Tm: sronxixo OREOoyiA, satuhdat. November 27, tois. g CITY NEWS IN BRIEF oatr.ovuji itUMioi ""'" tliltf m-. tat . . .....: . n4 ta w .::. ,xpflaMI... ale ! ''1. A t . .!. m a :.. a M -471 H4 .......... I ' . A J ft fmm . . . to. 1-'W. A J l uii4l )....4is. .kl.lli:iiMII 1VI tl4 Vft! -.- . a 44 re,'-.- "f--- ' K T'e A'"IU4 C-a.ce:... eia el It A. M t--r. a v.nseav I at . - VUm ' 4-eM l ... Cr'Cr. w )! .! Ii4 Teiwai't i .4 e.-l . A l -lT aura . e ll-.e, Ve"e " - r.rt "-Aa.fe I 44, t i ee a tV r.a lllr.tUit aa4 ' e-eee. VatU.. e, r!f44un J ilk I M aw r. . : sa c.r reee. t:lee nl ICta it a, ..n..!,. AftM a. I a e t a-"' . n . w.e aa.. 1 lart:inl tnfe4ew tW CM "Jew s eif m:ii9m I iu4if' aa ee T-i OT"! MtMM ACTU T e:e Mtiin. - ' f)rT Loi Er sx-re Leal I N ( . L ot o . e:e.4 A..., 4foa, ki f Uraa 1 ftTr K. I. LarsT Ft ait t Pulxjtkt Preparations are 6:r. tr.3 Jor th semiannual r;:jr of th Xcuo rtople'a Federa tion cf th Lent churtttea. compfli4 efethe yeurrs; people' olie of Ail ti 1-ance rhuKbti, Co b b.l I.c. ra k. r la tit Ler.i Flvanselical Church The programme I being rrr. The or- h.e:r of II Yuutxr reople a Alll- fira renj.r in) selection. Le fcat.e rl be hl1 on Tea or Ire-rriar..- an-l -What I th Pt of J(vurlr-r Ntion1 iTotlbl Ima An ii Ur:ton of th ork of tci lrltn riiiociaip coramltt vlil e !n. Kf rimf. follow to MsoKtAi, irintA rtAJxt" Mo mr Li .rl,. In honor of l"llltm lk4 ni J H. re. lata mofnlxro of IKa lorlUnl AC1 JoiIfDUfMO I'l jroKar" AmwiiIIoo And of Iho HulM- tii birc( ! oo ba.4 At Cao brarr Ajio ik'ioft AsaamOLy batt. Tvttln an J Tan-MliI er!a. ian4a)r Afternoon I 1 o clock. 1 nv 1 1 At 10D6 to rnmor of thaao orcnitioR aiv4 frian-la of ISO I a man h ba Mai out. f,ak tri .;i oa JoRa t . Icu. 1 llliam risR'e1. W O. llacnoa. aacratarr of in Iii.l4r" Ki.ltiiti or. 1 J'bKUp '0A:. A V l'FArWt09rrrt 4LA Wilt that la ta stian bv In IMilro' Aid Itoclal' of lto "trat l(bollat Kpl ro;al (TiuftJ la t rhur.b parlor T4JT. .SoTiinttr J J. and cdilr I. T. U4a wua fancy of All kln-i. toarala. Aprons. VISTA TOUR PUNNED g Powers' Saturday Night Special 0 Auto Parade on Highway Ar ranged for Tomorrow. $1000 EXPECTED IN DAY $2-.!- Aluminum PERCOLATORS M'". of 1 1 fr I lt. nob. a ffmsi-l j oe fa a. a.:cia b- t W'lun.r n a4 craft a (Aia And l t.( !!.,.o.. II..L ;.( M'H.4 , i.and-tA-anl -o! A m ,. ba Arr.ORC r a.jc .t. ia t;r..-t.on n aJImIoo w. a ..:rt w.r' UtL. litLitiVik"-',,,,.,. k.Bol.a ! Artlat. will d a'4. W. W Trr. racord c .- f lr J. K. t'ur-wr. traa.'r.r. an 4 C 4 i"ttt, ttan-ti aa:rcary. 73. 11 t'irwe ai.-.a arra l.!x-tI. baa.n a.ri. i ta Wi f .srl r A rvil a. froo t l-i' iA-.a c.t wftia ta nf baf- tf. ranant;an : At ra'-'taa'awul. I ISa -T.'t t..i J ti.ta:a At:.o44 tA oa. I'arnoc-aia.a t C v mxtt "A fi!!! Ani unwarani r'.e' a aa t&t com t eo f JIioi ';; .t J.) i" la rvDrqvti of r t;-oj fna.a lran t.r I -r arft.A ta tavnf maa la r .-f f i a'ra!t tft. c M U!s' w.ra fvurl tnEt txit. V'ranA :jos ..or ir n(.r. bota it e.4. r arrarat t'atrotmaa Ur la af ?rtnr' Aoma for i.f darir ni.irl T'.rir "! 1 -aitl l!a B.4M l T5 Or.'.r . T-n.a a;paro 131 IH.r ba i b a. '9n to a frt.4 " ro-. Ia An I bota a.ra'lT d x flr(sl la ra-irt Crtt-a'Tt. Mt taj-rat A a a . n 1UV. A. r.e.r. of In) IMr-l tr.( Aa-itAaa.t. r-tT4 fron Ib.i i'oun-tt jr"r4aT fajmar.l la fit f.'r hr rlaitn of !!)) fjr la J'jri.. '.'.ioa4 br f:.!ac oa Iba pa. ttnt W-lro"t lt ?iri.rma. Tb (u'.acil a n j I. .' c .4 t. liabiiitr In t-i r.ta. bul ia4 rproria!!.'r k't. of Ka rport4 d.".iita cir imtB of V- 1'o.tar. wba I T-ir of Aa. M b 4 19 apand a l.ra Amount for m.ical car a a r.') I of IB a,'--4r.L rt i. r.mi- JlrrT piic- Th l.-'ii' imi h i broia: by )lri lu:a I'uty a-aaat t"i K-Jiitb.ra l a- fl.: Kaioa.l C itniey an ta uto :o 4i taaafctqr:c4 'o-.pny. r'.il. Inr fr jra ta 4.:i cf C'.arane It. Wty ta y.ara tx wa atr:.. t'ora C.r cutt ii'ii Dtc.n yatary. lotr waa tiol'iy-! by it bo f;ry. Wim cruaaia ta ra-lroa.t Iracaa wit a t-u.ra l.-a a acu- bim and bi:t4 Mm, l f. (Kc ba a:4 1.1.1 lb tfaia waa st3nd t -y faat an4 tftat lb b:l 4 4 not wor pro?rly. rCr-) lt-a AriTti" Tra9T T" ir.!r ai t A. )i fca ta i a. tia Cm f ir U. .ta at auce;on of I ati:a4' po:ira br... la ffonl of lh p.M . .r tst t.rna tta M-y. .IMrwuii't animal. .11 to tfi b ..t biil.r tia e-iount.d a4af wi.- h. a--a a part of Oa psi.ic b iraat fr 11 ar will ptaa out of toc. .ftrt maf. ara la ba t:--4 at enr tec fi.a arr'ail i.tamo b:aa l' laaa Iba pla.'.a af lb br.a ii patrol .r.u la tb dt t-!-t I'urr TTa.a It aT C!ao4a tar Pia.i. : ltf."a '.r;, j'".rt aa lil.ry la tha ba:a of b a tla4 Tf r b f.ll front a tail- . la !! be waa rtl r al f In t.r.actsa of atrt n4 l war It. wa ia to ta I'cUra m.rtr.n.-tr Ho-t? tl tir. a'lt b.a wra laa.a. Mr. Ufmta I a-ti't ! b .a ba lfanna A lb i'r of O lt sa IS f w ?.! larciaa; b'na '-! a 11. pa. am. at Ta cab arao drl.a tr I- f'ooaar jrt. ltei r- r-. Mr Lo!a ft fi.!.faia. af tb W omaa'a Murltpal frit. .(.!. tli'a .a. ap.aa loncbi I -t ia Vnrou..r I an t . 3 A viri-an M.ti ,.i . t'n !!, II. r aubjai'l wt'.l b " on-i -I'-jn In r-art: ai. la Jiopbt Ji.i-.jri.. . . w.'.l ba raxrata Aa alaaara'a atu-! pr-crnm wttl ba a ..- br l I'aa M ukiI C: . of ffaa4'."'ja. Afi wna ara cr.4 ara t-i.t4 by ti pa.tar. !;. A. ar 4. lorT'J f aaoLAO eai CH Ca.a-iA. T'.a ! - Ino; fitiir la a mirft of itmrl RiSrl Lal.'r. I yara o,4. wa ".e.n.4 t an y.r la lb oun t Ja.i a4 wa paro:4 by Ctrrult J il C-n.ii- moraine II bat bn in ttc c4 for paaatna; ao b-f ! I.. (. w. a. ;aw. la pl.aal an lb lr cbarft. j Tti'wm r H N4t3i At a fiMitnr In'. af.aava af laa an.m-p-.nmnl i1tft i.mrn.t wib 'otwrni ..inr Ptiir. a d r-tr of ta y.can'ly craatat XiUi?al l"ub!' pi.jaiii I', wbica la t I la r-aa af Iba proaaal Munlripat Fr. :a:itani B.ra. taaasbar I. will ba ltd. l i rum n:Sip V.r. T Mmrir W:' bo: I rt-.a to Iba TV"a4pnr :nioai Cb.rvEw la lb u. La.l !.. ui lay. at 4 dwi la II aft.reeon. Tb . w ll ba It fci.aj5'a Ural iit li tut pariaa. All Intr!a4 will ba tirit lo altrd tb rrtc an t fnt fi:ben tama.r C at. Clt.T t'tia Ctr!n 9. Con-l.T. ac4 . f 111 Natntaa atraat. dt Jobna. a b rasmabr. aroa at arloa ..t.rly reorntr com plalnis; f patn about hi fc.ari and p-iaua lal.r . d.4. nla'alioa of tm kirt tb c :a a.i-rii. It I. a wUow anj . rbil4ra. I iar tTtaTTmaa I W--. rorr.r Twaifta and Ail". At I i A. lord w:i pr.aca. Al 1 II I' li ".rt.l l.ct.r. en frawa ar-4 tb, i M l-r. Nf. It.f ear bl pa'atirca. Inrludinc b. (anreue -f i." atad al lttt, ta.4ay .olr-. rMrhon dm. ar wui b .r4. vdnraday. tbooa lanrb.on. It lb in. rhanc yoa ba bn lool for ,ir. Cir.ini It t:vniii Prmtn. Tb f jn'r ..r.ic of 1 tt i i" r it. Jl. .nrntini bld V.dp.aday more In- al lb l o.l J" do nnd.rlakin larir lr. Ln. of lb C.nlra Mib-Jit l.plKOOa' . hutva. oficla-lnc a. ... 4 by !- I" Ur and Ice. . II l!r. T". pa::.rr wr: I. Itin tr W. Taft. IX C Tow:!. J'- L. K.-n.. I r J. an 1 Mr tam.ia tct.rn.arvt wa la tb Monie v.m l.rr. lion City l artt, ih. crTtra. balod rorvl . t4 by !:r. 34r. trtr. of l a w Mr. ticirairnan i raadnc wa al fit I.j1 Anaeny atro.t. frry t"i-t. Ttua fra All manic Iral for lh C.ral year lilt .,: v .:and up and ftrriMn inad r.'!y for lh n-al J oar of 111 at r.'tl ni(.i:r of 11. rounril nH T i-.1.t norn.n. roT:rl;y lit city as I b.aln r.a of 1114 on 4n- !. Voir matl.ra rrr.alD la be d a poai af. pr!-ciri;y la th way of tb traa.f.r of fjnia i:t or ir.ia year. Tb majority cf tb. will o Into Iba S.n.r.l fund la ba counted f r III to carry Into tb ap propriation for 111. rarwiare or Nio la Topic TViiitt. tlow lb Colored !:- I olTln Iba l'rob!m of l'nniplor rrent In Afrlc aal AmertcA" - th aabject of an ollr... alr.o la room 1L ntral Ijbrarr by : I. Thorrpaon. It. a-i4:ior will I?1. Brnbri of tba Ur.I jo iir.l Til Ao Ution. Tb larturo la a.h.djIa-1 f..r ocioca. Mr. 1'bomp.on ia a ba'.Iy of fiarr Ion. Africa, and la aall lo ba a areolar lji I'ka lha lat Dookcr T. "aab tnton. N'ttiT r.n'.Lta All A aa:-T-rrv Fer- rl woman of lb Int laranl T'rhr A.-latioa l.irlba.d Uie ertlcl.a brouM to the I-ant flrbool tb day bfor Tb a n k i I vl r. to ral faml'i.a. .to enjtc4 lb day bvcauaa of tbc.e donatlor.A Fcbool chlidren brubt tb dotvMona JlrtdJmn rrh-,. -f.r. Kati.j. liadley. tatblcy, J4.Cor4. Ilra-hner ard Karlry cot ra iba commit!. a from tha aoiA- : .on In cbarc of lit diatribostoa of donat ;-r.a. lUi.atr Orr-ii-tat. Viarr. Da Id 8. T pjrrba.lrva- acnt for lh diolnc car dpartrnnt of tbe orthrn I :4il.r. ojit-i b.adauartrr al iS attie, paa"l tbrouab Portland 4a oa bi way lo flan Franctuco. where, .t bi wife and deacnier. Helen, h w.:i p.a a wk via.un lb ;oal I on. Mr T"Maa baa ahlpped bla aoto trM;c Co Jaa Kran;iao and After bla i..t in, ie ainoair.on cttv will tuotor Ittoifk i-utbara CalifornlA Unmi.t ItAttT la lleuv A alocary r.:y wa conducted I a. I r.lcbt al lb rtad Cburrb. of Lenta ll. lu.trl rimpaoa and wife, l-tb ntia- oa.rt. la China. a"-l K.. Mr. Tim. A I'-ilna.e pracbr. AKlr.d Ibe tnt ir t n - - of IS" prove. an. ne.da of Ibe tr.t.tonary field, of Chin. Tb adlr. by K. Mr litr. In Cbi c'.e fiirtttt.r. a a latr.aliec and la .ru'-tiT. A;ctal mualo waa prorlled br tb youac poa;e. Vtr. I'txa.ura Mora r turn. Ufa that aba waa forced to I' a:a la a amall bark alorvtr tb rat! road 11 mil. eat of Tbe I'aiiea, la a p:r "Tr.u.nt. 4 by Irairtpe and lolian and m.n of rojfb appaaraac and rbaracer. Mr a llra.'a lartoa yea- l.ta.y r:.d toll In County Clerk Cof try eS: f jr diaorca frota licorc Laraon. atom ab marr4 In lltJ, b a.jt i. rv.unr br anatd.a Bam, wblck wa ri 4Uic;y. t'.n-.aj rcxr-rt ruiD Arranif rnnta bo.o beat irad lo elart nia anc::.ti aerclree tba 8 rat of lb year aadr lb au.pi-eA of lb four cburcb of lnta l on-mmtii of rain Liar and lajtn.n ba.a tba arraBC- m.nt. of Ibo mli-c ur.d.r way. V.tina wt.l atart Near tiar I a r..c Mr Van, Marter. of fUaaid. Or. ba act-tl aa lavltAlioa lo lak cbara of Iba rH. pc!l Dune .;l b prealded. Ttrty n-ir irr M. K. Cntnx-u. Tb a.ual oai-door eer-vtc tomorrow mora-i-v al 14:11 clock ai Third And Taylor t-r.eo. ia front of lb locked churcb, l.l lake tb form af a mamorial nr I. f3r Mr. A. C. Oibba and Bi.bop Moor, witn apealal music cbort ad t!r....a will l d.lrd by "tat tai lor llobert . Farrell. A. Tburlow. raul Coccall and Rrt If. llugbaa. Ada. CiivAoi Satncxa Tooat. Thr win ba fabbatb irheol and aarvlc al 14 an! 11 o clock thl morn: n v at tb fAtb-ty Afeenttat T barnacl. Knlcata of lytklaa Hail, corner :;... nib and Aider ptreet. Tb uaual renin; DiM tiu4r will rot t beld loaisbl. a I. R. Cenraiil. of Hainbur. Hermaay. will apeak (bla nine at tb ball. rrwnarw rn llata A DP aK. a wr. by K. t-rt r.ou..oL Ma. Iljii"! el l appear la At.atiaa cotum and a:a A4, Ai.a:tir AIIKOII Lfo-traiur T1 tad ea auai'.iary lo tb Order of llailway foa lidort :lt le a lunrn. eoa In Kn:b! of Tytbiaa Hall. fur., ai. Xattmur ii. from a J la 4 1 ri.x. rrieada of tba order ara la- ttKt "Ta Pairr r Hmo" wa (be comment aa Tr--wi!r. imen at ttlfary rr.brt.rln Cbur.b. l:;.ntn A"4 Cay t'.ual eria (tan lay AH rrra-M"T' itfa-Koao Tnnj tonicbt At Art UiiMun. arul Taj lor ,ur T !:".- Cor-T Qvimwi Po yon) !! la It? Crn to tb b'lret r!bodal J'ri.-ropal CborrN tomorrow ..- n al T -lv-k an I har what W. Traak t. Is.lan4 ba la eay About c. Too w:;i bo repaid. A4. Ta. t'a T" trill Re Carl 1 I'oner. preaidnl of V?!lawer!e ll r.:y. wi.l al!r.. tb. Mctbadl.t m.aif.era" meetinc oa Mon.iy! 14 tb first V!bod.t Cbur-n. I a rra T-n Tata T''tT Tr 4tr6.n Wie. of New Tork. al'.l ap.ak ai ft. 4 ' '''n Ibia mornia at o:;o.-. Tb a:-nrt: 4 la r-.a to n public. ria.r C a-iaa uttoiit, "tr'- Tbe ra.-r. I. M Pt-i. pr.a.bmr 11 A. if "Hered.ijr an- Indl.l luailty-. 1 at r. if. -iod." A.I prsaa laeitad. A 4. i). Heyr. of Ibo Roee City I'ark M.thodaM Kplu-ooal ChurcB. wilt Ur.n lb rptrorln laaue of th jnnyalde Metbodlat CTiurch. at Tblrtr Pfth And Vamhitl treeta. At P. M nutwlay. Hia Ib.m will bo -Illbll.-al tr.t.rpfrtationa" l'r W. laoda Adam, of tbe Apollo Club, will furnlab apodal mair. O Tcnen' Bn-Ttiaa N Tl 1. 1 r i. a, Tbe conditloa of John Wlthycomb. I brother of tornor Wi'.hrcamb.. who la til ai bit bom in lasi r.igntn North, waa reported yeiterday to b oncbtnfrd. Hard. nine of tha a.-t-rl.a la the complalrt and th I I nea la a aarloj cm. ilr. Wttbycombe la l year old. f-owpta lUnutit 1 Ijo aanotTXP The m.ihod of bandilnr slant powder by a nrm At I.lnnlon la the ubjrt of inreeticatiom br City Knaln-.r I'alrr. Zt la reported that company 1 u.inff an tin-efe old d.rri. k lo bol.t th powder from bare to the dock and tba! le dtcrtr of th apparatu rlvine; way And cauaina" aa eapiimton. itrr:rT I-ct t iVsrta Tha IL-. t minl'iera' conf.rcn--o will b bril in tb W hile T.T.plc. Monday, al J ii. It. I. flullon. of !b Antl-4Salnon I.KU4. will ( ai addreaa on "Tha lull anj lb Nt rubt." Th de otitnat inettn4 led by flee. K. f. Walt a "wa:Titaa Taaca, any alio on to (. Hob 114. K- 1. Or Adr. Ca. J. V aSIovav. raluroai. V4t, Irmnrtal lo Plonccra at Crown Point Proporl and Grtal At Irodaar oa Trip Ix-d by orriclal la IXIrcsl. Tb VlatA Iloura Aaaorlatlon baa put la an order for fair wtatbr tomor row. beCAuae At that time IB larseat number of automobilea will Ko over lb Coturrbla Hia-hway that baa made lb trip lac th bexan. ln tbla occaaloa th Aa.ocla'.ioo hop'i la adf a luas list of nama to It build-era- book and to ral mor than tlO'J toward lb erection of lb bi rest bou.e at Crown 1'olnt. mhlcb la to bo a sriar. r Tiir.Trn t r trroii .) Tl Bliua" 4CTHI'.I ! a V f V L a A n t: t 4 1 4 ii . a i . I 4 1 I ' I 4 99c r On Sale -Alter 4 P.M.Satnrday A Fattirdar rlcht apeclal of unusual Interest a rood trlf for Christ mas. A bl ae.n-cup. 9i per cnt pur Aluminum percolator At less than the prlc of common crsn.te. Mirer rinlsboa ana nuea wun "j, aha pod black en.imel wood handle. When lnaet la removed tha perco- Jf lator convert Into a coffo pot. uniy :uu to aeil. ao com eariy. OMITO A ClJTOJItll. I'lio.ia oit y- J- v. vnuens. SO DELIVERIES. A bipr. new 'First Floor Victrola Department Victrolas Weekly Marlaa Lard. Marian Loi i. who playa F!nora Monti, tha riah wif of tbe fa mou. rrantf opora tenor In Mr asrrt Mayo fare. "Twin Beda." ha a e'lprratitlr-n. HI: a baa written b buainesa iranarer of "Twin Pad" asklnc th nam of th tbeatrr In which tb at IrAclloa piny In Tortland. Mis t-ord baa a "buncb' that If tba theAter I named after a man peort will have to b turned away. 8b baaca tMa belief oa th fact fist four tremendou successes wblcb t5e!wjm Com pany produced la New Tork last eaeon wer All la tbatra named afi.r tacn. Mlsa Lord will b del!htd when ah Lerna fiat th lleilis; Theater waa named after a man. "Twin Bda" will ha Ita pre mier In Portland ISunday night fur on weak. ft & I 1 ii ". i aa4r S1.00 Buy a "Standard" Rotary Sewing Machine for her Christmas. Terms Weekly S1.00 Phones Marshall 1, Home A 62S1. For "Quality," "Service" and "Economy" THIS SATURDAY AT SPECIAL SAVING PRICES WE OFFER Selected No. 1 Steer Prime Rib Roast, lb...l8d Rolled Roast, boneless, 16 Shoulder Pot Roasts, 14 Sirloin Steaks, lb 18d Tenderloin Steaks, lb., 18 Tender Round Steaks, 18 mi at rrv J ia.lyr.A4 I 1 flR3T GUARO AHITUDE TOLD AnJlTA5T CFCHAL WllTE OP ro.aes CSE It LABOR disputes. monument to tb pioneer of Oregon. They baa named It "Thousand Hollar" GOV. Never alnce th roadway wa open baa ther been a better opportunity to ace lb scenery at Ita ne.L Th recent ralna have filled th cr !. and aa a conseiurnc tb waler falls bav never been ao macnin ent. aald ramuel C. Lanraatrr, builder of lh roajway. X)ld Multnomah a.ema to be volcinr protest acalnet belnc aerlectd by 11 Portland friend. Jullae Meier will bead tb Ions: lln of autos that wi: mak tb Sunday trip, and on arrival At Crown I'olnt Ma commit! will berln tAklna- aub- eerlptlone for th erection of VlatA House, the iiructur that ta to rls a memorial to th pioneer, and which will add tb flnlahlna; touch to th beauty and comfort of I'ortland a fa mnua road. Mr. Mir will tak alons; tb build' ara' book, ta b sianed by thosa who contribute to tho fund, and which will also be b record from which Invilatlona will bo Issued to Attend the opening and d'dlcAtloa of th bul. dinar. Htrarca It appear, ther I no aultabl memorial In urtmn to per l tj ih heroic iblntra acrompliahed by tho red-blooded inen And women who refused ta b balked by th Co. lumbiA ItiT.r core In their arcb of a Bow land. 'VlatA Hou.e will answer tbla par rose moat admirably, because It will b visited by all tb thousaml who ara lo com la Ortcaa from th East and by lh Or. a on i at who com to ortlAod for a law day of buslneat or recreation. "he building will carry pasl re- !f and atalned r'aaa window telling th story better I ban could a lecturer, whll lb splendid character of tb proposed construction will make It aland for centuries."' VlatA llous Is to b th only com fort station oa tb trip. A call I being sent out to th own er of auto to get Into tb "thousand dollar trip for tomorrow, and to load their macihnea with friend. Moving picture ara to b takan of tb crowds. The beat road I over bandy boulevard to Falrvlw. RIO FACE NEW CHARGES llolilon Sojrci May Be Sent Illllsboro for Ilurg lry Trial. to Positive Identification aa men who av conducted recent hold-ups In I'ort land fsl lna. though th police are cer tain they have tba culprit. Jack Caa lor. Karl Braun And Jme Hulllvan. a-oonvicta who wer arrested r!y Thursday morning, probably will not b beld on tb local charge but will b nt to Illl.sboro today to atand trial for burclary. nooda. inclodlnr 19 tpa-tr of ahoaa. three overcoat And several suit of Clothe, taken from the M.iya Bros.' mercantilA atora at North l'ialna. No vember II. found at tha shack wher th men wer aieeplnc. have been Identified. HEILIG RECITAL IS SUNDAY Mrs. Beatrice Plerke, Ilanlat. Is to Prevent Programme. At th Italilir Theater tomorrow at 3 o'clock. Mr a Beatrice Dlerk. pianist, will appear In her firat public recital for many montha. and th event It of such ainusuaj musical Importance that It 1 aprtd th recital will be Urgo ly Attended. Th programm will consist of se lections from th work a of Chopin. l'l buaay, Rachmaninoff. Lint, Mandel eobn, TschaJ koaraky, Wtratr and Mac-Xvll. raHfle Defewo Leaaa Ask for Opln and Lealalatloa Specifying Datira May n can It. "Th Oregon National Guard Is posi tively opposed to being- called Into aerviro to Intercede In Any eort of labor disputes." So ald Oeorg A. Whit. Adjutant-General of th Oregon Nation al Guard, In answering- a communica tion received from tho official of the Pnclflo Defense League, a meeting; of which orranliatlon was beld In fan Francisco lart nlirht. It waa th derire of th officer of th defense leairue to determine what atand the National Guard of this etato would tnke upon th question, and the above emphatic statement of Adjutant General White la the answer to the query. Th Pacific Defenso League has endeavored to gala positive ex pressions from all the etat military orcanliat Ions. Adjutant-General White said that the men In th service of tho Oregon Na tional Guard enlisted with a view to doing- Federal deferts work, purely, and th sentiment among the officers and th members of the guard la op posed to taklnir any part In labor dis putes. The Taclflc Hcfenso Lea true will endeavor to discover If there will not be soma means of gaining legisla tive Action whereby tho NAUonal Guarda of th country will have aa their sol duty National defense. The fnn Francisco Labor Council has In dorsed the atat militia. And It is ex pected IhAt further co-operation be tween th guard And th labor organi sation will b effected through th defense leaarua. th following reasons: First, tho Im mediate construction work Is over, and It will not ba so hard on you nor nearly o strenuous; second, your cumulative study and experience are most valu able to the community, and should be continued If you can see your way clear to do ao; third, a new but inex perienced citizen in your place on the dock commission might jeopardize all tho work ao ably started and accom plished under your management, which all feci was just, right and equitable to the public, lirst, last and all the time. We, therefore, beg that you re consider and accept a new term and round out your life work with further valued services, advice and help." President McFaul said he regarded it Important that th services of Mr. Mulkey bo retained If possible on the dock commission. The Impression pre vailed that the Mayor will reappoint Mr. Mulkey if he will accept. Public Defender's Faith in Beggars Is Justified Attorney Win Wager With Prose cutor by Following; Solicitor to See Where Dime I Spent. MR: ilLKEK IS LAUDED DOCK COMMT3IO.ER IS URGED TO HECOXMDER DECISION. East M4a Baalnraa Mew' Clob Dealrana of Ilavlag Caalrmaa Serve, aai Ask Mayer to Him. At a meeting of th directors of th Eaat Sid Business Men's Club yester day at tba clubroom. It Grand avenue, tb first action was taken to ask F. W. Mulkey. retiring president of the dock commission, to reconsider his an nouncement of retiring from that place. A letter covering this request was sent to Mr. Mulkey and the Mayor yester day. In th letter to Mr. Mulkey It is set forth thnt tb Eaat bid Business Men' Club and people generally ap preciate th great value of bis Ove years of aarvlc on th dock commis sion, given th public without remu neration. "Appreciation for your very great and unselfish aervlce rendered th pub lic and th City of I'ortland. a man giving to th public ao largely prac tically fr." ) th letter, "of th verv beat years of his Ufa aa you have don and all gratia, Irwalatenlly demanda that we endeavor to express our ap preciation of your self-sacrificing de votion to th public service. "W greatly regret your decision to retlr from th d"ck commission for THAT all "panhandlers" do not spend their begsed earnings In pur chasing real estate or supporting sa loons, aa Is popularly rumored, was proved yesterday to the satisfaction of five city officials, and Public Defender Robinson la five certs richer. Municipal Judge Stevenson, Defender Robinson, and Stanley Myers. Harry A. Davie and Frederick Stadler. deputy city attorneys, were on their way to the "Millionaires' Club." the historic cofjee house on Pine street. Mr. Rob inson was a few feet ahead of tho rest and was "touched" for the price of a meal by a man with a crippled foot. The Public Defender fished out a dime and bestowed it on the man. "You're foolish, Dave," said Mr. Ptadler. "That man's a professional moocher and will spend the money in the nearest bar." "I lon't believe It." returned Mr. Robinson. "He looked hungry and didn't have tb appearance of a 'booxe flphtrr ' " "I'll bet you h enters the nearest saloon." "Bet a quarter he don't." The others gathered about the dis putants by this time, the gamble proved of Interest and a settlement was Insisted on. With a qnlntet of officials, a part BEEF Sred Pig Pork Loins of Pork, lb 15 Legs of Pork, lb 15cl Shoulders of Pork, lb..lOc Fresh Sides of Pork, 15d Fresh Spare Ribs, lb., 10c Loin Pork Chops, lb. . . lSt A SELECTED LOT OF VALLEY LAMBS ALSO Veal Loaf, Veal Sausage, Clubhouse Weiners, ir Knockwurst, Frartkfurters, pound And for breakfast remember Jones' Pure Pi.? Sausage, in 1-lb. cartons; always fresh and sweet, lb. 20 JONES' "Pride of Oregon" HAMS, BACON and LARDS Known for Delicate Flavor, Mild-Cured, Sweetness Flams, V or whole, lb 16 Choice Bacon, y or whole strip, lb 18-20t English Bacon (tenderloin backs) half or whole strip, lb. 15c Cottages, lb 14? Picnics, lb 1 14c Special Bacon, lb 10c No. 5 Pure Lard 60c No. 10 Pure Lard SI. 15 No. 5 Compound 50c No. 10 Compound 95c of whose duties It Is to discourage bcgglnff upon tho streets, followins him, the unsuspecting man limped down the street. He passed several saloons and came to a cheap eating bouse. He studied the bill of fare thoughtfully, and finally went in. A huce bowl of soup In which bread was soaked was fast disappearing-, when Mr. Robinson entered, thanked the .man profn.ely for restoring his faith in human nature and tendered him another dime in gratitude. Rend The OreirotiiJi n' classified ads. A ModerAte-Prleed Hotel of Merit. Hotel Clifford East Morrison St., Near llrand Ave 75c, St per dny with bath, a. 1.25. Grand Prize, Panama-Pacific Exposition San Francisco, 1915 Grand Prize, Panama-California Exposition San Diego, 1915 $4.00 Shoes In the Latest Lasts and Patterns, -AA to EE, for Men and Women. Knight Shoe Co. Morrison Street Near Broadway For Flavor and a 9 aKer s Is Just Right Quality Cocoa s.19. U. S. PAT. OFF It has the delicious taste and natural color of high-grade cocoa beans; it is skilfully prepared by a perfect me chanical process; without the use of chemicals, flavoring or artificial coloring matter. It is pure and wholesome, con forming to all the National and State Pure Food Laws. CAUTION: GET THE GENUINE WITH OUR TRADE-MARK ON THE PACKAGE Walter Baker & Co. Ltd. Established 1780 Dorchester, Massachusetts OTELQAKIANCy $i A oaklawd 1 I VI k m a r-r tv I A r-t 14 ALiriINI eV r .-.-aA ....,.. Li . a. j,-. r l. Jf. ye fl r 0 VEKLOOKS the most beautiful civic feat ure in America a salt water lake in the heart of a community of 300,000 people and commands sublime views of San Fran cisco Bay and Alameda County's mountains. C. Occupies an entire city block in an ideal en vironment both for convenience and beauty. C. Unsurpassed in the architectural dignity of its exterior, the charm of its numerous spadous public rooms, the comfort of its apartments and the refinement of its social animation. Every service advantage known to the best metropolitan hotels and a cuisine that is nationally famous. tX Thirty minutes from San Francisco by scenic bay route. s Charges lower rates than any hotel of the tame class in the United States European Plan: From $1.50 .American Plan: From $3.50 Crrreordinanlv attractive rate to permanent fje-ts. Write for booklet tiaSSawaTawSSawasew I vST i -a I:5 NirSS. I- X III tPSE :Kia:i 3 4) t S!iS " 1 hU ' 1 1 lh 1 bkaiisiuni Hotel Cornelius The House of Welcome Park and Alder Streets Portland, Or. In the theater and shopping district, one block fn m any carline. Rates $1 per day and up. With bath, $1.50 per day and up. Take our Brown Auto 'Eus. C. W. Cornelius, President II. E. Fletcher, Manager HOTEL ST. PAUL Fourth and Alder. SI. E. Foley, Prop. ALt. MODERN CO XVEME.NXES. Hate SI Day and IP. Special Rate to Permanent. Take Any Depot Car. Get Off at Alder. Skidmore Drug Co. Temporarily Located 271 Alder Street Between Third and Fourth Sts. 1-1. rii aa PACKER'S 1 HAIR BALSAM A todft prepavrtion of merit. .Trip to eradicate dmdruff. f For Restoring Color and BMaty toGray or Faded Hair. IWVr- Bud $1.00 at LhTurg'-tav I 1 PURE COAL DIAMOND BRIQUETS A hs olutely the cheap est and best fuel on the market; three ton lots. t7 per ton delivered. Will Reduce Yoar Coal Bill One-Half. PACIFIC COAST COAL CO. 24 V AbUlAtiTOX STKEET. Main 29. A 2393, WANTED, CHA1HS TO CANE BY SCHOOL FOR BLIND FOlt rAHTlCl.'l-A-S CAI.Tj M3a I h MYERS, WAS 543