H. P. Coffin Addresses Current . Events Class. CAMPAIGN IS NATION-WIDE! WrtMtatr rraabttrrUaa af flr-awll. Arhtr.ral la L-ara U4 ! tMatV.. ..fa. flra! la " M. a aaa . "l!era.'.r f all BettiBt..ae fa fiff . la - s.cl. e.4 a..r-lB..'BBa tra Ver.kal r" re!. a IS. a-aprtla t ! ela ef l'crttar.4. , , . KIMl cnii4r.a la krfvta.4 at I raii.r ekat. . .r.et aaa l;rn4 la aaf.ty '' Alt aaak.l.a la l9't.4 a -i.atk fa faulty ..4 ar df.t. la " ., ..-alB f " .tart.. la ! " ' aa4 mo in. e.opla far -f.r rir-c "'." f xh i.r.a r ii r cfria. '"'T " .,..n4.i !- 4,, Mr Caff a ..- Ik.l '- '" lr. ... ..opart- frm pr.r.nt.bl- it.- t rr.. . bi,vri,rrr.i a,a.-k,r,.ry aM.al. ,0, '; ,,..... .a r...al.bl. I r-r ,.t .f lh. a... la jartHuar a. 14 fi'-T. .la.l-.- f CoT- k.au.kt a 4..r T- J '"' . .real ro -ra B-raaea .-..I rao 4 T lrr-paa.aia .frtr.re. loti)Klioa raprr M.nl. lT. la" )T fif. m-l. I ..i.i.h. a ar. 4 r- cal of i. . ar. """,t,i'- r" ,. ...! .r ,.f.l.-..a It-r. ' - rf k Md i,.:.. f. thr-. I a- ,M .r W'"al ' on,m..U4 f.T ..... f,r l. rrl. ko.nciw. la a. I... f ..ftr fir. f"f ' ' rir.a. - a iK.r.nftily .bII ra .,.., or.coa i- ;'f'' ...a k.a .,JV,' I""'0" caaipaaw. la ...r.n ,rnp-rfT fr mr taa II U rt. :.r iPtlk-"! fr fr. la-,.,r.-- .a..ul i....ti.t a4 !.,- I.ta T-.ra -K.M .4a I,.. .u,. ii. I "- f ''- . -Ta j.ft-Vfl c-mmill.a .f.rt.l M aea a .f -il .n.,w r"pi ' " '' f!r,t m a I a t l"'t' in. r..lwr lf-k. a l ,,,Mt. tt. a4 IIM I. .U dlf tton W. laaJ- " la r-H f.' a arav. .H f' ta roti- T ' l I ... .r. a- ... ' "( Ti.i, .a i: .iimiM c.a . a4 K'ttn a.a ' " rrt:- l ' i ,Bf .rt..a. T- ' ra- l . ....... - '-- '"' - '-'"' " in. .". ' .nfii I .t. iik.. a a- aa. lh. rt a.r-l l ka . "0,ii ,i la r!.a4 r ...r .r .n.it i.p t.. .a-. a a"a w ih a w a t.a I'lei '"" Ta rn.ra.-cr ... aa.- "f ali. art.r. l.a4 ' aWy. btl a fWMt - .! la UU l. t' arkaat. f r.rt a4 Ifc.. talk aa ..?'. fi ... l '! a aikaaJ rmi. ..ptati - .r .f k.l Im I ka .'.t .ii-rt. a.ll ... 1. ki'a ai in tt..laa l. tn. .rai. ' I fl"4 i tn. Vf- '" al4f... .. 'a a... . ..P"tailr !... t - ." p f a.aa k. I. ! ia. oaa rant.alail laal ... ..tc.momi. .n.-iH tr.l f.r Ik.a I l m t: aa k 'r ofia . la .i.: t. iaa laa ,r. ' .mit. l kaf'taai in- pukvl:. ALBANY SOCIETY TO MEET Vrnti- aaa.l IUmM la rUaard lay Tartar ''- Tka A:ar 1UxI.It. ca..4 f for in.r r.a4'l af AlSa.r aa4 Uil i'oml. i:i kW ! Mw.J-aaaaai r .i.n .1 iri. W..I I. Vao4ra.i Tmp: r:.ai .t'.ai. aar U -ljtun. t ia) ! fca.kat 4la. ..r a ill k a f.aiura. r..:tloa of of. f,.-.ra Ul " k.l i?.kf of !M 4ar a-itt k r.4ral jul4. Piri r. t-ot.rla aa4 V'oi'.a.l Noo.rl A. ilillt. . aM'tkoa la l&. .4 tr.w IS. rrap.atm. aitt Inrla4. tk. foUoaiac .im5.f r,trmtl Mia. Mr a t mma fot .aton. karitoaa aolo. L tarr.it I"a. Ilk Jl' arcaak- ,.prti i!a L.a w.iia abooii. ici f ota aktir.ta kr Joka Akkad: l..r woia. It W. C. A4ama. co.ir.lla aol.v Aaaa fkiilark: kafltoa. Mia. t, X t..la. EXECUTIVES TO BE GUESTS Traa-port.lloai lah llaa ITwml arat a'akrra IJr4. rt4-.. af . rlou fel ranr.ras la rrt:a.t " "I a..t ef k.aor kl lt. lia.haoB f l Traa.portallaa I t tk kl Ika M illBomak llai.l lo.T. Imlf.at liiimaa. .f In. f5a.l. f.rtLaa4 a) f'.ttla. al'.l ka la. ckl.f P.ak.r. aad rra.kta T. Crieitk. pr.a M.al af l. rortLa.4 Ralla.y. LicBI V.w.r femjany. ill k. chairman. Cri.r .paak.r. wttl ka W - omaa. -a-pr..i.l.al f Xoris.aun t l-tfl-- C"mpar: . C. Colt. pr..tJ-al of lla fnloa l.t Corapaar 4 .! f l Claar.r af roaTtfri. iuy ja;a. ar..l'.al af la l-trt:an4 Co.. Ca?i: ir.l K L i m -v. ar.l.al af " Wiliaawlta V.;; a.ulMt failraaik. p.titr jtootjKki. -trxix. rrfirt.rt Xr ra M. aa -"-' r-..i x. ... '.--; 7, .ir K a""a.l . 1 Kiuaia 1. Uia. . a-- nmttr.it l-KV!t.T t.r M'lllT. ...... ai.aa. al TajU. llr.llKf Mala I. Aim IUM..KI Ik Alt. ". -nn i i a r i i n M tl k 1 1 . i.U I l aa. : Vr. kar. W. Sir. J 'run t iktuii lr' sis k. abra (IJa. (I. IV. ar. W. IV. BAKER VlVaJ. knnlwi .4 Ha'kai. M.ma i-a r-ar i .a.ra Ta. ..j;. Mi.1 -. a' "''J1.' t-.a- ...... .... ..a ili.- a. a.aia i .. .. t .-, a.i N- -tw m .o- . w-a aiMiuw tl A M limml. fka . af aa4aiUla. iaOR MORLEY & COMPANY atM Raaa. W I-'A- . a la- ira. Ik"" rf. Hat War Irani .'. , lail. la. ; IV. k... -TWr I ! a PKll'l." W"a . . f a K-val AMa i a. -..IHI HI..-flM(. T- a.. rim f. aalraa ' pmm I anala X. I ..4 . AMTIU1 Ua TOO AT. r4 viM ll. i:l '- rarallara. rar. a P. M- II arilaaa- kar'Ma Moaaa. al ! A. !- mat ra.afa:! "' I. 'I '. .t ra.afa I n.ptamtar I. i-. I j. , o... l.'al 4M. o-mLar r.i.V.a a-a u.... at P. ' laa. net: wriTiirn i t i ; it 4 15 ill s-l afATiO.Nk 3 . . r .0al" a a.l A . . ll f .... " -J i K OJa4 I t! a.l f If l . . W nna4P'U N a 1 -r rvau . . - k- , . " iar t r ' k-i I Mal.rtf . . ir"" l.-k 4. C I aV . . . ' t a . 4 It". Ja, ,. N II : -i ; ' .ai n ; , ,t, f. ft. rrrta- . ; i t. -ir 4 ; .. t Ual ,.t a. i; - a : K. j ., a r a ... ': ak'J '' ia. I'-Bj-IaJk' .-, T kl t'i4 . . ft. . . . . -' ' at '.fsa. m i :.- i ak. i - r W aVf - " ,ftr. -f ' " a-r..-a I t aa4 '4'.J- " tn .,, , - V Huaa,i...p, T ,-. 4-4 V -.il.'4k . f an . 1 I -' riRCat. fVa .a..(JT f tl.l a .ka. tMa- -i aHar- a. . - - - .ajV fMVlkl 4 DAILY CITY STATISTICS .f. r-. a .: ...1 aa-ar fraa 4... -.. 5'" .. I5.in a;fa". kit.e-' aa... a.r p.aat .ar" . $ir3. -nik .... 1 "-arf rra'aa a' u r : Tlrt !'. ia.'ra ."4 iaraa a'' -'.. ' " i J A fitlYr"!' Ka:r aa-aar o.-n. .... .. . 4: r.r axwi a-rl N'V -... !.... a liaaark .I.-... 1 Mca: f r .itt.r. ii it-iH.j a i,ni rT v f I ' .r- ae4 ruamlaa Sw. It I l'M4 a"r. ana. a. an4 " atraaia. . a c '. It a f 914. It naf laa-atary ari. ... r .ut.. ... t.a. " ' I 'awn fr..l. .taaa ..a Mrl a4 UraaAaar; .U4- me c ar .r..a Wit. t. IW a I Wap.lr aaa a.4 aaa. tm lf..t n.a. !( 4-1 (Ml n"'; . r.-t. " lat M4 t, ..i.n .tm-a. .'! foa. :f !:a a.-ia. -'- rul ; 4i a4 (ai ,M.i irta. aii4-r. i"'n" rir xm-aalr M. tiwT fVama v (. .. Mia. i.nxi: kl.ar. IL ri----- 0ST10PATHJC PHYSICIANS M.mkar l'ortUo4 Oataopalblo Aaaa. a kar. Or. Lllllaa. 14 Corbalt Bid. I'ooerk Mala Jilf. A 4IT. arrl(. Or. II. lal'r. lit Jiorsaa Hid, fkoaa Mala raaaaa. frr. Aaaa M. l riltork B:t Ikoa-a UroaJaar Uaia Hi. r.rrW. Orv rml. BV. l: W.UIO Uld. -BOt.a Mala i'a. A ktlk. ria.k. Dr. M llllaat tk. H Broadwa toiJa-. Mala Mala III! I..IM. ! anra4 I-. !3 Corb.lt U.d. Mala l.-i. A :. ciwa. Dr. "'f ' Morao Bid. I bob. Maia ' A H,aUik l. I. K II. Jct:io Bid. Mais Sill. A 1J3. KIVr. Ur. k Hllaaa if Taylor KL rroc-aa Mala kit. A IIU lm,y, tr. - - oit. l !. B14. I Uo-a Mar. ball MM. Tabor IJTk tiaaa--f Ir. M. . TIT 3loraa Bid. I tona. Mala A !. Iaiaai. !.. Iralala V. 1 1 1 Mervka iH4- i koaas Ai.ia aiar. va. M.arr. Pra. '. U aa4 IL C. P. 0I 8cU la Hid. Marafcail 12:1. A IklL. Mrtra, tr. K a I aai la. k, l;-T Jouraal .tlJa- Mar. b. 11 W.i. A lull. ..rlkraa, Ur. P. , 3.1 Mor.aa Bid. l-hoe. Mala JO. Pat lI. riMH. Or- C. T, T-Tlk lllln Btd. I'auaaa Mala i: Maia llll. akaakr4. Ir. Ik. P. MrfkB I. d Mali ;, AUat . A !. mlM. Ur. Aaka . Jr. T.bor ilia. It InttacB Hik- Hdar. I:, kl.laa.. Dr. r.a a IK kaal llta L IS I'keka t-al Uil. UaU.r aa4 kaadaj. Par Lla. . " aaa a4 aa aaaaratl.. Ila a 4 iBraa ianm . . . -T a4 MX ar aa.aa a-aaw-alli. Ilawa aa. Taa aaa.. ralr. apa la adrartlaraw c.lMaaa . .rrp iw .... MWllaa ..!.-.. Miai-aa a..lr-.al. . ul. H.-i. 1 frl.ala aa lllaa. Mr4 a4 .rn.ala I a 1 1 a II HII-.--T a Minn fn.ala I amtliaa. ... ,a. ! rlailrr.llo.a la 1 ala a - a. ... O. nrM. ... - . . - . , r aa Ik. a.maa. ml liaa. aaaaarla I. I fe. ... 1 rTa.iii .aaa ba aaall Uai. MailaaaM cbaa, laa ... t.. .n a. .a. ....lfW4 .4- nnar.au aa lakaaa. aralr4 'h. arW. a III a. aa.lr4 arrr IB. - - kwt kill aill ka rra4rra4 In fl L. MMMf .a...ar. a4artlM- arala -III k. wrrrr4 lha BtMa. ar araa. aaaja IK. pnaplara .( aa al al ti - - .4arlUrwr.la. ait... mm S aal.4 Ma hmaal alnh a.aa .HI aal ka a r.W n b. Ilr.b.ar. IWarra 'r I. iril -1 aal? a III a. arrl4 l -l arat- lar. Ime al.- -M..lar.. Irapanaalltra.- - tmimt Ham ... Rra.- Ir.fc nil Mala ;;. A WMaV. A4atta ai.ala la r. pr.p.r rial 4 rWalta wmmmt ka la Tk. IHi..l. .Kir. aria. a'aaara al al.ai. Mlaraar. 1 ... kM. fa IW a .a ilar lrr.ala. a III a 1 a rl r. maaii aint. I aa affw-. aal all aaa rrrrlara Ira lai. far ar.aa rlaallkrairaa alii a. ra. aa. rr Ika fcraaia. la IM. la . .""T - Mcrrmo xotice. ophwax rPTPa n. ATTrxTinv oir anra 1. Allu.1 Ufa L.-"ff. 41a4 aa Uia Z&tt 1 . .f Xaomaa al ma a. .r aa r.aa.1 arrWa. am aa hrtol lrfe.c 4aa.lra al 3 P. krr Camradra. aa I r. M. u. m. atrriRL. ftlauatenaa. al iiflia.a m u.. kf. ko.4.r, Nora... rmk'a at our hall at U. llt'EHKI. ..d..al. ffXNTHtDB l.ortr.m. NO. m. A. r. AND A M portal oan.- aaal'a;laa fht. Mondavi ln. Work . M .rcrrKa ar ap- c;al an I laam ruisDowi ('aurlhiia .tlarhra. Vtaltrr. a.lom. fir onla af V M. Ir4 flakfnrham ilaffTr. ai: ba raBf.rrcd afiar rafr.aam.nia I M. LAMK, b.c. WAHHIX'ITOV riiAPTrn. NO. I. M. A M allrd rooroc.tloa Ib'a IMnd.tl aftrrnaoa and aranln. i.ai : rhtli and Purr.. d. al J la and T io o'cKxk- B A. d'arra Vl.ilora aaicona. II r arJ.r i: II. IV ROT QLAi aUl.VBUSIl. I re. wiu.ax ittte toner, no. I. A. AND A. M fpa'lal m 1 .... . . . n t K f Unnd.Tl U7C .mini al T.W o'rlak. Work In M. al. ur.'. .lora wr.c.nar. W a. WEKK8, kac r.VULry Jaaalrr. kailooa. eharma. plaa, aa dr..a Ja.r Uroa. Ill- bizik M. Dim. LAIt.vrT "albrrln trn.f ar4 SI rra. r..ard air. r t:dard M Uimi. and dauabirr ol Mr. and Mr. Arthur -Oo.d-rt. a .1 Vaocwur.r. a.h.. alrlrr ol wra. v T Kr-t... Iln. lria M. Lilllon, Mra. nar;ra Whltm"". of Thr La:lra. Marri ad j-arph Jd.-Uo.dru.. of Vanrouvar. VVa.k. H.mala. ara at uunnlcr: a Mcfcla la. par.ora Kuli.r.l notl.. ial.r Hulb . llhartl ll..i aara Z s.ra II. main, ara at 1'unnlnr; a AlcCa la a pariora. lutic ef fun.rai J.'.r. DfrtrKT Nor. S-V at rolorada Ipr1r.a. t.aa Uutlrr. atd 7i Jrara hrlorrd dauaat.r of Mr. and Mra. K U lurfay. K.n.a.u. atll fc. broutM to J'orlod. a.ra! .i6iiinrinlll tat.r. nr.a OTICE. rniKK-Ci'li W. ratxa. 4 .ar, ! m..n;n. tatn.r af T k . Forra. of Oron iti. Kf kaMr M.lrr.n. aad brotbrr of Vr''i.miif M't.mota and J. . r0,"r 01 ..rt..rd. and Mra. ' hcotton, of Bat tl. .;roand. War... and Mra J. K kcolton. of .!. r. a..T. "ird at I... lata bomr. I ... m na . .1 and l'..r:.a..tl. I'ort.and. 1 rl la f. i".rl a i.l ba hr d at Oa kr.ra fuoara! rliaarl. Vunrnor. W a.l... 14, illonJi'l. No SV. al 3 I. M In 1., .nt a 1.. la lha i.'oiun.bia s.ougs 1 ...!(). l.: t lha fl'a.ia klrthadlal Churrh. Mnj.i Mt.m" ?. at 2 V. M. r-dna I'aar.l l. btorr.1 ..ta of liarf. V . la aal n.wtbr of ..rtr-ud. M. and 'ra-l-ar .k an ftaaMr of Mr. aad Mi. 1 har a N. I-"..... and .tar o( I rrd l-o..; of iiraam. Ia'..rtn.at .. tiialua Crra.tanr. CII:-K!KT Ta fjn.ral afiLa of lh. .... I'Mfla H n..ar . a f-.ra In. c.narr.'orr rl.7.1 of IK f. . l..rnlr. In.. nd. ao.r.l Dl- ii. Ill :a.i A.-'r r.tat. " M Mat ilm lail, Na.mbrr Trlmrt. laall.d la.rrni.ol I. MovJOl Iwotl lark I rai.-.arr trjtR. Tha foarral a-r.'. of lha lata r . .att.l.ii a 1.. 1. . " .."na " ,.fiii.fi t..r-i -f tr' r a lannin. Inr . 1.411 1.1 i r'J"ral llrrtr.. 414 Lot 44. .1 i - M t.tti.-rro. . Tu.adaj .. No., "aa In.n.l. Iai-.r4. UUrmol la i;r-.a .m."..r y. OIUIrt' Al lha rraid.nca. ai Pimtn 'at. o..-nar . a.,i ' " ' ' . I.4M I fl.nd. and t.rrmaa .at.ran. laritand ta att.ad fMnral am'., ahira a. It b. I'.id at Humana funaral parlor, a. J I M to.ia iMr.d.... No.rmarr .V. lat.rat.at h.tr.l. t. .mrtrri. M:rtax i lh la', rr.id.n.. II T.t.i .ra'.. .tiilf ; J. Mra .r..aa I. Aadar. . )tv .c.i la t.- iirnama foraafdrd hr la. l"iman I 4M.i'l " lo Aa- trla r.a. "a.ra lucrr.i arw.r.. . ... a. fcr.4 and Ipwraw.l la laml. ptot. UICP ran.ral arlo. for tha lata Roy Aft. t..a "LI f. rr.a . " .,. m"l-- al I" A. M. H T ina r.a.ra: aar-ra Ai:..an aa. at kintl at. ln-..-n..nl llaa ... laatalao. rlrod. lai.l.d. tir.oWH Mra M'T I- . I' r. " a'4 T. Imr dau.-x.r Mra . K k n.lX : Ito.d r,n ai xn.ral r.rl- '. a ba k-d lolT ,,edti at IO A. M at Ihr bom. of ! .4.4.i.r lat-tm.tt llaa lly ' Tlt,.V.4T nrral 0tcw of lha lata Mra . .r Two.:. l of JuUaa Trorat. 11. bid at A. X.'ra i-arlaa. b.::ia.a. ar ?.T iti4. .Nor. : .1 1 a., m. rrt.nd. ara lorl'.ad. lal.rmaal Klrla Caa.at.f7. pr ti riiAVr r-rrK-i 01 . XI. rr A. Iiaon.mp .i t .. w - - a .raa roufll. -t Taylor lortar t M..o da. Nor ?"A Iw A M I rl'rjd. .ra ! rrtmi. ttiwrr-roii. rt P" 1 1 ii' 7? - i -t rl J ...a'aa ka-aVVa.-" Th. aa'.y raid. oca uadrrtakin alablu a. I la rort.r.nd aitb artata arl.aaay. alai. , A laa. J I- I I.NtCV a rOX, Monla"i.rr at Flftk. W. EDWARD HOI-VAN. Iba trading fuaoral airator. tlu Tblrd atrnt. carnar aalaaaa. adjr aadataat. A 1.11. Mats avl. r. ! tl NMNO. INC. Hart klda Funrr.l L.iratnra4 41 Caat Ald.r .trat. r:..t J3. B iHi. A. It. ZkiO-i-ll i3 WIIU.IAMS AVE Laal 4 aa. C lua. Lady 4ll.aC.BU Lai and . Int arria. 1 NM... a M LMLk. fuaaral diraclora. tlroad.aii and rua fboua Mai. .JO. A kaa. t.dr atircoaot. Ml'l.fe.H a T K AC a Y. Ind.prud.nt fu.aal dlratura on.r. aa lo" aa II". kiu.roo. u.riiMina ai4 kl i. .ta Main r'.il. A Ti 4. 1 . ti. it a ..i llth tuil t'.a atnnl "lad. ..tant. I... I Trl. br.r.-.Sk.a IM'kllTAklN'l n'MHANt. Id rd . i.t. Mala 41S1. lady allrnd.nl. K. f iiTHNC. Wllliama aad aaaott. tut llla. 1- IrO. lady altradant. "llTTL t l A HMmiK. Funny.lda Tarlora. at. brara. I'1?. Ittianrl. lab. 12:... W&a tlllHIaTd. MAHI..S a luHlD.HO, liorl.ta i.l Waab. laatau Main :. A i lo.ari for all arti.ila'lr arrant. ll-Al.a.1. llltl'-. 1. 0.1.1a. Z' Morrtao a. M.m or A I nn. fio.rr. .a4 I i oral dairra 1 fraara MAX M. HUITII. l n l?U A illl. balllatt Mdf . im and ..Ida a ski Til ri.iHAL to. :i TVahlnalo. ad. pal. 4th and Slk Main M"? A IHl yv'I'It.ANt. MAItl'l-K ri..-a 4th at. ppv fl. Ha. Vain aObl. I'till-P Nt a A kk far 4a.araf.kJ. Thia airrctory I. for tn. lntorra.no n ol the public, to kivo u far aa PO"' bla lb. diff.rrnt Una of bu.ln.. which the average "rwa may Ion to uaa. Any Information which cannot ba found hr. will oa gladly furniabed by pboaln Main 701. or A &. Houaa 40. ABnlHAlX A1 TITLia. likujtl'l ac.tVlt.lb at uaMUUii ptuaa. la.illc lti. a 'lrut Co.. 7 c o. ol Com. At tuMIHU.N I U.AIINO. ' aw. alLl li.t.N, t.il..i;;ut.. aKa4.op.u4r. ac ...... . .. . . . . . . . . r.t mail or fl. m'-J 1'itto. k to a. lroataay Whr. i i.bAll.Nt., ua!uaul.t4iua. liutloi covcrro. uina Nor.'jr Co.. a. nj ata. A. day iw ilNll.Mill.il UXNka. VVAl.. 4t. .da. 1.4 .ud lial.uaj a.awk.b.a. A It. Woia.nau. m.t.. lui-a N. V. Ha.b.d. AUI-.-IOn KtXJtl.Vo M.lltKIlM, li.H''... aaoout A.baioa Itubbar boollui ai.a Artr.tua cant. at. tta'.a a t.o.. 1raum b.od. AMAILIU A.N1 AAL9ls. Mv.MAA Ana A a UIIK1. 14 i.i.ar aad p.atuiuua aomoL rd .acta.. a. J to caa.cra ali kotiaa bua lAMJ-kF HUlika, .'.unTHALfl Kwti Co. Hull lrotn o4 car pr:a raat fusa laa t ata Itoti. ppon CIUAI.UIII UlTlUMl, BI.IX.kJJ. lal. iltWl.N-lloi.OM COM rA.N X. 1.7 Uulltllol at Mala lll aad A ISM. 1 HIMAJt-ODIsrs. Hi . .am. aala.n and W.i.iam. Jr.. L.nr. Iba ..nly a. iratidc rhtropoil.ta In tba ct. I'arlora, .ul Orrilnc.r Dldg. aoulOaral rorr-r sd aod A.d.r. Pboo. Maia Idol. CH . Itwl'V'l.r and p.dicurlt.(. Mra. W U. lii.L or lira. Kilran.r bid. Mala 4. IIIHorKAt TIC I IUMCIAX liC MrMAlioN. alatk yrar. cbronlo caaa takibs timr. 11 tr.aim.aia. ..; aorta ..'. fara ta dlff.rrnca. l.'l 4iB u iOI.Lkt TlOMi. CL.A1MH of an. dracnptloo coiiaotrd oa par rrntaa anbrr. blb.at claa. raf.r anrra Tha ll.rura Mrri-aniiia A.ncy. 4.4 ti.nrr bid. I bona Maraball 4u. (UI.LktTltIN Al.fcNCY. NUTH A Co.. W orrr.-.rr bid. Mala IT 94. No collation, ao rhar... l-iablib.d lnl l.AM IN.. MANt.lii.STKH laanrlr..; AcJemr. US tR at. brt bi.rk and oak; bp I rata. 4 prl tala ir.aona. Hi;, mornlnf. aftrrnoon. arrn- lr.: aui latrat danrna iruarantard; clau Tnura. 8t. rraninga. 7-h.o. Hdwy gldu. UrAIHK bClluOL, La-aona daily: cla Tan, PrU in. to 10. 10 iid at., brc Waa.l. and blark. Main StOo. LaMona Mi I.n.LV lU.lxi. '.'d and MorrWon 1J Iw ..ra. c aaara M"n.. Krt va. Mar. 11. it.NKrl LK HEAL European d.noa artlat. 1'ruala or ciaaa Icaina. Main lueT. PYP.. r.AH. yOHK AND THROAT. Ir.alm.nl by aprflalial: alaaara fitted. Dr. F. K. Caaaady. ill Datum bld.. M ka. I IKK K'l HAM K. HA. IKI.- oTATKS FIHK INSrRANCE CO. Il RAM II. Jr Ki.MK H riTEiNHAi H. rn'l ln.ur.nc.; flra. automnblla. 411 Corb.lt bid. Mn .1 I.AM'VF.K. lA w VKK Conault.Uoa . fraa. 18 Plttoc. blork. 11. T. KRKEUMAN. MO Chamber of Com. ron.ulT..rn frrr. IfMBKR. IHA-. It. IIVOHHICK CO.. 14 Ton bldg. WHOLESALERS AND AITO AND BI GGY TOrH M'wnrii.i.K M tt;T top ro.. V ra KA.l...t.rl I lir.t ar... narr.c a nmnlbua Tran.ler. Park A 1I Hi.lAI) HAKtRA-. rto. ,1 n.hery A onf. Inr. 1 1th and F.erratt. HK Hit a-... a a - lirvnv i.iilMlAim, and B im.iae. . .... ..Mr! a tnl . H . . . . a aa vKIIIMia, Fl. I MM.lt. MAYHH A CO. 2"? Aah t. I.H tn .ar.a. .. ... . .. Albrrlir M i n g t o. Kr..nt and Marrkail II M llol sKll. B"ard of Trade H.dg. . ...... ...... aa. w -r (.KIM triMIO'i A . 7-7 Koortk .treat. H 11. AMI IADI. THAVIIAlSI.lt HAT CO.. Front t. Hll:. AIKU CAM'AHA BAKli. K.IIN pn. If I Front atrrrc M.N-a AM A0l. ! NKCKWHAH. rny Vl'l NV V'c. Co. 'h OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY ST4 BF.I.MONT ST. Kaet Ilia. B -ilS. Ore. Day Pk. aaa -ia.. I'.rport all caa.a of cruelty to thl or- a" - . . , .... . 1 1 . n I m u I . f la:. Lethal roarnnar aoa - liora. ambulance for aick and disabled animal, at a mom.nt a notice. AMom dr. in. if pet may coromunlcata witb ua. NEW TOD AT. MORTGAGE L0iNS aa Itnpro.rd city aad farm property at currant ralea. Altractl.a r.payia.D.t prl.ilegaa. Loane nultkly cloaed. iU OL I ARGK IX)A4 Of QOL A. IL BIURELL CO. tlT..I .srlkwrslrra Baak Balldl.C kansall 4114. A 41 IS. ME ABK 1 THE MAITKET FOR MORTGAGE LOANS UPON IMPROVED FARM LANDS BANK KB. MoRTHAval COKPORATIOa. CAPITAL 34fM)OC. Tttl. aad Tra.t B.II4la. BONDS MORTGAGES Large .mount of CC on Improred Ib monry to loan at D O.Ida property, ltr.ldrnca lo.na and 7 per cent, ac cord In to location. Baada aad MariKac-ra far Sal. BOBKRTSOX A EWIXG. S07-H Xarkwatra Baak Balldln. al. i,ih,i.i..a; r'fTi'f Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Oar Or." M.ary at Cawat Ratra. MINKIPAI. A.M CORPORATION HOMI.H. KAR.AI AND CIT1 LOANS. M K.arlb Baard af Trad. Blda, MORTGAGB LOANS. A. W. McLaughlin & Co. Xw Yark City. Unlimited Fundi Quick Serrlca. Lars, or rimall A mounla. FRANK A. HTKKI.K lleprearalaHTe. l'i atpaldl.al Bldg. Mai. 3-vA. On OtT azvl Farm ymori tlk In aVnr akinouBk 4v4 Current llatea BcVATVAX-TEOMTSOIt. B.nlaaa a Corner A oartb aad btaxk IKiaatA. REAL ESTATE. " laf bale Lata" to FOR Roa City Park lot on East 4th. .rtaa. biaklyou and btantoo. All Im prov.mratav, raai front. Owner. 101 Botb amid bldg. Ma.a m. PORTLAND II EltlHTS Sacrifice large view lot. cl'-a-in. raady to build on. Owner, Main IJ-.J. Tabor Al-'U lit VIM. VaN. ra.r larrpa. b o.n.r. choice hit o'xlt Andrea A I'". Oregonlan. i;i E COR. Grand ear. ant Uolmaa. 41x1V. oar, baulaoed ISV Id Ably Mav.-at.tiiiK CO. Moiorcyci. and biccle.. i-nono Main 03. A 1113d. Ml'blCAi- kln.il Thrllhorn, i.oan teacher, pupil boycik. iuT ritidner bldij. A 41ot). Maranall ld-k. OPTOMETmaTa A1 OlTIClANa. Ham .1 pr.cea on fiiaasea; 1st quality labaes in suld-lllled trarae. I.lltd to your eyea l.o. Tone and tloublu-vt.ion ..uU bo. SOOO ..USlled t'Ualuniara. wB(ca Ukpncted. bi( aavmg. LI1A3. W. OOOO- MA.N. optumrtrl.t. v Utfrnaoii. . -1 VoCK bVbd lilted wtlb btfiil 4... tsZSil leuaea. aoid-lli.ed Inounta. r4aTV -da 1 iu ud: lorica. ali.iO up; near and far blfoc.ua, ..0d up; luitaea oupucaled. tu.il oraeta, . Ur. J. u. Meredith. S.'U AVaahlnton at. OLD bOL4. 1 HLX ULA UUl.ll. Old aaanty a specially. Oraa bouabt. Aarayet. A-". A. Bennett. 1 Nortu;t bltii.. o;. . WaanmiitoB at. PATt.NT ATrOK.NfcVS. L. C WKioiiT ilj oua' pracUca b. b. and foreign patepta. litil llanum UIQ4T. piriu. l-o HTUA.SU Wool fllH CO. iaciory and ollic n.ar i4U and lurk t. Main ati. PRINTING. kvi-VsTONli PKtia, J. K. Oanlenbeln. Msr 1-rmtlnc and linotyping, lt-uik ront at, cor. Matrk. Main or A 141a. BAG RCG3 AND PHTF BCG8. Ma' ru Ironi old lnraln. Bruaaela. Swr a., Aamlnater caiixla: carpet clanm. roflttinc. raaiilns, country ordera prompt attention. bend for booklet. WtSTtlit-N Ft-CKl.- KLO CO., 81-64 Union av N. fboce E o.Mo. B iTa. REAL KHTATE DEALKlwH. I'AL.MKK-JONtvo CO.. U. I'.. 44 Wilcox bid. Ari.-OCIATED IN VESTMENT CO.. 921 Yeon. l.K'N ELil.'T BUu llo' Hawrhorne ate. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. mmmm ALWAVM l-l.K TUB HEST. u'"?Bt Uootla lipecialista. bloraKe, packing, ShlP pinr and Moving. Horn or Auto Vana. t-i.e.lal frelRlit ran- to till polnta P. O PICK TKANSFER STORAGE t;0.. ;d and Pine at... Hro.dt.y C1H.. A 1W8. OKE.iO.N TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gllaan at., corner 13th. Telephone Main e9 or A UBU., We own and operate two large clasi 1 warehouiea and terminal track., lowest Insurance raie. .n mo tm. MANNING WAREHOUSE A K,AJ,.',il CO Reduced freight rate, to all polnta. klovlnic. packing, ahlpplng. atorage Ijroatiway ..to "- '-" - MALISON T. LOCK. AND WAREHOUSE Office 1SI Madison. General merchandl.a and forwarding acents. Phone Main ioji WOOD. GRfEN and dry aUbwo..d blockwood. Pan. ama Fuel Co.. Main .'nO. A saiw. 1MANUFACTURERS MlLLlNtRy. BRADPHAW OS., iiornion .no .tn ... PAINTS .NI IMBRICATING UlUi. .tNII W. p. KlLLl.H 4c CO.. luth and Uavia PAINTS, OIL AND bLAS. RASMfSSUN a CO.. 1'a and Taiiur mreeta. i'll't, pll'Ai F1IT1NGS AND VALVES. M. L. K1.INE. rl-.i Kront street. I'l.l MlllNt. AND b TEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLi.Ng. S4-S6 Front t. liklM l ks AND PI RUSHERS. P. W. BALTL3 A CO.. t and Oak .ta. a.u..i.a a a.- f nUumill 1 I-IKI HANTS. EVKHlU.vu Ac I'AKBELL 14" Front. nui . ............ - - - Portland Cornace Co.. Hit' and ..urthrup. p.AltTV KVZOIC HONING. AUTOMATIC KEEN EDGE CO.. f'J'i 4th. W. r. Kl I.LEII .- CO.. l-lh and Davis. WALL PAPER. M"B1ty Wl.l, PAPl-TTl ' O. ;r-o id su REAL ESTATE. tor kale -llouar. THAT VACANT LOT. WHT NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH TH! MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSIBLE; WE KNOW HOW: TALK. WITH OUR CLIENTS; fetfc. OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L R. BAILEY CO.. INC.. CONTRACTING AHCHITF.CTS. 124 ABINGTON BLDG. MODERN 4 -room house with all conven iences, on lightly lot and clone to good car service, which 1 will sell for 1 :;'. and take ahatiel or paper for first payment. 1 am the owner and wian to get in touch with someone who can use a houae. The place Is variant and reuay to be occupied. 1. practlca.iy new, tree mo at ol Plait bldg. NEW 4 -room bungalows on Summer and Webster ata. near E. 13th. 1 block north ef Alberta car, with built-in beds, buf fet., coolera. window rents and book aa: lineleum In kitchen and baths; aelf-lighling gaa ranger and heaters, full attlca and bnrmentr, tney are convenient and partly furniMied. Owners, tilunchard A Clemron. 7-'- Selling bldg. IRVINGTON HOISB Knit SALE .,..,() is lha price. Vina at front lot, with trees, on Last 17lh North, near Klickitat. 7 room, breakla.t-roont and Inclosed sleep ing poreh. whirr enamel finish through out, hardwood floors, tile mantel, every thing complete. It.? JT'J, Oregonl.n. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW, k rooma and s.aepmg-porch. block from Sandy boulevard, on iJd. with al. modern improvements and up-to-date In every respect: improvements all In and paid: price "-"' : easy terms. Tabor 2l-'4. LAfRELHURST HOMES. Before buying, be sure to look at our list of exquisite homes Just, completed In Laurelhur.1. the addition of beautiful liomt-s. from IJidO up. on rent-like terma LAURELHURgT CO.. 270V Stark at. M a in IK YOU' would Ilka to commence the build ing of a new home on your lot and have It fully financed, come In and talk It QV"' CURTIS. OAK. vn I OM1 STORY' to tell. 0-r. bungalow at a-d and Wvgant. finished this Spring, to s.'ll at ".''0u, must be sold now at a loss. If vou ever want . home, make an offer, cash or termsOwner.uJO Yeon bldg. aTTpT OP LACRELHL'RST 5 full lots, corner, with good 5-room house, cement sidewalks and curb paid for. For sale al X.;7.'.". NO trades. Address P. O. Box 4d. Portland. FOR SALE New house, double constructed, a rojma, C closets, hardwood floors and all conveniences; lot .Vix7.' additional for sale Call Tabor lono. or 351 fe-d st. South. Take Ml, Tabor car. LET the Oregon Home Builders aupply you trm aketrh of your new home; no obliga tions Incurred whatsoever. Will also sub mt coot e.tlmale. l.nu N. W. Rank bldg. 10 000 60x100. 18th and Lovejoy; modern Improvements: very desirable property, vnr term., phone owner. East 3S9. nltw modern 6-roorn house, jt 31st and Yamhill. Tabor ! J oR SALlv Several new homes In Irvine ton. ca.h or terms. E. 2132. E. 4543. Miburti.n Home Property. GIBSON H ALP ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carllne; ea.v terms: will build to stilt purchaser. Phone Marshall l.'.ST.. or Sellwood 474. JOHN GIBSON. OWNER. ' jr0r Sale Buslnea Property. fTl ."ease inoxlOO East Water street, between Morrison and Hawthorne bridge, or will build thereon to suit tenant. AH j ,V.. orrgonlnn. For Salr Acreage. ' CHICKEN'. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Nar Portland. G res ham district; near electric station: 7& to $200 per acre; easy terms; best soil, free wood. Karma for sale, all sizes. FRANK M' FAR LAND REALTY CO.. 309 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. ACREAGE In famous Tualatin Valley, best of soil good location, low prices, quanti ties and terma to suit purchaser. Handy Bros.7 owners. 201 Stock Ex. bldg. Tel. Marshall 203. . " CLOSE-IN ACREAGE. tracts 11 down. 1 week. Fine soil, no travel. Alberta car. Office IJd and Klmpson. Sundays. The Cary Co.. 311 Pan ama bide. ;oo ACRE tract, at Metsger elation: near church school and store; JO minutes out on Or. Klec Inq. 21 1 Lumber Ex. bldg: For Sale Acreage. BFAI'TlFrL - r re tract. S-cent lare; make olf.r. ilox 170. Lenta, P. O. bTRAWBERRV land at White balmon; barcaia. Addrcrs owner, BD lluO. Oreso- nian. . For Sale Karma. FOR SALE A4-acre hog and dairy ranch, located 3d miles south of Portland In the Tualatin Valley; this place la well Im proved, good 10-room house and all other outbuildiuKs necessary for an up-to-date dairy ranch: we will sell this place at a great sacrifice and will take some trade, a llltie caah. terma on the balance; no agents or camnuaaiuu to m.a u. - dress Forest Grove. '.V. A. Goodman. SASKATCHEWAN land for sale account of foreclosure: ten section, ricn ,u-v... prairie l"id nines west saskatoon, between main line C. N. Ry. and G. T. Pacific. Intervening homesteads occupied by Pros" perous larinerB; choice of suctions, fld.JU per acre or 110 per acre in block. No trades. llOaSOU AC reeu. AWinnim. - p FOR s-.M.E By administrator of estate. 47 acr.'s bottom laud in Tillamook County; good -dairy Jarm; convenient to cheese lac torv and railroad; house and harn on premises; J0uu cash required. Address P. O. box Itill. Tlliamook. Or. 3bo A TO A. cultivated, good water right; SOO apple trees, lots of small fruit, alfalfa, clover, timothy, 01 head of stock, all farm Imp and household goods; price $jol'0. JHOuO cash. bal. terms. Route No. 7, box 3d. Wamic Oregon. CHEAP .'itiO A., will sell all or part: other property eonsltiered part pay; suitable for wheat, fruit or alfalfa; creek runs through place and ditched for Irrigation. Address AV 871. Orcgonlan. IRRIGATED FARM Nar good school, on railroad and telephone line, fertile river bottom land; will subdivide; sugar beet factory In valley assured; no .genu. Geo. A. Harden, Grant. Pass, Or. VOR SALE by owner, &8 acres, 25 under cultivation, running water, no dwelling, email barn, granary, 4 miles from town; price $70 per acre; no trade. Address C I 4 Parrett. route box 87, Newberg. Or. OWLITZ-COUNTT stump lands, 110 acre up, terms; good soil, running water, mar kets, employment. J. R. Sharp, 430 Pit- tock Dlk,, i-ortiantt. 14 TO $-5 acre, near Vancouver: creeks, good pasture land: good terms. 422H 1st. WA"TF.I RE 41. ESTATE. WIDOW wants four or five-room cottase worth JllOtiO; will pay jr.00 cash and Hive 1J0OO equity In present home. 13 117, Ore gonian. I WANT a neat little home not to exceed 11S00, must be attractive, well located, phone Marshall 1045 evenings. FOR BENT FARMS. FOR RENT Dairy ranch, about 100 acres bottom land, close to city barn and small dwelling-house. Inquire J. H. Middleton. 424 Chamber of Commerce. FARM on coast; good buildings, suitable for dairy and t-each resort; lease for cash. W 2o3, Oregonlan. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C J. M'CRACKEN. Ho4 M' KAY BLDQ. FARMS WASTED. WANTED 40 or bO acres partly improved. In Willamette Valley or foothills; will pay cash for a bargain if suited. Geo. liahnle. Cupertino. Santa Clara Co.. caL WANTED TO KENTFARMS. GOOD place 011 carllne for hogs and cows. Ayers. U. S. Bam, Front st. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. COMPELLED to live In Portland, will sell my five-acre, 8-ycar-oId orchard cheap, and give terms: 4li miles from depot, on good countv road. Hood River Valley Irri gation, gcod well, sprint-, barn and fenced. See K. il. Carritan. owner. HO N. Oth ft., room S. i'OR KALE or trade. 160 acrea In Judas Baislti, Montana; choice wheat land: level, under cultivation, good Improvements, now bringing 10 per cent; will sell or consider 1'orl.and residence property in part or all. Address owner. AC 241!. Oregunian. I SPECIALIZE on apartment house, and good Income properties. I have a num ber of good propositions to exchange on hand new lor jour approval. See me to- """giz Yeon Bids. J. L. WEIST. Main U.S. FOR EXC H A N G B. Two fine business bulldmits to exchange fOI. . good farm; income $Ua per mouth from the buildings. B. S. Woodruff Co.. lost Centralla. Wash. vrs HI-!4INESji IS GOOD. We deal exclusively lu exchanges. We can trade your property, no Junk wanted. AYERS & SMITH. Main 726. 501 Northwest Bldg. MODERN 5-room bungalow, corner; fire p.ace, buffet. Dutch kitchen. IliiOd. Want Seaside cottage to IltiOO. Owner. V .41, rregonlan. IVl.LlelAA'ATllU, West Side corner, looxlod, improved with stores and flats, will exchange for close-in acreage near ;.rllne. Ft. t . Hryari, u: . nam. 01 v.o., 4-,nii KoL'ITY Tn lrvlneton to trade for clear, small home or will take clear lot as first payment, balance on terms. Addres. v 1 ir.-cnniatl. I HAVE somo well-located aoreace near carllne I will trade for small neat house from $1200 to IliuO. Pliono Main ojIJ. Mitalerson WISH to exchange our strictly modern irv InKton dislr.ct home for real eatate, mort gages, valuo 17500. AN 234, Oregunian. CLEAR income property for Orark Moun tains. Missouri, laud. A. Heints. Star buck. Wash. NEW piano In exchange for clear city lot; state, location and prlce.A P 3 O.Oregon Ian. ii) ACRES l.wer Columbia, worth J130O. ex. hani.-e for clear property. Itl7 !- 1st st. FOR SALE. Iloraea. Vehrrlra. Harness. Etc. CAPITAL STABLES. L's7 Front St.. Just re "ceived a carload horses and mares, weight IH to lot-H. ids. PIANO wanted, in exchange lor a well-bred Vaddle or a lamiiy horse. AP 24, Ora gonian. . . $Ho TAKES good, sound ranch mare; good wrrner. ll.t,7 East Stark at.; aiso liirtit fa-m wagon cheap. 170 FOR sound mare and ho,re',,w':,,10 each, with good harness. Uo E. gth at. HOUSES lor hire by oay or monin. Tonaend Co.. 3SU Kront. Mam I.mI. Ave md waaron by day. $1.25. J. Co hen. Ml Front st- Main u8.Main6S93 DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodiawn u. rurttauu 4... . DEAD HORSES and cattle taken away free; call dayorndhAabor4203. fo'BUV or trade cow for all-round cheap hnr. U'. S. Barn. Kront St. Agent. Pianos, Organs ndlnlialJnBtriimcnts RUCVBliyT STORAGE" CO.. CLOSING out tomorrow: t-r.n Rotidoir upright piano for 1 30 4.',0 Chickering & Sons, old model.. fid Pianola piano player, mah fllOO Arigelus piano player, wal HJj Packard organ, high top $133 Kimball organ, mirror top. .. $140 Chapel organ, church, wal...... $;;.r.O iaus piano Co., upright, mah.. y.'.OO Emerson, large upright, mah... $700 Aulopla.no, bS-nota music To first caller, lo 4th at.. Storage 45 0 f.o JH 3 2S 110 in.) -!l5 75c monthly. -Lj.!:' Tlrti. ..f rolls all closed out by Security Storage Co. to first caller al lu9 4tb st. ""TALKING MACHINE INDUCEMENTS. '$10 Marvel. 1916 model, 50o weekly 117 50 Meteor. 191i model. aOc weekuy. f h Eclipse, 191S model. 75c weekly. JTa Leader. 1916 model, $1.50 weekly. SCHWAN PIANO CO., Ill 4th St. g90 IS CASH of potatoes at $1 a sack, or wheal at $1 a bushel, delivered here, ac cepted this week for tho usual $375. style sir- brand new Thompson 191j modet up right piano delivered lo your home. Call h w an r-iano -o.. . - MANDOLIN and piano lessons, two a week 75c: one for 50c. Mrs. Bronson. Marshall FREE use of piano or player piano for !H years. See display advertisement or cal. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th St. CITY lol wanted, clear, in exchange for new nlauo' when answering quote lowest ; '.ce and location BC I.S, Cregonlnn. VUTOMOBILE. recent model, wanted in ex change lor player piano. See -Mr. Schwan, 111 4th st. T, w I LL buy a $430 Chickering piano. Security Storage Co.. 1Q' 4th st. WILL pav cash for your old upright or squarp'lancCallU 4th st; LADY'S diamond ring In full payment for your upright piano. AP 24 7. Oregonian. WILL pay cash for your old upright or square piano. M 3.123. Ill 4th. PIANO wanted In exchange for a well-bred saddle and family horse. 108 4th st- VVAN't'Kl' To rent player piano by rcspon aibl irl, Mai"- Ivittu. ..5 CASH buys $455 Chickering. old model piano; S0 cash buys $375 McOammon ur; ?ir7ht; l;5 cash buys l-'5 Voie & sons ,...n huva xr.tl nianola piayer WILL give ladies diamond ring in full pay ment lor your upright piano. 109 Fourth. Furniture for Sale. COMPLETE furniture for S-room house. In cluding piano, little used: owner go ing awev and must sell: see It Monday and Tuesday at C. L. Pick Transfer a. storage Co.. warehouse 2d and Pine. FURNITURE of 5-room cottage, complete, practically new. cheap If sold at once. House In desirable location, rent cheap. Call Tl'J Hood St. FOR SALte reasonable, furniture in good condition. Apply 1541 E. Kith si. Sel. 1-1 M. FURNITURE for 5-toom flat lor sale, $100. 145 11th si. Dogs. Birds. Pet Stock. GOOD AIREDALES ARE GOOD DOGS. LAU1JI.V Kr.N.E.... cairtvA CANARY SINGERS, $2. .Main S517. o5 N. -v-'d st Livestock. Ii' YOU want Holstein dairy cows or any other breed. Bruce can furnish them from I to 100. Terma. BRUCE. UNION STOCK YARDS, Phone Woodiawn 2400. THOROUGH BKED Swiss goat buck for service. Write M. Montchailn. t-arsoa. Wash. THREE good fresh family cows: 1 young: cow out No. 64 llolstein. U. S. Barn. Front st.. agent. Aatomobllea. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GTVEN. MITCHELL 3-paas -cyl. MITCHELL 2-paas., S-eyl. STODDARD 7-pau , STODDARD 5-pass MITCHELL 5-paas. CARTER CAR 4-pass. .... 15S5 $604 $SS5 $500 $359 $26 MITCHELL 5-pass.. 6-cyl., 50-H. P.. ussd very little; take your old car aa part payment. INDIAN motorcycle. 2-spee. 2-cyl., cheap for quick sale. SEE OUR STOCK OF USED CARS BE FORE YOU BUY'. WE WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVER CO.. East 1st and East Morlson Sts. East 7372. B 1216. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. We have on hand at all times a con siderable number of used cars which wa are prepared to sell on easy terms. If m the market for a pleasure, jitney, light delivery, express or tvoodsavv car call on us and see if we cannot supply you at the best price and on the easiest terms. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY. Broadway at Couch St. PhoneB: Broadway ss7 A 4950. BAliUAl.MS AN LQCU AUAVO. Large stock. Prices JOO to $73. OREGON MOTOR CAR CO., Siudobaker Bid;;. Corner Chapman and Alder. DAYTON. 1915. Run less than 1100 miles; very com pletely equipped. Terma. Covey Motor Car Co.. - 1st and Washington. SEE the 1-ton truck attachment for bord cars. $3t:s; complete with chassis, $795. BEN J. E. BOONE Co., 514 Alder St.. Portland. Or. GARAGE erected complete. $30 up; ready cut or portable houses. $125. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO.. 04 S Water St.. near Harrison: Main llt7. CHALMERS SIX roadster: self-starter and eiccti-ic lights; elegant condition, lul.y equipped; lov0; trade for mortgage w give easy terms. Main 1225. I WILL pav cash for used Fords. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANOB E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. WILL pav cash for used Ford cars. BENJ. E. BOONE at CO.. 514 Alder St. 1913 BUICK roadster, almost new; perfect condition, reasonable; terms. 31 1 n 5237. SEVERAL good, high-class cars for sale very cheap. 490 Burnside. Main 6922. Hnch. Automobiles AVanted. FIVE Oregon City lots, unincumbered, and equity in acre at Leuts lo trace for good accond-hand 5-passenger automobile; light car preferred. 5u4 Oregonian bldg; inij ,,,iv t:;oo cash for llll. model loro louring car in lirst-cla H. Turner. Yamliill. Or. condition. Automobiles for Hire. 4 7-PASSEN'GER touring cars, limousine '$150 up. nine rates; special ratos shop ping, calling. Main 51t5. A 07UL HEATED F'ord limousine, $1.23 per hour, careful drivers. Stand Main 2Utij, res. Tabor 27H. Typewriters WE save from 50 to 75 per cent on .11 makes of typewriters: svrnd for our illus trated folder, iietail department AV HOLE ii.t: TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. st. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $ and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany. 86 Broadtvay. Portland. Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $S5. The Norlhweet Typewriter Co.. 2ti2 Siark St. Main 5528. NEW rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P.. -'HI Stark st. Main 1407. M Neellaneou.. ONE oak office table, flat lop. one book- . keeper's dek and chair, one Burroughs adding machine, one Standard folding typewriter, one 42-Inch oak writing table, one Globe duplicating machine, one map Index 2-6 drawer card files and some ..no-i.i' card files. 2o3 Morrison. WE BUY', sell and exchange an muus second-hand and rebullL National cash ritriitfn Easy terms. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. 352-354 Burnside. cor. 8th. Broadway 1816, A 1S16. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, will be closed out. Drop heads S3 and up; box tops. $. and up. S. S. Slfgel. two stores. 3S3 Al- der St.. and 242 Alder st. HIGH-GRADE COKNCia a.nd wincxv "tUCAL INSTRUMENTS AT REMARK ABLY LOW PRICES. ELBY COM PAN i. 320 LUM UEK EX. BLDG.. 2D Ac STARK. BILLIARDS New and second-hand carorn and pocket oiiuaiu ww alleva and accessories: easy payment.. The tnnswick-Balke-Collendr Co.. 40-48 5th. tt-t. ZTZy, iT7lc naiii for rifles and shotguns, cameras, kodaks and lenses bought? sold and exchanged. Hoehfeld's Caineua Exchange. 8a 3d Bt. c. ASH REGISTERS, slightly used; our nrices are lower. Cash register Exchange, 351 " AV'aahin:tontMaln 06,A 3 60s. nF7r-l vQinachines of all makes sold and rented $2 up. Sewing Mttchlne Emporium, 190 3d near Taylor. Main 9431. A 3626. ... rfTDir vnTORS for i sic, trade or rent; expert repairing. Walker Electric Works. . 1 3 Burnside st. Broadway o r A 664. PURE meat and bone ground fine for roses, lawns" fine for poultry. $2.50 per 100 lbs. Tabor 120.1. Pi UMBiNG supplies at wholesale prices. PJsjffi-Dvi Co . 213 3d St. Main 797. BEARING size apple tree., r.0c each. Mitch ai Niirserv. Taeoma. Wash. rrr-TT I.nrte copper strain tabic, first-class condition. Phono Main IV.' i. first-class con FOR SALE Wooilsaw. c'adallac engine. good Jondltlon. East 737S. WELL-ROTTED horse and manurtv. Phone r.asi aaa-- FOR I.E A beautiful heaver collarette; very long: a harH.-iin. Marshall 531, AV ANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MICHIGAN FURNITURE CO.. locating in Portland, will buy your furniture and nav you the top price. Pnone George Hr-ant. Main 7U93. 212 1st Bt. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER J. Mever the tailor, pays you more for clothing and shoea Reliable buyer. Call vnr.ar.all 1229. 2'J9 Madison st. STANDARD FURNITURE CO.. Main 4773 Is- 1,1 Maia 773' Pay. best prices tor your furniture, etc. WILL PAY' CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3332; A 2567; WANTED Second-hand "j tons cr larger. D 256. Ores machine, 15 'regonian. I BUY ladies' and men's clothes; pay tha highest prices. Broadway 3932. OWL FURNITURK CO. pave best price for your furniture. 204 1st. Main 4627. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture or all descriptions. Main 309. Kline s. 208 First. WE PAY the highest prices for Junk of ail kinds. Call Main 4686. 235 Front St. STRICT I. A' American dealers in used furni ture; square deal our motto. Sellwood 168$. i