Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 26, 1915, Page 9, Image 9

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Wanea t4lw : .
tut a.a Ta A "
auija , tl w. M. 1 I. A uDrtai. .. a a A aa
!I l". a ... aa.a : " A A .
in iy.i.ii, c4 .......... M a- a :. A J
f '"I'SJ ?. A '
f i'aa. -'Sa A-U4 a.aiaaa.aa,-
' ! II . H
sVaKin Tre:TI. t e.4 Ji tara
t.ta-i;44ir -- utmsaay I " Ha
'-f at....."" Ua 1JI el !
CKr-n:- m m.a4araa ml Te'naM
11.4 m ;!... i 4 j r.
tATXr t:.ia al 1 -.. Vea4a-
.. rrCriuM 1 aaa. i M 4ava S M
il'nt lUriala.r a-4 - n-ww-..
. riuN j i. t "
i r. M.
1.1 a I : ...! at ste'
i i in m.a.-a wai..lj. Aliaaaaaa
l a t t a tt nrt.-mm ala. a.
A4t;aa(a tai. fa Cur Xawa
tr ftirtMl lM4 ta 44.T a IWK M4 "
kaa4a4 la Tae a lawa atVe f
-"!-, a'eaalr eaaala.
s-s --r - - '
U.rtj Artrtjaar C-a-i-tar tt-. TS
1 ftan a i in ao:ial anal tnttrt!!
Irani Wa.-iaa.r f'froor In la room
? Lie 9..o4 t. W C. A., aaftua
Urair aCtatL The mala ball et
I a t..jin baj baa atif actiei
lrortl f.r 1.1a :-! br tae " P -
vial connit'.i 4corali'ri. iaa-
lain a it l fiaelar. Tb'loaA ail
oit ant A. M.-ialea TH ra.e(
t.on cortirnlttae. l'Umaa H. A. lla,
:. U. Ka;; an4 Xaul .'oiittorn. fava.4
t a 4"a'a at tna dowr. A aaurt tail
aton ajraa hall. ahUft aa fol
.'irj dy Sa proj-T.m a folio:
l'lr.. :. "Tha Jar fr""
- '4f.Jofrua!i.- t Jl.a :tfial V.
niii, ! (!. Kiin
! n.r; fa.i.r.i. M Kai'tn
t. UwiUur;. f.irmcrlr lacbr III I'hl
two lliliwl f Ljpraiioo. 0..oalr
IBa preirtmrna a au--iai auur a bal4.
warm viicumi fcicc aataatl'd lo .
h cama.
Itouioaf Ti ll.- Whan Toat Xvr aonouna4 to amplovaa
of 1.14 I'Oato.T a A .upl Of 0
Inat In r'4attioa of I1lr fxoo-l orli
ri.t t'nr t:ma tsr ouU ha
dtrlr.g Iba C!i"ltmi fuaa. Ihar "oulj
haa all cf Tha nk e! In a flav c" ha
rarkuntit wltftouC t n I'oatofti'-a
partaiaat. Ha raaiva'l r. vJo
aT ti nnrM rarrla.-a an I rlacaa on
f-Mlf h.UiOAr Oil. lii.n ncanl lhal
tfiara ra two al'livrftra in la
a ntJr d trul tru) ona In IFi r'l
ln-a d.trt.- In tha murninj an4 that
ail n rArtmr t o ta I'oatuft t
cpt tao n-ny oflT and poatal
ttrmil Jrart maot . ra cmo until
T'-"-Tt-aF .-lITT T' Get r4.
Tn Troutdaia Iiaa' Al4 forlalj la
fi.aKinai prrpar attnoa to hol4 Ita nnnual
ttur at Vluunic JtaU In Troutriala.
i!o-.!T. t-' m t r . TBara wl'.l ta
tna r!!owtnc drarimot- irnr and
j.nincrcm. la rftarca i f Mra. 1 ktfm
inr anl Mra. J. IL Kaarr: badroom
ant a.:J."na dapartrnant. itra. I". I
IhnmMon an-1 M a Mabrl lrs!U
hit. han. itra. f. I. t'r. i ra-n a
fart.Tinl h.r itl B arri..a for
i nri.atmaa gifta. M:4 'Ua iv li.on and
M a. Anna i raoford al l rr.M al tha
fa-pra2 n.i tia Maria onhan la ill
h charsra ( ts s,!y boot a.
roia i mic rpaf Gal". Tha
ru:.rtr Avcari of fln1
fiat iri.r UI hia ta r Ahoal 1 3.
aiar. h.n contract trl'a for tha bit
trttaX i.a.r wh'n t. batnjr romplvtaai
br 'uti tractor Wiaiara lund. Tna
nini crtra't pri-a waa llll.''.
ht A r-ant anno'irir.m.til from lha
a it l.r inmr'9 rSt'. pla.'a tha cat
iisroi.nulalt at I : i.ixr. Tha In
vrvtaa tta.a caual br E r a tlrnbar arid
cunurata to praat tia traa-a fi.l
I' I
Mtiti r.v ti f' r."rt. frlotaaa
rima llaM-r. tao r-yrlan. ma a
d ct-r ti.: in'it.t, "Vndar Ifio -Trlaa
i. - la tha lloao Lltr I'ark M'tho
ali.C l'Sur landr bularar4 aM Ilaat
litti-aiista atraat. ton a at. Ha
ha a.aiata'i br A aaarlai t la4 In lha
iaetrnaa of t-"io popla of J'alaatiaa.
ka oil rarlar enaatal tn aaic and
r.nj in ..rai.-. Ta t-tt4ro by tha
prirv-aaa aiij ( n ra.'ltal of tha if
rf I'aiaatina aad aarroundlnaa of lha
li wjr LabO.
'rrf An1 Tcara rr. a'itomNiIa and automobila tfM-n drtvara
aaii.i hava an opporfunltr nail naanth
t i-t en tna ci'j aliMa li.t from
aai:la potiintmn(i tv tha rity tft
I." aro a4a. Tha ainl jirrla fiard
yaatarday anno48'ad an a amlnation
fr iuEimmbii. ptntara as T
n.t aitomgpit. crucn drtaara for la
lambar II. Tha aiamiaationa aa i t fi ba
! a.t paratifia ho haa Ila4 In
Iurt:an.l for tha pa.t Jaar.
ill. tan Maa. Watarn Ait II art A
Th.o a 4 ir iBaT dinnar an4 an tar Ulain.1 1
a.a a:ar aaaerlar br Wr. and lift
J i. Wa kar at thair homo. : North
r'atfe atraat. Tha I'jaata aiara: llnrara
;'ll. it aa Mariarat t'ari.on. Mra. Mm
hia flal'ard t. X. Haaaon. of S'nrttan.
n.f r. A . riroarn. of liar 4 Mr. Walaar.
Da u k aa "Harr Ja. aikar."
aa a ana af tha artartalnara at tha
.Vanufavtira-a aad Lao I rro-Jm t.
mar raantlr.
"ata-rnaa TiO Cuti a.. Tin I I'taa
r ao--aaafa ajra tna enntr tut.on
f arSIaa for taa fMnr by farmara
on tha 1 mhi:!.tri ruMIc Marhat a
aupla af dja hfra Thaokacialnf.
that anothar cavtion la 4 tn. toaia
f.r rhrt.'maa. It i probAhla tha col.
t"lla aahi.-h will ba Rata up of
preitt.-o l'.l ba turaa.J era ona of
lha rharttaMa r anliAtiona for ftla
lih'jtion to 4"ian n fa rrttato. a frathar
af i.atr el tha cau.a of A hot arju
W'ant In tha q'aartara of Irur. No X
at riftaantaj ml U: .an atraata yaatar.
ly. ws'cn r.,lt m tha ailMrf of
U t Athma tn tha band. V. II t.rar
ln. n aiaatitta flramafv araa rharcad
aitn oa'crj tha heir and n aua.
r""t'l Athina la a t.taran Rraman
an-f ajra la 4 off p.ndlrc InvaatiCatloa
rr Tat u-tiria Ka-nnath
-et tatooratia t;i tna tha a-ranth
l-'tu" In fllrnalon rouria X V I. on
t-ia TrohIn of ttnril Trai a lo.
mxrroar mhl at 1 o l.k In Library
Halt Tha a'lblrrt r,f If,, .,-turo Willi fi
ha toniarnrararr rlan for tha l lomo
lion of Wort.f raaca.
J I. It. T-rv. H. I'laa. lamra I. I
T. tan'oo. at y.ara. at fculi
homa. fa aatrpain pa'j.. s iQr.
laa l by hla wi.toar. liarriat A. Ftanton.
nd aw a . lha fathar of Har. Harry U
a ii r. -V tanton ara4 Mra J IL Jordan,
a' rirtunt. ant Mra. 'r-t llrrbart. of
a.o4r VtaH
f"ti' rur-t f m ralu a-iVljm-b
h-w. tl'mt I'ara f r Tt. t'lla
anl aaar Landifixa. Kannaarlrh and aaay.
land ra, from Taa lor.. t d. at Tum.
Urn a-..f rrlday at tl I. M. fr.'rM
an. I paaaaBr. Tel Main ill. A I.'ll
iVitan Pao-ritrn tt I. Har.nlnt
of lha If'aflaa baa ral.f l John WltSy.
c-"h. brotnar of laorarrvor Withy,
rnmha ba cohnad In h'a hma At
I I 'I f thth atraat Ilia llinaaa la aarioua
anal hia condition la aaat-ha4 with
a i a : - r r
ltcaL.ry fu-ara Vrrfi TPar A
r-aT.lar fcii.oaaa atiaatir-c of tho Tort
lfl raaltr 4-ard wt; bo hrld Ihfa
a.'on . a tha rar d. n in; . rarvt of tha
I ntrmafi'i4l n h huil.jlr. ThO Hoard
jra.i iaot. r. r rlor. wilt praalda.
Kaa Pt-nm roaTrataa.laa Ilabbt
J"n F!:o:a. f irmar haad of tha Coa
rtia f)at4 taraal. anj wldaly
Itrtai thrauahoit lha rity. Wan r
yaara. aa roRfilaa i- at feta hocaa
j trAT m(f-r a waaa a illnaaa.
tn. I"il Rtf'a-f . f
rl ha h. I,.., .1 rk aa It a I !
fa fayo llroa. at Hi. h'llrr, it. an.,
b la fatirml t ror'tand.
tZ a Jt aU r:a. ortl'-latv
pit vSatl iaU. JaUaA .4JI, Jaalf.
Wrvpirra Cam l;taV-T A tara
rrowd waa la Attfa4anc Vrdnly
Mtlht at tha rrgular tlrotlora hald by
I'ortlArwl Woodman I'Ama No. 10. Tha
I follow in mam bar a wrr rltel to " tha anaulnr farm: J. Ilada-
imavhar. pant cor.aul commanIr;
W. liarrow. ronaul commanda-r; J. J
. I'iumbara adriaor lirutanaCt. C. M
l-iuatta. banhar: llarruan Hchado.
i-I'rh: A. A. Ioaina. .urt: It- Y.
wati bmaa: J. rasa. ntr; W.
Ward. A. W. 5. hmaU. II. I, ll-aark.
manaatara. 1 J. f a in, mualrlan. l'iaca
ara Hoar in prraratton for tha cond
annual rally of tha t c-jard to b
uaij Wadnaaday merit. Ilcimlxr h.
aa L. fmTH'i cbU kar.a, lac.
Irana t htiiith a araaaa. I Sc.
I'raaa I. Mnilh I roaat pork. t.
Krar.k . fmith Ire a pork. l:lir.
r'rank I. naitb'a pork chopa. 12 S
rani 1 4m!th'a aparariba. A
r'rar.a. t. UlntH ham a. f ;pa. 14.
I'rank I. larnit.Va pu-iajf harr.a. 1 ac.
r'rr I. rr.i!h braakfaat baron. l"c
I'rat I. emill i laid f lie.
Prank I. rmt"Va roaat barf. !!.
Krank I "nl'll roaat vral. la-.
Trank la fm.lh'i loin ataak. ll'i"".
rank I. rimith Kita. JDr.
I'rar.k L. Urnita cnamary butter. JOe.
ritt Mrt-rt-a-Ja A4itn Rapra)-
anta:iraa of lha vartoua drnomlrta-
l.ona who form lha cnpiniU'w on aan
i'.Utio praar niaatinc hara arrand
for A aarlca of mtlnca to ba bald on
Tuaadatl ail f'ri-laya of aa. h wak In
Ucatnbtr at lha T. M. C. A. and Y. W
-'. A. from l; J lo I o'rlork and At
taa Man Hraorf. Nrichrxirhood col
(4i prayrr wilt b arracrad
in mary doiriria of lha clljr. Tha
pitira- ara la antKi-atloa of lha
tataw Ma avanraliatlo raaipAiga that
ai l badn Naar Taara -
I'tULi. T3r Iict-aj ronrtXTtco Tha
tlratraa drill lowir la tha apac at
tha rrar of tha fir a atatton on tha
rofHf of Kaat Third and taat I'm
a-raata la bainaT comp!aCr-d. ll ia of
fracna roratriti-tiga roaarcd with aalVA'
Dii'd iron And attacftad lo tha two
atory bri-k Bra nation. Tha towar
la aqual in hatchl lo a two-atory bulld
ini and will pa uaad for driliir. tha
ftramrn. Tha Inalda will ba urad for
houaina lha ho.. fron tbla flra atation.
fha coal wit b IIOtlA.
K J. it' l-w rtua m -amat. I TooaT.
I'uf'ral rtrla-a of Urtln J. Mo
Dowall will ba conduct ad today at .J1
fr-ra lha family rail Imi-r, t'aat
A'drr atraat. and M. Strphana Church
oh'fa maaa wt'l ba offarrd. Intarntrnt
will ba In tha Mount falrary Camatary.
Vtr. Mct'ow all ajdjanly at hit homo
from hamorrhasa. IIa waa proprietor
cf tha aVpaldtna bulld'ra clear atora. A
wtdoar and thrr chiUran aurrira him.
Itjo Umoaiak ! ftnT. Tha
Kntcnta of t'olumbja annual mrmorial
maaa will ba h-!d at .M. I'hilip'i Church,
laal yixtaa-nlh and I'lriaion alrrai. for
dacaa.l mambara of Tortalnd Council
No. :. huoday mornlni at 10:3
o'clock. Tha roambara will r. tar lha
rhurah In a body, forming at 14:0
o'clock. A ritual mamorlal acrrlco alao
111 bo hrld At Cathrdral Hall, favan-ta-n'h
and Couch tlrrrt. at 1 o'clock
aunday aflarnoon.
Kirata C'oaraiT CaiTca Trkkira.
foliowina; Ita ratabliahad cmlom. Wall
KarrxD 4k t.'o. llxprraa yaatcrday tlia
trtbutad turkaya la all ita rinployaa
w ha hara ba'n la tha aarvl. a for all
montha or mora. In rortland tha am.'
rloaaa of ta Wrltt-Karsa buiidmc.
hout Za la numbar. aharaU In tha
d .tributlon. Tha cotjjTir.y obtalnrd all
Ih.m turkaya fr Ita oiTtf'i In lirrisora.
Wa.Mnston. Caiitoriiia. Idaho and Mon
tana from Oakland. Or.
rrir. ii. rnioT-i'TTIiDiT at
I'arkar-Jordan Co. Idry Roodil, MS.?
firai at., naar Morrlaon. t'axlar'a ailko
rnrdinat. a ball In. fad of 10c; tfatay
oulinal whita. c Inalaad of 13So.
buncaiow anal kiinotaoi apron. c In
ataa t of Sjc; drama apron. .Wc Inatrad
of lie; koraralla. I tn I jr. baat
."anuria Inataaj of "So; lot, II; mid.
d.aa. itfe: lot. llJa: nud.llaa. Juat In,
f r 7'jc. Ioublo 4S. ah li. uraao aiampa
I'riday Ada.
i Tea ntntirnt, j--arrfij;r. A
rahaaraal of tha "llomaa and Julirt"
opara rhorua. Madama Jranna Jornrlll.
dtractor. will laka Plata tonight at I
o' cloa k al tha Arcadian Oardana, Mult
nonvatk liotal. and a faw mora con
traltoa and tanora ara oapaclally da -airad.
hiaaaro wiahint; lo loia thta
rhorua are a.kad In notify Mra. I. L.
Thompaon. Mam iiii.
ttai ttatotcM -laavutt,
"anrkM will ba hald at lha Cnr Taxa
tion Ahaval riholom. cornar I'ark and
Clay atratta. tonitht al o'clock and
tomorrow mornl'C aarncaa at b 94
o dock. liar. It. Abrahamaon will!
officiate. r:TtL-4ai..- Cuaaaira Wiu'
Nr Mict Tha trnsiiat) aktanalon
claa.aa of lha t'n t vara 1 1 y of faraajon. i
rorvlu. tad by Mra. Mabla llolmaa,
1'ara.n.a. at library Hall, will not '
I ihia waak-and on account of tha
Thankacirtns rrcaaa.
UitTta t Hun Arraraa Pro
faaaor Kannaia ttour.tta. of llacd Col-
!- will addraaa lha Pra.hj t-r Ian I
Minialrra' A.aoclatlon of Portland and
aiciniiy naat Monday at II o'clock In,
lha lirat Traabytarian tTiurch. I
-Oaa Thaoaaad Hollar 11 ml" for Vlala
Haaae Mraaerial la r'.ipaclad le Be
Bl faacaeaa.
With the Columbia Hlvrr HlBhway
now wearing Ita moat wonderful and
attractive arb of the aar. a move
ment ha been atarted by a few en
thuaiaata to net rry auto owner tn
Portland to Vlalt the sreat drive next
funday. It la hoped by Jullua La Meier,
chairmaa of the committee, thai al
leaat JuO machine will be on the
lliaj h way.
"The waterfalla hara never bn no
macaiflrrnt. Old Multnomah la roar
lnj over tl.e rllffa with A nolae that
la remindful of Maatara. wad to thoae
of ua who are falriy well acquainted
with the Itlcbway there la a new aa
pact that la aa aatonl.hln a waa our
f.rat viaw." aald Mr. Meter.
Incidentally the Vlata llnuae move
ment ea a memorial to the pioneer
of Ore i on will ba launrhed next bun-
day. It will he "One Tbouaand Dollar
L'ay" on the Highway. Kvery vlaltor
to the driveway will be mat at Crown
Point by a committee of which Mr.
Meier la chairman and aaked to make
a contribution to the fund, tnhtean
thouaan'd doilare mual be raiaed to
complete the bulldlnir. The committee
hope to cat al leaat Iht flrat thousand
next cSunday.
Man Leadt Six-Lcffved
Across Continent.
More Tana
Mitre Treveleal by
laa aad rreaklak
J. t'KVilOL'n, of Haatlnga. IU,
arrived yeatarday from hla home.
via California and the JIMJli Southern
la lea. Icadlnr A bull, lie chipped the
animal from can Franclaco to Tortland.
but all the reat of the dlaUnce from hi
Florida home ha been traversed on
fool, more than tuOO ml lea havln been
UaveleU In tha continental Journey.
Hut the fact that Mr. brymour he
led A bull acroaa tbn contlent I not
the only dlatm tion that he has. The
moat unique thins la the fact that the
bull la aomaaahat of a ruriuus oainn.
beina poaaeaaed of alx letta. two palra
of ahouldrr and a perfectly normal
combination of other animal appurtenances.
Mr. rirymour haa been a newpapcr
man for a number of year, eervinn
on the M lorK ommerciai Aovrr-
ttaer. the Journal and the Herald for
several year. Hla health failed and be
removed to
Mr. Seymour will bo In Portland lor
a number of daya and wnue nere ne
ha stabled hi ruriou beast al fifth
and Tvivla arreata.
Byron Hot Springs
Only O m!!e IUst from San Fran
riro on main valley line 8. IV K. It.
between San Krncirc and Ixa
Anfalea. (AsJc any b. I. Agent)
Ppten'lld motor trip over nrir
lata Ingliway. New and abaw
lutely nreproa.f hotel .with every
comfort aud convenience.
Tn tre Prr r.!l averaco yesrly
rainfall S Inches.
Wonderful waters and baths for
the cure of Rneumatiam, sciatica
and other Ills. Wonderful place for
the I: red bualneaa man. An Amer
ican plan hotel, atnetly up to date.
Under ruanacement of
H. ft. WARNER,
for past tan years with Hotel Pet
AV your Southern rsclflo agent
for Uteratura,
t'anhy t t-TEnvao Prrfurnta Cere
mony la Inrltanr llomr.
A double we-ldina: errurrrj at SiC
Thurnvaa street, tha home of the two
bride, laat nicht. when Miaa Albarla
ricdfa.t be-ame the wlfa of P. K. Pan
man. (4 Thurman afreet, and Mia Alt
May Penman and It. J. Moiaan. 7TJ Irv.
Ins; street, ware married. Ths Hev. Jlr.
J oaa I; n. ef Caaby. performed the cere
raony la the p'"ann of friends and
Tha niin peoj Is plan to be Sway for
a faw dys on a honeymoon trip, after
which thay will make their homes In
Port la n t. Mr. aad Mra. penman at
Tharo-aa street, and tr. and Mra. Mol-
at Twenty-third and Johnaoa
Iioth yoanr couple are well known
In Portland, aa they have mads their
h-i-e hara foe e-arert veara.
Palace Hotel
12th and Washington
Positively fire-proof, Portland's
finest appointed, popular-priced
re-'iilcnt and transient IlotcL At
tractive) weekly and monthly rates
on application. Under new man
agement. J. IL MOSLLY. 3!fr.
Ceory Street, ua elf Unlaw Settarw
Axerlcm Plan $1.50 t daj up
BraaAtaal 60c Laack IOC Dlmer f 1 .00
Meet rsajeas BltaJs la the UaJlad tUtas
Raw ateel sad ceacTeta strnctnre. Cesur
ef theater, cafe sad retail dliuicta.
Oa carliaee traaafarrtBC all ever city.
Tka btaaicipal car line direct to door.
Motor Baa meet trains aad steamer.
Phone Your Want Ad to
A-re, 7070. A 6095
OUttt Bank in the
2 ;7"
"'' e- a- - - - '
Wathlngton and
Carefully Consider
the personnel of the direc
tors of any bank before
becoming- its patron. The
directors of this strong:
state bank are of long:
service and experience in
banking-; they give their
daily attention to the man
agement of its affairs;
their financial acumen and
wise direction have made
this bank what it is, of
foremost importance and
strength a m o n g state
Capital and Surplus,
Two Million Dollars
The Emporium's Great Year-End Clearance
January Sale Prices in November
Entire Stock of Millinery,
Suits, Coats Dresses and Furs
at Great Price Reductions
$19.50 to $22.50 Beautiful
Fur-Trimmed Suits
Entire Stock
High -Grade Suits
S49.50 Suits now...S36.85
?4.,S.OO Suits now...S3.'.95
?39.."0 Suits now...S20.8.
g.t7.r0 Suits now. . .827.05
?.1.".0Q aSuits novy...S2S.4.5
?32.r0 Suits now...S24.8.5
Unquestionably the Year's Most Remarkable Suit Sale
Included in this lot are our famous $19.50 suits, known Portland over as a
great value at the regular price. Then youH find a great special purchase
of the veiy newest Winter suits we have included in this lot. Suits of the
newest styles, fabrics and colors. The 6tyles are stunning Eussian blouse,
box and tailored styles. Positively this is the greatest suit value we have
been able to offer this season; in every instance the quality exceeds the
price many times over. We advise early selection for these tl l O Q C
suits. Year-End Clearance. P x
$29.50 to $35.00 Exquisite Suits, $21.95
The most desirable lot of suits we have placed on sale. Every suit represented in lot is
fashioned after the very latest models. The fabrics are new and the qualities are ex
cellent. Suits of high-grade Broadcloths, Poplins, Whipcords and Serges. Stunning
models in Belted and Russian Blouse, smart box coats, trimmed f Q 1 QC
with bands of braid and fur in dozens of pleasing effects. Year - End LZJD
$17.50 to $22.50 Coats, Special $14.45
We want to place all the emphasis possible on this lot of coats at $14.45. The wonder
ful tailoring, the excellent fabrics and the stunning styles. Many of the models arc
fur trimmed, others in velvet. The materials are both practical and stylish Pebble
cheviots, English mixtures and plaids in the very newest colors for Winter wear.
This is unquestionably the season's most remarkable sale of coats for a a
our Great Year-End Clearance tip 1 frfO
Extra Special Coats, $4.95
One rack of odd coats, some worth up to ?19.50. All sizes and fabrics. Especially de
sirable in small sizes. Choice S4..95
Portland's M
Sale of Trimmed Hats
ost Sensationa
Any Fine Trimd
Hat Selling to
S 9.50Hats
8.50 Hats
7.50 Hats
6.00 Hats
Any New Trirnd
Hat Selling to
$5.00 Hats.
$4.50 Hats.
$3.98 Hats.
$3.00 Hats.
$8.50 Dresses $4.95
We believe this is the most wonderful assortment of Dresses at
the price wo have ever known. Stunning combinations of French
Serpe and Taffeta, also combinations of Plaid Silk and Serges.
The ehatlvs are the very newest greens, navy, black and CiA Q C
brown. For our Year-End Clearance ptiJJ
To $23.50 Silk and Wool
Dresses $13.55
Think! A month more wear than if you purchased in January
and the price lower. The very smartest style for afternoon, street
and evening wear. Wade of Taffetas, Crepe de Chine and Crepe
Meteor. Also swagger combinations of Taffeta Silk J 1 O C C
and Wool Serge combinations. Year-End Clearance P
$2.98 to $3.45 Silk and
Lingerie Waists
de Chines, Striped Habutai, Voiles, Organdies.
A Waist Sals without precedent. 30
dozen of the most wanted Waists sent to
us by a great manufacturer just in time
for this great sale. They are made of
the unusual quality of fine crepe de
chine; other stunning models in colored
satin-striped Habutai; still others in
beautiful organdies and voiles, trimmed
daintily with lace and embroideries. The
colors are white, flesh, blue, pink, lav
ender, gray and corn. All made with
stylish two-in-one collar, worn either
high or low. Be here when the doors
open. Year-End Clearance, QQ
while they last S .70
All Velvet
VS&Z S29.85
S0.V.?.'.T..: $27.95
124128 Sixth St., Just offshinAton.
To $ :.!
now at. .
To ,7.50
now at. .
Hotel Clifford
Leaf M-rrlaaa St. ffear Oread Are.
ae. SI par atawi "t taaia. !-.
Phone Your Want Ads to
-The Oregonian
Main 7070