Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 26, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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President Determined to Over-
ccmc Opposition Within
:. His Own Party.
f :.t-rrtary r'.ipex-trtl to foln?
Jli CampaUa and lay Ktea) Al-
t:K llral Policy
V Hal to rrrparwl -
WA.HIViTS. Nor. S pcll.
Summ.r.g up lh'.t f Ce"
IC-raM pM nf Cr' t.n th Im
portant r..i.atl.i condr4 dur
ing th t.nint MMt. ' trtht
. tn4. put-
t-rd'et WiLon' rnlrl n
rwmorratic party. rr-ntd in lb
two boa-., t apparently a. strong and
wtll t a :f-:U
i, h t- ,orr,!
lkniu!) th mu' which l wl.l
advovat. It will b eM """
in "f mur. t which l
I. et.p.ia-4. M will ludd "4
f.r.4... f.r hi conduct of th '
try foria rUta.
Brraw C UltU rr.
tt w. b.ti... tal th ITeakdant
olit WilS t llliam Aryan.
r.,x,r ..-r.t.rr rf (. ou4 mh
tn pth of III. Adnilu!f!ioB c-d-lly
d'fflcu't du'ing coming
. TM . P1 "
Mr. Aryans defection will cu- th
lrt'd"t comj.r!ir.! llttla .mbre Mo.l f th tnmor of
M. o-n party wi:l tB4 tr th I.; aa against to "Cocr moo.r.
Thi. particularly will b apparent oo
th -alet ef prtt'dn.
Th principal cstxitlon o th Pt an. a mn will voles
t".. r.po&li-e. Thr wlU '
W V i poil.-T tor4 Mlf. b
wt:i ttow iiio lt rfr lo
K . lr.lm.tit of tt Hi'"" ""
t .,n wui trnnr " tb lr4
il(ig itr ;rt lirttin. T)r will
rMt b! aip-parf bU' but jpprt
b, r..-omm.a)toM for lb- cli-nc-.
of tfc Mtr "f
M ml lntB lh.r"wll J'" w'
& mJ.clt of t lmfl
in. p of U lmpi
II m iawlln t o. la oohln
by !& '"'
f.T ....rl m.rrtl tb
h.r.t- an4 in ! bl lbr would
ta. of l"-i't Htri4 w pr.l bT !
tor A.bur.t. wb rpl.-i. mM T
11 o tt . I b' lm. I
mm pr.4'Pl It tor of 'lou
v.iuc "f Wkln "nn' AdT.Io
ltr'.ion an4 by Kprnll Hn
l.n. of Wiwfl. rot: "I m la
a. Ti-ofj witi ih
rtor Mu.tlB. t Wi.M.ifi. who
w. p:.l lit eommliul cl.
f ..r.tor la cotetl"i wlt! iko lor-
mn poll. i. of Ibo A4mliiiiill.i I
orroc.i IM Tor br wrinn tbat
bo b ntr'4 on I r.trtio fc.ort
appro.! of tb.o potil.
rrallaw Oowolll0).
Ufc.a Jlr. W it.wa onlorad on lh-TT'Un'-r
It Wi. fr.ol prdlrll. l
b. fir ! jr. art ra4 p.4 It
f,.ltni. lr. W iiton not only ka4
Ucrlo4 In Impoalnc bl. 0 b I.
rarty. but ba4 brousnl about a condi
tlft of ftjrm.nir hu-h m4 for lc
ttrt la o rr.'4ntil cam
F to. jtmro Ut Wr-n. bow.ror. Mr
lrvn r.icl from Iho ibinot and
b. a K"ro'i rmpiT asalnt
I".. A4".ir.ltrtioa Br.paroUa pro
rrmmo. II b pr.p.rv! lo fortify
bt. iiiiminli by cou:linc tbo T.I
dr.l with loo w Torn monoy pow -or
aoa bw Bi4o It cl.r tbal bl op'o wtil nl ato? with tbo Army
and y biil.
Il woll not ourpri polltl.lan hrro
abou'.d b arc loncrit. not to adopt
ta I Kll plan hlcD m iml b twll
I' th mori.y o b r.btiO4 for lb.
troroo'd In. r.'4 milllAiy and natal
r. it.
awwa lo l4hro4.
tl I !!'.!. of ro'inr. that rr.ombar
of ffii. an. Hou.o will har from
th f'juB'rjf d irtnc tb int.r aa a r
: of Mr. I'rvaa . IrMi.trnt for
nfporl. afvl thai .m of tnrm will
t'rrt it rtp4;et to cppoao too tTac
It .it bo nr.ry for tho Admiala-1-aEisn
to utilxa th fiuroa marhlnoof
i two h.dMi to whip Into lioo I nw
rrc wh aro nt 4;.pn.d to voto for
mmo of tm fr-anbly rpoad4 tby
wo'i'd aupport thi or tbat ntoaaaro.
Ilkrn l.nmhrr ( om pany I'a).
i::. for Int.
rsroKAS:. W o.h.. ' IV fJipo
iaL li In b'C"t limbor In
to Inlaad :itipiro la aavaral yaara. th
Iial4na tu rr br t'ompany baa pur
f n4 I )i.4VO f of
ware pin alone t lkrit from
la Mnaa?la too4nwar Company, of
Mnajfca. W ia.. for .rproiim.trii
i;j. !. AnftTtftrarnt f tha purvhaa
we. mad to!ay by i:. IV. Ilarri.. i;o
r.t nvanaa.r of Iko company, wltn
orT. bar
t. II Urn th prdn,t of IS W.njha
Cowrpany. rama V. In rtnaciioQ
wlra ant tb l-al and w aa
rr.ri;. ikruncH iho "r4 K rianll
iomraay. wbii Ibo Qoal dtair. war
n.:tl throusn the I'ir.c National
lUnk of Mnn. of M. rt it' Mnith
I. a;o praoM.nt. N-Ktiatton ba.a
bn and'r way for oral Tn
ll-jrat sr. for it only and tha
nftar romiany do of bay In land
Tm limNr w aa pjncb4 by th
(.it..s toodanwara I'ooipaey li
).ar a'. whan liro ws a srlanaiid
.ou- of whtt pin and It rpr.aftta
oi... t Caa.t bloff. of whtta pin
l" t1'. fart " ' t-a r.'intrt. II la d
riard- T Mnna Cow pan r was a In th purrha.a of whlta p:n
t:. ii'tind All IA timbr I. en
rt.t l;ir and c.ntrr. aro'tnd IS
ta of I'Tia.t I: r II witl b rl
aa. fl xtd to ! p'.nt of tha fala-n
t.umiwt Company al tlt. It
till bo Btaft-jfat'turrd-
1fo I'.ltrr II 1st PUj I trrnwn T(
iiTr r.ivnv r . No fv-
a, a t U..ii r4 a i'! 'il" loja.lf
r -,r tioir. m. tit m t:)(i., mora th.e
ta r.iijrB ar. o4t th:. a'tarnooo, do.
.It tho atrray waath.r lo .M..4 th
ftotha I aama blwaa Ibo Volufttr
t 'r (p.rt'n"t and tb !( hooL
tt. t-i'.. pl.r4 tkroucs, lb foar
oiaarr la a rala.larm, ra:t4 la a
t ,a. T to f. tvat.r half a ft dp
.arrd ruor thaa a foarta of Ibo Be l
Xrm w a .wft -'. tan )ir !.
x i.a .. T"k. '-' oi.d
a l ... "4l la aJaa
r-iiai lo a 4 s-
I .
II i t L V
r X , :Y
o-- iv.
av--r i r. '
c:: ix tiik niMt.Hoott op tiik toir liotm roa kw .itponTiG Gini-s.
Tr.a atmo.rhoro of hom-. a n.rou!y upplld Thankmclvlnr board and tho prcoento of over 50 happy, brlfht
your. wororn ma.!o Anna Lowl. Hall on of tho dllhtful placr. of holiday Interest yetrdajr. Those who
har-4 In tho dlnn.r party wore rrl who realdo at the hall: elf-upport int: irirlo to whom tho big Institution
nlurl4 by Ibo I'ortland woman L nion l a aoa.enn. in mr mnini-i uum. n ' " X ,
ron rap ware ua'd as a dworatlon and music was a feature after tne rrpast. Tho matron. Mrs. Crosier.
-motbered- al hr arlrlo who on
Investors Crowd Postoffice
Corridors in Throngs.
tormalttlr lo S. 000. 000 Trn-ao
lion Complrtrtl In M Minolta.
Joffro Trlla lxldlra lo l'rs
lhlr Krlcnda lo Help.
I'AI:!.'. No. Tha ftr.t diy sub-
rrlptioo of tha -rat loan cf rlrtory.
aa lh oaw 'fnrb loan ha bon
rbarart'rltad by If-. Minister of Tl
nan , brouahi out a rtr numb-r of
in... t-r to-lay than had bo epctad.
Tb l.n. bcaa tormina at o'ejork
al tho prial loan window In all
poatoCClrao. al th bank and al lh
haadquart.r of l l"n at tha TavHlon
da rlor. la lb ailramo south win
of tha Ixmtr.
At tho po.toffl-- tha subsrrlhcr
crowd.4 th corridor so that It was
a'mo.t Impo.aiMa to buy pot
tamp. Al th Crdlt Uonmat and
otu.r bank t. window t apart
fr Iba r-:ipt of a;ill--aiona had to
b douhlad. while al l it lUnk of t-'ranr
tha crowd was a bic that l- poliro
tt oUl..d lo ua axtra prcraulions.
I'orasallll TrasMrttd po4lly.
Th flrat subarlptloo was for .
franc (IW.uu0 1. This was fol
low.. I br ona for :..o4 franca and
two for franra rh. Tb srraat
.i sum uba-rib. br a ainsrlo Indl
tidual today wa &. franc ill.
. and ail tho formllli ton.
nartad with It wcr In sis
mlnutaa. which ronatitut a spd
ra.orJ for a l"rm a official transac
Hon. and furni.hc rl4"nc of th
narcy of th Uinlstar of Finance. Al.
Itibm. who oraantscd th lu.
Tb Mm. aiar. by raaortin to bu.l
na.a m-tho,!.. mad tho ntmot of th
ronfidonco I. It by th rani a poopl
and of hi personal pra.tiCc.
Joftro Apawala to Troop.
Gnrl Joffra. commandor-ln.chtaf
of tba t'rrncb forras, today lasuad a
(nrl order to th army concerning
lha loan. In which ho ra
-ton but doubtlaj-a beard your par
ent recall th trrrlbl hour of Xi't.
A':r that war thar waa a loan for
tb liberation of th territory. This
Urn, thanks lo your aforta. It will bo.
aa tha of Finance ha said,
lh loan of victory.' Think about that.
Writ about It to your rlatls and
th frteau you left behind at your
birthplace. Tell them that to subscribe
le the loan I to eorre France; that It
la to fichi tor her with you: that It
Is to al )oii th most t feci IT aid
po.atM at lb prrseni time, and that
It la to asaur your future and that of
your children.
tu.ritvr a4t:f rt-oATS ovkh
corn, or millstiiom.
KWUsIa lla rtaeo la erbr. bat
(.real "taoew Jala la
tArlllaa by Marderer.
CHI..'!'. Nor. I Th funeral of
Jo.eph lltll.trom. L W. W. mmbr
aecuted by a flrinc squad In t'lah
laal week, wa held her today and tha
body later waa crmtd.
Tha funeral waa unlike anythlnf ever
bald In Chtcaaro, llatharad In lh Weat
id Auditorium were . perwiw.
while other Ibouaand were unable lo
cam entrance.
Th rod flas; floai.4 unmolted al
eyary tarn. Irapd around th plain
pin coffin wa a r4 banner.
No cr4 of reli'lon found a place
at tha arTic. but there waa a miahty
rhoru of ik. Jnlnlna In ons wrlt
la by Hill.trom. Throuchout lh
dec.nt wa referred to aa "Joo II III."
On a banner abo th coffin and on
lh programme, containing tho aoncs
which were suna wae this Inaerlptlon:
"la mamortam. Joa Hill. We never
fnrcet. Murder4 by lh authorities of
Iba Hate of I. tab. November It. lli."
L sht man carried tha coffin out of
tb butldinc. A procession a mile lona
formed behind II and marched I o a sta
tioa of tha elevated railroad. The trip
lo the crematory wa mad la this
way. Comparatively few parson went
Is Ibo crematory.
Heavy I Irlnj Again In Irorv In
r VRI-t. Nov. .1. Heavy fishtina has
boon In proa-r. th last f . w day In
OaiKpoii. whr lh Turks nadcrtook
a stronr movement, but were
r'il.d by the combined fir of the
Lrtuaa atd rrench gun. 4 aero-
. - Ifl -..r-t.; f t"
L.- J ' ! - H , :
N : e !
' 1 !
. v ' .4-V' Jf i
.a i
ordinary day are busy In alorrw and
plane have bombarded the railway
between Constantinople and Icdea-
hatch. damairlrur tiie bride, and
warship have bombarded th coast of
Asia Minor.
This Information Is contained In the
offlcisl communication Issued today
by the French War Office, which saya:
"Th enemy has displayed during- the
last few ceys increasing- activity. On
the list, after a violent bombardment.
he attempted thre successive attacks
against in British front fur tn pur
pose of recapturing th trenches lost
on th lith. His efforta were every
where checked, with heavy losses.
"on both side the subtertanean
warfare continue with th same
activity. On th list we successfully
exploded a canouflet. On tn Z-d our
sappers cam upon a Turkish branch
tunnel and put lo flight th enemy
worker. W Immediately prepared
and exploded a mm which shattered
tb enemy work.
Th day of th ::d wa marked
br an Intense bombardment and a
stream of grenade from tho aid of
th Turks, who. although replenished
with munitions, displayed nervousness,
pressed aa they wer by our aero
planes, which bomharced th rallwaj"
betweeo Constantinople and Dedea
ghatch and damaged th nglneerinf)
worka. and by th monitor and email
aircraft, which frequently bombarded
the coa.l of Asia. They ar unceas
ingly kept on tn alert and are obliged
lo oppose agalnsl us Important forces."
ri.A- TH ! DAY .ITH Kl WCr.K
ttoor of ldy la lacked, aad Prealdeat
Kwerir. Ualy fee a br Al
Itld aad lllldy Dlaaer.
I . v Mrna .nant tiv l'r.alilrnl Wll
son al hi typewriter working on his
annual address to Congress, and he
Dprd away until late tonight so a lo
have th document In the hands of the
Abandoning plan h had made for
spending the day wltn jura, .mrmin
Celt, his fianc. the l'roaldent locked
th door of his private atudy and
emerged only -or a snori a.uiuuivun
rtie in tne anvro".. .. w ' -Thanksgiving
'dinner with hie family.
Th I resident naa iiptvira i
plele the addre- early in the day. and
a tore of rlrK wu. hand al the
Wtlt Horn to pri ... .t lor th pub
lic printer.
i - .-i.w i.t ti.. . I : 1 1 1 v that the
conleet over N'ni -i tlIene during
th next session ot v onares win o
on of th mo.t Important of hie Ad
ministration. Mr. Wilson I devoting
more than usual care and time to
ah. ..t.lraaa. While he
consulted with members of hie Cabinet
about general features, tne actual writ
ing of It ha been .done in seclusion
and without th advice of anyon.
i-onllnued rr-m Klr.t S
Ardn, Second and Stevens eireeta, Spo
kane, I visited her at the jail, tine
then told m to go to a certain man
and h would send her ball money. I
did and found thla leader of the gang.
He refused to go to tba police station
himself and sent me.
-He called me up by telephone the
next day and began his work of get
ting m Into line with him. He learned
from Ml Johnson that 1 had served
a previous term at McNeil's Island for
counterfeiting, and threatened to ex
pose me to my friends If I did not do as
he bade. I was conducting a private
school there and was engaged to be
married. I did nol want my fiancee
and other friend to know of my past,
are! I listened to him.
"He wrote to me from Seattle and
told m to com there. I wrote hack
and told him I did nol have the money.
He wrote again and said if I did not
come he would com for me. The let
ters were written In code, and I am
quite confident I have them In my
suitcase. He sent me a money-order
for my train fare, and I came lo
Mrtrnson Ioc- -0 Ganir.
HTKVFNiiOV. Wajh. Nor. :S. (Spe
cie:.! Th football gam between the
local high school team and lha Wa.hou
gal High Hchool was won by the vis
itors, ecore lo . On a muddy field
atth water tn many placea atanding
several Inche deep, a fast, gam was
Impossible. Th touchdown wa mad
by lUtfback Broch In the first quar
ter, who completed a forward pass
from Wcger on ttevetisona goal line.
loot ball I' layer Killed.
WIIXIAMSI")IT, r-. Nor. It Fred
McOougb. a member of the Dickinson
College freshman football team, re
eelved Injurlee In th gam with
WlMiameport High School today from
which he dld a few hour latr.
A c-t-rrwr Win MfDti Hacr.
CHICAOO, Nor. 55. Th Fan Fran
cisco team, mad up or I ercy Law
rence end Willi Hanley. won tha slx
day bicycle rar which came lo a finish
hr lonlzht. They made :SI3 miles In
the 1 houra
!4 Tb Orvnlan'a classified ads..
I ' .'f
Germans Reported Preparing
to Evacuate Mitau.
Muocovilcs Pcvotc TJicnibOlvcs to
Kfrort to rrcvrnf, toorajr From
Scurins Uolrablc Lino
for Comlnff Winter.
LONlhJX. Nor. A I'elrograd dia
patch to the Morning Post (ays:
"The Germans have begun, the
evacuation of Mltau. their forward base
In the RIga-Dvina region and are pre
paring to withdraw from the now hope
less task of capturing: Riga and the
Uvina line.
"Jnnopol. one of the points where
the Germane had reached the Dvina
and whence they had made attempts to
cross, has becit raptured by the Rus
sian. A good deal of the Cghting
which has occurred lately In the north
ern war theater has been directed to
ward securing a better line for the
Germane permanent Winter fortifica
Gersaaa Flaaka Tarveteard.
Th Russians continue to press on
various points to prevent the realiza
tion of thte objective and the German
line aa now constituted is far from
satisfactory for anything more than
brief defensive operations, inasmuch as
the Russian threaten the flanks of the
various positions.
The Germans are concentrating
strong four-fold line of trenches In
their rear, with a formidable series of
wire entanglements extending scores of
miles. In the extreme rear the Ger
mans are busy completing field rail
ways to the interior of Germany."
The official report of the Russian
Wnr Office eys:
"The Germans yesterday attempted
an advance near Kemmern. but were
renulved. Near the Borsemuenda fight
In- continues. Our troops took 100
Germans prisoner and captured six ma
chir.e guns during a fight which ended
In the capture of a hill in this district.
Germans Driven Ia River.
"Near the Tillage of Semikovtse, on
the Slrlpa. our troop attacked the
enemy and drove him to the river.
With his back to the river, the enemy
was partly annihilated by our fire, the
remnanta of hla forcea being drowned
in their attempts to escape across the
BERLIN. Nov. 23. via wireless to Say-
vllle. N". V. Announcement was made by
the War Office today that the Russian
town of Berserauende was firmly In
German hands. The number of pris
oners has been Increased to nine of
fleers and T30 men. Three machine
cons were taken.
Uersemuende Is near the north end
of the Russian front In the lllouket
district south of Riga. Heavy fighting
has been In progress in this district
for several weeks In connection with
the German attempt to take Riga.
Negalea. 9ara. Official Rxeeated fr
Orderiag Death of Rioter Gov
ernor Croaaea Baaadary.
NOGALKS. Aria. Nov. 23. Fifty-
eight Mexican soldiers, crossing into
lh United States, on Harrison's ranch
each of here, fired on six American
trooper of the Tenth Cavalry today.
Twenty-five other troopers of the
Tenth Cavalry who were on reserve
post, opened fire on the Mexicans, kill
ing several, according to reports, and
bringing wounded prisoner into camp.
Vicente Terrazas. a civil official of
Nog ale. Sonora. w-as executed today
by order of General Acosta for having
exceeded authority in ordering the
death of a. Mexican who participated in
the riot In the Mexican town last
night. Sentiment among Villa ad
herent was apparently growing
against Americans todsy. The military
authorities on thie side of the boundary
wer unusually vigilant.
Charles Randall, acting Villa Gov
ernor of Sonora. waa allowed to cross
tho international boundary tonight on
the condition that he was to hold him
self subject to orders cf United States
Army officers stationed here. It was
reported that Villa' commander. Gen
eral Acosta. was contemplating a simi
lar move.
Veteran Have Turkey Dinner.
nosEBLHO. Or Nor. 25. (Special)
Two hundred members of the Oregon
Soldiers' Home today partook of boun
teous Thanksgiving dinner prepared
under the direction of Commandant
Markee. Th menu Included turkey,
"& ' !
1 - 4 , . a
4 . ;
-rf I , AM
With 20
11.25 Hair Brush,
natural ebony,
solid back. UOQn
rows bristles.. 0u
25c Tooth I Tn
Brush for.... ' 1
S3 Clocks M I Q
for w
i riTitrn onroini c
LCAI nCil OILUIMLO including all the new
flat styles, up to $5.50. OC Dp- Cent Off
Friday and Saturday at rcl "Clll Ull
Aa Asaorttweat of Hand
bags, all styles; prices
regularly up to $3. QQn
Friday & Saturday.. JBU
Oar Eallre Stock; of
Ladles' aad Geatleiwea'a
I mbrellaa, including Uie
New Kagllah and
Swagger Sticks on sale
Friday and Satur-
f..25 Discount
Medicine Casea, Drink
ing Caps. Flask.
leather cases.
and Saturday
endless quantity, tspecially priced for early
holiday shoppers.
CDlPTinil UlTTi? Horsehair
IlllUIIUil Hill It) Friction
Mitts for dry baths. The
St1.' $ 1.50 and $2.00
Frletlo and $2.75
u nd
Drops, extra s t r o ng.
r.ow at only.
50c pound DippedOTn
Peanuts now for
30c pound CocoanutQlp
Bonbons now for A I u
40c pound Salted PeanutsOQn
on sale now for ASi
irnmillil I inilftno T Dirt BCnilOTiriM ODDS AND ENDS
1! Monogram a fine 0 00
grade, special, gallon
$3.50 Colmont, soodM Q
blend, special, gallon..
13.50 B rice's Pure CO Ifl
Malt, gallons only.. . . I u
34 Muskingum Valley.'! Cfl
our best brand. gaLW'JU
a Oar
cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie and all
the other delicacies of the season. A.
literary and musical programme fol
lowed the dinner.
Rumors aa to Washington Decision
Are Without Substantiation.
.iik., .it aorta of rumors were m rrr!iand yesterday and the
day before that the Supreme Court of
Washington nad ruled against me p.-
1 1. 1 i l.. naa.eil in that State, DO
decision has been handed down.
i . tn the effect
Ada i u ... u i u
that the decision has been made puo-
11c After mat proven io r
veyors of "inside information" asserted
that tho opinion has been written
knocking out the dry law. but that it
. i.wi. IA (n a fflW riaVS.
nas oeen wiuiuf , j j
Bettors In Seattle are giving odds
that the court win aeciuu B....c
hibition. In that event, Seattle will
be the mecca tor many
loonmcn. w "... -
. . oresron iroes dry
ana " . "e -
r. " .x..n hnniner that if Was
miiti(-nr t: iii uri ja. - -
mgton stay. w'et. a special election can
be called ai vautou.c.
town wet.
Kdtvard Krausc Denies Armed Boat
In Alaska Was His.
cuiTTi.E waah.. Nov. 23. (Special.
' 'l . -
T.' rat-. kriUB& charged in AlasK
, - u- clear deerree an
wtin muraer ."""---, 4V,r
blame for the iiappaia.i-
. k i-ort t.awton
men. ana men""" " ,,j
troops as a deserter from the United
States Army at tne iime .
. ... ",wplpd in trie
uDnsing in v.. 11 1 1. m
office of of Detactlv.. . T.n-ant
today. Krause was on.c """"Vrl " ,
latest report from Juneau to no
"tL.V.nd a erai showing recent
use had been found, is true.
"No. It was not my ----tr......
dnecedly. Beyond that be
would make no statement-
.! . .u .,,- .iiinnau said evl
i ne aisai-c.. i .
. haf Krause was the
leader of an anarchistic organization
that operated arouna we
Three Youngsters See Parents and
Older Children Perish.
n-..- Vnv 23. Alex
son a.. - ' . - . .. h
. a.v,,r.A a aauaucc. -- -
drowned In a lane near inc..
home last Sunday, according to a ntes-
.age from t-oay. yo.. -lrowning
was witnessed by three other
hllden. aged 7. 4 and 2 years, respect
v v None of the surviving children
. . i . nhrnr morv ui inv
accident, saying their mother and elder
brother . broKe tnroug n to
The 4-year-uiu
elephon to neiffhbor. but waj jn-
able to maae ni""" . .
recovered the bodies of Mr. and Mrs.
McCoul were ciaspea in cc cu. "
.nights of Columbus Are to Enter
tain Families Tonlght.
rnri.r.rf Council. No. 6TS. Knights
of Columbus, will entertain their fami
lies and friends at an lniormai recep
tion in Cathedral wan. aevtiiiKoii.
and Couch streets, at o'clock tonight.
A musical programme, "card party and
dancing entertainment have been pro
vided. Refreshment will be served.
The following committee nas c.ri
of arrangements: A. F. tt ara, cnair
man: A. Campbell. Ed Kenefick, Dr.
Leo McKenna. J. J. Hlggins, J. C.
Hess and F. J. v naien.
"Patent Voods" Is Topic Today.
William F. Amos will discus "Patent
rood Their Use and Abuse " at room
330 of the County Courthouse at 2:30
o'clock today. The lecture Is given in
ha rasrular course on the care of
babies, conducted by the Parents' Edu-
ill I 1
and Saturday Are Double Stamp Days
Extra on the Coupon
BRISTLE GOODS AND CliILERy,Uti"c:i?.".d69o
50c PocketQQn
Knives for. . . 3U
K e e p clean Hair
Brush, solid back,
pure a 1 u m i n urn
ir:75c and$l
Pyralin Ivory
Clocks, any0 ((
style. 6p,l..W.iUU
12.00 Razor
Strops for.
Thermos Bottles
$1.00 Alarm
Clocks for.
$1.50 Bears
on s a 1 e QQn
for only 30l
$1 Dan
derine. .
$ 1 Ham lin's
Wiz a rd CQn
Oil for. ..03"
50c K
"l y ' s
50c Hyo- OCft
mei for. . "30 u
2ac P i s o ' S
C o u ghl Op
Remedy.. I 0u
' la a a a. in
Zr? 25 Per Cent Off
room, kitchen, office and
bedroom; white enameled
metal frames, oval shape:
size 10x19 Inches. I 00
special at wl.AO
A Spoogei best quality
obtainable; 4l fit tfl $1.75
Coty's Lori
gan Perfume,
original bot
tle, on sale at
$3.25 & $5
priced at.
PAINT GOING UP Ise'rVfa--Williams
Paints, Varnlshea
and Enamel Thi Week
Only at Old Prices.
$1.50 Creme de Menthe.lJI J
green, imported, sp'l- "
$1 B u c h u Gin. a good pTo
medicinal grade, special U'
50c Califor- I 50c Duroy
0:380 .360
$5.00 Mum m's Extra 0 7C
Dry. quarts, at JO. I J
..fUrimATWESTPABK -mabshALL -4700-rlOME
Coffins of Family Kill Joy in
Mother's Heart.
Woman Is Vnder Constant Cure of
Physician Money Troubles Be
lieved Cause of Man's Deed.
I.anch Home Was Lost.
BAKER, Nov. 23. (Special.) Three
tiny white cotfms and a large dark
colored one rested in the home of Mrs.
George L. Hoffman this Thanksgiving
day, while the distracted mother was
In such a condition because of the
shock caused oy the triple murder and
suicide by her husband yesterday that
fears are felt for her.
This morning she was moved from
the ranch home to the Daly Hotel in
Prairie City, so that 6he could be kept
under the constant care of a doctor.
Her sister. Mrs. C. H. Sheets, of Port
land, is at her bedside.
Tomorrow morning the rour comns
will be taken 123 miles to Union, tho
Hoffmans' old home, where the funeral
will be held Saturday.
It developed today that Hoffman
first gave the three little ones candy
beans, and then changed the gifts to
poison tablets. In his note to his sis
ter he said he did not want to leave
the babies in the cruel world.
It was learned that he had bought
the ranch from George Thomas, and
had been unable to meet payments.
losing his cattle and other possessions
endeavoring to do so. The ranch was
rented a few days ago and the family
forced to move. It is believed this so
preyed upon his mind mat ne com
mitted the deed.
Jewish Relief Society Holds Dance
at B'nai B'rith Club.
Several hundred people participated
.,- .nnii.i chsritv hall given by the
Jewish Relief Society at the B'nai
B'rith clubhouse last night, and some
thing like $730 or suu was raisea iui
relief work.
a- ih. rooiilt of the efforts of D.
Nemerovskv, president of the organiza
tion, and his corps of committee mem
. J - offair nrnved the most suc
cessful ever given. The ample dancing
floor of the new ciuonouse iir"""
Yield Quickly o Vlnol.
tr i- anthAe tetter we are per-
I in I" m .1 ....... . . . . -
TMihHah for the benefit of
Portland people who suffer from chron
ic coughs, colds or bronchitis.
Mi Oda. Nelson, a stenographer, of
Teaneck, N. J., says: "I suffered from
a severe bronchial cough. I had bad
coughing spells and became so weak
it was hard for me to go to business
day after day. I tried cough medicines
and doctors' prescriptions without
, c. Th.AH0.h a friend I learned of
Vinol and after taking one bottle my
bronchial trouble was better, us con
tinued use stopped the cough, built me
p and I gained in weigni.
t. i. the combined action of the
medicinal elements of cod livers aided
by the blood-maKing ana sireugui-
.i nrnnartie of tonic iron and
ureal, ..p. . . ...
beef peptone, which makes Vlnol a
constitutional remeoy ior enromt
coughs, colds and bronchitis, and at the
it will hnild ud the weak-
ened, run-down system and re-establish
.- . en-a-at wa return vour money
if it fails to give you satisfaction.
The Owl Drug Company. Portland.
Or P. S. In your own town, wherever
you live, there is a Vinol drugstore.
Look, for the sign.
Bring this c o u
pon and fret 20
extra "S. & H." !
Trading Stnmi
on your first
cash p u r c h ase :
and double
stamps on balance of pur
chase. Good first three
floors today and Satur
day, November 2o and 27.
AND TOYS K JT: $1.19
Dolls special at. .
Kewpie Dolls 7r.ostuffed Docs
SoVfoi'lOc 37cto$2.50
AND DRUGS Pf0?d.r.u.f.f25c
50c Gar- 07 n
field Tea. wl l
$1 Chamber
1 a 1 n's Cough
Rem edyPQn
now for... 00 b
23c F o 1 e y's
Honey &IQr
Tar for. . I 00
10c Epsom7p
Salts for. .
10c Boric7
Acid for... '
25c Graf eu
b e r g'al C
Pills for.. I 31
25c Chalk I 0.
and Orris I 0L
carbonate.. u
25cVitch I Qn
Hazel for I 3l
13c Liine I I n
Water.. . I I u
25c HoselQn
Water... I0L
50c Hess'Fnce
Powder 07p
now for I o
25e Colgate's
Tooth onp
Paste at.. iUu
25c Lyon's
Powder.. I t-u
50c V i no 1 ia
Powder. .
'or the Relief of
Colds nnd Rheuma
S7.50 12.50
catalogue ree
ia Baaement.
STAMPS TreVm 'or
soda purchases In
our Tea-Room or at
the Soda Fountain
from .2 P. M. until
we close at 9.
sufficient room to accommodate all the
The Jewish Relief Society Is an or
ganization which has no paid officers,
and every dollar taken in goes directly
to relief work.
British General Believed Slated for
Important Position.
LONDON", Nov. 23. The Express
prophesies that General Sir Horace
Smith-Dorrien, who was in command
of the second British army in France
until a few months ago. will soon
receive an appointment o high Impor
tance. General Smith-Dorrien, who returned
from the front last Summer, received
especial commendation from Field
Marshal French, and was decorated by
President Poincare. of France.
WHY not dress up? T'ncallert for auit.
overcoats. up. Orpheum Cleaners,
Stark, cor. Pai-k.
MA"RYAL.IC"B I'ARVBI, mafseuse. Bulphuro
baths. 1 TO' gd. Apt. 9. 4th floor.
yOl' X D A hulldcg, W g"'J. Oregonian.
t v
Thorn pmid Deep Curre
Lenses Are Better
If you break your lenses, phone
ug we'll have new ones ready
when you call best and quickest
optical service in Portland. Factory
on premises.
We take care of your eyes in
the way of lens changes for one
year from date of purchase.
No Extra Charge for This
Glasses if needed as low as $2.00
209-10-11 Corbett Building,
Fifth and Morrison.
Balla Slippers
At $2.00
Gym Oxfords at $1.50 Pair
Knight Shoe Co.
Morrison St.
Near Broadway