p Tnn MORNING OHEGONIAN, SATUKDAT, NOVE31BEK 37, 1315. 5 S OOTSAYSIillOO II1UUI UHIU 111 JOGGLES FIGURES Apparent Increase of Treas ury Balance Mere Mat- lcr of Bookkeeping. ESTIMATES ARE FAR OFF IU"o To Lew, a, los llunpk', 1 re txr, aadl PUbarwnfll v tot fYrpai red Ara I ar VadVr Official Ideas. WASHINGTON. No. : ?crtary IfcASoo ptaa for raiaia by latoraal Uim tha atfditioaal mtiut aod4 ar ta Uayaeraaaeat la oaee a defk-lt aad cr in laltlaj im of Arm y aad J ay lara waa la4ore4 to4y J aaator Slmaaoa. af North CaraJiaa. lUlmti af taa f.asav eoojmlltoo. a B4 Jost racb4 Wuiliflct la prepare for reaaiaoratloa of rtttut problems whkh fela romatltM aw( at4 la Miitif. TVftUa ietor ItimmoB til aaaetiae- lC . h-aater rrnoot. af Ltah. m of lo lea.3 as flepulillraa nem ara af tfie tinas- comrotn. gar out a stataat attacking crtary f-"A4o genrel f.aaarial l(emnt lu4 atrdy. Th I laa Saoalor aa- rto4 trat I I of la crtary'a re as tiate vara too hia and tho f r xpoditara o low aa4 that nic adtea booakeapi ckta bad ba ItMrO'l la. la ki atatemaat anatjalac fWcr- lary M"A4oo)a turf aator raoot rsa4 toal they 4i4 aot rorrpao4 wtt the Uy etatemaiil of the lotted ptatee Troaaury Iaaue4 oo tb 41 vim It yrurr tabulation vara bgua. ilr. MfAaoo a uil owe4 that ea J4:r I. Ili. IBr ataa a rraalil balaac la th gaanral fund of flat Kt.lUTI, ffu. Ibo Paaaator oe-ir4. laa ad rial tt:ly atataraeal of lb Trvaaarj for lkl data oftw4 lb oat balarx- la IB a.aaral tua4 to b t : 4. t :. J I li. C r-apcenaar 3. Ili. lb Traaaory a'ateaiael. according to Panator MwkI. riH a at balaae la lb g.aeral f mb4 of II li'.IM .. while, ba added. t Bait d atatemaat. without Iba aMuoa af lb rara4 of a bond aaia al with aa actual de-roa la lb reeAa af Iba iftmrniiit over at (4.tarfc how4 Iba balaac of ItJI.- toeaaaao la Oal atoobbaoalaiaj. "Tl apparanl lacr of IIMil. ;4J ia lb T'tuKT balaaca.' aatj aacar amoat. aa la laa boshkaap lac : aa4 prorur4 If lb raaifr from Iba liabiUtiaa la Iba aa a' a.4a of tk la4ar of laa 4iaburia otruar a4 lb kMXttmtti lnt at r4mtiua ff4. botb of M.-a ba b a t nl rii4 aa l icl ir lb (irmalil. o&4 b Iba laclovloa at baaliarr a-lr coin. "' ! aa4 alr bu;iloa. o of k4 ar k rackoa4 aa il- far Ibo paissaal of OattrniMftl pa . nator lmoe flrtar 4arara4 lba ta lb r.- A4'Holtrl:o look ." T'ir 1 MlFvh. 111. mar a al "arl baiaar af lilt I ;i Tlt.7. 0 WftmS-r Jt. Uli. fc coi. Iiatiaj. wit Ibal b. baa t m..al by ll4a.tJa.H4.il. Kaa taaa Av C rtilaaaaaV t an at Iba apiaaa Ibal Iba aatl. Plata af n i coala.aa I la Mr. M A4a lata. I ataf.m.al ar. . ...... b -'ad. "i4 ibbi bi aa'imat af 4 . b'rmaa ta ! ;t. Tbt rrtadtv ! tl raaa alta Iba itiltw. of 111 ill4 411 atpacl4 at iiitr for Iba B'aea af Mar aa I Jua. tit, a a.l .i aavratt tr l'ipaut aatl ana'. 114 4nianta tor o ba.-al )ar Ota ail b aaarar I: l.)l.4 laaa lil.a.Ji .. Aitn. IS a.! nat of Mr. VrAlx f 4. iburaamvae far a4 1 tloaai af pa4itra fr a (rtar .Naeioaal 4 (n or -?ra.)n of lJ)'oa la t J. r J. 1 1 1. j laa isaa (no aatimala a il by lb It ar ai4 .Naar trrt Hiaata an4 appreva$ r lha I'raai4aal. f -r ! awx.uata.4. la 1 1 1 I?J.J." tartly a.th rustt Found, lo ahlch aba la aatitl. tt. l. hklnaer. traffic mnar for lb Nona lunk lUilroad. raid. Tba promiaa a a Ms ono and null ba roni4r4 arrlouaiy balor any ac ta la takaa. I a a. not prpara4 at IHla li.-n to maka aa atatamant aa to Iba prouabl aivtud of tbo railroad r cardlac b raaolu'..oa adopiad, by tba Ibarnbar of Commarra. "I thick it wo.ld ba yatbar nncar Uia and darstrou tblcc for railroad lo ko about ia rodtxra lb ralca roluo lnlr. aad tba priBr:pal raault anoal lihalr aoa!4 b taat praa.ur would ba bro'4(bl lo baa r to bar I'ucat bound rata rad a4 to rtor Ihatn to a par Ity witb tba I'ortrand rata, laarlac tba aiiualiua Iba aama a bafor. Tb ralaa bav alwaya baa lb aam bar a ixl at Iut round, aad a parity of rata maiaialnod tor J yrar rvproaaata a ar4at ablvb canaot fall to bara It IL -r.a If tba rulroad ahouM roiun- larily Co about tfta rad-jrllno of th ralaa alone iba Una propoaad. thoro r probabilily ir. lb public rv .- coxmiMloq oul4 taka a bana In Iba mat:ar aad tbal lb ultimata raa-' woul4 b that lb rondliloaa would bo ba latiy all -raj. 2 KILLED III SHOOTING nirc or rourx enter axd rA TKOLMA ARB alCTIMa. Hatatal af Da Waaia Waaa44, Bal Daio Flrta bta Aftoa-Irma(taa- Hrr rraaa Wbrma, 8T. IXCML Not. 14. William StraoU Nlbt Cblaf of rolie. af Mad Lao n. Ill, la tBdr arraal foiiowibK tba killing of bis wifo aad Cbarlaa F. Barmclar, EL Louis patrolman, laat Blbt. Mr a l waa found two boors aftar tba abootiBaT with a 'lbt wound la bla lac. Ho danld dolus any abootlnc. Mroat told of lhrat ba aald bis wtfa bad mad acalnat blra. Aa awaar of a salooa soar tba boroo of M ra tlrt aald that Flrt warnad him yaatarday not to sail aay mora liquor ta bis wif. t)trt fouad bis wlfa la a wlooroom laat Bleat. Aa ba waa dracclnp; bar out of tbo winaroora and Into aa alloy. I'airolmaa Karmalar. who was paaalnc. Jumpad from a alroatcar to stop th aiaturbanca. "io ahota war firod. Kbit tb amok clard away. Karmalar was found daad aad Mrs. trt waa fouad 111"! oo tb paramant fatally wouodad. Klrt bad disappard aad waa ar. raatad IS block from tba acana Mr a "wwi oia a law miaul latar. WAR PROFITS CONSERVED Gr-rmany Itralrr Half to D tiei Apart for Tatar Ixirrmlnallon. Drm tv i a a wnoon. .-NOT. J a. TO fadaral council baa adopi4 a prailm. i . iutm u war p ro 1 1 la f oiat a lock rompaalaa aad corpora. I in n a Tba maaait.A ... HUl itrf a laa. TMa Is lafi for aoolbar bill aftar t war. . w a.ti mtrtir raquiraa that rompaaiaa carry aa raarva half tb prof. la ara4 la maktoe war suppliaa asd laaat lhara aaparalcljr from lb ordinary raaourta. bold.na ttsm la raad.a.aa for fiaal davtatoa Iaraard toe fwlsn to Kafrty. I MUCHTOX. Or. Var ?a ri.t la ta affort la ! ritu.1. ...... . Soar ycatardar aftarnoon a small do p4 into Mhr rak. iwu iba aaar-tgiaa of tb I'prtlasd Hallway. I lor Comranir amit -r and aw am do a th daap aad rapid traorn oar Iwo da ma i- b.a iik.... Tb wild flichl waa wilnaaaad by Bar ar.j pao;. m no BPPnd lO b OB tb baaba of Ibo rrk aa Iba aiu-.i - a Ihrouab tb main part of Ibo cily I am aaimal swam full Iwo mllaa. and waa atill la whn laat aaan S A 95 Buys a $6-00 NORFOLK SUIT i nf. 1 rhi Sfnrp on Jmm Boys store- f f- w v llii:?nM-- Second Floor Saturday. Extra Pair of Knickers Free! Now's the time of the year to see that the boys are protected from Winter rains and winds. These suits will keep your boys warm and dry at a reasonable cost. I show the various styles in full-weight Norfolk suits, nicely tailored from fancy mixtures, tweeds and cheviots. Every suit is guaranteed to give satisfaction. On sale all day today regular $6.00 suits at 0CJ $5.00 Norfolk Suits $3.95 Stout, serviceable cassimeres and mixtures, with extra knickers. A ffood suit for school or play at J q Af a modest price. Buy them today for only a3ast3 Boys' and Children's Overcoats n&ndsorae twds, cheviots and novelty woolens, thoroughly bower-proofed. Many new patterns, woven especially for youthful wearers. Raglan or set-in sleeves; velvet or self collars; double or single-breasted models. See them today at this store. $4.50, $3, $6, $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12.50, $15 BEN SELLING UsSS1 'iii ' aaji'-' mi' J7'i"'ai " cr Trmsmi- arwktr- MRS. PANKHURST DEFIED nniTisH srrroAGisT bhvoi-t ACA1T LEADERSHIP. l.orpatWa af Aatharlty aatl Fallara a Milt Orsaalaaltaa Varfal la Va'ar Chars r-d. IANDOS. Nov. it. Many morobors of tb Woman's Social and Political I'nloo hsva ravolla4 acalnst th laaa- srshlp of Mrs. Kromailns Paokhurst. A larsalr attnd4 tnatln under lb rhatrmanahip ot ira t-iinor nan uar bail unaalmoualr aprro'txl a tons; In- dirtmant asainal Mra ranhhurst. In this Indlctmaot thoas who attend 4 th inacllnr chars that In ualns tb nam of tb omens oociaj ana Political fnlon for political purpoaas Mrs. rankhurat was actins wiinout sutborltr. Thrr Mama nr lor ibu Inc to utlllia th organization for soma form of astional scrvlrs durlnf th war. They arcua hr of aeurplna- author llr and etpolllns members "In order to stifi opposition to her will rs sultinc ln th ramoral from member, hip of almoat all tha women poaaeaaed of inMuenca. capacity and Independence of thought. Thar d-clar that whirl controlling funds, ah has ahown csllous Indlf faranr lo th auffarjnsa of deatituts mambara. r'lnallr. thar call on Mrs. Pankhurst la l.aue Immitdlalflr a atalament ahow- Irwr bow the funds have been expended since tho war began. They aalc Chris, tabel Pankhurst, her daughter, to re slgn or explain her continued abssncs from the country. Water Lacking; Fire Loss $4200. The residence of B. A. Leg, a farmer MTing hair a mile east of Portland on tha handy road, was completely de stroyed by Or at an early hour yes terday morning, with a loss of $4200. on which there was 13500 Insurance. The cause of tha blase Is not known, but Is believed to have been the grounding of the electrlo current uaed in lighting the bouse. A garage and pumpbouse wera reached and destroyed by the lira. Engine 21 of Rosa City Park went to tho Ore. but could do nothing because of tha lack of water. Indian Service' Wants Cooks. Tha United States Civil Service Com mlaston announces in open competitive examination for both men and women for cook In tha Indian service to fill vacancies as follows: One at Fort Bid welt School. California: two at Mesca lero School, New Mexico; ona at Yank ton School. South Dakota, at 1500 a year. Further Information and applica tion blanks will be furnlahed by M. K. Wlgton. local eecretary. Federal build ing, Portland. rcnaiona Are Granted. OREGOXIAV NEWS BUREAU. Wuh. Nov. 1. A pension of 117 a month has bon granted to Robert E. Campbell, of Portland. Widow's pen sion of SIS a month have been rrantcd Phrbe Jay. of Pendleton; Kiiaa Ltuarhary. of Monmouth, and Habafa Hi hop. rf Rotraraon. Maho. MRS. LACY GETS 0 DAMAGES FROM WOODARO, CLARKE at CO. Alleaatloa That Error la Filling Pre acriptloa Canaed Injury Ia Nat Snatalaed. The Jury which heard tba case of Mrs. Ruby Lacy against Woodard, Clarke & Co., in which Mrs. Lacey asked 125,000 damages, last night re turned a verdict for the defendant- Mrs. Lacy, who Is the wife of Dr. H. N. Lacy, alleged she had suffered personal injury as a result of the faulty execu tion of a prescription. The case was heard before Judge Morrow. Tha ver dict was a complete victory for the drug company, whose attorney, Ralph Wilbur, In concluding the case yester day labeled It "the most disgraceful case ever tried In the courts ot Oregon and a case of pure blackmail." It was alleged by the plaintiff that two poisons had been confused In the dlltng of the prescription, the more poisonous of the two having been made an Ingredient of tha prescription. An analysla of the prescription by C. P. W. Harding, a chemist who was a witness for Mrs. Lacy, brought out the fact that the contention of tha plaintiff was incorrect and that the lees poisonous of the two medicines had. according lo the doctor's order, been Incorporated In the prescription. Another point scored by the defense was tha state ment of the phvaloians who were called Largest Buyers of Cattle on the Pacific Coast which meant that you buy here at lowest possible prices, and that the quality of Meats and other produccts is the best that our expert buyers can select. Be alive to the advantages of securing: your Meats and other edibles from this Big, Sani tary, Snow-white Market. Saturday Specials -.12c lOc SIRLOIN ROAST, Pound . . VEAL ROAST, Pound . , PORK ROAST, Pound . , lOc Fresh SPARE RIBS, Pound lOc Anchor Brand BACON, Pound lOc New England HAMS, Pound 13c .CtarThe CASCADE BARGAIN MEAT COUN TER offers very tempting SPECIALS in Meats of Good Quality. Look for the Sign. Fresh Columbia River SALMON, 1 f Pound LJC Cascade Fish Market Fresh r LEMONS, Doz. 1UC 3 Dozen for 25c. Cascade Fruit Store. 2 Pounds Fresh r CREAMERY hP BUTTER for...vcrv Cascade Butter Store 9 Loaves FRESH BREAD for Cascade Bakery, 25c FREE One can Her shey's Cocoa with each Pound of 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c Coffee . All FERNS Reduced in Price at the Cascade Flower Store to tho stand that th poison wouia either kill insiae oi iour or u ) u -y.-n tha ivttom entirely or wouia p. ' and not debilitate the system in any manner. As Mrs. Lacy did not die n was me intention of the defense that, even if ie prescription had been wrongfully led. a hypoinesis prcviuueiy iwuwu ...timtrtv thara could be no re- U J at.iiiwi.jt - covery of damages, as there was no permanent injury. Dr. William House, one of the men called to the stand as an expert, testified that the physician attending Mrs. Lacy had prescribed the poisonous ingredient of the pre script lonlnoverdoBequantltle th fill by PHOT Ml IS ROBBER COOD rTAV FAITH IV (.K4CC ititat is tor. Brinsf the K J Felix Block I I ill Morrison stroat. C. C. Bradley Co. Men s llattere ar-J rxirnlahcre. tii Waahlngtoa strL C. . Baker boa a. IT Morrleon. 37 Wsahlnstoa. Wt Park and Waahlngtoa. Buff tnn & Pendleton II I Man's Ciolhlars and Furnishers. I 1 111 Morrtaoa slrL I Clarke Bros. I Florists Cul Flowers aad Polled plants. II? Morrlsoa strL A c. ft rji f . . ; la CL Ll. 1 riU'H'ltimC. Jewel-ra. plsmond im porters and MlTeramlths. Park and Waahlngtoa. The Florsheim Shoe Shop Man's Shoe a, III lit Washington slrL Irwitt'IIodon Co. Ill Stationary. Prlntlne. Knrlng. I I 117 Washington str!. The Juvenile III Clothe for Kiddle. Ill iOclilhatra.t. BL Aider aad Morrlsoa. 1" that her temporary suffering was not due to the incorrect filling- of the pre scription, but to an overdose. Teamster Hurt In Runaway. When his team broke from his control in fright at a passing motorcycle, Frank Donnelly, a teamster living at 366 Lin coln street, was thrown to the ground yesterday ana sustained a broken ankle. The accident occurred at Shaffer and Capitol streets and the injured man was taken to Good Samaritan Hos pital. He is married and is 50 years old. liar j t Tafc aWfoo Halloa C siaalty Mel aaal TW Saaaka r alaar (Wlaai a oat Waaakj. M: TTLJL Waali- Nov. !.. Si.t 1 t.rf Mtltlac. Ill Twaaty-fotarta I . a t. Ba ot all Isiarast la aafortitsal snaaaaars of tho baesaa! lw. particularly the who say srac Bafor ana a la. Ilia avaraloa coroa tlaai throws a Thaakaclalac day rrori lo abJ aa aafortuaata thuaiy: Jt:::a was etow lows lata yaatar tar whaa a cadavarou. IBoushlfal BBpaarinc paraos asproacBad aa4 sakasi I . lift oar aom of lb rvcBa la1 J fa a sachway. I main a o.tilal raataaraet. Maltlrc up a apianiio anoai. la Ibal tal'at of wom-B th ajqaal sai4 ira-t a Hti talk .A al La n a t hi n I h. .1 1 N - AM feuanaa tnoral waakaaaa ss4 tbair1 vaanania ani tiatr aidr4 BwBJacta Mai las. fiiuliac bia (u waa witb it aBaitar for lb ninl. finally da. ci-l-4 to ramaln dowa Iowa hliraaif. taa raatae) a room for two. Iarly lo T b aaroa aae diacatand that ki. Baal auit. pita a parf-cjly anoat cold; aalrl. BBS aBra4. a4 that In ta la lb straacar bad left his shabby ult. I H I 1 LOST JEWELS RECOVERED ovfli l'lad Vslaabkra la Mrcrt. Nrr TKry Had) All XlcM. A avamaaa rtc lLrt el 4. a wa.it tappb.r na Sal'4a4 al 1 1 and w ir aaw t: Ur la m airo a.l of TSuraHar aU"t Bed p'rt of y.tmr. al., Rorainr M ra. Mtaa Arm 'tol. Ill Karl drorga-l lha S.c toaiaiain." Ik araall forlie aba BUS ! from a li"ar tar ralura I Bar Bom f -am t ax t'larattrlH bar ' aa aoa s ah a-' la IS lo'iaa. Vra. ArvnatroraT Bo I.fa4 In paM ',-. fatar4y aioralaf lf Jraioaai wa lo th aPI ana ft4 ai.sltaa) f.oa in axienaoril ta4 r saa) Bar ai'B:aa. a . ta c a -. but tal4 by l-aff.v'. AID IS GIVEH RATE FIGHT ti'animnal y. rira fata a ar a.l a'ili an. I aoi baa aa bajrlax an tbo SaWaioa of IB la laratal Commara Ctrnmluiaa oa IB Attor'a rata raa. b'4l II ma T arantaali, a4 ia Aatorta (atta ratss a iddies Down Tqwb and Shop Tonight IWENTY-SIX of Portland's leading specialty stores remain open Saturday nights. This is extending the utmost in store service, for, in compliance with the law, no girls are worked overtime and a corps of efficient helpers are retained to attend your smallest want! Come down tonight look over the Holiday showing and make your Christmas selection before the choicest lots are broken. Members by Invitation The Saturday 'Night Shopping Service Rosenthal & Co. Jaeger Bros. Jewelers. Diamond Marchanta. Ill Sixth strL Kitixht Shoe Co. Men's. Woman's and Children' Stiff, Broadway and Morrlsoa. Latte'Davis Drug Co. Drucs-tats. prescription Pharmacists. Third and Yamhill Leffert Jewelry Co. Jaweler. Sliveramlths. l Wahin(ton strk Lion Clothing Co. bloo's Cloth I na. Shoes. Purnlahlnica and flats. r ounn ana Morrison. Htnan Shoes. blaln Store. 1?S Tenth street. Branch. 301 Washington. Samuel Rosenblatt & Co. Clothiers, Furnisher and Hatters, 2t6 Morrison street. Ben Selling Clothier. Furnisher and Hatter, Fourth and Morrison streets. Sherman-Clay & Co. Plsnoa. Talking Alacbinea. Kecords. Sixth and Morrison streets. il. Sichel Lection's Caloves, Hosiery. Vmhrellaa. I Morrison street. Mathis Clothier, furnisher. Hatter. a 14714 Sixth strt. Men's Furnisher and Hatter. 131 Washington street. Max M. Smith Powers Furniture Co. Fu ra 1 1 u re. Draperlea, Houat Furnlahlnsa, Third andTasahlw Phegley & Cavender Clothiers. Furnisher and Hatter. Fourth aod Aider. riApfat rut Flowara and Plants. 1 4 1 H Six th St.. nesr Alder st Staiger Shoe Co. Men's. Women's and Children's Fhoes. 2)1 Washington street. Woodard. Clarke & Co. Drugrtsta, ood-Lark Building. west -ra ana Aiaer sis. FTI 1 05.2