Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 26, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Portland's Greatest Shoe Store!
; !
Thousands of Pairs, All Standard Makes of Shoes for
f at lz to lA Less Than Reg-
Rev. John H. Boyd Contrasts
Western Hemisphere With
Eastern as It Is Today.
rmnf, Mi-acry. Fixer I y "' II""-" r
of WfM' "o. TrrritKf r
rkiitnl sl.ldly Hp
fnr TKkcl"X "4"bk-
T". : irp .tariserin. - fa'.Hnf
. ik. .3.-t 'h iti:rr. th P"'
i-t ar-l th horror of I world
ne.c f.rrtn.- war. war "iau I l h
for M at.titrrranc. tf .Me nn
frorr. tha wf of "uS-
t. .! far ! i n ef r'",,--
.. I. w l. ef
tr..-r.. ..t.fJr . J0" ,L
l..Tf at nt-.r Tl"av" f"ic
ef trt rr..BTl-ria rKr.-hc, held '
t-.t rr..."trta- 'nrvH.
j..i. a, m (i.r.e. I"1'" I"
pr.r. ISa d.lirov af F'irr.
fnr in. . ef Am.rt.-a. 1
imiiki for Am.rl.- b.ur -o.j. pr.
r.ritr " at.rair. Aa oit.noc
f"C ttm f. rt..r. a ctrtljbl
la.t:t'itioi Ira lf. "t :!
rt ! --"
-tf ever t'. w a tm when lis
Am-rU-an r-n' than. 'iJ '
I ea - r.itl W 11.-r 4 in h'a ""
tVe jr. the "ly Nti !
IN. riot.. f !-'. All alr..r in
In . rlo, an- ar. tr Thanh.
Bl.ln r.!" l tor.u. Tdll.
irvimpltnl f a- t ar. at tr ama.1
p!1'. V r" fori". hV l
at i. ' Ct4 !.
T oo. fnrtoM w Ik. IoJ la
4 it '.o.f a on. vV h r.
rare! not bru ef or mlll.
t.,r dip!. .ma.-y er if l.att. In
meralfiy Ti AlmichfT I lonfcle
Amerl.- ! r't WHS lh r.l lk ef
r.lmtiw crrlr t
To. ono) ef lh. AHnltftr.1T ! f"Il
ur i.r.hoi. n k.rt u ul ef l.
nfrm.flt4 ef th . r. not
ef our m'rit. er our i.1om. er lrta
Wm sr. rt.mM frorn 1. rlmil)r
M w. . r. mhml mm ar rr IH r.
f ;o4 .lonjr
" f i. in. r n-i etln4 U
a. tnl rinml ari4 IM
f.romi- b.irc hl.p.r-i t IMa N
tta jr lh. Almihr mora mn4 rvora.
War tar
T. rrara mfirr Irtl u. a crral
wr k. impMl!nT. Tb ar r Ml
T.tMin 4'r.a-i npew l numbr ef
Km klpi k. o oar cl. lh"
aumnvr ef na. ari-1 lh. B'inc
l.r ef lrinlil ef muntlinn. Il
tnm - I Ih.r. I taltt. on now
mora l.rrifw than lh. baitl. ef f!.h
an. I lo.. tl la im hatll. of rli:isa-
linn, a halt:. I!i liwfiw ao-l t
knn.Mli. t. ta.-a to w tlralr arul ,
alt.i LUala
"Amaru- ! lh. arr..r TH
Jiflor IjdI for th lmrrlaMor and
frnf-tin ef l that tm. o uplift
W. ar. Am.rlranjiin( lh. oU Thy
I r. lotiltmr to u. Kac'nl an4 ir
nin will la Mnlr.l nt r.tr4-J by por.rtjr arnj all i:urp Hh lha
lana an. I lha rrii.u. lur prop!
t I b. fr. frofn a'l ni
ancul.h. A hoar ef jrl rr.ponal
ililf ha rem. Th Itma ha com.
K.a w hoUi. bo aton with ;l
Cr mfMt.ia t lh. mi. too of vnlicht
m.nt. . wa tir'iw nut that
gr.fn... r. ranri-rst.t sr.atn.a.
.) rn! that wh w. .. a.l that
Am.ri. a t. I't r.atita that aa w.
ar. wa eu(M la ba blr.'tnc."
fn lh. prcramma ef lh. -ro-ea
wa. th .Injiln ef r imJ n. Hi rirttjra r.a-imc anj
l"i. f.a lmar of I'ra.i4aal ii-n'
Thana.aivtntf rrorUmatioa. II. v. 1L N.
II Jwnt pra.Ma.
iitrmt otmtiir .tnnnrr.D
1 . U. t II I. :. Nlklir.
rrraantlarw fa ar tiaw .
Ac! f. r. Areaftrdlatf
at t:.a-a aitsaiiwav
Tha l.b.ral rhurrh. ef rort!aa
Tir.t I eitartan, :ti l.ra.l. rtat.4.
bra. a ai4 tha l lr.t I al.ralt.l
mtix pa. tar.. ftin.. I p. a-.
.lrt. ).(.Mtr wrtiic al tha I'lrai
I aK.fMiKl uri-b. I a.t Tw.nly
fftftarira tr..t a.J :fnJ.T H. .
.m. t (" for is brftih.r-
be.4 ef manaia. !'... Jtaait..! !
a.t.r. .f 4"r;a l'w.
fti.i;..f4 th. ep.nteat iiiwalina. Iiabbi
jaaaa . f l.ti l.ra.l. ra4 lh.
..-npeai-a. en4 .. U. I liC I'll
a - .Mrna4,
w. t h-tihl w. is p.r
f lha moraine. a4 hi. Ih.m waa tha
"(r.ant af I utaml I-"--." aa a
frir. br th coart of th. aatiua a4
taponrt.! Ir a.nitiw.ol fr
aa -.. Mr Wk..i rth( firat ra4 lh. l
platform ' l a4oa... !
ftft.aMa to th a.ebli.rJat ef
p.. a ahftl th. ef all tnt.r
aatioaal '.ti'ftn Ortil arbfttralft
a it. I r.yi.w II th. rtw.4) th .!
aati ft ef :rp ao4 lh u.a ht.-a
a .aid) I I I- lh f.arfal craa I
arur..a Ih.ra.
- I'T.par.dn....' d "tar.. Mr A'k...
wi-lahl, "la .ft t lh f.can4Cto ef p.a-.a.
vt, n a th coatrary. I. lh a.ry iniea;
whi'ch Ua4 l a4 brtaa al.l war
Th aitaatio I liurop dmntrl
tPiat arapar.da... r.aute war aa4
.?l p--.. aa yt IR) ! ruualry w.
ar. arfl t .mbark lha can. ef
Aft.r dpirtinT lh borrara ef war
and lh d"trvirti.r ef lif. 4 prop
arty, ilt. hft-alriht p..tnl.4 out tha
rarr.ilr. b 4. r4 I law.
afrv-4 b IB- aattoae and
ef lh. worll. lie raid lhat th I ntfd
.!. rhoul-l b aa tumpla ef p-a
and not bom aa eampl ef pr
l ailarUa VUntra lo Ohwnr .nnl
trraari . rilrd J.
Th Wom.n Atltna ef lha I'nl
tarta I hfr.-h. trt erianlaalion that
waa I r. alter lh. f'aRftB-I.Rion of lh.
.mrr! al t'f 'ath.r In Ihia rity. al l
r.lrhr. II. 2AtH anniv.raarr W.dn.r
!r. t ' mbr 1. al 3 1 o-lo. k.
m'. t'hara V. Hkirrajl he pre
pAf., A pa.. PR rntni..'flf y.
tra-'ta from I". :arl M Vl!r h...
lory ef the rh'tr-h wlt b ! and
j! -j-. . riot aa. 1 1 r.iw lha f
ef fa aiua"--.. 't T. U l.tlol. pa.lor
am. rtta. Ul " rriiatio.aa
a.r.K-. Mr J. U. Comrloali will pro-i..'a.
City Is Combed That None in
Need Be Forgotten.
( lutrllabk trsnlHooa "r-rprrle
la rmiainx ItrUrf: Mirp'
(,hra to lMt Mot Than Ia.
tnl I I low flT Altl.
,...f j. f" n- fa
n. puviarwl d.lnrr4 lha bkrl a
ri4)r Biornini,
Th. Abnhm l"IJ th. Mula yr.r
i - - . tK. ft. H founJ soma of tha
rm.n i Fv-rl I . .it roal-oll and
ha4 had to rout tham oul to t Ihrra
tha brt. Tho.a baakrt crtainl)r
brouehi Jo jr a. in ih.m. I'rrni who
haan I ha4 a iqur. In dar and
a-ft. ...dir la wr.o wh.nth.y
aw ajhal th. fool propl. had for them
Wr. II. II. iuoa. or in o.inourT a. anothrr who brlprd
. . mftrf. no two fin. ba.krta and
look.4 aftr ih need of two tamlllra
Ard Ih'r. war. many, many oin.ra.
l on r with tha Mula but working
o.ll aho aid. It bU.l-
. i- thai for at laa.t oiv. faintly
In Ihi. bis town. Thar, krculng day
lirl up to Ha nam..
Markla.-ra a II... alrrlalaa l-M.
v. ! mrti in the rour.r of lha
dy l.ft tha Worktnam.n'a Horn.. 511
ir.t tr.l. th in.tit'itlon mao po-
tb ty th pohll-- rplrit of lin r.
Inc. with full rtoma.ha aivl a Thanka
citntf All Ihrr paid wa a
ntftk.l a dtnn.r. Thrr a no lorkry.
It'a true, but ho wania lorkay when
ha can t a dtnnrr with a choir of
Irw.d f-hi.-krn. baked bn. roa.t
mil-Ion with alramrd rl and
arpl. au-. bak.1 altnon and pota
lu... two lituburs.r and wlrhr. r'rk
td h.rrme and potaoa. Irlrh w and
fr bread and off or buttermilk,
wi'h red order.
Th tlallon Army .rrl a Hood
dtnnrr lo mn at lla Industrial
II t'nlon Thr waa
( 1 - r - t a a. mm - - - -
pt on th wnii. Tha Armr aia noi; I
yrr. hut at tha r-iu-l of the Aociat-
i nariu'ft, " - -
lh Mula. Th Army donated eupplle
. . . . ft. ft . . I
for lh work. bowr.
Dlaavrr ra1 al Clrla II
lh. a.trf.' lloni. of lh Vol-jn
.r of Am.rb-a. li ITa.l eynth
air.rl a turk.y ilinwr a arry.d.
Th VolunL.ra al.o ro.op.raUd with
tha Aa.Ofttil.l Chandra
Th. A Ut.4 "haritte d'!lrerd
hundr.l ef ba.k.l I famillr In
a..d. Kv.ry prr.on on Ita Itrt war
rar.4 f . r.
Th I'.ort.'a tnaiitot at.o J (attributed
b.hat. ar. f.4 mu-h rl f work.
At th. l-atton Home for old folk.
Iir. wa. a Ivirlc; dmn.r lha! war
luaT.tT rrjoy.d. In lh. mornlna kind ftm.n cama In and d-oral.a
. , - ft. .r.d In th aftarnoAii younc
p...fla ef In. "ir. t'hrl.tian C.urrh
atr. an .r.t.rtairtm.nt. The Moor
lamiif tat a aroinama laal
avera aad (.Irla '
At th. f'orttaa! Common, no a r
pii'ant. fr d nn.r .ra lornrd away.
Th. !.. j!.. Hoot, al.o ha j a p.lal
Tr.nla.artatnaT d'nn.r
lltfhtr k!4 ef a'l "4 ! at
O. lloi. and tairt." Al4 lo4.l)r had
a Una lurk.jr i.r.n.r ant a atood
Thanh. al. lr.T roaip b.IJ.a
Al Anna Mail, it r.en-l.r
.Cr..l. It. atmo.ah.r. of a .xxl rb..r
pr.i'.H Al I oriorh nore than
T !-; a . yl: I ll r.
it hi; tvuii.
r S. V... r-rahbl of Trm
pl. :th l.ra.l. now read of lha J.w
Ui I r fnuaTue. New Tork City,
will r- h l'ortian-1 t.-ly at I I).
Ir. W ' will apak al Temple II. lh
l.ra.l t-.nia-ht al o rl.-. k and tomor
row at I J-'. Th la-tur.. ar f r to
tha itrn.ral pul'H-. Ir. Wi.a will b
t'i .p.akrr ba-fir lh lfeni I'lvl'
tjeaarue tomorrow noon at Ita regular
luoftheon at iri. Maftoirtah Hot. I.
Tomorrow nlarril Ir. vi. will ad
drv.a a fr. puhti meeting, at the ll'h ru h. ol. al orlork. m
fmiav rT..rntniT b will rpeak at tha
ta'nal ll'rtth bull Jlng.
rblrlcentb lral.
turkey- and rrantrr- iia'-ce and "ncfjcrd and the feaiit waa alao
Bear Mai-kct.
r l. -
glrla. rrridenta of th ome. rat down
to a bountiful rprrad wl-lrh Inclutlnd
ar lha reiulititra of a t)"l holiday
Anna Lewla lla'l l condurted by th
Portland Woman fnlon. one of the
forrinopt nomrri'i orB4nlatlon In th
city. It l a tlw:ling plac lor cu-
upnorllng glrla.
Tha hoinaltk atmorphere and th
r.T,.ral alp or rvwnfort that prevail arc
Ihe home dltlnctye featur.a. Mra.
J. It Conmtovk la prrrldent of tne or
ganlxatlon. An nthu.laatlr" member
. k . n A.Aft.t..f ft. 1 1 H h.r and the ln-
rtitutlon la managed bv capable handn.
Th hall a a. renamed rerently In
honor of Mr. I. J. Mann. Adda Ltn
being hrr maiden name.
Mxty hungry men partook of the
ThankrCftVlng dinner reryed ln the
auditorium of lh Young Men a Chri-,
Han A.oclatlon ye.terday noon and
-lo.. a r. it h.l Ihav were not eat-
Ini that meal In their own home. Tur-l
kev and all the jioixl thing wnirn go
.-ftK -1 ftvkih .1 1 1 V. t I h enirurean
heart of the boy and man were erved
ami found a hearty reception
and round a hearty reception. i-ome
of th young men had their girl friend
- .av a.l. a I I
In addition to the good thins
..... ' a a, I
apread upon the table, there wa i
programme of mualcal number ren
I r I) M ril ill i
. i I
tjrrtil anl tm team waa io a win KathrrlnK of aaaociatlon
J ralmr. one of the aecretariea
j j-amrt one of Ihe aecretarlea
of th ajtjiorlatlon. mho la a baritone
I or in ajtiioc-iaiion. a no la a nunum
poIoipi. aana "tn the l.oad to Mnnda
aa H.l . I Ill' " Kta.nl1
numift i, .ana ' ' " tow ..(sali w ..... -
i,,- ,nj a l'.rfn-t 1'ay." btanlry
.. . , i i i . i nn . !
Kak.r alio rendered eeverat relortlon
n hi. ...of. hone lla wa. acarn-
panted on the piano by Mr. Maker.
.sons. Tfal anJ YrlU r"clure
IVa( for Itoiuclca.
What rare . If th ah fcr. are murkry.
And lh. r.ia pMura !. n ouia.d..
Ila.a't a.l a al.-. pi-r. of turk.y
Ta ay BOtMn of pie lraid.7
This and othtr Itm.rl. ka and Jingle
wer among Ihe feature of the Infor
mal programm of toa.t and talk that
foi.uwrd th annual Thank.glvlng din
n.r at lh Toung Women's Christian
A.soriatioa ye.terday. Th festivity
waa planned for sirl and women away
from home, and a company of shared
the repast and th unbound
ed hospitality thai th association af
forded. Ml. Carrie A. Ilotjrook. president
of lh orc.nlaat ton. pr'si'l'd aa hostess
and loa.imistre.a. and ill.. Lana K
Jam., general .vr.tary. gar an ad
dr.. a of welcome. .h urged lh girls
lo carry lth them everywhere th
spirit of friendliness.
All car and responsibilities were
east a.ld.. and the young women were
as bal pr aa could be. The tables wer
allra. nvrlr de. orat.d. Th g-4.t were
diTfeird Into lour groups, raid having a
Ituat". Thoav who served ably In this
. -..--ii.. f i ll.l.n AriBitraiif.
. ' ' 7 - - . . - -- -. .
of th social drpartm.nt: Mls llertha
Kralncrd. or In commercial Depart
ment: Mrs. Nelson Johneon. of the
Trat'l.ra' Aid. and Miss James, gen
eral sa.rr.tary.
:ch group had It special toast,
tim.rirk and yells. These were all In
r.f.rere-a lo th V. W. C. A . th turkey.
-aha atftuntr fellow named Nd. ShO S Ic
too mu'h before going to bed." and the
Jolly jotxl lime prepares lor in away-Irom-hom.
snitiTCAt. ir.ii:.K i VKc.r.n
Itcv. Oorre llaralr Saja CmI Will
i:ntl War In Ills) Own Tlm.
"A Nation" Treparednesa for War"
ft-fttki well have ben lh title of the
Thanksgiving sermon br llev. cleorge
larale. pastor of th r'lrat Christian
Church, at tha union service al th
I ir.t Methodist cnurcn yesteraay
mornlr.g '
llrv. Mr. narsie rjiscussea tn present
plans tor arming Ihe country lo protect
.. ' . .St.. invaalnn and attack-
la iiviii I".
and. while he did hot speak In opposi
tion IO in iftaiiwn.i ft.ftrftft-ii.ft. I' i .
gramme, he urged hla hearera to build
up a spiritual rather than a material
def. ree.
"What we peed. ne aeciarea. -is
armored souls and not armor plate,
-i t the Nation prepare to llvo In
rlehteousness that It mar h' and
r a rxi
Let it
Hul.r.lani the Voice Of tiod
build up a spiritual defense that will
protect It from th fool within and
th enemies unoui.
ft-. .rfta.kee uraed hi
hewer, tol
v ..i.ft. mA ir.i.l in Hod
cla"d lhat !od alon has power to
atamp out ecu ana in. .-- -.
" . ' XL -.J' i aanu r
r. f Ciw "'S. . - ' tr
twin i .'.AU
lamn out evil and th causes or evii.ioe . ji. -
iamn . ., ..i.vft..m bureau several years ago
.od will la asseri.Q. pt a s.iafcte c..w,
on win. .. ,
put an end to war. pui an na is in-
Irnperanc and to other evl,
of man.
Tb cburvli wa. well filled. Member I
is v'
V "" ' ra7 '
- t'y ft- :yr
f 1 '
of the Klrnt Methotlint. Flrt Congrega
tional. l'lrt Haptlat and Klrt Chrla
tlnn congregation participated. tpc
clal choir music waa pro-lded.
laltftoopallans ilvc Thanks nil
Make Hospital Ofrrrlns.
In al! the Kpl.copal churche Thanka
Clvlng were held with npecial
i.rmon.and ai.proprlata muHlc at 10:30
o clock. The early aervlce at :tO A. M.
wa a slmj'le observance of the holy
i i.i I, sit fttenhen' pro-Catlte- Hliihop Sumner offlcialed. and the
rrrmon wa preached by Dean H. M.
llamrey. who rpoke on "Authority, lie
uld that In church as well aa In state
all thlag work out for the common
a. v. .. . ftftt.o live, but for him
self, and that every life has lu inllu-
ence and should bo uvea lor iuc euac
of the community.
The choir sang Owat's communion
ervlce and several appropriate an-
I . . , 1., .hi. . nH all the
inem hjmi... - -- - -
other churche of the denominaUon the
W i a.... fraf lh hnit1t ftf t II O ClOOQ
.- ifnnit-i Tii at tendance
i rniim i iiaaia i"r -
at nil ervlce wan Larire.
1 .. TKftearMa. lanklnK. YCtOT Of St.
Lr ftw rvn Tha Pflll T S1 tl B TG
i'vm n. i,"r-'- -
Manure of CttlxenKhip.- HIr J;xt.waJ
-Honor all men. love the brotherhood.
fear d and honor the Klntf. The
fear God and honor the Klntf
prmclpUa that make for wholesome so-
I. I... .ft... . ...
clety and good government were ex-
Vn j - "
plninrd In Mr. Jenkins adilrrfiu.
TV.. rfAratiAn. at the chancel
T-ft... rf.Ar.iiAna at the chancel In St.
Mark's were In the season- fruit, and
these were afterward taken to the Oood
Samaritaln Hospital with other gifts.
CliurrlKvi Vnllr? In Programme at
High School Auditorium.
fnlon ThanksKlvIng service, were
held last night In the auditorium of the
James John High School by the
churche of St. John. A Joint choir
furnished special music. Kev. A. P.
Laytora. of the St. John United Evan
gelical Church, delivered the aermon.
. .a.. .... r irhlrh ha pointed out
where the hand of l!od appeared In the
affair or men ana tor inn rra-n m..
klnd should b thankful every day.
Iter. W. K. lngalls. pastor of the
Methodist Church, presided: llev. H. F.
Jones, of the Christian Church, had
charge of the music: Kev. li. I. Bor-d-n.
of th Baptist Church, delivered
the Invocation, and R'. J. A. Hopper,
of the Kre Methodist Church, read
th Scripture lesson. ,
Tliankeivlne Invade lt..M-vat.on.
prXPLKTOX. Or.. Nov. IS. frpe
risl 1 A Thanksgiving dinner will be
given o the Indian school children at
the Imatilla Intilan Ke.errallon Kun
dny The dinner has been postponed
from to.lay until Sunday because a
number .f the children have been con
fined to their homes with bad attack
of la grippe. About 110 children
will enjoy the fest Sunday.
Offering for Charity SI 70.
For th. bent-tit o fthe Men- Resort,
the offering In th First Fresbyterlan
Church amounted to 1170. Kev. Levi
Johnson, mho Is In charge of the re
sort, said of the gift: "We are glad
.ft... now be able to strengthen
our work, and the sum received will be
a great help to u.
Thank OfTcrlna; Sot for Today.
Women of the White Temple will
hold their annual thank offering meet
ing at the church this afternoon at
::Ji). A programme ha been prepared,
after which refreshment. will be
Kniplovmont IHrertor Will Be
Clioat'n at Meeting Tomorrow.
A director for the Public Employ
ment Bureau a. created by the Council
Wednesday to supplant present Free
Employment Bureau, will be named to-
. . . m..iinr of the citizen.'
illicit" - - . - - .
advisory committee with Commi.aloner
Baker, several names nave ..n .Men
tioned, but the man to get the plum 1.
The various D-
plicanl. will be considered from all
de-lalUftlr H'mut " . iftft"a.
Among tne applicants are .am iu
M. Kynerson. wno neaaea me
ru..i ... -
. i- nrftlrl.teln who was a can-
in . j'.. .
did... -for Cltr A--...r at lh. last
elded yet-
J ' 't
UIC WW llWIv A lAllliaj a waa -
ular Prices Open Saturday Until
3ale Ladies
rijrxBT 3.00
ts.oo nun
Thou .and.
lair, of ladle,
rill Drill
Shoes on Bale. They
com In patent, gun
meiaUa. duil kid. Tan.
and whit buck with
cloth or kid top., black,
and colors, all atyle. of
as a ... a
heels, light, medium
welted sole.. Tne
is to js values,
all sixes. A A
to EE width.
Special, per pr.
iRubbers at
B$1.9S WtaaSLw-
Bnr stock
T amaftOlal
I K,-7!5, ft I f On al
! -V i-t-'J C h 1 1 d r e n' 5cW I I f r . Me
-. V-f1- Shoe and r&? Jkv I I I 6.
-Mm c7-7..-f?.i mm l w:
79cQ gSTsec 152.48 Nbb JP
f.' ffl r. '' fy iShoe.Tr'. 9St? , A 2L 1
I . i -, Misses' $2 and li.BO Vi l Bbovs' reg. t2.fn 1 7r, X fg
I J shoe, and Pumps l yf; , 1 H Shoes. SI. 29 f.H7'': V
- - f.'J- ... , Ki.oU. I H Shoes. 1.98 hV -i S'i ) 13
J J-i -X All lzea in blaeka. j. wi"-i . g All sizes. '' ifj ttTTJsl
tans. In whites and f 'im1- H iPtJ -'-'JF
7 'A. ' .vrr patent, cloth and kid .-fr s H jgl?i -pfr M
.wars Mm hXSlZ C$2.48
I IIMlMllWIIMIII iiawiniii I
29 for Chndren's Storm Rub
bars. 4 to 10
39a for Mia Storm Rub
bers, size li to
-49 'or Ladles Rtorm and
Strap Rubbers, all size.
59t for Men'. Storm Rubbers,
all sizes.
79c Pair
3000 pairs of
L,a dies' $1.60
wool felt, high
cut. ribbon
t r i m m ed Ju
liets, all sizes,
ill colors, o n
.ale at. 70p
,ier pair.. SO
la, " - ' --
Reply Eapeeted Today to Request to
Make Trls t Europe In Cause
of Fading Great War.
Mis. Grace DeGraff. principal of the
Kenton School and well-known peace
worker, may become a member of
Henry Ford's party that is scheduled
to .ail for Europe early next month
by special steamer and work for the
restoration of peace between the war
ring; nation.
A telegram Inviting. Miss DeGraff
to become a member of the party was
received at the Portland office from
Mr. Ford himself yesterday. It could
not be delivered here, however, as Miss
Iiegraft 1 out of the city, file passed
th Thanksgiving; holiday with friend,
at Iwaco and Is expected back today.
The telegram was relayed to her at
the beach, and It Is understood Miss
Ml. a Grace IleGraff. of Portland,
Wka Has Beea Asked lo Go on
Ileary Ford' Peace Ship He
eember 4.
lieC.raff will make her decision today.
Mr. Ford Invitation asics mat hum
DeGraff make the trip as a represen
. -. t H. teacher, ttf America and
of the women of the Pacifio Coast. It
i. not understood tnat pne win oe me
only woman delegate from this Coaat.
a.... hnnnr fnr fnrt lnrd hv reHSOO
of her selection Is regarded as high.
The plan of Sir. ora provire .uai
.. - j.i.rai.a .all from New Tork
i -.i . i. .tenmshin King Oecar on
December 4. The steamer has been char
tered by the automooue manuisi.-i.uier.
and it understood that all expenses
of th trip will De paia oy nnu.
Jan AddaniB, of Chicago; Thoma a.
; .r-r Jfif'"'.. I t
: r ' ;v:k! -H
if . : - --aT t
! V - - t - -rSl
J -' :v..-- I t
I For
Van A;f3 ? a a
$248 jj
$1.98 for Ladies' $3.00 Slippers
BaSaBBawaaV., hgaasjsjjBa-jBkd-ajBzafjH
rflSMaaaaw. rnT m t&fotr
C-or. rourtn and Alder Sts.
Sand Your Mail Order. Sere.
Edison and John Wanamaker are
among those -who have already ac
cepted Mr. Ford's invitation, to join
the party. Governor Manning, of South
Carolina, received a message yesterday
asking that he become one of the peace
Council Delays Action on Paving
Delinquency Assessment.
MEDFORD, Or., Nov. 25. (Special.)
The last regular session, of the City
Council was alevoted largely to a con
iiii.ratinn of the Detition by a number
of citizens urging that body to compel
the payment or tne principal on o.....e
delinquencies before passing the ordi
nance designed to provide a special tax
of 10 3-10 mills to cover the interest
on them. Final action on the ordinance
was deferred until Monday night.
Seven and nine-tenths of the proposed-levy
is to cover delinquent pav
ing assessments, seven-tenths will be
for sewer assessment delinquencies;
five-tenths will be devoted to de
linquent water main assessments.
There will remain one and two-tertiis
of the proposed ten and three-tenths
mills which will represent "straight
t-.-..' sin. frenern.1 bonded indebt
edness. Ira other words, were there
rao delinquencies to take care ot. one
and two-tenths mills would have been
the amount of the proposed levy.
D. Bradley, who presented the peti
tion, favored the request of the taxpay
ers therein represented. Councilman
Medyraski opposed it vigorously.
R. E. Moore Eats Turkey in Jail,
Due to Mistake.
"i ft.TL .. v, ... t-f i . n th. Washington
lUIJUUf. II v, -. . . ...ft, '
authorities that he would return to
Walla Walla to complete his sentence
of 15 years for grand larceny of his
own volition after a visit with his wife
and children in Portland, Robert E.
. .. - BtiAirof f Vi ft rpKnite. Hp
diuure waa . u i. ........ . . . - - .
was arrested by Detectives Hyde and
Abbott Wednesday menu anu nan mi
key for Thanksgiving, but in the City
Jail and not at home as he had planned.
vrAA.. A.nneH from the prison camp
at Waterville, Wash., where honor men
were employed. He later wrote Wash
ington authorities that he was willing
tO return. A licn-ei waa iiCBi cijJMftTfti
him, but sent by mistake in care of a
.... . r.A hA .-n 1 1 1 H nsft .eciire it at
BlVftCl, .ftl.ftft ..ft- .-. "
the ticket office. When he did not get
th ticket, v asniiii.uii wiutiiiia
came impatient and demanded that the
Portland officers arrest the man.
Ashland Has Paving Problem.
luur.iKn fit- Nov. 25. (Special.)
a nnritinrft has been Dresented to the
Council praying that the city assume
one-third of the cost ot paving. Acnon
is- asked at the forthcoming municipal
.111.. in n.cember. Originally the
city paid $80,000 for intersections, while
property owners assumed $234,000.
Adopting tne proposed piau. me tit.
u. mi Id tiav about one-half, which the
Council deems excessive. Under the
: : I
f '
10 P. M. 3YlukREvicAET
Boys' $3.."0
.3.00 men
!T o p s, with
buckles. All
$4.50 Ilirh
tans, all
11! to 10-
inch tops.
For men's I.
and $6.00 High
Topa. blacks
and tan, ail
12 to JO
inch tops.
Over 3000 Pairs Men's Dress and
Work Shoes
lowtag ixrlcea--i riLLi;D
n s 15 and I "Ta
toes. 2.9c V 1 (
ioe. 2.48
Men'. S.i-.t.o'i -v.
All Standard make Betrals.
Read. E. M. and other
wall known make
on sal now at ... .
These come in
patents. g u n
metals and
satins, in black
and colors to
match your
gown, all sizes.
A A to E
All Findings at
Special Prices
Men's and ladies' Rubber
Heels any si7.. now on
sale, per pair
5 ( for S-ln-1 Shoe Polish.
5 c for men', and ladies' Cork
19 for Infants' 35o Shoe..
D....nri .ftt the amount of n.ivinjC
obligations unpaid amount to $189,500,
less $9000 cash on hand.
Salem Bridge Bitls lo Be Asked.
SALEM. Or., Nov. 3. (Special.)
Bids for the construction of till new
joint Marion-Polk County bridge across
tlm Willamette Kiver will be called
for at once, it was decided by the
Marion and Polk County courts. Fig
ures on concrete and steel types of
structures will be asked. Estimates
of the former's cost by the State High
way Department is $235,000, and for thq
steel type $175,000.
Gaston Postmaster Swamped.
GASTON, Or., Nov. 25. (Special.).
Postmaster Porter, of this place, was)
almost swamped with the unusually
large number of chickens and turkeys
sent by parcel post for Thanksgiving
to friends and relatives of the patrons
of the office. One of the queer con
signments by parcel post was brought
in from Callahan's mill to bo sent to
Central Oregora. There were three
heavy pieces of rough oak stock for
Every Particle of Dandruff Dis
appears and Hair Stops
Coming Out.
Draw a Moist Cloth Through
Hair and Double Its
Beauty at Once.
Tour hair becomes light, wavy,
fluffy, abundant and appears as soft,
lustrous and beautiful as a young girl's
after a "Danderine hair cleanse." Just
try this moisten a cloth with a little
Danderine and carefully draw it
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time. This will cleanse the.
hair of dust, dirt and excessive oil and
ira just a few moments you have dou
bled the beauty of your hair.
Besides beautifying the hair at once.
Danderine dissolves every particle of
dandruff; cleanses, purifies and invig
orates the scalp, forever stopping itch
ing and falling hair.
But what will please you most will
be after a few weeks' use when you
will actually see new hair fine and
downy at first yes but really new
hair growing all over the scalp. If
you care for pretty, soft hair and lots
of it surely get a 5-cent bottle of
Knowlton's Danderine from any drug
gist or toilet counter, and just try H.
Save your hair! Beautify it! Yon
will say this was the best 25 cents you
ever spent. Adv.