. Mn i-ray- Is Held at Hoqulam Pending-
Investigation Man Says He
Tried to Rescue Wife.
HOQUIAM, .Wash., Nov. 28. (Spe
ciaL) Following the death of his wife
by drowning at 4:30 o'clock this morn
ing, P. T. Murray, of this city, is being
held In jail pending investigation to
determine whether the woman carried
out her part of a suicide pact, and if
the husband lost his nerve at the last
Mr. and Mrs. Murray plunged into
the lioquiam River from a dock in tha
heart of the city. The husband swam
ashore just below the Ninth street
bridge. The woman's body was re
covered an hour later.
A letter to the proprietor of the
lodging-house where the couple re
sided said they were tired of life and
intended ending it. Mrs. Murray's
name was signed to the epistle. The
police are trying to determine if it
was written by her husband.
Murray told the officers that his
wife Jumped into the river, that ha
plunged in in an effort to save her.
but could not get her out of the water
after having swum near shore with -her.
The couple have resided here for sev
eral years, formerly conducting a lodging-house,
but had been without funds
lately, it is said. f
Yamhill Bridge Appropriation Made.
M'MINNVILLE, Or., Nov. .28. (Spe
cial.) An appropriation of $27,500 for
bridge construction work in Yamhill
County has been set aside. This was
urged by petitions and various dele
gates from different sections of the
County. " "
Remarkable Statement of a
Woman Who Was Nothing;
but Skin and Bones.
Laugh and grow fat is a homely say
ing, but Mrs. Elizabeth L. Morris, of
Hammond, La., tells of a more reliable
method. She says:
"I cannot say enough in praise of
Vinol. for it saved my life. I was weak,
nervous, run-down, could not sleep, was
unfit for work and was nothing but
skin and bones. Three doctors had all
failed to help me. One day I saw Vinol
advertised, took courage and bought a,
bottle, and it soon made me feel better.
I continued its use and such a change!
I have regained my strength, flesh and
health, am perfectly well, and the doc
tor was surprised to see such a change
in me in such a short time." Elizabeth
Morris, Hammond. La.
The reason Vinol proved such a won
derful strength creator in Mrs. Morris'
case was because of the peptonate of
iron, beef peptone and the extractives
of fresh cod livers, without oil, com
bined in a pure . native tonic wine,
which makes Vinol a most wonderful
tonic .
The Owl Drug Co.. Portland, Oregon.
P. S. In your own town wherever you
live,' there ia a Vinol Drugstore. Look
for the sign.
Dr. Paul C. Yates
I Have Cut Prices
I will save you 50 cents on every
dollar on the best dental work made
by human hands and without pain.
GOLD CROWNS S3.00 to S5.00
BKlDf.EWORK X0O to S5.06
PLATES 10.0C aad ap
All Work Guaranteed Fifteen Year.
Second Floor of Rothchlld Bids
Fourth aad Waabingrtan.
To Avoid Dandruff
You do not want a slow treatment
when hair is falling and the dandruff
germ is killing the hair roots. Delay
means no hair.
- , . anv ilriiff. atoTA. a. bOttle Ot
zemo for 2oo or .1.00 for extra largo
size. Use as direciea. lor n.
work quickly. It kills the dandruff
germ, nourishes the hair roots and im
mediately stops itching scalp. It is
sure and safe, is not greasy, is easy .r
use and will not stain. ooaps and
shampoos are harmful, as they contain
alkali. The beat thing to use is zemo.
for it is pure and also inexpensive.
Zemo, Cleveland.