Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 26, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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Grain Ships Released on As
i surances That Troops Will
Meet No Interference.
t;rititi latcrest C'caturra on .U
td- of fie Ik a a Power Ilula
C'onccntratins Armj, Wlib
.aa Iom Japan.
lo.xrov. Nov. IX Cordial relatione
between ftreer end trie eateel po
r hae been establlehsd with tAa
a.r.ea. governments iurific that !
irampl wUI ba made la laierfer. with
tne e.li4 trope enovld lhy. undr
say contingency, aa forced la crea th
(.peek, frontier ti4 tnt. a. heretofore,
railway aad ether facilities will fe at
for-le-l lltm.
That tna lo'irtiMM and tne g-iaran.
ts .re aatialactery a ! ai;iee
hwa t". t't I .t airee
vp (m-I bad bn bsid bp al Malta
. b..s allow! a pec.d la tbtr
a.a!iul.o. relieving what w.'ii
.. iru 'lift ef bread p
piie it thctr geteatioaj c.l be.a pro
longed. Matr tataaalir A.
II la und.r.lewd lhal th aiii.e have
premised tre a montary In afer ta war for any demes
wnica migM be Iftrouga the oe
-iet:oa at Craaa l.rrtianr.
Wits lh'BV ciqe.tloa eal of II.S
war. the Hriei puarta tra. aa. e.n
i.f.J i". Inter-el aa ta. altitude ef
I .naia end li lnter.ntlo a'
t:u.a;a It la we. I establish. thai
. 4Ja ha cectrtd a gal arsny
.ar the ftountmaa frontier. aa4 dts-
eetciee eev large Bumbar af (iu
haa errrd a Odessa from Japea lor
r. as. However, tn dlr'tloi la
.: tbi army w:l ma will aa 4!c
ic4 r !. a policy la Rouraaatao
ac.refaai adept
ll.rl aws sons uaeaaioes. out
t.roaJ that all lha statement of IB
o'j-n.niea frontier. JU I'retlan. that
l. relation between IUi aad r.o-4
naai war a .r 16. ra la aoth-
In aj I a
avaaaaa faa4ta rrtaaa.
, a rao.!l at a of laa
ir roGnian. tal llulcariaa In
(igf coant' I af la Ktaott T'-i'
, in. ifTT l 4f.n4inc ina I III.
frtn. af 'ta It.a aalwaaa IKa
MtK fttt.r aa4 IBa AlBaataaa aa4
Mjifi froat.r. la ran I ara
lio0.4 trim IXutarl, rsa lic
U: IKa Jlnin.iriK auKI fo4
raa4a airoMllo.
Uinti'ir ia iU In l paaa....laa) af
taa r.rian. I laa p ttrxii '
lulttni iaar4 te. t.i. irr af
iMaart: ton i.:iwit I. r.port4 to aa
a lAa a.r awa lha Vardar a :r la
ata tn. r.ulc.ruaa attack Ilka Aoo-
ra" (,
fiilJIORfiy 10 FIGHT GIG
rarrt4 l a 'ator. al Cast !
t.atb an4 Albarta traia- Axlatant
i iir ra:-taa li.rdmc lock toa mil
lorn- a t.i rolh-a automoMIa. Tb.
4-rior Crttftta bo irmptomt
of pB.ttmaala.
Ilnar Craavltta and Io former Art
IWforv I'rderal Co art Today.
T?i. trial of Brara nranrfll. rhartd
lofnirr uh Crarl p. Mack Witt tba
ribtr of Fo.toffl--. Otalioo A. I moo
av.aua an-i Ka.t AM.r trt, tha rilsht
of U.I I .Broary 13. and ef J. C Don
who waa Indicted with Granrill.
and Mack aa an arcmnlic. will
rngmxl b.fora fnltcd Mal.a Dl.lrKt
Ji.( Vol.rtoa thu irornlnaT.
Mark aarar4 a fw 2ara BtfO ahlla
oains brouchl to Portland, and la at til
at Urn. lHari:ia la an Initial of tn
! t'.att.ntiary at .!. m. wb.ra ba
aanrlnc lima for lotfTj. It waa
h. who Brat bl.w In poatal Inapaotora
liat iraaiilt and Mack bad don lb
flat too A "Job."
T ran porta (Ion (tab Member
Make Merry Tor-day M;ht.
Tfcoaa mambara ef th Portland
Trnrort .t ton Club who fxa lal.nt
President's Envoy Says Am
bassador Might Have Saved
Madero's Life.
Subataure of Speech Related by
rersona Who Tleard It Mr. Llnd
haja Ho May Elaborate Ilia
btalement Later On.
JIINNEAPOLJS. Nor. !. Tha Min-
n.apotla Journal. In It newa column
(Ma mornme. print tha following:
"That llanry Iana Wllaon. American
Walrhao Lake project, with a 4am at
Krulnn. fl mllaa aoulh of tha outlet
of the lake, and to combine It with
tha rxlatlnf plant.
Kaduced coat In production Is ex
Milwaukee Railroad Prepare to In
rreaee lYclght racllltle.
rillCAGO. No. SS. The Chicago,
Milwaukee r-"t- Paul Railway Com
n . n v .RmMitj.u ftwlav thai la.ftwrv tO
It haa birun on a contract for more
than 3.000.00 feet of fir and mixeu
hardwoods lumber to ba uaed for car
riax-kinar Tha work la tO DO flOtl at
the company ah op In Milwaukee.
other large ireigni-car oraera are in
proapect. Uie announcement aaia. ai
Inllmtllnn that h.ra I aerloua con
cratlon In freight traffio of the road
was denied, despite tne present neavy
moTemenia in tumoer. iiaiua. iiTv.iova
ana ore.
Yukon Territory Executive Quits C f
flee for Captaincy.
SAN FRANCISCO. Not. !5. Governor
Black, of the Territory of Yukon, tele
graphed his resignation as Governor to
Premier Borden, of Canada, It ws
i ', -V. . '-wa
1 ' - .-" : V , -. - -
" " .. '- " c
, ' ' Z00J t X N
1 -'"n l .':,!
fQ "" - 1 1 -- V . aa. i t mi -ii 11.11 aaa.i.aa. . , 'a.,. mmmfnm. . '. Vm- .
Lrr-r, iom um right, iiert lam: wilso.i.
Mill Ja V Mada. Haamas,
If Daatroia Mrly Arraaa
ris Ttaa toe .
tnato. .Not. Z If tba Wmaiiallc
adr af tie aal will brtaaj for
ward a cloture rui. wbu-b will abte
tn. ma.'ortty of lb Heaale la Its
lima fee votinaj on aa gt.n bill, bat
Ik) will Bo j eeply lo aa; bt;i that
has .a raa4a la aublact of caurua
ai-tioa. K may b adopted. II even
an M ka.a In support of OT c.aa
l' aa In. h-pibliv:a aid..
ul If lha Wmotftii bring lata lha
anata a prcr-l to tba
rut. a kk proild.a for anualif iad
.i.era a r:a that will eaaaia In ra
J"fiif. aft.r caacu. action, lo .hot off
a.Bata a any maaaare al aay time.
in.T will .n.ount.r aciff eppaaiitoa
tmm tb R.public.n side, aed tber
will ba aom macula al al all a
IBiaaiastlo about Cioag It SUB-
T&.? ara aaaaral R.publlcaa. wba
al .a lha'.a should ba p.rmlttad
la .g.a;ta aa a majority af Ita rom
bar J..ra. pnilla. ry (faalor ba
m fiU apartaallr to vote bia conto-t.o-ia.
Hal tb.a K'pabl'caa art Stub.
bra:y appoaad la amending lha tH.n.t.
in i so aa ta aarmtt a aninortty of tba
f.aata, by applicatiow ef lha caanii
IX. ta ra inreuak l.gtatattos; wbU'fe
la not taor4 by tna majority.
t'ad.r aa abao'nt rlotur role, the
hio aurvhaaa bill could he baa
taaii.4 thrauga lha aaaio In oaa day
aa five ar 1. a the Oaesocratie caucus
SBight ba .la-t.d.
Lin rm itc rcjcct rooi.
Trip lap ftw
af aa
bmt ad t Ba aaaa by a ay
a-aar Tbarwaab raglaad
taa laaio.4 dm.
PAt:t.. a Si Tha r.tu Journal
s.i. It i at... to roafirm lha r.port
iM the vioit ta Roma of Cardinal
M.netar. prlmata ef ttatgium, ba bean
po.tpainad. It aiabliah.e a dap.tca
fraxn llre aaytng ih B.lslaa gov.ra.
mt ba l-rad ef lha poa'paamaat
rf ire trip, the prvtei announcamant
af whi.rh tn baste ef report thai
a pa:a mo.nat waa aad.r way.
Tba r.aaeri aaaisa4 lor Ih. car
m.i'. naf. In plan. I. that ha caa-siai.e.-a
c.rtain condtltoa Impaaaat by
Ih. G.emaa authorities aa Ineampallbl
wita the aUgatty ef his poelUow.
ROM SC. Nov. :ICardnal Meecl.r
ahaaatoa.d II. Id'a af coming la Kerne.
er4 eg to Ih Italian praa. tara
lha Garmaa autOentle wanted him ta
p.aa traugia Mral. meat Cardinal
van tlartanaa at Cotogaa. aad coattaaa
h Journey I company with IS. arrh
bahoo ef Cotoca.. while ibe primal
ef llelg'um. II I. aalal. Insisted aa trav.
.nag by nay af lieltead. taglaod aad
The Over N.w Agacy of Bar.
Ila said, an No-vanbar ;
"AH forla reports ta lb effect
that Cardinal M.rci.r haa been a a-tai-ied
by Grmaa euihoruie while be
eaa aa fe'e war I t-om ar untrue
( it the cmrary. lm offi.-il placed
ery facility al hi disposal."
Palrolman IWroaaar III oat IVal.
Harry Griffith. patrolman on tba
cond eight re.ief. waa taken ill In
ta irt early last a "il aad ws
wir power lo make other people laugh
I'l ba en at beat at lbs club
iracktr nt Tuesday evening.
II. M. Hum cbairmaa of tha com
mute, la chart of Ih
recently raavaasad lha memberehlp of
Ih orgamaation and learred thai the
club baa within Its ranks soma par.
formers of mora than ordinary ability.
A scare or more will be called a poo
la contribute 14 Iba gaiety ef the even.
Inc. The fua I for the members of
tb ctus on:y and will be bald la the
assembly rora of Ibe Muitnomavb
taplala Robert Dollar Move licet
aad Office lo Canada.
SCATTLK. Wash, Nov. ti. (Special.)
IVoelng ibat ba was not "running
a bluff.- as alleged by adocala of the
saamen'a act. when ha sa Id that the
new law would drive his Irana-l'acUlc
freighters from American ports. Cap
lam llobart Dollar, president of the
Robert Dollar Company, ha trans
ferred that corporation olflcaa and
fl-l from Kan Kranclaco to Vancouver.
n. C. tviati of lb transfer were re
ceived today In Seattle.
Melville Dollar, son of Captain Dollar.
a few aali ago took charge of 'he new
headquarter la Vancouver, cargo
brought from Iba Orient for American
ports by lha Dollar company's fleet of
irans-l'artf ? freighter will be dis
charged In tirlttsa Columbia aad trans.
shipped on local vessel to Ila destina
tion. The slsamahlp Robert Dollar, the
first of th fleet to cross the
Pacific sine, lb transfer of the corn-
par y's home port, reached Vancouver.
U C. Tuesday, with t tons of gen
eral cargo for discharge there. th
also haa J tons for Victoria, bbe
loaded the cargo In Vladivostok.
Captain tmllsr will operate his fleet
nder the Drltish flag.
When Ih seamen's act was up for
passage la Congress, captain uoiiar
proiestsd thai tb additional financial
burden that It Imposes on American
ships would preeeni him from operat
ing under tha American flag. Support
era of the Administration at Washing.
Ion referred lo his protests aa a "bluff.
Can In Hands of I rlcnd Woonds
William n. Ulako Accidentally.
rntenag a cabla on Beuvles laland
fo. lowing an afternoon's shooting.
William K. R ake, of 4vl North Twenty
fourth street, received a charge of
shot la the knee, whan a gun la th
hands af a friend accident;! ei-
p looted.
liiak. Who ia year oil. waa pre
paring to go home witn ni I nan se
eing dinner slung to hi waist t ben
th accident occurred. He was taken
to tit .Vincent s HoepltaU Nina other
young men were in toe parly. flake
I a salesman for th lioioo inching
Clarke Coanfy Woman finds Ready
Market for Prod ace.
YANCOTTVKR. Wash-, Nov. tl.f Spa
del "The parcel poet aa aa aid to
market peodua-t from the farm la
highly successful." aa4 Mr. L. Kra
dnberg. of A m boy. nsar Tacolu Wash.
A year ago Mrs. Frs-dsnberg hsd her
ttaa pieced 00 the con u mars' list In
Portland by writing to the Portland
postmaster. She Iteted turkeye for sale
at :i cents a pound la a short time
she had received orders for all of the
turkers that an aad her husband bad
be listed butter and canned fruit,
sad sold more than IS quarts.
Ambassador lo Mealco from l09 lo
Mil. had foreknowledge of tlie assassi
nation of President Francisco Madero.
February SI. 11J. waa aaaerted Fri
day oight by John Llnd. In an ad
drees diird at the North Methodist
Kptecopal Church. Mr. Llnd said
liusrta was Iba author of th plot to
remove the execullv head of the per
turbed republic. The speech by Mr.
Llnd waa not announced and tha sub
stance of his remsrks did not become
publio until related last night by per
sons who attended the meeting.
"Comlnar from tb man who went to
I Mexico In August. 11J. as tha envoy
I and personal representative of Presi
dent Wood row Wilson, th statement
la of mora than passing; Interest.
Different Vrralaaa As Glveau
"Somewhat different versions of the
phraseology used by Mr. Llnd come
from those who heard him. Lafayette
y. Cole, editor of the Minneapolis
Chronicle, a lor g-eslabltahed weekly
devoted to th affairs of th North fcldc
was present. Mr. Cole said the Im
Dortanc of the utterance struck him
at once. For this reason, he said, he
look careful notes.
"He auotea Mr. Llnd as saying:
- Madero was murdered by Huerta
with the knowledge and consent of
Henry Lana Wilson, Colled Slates Am
"Answering an Inoulry made by the
Journal. Mr. Llnd said he uaed the worn
'assassinated' instead of "murdered' and
that ha did not employ the word 'con
sent' aa understood by Mr. Cole, lie
frankly admitted Ih use of 'knowledge'
as anrlled to Ambassador W llson.
Mr. IJnd declined last night to elab
orate on hla church statement.
Detailed Plaleaseat RefaueaL
Is not opportune to discuss tha
a fair now. b said. 'Later I may
make a mora detailed statement and
submit documents to substantiate what
I said rridav evening. I waa not speak
Ing for publication at that time, aad
much nrefer to add nothing now.
-'Mr. Llnd amok with an emphasis
and assurance that compelled atten
tion." eatd Mr. Co'.. 'Generally. Mr.
Llnd Is Inclined to be mild and alow
spoken, but he was very positive when
he enoke of tha killing or ataoero.
""Th meeting waa an open one. and
no secrecy waa imposed on those p res-
-president Msdero bad been placed
under arrest by order of General
Huerta- He and Vice-President Bus res.
who was arrested with his chief, died
on tUe way to the Mexican penitentiary,
Whether they were shot .as the result
ef an attempt to escape, or were put
coldly to death by assassins act on
their trail by Huerta. never waa estab
lished. Assbaasaalar'e AdvW Aaked.
"On th night of th arrest of Ma
dero. General Huerta la said to bava
gone lo the American F.mbassy and
asked Mr. Wilson what be bad to do
with the prisoner.
"Mr. Llnd always haa contended, so
cording lo those In bla confidence, that
Ambassador Wilson should have de
manded, or at least suggested, that Ma
dero he delivered lo bun for safekeep
ing. Instead nf taking this course. It waa
said that Mr. Wilson told Huerta tha
matter was In the latters hands. There
by. In Mr. Und'a Judgment. It Is said.
Mr. Wilson wrongfully abandoned Ma
dero to bis fate."
f.rmiaay Clone bw laa frontier.
CrVVVA. via fari. Nov. SS. Ger
many has again closed Ibe Dwtea fron
tier from Hasle lo Constance. It prob
ably will remain c.oed frr a week.
The rtvo for this actios is unknown.
WASHINGTON. Nov. IS. Henry Lane
Wilson, cx-amoassador to Mexico, said
"If Mr. Llnd made the statement
with which he Is credited I shall give
him an opportunity 10 prove It In
Ibe courts or psy the penalty for
defamation of character."
Government Approve Vast Klectric
Power Project.
Ml'NICH. Bavaria, via London. Nov.
JS. In lha midst of tha war the
Ravarlan government haa placed Ha
final seal of approval on the project
for a Vast electrical power plant t
supply all Bavaria with electric power.
A report submitted to the Diet Con
templates the formation of a company
with a capital and bond Issue of 17.
TJO.eOS to carry out tha so-called
learned today, preparatory to accept
ance of a commission ss captain in the
expeditionary forces to ba sent to
Franca In the Spring. Arrangements
ere made recently with General
Samuel Hughes for such a course.
Governor Black, it was said, will
go Into the training camp at Van
couver, n. C. for three months and
then take command of a company to
bo recruited In Yukon and concentrate
at Dawson, whence the men will march
overland miles on their way to
Governor and Mrs. Black arrived
here Tuesdsy for a visit to tha
Panama-Pacific Exposition.
Germans 10 Force raiment
98,000,000 Monthly.
ROTTERDAM, Netherlands, via Lon
don. Jov. S3. Tha first year of tha
collection of monetary levies from, the
occupied portion of Belgium by the
Oermana expired November 10. A new
law continuing tha cash requisitions
provides no definite period for the
collection. merely specifying that
monthly payments of 40.000.000 francs
(Ss.000.GOO) will be forced until further
The City of Brussels. It Is ssld here,
will be compelled to provide IS.400.000
01 tne mommy total.
Tiro Jesuit Sentenced for Display-
Ins Belgian Colors.
HAVRE. Franc. Nor. 25. Word waa
received here today that MIlo. Jullete
Rankin, sister of tha Belgian Minister
of Colonies, haa been arrested by the
German authorities at Brussels. The
charge is not specified.
It Is also reported that two Jesuits.
Father Do Vroye and Father Du Truly,
hava been sentenced to 15 months in
prison for ornamenting a prospectus of
fee i ic tiers college with the Belgian
national colore.
Capitalist Killed In Auto.
Hayden, a local retired capitalist, was
killed and bis wife was seriously in
jured her today when their auto
mobile waa struck by a Santa Fa pas
senger train.
Aa Im peeved Qulsiae. Dave Nat Cass
Karvaa.aaaa Nr Ringing la tb Mead.
The happy combination of laxative la LAX-
Alivr. jiMUJiu sli. i.. maatea in vim
bid ia tola form bav a far bttr effect
than Ih ordinary Julnln. and 11 can b
taken by anyone without affecting tne head.
Rememeer to can for tne fu:i nam, ioat
fee Hfnalnra a.' E w. GROVE. Sic
Store Opens
Daily at
8:30 A. M.
On Saturdays
9:00 A. M.
Pacific Phone
Marshall 5080
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
Daily at
5:30 P.M.
On Saturdays
6:00 P.M.
Home Phone
A 2112
Bad blood that Is. blood that la tin
pure or Impoverished, thin and pale Is
responsible for more aliments than any.
thing else.
It affect every organ and function.
In noma cases it cause catarrh; In
etheca, dyspepsia; In others, rheuma
tism, aad In aUll others, weak, tired.
languid feelings and worse troubles.
it Is responsible for run-down con
dttiona. and la the moat common causa
of disease.
Hood's Sarsaparllla ' la tha greatest
purifier and anrlcber ef tha blood the
world has aver known. It haa been
wonderfully successful In removing
scrofula and othar humors. Increasing
tna red-Diooa corpuscles and building
up tha whole system. Get It today.
Absolutely Removes
proves it 23c at all druggists. I"
Matchless Values in Every Section of the Store
Our 758th Bargain Friday Sale
THE BARGAIN FRIDAY OFFERINGS that have come from this Greatest
Value-Giving- Store have been many, but tomorrow's list excels anything
we off ered in the past. Every aisle is lined with seasonable merchandise for
v both the home and person. Every counter is bristling with unusual values
unmatchable bargains. We look forward for to today to be one of the busiest
days of the season. To make it such, we made ample preparations in all depart
ments. Wherever you turn Friday, you'll meet with unusual chances to save.
Right to the Front Again With Another
Great Lace Sale Friday
Dainty and Beautiful Laces, Suitable for Making Boudoir
Caps, Neckwear,. Fancy Work, Etc. Edges, Bands,
Flouncings Allovers in 3 to 18-Inch Widths 20c to 35c
Qualities At One Price.
A rare opportunity to save in the purchasing of dainty and beautiful lace3 at
a time when most every woman has need of such goods. Included are Linen
Cluny Edges and Bands, Shadow Edges and Flouncings, Oriental Net-Top
Edges in white and cream, Camisole, Allover Laces and many other styles suitable for all sorts of fancy
work, boudoir caps, neckwear, etc. 3 to 18-inch widths in qualities regularly sold at 20c to 35c a f
yard. All to go at one price Bargain Friday at, the yard XWii
Astounding Values in
Boxed. Handkerchiefs
Made Possible by a Fortunate Underpriced Purchase A Little Fore
thought and Prompt Action Will Bring to You the Most Out-of-the-Ordinary
SavingSr Three Great Lots to Select From A Sale That Few Women Will
Care to Miss.
At 16c Box
Reg. 25c and 35c Grades
Three fine, sheer Handkerchiefs,
shown in an extensive variety
of neat embroidered patterns, in
white and in colors. They come
in a pretty holiday box and are
the kind regularly sold at 25c
and 35c a box. On sale ?
Bargain Friday at Ov
Lot 2
At 29c Box
Reg. 65c and 75c Grades
Six or three extra fine Hand
kerchiefs, beautifully embroid
ered in white and colors; charm
ing patterns in an endless
variety. They come in handsome
tinted boxes and are the kind
regularly sold at 65c and 75c a
box. On sale Bargain OQ
Friday at aI7C
Lot 3
At 10c Box
Reg. 15c and 19c Grades
Three Children's Handkerchiefs
packed in fancy holiday box.
Each Handkerchief neatly em
broidered in novelty juvenile
pattern, in pretty colors. Reg
ular 15c and 19c kind.
Bargain Friday at
Sensational Values Of f ered at This Sale of
Women's Outing Flannel Gowns
Extra Well Made of the Best Outing Flannel and Shown
in the Popular Styles, With High or Low Neck and Short
or Long Sleeves Regular 75c to $1.00 Lines Friday at. . .
If you could see these gowns, examine their fine workmanship, note their
generous width and all-around goodness, you would be impatient to secure a
full season's supply, even if we were not offering them at such a great price
reduction. Included are styles with high or low neck, long or short sleeves.
of tucks, wash braids or embroidered in neat patterns, and are shown in all sizes in plain white or neat
stripes or figures, in blue, pink or gray. They are positively worth double the price asked at this
sale, for you have choice from 75c to $2.00. Bargain Friday at sJa7t.
They come with trimmings
1 Special for Friday!
j In the Art Section
Pillow Cases
19o Pair
Regular 50c Grade
A great pre-holiday sale in the
art eoods section 150 dozen
pairs of stamped Pillow Cn
good quality muslin th
ready made and finish'
neat hem. Many design.
lect from. The kind ret, ,
sold at 50c a pair priced -
Bargain Friday at XaC
A Great Pre-Holiday Showing and Bargain Friday
Underpricing of the
Tilings Men Like Best
Glance Over This List of Specially Underpriced Offerings and See
What Great Savings Will Accrue to You by Purchasing Here and Now
Brass Extension
Curtain Hods
6 c Each
Regular 10c Kind
A good, durable Brass Curtain
Rod, extending from 30 to 54
inches. One regularly sold at
10c. On sale Bargain Fri-
day at, each Ol
$1.00 Suspender Sets
iach Set consists of a fine pair
of fancy elastic suspenders and a
pair of garters to match. As
sorted patterns and colorings.
Each Set in a fancy boxQ-
Bargain Friday at OJ7C
Men's $6.50 Bath Robes
50c Fancy Suspenders
Fine all-elastic Suspenders, made
A-ith kid ends and shown in vari
ous patterns and colorings. Each
pair in a fancy holiday box. Reg
ular 50c lines. Bargain OQ
Friday at tV
Men's $1.00 Kid Gloves
A well-known and reliable make
of Men's Undressed Kid Gloves.
AH sizes, in gray color. A Glove
always sold at $1 a pair. TQ
On sale Bargain Friday at ,
Men's lOo Initial Handkerchiefs 8c
Or Six for 42c
A fine Initialed Handkerchief of good size and quality they come
hemstitched and six in a fancy holiday box. Regular 10c grade An
at 8c each, or six in a box Friday at .' .'Ta&ii
Fine Eiderdown Bath Lobes,
shown in the wanted styles in
many patterns and colorings.
Regular $6.50 lines QC
Bargain Friday at PT70
Offerings Out of the Ordinary in
Fail to Take Advantage of This Sale and You'll Miss an Out-of-the-Ordinary
Saving Opportunity to Purchase Infants' Knit Goods. If You Have No Need
for Such, Remember They Make Most Acceptable Christmas Gifts for Those
Who Have. This Sale Includes:
3-Piece -tf ? r4- Formerly
Sets at.... JLOC i36l Sold at 50c
Each set includes a scarf, toque and muff, and you have choice from various styles and patterns
in blue, cardinal jr white. The supply is limited and they'll surely sell rapidly at this great price
reduction, so don't delay your coming. Regular 50c Sets are to go Bargain Friday at the IC.
T nw friaa f flnlv ' X"Jt
Sweater Coats Now 89c
. Formerly Sold at $1.35
Pure Zephyr Wool Sweater Coats in various
styles and in all sizes up to 5 years. They come
in gray, white and red. Regular $1.35 lines OA
on sale Bargain Friday at OJC
Sweater Coats Now $1.29
Formerly Sold at $2.00
Heavy Pure Wool Sweater Coats, shown in fancy
weaves and in styles with belted back and pockets.
All colors and sizes up to 5 years. Q-t OQ $2 lines on sale Bargain Friday PXiJ