Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 26, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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Do more than spend
' $25 for your suit
See the Hart Schaffner
& Marx Label
THAT brings you to our store and
to the greatest clothes value you
ever saw the famous young men's
suit designs
,The value is in the richly shaded all
wool fabrics; the smart style; the fit;
the long and useful service you'll get
which low-priced, "cheap" clothes
don't give you.
We have them for more and less.
$20 to $35
Officials Are Elected by Van
couver Organization.
Trio Surprised While Asleep
Are TaVen After Attempt
at Gunplay.
Dans to B Ootllncd at Next Meet
ing and President Will He Chosen
December I Personnel 1.11
la Announced.
.tpl-lr- RariUr TwU Are
t of)-tr twfiwt Itrrral
Jloldapa al l:irr Fir)-!.-
Arr l-al.l lo lr.
T-a a.i ti- i '""
t-isl r.--ir... were a-prisd white
: .i..c, a !'!. pariiv aiira-
, ilafi aad I o se.'t.oe
So.. Plulll with a ai pwdr
.f.rrckln tool
nf t !.
k.irt'o tnatrumeals were f
! -I mrri.anii.a. tlid bav "
stolen, tr.-m I. M- Braa . .
, k t,h ii.,.j Novemt-er .1
a, recovered, la a raid oa a shack at
I . . rrti.flrl street aad
f.urts fouidi b pott'
t.."ie early tflT moeaina
T,....-f,.. Holt. lolBl.
"-..Sanarrv and ll.ltver !
...,., at Ilia ram .Back I- ! and
i-iaia-i ana w'P" aeaa
.r h .:or'. i.ce.fa:ijr arrtd
t trio.
rlailaal Reewed aar4.
ti. :rt Braun. alia llr
srvta art, ai.4 Jame ulUan
.r. i-,. m uk lalo
Anion.- tnm ifirf of k they
. r4 br trie potiee are
t.,cv at M Urea.- !' Wh"
Mama .xcmMr It. I hotdut ef
.wl.r.a. k rtr tra wees .
tel.! up at IS tolftof f
..ot ear r lnt Juactio. early
Ut ruibUr morale, the holdup
a .Jntruil at Tet a" Moetomry
Tu..,la. a.M. af l-ui Jacob-
a. a hi home. oria Tweaty
....J - . f U d-i.lV Bht. and a
red I. Ilotme at Twenty-third and
ti. a,. a believed bv th Pt"e
........ .. la lie city a sell
tj.y have p.aced ''" goods.
t .. marfa for It. '
a attt!orltt
a rf oaaa.
I. a r.tor i, la aa aa !
, !. crt.iiaat . P'"
. . . . nrt trni la
at; la aUm. aa4 al
I jiaa vctaati. aaf'r
. t.!M to aa !
...,,1,. . r.li4 la aa taa rlM
affi. -. -fa It "' -kT
)la aa raaaatl ri tfrn
a .it monHV t'" l "",lr
(! ir-j a 4 ail aara
a, -a Al la pau-iatl-a
.e a r.o.a t
!. IK i,4i tla ta
... a .ta Ll.t r apt
K.I .. M l p...a II.;
la ..ant tar at a.!i. t!ra aafaa
(ran a " rama af
. ..t a f I 4 la
i k. Bi'inix tnr-i?i a ar
Ta.. la s Bf
ma a aa. la .a? '
t. .Uia ef Isa
r . i.iiu lft lia.Mria4
a ihi. a a't "'"
. r v..t.a. ! ! tat.f pa
jsir.' Im ma at.
ra al rrJ. At4
iimn inti. a. : 1 opaclat 1
i.,k. t. U I. .on. a p.oa.r af .at"'
r.on a.- tHj al t' aatna af
d.M.r ,U- . tt- J'fca.oa. a( l-ii
aii'. If. ... i tar a:l
i, a . ii ( rtuf.
a i i-i. aa. f ' a "
.f aea.i hwra.... fc.ra a4
.( .4 at !.- T'a Ut.r k
. k,a ia bio a 4 aTa aa4 bcaolbt
rm out I. .ot aa IC ! fclm.
T.r t"-a.'4 a.'a.a l. timua a
1' A a pir.a..r af ;ak.r. Mr
n : I turn h ii I tRa Bi-)t fr.'"a t;au. la
Ib.e yl'aifa. aa k-irBp.Uhmil af
M.l ! a n'li'a prau4 Ma cae
ia l-a al HaH.r an fla ).tl
iv lta . 'na l ra l U
:m In. bwkir. :i4a Mr. Jo' a.
..n. aa lb rhil.lf.a iiH. T"f
.r- Jofta t W it:."" a4 Wi::ia-n Wl l
a.,, at la" Tt fua.rat a 1.1
I t at l'a.r
-t trrbox" Nn Altrtnptrd lo Ham
trtrra' Hnr I al I- r;r.
Vvt V:n. Wa.h. Ne. :i .pa
.(., . a el'w b foal 1
o.nff ;i..'kr af tha ho
Bc fir. a vm h front an I kar IK potrll.t
th. li'irn. f t'aylala N. t'. lUMcn. at
Wn.hada. Tlr IH
imi t o rlo. lt l arfaltl t'.oltan
a 4 aaa'ara'4 hy a lihl on tha aarh
r'-t'!v II. tirt4Cui.h.i tha lira a4
I1"a i' . r .4 aooth.r on t'a front
f w. h If:, p't rfc v found poiaufl.d.
apraia tult I. )r a:4. a t
.ran af M a and lll aara
H li"l aion. vita fci tin.
Hariri of WrutlWr la lltprricnt-rtl
aj Itatnfall 1 I CS Iirl-
vvi)t v:n. Muk. N. ss pa.
lilt Tor tha k .rid n at t o'r lor (
I'aitfht. I a n'ha af rata a.ror4
in t t?l. tovfioinl tavatacr ao
p.rv.r. A A. arnaarc
.f..vl a )'.. ha rain. briht un-
hina aa4 ;..! a.ra Vfii-off'l
mmmfft . i pari n.-aa lotr for tha
ta.t hour. 11 la-h.a f.'l.
T. tarom.t.r ro. Ibr.a point to.
day. hut tia w.athr )t I unxtti.d.
I ltr
I 1 ( oaradl lo rak Salar-
day oa ( oadltlooa a l.'aropc.
r.. 1. renra'li. of th 4iloion af tha aa. nth I NaT
.4.aaiiat dfrnaii.tio. all ha la
larta4 aa atirtar 4 ltl !
ti'. a!r.aa. Ii. t;t af ecu-
I t inn m tna aarra cooatrl.a.
If. wilt rafc la lha morning at tha
s.,it ;.r.te frat.. at tha . r aia a
k'irrrt al i ' acla.-h. at Vkidmor
n an-i W.IIorjr and la
im.sii af 1'jthia Itai l.lanlh aad
;l.r' al e:ch.
i K. Mr. Coadi ha haa la taa
B 5 ' ; ff Mil ? .
V 1
' atlaa4in tha mtln ef h
r4nti.ta' a.narai comrnitlaa and h
ll so from h.ra to h.attl. aad olhvr
poinla la tha I'artfic NorthU
l:CTio; tht n. rnonni D
k .-ti:r Jt irt i.
Hr. Rakrr aaaaarr 11 a aa far hlrac
lata Inr f aaaplallaa aad ArrWU
facta hm laf aad MhC
Tha f .r.i pi. k i!l b aunk Into Ih
o'd Mark.t blork at Third and Markrt
trr.t for tha torlum ascavatloa
inoi aftrr January I. arrordinc to tt
prosnoallration y.ttrrda' of Cltjr Com
ini.aionar lUkrr. II ha rrrritrrd word
from J. II. Krrdlatvt.r. arrhltart. of
Nw Tsrk. that tha plan for tha Irtir
lura wi:i b rotnplttri' and la Portland
on l(mtKr 1 or a fear da; a thrra-
Mr llah.r a ha will put tha plan
la ttia hand of ronirarlora at onca for
hl'l and will do all In hla power to
ru.Fi tha pror.dln, o that actual
work ea the airataiion ran ta utartad.
II a ha want thia part of tha work
lo ba dona durmc lha M Inter month
o aa o tl a much work a poibl
to tha uo-mplojed, Ii bopra to bavo
lha etratalioa work completed ready
for tha rommenr.-ent of tha super-
trurtur. with tha ftrat break of
rprinc. II. hope lo have tha buildins
readr for u la l?l
Arrhitert I're llanl.r report that
hla offtra la worhtnc nichta a wall aa
day in aa effort to -et tha plana com -
piried. I.yrlhln la In lha war of
preliminary plana have been taken
rara af by Commtaeloner llah.r and by
tha ar-hiterturel f-rm of Whltehouae
A Kuiiho'j. loral representatives ef
J. II. t'readtander. hounlincf have
been mad. on tAa blork and verythlnt
I aall to ba rx f'r tha commenca
aient f artual work.
a VU y
l err. Left ta nih Karl Braaa. Alala
harlea Rrawa. aad Jaara halllvaa.
eeae Jaek t'aalraw
ttk r rtr mtu tn a hcid
la Melall.ea af Traah 4ada lealaa
aeated aa l he Olrv-era.
IMr IH at Marawa.
A reward for lha arre.t af i;.orc
liartaaiaaaew. euppd tayr af Joka
lad. Ia vKiln at tha Irank murder
af taal I'rluay. will b aftered by tha
tale, tt ia eprted. wtthia a few da-.
tKtrtrt Attorney la ceaidrna
raromivieadatioa ll a iaf aura
ta altered.
I'tirin.r ln.l xalion la tha raa
yeaterday revealed I. 111., but served la
rea-ia.e Ifca pol ca l:i. ii ot taa
futility of MtrrMrf for trata of liar-
taoiomaw la I'ortland.
o reUtive af the Ran whea body
li.a at lb morgue kava been heard
from, and If o ward I revolved soon
ha will ba rreiaaled at tha epna ol
n count-, and a John liad. n-hnnwa.
Tr.a rorvelUe Real Kalata t .rrpany.
ef tral citt. baa fralh.d lo Tha 1-ro-
aentaa a eopy of a letter from John
i.lrnd. writi.n by Id ttarthoiomaw.
km tha two teen wore al h-klem. to
A. i iver at Corvatlla Mr. tiiver
waa Ir-tBc la se t Mr. I.lnnd his
arr Irart two mil. wel of (orvalla
Mr Ctier la sura lhat Mr. Mnnd reut
hava had between f:o and ItoOO. aa
AtTlt:a: wjV aTArtT MlfAli
Ilka 11 roHTLASU
m m.-,
av I
I a
l ,..4 " - -J -
-;"-:TUi : - It
. 1 1
V "j 'ii
fc. V -s. ii fan i ian , n i n v aa
Bwalav (aa aad Jaraaa Hare.
A eta fri.ndahlp aad partner
ship bid fair lo turn Into a bual
naea establishment riht bra la
I'ortlaad. If lha plana ef Huster
(iaatoa and Jaruo Hay do not
misa fire. This weak tha rlever
stars are arorlr.c a bi( hit at
l-aatasr on their flrat vlali la
I'ortland. and la their boura off
stase they have been loohlnc at
loral property la the auburba
with aa ay to a purrbaae.
If they buy. Mls Itantoe and
Mia Hay plan la retire from
vaadevil a and start a squab
farm, shippinc their produce to
tha lore I market aa well aa to
the bead.
ha offered ta pay rash If tha deal could
he made. The letter foliowa:
Mr. Oliver. lxr tsir: If you have
not yet aold your place In Corvallla and
will sell for leas than 1300. why. let
ua know the very least you wul take,
aa we have got a couple of piacea In
ra!em that w are considering about.
Ko let ua know aa soon as possible
what yon have to say about your place.
Tours truly.
Address Mr. John Llnnd. "11 North
tUhelly atreet. Pa I em "
anve of Woman In Yrgsman'a
Xolrbnok (nmm a n Ii alrtl Willi.
lAM-oiTKH Wash. Nov. JJ.
(npeclatl Throusb an address left In
a notebook on the body of the trii
maa killed In erlf-defenae by Uoorc
Johnson, tiepuly Kheriff. the man's
may be rvd.
nerirr toeoerker -ye.terd.y tete-
arapaen to wr. t Blark. Hurbank
i'aL: Hurbank. Okla. : It ill Ii. 11 1 Pnt.
Hurbank. Wash., and Hurbank. flak!
a aara or ine Marshal in each caaa.
-' iooay no reraived a messace
'v. n.r. m Kurbank. Cat
statins: that John Kerlirk.r. an.r.
lo lo tha deernption of the dead man.
vi. acr noma in .May.
i riling
J. A. Hornet l. of I.sme. I. .1 the
hk:ton U ml ih Kaion from
4? (ru m m
N N. litumen.aadt. of P.ainler. la al
in ramn.
". j. Hhlt. of Ooldendala. la at
I ii. raion.
William Mantey. of Hurn. U at the
It K ftone. of Klat.kanle. la at the
I . Welrh. ISpokan contractor, la at
ine urrcon.
Ir. K. Kllbourne. of iSeatlle. la at
ine vrcfon.
J. M. Hell, of Vancourrr. II. C. la at
ina I'oriiana.
W. If. Hay. of Korea! Grove. I at
ine i rrsin.
C I'rlre. merchant of Kusen. i.
il ine i rrklRf.
8. It. Ktllott is recistered at the Ore
gon irorn oaiem.
Lewla Fernald. of Baker, ia rrclaterrtl
i tne imperial.
Mr. and Mrs. H. McKay, of Fa I em. are
at the Cornelius.
A. I. Calk ina. of Kutrnr. ia refla
te red al the Katon.
Oeorse h' Saunder. of Giants Pais,
la at the Imperial.
Mr. and Mra. J. V. Arthur, of halera.
are at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mr. Mcintosh, of Camas,
are al the Nurtonta.
I. o. Wood a or th. of Albany, ia rra;
Istercd at tha Reward.
T. A. McCann. lumberman, of Bond,
Or- la at the Nortonla.
K. W. Ileckarl. of Kugcne. Is reels
trred al the Cornelius.
Kv H. Stoke, of Shedda. Or- la rec
Irtered at the Portland.
II. II. Irwin, of Kelfo. Wash. Is res
Istrred at lha Portland.
J. H. Cooper, of Independence, ia Teg
latered at tha Imperial.
P. 8. Cyr. automobile man of New.
ber. la at the Cornelius.
Mr. and Mra. Fred J. Wells, of La
Grande, are at the beward.
M. J. Otlphant and Mr. Ollphant. of
Moaler, are at the Imperial.
O. A. Peterson, of Peterson' Landlnc
la recistered at the Perkins.
Mr. and Mra. II. K. Ferrln. of For
est lirove. are at the Oregon.
11. If. Corson la recistered at the
Nortonla from San Francisco.
Mra. and Mrs. I.yman W. Ward, of
Coldendale. are at the Seward.
F. L. 8chafr and Mrs. Srhafer. of
The Wiles, are at the Ortjoa
Stanley II. Hopper, of New Tork Cltjr,
la recistered at the Multnomah.
Gerald MrLouchlln I recistered at
the Portland from Brooklyn. N. Y.
Mr. and Mrs. It. J.' Frarkelton and
Mtsa France Oviatt. ot Cleveland are
al tha Multnomah.
Mllnaakrc Acrnla Transferred.
CrSTRAlJA. Wash.. Nov. Ii (Spa.
elal.H K. W. Ifopkln. former Milwau
kee at'til In Centra I, haa been Iran.
ferred to Chehail. and I surreeded by
K. P. Thomas, who comes here from
Montana. The former Chehalle agent
baa bees transferred to Uayaiond. . i
VAXCnCVER. Wash.. Nov. :-.(.-pe-
clal.l The eight bureaus of the new
Chamber of Commerce met In the club-
rooms last ma-tit and organized by
elerllrvc a chairman and secretary of
each bureau, and three directors from
each bureau to act aa the board of di
rectors of the Chamber of Commerce,
actlnc with the president, who will be
elected Wednesday night. December 1.
At the next meeting, plans will be
outlined by each of the bureaus for
the work of the coming year. By hav
Inc the Chamber divided Into bureaus.
It get members Into action In doing
something in which they are Interested.
The four candidatea for the presi
dency are: J. K Sutherland. W. B.
Honrkemper, W. G. Drowley and Lloyd
The offlcera of the eight bureaus
Industrial ?. W. Ryan, chairman; Maurice
fmllh. secretary : J. I. Harries. W. B. tiu
Hul. W. J. Kinney, director; J. la Suther
land for preaident.
Imrk and river Ft. C. Kusg. chairman;
A. H. Fletcher, aecretary: Floyd Swan. J. J.
lionevan. W. F. Edwards, directors; W. Q.
Drowley for president.
Trad extension Juv Bennett, chairman;
R. K. Dunbar. cretary: iieora L DuBoia.
A. J. Dorland, M. R. Smith, director; W. K.
lionakemner for brldent.
Ksiail merchants D. J. Van Noatrand.
chairman: William McFadden. aecretary; W.
8. Miller. W. S. Wood. IS. I Fraser. dl-
rctor : V K llonelscmner for president.
Asrleultural and road Huith Parcel,
chairman; A. Burnham. ecrtar-: C. L. Sic
Klnny. A. Burnham. Foter Hidden, direc
tor: L.Ioyd IuHoi for president.
Publicity and etatistlc N. E. Alien, chair
man: K. H. wrlrht, ecretry: J. . Mil,
Frank K. Ifndskln. J. it. Denny, directors;
J. 1 Sutherland for president.
!sie!atlon and taxation A. B. Faatham.
chairman: William C Bate, aecretary: W.
f, Drowier. A. I- Miller. A. W. Calder,
director: W. o. Drowley for president.
Civic D. McMaster. chairman; Gordon
Ktoart. secretary: C. W. Shumwsy. T. r.
Clarke, J. H. KIwell. directors; for preai
dent, J. I. Hntherland.
Proee-rda of Featlvlllea tia Tewarda
F.ree-tlasT Wasaaa'a Balldla aa
C aaapaa at Eaaeae Cellege.
Nov. IS. (SpeciaL) The University of
Oregon Men's and Women's Glee Cluba
leave for I'ortland tomorrow morning
to take part In tha festivities at tha Ice
Hippodrome tomorrow night. The man
agement of the Ice link has turned the
building over to the colleges of the
Northwest for a big. rollick college
time" transplanted from the campus.
The festlvltle fo the evening will be
under the auspice of the i'ortland
alumnae of the University of Ore son.
A percentage of the receipt will go
lo them for swelling the 1100.00 fund
being raised for the purpoae of erecting
a woman a building on the campus at
t. ii Bene.
Mrs. Alice Benson Beach, daughter
of K Hanson, known as Oregon's "first
rltlaen. la general chairman of the
committee raising the 100 fund
pledged by the Portland alumnae for
the building. From the way ticketa
have sold here and at Portland It is
expected that considerably more then
the pledged amount will be raised. Al
ready the li seat have been sold.
All tha fraternity organization on
lha campus have rVserved boxes for the
evening. Representatives of these 10
orcanixatlon will be resent to help
the Oregon yell leaders In the compell
tue yelling. A prize will be offered
for the beat college yell. People will
have a chance to see the "old Oregon
pteit" In all It stages tomorrow night.
"The way the students are taking
hold ff this affair and working toward
its success, and the enthuslusm they
will undoubtedly show, should encour
age the people of the state to support
the woman's building undertaking,"
said President P. U. CartV'belL
Overcoats at $15 to $35
The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
Copyright Hart Schallacr fc Maza
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
The Men's Store for Quality and Service
Our Temporary Location, 266 Morrison Street, Between Third and Fourth
feasor W. S. Brown, on "Walnuts and
Walnut Culture," A large number of
farmers and others interested in these
subjects vera in attendance at every
The following are the winners of the
awards at the Corn bhow:
Beat Individual display W". C. Klnyon. of
Ruttevllle. flrat; Wood & llugan. of Meri
dian, second. .
Hundred-ear display, any variety A. J.
Sholx. of Buttevlile. first; W. C Kmyon.
of Buttevlile. second, and Dan Ilepler, of
Aurora, third. . .
Best lo ear Tellow Dent Carl Rueek,
of Macksburg. first; W. C. Klnyon. Butte
vlile. second, and J. J. Speru. of Hubbard,
H. in ears White Dent D. B. Toder.
of Needy, first; Elmer .mucker, of Aurora,
... i n t t l.innnn.r third.
Best' lo ears of Flint corn J. J. Taylor,
r .ji.n ei
Best alncle ear W. C. Klnyon. first; Joe
rir.h.m of Buttevlile. second, and the
rumit. l.rm third. VI ear of eweet corn C. E. Watts,
of Meridian, first.
s . ... .... f Mnrftrn TV M. Smith
of ChamDOe. first: llle Robinson, of
Aurora, second, and Mr. Fred Anderson,
While this show was primarily to
demonstrate that corn can be grown
nrofltablv In this part of the wmam
ette Valley, the exhibits show conclu that, corn of the boat quality can
be produced here. Also, the yields
made hv some farmers were anrprising.
One grower harvested nearly 100 bush
els per acre, several grew 75 bushels
per acre, and many to ousneia.
Aithnurh there were more than a
dozen varieties exhibited, the Yellow
Dent corn was the predominant, some
beautiful specimens being shown. The
White Dent also was snown in excel
lent displays, declared to be the best
In the state.
I: x pert Fran C'alleaea aad Several
Ceantlee Dlecaaa Metboda ta la.
crease Acreage Yield.
AURORA. Or., Nov. I. (Special.)
The programme of the Farmers' Insti
tute Tuesday was carried out In lull.
The following were the speakers: Fro
feasor C V. Kuick. who Judged tha ex
hibits, spoke on "Corn Culture ; Lu
ther J. Crispin, the Marlon County ag
riculturist, on "Seed Selection"; Guy
N. liickok. cashier of the Aurora State
Hank, on "The Farmer and the Bank
.rant B. lilmlok. upon "What Shall
Follow Hops?" with emphasis upon the
corn and hog Industry; Professor K. r.
Reynolds, on "Sheep and Hogs ; Pro-
esrr !. V. Skelton. on "Knads ; Fro-
The form of Influenza popularly called
grip lasts but a short time, is seldom
fatal but causea suffering and misery
out of all proportion to tta Importance.
Tha reason is this. When the acute
stage of the grip is passed tbere often
remalna a neurasthenia that persists
for months if not properly corrected.
The patient Is moody, in poor spirits,
suffers lack of appetite and vigor and
feels Indisposed to work or even to en-
Joy life. Warmth and quiet alone give
comfort and these not for long at a
time. Sleep is restless and does not
refresh the nerves which are alwaya at
high tension.
The beat war to correct tbla after
effect of the grip Is to build up the
blood and there I no better blood
builder than. Dr. WlUiama- Pink Pills.
Aa aoon aa toe revitalised blood
courses through the system you are
aware of Its soothing Influence. Grad
ually the color returns to the pale
hecks, appetite and digestion Impiove
and you are on the road to health.
The free book "Building Lp the
Blood" contains a chapter on the after-
fleets of the grip. Send now tor a
copy to the Lr. Williams Medicine Co..
Schenectady. T. ou can pet nr.
William' I'lnk Pills al the neartat
drugstore or by mall on receipt of
price. t cents per. box; six boxes J2.59.
DlK-Ioaure of Insurance .Frauds Stirs
Washington Committee.
OLTMPIA. Wash, Nov. IS. (Special.)
Adoption of new precautions to
guard against future frauds such as
those now under Investigation have
been announced by the Industrial In-
s urn nee Commlfslon.
Ever since the organization of the
department when each claim was al
lowed, a postal notmcauon nas oeen
sent to the employer upon the allow
ance of each claim. It was the with
holding of these cards, noticed by a
new girl clerk, that started the pres
ent investigation resulting in the dis
closure of 15.000 frauds.
Two Kscapo From t'atlilamel Jail.
CATHLAMFT. Wash.. Nov. 25. (Spe
cial.) Paul Ryder and Richard Siffer
son escaped from the county Jail here
last night. Ryder has Just Deen tried
on a charge of grand larceny. Three
weeks ago Ryder killed a cow belong
ing to a farmer named Jacobson. Judge
Wright had not yet pronounced sen
tence. Slfferson, who escaped with I
him, is 15, and had Just been commit
ted to the reform school.
I.NG BILLS REACH 9450,000.
Street Improvements, for Whicb City
Oftea Pays Largest Share, Are
Blamed for Standing.
OREGON CITT. Or., Nov. 23. (Spe
cial.) An interesting story in figures
showing, step by step, how - City
municipal indebtedness, which, exclud
ing bonds and warrants in the water
department and the school district,
reached its present mark of about 1450,
006, is told in a statement of munici
pal finances prepared by Recorder
Loder and made public today.
The indebtedness is largely the result
of extensive street improvments. which
began in 1309 and ended last year.
In 1910 the city'e portion of street and
sewer work: reached the total of $55,
439.10. for the entire period the city's
share of street work was more than
$150,000. In many cases the city paid
more than the property owners.
In strange contrast is the record of
thin vtar's Council, which appropriated
onlv 1S12.20 for street work, whilo the
Council of only a year ago spent $11.-
215.12 for the name Item uuring tne
period covered by the report, from 1909
to the present, $388,180.83 was spent for
improvements and the interest paid on
improvement warrants at per cent.
excluding this year. $48,397.61.
The total indebtedness of tne city is
$4riS,791.oS. according to the report. Of
this sum. $31,791.56 is in unpaid war
rants and draws S per cent, and $40,000
in accumulated interest. However,
credited to the city on unpaid street
and sewer assessments is $83,917.57.
which brings the net indebtedness of
the city down to $370,928.23. In the
period covered by the report the city
has paid $2,000 interest on outstand
ing bonds.
In a summary he says:
"Ud to the sear 1914 the city received
from It licenses, fines and franchises
a sum amounting to more than $20,500,
while during the year 1914 and 1915
the amount for licenses, fines and fran
chises will only average $3000 a year."
docket before Circuit Judge Gantenbein.
The trial of Emerson Reid. the driver
in the automobile races, who crashed
into another car and killed two men,
will follow soon. Held Is indicted under
the involuntary mnnslaiitrhter statute.
They Liven Your Liver and
Bowels and Clear Your
Don't Stay Headachy, Bilious
With Breath Bad and
Stomach Sour.
Cases of Dr. Ausplund and Auto
Kace Driver Come Tp Soon.
Dr. A. A. Ausplund. indicted for man
slaughter as the result of the death on
his operating table of Miss Annie
Anderson a month ago. may De triea
next week. He will enter a plea at
9:30 o'clock this morning. His case is
one of the earliest on the criminal
Tonight sure! Take Cascarets and
enjoy the nicest, Kentlest liver and
bowel cleansing: you ever experienced.
Cascarets will liven your liver and
clean your thirty feet of bowels with
out Kripingr. You will wake up feeling
grand. Your head will be clear, breatn
right, tongue clean, stomach sweet,
eyes bright, step elastic and complex
ion rosy they're wonderful. Get a 10
cent box now at any drug store. Moth
ers can safely give a whole Cascaret
to children any time when cross, fever
ish, bilious, tongue coated or consti
paeed they are harmless. Adv.
Week-End Fares
Willamette ValleyPoints
Tillamook County Points
You Can Go on Saturday or Sunday
and Return on Monday
is fine in the various Valley streams, also
in the Salmonberry and Nehalem rivers In
Tillamook County.
In the Willamette Valley are many Interest
ing places to be visited.
12,083. Home of University of Oregon: 123
miles south of Portland on Willamette River.
Hound trip 84. SO.
6500. Albany College, which has lately se
cured an endowment of $250,000. Mount Jef
ferson 65 miles to the east. Round trip,
week-end. S3. 10.
Technical educational center of Pacific North
west. Oregon Agricultural College, State
' Bureau of Mines located here. Population
6900. Round trip. 83. 50.
16 621. Second cltv in size in Oregon and the
Capital City; various state buildings and sec
ond largest Indian training school in the
United States. Round trip to Salem. gii.OO.
Information. Tickets, Etc.,
At City Ticket Office. Corner
Sixth and Oak. Bdwy. 2760. A 6704.
John M. Scott.
General Passenger Agent, . Portland, Or.
To Make Hair Curly
and Wavy in One Night
Here is bow your hair can be curled nk-e-ly.
easily and harmlessly. Before retiring
apply a Utile liquid siimerino with a clean
tooth brush. In the morning you will find
the hair has dried in just the prettiest
curls and waves and it will look and f-ol
so natural you'll never think of groins back
to the bothersome way you've been accus
tomed to. You won't be troubled any more
with hair stringing around your face with
burnt, uneven ends, nor with that dull,
dead appearance.
Any drufigist can. of course, supply you
with liquid silmerine, and a few ounces
will last you a long time. II is neither
stlckv nor ureas v, and is really a delight
ful thing to use. ll is doubly useful be
cause ot also serving as a beneficial dress
ing for the hair. Adv.
Heals Skin Diseases
It is unnecessary for you to suffer
with eczema, ringworm, rashes and
similar skin troubles. A little zemo.
gotten at any drug store tor 23c, or
$1.00 for extra large bottle. and
promptly applied will usually give in
stant relief from itching torture. It
cleanses and soothes the skin and heals
quickly and effectively most skin lis
eases. Zemo is a wonderful disappearing
liquid and does not smart the most del
icate skin. It is not greasy, is easily
applied and costs little. Get it today
and save all further distress.
Zemo, Cleveland.
Simple Home Treatment
to Remove Hairy Growths
Beauty Culture. 1
Two or three minutes' use of a dela
tone paste will banish every bit of hair
from your face, neck or arms. This
paste is made by mixing some water
with powdered delatone. After the
paste is removed, the skin should be
washed to free it from the remaining
delatone and it will be clear and spot
less. You will not be disappointed
with this treatment if you are sure
to obtain real delatone from your drug
gist. Adv.