Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 29, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    3 THE MOKMXG OKEGOyiAy. 3IOXPAT. yOVE3IPER29, 1915. '
1 - aaaT-aaaaataa. MMBMMMWMM
Don't waste dollars in smoke!
. ; i
. --. W 4 I, i
Faster Steamer to Be Booked
for Those Who Cannot Get
4 Away on Oscar II.
AilomoMI. Man's rWrrvtary lilata
Hr- Thi rrr win it-
a-vtaa Crrvala fofmlo
I Relief ti I. Cra.y.
Xtvr Tftr. e- ?i ;cul
aw-, a nmr s.wrid -it caaaot
l-av he-. by ttaacamlaar a. I& 4te
l!a eautral c-.aa.r pae-
avtasatea. ir.nrT rert. ef
faeaif. ui ie tora l.
""a, tl I !! IS Mft f getting
IS maw tf IH Irs a a-la aa, a aa4
a 3. Ls t f baartag & -.
bC. 4lSt.
Lat'iiie I. ft a r . aaar.eaey I .Serge
after r4i-a eaveral l.lrsaa f rae;
l.a) ata 4i.r aa est... to f lima,
trial t! .tarli aa.l4 il
l'-4.ei It. a fa.e.r ebt?. itkt -
w a I frana .New T ar lMei-aBr
I. lf lmr$ ai: -a p.aae4 fe
at It Oex-ar II
a tft .Urt4 It. Wkitiw tl
toa k be .. alt, la ..!
M'M'Axf.'lt 1, Mr. LartMl 414
ta rnnl UiMXtoa
Mr. UctMr I tnal t -r.Larr
rv kl rap.f4 I la av
laetun la ijr IK -rt. Mr
Heve I t a l- rri l-aaarvoa.
4 tl las -.Me &! V" rr4 at;t
al" taar ! rew:iir
h"a la bacm. . 'n4 1 twmmaaal al
l "' a.
T ail!' f a e4 i af '
It ta ( a Ht1 atea
la -l"-r.. .' ait, abl'fti I
r.arfS It aiaa In !. a. T
I IkIm. kol ta arj!:fl-l K
lV- r k aak laai aria l
ar '4U1 a.t4r 9tt tray
n4 la I iaria.
A-l dar la iff at t I"r4
lit la it !! . 4r rl
la. ai!i( aa4 '!fyi lha fc'ia-
r..J f U.ltni 14 l"l
i-ni t:j arrt4.
LtM f ItaWaaa it Oat
Ti' raft.t f la
I aalt. a. ranal'.4 I -!. t (
il U". IIt:
i;! Varlkntt. ef PL
I a.m. Kra. Iltn l.aia
tat H-ipnoaa f a. oU C Tel-
,. n4 w !" la lfir. klra.
lry WrtcM at I4 asH-
aa.t fm an at la a
in . rr'!: It-
rhafi-a r. Jka..l af J" -T'lr:
H.att r. kforfi. VUlcaB. t'lt.4
Ktta foul al i;Kaal. aa4 "
a MCK'r I I'HUI Jaatia ru.i.r a(
Th ij af rai. Mr J-w
.... of I'" ;:4isba: trr. J.okla t.Jor4
Jn.. .( t ntracx 4!rfoa f Iti 'a
a.aa l.tnrei .'r: Mix ll:a Kl'
1-r. Nr t -JT a t'nm'f Til ioa Coawit'
iw: Mr. A.i' 4ffraa
r Cl : V'. A traa4 t'ftia T"l"wl tm'fT.
i.4i::. l a.: liar W ibI ( 4-
a.L ef v'l'4ir-a. r : ITI .
Mt'MK. af t. ril' 'at4fal. P-
fnit. Artaor I. WaifT. U
rn : N.a. iMnttrr ( tn Nbraa
MJt .. ltT; K.fraaa rfili. 4
la af T t'r. Tfk: Jo IX
Wry. mrmHemf ri:-r a4 ltaf.f.
wit o otvo occ
rKt-ibtrr rn
aira la r 4 la fmrnm
tN P-HIha at ral
ai rwltx nn.
W!!..i u atel.4 I fmm4
fMcnn la ! rlt
at rnr-B t tl.l a '-'l
r (a a4 isv:a vf4 la
alaamaai t a. : la I ff"
Aa.M,;M la l- air
t rat a I '!' at rt:r,4
-ar r r-l.4 T tk Iatf etal
Crmra Cantl
r.aa f la aw l.ct.fall -a
laal la 5' I"f4 aatl
. t IS TtfT NT.
faratarv af Cbrc an4 I Sr.
9At94 CaaiaBtatowar T tl
k tn I a.a4 tt t'l
- l" rat f ffaa a w!l
aa 4m..-! ia. a at a!
I aal9iiaa nbui r;awal la f
ale aanatrt ail a' i,ll I
(' t" la Cl".l A4Tlf
is rtit uaTta4 lhal
Ha Ilaiti4 il4 aaaatua
T tlila l"aafa Caaala.
1.5, ka laoa'if t. a
friM rl f'f I al la
Kio'lAa af l fHa!. af
! ia(ratl''a l I l rl : kaarj rl affl tt IHa
t"alt4 Italaa tM Iraaa-Atlaan
caaala. trti-:a'arlr la
mu.r -aac4 w tf S .tra fr'M
ai;.iii front lat.rtr ! fir.
'fa jarta. If f l (rat4 to !
JSo Pf-4 I ar4k rakja
at rata f- a".aai raf; It
arakaa: ! I la:til IS wf I
I t, la aa(t.-tua alia Ifta
tatarf.a( Caaaant CamaitMlaa Jilal
tnra rata fraaa l latartor I
t a'Rjaa anqafffaa.
i .
. i -
t la
aaaaa f
rtiala r Pla S'" Frle.
Rtircri inrur.T r.Mno tklci.m kv
r4 ra a ll.raa lai Tiaa r tiffinr y4 I Iff In fcrtl"
ai.ui - AMrv.aM r ataairal kaiitta lo Initial a taac mav.m.nt ? If
m. it i4 for r Ura. Il.ary rr4 aa4 though II a a!4 -Jan
A4tan..- II aaa afVNabif aval r I'.a hhailar. Mla t:ir la A""
Ar fa44t ol r Wra rrd la N Torn aith a rh.m fr l. lo
Vr fr .'ra(fa I aal et r ! Wotnaa't I'aar ttT. af whlc Mil
A44e I Ik a 4.
State Department Knows of
f.o Abuse of Mexican Nuns.
AdotlaWfraUoa Reply le CVitlcs of
Racocallltva of Carrania Ix-prf-ratr
tCfforta la Krr-p Itan
coroa I'rrllnr Allc.
ttUnt rear'.a aM-h aisM T
tm I a j- a ff.i'r la th lrt-
0f laa an. a II a avaat !
. tnariaiaf rir'a4r tor rWa,4a.
fi.. (rritatw-i "JJ act a.'
fi.a' 4 aniaSaa. raaat"a la tara
iina f tit aaia iaa anHtaetuf.
a ii -.('.!-. p.riri- f i t M r
r4.!4 II. 4,aa;paar.aa f l'irn(:.r
. a 'axata aa aanfilli rr'i(.jl
Iran m Ai 'it Itrfitaf. atna aa4
-T-r. tt fti4 9'. (ia.ll caipiat
Ion cafl .f llt.
A or aaoul .. if 4i.,rv mar
lr -alaa. ry I'oa ara '. r 1 1 4
at'. Ic-a'am aa4 an",rtv for th.
a f .amp . nl a'aira
iaaattfr-ai if : Sth
r . ar (at. Cat. .4 by ;i fr-uia
WA8IUNHT0f. Xo. 11. T A4-
asla rtratlon rttjr ta lhoa aba erltl-
ti. tk rco,Ta:t!o af Ik I arraaia
ttrrinaat la Jl.iKo bau f
ckarca af eotra( ttpoa tifiaaU o4
aaaa cf k Calb'l chunk aaa mad
aukiio kr loaikt la a llar T
ftrx TutnoUa lo Vr. Jama J. Mc
Oalra. cf Tf.aio. X. J, aka rataotljr
araia I Ifta Wktt lloaaa aaklac for
is'.aaatiaa) of akal ka ckaraclr
Ita4 aa -ai4r4 crilicl.m.""
aratary Tumu'.lT 4lJ Vr. Me
Giatra tkat tk flic of Iba (! ta fal .4 ta diKio any afrtcUl
rcar4 of a ainc! raa4 ca of oat-
fax. aaaa. aa4 b laclad4 la kl.
Uttar a iitliar.t tt Catkotte
iKaffaainl at W.ilc City, akictt.
akH 4ilo.lo tk akooliBC of artaata
a4 lb ipa'.ta aa4 Impriaoemaot af
tk.ra. itA lbr ka4 ka aa !
Utioaa ef aaaa la Ikat 4-irict.
t ra kaa Uoarra A Mr.
Cra.y Tumulty a!4 tkat la ali
ar Ik fcorrora f Ik rBflict bad
k..a fcapl au kf tka. ef lb Iota
'4a tat lhal 11 akou iba auijr
f all citiona af katk lb fail. 4
atala aa4 M.ilra ta realrikut la
vary avaaoaf I IB aaria rBao.iiia-
lloa of th aaltoa a uaf tara "j
ct.a atrifa aaj la aell kxplBf r
lb .aaaaa.
Cuaal aa4 araiatby ar a4ral
a4 aI4 ba anamful Ba. .
iha aaa. 4 ka af aa4rftal afftcary la
iili lb af Mail la Ika
arb ef f - tn,cto a.- arei r.
Tuiaultr. "a-ffart I raocor.
taa (( "( Ikaaa at: aa lha
ffe-t ef i;a: aaaa Iba
abi'k iha:4 b ba.4. aa4 ar
la aa eea ra la lrtaf tkal faor
aaoaia ! aa mta4a are
iBf'.aaaat aaraa.l Ibair br.thfaa.
-J- raiurt al. ra.laa altaaitaa
I taa rx-oara. ! of rtaauani Jiarat
kr lb I' j t aaaaa A4!alatratioo, fel
aata "ta I aXUat ef ail dtl r
r aa4 la J4 arnica,- raarba-l by "ail
b btttra a4 critte ef a ri:c
! aar.
raaaalW i acl.aa la Aaaara.
taipha! aa UI4 S Ik reaafal
l"a af t arra by lha lal.i-Amafi-
aa aroaalfia al tk Joia.4 la lb paa-
Anftaa : coalaraacaa, A.I ot
Itiaa Lattia-Amartraa cooalflaa. bir.
Tumulty plat4 , aa Calboil
I' a iblaanaei aaa rp-4ce4
abuk Iba Mat t.?art
to. at by CUaa ArTa4a4a. lb Wa.h
iaaTtoa rprati af tiaaaral Car
raaaa, at Or to bar. pl4taa lb Car
raata (rOJat I rpvt tif
b-T Ufa, arapany a4 rIllea
rv-ftary Toaiultr laoa4 In hit
a letter ar,lla by tl-Hacra-lary
Kryaa 11 !rrb la Har. rraac'.t
C Ka.y. af Cb lle la tt.UH
aariau tiara lak.a by lb Calla4
tataa 0arriaal Jj-1t lb proar.ia
of tk ralatioa la M.tica la prated
lh rratti. af all r!itaaa ar
ra!tteaa la Mi.
i i ii -J
rlilrh I. aet arcantabta la many of Iba
rommtliaaman. Thay are collacllnf
ubarrlntlona aa an Inr-alm-nt for lha
roalribulofi. who ar la rfnt ajll-
4eitd. If th.ra houl4 b any. The
amorrado rommlit.e aant tbca di
Idar.da ilf and II lll not o lo Chi
rac im! lliare ahoi:4 a ebbna
In l'ia offer ef lha city a rprrnaa
f rtlfle4 f becka r Itrady.
l. Laola, ralla and Tuffa: rarh l
irailr alth a certified rboctt OI jiow.-
la band otar to lha laemacratlo
rommitta the moment thai party an
ounce lla daciaion. PaUa la loo far
owtb; ba.U'a Teiaa la a Democratlo
lata, anyboa. liuiraio la too ni
the Canadian bordar. bt. Ixula haa the
arlviniafaa of central lo-aton. ample
railroad and lelecrapn. fariillfa ana
ood hotel and I aitualcd within the
boundartra of a doubtful atatv. Next
lo Cblrago. II undoubtedly baa lha beat
Ilul Can Franrl-o la not to ba eon-
Idrrrd out of Iba runnlni. That alty
alii fib before the eyra of the Ltemo
cratlc commute a cartlflrd rberk for
l0.t) The Deaaocrat ttllrv thay
will have difficulty In collecting auf
flriant funda for th comlnij rampaian
and tbia tidy little euro will look ood
la Ibam. Van Franrieco baa th ad
raalaiaa of a auperb cllmata. ample
acrommodatlona and adequate railroad
and telegraph facllillra. It dleadvan
lata II lo tb facts that It la cn in
t ef lb continent and that many
of lb I'emocratlo doleeatee hav not
the eeveral hundrad doilara rtace.aary
to ma k a th Jon 4 trip from lh Kaat.
Neortbeaa. there l a ((rone
ma 1 1 la favor of the ea-lactiun of th
Ooldan Gate, berau.a the recoanltlon
all. offa.t the failure of Prealdent
Wtleoa to llt the atpoiltloa.
Hepablleana laella Taar4 C blrac
There wtmi to ta little doubt that
the republican commltle alii aelect
Ctoli aao. There may be aoma neaolla
lioas for lha purpo. of atralbtaaln
eul tba financial tansla. but If Ihla
heuld be aljjated ealUf artorlly then
that city atil be pained, bt. lul Is
the only formidable, rival of aVhlcatro.
la tplte of the fs'l that Philadelphia
one aaa a conuila city. But the
eaeral fHn la It at thia year Pann
ylvaola aill be aafaly Icpuhllcarrs a
result of the looses sustained by tha
I'roareaaie party. Illinois and Ml
eo"r both are considered doubtful.
Th L'etaocrallo coir.mltta a 111 meet
la WsMtiton oo Icmbr 7 an tb
Republican commltle her on L'ro
bar 11.
iraataaae4 T
ytral yta
uUane ef localJtlsa bavtav eaa4l
4tea for tb ffee'ijentlal Boa.lcatiea.
eeeral Cttla A aaf fanaelk,
Tb cities ahlrh desir tha Demo
rra'ia conarantloa are t'hlcaao, tst. Laula,
I : aa, Huf.'sle an4 tvsn t'rsaclera.
The citie air tb l:epjblleB
caeniioa art Ckkaifc ft. Laule aa4
la spite ef Tklraaa'a a4aatacea. It
eaa ba aa!d paeitlrely lhal It will net
l either ceantia UDle. It pro
ora a certified chaek far 1 1 ...
a-de oat I lh order ef the treasurer
ef tha Deoieera'x) cemmiltea ar lha
treasurer of tk r.'Pubii-ao comml tie.
Tha ab ar raleinv th nteaey
la CbKaf ar 14' H la a fasklea t4e4 ra lira ef peril b' a ir.:..
prrnxD ion riMniiiE or lasd
baeal llaa la a taa la I ClaaalrV
aMIbsa. aeaee-rlaa Tie. bar Laa4
aa4 atla Reaaaladee.
lactcn. Nr. SI Tb Conservation As
exietioa. bea4a4 and domtoaled by
Calffor4 rtnehee. Is praparlnc lo take a
bar.4 lo lh ttton ab California land
rant fifhl la Corgree tbla Winter
and alii canlend for leaialailon ahlcb
aii tura a larf part af lh arant Into
forest rt.arvee- The Itnckoutes. bow.
ever, aill make n proteat aalnat
opening I bomeetead settlement Ihoss
lands ahlcb contain ao timber.
I er eome e j, o the abenc of
Mr. Plnrhot. officials of tb Conserva
tion Association have been Catherine
data on wbi.b la base tbetr flcht ba
for l anc res a, Eiacily lh form of
Ita-islalion which Mr. rinchot will
champion baa not yet beaa agreed on.
la a general way It la declared lo
bo lh purpoe ef lh Conaervaklon
Aaeoctatlon I demand tkat Couirtat
buy back tha grant from lb railroad
company al !.: an acre, and than
aben Iba lioveramact has litis, class
ify tha land and tbrow all tha limber
land Into forest reaerve. opening the
remainder lo eettlemcnt. but probably
requiring lb homesteader lo pay
or mora an acre for his land. n
Official of th Conservation As
soc la lion now in Washington say It
la likely ao opposition will ba mad
to tha hotnenteadlng af timber lands
ahlcb are found to- ba suitable for
agriculture, providing Ihla homestead
lag Is deferred until after th timber
has been removed.
The fight of the Conservation As
sociation asrainst the Oregon Idea with
respect lo the land are n I Is to bo only
on tcatur of Ita activity before Con
grass this Winter. Mr. Plncbot ox.
pacta lo spend a great deal of time la.
the lobblee of Penate and House, as
aell as In committees, pressing tils
visas with respect to aster-power leg
islation and regarding other conserva
tion bills-
jj?-Ssf-feB : - y.V - BUILDING
''it vr1
111 hSw
7v fTmmrrfiiim
"That smoke represents wasted
profits lost fuel unburned
coal and breaks the city smoke
laws. Let us show! you how
to burn it and turn a waste
intu a profit"
"Wc will prove to you by test
that you may burn the very
cheapest grades of soft coal and
get quite as much total heating
power (without smoke) as -if you
used high-priced hard coal or
semi -bituminous coals."
Thousands of owners of apartments, large
residences, factories, office buildings, in
stitutions, greenhouses, schools, etc., are
now profiting in this way by using the
IDEaAL SMOKELESS Down-Draft Boiler
'-produces full heat without smoke from cheapest soft coals
The IDEAL SMOKELESS Down-Draft Boiler will last and give wonderful service every
year as long as the building stands. Made of non-rusting, ever-wearing cast-iron sections
which can be installed anywhere without tearing out doorways, walls, or partitions. Does
not reauire exnensive excavation or brick setting. When
the short-lived old steel plate and tube boiler gives out, ask
your contractor to burpit under the basement floor (not an
unusual practice) and erect an IDEAL SMOKELESS
Down-Draft Boiler in its place.
The IDEaAL Boiler is made in sections or units and is easily carried through
doorway and set up quickly at any time in buildings already erected.
If building is altered or enlarged IDEAL Boiler may have extra sections
added easily. Did you ever see a second-hand IDEAL Boiler? And you
never will! They're always like new. Fully guaranteed!
' 1 1
"To stop smoke waste is to save money and make a better city'
Coea vita of IDEAL 8mokelesa Down-Draft Boiler to showbr
aaToa hew the ear w made to peas doom ttuaut the oppcx and
loaar crates car doable bra to tbavauably aus with the flam ea end
t aaaa peedaace utssoel haetan results froea cJeeeet eeft eeei, wita
fenohaJce results. Ask you local City gtaeaa Iae-ssrtar far
Aiwded Crtnd trixt San Frtncitco Ptnsm Pacific
Let us show them to you in operation and give you the actual results and reasons why
they are best for your building. Send for catalogue "IDEAL SMOKELESS Down
Draft Boilers" and get in touch with our nearest Sales Branch this will not obligate
you in any way. Many of the largest and finest buildings in over 400 smoke-plagued
cities and towns are already saving heavily on their annual fuel expense and comply
ing with all smoke laws by the wonderfully efficient work of these boilers. Ask for
catalog (free).
Write Department P-13
Yeon Building
Sold by all deal era.
Ka cxchaiaT geata.
... . . . k v w., l a . CI 1 11.1 RtrmlnaTiaa-l- faa Orleans.
- - - NaeTart TIsallM TTiiliest 1 1. rtnTlimrT miltfiri wataungT-sa, cranaio, r lliwui in, varaanu, , . '
PbMc niailliai at Ckieaaa, Wew . iisaiiia. w.-. . i""-" VTr. p,i V l. K.n. r,r. Dearer. Seattle. Portland. Sookanc. Toronto.
iaoa AagcMaa ban rraaewca, oraatiora anwaasa rswaa, aaaaaaaaaa, . -"a"'i
aa cav aadl
Order Affects 20,000,000
Bushels in Elevators.
Coirritnirnt baya Move la Made to
I'l-rve-nl l"n due FpccalatiTa) Prof
its and to Sate Canadian
Market From Lorut.
fant'oued Krwm SI .at Pssa
In taa ft-f-el v-ar .n!r ith Jqsa. ?4
la sailing trjrri tr'j srare
Uma tab order lake affect or aubse-
quenUy thereto.
Tber ar. of coursa. many quea-
tioas of Important detail that arue
and demand adjuetment, and thee will
receive the fullest consideration and
tba promptest decision possible.
Canada lo Have Pre fere a oe.
-There seems so reason why the
grain markets should be radically af
fected by lh action taken. Obviously
It does not Involve any Increase In
th worlds consumers, or. Indeed. In
lh world's consumers' demand. It
meavns simply tha filling of the esist-
og demand to tha aatent of the grain
taken by this much of tha Canadian
surplus. Instead of filling tha aame
from other aurpluses. If tha result
should ba a rise In th Canadian prod
uct, then beneficial effect will largely
accrue lo the grain farmers themselves
and not to tha holders of grain in store.
While lha holders of grain In store
are entitled to fair treatment. It has
beea thought desirable not to precipi-
st market conditions at tna expense
of tka customer! of from whom wa
bop to obtain ordera In the future
and who ara our alllee In th war.
-Tha action taken by tna t;rittsn gov
rament la based entirely on war con
diUons and tha response of tho Cana
dian government has been aictatea py
regard to lha same state of facta."
Portland Exporter Bay Mora Will
Have Little Local Influence.
Portland wheat exporters who could
be reached last nlglit expressed doubt
Ibat the seliure of Canadian wheat lor
tie uses of the British government
ould have any marked affect on toe
local wheat market. It la not oenevea
that t rices of Oregon wheat would be
affeotad by tha newa.
"If Britain geta Ita wheat there. It
will not com hero for It," aald on In
clora touch with the wheat trade, "and
to thla mtrket will not be helped any.
Th fore'rn market baa been steady
tor the two weeks."
-It will net make much difference
here." Bald another wheat man. "This
is, apparently, simply a move to gat
wheat supplies quickly. I do not look
for it to have a.-.y material Influence
A third wheat dealer, also prominent
In the trade, was likewise dubious as
a a Httltr In Oraenn wheat On the
atrenrth of the Winnipeg dispatch.
KUt. i. tk.l tha aalinra Svill
have no effect on wheat prices here."
na aald. ine stannous wneat ia uu-
r a ii,,' ta I rail wheat and
i . i 11 v a. viii m j , ,b .. - - - - -
oura la white. Our wheat is more In
demand for export than that. How
ever, we are in a peculiar position
nera. e nave a large auryiua
V. V... an-inaa-a id availahlft tO
carry It abroad, and the railroads are
not In a position to lurnisn cars to
transport It to the Atlantic seaboard."
Liifc tern Dealer Dependent on
Farmer) to Fill Contracts.
TORONTO. OnL. Nov. 21 Prominent
Toronto grain merchants said tonight
that th federal government a embargo
on all lh wheat in tha elevators east
of and Including Fort William, will
create hlsher prices for the producer.
but that th Kastern aeaiers win u
placed more or less at the mercy of th
Western farmers lor wneax to iu u
order which were to have been filled
by tho wheat commandeered.
"Our Canadian Spring wheat has been
selling freely for export," one dealer
declared. "Just 120,000.000 bushels have
been shipped East, principally tor ex
portation. Oreat Britain, which is vl
ri.ntiv buvlnc for Franc and Italy,
knows that our crop la good and la
keeping th trade wltnin tna empire oy
taking over a large proportion of the
'""Thar are approximately 1JO.000.000
bushels yet at tha disposal of the con
Exporter Say There May Be Flurry
on Market, Nothing More. '
cui-inn Vnv 8 The aelxura of
from 11,000,000 to IS. 000,000 bushel of
wheat by tha canaaian govemmunt, an
. . iHi.M , Rnhart McDoUaT&L S
prominent Chicago exporter, will have
no permanent euovi v pt". "v
United Plates.
"I dar aay there will ba a bit of a
flurry on the local Board of Trade
. while tracers are adjusting
their accounts, but that Is all." said
Mr. McDougai.
-. nil almolv
adopted a military method of purchas
ing the wheat. There la still an ex
portable .aurplua in Canada of 110.
000.000 bushels, more or lesa unaffect
ed, apparently, by tho order. 'o doubt
the Dominion government will make
satisfactory settlements with dealers
who have contracts for the wheat
Continued From Tlrst Pane.)
heroes. They not only tried to quell
the panic but succeeded in rescuing
many persons. Afterward they helped
the wounded.
Submarine Stands by Five Honrs.
"Only one shot was fired by the sub
marine. She remained alongside for
fiv hours, or until all possible rescues
had been made and the wounded had
been attended. She then disappeared
under the water and we proceeded to
Alexandria without further Incident,
"I did not learn her name or desig
nating number, but she was one of the
largest boats of her kind I have ever
seen. The captain of the Sailor Prince
told me that he recognised her as the
same one that had sunk his ship some
hours before, although at that time,
he said, she flew the Austrian colors.
Her deik armament consisted of two
12-poundern, which were in plain sight
as she came alongside the Barulos.
"The Sailor Prince, her captain said,
had 20 minutes to get her crew into
Absolutely Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it 25c at all druggists.
the boats before she was sunk by nine
shots fired into her hold."
Special Road Tax Voted Itown.
CLACKAMAS, Or.. Nov. 28. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting- of the taxpayers
of the Clackamas road district Satur
day nieht. a proposed 10-mill tax for
Improving three roads leading out of
Clackamas was defeated by a voto of
46 to 32.
rop to another woman and, with her
babe in her arms, aank from eight.
"The rescued British sailor proved
r ... i ,, ,, -Jfvx sajr-- '4 M
warnvth or
Makes the house warm and
cozy on the cold, damp days.
Inexpensive to operateegsily carried from
room to room. Smokeless and odorless. Deal
ers everywhere. For bed rcmto ma Pearl Oil.
Standard Oil Company
Perfection Oil Heate