Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 26, 1915, Page 18, Image 18

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    NOVEMBER 20, 1913.
Vietrola, Columbia and See Portland and sur- J to ff? Christmas Sew-
d Disc rounding country from our xng Machine Cluo.zifaias
rt nhtmntimi Tmrrr. Start amof the famous "Willani-
l livrV'I ill I'rij, vi, c u o v v w - " ,. - .
tcrpis. Vo interest.
Accommodation Bureau. cite" machines home.
TiCt aITtrea o rownx
II '
Why not give a Kodak An expert Chiropodist Mist t Cora MorrisThc
for Christmas? Investigate will give careful attention Story-Telling Lady wdl
our offer of FREE enlarge- to your foot-comfort. Beau- tell stories to children and
vaitl . Splendid gifts. ; ty Parlors-Fifth Floor. grownups today at A o'clock.
Meier & Frank's Prize Page of Bargains!
The doors of this great. new store swing open at 9 o'clock this morning to an unparalleled
toddy and balance of month
go on December accounts
payable January li.t.
Two-Daz Month-E
In Combination With 1346th Friday Surprise
today and balance of month
go on December accounts,
payable January 1st.
Where Quantities remain, these specials will be good for Friday and Saturday-Look for the green cards
' y-A 1 -T IT 'turn - ""N
1200 BQXCS Fancy HandQhfs
rppday at 73c
Regularly Sold for 98c a;iti $1
Buy them for Chrutmas gtft- or per
sonal b-! Pure "" h1 f,n 1,ncn
Un "kerchief Kith fancy Swis em
broidered corner design- Some in Ma
deira effect. Sold by the box only
Month End Surprise at 7:W. 2 boxe $1.40
3 and 6 in box. No phoce ordtffc
to 2 Gloves at 51
. tt f Tl . . II a . i . 1 V .
' UOU J (I'M jv' piiwicii
Gloves made from the finest imported
Cape skin. One and two-clasp styles in
tan. brown, white. Mack and gray, -f I
P'amoos rVrrin's. Ireland Hros.' and I
lUcmo walking gloves. Not all sizes in
every style but sizes 5i to T'.j in the
One of the best Month-Did Surprises
ftuits for yisses and
150 suits that sett
regularly from $13 to
$17.50. Dozens of smart
styles in
Heather Mixtures,
Gabardines and Whip
conls. The styles arc varied from
plain Uilored Norfolk to rrct
ty fur-trimmed euits. This is
the most remarkable value r
the season offered as an ex
cellent Month-End Surprise.
r.orth riMr. rif th .tree.
mrmm. ar-t a ft tiai.
gmaU omen
200 of the jauntiest
little suits you would
care to see. Their reg
ular prices are $19.50
to $25.00.
Fur Trimmed, Braid
Trimmed and Tailored
models are included. Swing
ing little box suits cf blue
serge or pretty broyn whip
cords, with fur to harmonize;
wool velours in small checks
on smart Norfolk lines and
dozens more for the Month
End Surprise!
gecpnds MLS 50C
JJosefor 19c
These are subject to slight irregulari
ties in weave and finish, that you'll have
a hard time finding!
50c grade of silk and silk
plaited hose splendid wearing
quality, in white, gray, purple,
tan, brown and black. Not all
colors in every size, but all sizes
While they last, for this
Month-End Surprise, 19c.
25c Men's Linen Initial
Handkerchiefs, Box of 6 for 89c
An event that will surely bring early gift shoppers to
day! Pure linen initial handkerchiefs, with both white and
colored initial. Full size, 18-inch handkerchief. 25c qual
ity, today, box of 6 for 89c.
Men's Worsted Plaited
Union Suits, $1.15
Extra fine quality, that you would usually expect to pay
$2 for. Medium weight, natural gray, made with comfort
able closed crotch. Extra special, Month-End Surprise, at
51.15. Main Floor, Morrison Strrct.
P emnants on the gecond JTloor10J000 yards at Y2 p
p,,,tii nf Challies Remnants of Wool-Mixea znirungs nemnum uj wow,
KrmM.lM of Wool S..j rin ' YiS of Percale Ilemnants'oi Linings Remnants of Outug, Remnants of Ginghams
Dainty "Waists at $18
, w "
, linmn bio
'.V .l,T K tyi pictui
.1 r .,. r 1
' ' f.Ui
Silk and Lingerie Included
Beautiful blouses that have sold regu
larly for$.",and ?6!
Broken lire and iie not all uei of a Kind
but all rprntd. Painty voiIm. tanie ana
lou., tn tailorea ana lancj v.
ird. SJk. tnpd. chrckeU ana piain.
luJtrated. t'varlh I'lMr.CralrtL
LU nhMrm's C?0 "Path
m;v u u
pobes at C- .10
Warm bUnket roix- Red. Cojwn, rray. pink in
prtty f irard r" l'd at wUt with cord. Ex
actly hk cut.
Party Frocks at One-third Off.
Pnnr.t frock of t. chiffon. Toilea and linjrene
cloth. dasrtUly mad and trimmd.
rruUrty J VO to J3O.0O.
Month-End Surpru 3J3 to $19i5.
S1.25 to S1.75 Infants' Sacqucs, VSc
and niKhtinja:. With icaUopd or crocheted
and dainty tmbroidrd di-n.
$1.75 Infants' Angora Bonnets, $1.10
Warm tittl Ancora wool bonnctJ. with crochet edff4
ronth."Rnd gurprise gavings in oytown
Mothers 'take advantage of these Toytown specials? and bring the little ones to chat with
Santa Claus while you shop.
75c Tra
Set, 57c
China tea set.
floral deMgn. 4
cups and s a u
cers, tea pot.
sugar and
creamer. Illustrated.
Doll, $1.19
Jointed baby
doll, lace-trim'd
dress, ah oes,
toe kings, etc.
Sleeping eyes.
Pictures $M9
Antique modeled frame in
gold tone. Size 13Vixl5li.
Beautiful copies of Old Mas
ters included at this price.
Buy for gifts! Delivery later
if desired. Regularly $2.00.
S1.00 Framed Pictures 69c.
1.23 Framed Pictures 73c
. Uiese lUI lUi'll iluaii) dim w.. ...... , ,
Santa in Toytown daily 10:30 to 12 and 2 to 5 o clock.
It I- it
IF-'jrK-.ff.m. I
Blocks, 48c
As sketchwt.
Educational and
imu sine indoor
45c Siege
Game, 33c
Illustrated. In
cludes rapld-firo
piKtol and 50 toy
a o I d i e rs. Very
85c Jointed Doll, 63c
Jointed kid tody doll, with flaxen
wig, sleeping eyes and eyelashes,
slippers and stockings.
Flftk Floor. Sixth Street.
ribbon string.
$5 $7.50
H5S $2.95
725 25c S 50c
yomcn's Jjose at 5C
Women's Winter-weight hose tan and
black. Wayne Knit and other famous
brands in sizes 8' and 9. Some 50c black
cashmere hose in size 8'2 only. Month-Lnd
Surprise at 15c.
35c to 50c Hose, 29c
Women's fine gauxe hose both imported and
domeatk. Black and colors all fast. Not all sues
of a kind. Special at 2'Jc Friday.
rl. Floor, (tilth Street.
$ 1.50 cwt $5 l9 nn
7rrry ou7 V ' 7
JuAt ICH) of them for thi
Jlonth-IInd Surprise! iland-
oen cut cU.a bowti. S inch
tn dimtr. Jral atyl anJ
cutting n a t:!itrted!
ooaBot. riftfc Mr
$3.00 Cake
Sets for
Iutiful Nippon. hnd-Pint-tH
Chin cake Kl. Jour pat-tm-
t Mlcct from tlnty
tlonl d-"r. ' touche of
gold. ?t of on Urr plate and
imall on la th Month
End SurprM for rill a tlr-
Coautiful trimmed hat, in
wid aMortment. including tur
ban, ullori and novcltie.
Trimmed In f jr. o.trtch band
and fancie.
A special urpri. for the
Month-End Sate at tiSi.
fancy feather today at
:Wt. Fourth Floor, 6th St.
Boys" $2.50-S7.50 Wash
Suits Sl.Sd
Famous Regatta
Oliver Twist" Wash
Suits in heavy.
medium and light
weights. Lin
en, repp, galatea,
ratine and all fa
vored wah mate
rial. Tretty color
combinations and
trimming that dis
tirguish the Regat
ta make. See lllus-
Lration. ATa 2 i
to 8. For ? I .No.
Tklro riowe
Li W
$2.75 "LIFETIME"
STOOL, $1.-19
Just 150 of these excellent
-Lifetime"' stools for this sur
prine sale. Made of solid oak
with upholstered leather top. As
' illustrated. Klc- Floor.
Manufacturers gample
gtrips ff Jjmbroideries
Exquisitely dainty strips of embroidery at
the lowest prices in this Month-End Surprise !
All made on hand looms insuring finest work.
Some edges in dainty English eyelet design. Others
in blind work or firm convent edge. Widths from
3Vi to 15 inches. 3 to 41,i yards in a strip.
49c a strip for laces 60c-75c yard.
60c a strip foresees 85c a yard.
89c a strip for $1-$1.25 laces.
Mala Floor, Fifth Street.
$2.00-$3.00 Scrim Curtains
Pair SIM
Odd one-pair lots and samples
in good desirable curtain materi
als at drastic reductions to close
out for this Month-End Surprise.
See these remarkable values!
$1.35-1.50 Odd Scrim
Curtains a wonderful
surprise, pair 69c.
Equally noteworthy underpriced
offerings. $2, S2.50, $3 odd lace
curtains at,' pair $ 1.45.
Drapery remnants consisting of
scrim, silkoline, nets, prints and
cretonnes, yard 1 0. ,
Seveath Floor, SUth Street.
A Special of Rare Timeliness
"jyTenV New " ( ervento"
"Raincoats $1 ?.85
First time we've ever been able
to sell these famous coats at such
a remarkable price!
The style as illustrated a wonderful
rain-shedding coat, yet it has all the
style of the smartest overcoat. Raglan
shoulder split sleeve handsome tweed
patterns. Full 50-inch length.
The "Aervento" ,is ventilated, which
keeps you always dry and comfortable.
Also 86 Ail-Wool Cassimere Rubber
ized Raincoats, a special purchase of ?10
coats from the United States Rubber
Company, included in this extraordinary
Month-End Sale of Raincoats at $
Third Floor, Fifth Street.
$1.50 Delineator
Todav 75c
A year's subscription
at half price today 1
Second Floor Fifth St.
gilk "Qnderwear
From a famous ma-
about ya regular
Knickers for $1.95
Best ?3j50 to
$3.75 grade. In
white and pink.
Vests Spe-
rinl at S.Sn
YA.4.50 to $5.00
"-..a.- o -iM ' .u:- ..'II.
also white and
pink knickers.
At $3.95
$6.50 to $7.50
silk combina
tions and union
suits, in white
o n 1 y. M a i n
priday grocery gurprises
Thf-e jrocery specials for one day only r ri
day. Every one brings you worthwhile savings.
Smoked Shoulders, Pound, 11c
Medium sue and we!l imoked. Today only.
Royal Banquet Butter, 72c
Freshly churned Oregon creamery butter, roll .1.C-
Challenge Coffee, Pound, 2Sc
Freh and fragrant blend. 2 lb. oT.f . 4 lb.
Math riMr, Fifth Street 4Ba IOO.
The- QjualitV Stoke of- Portland
TiftK Sixth. "MorrlsofyAUfcr 5ta
JTjne avy' gwitches .98
inches long. Made of fine, wavy, cut
Joined on 3 separate stems. Month-
End Surprise at $3.98.
$15 French Switch, of wavy hair, $12.50
$1.50 Switches, 20 inches long;, for 98c
Puffs, small and large clusters, $2.50-$o
$10 French wavy Transformations $7.50
Fifth Floor, Fifth Street.
Special $3.59 to
$3.67 Bags $2.59
Month-End Surprise that
gives you our prettiest
leather handbags. The
newest shapes, as illustrat
ed. Black, white and patent
$2 Silver
J u s t as il
lustrated. Sterling silver
picture frame,
full cabinet
size, with vel
vet easel back.
n.infif -fnr
Christmas gifts. ' $ 1 .39.
100 Alarm Clocks, 98c
Famous Seth Thomas clocks
standard for over half a cen
tury! Splendid Month-End Sur
prise at 98c. Main Floor, Sixth St