Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 26, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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I alder lal
acaiaat the
i . .
lb company haa a claim
I ! obaioMa thai lb Jetty waa r-
tcnaiMe for la amount of dmi
arview and Tillamook Are
Lfnabfe to Ser.d Messages
to Outside World.
llaaxlreai I of lunira
rh. laM-ladta; Ml of Trail l
if. mw-4 laj Jaarw: haoui la
Now rkrvU al $J3.t.
ion rat rtrtr ot atoain
. TiIO IX . I Tll:t L.
ISflVtl;W. fr - Air rnmmttBl
ratio-a cut eff iRtl hish-caia
damase mar c tf a&4 l1 ..
TUJ.W'X'K. a'ommun. a
lton rat eff from eataid
11 ,i:, iir n.iata aaed an
street aad dtm done I)
,on:Rt'::v. Wa.n-r.riTi ltr-
Ker tatpl bv ;4-mtl cle and
lti(ihiini llnea d i ex n.
0:TK U V. ftah ilol Irea
t"f up la park d-nn eeaere
t1 atorm.
A.TKIA. tr Urometer rl'inj.
h' ear ac : 1 1 rous
CMMtAU.i. ash. wind terrtfl--
for snort t i m . turemc tra
hfiaMe d )wa
r.';i. (r Hain b'By and
art swelli?!. a
h'KtUM-f 'm .hmaa rrl of
dev. aut tn4 bioi 3i mile
for a fear minutae.
N'lKTII IIKt. nnh-KlM
lor It r mil'.
At rrrmniilcMefl wltta flaralew and
Ti ;emno. r. lata tlr was cut a.T
wir tae aetjid wor'4. T-e atorm.
wm. a bared aeatardar nu
' ' an 1 era to a .tr.i;e sa a
-. i velocity duriRC le Klk
Tna atr-4-i?r known aa the i onf
ioa -iM:ftr utlerlr demolished
wkea tna ) firt struck Itla por-
far. BR1 tha roaterat arar completely
r inei t-'uralt'ara rv sp;!' 'or he
l"inir war etorad Bar. Th bow I
tnc eilaa atul th aooiroona of J .
"a UrccBer waa imwbnl in.
arlla f Jail la Daaair.
Waara,' ectiefe of tha OoTernrnent
Jtrr war atthaj away d-artn; tha
era f In hicta ii.te. th portiora an
fetted r th rxk V'ina ere mil
tr tna wa that brk r
It an4 eertc spray into tha aid for l
feat. I'ntil in fawall I cxrptta.
f II aaada whar tna mv.( of
t ur u wa.ahad out. tt will ba
l-npoaalbla to a( mora roi-a out on tha
J-tT. a4 mtu-a ! darraa will ra.
a jit la Uaa rf ir-.O'j Manila of dotlara
t th ceatrat (or a. Tha pila-ar la
aI4 t4 ronataat raacitnaaa. but It l
fio'ihC tnat Uttla co44 ba aerora
t;Iih4 ! tha fa of a h aaiara
wjaatdaf la ca of amarttcny.
baoal laawraavr l arriaaV.
Tha tarca atarur ball aad itraja of
tha FIV? Acklaa Company waa
dma Tuil4T. n4 It
tpa-ta4 ta h Wa4 ro"i(; Out
a ! aatt h t-a. ha lhaa co
tt wtU mmriaca tha dajtaeiora of
bui.4 in batwaaa -th J"tty ant t.
l . that Bi-k tha antra, a to Tilla-
mooit Pair. All bu llicara an 4 frocartf
an of t"ia railroad ara In rerr.raratta
!'. th a twa ( tha ramixnr In
ceatru-'tiaal tha atora wait rvaultirk4t
l-a a atarm-proef tarriar batwaaa th
Ufa M:on. tha r"orr:- anil
'art. an) tra ri4-n-a aft4 tha
alat r v.-1 1 braakar
N laaatraaca imail r.a4 waa bI4
aar of th autfarara. althouctt fir
tn.rava for a"'ral dnllara
baa baaa carrt4 in tha liar kaar llolai
Xar th pt faw yaarav
t la maitlnn la tha tnlrvla of many
Whathaf tha titla o th pi. Whara
thatr tota atood ta -till ra'atnahla by
th astlma of lb rkVmfa. or akitli-f
It raaarta I tha .ta'a by ytrtu or It
karamm( part ef tha Oracnrt baa-1 Una
a -I thaa conatKutlny a aaallo bichway
Th butldica of th re-intr ro4
thrca barn wlil 4apan4 or tha ic
raa ef tb ratlria l - a:i in thav k
laaT Ida roaa ef th tij
It ta faaraat that fntoN dma ba
ban don t othr r'nl a''iT tb
at. Tb total damaara at liar Vlaw
tri tha Itorm of tha laat faw af it
li'im.l.l a( IIM)).
Tha taaa follow r
l-ar law It K. I. lr. Wlaa ai1 rthr.
Jt l'i.. Mot. I Aanaa. 1 1 a : botat f jrrl
tra. 1 1 .!". a tar butMinar. iJ'Xj:
bath bona a m fraraa?. tZM'i. utbara
Tarifw d rot. li-.: bllliar.l parlor n4
bwlin allay. IJ-1-): H. (1 J a. k .
feottaa. furntt ir an.J othar rronal
proparty. Itj)i: Dr. Kawltt. of In4
f.llta, bona, f t fita-biarb a
JP 'a. apur to Jaetr. l;J-. and) ron
tanta of cafatarta. !),
araf I raaff Tralaa.
Jit h urvrt r4 faaf nf tha brrva-1 ba. h
'"l". parba an) alta of tha t.nt rtty
that borir4 tha bra batwarn th
railway tr ba an1 tt or. an alurlnc
tha lummr. baa ba.n awrpt lata th
Tba effira of tha fituthrrn Tai-lfir
"! baa baan turna-l romplrta'y
araa. a mia-a'iananqi tnaaa of fural
tura. o(a an-1 brob.n bul Jirca davo
rat tha atraat ani front y arl of thr
I nitaj Mtala lafa iinc -tat Ion. and
tha wat.ra of tha laifl.- lap tb
Irarka of tna railway and arlaah array
aarainal th windowa of paaainat tralra.
Th ptr I. a llrar la tha '.o.rnrnant
la damliaba4 an4 and.rrntna! to
h aa atnt tha' bou.aa built In ba
Bir4 It ara In dr.
Hallrwaa) llarria aiaaaiall.
ftork from btn rJyarnrnant auar
rt.a a f.w mi aouth of bar waa aa -rurvl
by th Mum r-ifi-. an4
Tuaariar b t rain. o of mora than
tana of tm waa 4tmp4 ovar tha
bank ablrtinax tha trar-ba. an4 a rraw
of an. 1 boa tha tah of bijiid.nar
a raawall bafjra IB n. l Msn IMa
earn In.
hith (in: i si ii at i:if.t.M:
HUh Wind Ham Wlrr-a and troota
Trrr In lana loanlj.
tl Ur. VIX Or. No :V Th-a blorVa
of acha-t tuirmial aa V;i!amtta
airaat war uaiar aaiff and mora
than I blorha of aurroandlnai trl
war flola4 la th aoulb part of tha
rtty liy aa a mall t a t.rriflc rain
torfn laat aiaht thai brouant Amaaua
Vaak oat of lla banba b'amiltaa awoba
Ihia ThaabaarKinar rnnrnlnc to md
t-ulta tnarooa.4 from tbair woo4-
ollaa. ij.w:ka wr floata4 Bat of
plaro tad chl. ha aarda luroad I duck
A boat waa brought from aomawh.r
an I waa tan! t rari bouaaa rorn
a;.t.!y iarrvutid'4 by watar. rt"
cali:a4 about in a raaoo orar th
atraaimr tarka. Many othar atraala
atoat tba city ara fio4r4 for ahort
dlataaraa. Tbra Inrbaa of fain haa
tailaa In tb laat tbra- daya aal tha
lorra ahwa no a'coa of abat.maol. II
la B'rompBia4 by B biath wind lhal
rarrtad down tra bo4 ir about th
Snathwrolrr I m rra-a-a Off ortU
llrad and I 34 l lortland.
Tiara waa B maximum wln4 Valoclty
ef mil. a aa hour from th aonth
waat Bt North ll a4 yaataruay. baTlr
inrraaaad from 1 m'.l'a. whlrh wa r-
porta4 at o rlo-k In th mornlnc Th
a. r.rnain..! rouch aa4 at i V. T'
tarday tb win I bad d-raad to 1
ml, .a frm tha auth.-at At ?-attl
tha maaimum wind waa a! mil. a. alao
from th authwrat.
Th maximum at Tortland waa II
II. a at I Ii o'clock ant laatrd fir
mlnut'a It wna tna harda.l wing
amra Januaiy :. IM. ' J fnllat
waa r.orf.d and th racord for lort
land la li milaa. hr- h orcorrad ilarrh
:i. it?:.
rroan cVftnibr I t dal tha normal
er-lDitatl.n In Tortland la
In. h.a. Arrordmat to th waathar tu
raau. 11 tt In. h.a haa fall.n. or an
Iran ear th normal of 11 Inch,
rrom a I l Wrdnaaday unl'l th ma
hour yaatarday . Inch waa rcord"d.
aii:i:ii:i:x n I-MII.K cI.i:
Boy-ed and Von Nuber. How
ever, Embarrass Washington
Administration, While Ibrrnting
lurmal Artloa InrxprHllrnt. Would
lie t.Lad If Vlonna and lirr
lln Would Take Hint.
Trk-lonr I.lnra at tiraja Harbor
and l'uct Sound Wret-WrHl.
AHKNt'lXN. Vh Nov. :J. .P-
rlal A Ta-mlla sal, th o;l of tha
Intar. Oraia Harbor and all
Xoumautani W a-hlnston oarly. thla
morninc. Hundrada of Abardaan and
lloo iiam bomr war ahakan t jr th
wind, but llttl damas raaultod.
Th atorm waa arcompanUad by tint
of tha b.aria.t rainfall of tha IVinlrr,
I Ti ln-h.a fallin laat nlffht. Jlail
alao wa frequent.
Aa a raault of th atorm all tha lone
dlataar lalephon linea out ef Abar
daan war out of remmiiilon thla
morning. Th Puarat found irr alao
war Oaad thla niorntna:. many local
tlraaa b'tng blown down durlntr th
aarlr morninc hour. A (0-pound xlnc
antittor wa torn looa and blown
from th flre.etorr I'lorh block to tha
treat lour rhoner and tbra
ateamar ara held barbound.
fiiiril i.v vvi'X tok.wimi
frrca lara-lararU Turned I'paidc iKxrn
by Wlnd'a I'orr.
riIKH XVah. Nov. !V Impe
rial Today tb worat wind Btorre
known for )ara In thla aectlcn pra
vailed fur a ahorl lima about half way
between the cttie of fhehalla and Can
Iralia. Iic;xrta from farmer llvint
la the rath of the wind ara to tha af
fect that it eouel.4 an ciclone
In Ita int.naitjr.
tv eat of tba f'h.haUa Itlttr cral
treaa wera uprooted, one farmer. Mr
Nt.Laaa, w bo lea tail of th river at
a naifnl wh.r b a t a food llr. da-
rlar.a that loin . ra war luvnd
apald' tln with tb root hlaTh In
l a air. avo far a rirl4 no pereonal
injury wa done About noon a Vio
lent ball atorm fell for a few minuter
anj at Intervale durinat th day th
rainfall a aa torrential.
WAMIINOTAV. Nov. IS. (Special
U'hll freaid.nt U'tUaon haa deemed It
Inexpedient at thla lima to r.qoest th
Oarrnaq and Autro-Munnarlan forrru
m.nt to re all Captain lloy-ed. liarmtn
military attache, and ll.rr von Nuber,
Auatrtan In New lork,
It would ba a relief to th Adminlatra
Ion If nurh action were taken vol
untarily by thoa government.
r-rrtry tjanaina ha found It ad
vlaable to make a public atatemcnt
that th fart brought out In the New
York trial of men Involved In furnlah
Inc tierman warahlp arlth auppllea do
not Justify a renueat to H.rlin for the
withdrawal of Captain Boy-ed. 8im
llarly. the Secretary baa been force.1
to condemn tb prea rrltlclam of Yon
Nubar and to prrpar the way for an
point y for a rial. merit laaued by the
lepartmant of Juetic renarclnar an In
Tratlcatlon of chare. asalnit him.
Nevertbeleaa, the authorities feel It
would be tactful for H.rlin and Vienna
In tha Int.reat of friendly relation.
to ran'-el the officer' commllon.
In tha public mind, they are ao-
clated with plots which violate the
neutrality of th I'nlted Plate. It
la a practice of a friendly fcovernment
not to retain In it ervlce. accredited
to anothrr atovernrnent. a man ho4
coura haet roucd public rrltlrlam.
Within a few day the I'nlted states
wi make viaorou repreaentattona to
a lenna with reference to the deatruc
tioa of tb Ancona. and will insist that
"a pine of safrty" for paaaanufr and
crew not open boats upon the ocean.
Carman does not accept thl Amer
ican aesertion and Auatrla-Ilunsary
probably I I reject It alao.
joarrn trai i.hax ofmmo
Itlaa Head la f.lvea aa laaae
l.oelaa t'alrl f Meatal Far
all Ira While Walklaa.
rbri lla llravjr Itain.
Ttrj.:rttT.'a. Or. Nov. :S lOpeclat.)
Nearly an Inrh and a ha f ef rain ha
fallen in feacLa County dirln; tha
laat :t haure. and It I still rainlnc.
The rivere and creek ar w;ina7.
and th Mch. water mark may ba
reared In a f.w da. lla n fe!l In
lorrant bar thl morninc. and tele
phone and telegraph communication
with many points wa trmporari y crlp-pird
(lanl Trce Torn I p at Centralis.
ciaLI A terrific wlndtnrm. acconipa
r.led by a drlticar rain, blew over Cen-
tralia thl morninc One of the Slant
lrees In trie city park wa torn up by
tba roc-t.
Mr. Marie 1-rUI. it. Die at haKrro.
.l.rf. Or. Nov. IS. 'Special.)
Wandcrlnax alml.aaly about the
at root. Joseph Ftrauehan. 1. was pl ked
up by tba police yeaterday In a daied
condition, and la now In th Insane
ward at Ih County Jail. Ills mind.
however, resumed It normal condi
tion, and he raid hia temporary amnesia
must have been dua to a blow on hi
Mrauathen la a mild-mannered youns;
man of rlean 'appearance. He la at a
loa aa to what happened to him.
"1 waa etrutk on the forehead when
I was a child and my skull waa frac
lured. explained htrauchan. exhibit
iDaT a bis; car on his head. Later 1
hurt ray ha4 In th same place in Ta-
coma, and than a trolley wire struck
me on tha forehead and th whole 100
volt went tbrousb me. After lhal I
ava up th electrical business. I must
have baan struck In tha same place
laat nlcht."
Mraushan raid th laat thins; h re
membered wa that be waa walkins;
toward hi room, A man accoat.d him
and Baked for a match. He cave It to
him. The man walked by hi side for
a while, yirauchan said. althnuKh he
did not like hi appearance. Then his
tnlnd became a blank.
-I had a littla moner. Ihrc dollars
or so. but that I arone. Th police lava
m my watch, so I suppose my money
must bav been cone when thev found
b'trauchara a hi home la at Con
lirll. Wasru
mnde on the form of the Oregon Short
Line Jtallroai Company.
-If Smith Is tho same man who was
known to us as J. C Youns;. and who
forced the bill that wa cashed, any
action we may take will be based upon
the result of the findings of the Ta
coma offlrlal. If the Tacoma con
cern. whl-h also operates In Seattle,
takea action against tho man we be
lieve to be Younc. then we will wait
and sea what sentence he set. If the
Tacoma firm send him to prison and
we discover that he Is the same man
that swindled us. I cannot say what
our future action will be."
After havlnc aucceaifully cashed
bill of ladlnc that netted 8J40. the
Columbia Milliner Company belnc the
only loser In thl city. Y'ounar disap
peared the lath of January. The next
day the mlllinc company filed a civil
suit acalnat the man In order to at
tach i:oO that he had failed to with
draw from the I'nlted States National
Hank, where Younc kept moat of his
money on deposit.
to adjikt
n Balnea A re t Oalllae Ac
aaeat l aarr W kick l aloa Can
Re Kneeled Kmrir.
8KATTLE. Wash, Nov. :S. (Special.)
Work ora the proposed consolidation
of th new Chamber of Commerce and
the Commercial Club Is now definitely
under way.
Both orcanlxatlons. through their
board of trtlstees and directors, have
voted to continue the special com
mittees appointed to consider the
amalgamation and asked that they
co-operate In the movement-
The chairmen of the two committees.
which are composed of prominent bun!
ness men, said today Immediate steps
would be taken to reach an understand
Inc by whlrh the orcanlxatlons may be
m.rced and that each would meet the
othi-r half way in the negotiation.
The chamber committee Includes C.
J. .mith. chairman; J. K. Chilberc: S.
H. Pile. ex-L'nlted States Senator; D.
Frederick and Frank McDermotL
That of the club Is composed of Presi
dent Robert S. Boyns. chairman: J. W.
Maxwell: A. J. Rhodes. -M. A. Uottsteln
and Clifford Wiley.
While neither chairman would dls
cuss the differences between the two
bodies which will receive considera
tion at the hands of the committees, it
known that these are few and. In
the opinion of the large number of
business and professional men who are
stroncly advocating the consolidation.
of relatively small Importance.
tr'atar Me rtepeada aa Heaalt at
Fladlacs far hoaad City. bld
lrlawer Pr Maa W sated.
C. K Putcher. manacer of the Colum
bia Mlllinc Company, yesterday said
Portland to Entertain State Associa
tion Dcr-rmbor 13 and 14.
At a meetlnr of the hotel men of
Portland Wednesday nlcht at the Im
perial Hotel, plans for the State Hotel
Men's Association convention, Decem
ber 11 and 1 4. were begun. A commit
tee comrjosed of Koy I Yates, George
C Ober and Al T. Lundborir was named
in handle the entertainments ana tne
programme waa put In charge of Phil
Metschan. Jr., nr. C. w. Cornelius ana
W. Beach. Tho convention will be
held In the Imperial.
Ceorce Hardy, manacer and execu
tlve aecretary of the Chamber of Com
merce, was present and received a
protect from th association -on th
practice of the Chamber of Commerce
handling indiscriminate banquets at
the dub rooms. I
interest Than
Sale Goes
Astonishing Reduc
tions on Clothing At
tract Shrewd Buyers
THE great necessity confronting; us
of closing out the Third and Stark
Street Store and doing it immedi
ately and the urgency of room for work
men at Third and Morrison compels
greater price reductions than type can describe! Suffice it to say that
savings beyond your wildest dreams await you here. Come come at once,
before the choicest lots are broken. Your Winter's needs in Clothing, Fur
nishings, Neckwear, etc., can now be made at half and in some instances
even greater cuts prevail.
Third and Morrison
Mill Store
Third and Stark
Grand Army Man, 71 Tear. Old,
IiCavrti Flte Children.
The funeral aervicea of James L. B.
Stanton, well-known Grand Army man.
who died at his home, tS Simpson
street Wednesday, will be held Satur
day at 1 o'clock at the Chambers un
dertaking parlors, under the auspices
of the Grand Army. Interment will
be In Lone Fir Cemetery.
Mr. Stanton was born In Saranac,
.V. Y, in 1111. and later moved to
Wisconsin. He came to Hortland in
He l sorvlved by a brother. John
Wesley bianton. of Camas. Wash.;
three sons and two daughters, John
It . Earl A. and Harry L Stanton, and
Mr. J. II. Jordan, of Portland, and
Mrs. Fred I Herbert, of Vancouver.
Publisher Sued for Prize.
CKNTRALIA. Wash.. Nov. 2.". i Spe
cial. I n behalf of Catherine irjainard.
A. K. Heatnn haa filed suit against J. D.
Quilien. publisher of the Winlock Live
Wire inil Lewi County Je. to re
cover the value of a trip to the Panama-Pacific
Exposition. It Is alleged In
the complaint that (Quilien. while pub
lisher of the Leader at Cottage Grove.
Or., offered a prize of a trip to the fair
for the most subscription secured, and
that Miss Bralnard won a trip and
never received it.
Ex-Representative Bryan Is
Seeking Humphrey's Place.
Appeal Is Made ThrouRli Newspawer
for Large Attendance at Mass
Mectinjr, When Candidacy Is
to Be Discussed.
SEATTLK. "Wash.. Nov. 25 (Spe
Ical.) J. W. Bryan. ex-Representative,
In his newspaper, the Navy Yard Amer
ican, will announce tomorrow his can
didacy for Concress from the First Dis
trict to succeed Representative Hum
phrey, who is a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for United States
Senator to succeed Mr. Polndexter. The
district comprise all of Kitsap County
and the City of Seattle.
Although elected a Rcpresentatlve-at-larce
In HIS aa the candidate of
the Procressive party. Mr. Bryan, In
his formal announcement, makes no
mention of bis party affiliation. He
COHPANV ..H . ..ohm
Claim jaiot tMrtrramrsI llriaac
of Jelly la Cowaiilcrrd.
A"eor1,"ar ' J II. rtee. president
ef Ha l;alrij A--iay l.aa-1 Companr.
eiwaere of th builftnc an9 pror-ertr at
larTiae aajt rv e.f hr tfia etarrma of
the past fear day,. lie total laaea of
laa memiere of tha raa-panr will ar
protiaala 114 uf Ilia amount 1.
ia sfreente tb i--aatn of LL
l.and. reafutiei- aa It e-a r ,aam. fha
aanar reaai.r ta larwl destroyed a
lietr fronts,: waa entirety swrpt Into
tao see-
f trie r of In !?. Ill rP
sent tna valuation of furnit'ire. for
when I'' . A. iaa. IMrd-ownep In
tne l:atri A -btar rjnr. ant stand
aallra loaa a ha bald a leeee an the
reiira prepaetv and bad eiipead
a'era and hotel will ('irnil'ir Tha
valuation ef tie fetel and i'M sea Is
rla.a.1 at l- M Vr lUltar.
Air. tliitr aid last aiaht laat ka coa-
, .V - - " ' I
(Is. -X X'-- AK '
simply announces his candidacy "for
re-election" and in hfs statement ad
dressed to "neiclibors and friends"
there is no mention whatever of tho
party nomination he seeks.
The immediate purpose of the an
nouncement is to appeal to his friends
in Kitsap County to attend a mass
meeting; to be held at Bremerton Sat
urday night to indorse a candidate for
Representative in Congress. This meet
ing; was called by Sheriff Howard Shat
tuck. following; a series of articles sug
gesting; it printed in Mr. Bryan's paper.
It is expected that Mr. Bryan will
seek the Republican nomination this
time, despite his Progressive affiliation
two years ago.
He pleads with his friends to attend
the meeting. He says:
"I need your help at the meeting
Saturday night. If you remain at home j
and permit tho men who fought me
during the last ten years by criminal
procedure, by attempts to ostracise, by
boycotting my newspaper and by niak-
ing it hard for nie in every sense
to vote down a resolution of Indorse
ment, you will have cut me deeper than
I have ever been cut in my life."
Huge Timbers Cut for Panama.
KELSO. Wash., Nov. 25. (Special.)
The Ostrander Railway & Timber
Company shipped, on Monday, nine
huge timbers to tlio Panama Canal,
where they will he used as derricn
spars. These timbers are 37 inches
square and 75 feet in lengtli, and are
one of the biagest orders of large
timbers ever turned out by the Ostran
der mill. They were shipped by rail
to Tacoma.
San Francisco
San Francisco
i a. 4. - . '
-" V. ' tr"T"'V:V !la",' - f ' ' ' " "' i i .-
""r-- I - 'r-'' l-.r-r- af-i .-.. ' ' '
-r---. .a - Lm. , . ' - 1 arf . .:
"L -
Mr. Maria died al her home bar
lodT. aced l year, after a few arerti
lllneaa. Mb bad lived In elrm for
ih last . - year h-arvtvinc her ara
two lamMara. Hlen and Iar, and
live sons. Fred. Fdwnrd. Ilobart. Wal
ler and Albert, all ef ralrm. Funeral
will Ua hea.1 Friday.
IVammeter Rlalnic at Astoria.
ASTOr.IA. Or- Nov. II (SpeelaD
Wm: a stiff outhwat braes haa been
blowlnr all day with f re-n irt aqualla
sad lb bar I tl? rouch. t Indl
ratloeo f"'nt t a break In tba ara
f Ca. Th H'"llf I r!a!r.c Blow.
ly end reprt from autaln aa y the
wind 1 abUtlss 10 tba wsu
- lawa K -a aV-
that be tboucht tha man. raucht In
Tacoma ytrday. clvlnc the name of
A. C. Fmlth. who attempted to awlndle
r, J. Fransiolll, a Tacoma and Feattl
craln operator, out of I70C9 by forced
waybills and Mil of ladlnc. mlcht be
lb m person who swindled the
Columbia Mlllinc Company out of H340
laat Januarr br forclnc blKs of ladinc.
lb ahlpplaa; erdera of craln bclns; aJ I t-
v-i- . I
'vA a -4 . : ! I
a - ' V ' f - I I
;'.. ' t
, r " " s . ;
, y , . j a
. - . . . i- I II
" .--rs ;',-!; I J
- "" . 't
' ' """oH "le. t,-,-' . T
a - lliaaJ t
Ha-4 lm
Going South Tomorrow?
Last Week of the Exposition
SS. "Northern Pacific"
Same Time and Rate as Rail
Fares Include Meals and Berth
Steamer Express Train Q A TVT C0f
Leaves North Bank Station -a 1V1. iJclL.
Lunch Served Aboard Ship
SS. Arrives San Francisco Sunday Afternoon, 3:30.
Fares one way, 8; Second Cabin, $12.50, $15, $17.60. First Class,
$20. Round Trip, $30.
Exposition Round-Trip Rate of $30 Expires November 30. Return
Limit December 31.
Fhones: Bwdy. 920, A 6671.
ja'ase-a' v
essential in good glasses are sood
vlaloa, comfort, appearance.
The most conspicuous article,
one wears Is eve glasses. How
necessary that they should add to
one's attractiveness.
o Charce for Coaanltatlon.
Lenses Sphero In your own
frame 1.00
Lenses Sphcro in Aluminum
frame $1.50,A Lmjmf a.n 'jr'Jg
Lenses Sphero in Gold-Filled
frame $3.50
Lenses Sphero (curved) in G.
E. Class Mtg J'i.00
Krjptok Lenses S8.00 to $I5.0U
wvi nit i:kim; (.tir itUMimn kiib.wkmk.m, wmni
STAPLES, The Jeweler-Optician,
162 First Street
Near Morrison, Portland, Or.