Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 29, 1915, Page 10, Image 10

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    NOVEMBER SU, 1915.
January Home Journal Patterns
Party Traverses Highway De
spite Inclement Weather.
'S1CC0 Day Postponed.
I I Mi UK. II JIMvS 0 HiotinAi.
And "Good Dressing Now Ready, Pattern Counter
Olds, Wortman & King
Dependable Merchandise
New York Rabbi, Off to Seat
tle on Mission, Expresses
Gratitude to Portland.
" .... . n n . -- w. m a XT " t O V T"l V
a a ill' iiiiri!. iiivr.iiii.ii.iAii - a w ' -. a .
1 V !. ...w. " ,
- -f- . raJ - , Ja . 75 ...V I'm 1 aTT
Double Stamps
On Groceries
with all cash purchases made today in our Model Grocery on the
4th floor. This also includes purchases made in the Bakery and
Delicatessen departments. Buy your month's supplies now and save.
View termed wonderful
MahrH S. J. t I. p--liW mt
I M.;r l.athai.La.aa. Mma I.
Jaratr (rrtalalt TKal :
xt Mill lie llalll.
Nets tr.. .'.ia'. Ifnp-
Jifllf 4f.t.. ft. T."
4 .iBre,ov H9pu44 l ir
).lf li si I-' in aa lt "-
limbi-a I(i&t. iw4l) .B'h.i.4am
Wa, mntft ama f h . in m l r af
ta ronim't-. t iluutl a.aor . cl
H. .. ft t M'J will
..a;lr, aa aa lb. na.mbrs rf the
f mmitr.a an4 (n4b!i--0",tl
f I'rtrt;.a4 raa anaa. It on.
Hi'ivfftf a drt.'a ...I Wln4 tt
ftrrl.4 .ilk It a .'Is a I.t. " "
..ra li in-l J' m fl, rn.mb.ra of Ita
t.r ll.'ia rvmmittf aa-1 mn w h
It, b.a t ta t.k. r (ia r B ef
)rP44V rr. rrial... a.; out lb
tajv Crowe) I'mnt a
4. 111014.
y.i.r. rirrtnn ef It d.
&4 pre.44 h.a camml!! ma.
'1 wh.a ft atv.-r.4 thai lha
jaa.h.e . btf:i far out4-r r.r. "
9ae It. rvmmv&ii'tt'ij wttr. .t.r
IHnMri ef R ramm'. n4 tt.y
!'-pe4 al tfi Aatomobi Club. Ar -mpM.4
r t ft . bttlI.r n4 or rf
It rolim&i IttataaaT. ibntt'l .
I..1,..'.,. r h4 gma cut on It
b'ctwav .r:v ta b iirt ttal IUbM
r.tfh. tt Vllo weu'4 ! !
t wti-nrxtf th. fm4. T4.
' . t'.. t'tnlkiin :-f;f9t'i.MI ef I Fi
M liaf latioft. h..J.J
!.!. i M fr...o -.
a) n V u ( Moii . I ! ion ; t'fl
1.4 1 !!. Vifk Voo4rT
I f t-v.rm.i.r. t. I. l-'ffff tn4 J- H
fMttelA.. OtA.r BBamr. of thi. prtr
! t. W. Jeit'. fi4 l'r:. li.
r!)mtor ft4 4. N f'X". At'.t
t-tt taB'-N l Aomob ! 'IjX
ia m.A rt'r4 l vilr. Tf
:' it.. p .i ic t worn
U f Ma Vi M"
! b It t.rr rrt(o;rp.r.
Sir. Wi.. !. tr a. In.l-
.4. fil. If . b-Rt. ttPi.n
I). EIm0I.4 l d't5 l btjl'
II rii thwu'" In w.tbr
. V4 it t. i i-or j-. rnmbf. Ir4
Jliaoi-t i Mm Wo4r'iff ml l"-
r.n . !. ti I r:l. 4 Mr. Want
rir i m il is
f:: It fclt. 4 form4
m :i.r lt. n4 nw f:-l.
M' Wm-ttJ?t at la!.rriB"
u.. i r.eairt.4 t M tllna
m r:i. ruanisat f ill ao-4 !al
A .14. af l fI ar m..a of
ff.l iDrtf. "tl It f'.aa-al M
a ..r ra"." dau-i.raMl lb fair man.
tatbtKoT irni urn o mmr.
f:rtf T HoMollV
flM UfBM '
f fy.b
rrB Tl4 au
ru:lM ! l It rr.N war
fra( ai4 i:ilfl.iM .am
. ..!. apof vnl.r t-'a air. f war
w.ra .n If K eiM I. II '.!.
h 4i.r4 a t:.trat4 l t'ar ea
J4'anol rH'-. Al' Is
tVa-." i ii l't rbrlru t b'jrvai
I c tot.
Ana( Ita qn-l.l ict'i' taw
u aa. i!lu.alrtin4 I'raS't b
Is i af a tMiriMa ranaptaa. Tt
! t nr., Wr f!a'..ak a a laa
f-m a Iir4 air.tip, bw wa. f i4
. iba a't.r iwa. "Tt Lrlt.r lloma"
.w4 a 9ra-i .M.r wnttp( lt
l.r la it tr.awft by Da af ft
l.ttadi-:. al llf(5 s:w .
ft.a ..era7.4 b ft. .4f af It
batll ' f4 f'iraat. r '-tk I1 1
i a
if 4 V - - . ... . jm " IllT I'-- - - -4"-'-'"-a atlaatlll " . JataW la.,
i . ' . a T
rr . V... , ' " ',; d "
rl;. M ; ; j-L I:-
t.: 4, .J" a. i A
Akwaa rrrtf Dprrk aark
afr a a4 I '4 MtrMa. .rrrm ml tb -Il4p Haa4. Ilrl.
Ilraara. bat tola llaaa Is a rmlir."
-We're Barry. Uea-
Divorce Held to Be Result of
Faulty Marriages.
ra.lnr Im-Um Thai Portland'
tuiorrt) Coarl lajr IU Miamr,
bal Viaroatrr'a "rillinx
ttcaorf I Ilcrar.
af mpa. mt .a. t. sf It " r mm '
at a r laa p( r. rbwa4 l: al
! fr-il atii a:. tif. t I'nn n4
at .r ra. ( aw rbb4 f
f a ..r
fl. V. flaat la4 bw tt warn. a
ef V ran-a. autm4 la rft'aa.n; la
U'-1fe fafj.M atTt-. Saw 4.a riatnla
ai b.w bail. an4 h;i.I n.a'i ar.
Ba na aif, b'". att bta r-t
n4 mtf at ba.a sT lim. ar ..
a oitti i. na praarra... af It. war
a.r.t.r ft.! tin( ti It btptfa! ar m4nt
trti fa.'f-.r.
ia .fi-a-ft.a fi.f'tfa waa al 1.4 b
Mi-aa H att-ta It. Ranti.! wt aanaT
sa.arsl inni f AlttU
l'iat Tt f af Hark wftu-ft
ft wara. Its Ka lr Ua'Xaal
ti.(n4. waa nailK at It wi4wfta4
mt Alaska,
lol."!"! It taolurs aa afT.rlac far
ta raii.f ef Ita rra- llvtcvi.aot
p4r'ft..r w la.aa
1-a.ltT Mow ). I.n -!.
MKut ua -lltM lu"
4ceia aflra b.rerna
4 4raia
.V ! e-jr coi:a(t air.r r.aia
ti -John fimiir i. rr l m
portari Jtti.r a rtiootva?
aatrr rnor rbiMfan ara
4ma.4 bfur ara bora In
w.).o "an ara 4;'rr4 bjr
traal 4 rr.
la a n .1 ' . . ' . .r aailil..a .1
wbi-. I baa affriat.4 I wo4'4
lata if'Ba poalrrltv an4 lb. real
a a r . . t . r .r.a-a Muld I h.v.
r.4 .r Ih.m a b irtal ralhrr
a w.aii aar .ri.
t ta a.a.r m b.ln4 a wbra
wilft CM 4frn.
''ort'an4a Ttiafr i'o'rn may ba
a iftam. but Vaaroaf.r a 'aJ4inaj l(a
r I t. a 4t.ara-ra." miiBtain.4 lr.
I'ranft t. I.a.ari4 Ira M. mrtnon al
I . I'ir.l !UrTt4i. I aurrri la.l (tiffhl
a "Tar I'". 'urt aV' tan." It
A aai.f atrwM b
foiirj pot In lbs ravlnon f divorce
bil f Ilia praarnl marrla lawa.
II ihouM t rrmrmbarrd that di
rorre la not a riuir. but a rrault of rau.' arrd Pr. Lov
land. "Tia folly lo ftimo over rrult
if we do not rrmova rigwa. Prrafh
era oli.n crow blrrlral orrr lha
arorar Ihlrr
-If Ihe hm la lh rornrrilon, of
-lTll:iaUrn. If ta famlir un,t
frorn whlrh wa rkon. If Ihr chPd ha
a rht lo ba wrll born, as we all pro
f.. to bltr. than l It tot hlh lima
lhal wa plara lha rmphaal where It lay the ax al Ihe root r' ihe
ire, and lhat tree ta ihe inarrlai a tar
rather than the divorce court. Preach
er, m moil church. ara forbidden by
rhurrti law to marry divorced person,
but ihey ara not forbidden to marry
lha Imbecile, lha criminal, the rhyal
ca:lr. mentally and morally dlrd
tlaa Marrlaaea Praayaeat.
-I II not lima lhal the state should
snarl laws lhat will place Ih marriae
r.ramonv upon a hiher plana than a
transaction In real a.iate. and that
irterrlece last nhould forever prohibit
ti of the unfit?
-! It not lima for the church lo
bae a iniie o y ftoout divorce
and a ro4 deal mora lo say about
proper marrl.a? Th church mu.t
slop c:intn with stubborn tenacity
in tradition In irodarn social questions,
w need lo review some of our ihrol
or m Ihm lia-ht of eociooy and we
mar dlacov.r lhat la some truth
In lha theory of Ihe It. formation lead
era hal 'Jut divorce la a medicine for
i-.e dia. of unfit marrlaf---
-a . i id... .re aasocU
si. 4 will narriaaee: bom., parenlsa
..i-im lhal lends
la de.troy these Is an enrmy of man
ftmd pointed out lha minister. Kpea
tn of lb atrowth of divorce, he ald
hat In Multnomah Tounty for ll
the ratio one divorce lo la o and ooe
bstf marriasrs.
Ml .rr aaae rileal.
"O.e lud In rnrtland yerterdar
franird nine dlorce la one hour
vet a ra l oureve clvllUed." -s.l.4
la preacher.
A monat the cau.ea for the appaltlnc
record of lha modern divorce courts.
i ' r l.ov.anq ia vi " -
fd. arnnnniM amasrlpaMan
women. To b an old maid la no longer
considered calamitous.
"The universal education of women
ha o raised the standard of require
ment of wedded life that failure to
meet them leads to the di.'orce court.
"Co-education n our school and
coHcura has Its advantage, but lo
has It maltitn perils. Tuppy love' la
"(...r moderns cross Indlvldualinm on
tie one band nd cross socialism on
the othr. Hotli rebel at 'wedded lav
ery.' and marrlace vor, like national
agreement, become mere "scraps of
Victim I Several Honrs Wit hoot
Medical Attention.
Ccorge Gaie. a minlmr man. year
old. wa run down by an automobile at
the corner of Fourth and Burnslde
street al S:30 Saturday ntcht and his
right ankle wa broken. With scarcely
a fiance behind, two young- men and
girl in the machine, sped away, and
their Identity I not known. The num
ber of the automobile was not seen.
The Injured man was put to bed In
a lodglnc-house near Ihe scene of the
accident by some friends, who did nl
know Ihe extent of hia Injuries, and
ha lay there without medical attention
until 10:J0 yesterday, when the Kmer
genry lluspital was notified and an
ambulance sent for blm. ill wounds
were dressed by Vteward Ltwlon, and
be was later sent to the Uood Samar
itan Hospital.
Milwaukee Line Make Change.
CHEHAL1!. Wah., Nov. :. (Spe
cial. Iv. M. Hopkins, recently sta
tioned at Centrella. ha been trans
ferred to Chehall aa local agent for
Ih Tuget riound tc tVlllapa Harbor
lUllway Company, the Milwaukee new
bram-h line lo Wlliapa Harbor clliea.
J. i;frorer. who ha been temporarily
acting a agent at Chehall. has been
transferred to Havmond. where he will
act as cashier. M. U. Martini remain
I rhehalle aa train dispatcher.
B'nai B'rltli Hears Lecture on Sub
ject of "Zionist Movement" In
Last Address Here Columbia
Highway Lauded After Trip.
After another busy morning, in
which he made a Bpeech. took a ride
out the Columbia River Highway, met
many visitor and. gave out an Inter
view to the paper among other stren
uou accomplishment. Ur. Stephen A
Wise, rabbi of the Free Synagogue,
New York City, left Portland at 2:10
o"clock yeterday for t-eattle. Mrs.
Wise accompanied him.
Dr. Wise epoke at Seattle last night
and will devote today to his mission
of gathering funds for relief of the
starving Jews of PaleFtine. He and
Mr. Wise will be in Portland about
an hour Tuesday morning, between
trains. They will arrive from Seattle
at l:JO and depart for the East via Salt
Lake City at 9:30.
Just before departing on the train
Pr. Wise gave out the following state
ment: "I cannot leave Portland without
making thl public acknowledgment of
the gracious and generous hospitality
of the people of Portland. Mrs. Wise
and I knew that we were coming back
to friends, but it was good indeed to
And not only that one is remembered,
but that friends are ready to take one
back to their heart.
"It has been a great joy to us to see
Tortland again in It new strength, and
to find the beautiful Tortland of old
has become one of the great cities of
the Nation.
"I desire at this time to make special
expression of my gratitude to the good
men and women of Portland who have
been ready to respond to the cry of the
needy in behalf of whom I appealed.
"Ben Selling will serve as chairman
of the committee of the relief fund and
Julius U Meier will act as treasurer.
To either rhairman or treasurer con
tributions may be sent by those who
have not yet had an opportunity of
forwarding their gifts."
Karlv In Ihe morning Rabbi and Mrs.
Wtje went out the Columbia River
Highway as far as Shepherd's Pell with
Samuel C. Incaater and Nathan
Strauss. Ir. Wise, who mado-a tour of
Kurope two year ago. declared that
wltn the European highways thus
fresh in his memory, he could say that
the Columbia River Highway was the
most grand and inspiring of all.
Dr. Wise spoke before an audience of
several hundred in the B'nai B'nth
building. Thirteenth and Mill street, at
11:30 o'clock, ills subject was "The
Zionist Movement."
One of the features of the meeting
was an orchestra composed of more
than a score of violins, played by
youngsters between 6 and 10 years old.
while SO other children sang the Zion
ist anthem and "America."
Daughter of Ploneew Becomes Brid-
of Dims Business Man.
Mit-a Mildred F. Himes. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Himes, well
known pioneers of Oregon, and Guy
Huswell. of fclma. Wash., were married
at the home of the bride's parents. 874
East Everett street, last Wednesday.
The wedding was a quiet affair,
and only Immediate relatives of the
bride were present. Rev. Luther Dyott.
pastor of the Firt Congregational
Church, officiated. The nuptials were
a surprise to many of Miss Himes'
friends. '
Mr. and Mrs. Burwell have gone to
Flma, Wash., where they will make
their home. Mr. Buswell is engaged
in the automobile business at that city.
G. S. Cook, From -Mother Church,
lo Speak on Christian Science.
VANCOUVER. Wash.. Nov. 18. (Spe
cial.! A free lecture on Christian Sci-
Jlra. '. . el. M laatoatatry. !r
glare airorilaa-a Mill ('oasaiaslMraJ.
Tfc a. .4 f- a --.. la' la
fi. p.ap! af A'rfe-a It part af Ita
I n.ti a af It... r.'iafri aa. mraa
aa -4 V' t .
art. i?4 la ift. V V . C. A. a'adttor
I t ita rvi e.
W .ti a' 1 I lal atraviti.e kai
be. ri'fK'l aa a Afrl.a fr four
si-e I isl 0 t (tiaaitl b 4 l
aa.ft.aa! la ttr a.FMtiaaa pa.
I.'. I ft en. tam. aa4 Ita maa.r af
aV..s ta Ita far. a t-4 a"4
ft... 4 aa.aral vartn .ta ftaf rl
l.. t.. ana, a t 4--al anaioaarr la
(ssara (era Kilt Ottrart..
tTiV Wa-fc. .t McfUl) ar a Mr. I'. a I . m m. I !.
la a.. a vaa oar vara Bera4 It
be J sp.'!. .a 4aaip.4 IB wai lata
a 4i.a f a rasa ata waa .a. mat l-r h.r
a.B.'. rtt'la.a.. trm. V la-l.r f.4
t. vara la b. rta.b af l rtw-ft.aa
Itat liiil, aa la tt. ahnata 1'y
as.r ail 4.a4
Mb-l t'"C I at frl-oai.
IIUMI v. v ; .a,.,lr
J.n K. t la'v I ".. m ill.
i. tt ra ' ..nit 'T fr.wi a"lft iViali
la A. till. I a ant lli't alf.a..
44 I..O M al It arlaua a't.r a f.w
i!.n... " a(f.-t'-n wa
Is a -ia af 4ata
About 65 Suits. Formerly
to $78.50 at
rhcc suit5 the imfst
fafrics obtainable lautifullj
man-tAiIorcd the material in the
s.irt.i alone boinjr worth the price
..kfHl for the entire suiL Chcv
iot5. Dtivtj-ne Suede Cloth, nroad
rloth. Pin Strir-? Jrge and nov
rlty fabric?. Many with wide
skirt at the rrmarkablc price of
None Charged. C O. D. or
355 Alder Street at Park
Advance Fall Clearance
Every Suit Reduced
Almost double the number of Suits vc should have on hand at this
time of year and right now, while you can get the full Winter's
wear, we will clear them out at a great sacrifice. Every Suit in this
beautiful stock must go, regardless of price. Remember, there are
no fictitious "values" or imaginary "worths," but every Suit re
duced from its original price.
Electric Lamps
Third Floor
STYLES IN Electric
1 j Lamps on s"ale to
day at remarkably
low prices. Only one of a
style. A splendid oppor
tunity to buy beautiful
Lamps for Christmas gifts at
big saving to early buyers.
$ 9.50 Electric Lamp at $ 5.00
$13.00 Electric Lamp at $ 7.00
$14.00 Electric Lamp at $ 9.00
$18.50 Electric Lamp at $12.00
$20.00 Electric Lamp at $10.00
$23.00 Electric Lamp at $10.50
$26.00 Electric Lamp at $12.50
$25.00 Electric Lamp at $15.00
$30.00 Electric Lamp at $12.00
$31.50 Electric Lamp at $2.20
$34.00 Electric Lamp at $27.50
$40.00 Electric Lamp at $32.00
$45.00 Electric Lamp at $18.00
$35.50 Electric Lamp at $17.75
W '
'Hot Point' Irons at $3
- -
"El Tostovo," for toast, $ 3.50
"El Bako," for baking, $12.00
"El Cooko," fireless cooker $30
Dept. 3d Floor
HOT POINT "El Radio," the
air-warmer, now for only $5.00
"El Warmo" Foot-warmer $6.00
"El Stovo," for light cooking.
Prices range from $3.50 to $7.00
"El Comfo" Hot Water Pad, a
household necessity, only $4.50
sale today for low price of $4.50
"El Grillstovo," fries, broils,
and toasts priced, only $5.00
"Ovenette," for baking, at $2.50
Electric Vacu'm Cleaner $27.50
ence will be given Tuesday night, No
vember 30. at S o'clock in the Rex
Theater, Tenth and Main streets, by
George Shaw Cook, of the Mother
Church.. the First Church of Christ. Sci
entist, of Boston. Mass.
The Christian Scientists of the local
church realiie that their own church
is not large enough to seat all who
care to hear this lecture, so have se
cured a large theater. When Christian
Science lectures are given here, sev
eral hundred from Portland always
come over to hear them. The public
is invited.
Another one is to be given some time
in the Spring, but the date .has not
been announced. '
Miss Arline
A winsome ingenue and delight
ful entertainer, is now a member
of the "All-Star" Cabaret at
Ye Oregon Grille
This Week Also Features the Latest New York Song Hit,
"Neal of the Navy
rendered by Ii'tss Dolores B'rancis and girls in sailor cos
tumes that add realism to the song. Also Sig. Pietro
Marino, violin virtuoso and solo artist, in classic ana
popular selections.
Real entertainment, incomparable cuisine and service
every evening 6:30 to 8:30 and 10:15 to 1:15.
Ye Oregon Grille
Hotel Oregon. Broadway at Stark.
X. K. Clarke. Manager. E. E. Larimore. Ass't Ma nagcr.
XEW TEAR'S KVK Dine where the crowd will be. Make
yoor table reaervallon now. See Mr. Larimore.
New High-Grade Suits
About ?0 Sail f broadcloth, beree, poplin, gaberdine,
veUcf. whipcord, wlour de lame and novelty mixtures.
A cr many trimmed with beautiful fur. Formerly
IJ-JJ to ri3.0O. at exactly
52210 SUITS 51125
5 65 DO
520 JX)
Smart Novelty Suits
All the balance of our finest Suits the most exclusive shown
in Portland no two alike Suits of superb beauty and exquis
ite tailoring in French velour. chiffon velvet, fine imported
broadcloth, trimmed with marten, black fox, seal, beaver and
ermine all beautiful novelties. Copies of foreign models.
5135JM SUITS 510125
5100JM SUITS 5 7SD0
5 90JD0 SUITS 5 6730
5 S5D0 SUITS 5 63.75
5 75J00 SUITS 5 5625
5 70D0 SUITS 5 52J50
5 65J0O SUITS 5 48.75
Through Sleeping-Car Service Via the
And the O.-W. E. & N.
Through Spokane to Butte
Wiles City Aberdeen
Minneapolis St. Paul
Milwaukee and Chicago
From Union Depot, 7 P. M. Daily
For Information, Tickets, Reservations, Call or Write
E. K. Garrison, District Freight and Passenger Agent
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry.
Cor. Third and Stark Sts. Phones Main 8413, A-2601