Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 25, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Contractor Balks at Mr. Can
tine's Figures and Demands
Estimate of Mr. Lewis.
l:rlwrar lo Kraxw rootroverajt
Clvrai aa Hum; ttf frrvocw
trr Kr4 Work
lira .r.p-el-
T a. J Ui f at e I. Ktaie II var
l aii"f we r!4 " iir '
tt t:ataar I.ai4 f.fv.l la rem
fir lt a d.maad of Mrrl.o Alt'.
rrtU.l attern.y. I"et re fara.ea
I'.t.roi A Ja&nsoa a ntl timte of
lae a.-noant die tam fur orh don
an la c.ft4 ('it la c:"op
County. TBet tne ioatrrlrt i; la-
stitite aiMln' pro4 forr
Law la l a-t Is .t..J pretat!e bare.
ttti.factk with a Irnletiie
iku af tptr l.agieaar Caatme. who
U-..l inj c-iai-s. ot tha state hiaS-
aort by fi Mitt II i awar Com
n-.i-.loa taat Ai.-vi.l II la d. lr4. 14
lia t.alrwtcr. la appeal lo l-a LS
l-al'.l af "all tut!e i4
r.?oeai4ltl.a in coasartio na ha
I lla.f work V lha cammt..oaj oa
Auevt II la. T cammi.aioa a-td
aa Ifta aeeiea.r'. r1..I. aflar ion.:
oaliaa4 eoatreverar betsjeaaj tfte
rafflatuw ar.4 l.awia aa la wBatn.r
lwi r (Meaty Caatme ahoaUl ba la
e-tie cr( of stele fe4 '.
fnn.e ln aatlae fte actl
I mMf ihi la av.r.
r.aturaae la rora aaaar lha for
anr apvil la n. by iar
l.m t la him r.plr la tha coatractora.
I'.'.raoa Joaaa. aa ola roa
f.fu.tnr d.maad far aa estimate
aa 1alep lonHT ora.
ta tit d.mand that !" f"rnla
IP. flaiaeot Coweir cnifarlor aiim aa
..fmata for tha aik d. Atfra.y
A. a call taatV altrti" la lha
oatrai-l itaiM Couaty aa4
tha e-atretore. proidinaT thai tha
t'ate i:ay ahalt eviPP'V
ti Mliaul. of l amount of
atoaa a4 It. :. Attontton ala IS
airota4 lo 16a Law paaa4 by la laal
ICUlalara be:iaMa lha offfa at
ftata lltcftwa- .a(ia.r aa4 plarln
ia atuti.a af IMa aftirlal la lha a4
f tr it'ata l aloar
V'or4it la OTiploT.a In Caalina
affi.-a. r.l.raoa) A Jaia ln lha
ki( aprlma lo ha.a It. aatl
anata eaj a:i IKa work dor a on Iba
r.lmciia H:-aarar la ri. CoutiK
iaca i)a contrac t wa. Rr.l lt la lH
l llta roral'iia Araol4 l eiaranr.
arh.roa lha de'tmot Inauta Ibal It
alalT aa!r fiaral.a aa a.timala from
ta lima laal I'.t.raaa J.tiaioi took
ar tba work l-l Irabf
faaT-Taaaaa4 Hollar It'aa iaka.
Ta diff.r.rl m'o4a af ..t.mat.a.
ft l .ai l. maka a i f(.wa. of apprat-
iO 1
j. r. .ii.i.i:.
. .... w I. n iLt.rcd
ion. fTOTiHwi nw - - - -
from h lirna It waa orclntly atartatf.
iaT.4 of lha contract ah II t4 rr-
. .r work. Clt-
i v in- . . - . - -
ynp i o u ii i . 1 1 n -
of lha Job or lo rtaron 4t John-
man. w HitJi.rto rau mn a-una
mb-conlrai lora on m - .
aan. waa m.da In accordance with
prallon of lha Ro aohn-Arnol4 con.
rarl. pa. lfinc thai ina countr n(ht
jnc. I lha coatra-1 whao I :. worth
f work h4 bacn dona. Tin aatlmataa
rna.l. of tha amount of work 4ona
h.n Iiro Johnaon toon cr
ha work on INcir own account. II la
lar!ara.t. now tail to tf)T lha con
ractora. '
.prrrlra mI Outrllj Awrtlon Mark
Maltnomah Affair.
Jl.mbcra of tha Tortland A4 Clab
. i -. . . i . TSaakaalvlnaT a dir aba4
af lima yratsrdar at ttalr luochaoa at
lha Multnomah MotaL
Tha r. rrk U I-o!an4 waa tha
Pak.r of lha 4r " h, 'n-ra and
alrtkma aJJrr.a liraw a aplrlt of
marline. Mr. Ivrland ur:d ttia ra
ItI of the nlU Thankaclvlns aplrlt. In
wM. h tiia day la ona of real thanka-
tvinc. and not ol:y a holiday In
which rarbody hopra to cat a much
aa po.atbla.
At tha tloaa oth matln four tur
kaia wara auctioned off. and r-auc-tlon.d
aararat time, and tha arcumu
Iata4 funda turned or to tha Mutm.
Jadslnz fontct lo lie Kctnr of
Llvratork Mor.
Flra atricullural coII'Bra will com
pata In tha annual JudalnsT contrat at
lha Tactflo Inlrrnatlonal l.lveatock
tihow. in I-ortland. Urccmbcr
Thara wr on'r fo"" ln ,h fmPetl
noa of th- rrvla.i year. It yrar
lh total amount of rr.rniuma allowed
waa but l-"0. whila ihla ear tlaneral
Manaer . M. riummer has decided
to distribute 50. divided. Into lt
premiums: First. IT&; second. $4:
third. 114; fourth. Hi. fifth. IJj. and
sixth. IS.
Two Judea will ba allowed for each
rlaaa of stock, each committee of
Judcea to look oer tha class of stock
and declda tha order In which It shall
bo rlc1
Men Said to Have Been Held
Ready for Examinations in
Insurance Frauds.
rrtsra of ImceUsallon at OIm
lla I)l!atfic Governor; Claim
Ajcnt and Commlasloncr Said
to Have Speculated.
OI.TMTIA. With.. Nor. i4 (Special.)
Apparently dissatisfied with tha prog
ress bain mada by the Industrial In
surance committee. Governor Lister
ha assumed personal charge of the In.
vestlaatlon Into tha looting of the stale
accident fund.
To the Oorernor today was rendered
the report of a Seattle handwriting ex
pert, comparing the fraudulent claims
with the handwriting- of employes of
tha department. No statement as to
rontests of the report could be obtained,
however, and the Intimation Is that no
further atalements In regard to evi
dence will be made until arrests occur,
tha Governor taklnsr the view that pre
mature publloity has served thus far to
warn suspects of most of the moves or
tha Investigators.
Kx-Chlef of Police Ben F. Hall, held
In tha county Jail under a charge of re
ceiving a bribe, was one of tha visitor
to the Governor" office today.
'Receiver af Faada aahf.
Pevelopmenta Indicate that the dis
covery of one or more of the men to
whom warrants were paid Is one of the
main object of Investigators, especial
ly with a view of determining whether
the ssme men had been compensated
by railroad claim agent for the aame
accident. That a well-organixed ring
of criminal axlLted. readr. If neces
sary, to supply a cripple to pa med
ical c-sramlnation. was reasonably well
establlsned and that lomi of the ame
men made application to railroads or
compensation for the same lnjurle ap
pears probable.
Ira a published Interview credited to
Clatm Agent J. F. Gillie, who Is inder
suspension, the statement la made that
Gillie and member of the Commission
ware engaged Jointly In slock transac
tions and that Gillie had advanced
money on several occasions to' mem
bers of the Commission.
latervlew Branded Fake.
Harry U Farr. Gillies" attorney, de
clared lodav that Interview attributed
.to hi client waa "faked."
Commissioner A..B. Jr.'rnst said, how
ever, that Gllllea bad told him lx
months ago that he bad made more
than W in the sale of oil stock and
wanted to Invest It. Krncst advised
him to grubstake Be. Krlckaon. a
Krlllsh Columbia prospector. who
Frnst had grubMaked for several pre
vloua seaaons. ha said, and Gillies used
j for this purpose. Krickson located
. . . .i . ..4 i. in an Fran-
ino ciimii" -
Cisco attempting to sell them, trnst
a'd. . .
. -,i..unfr I lirrnr f a r k rr
Q Another twelve-month has bf en, added
to our years of peace. '
Q No roll of drum nor note of bugle has
called us from Cur firesides.
I Nature, ever, lavish with her bounty,
has blessed our land with her increase.
1 Ripened field and fruited bough have
followed plow and pruning -hook.
J We have given freely of that which we
have, and now, in the evening of the
year, we rest from our toil, serene in
faith that dormant bud and fecund
grain will awake to new life.
J Let us then, today, partake of that
which we have garnered that which
shall give us strength and courage for
the duties of the morrow.
Let us give kindly thought to kindred
of every tongue who struggle upward
toward the dawn of peace.
J Let us remember those in peril on land
or sea.
HIS great house,
which, during
a quarter cen
tury of service
has sheltered
and fed the
from every
land, is in
spired today
with all its
old - time
vigor with all the ideals of its youth.
We invite you to a Thanksgiving
feast which we have prepared a feast
that preserves the best traditions of
our country and our commonwealth.
The Portland Hotel
Geo. C. Obcr, Manager
admitted having engaged with Gillie
In hi oil stock speculation.
O.-W. It. Declares Service to
Cmntilla Too Expensive.
WALL A WALLA, Wash.. Nov. 24.
(Special.) Pointing out that It would
cost :700 a month to grant the re
quest of the Commercial Club. O.-w.
K. ac K. officials today politely re
fused to change the run of the train
to Wallula. .
The Commercial Club wanted the
run extended to Umatilla to bring
mail In here earlier.
Changes contemplated to be made in
few weeks will eliminate the dis
satisfaction, it Is said.
Woman Gets Xo Share in $85,000
Estate of George W. Marshall.
Mrs. ny Levlson wfll get no share
in the SRS.onn e.lste or i.eortre v .
Marshall for acting as his housekeeper
during the last six years of his life.
.She had put in a claim for approxi
mately 132.000 against the estate.
.Mr. Marshall died June 14. He left
no will. Mrs. Levison presented her
claim and declared on the witness
stand that Mr. Marshall had often dur
ing his life declared he intended to
leave her a substantial sum at his
death. For her services as housekeep
er Mr. Marshall had paid her a small
sum each month, it was shown. On
this account Judge Cleeton ruled that
she had received compensation for
her services as housekeeper.
Newport Surf Deluges Building.
NEWPORT, Or., Nov. 24. (Special.)
As an aftermath of the storm that
raged along the Newport coast Monday,
the heaviest surf of tne season has been
running for the past 24 hours. Huge
breakers at high tide have swept en
tirely over the restroom at the beach
on Nye Creek and washed logs and
drift as high up as Coast street. So
far. however, the bulkheads have with
stood the waves and no serious damage
has been done.
, a
Kdlefsen's free kindling starts a cheery
Thanksgiving fire Coal, J4-50 to'113.75.
We Are Getting the
By Offering; the Newest
and Best
English Lasts
Tan and Black
at $5.22 the Pair
Morrison Street
Near Broadway
Phone Your Want Adt to
Min 7070. A 6095
Announces Their New Release
A Great Mystery Detective Serial in 14 .
Episodes of Two Reels Each, Featuring
Supported by FrankMayo. Andrew Arbuckle.Daniel Gil f ether,
In. this serial Kuth Roland plays the
part of a society girl. ho. on account
of unsuspected heredity, is a sort of
Jekyll and Hyde.
Our previous successes, "Perils of Pauline, Ex
ploits of Elairrv," "Nev Exploits of Elaine
"Romance of Elaine," "Who Pays?" "Neal of the
Navy," and "Get-Rich-Quick Walhngford," should
be a sufficient guarantee as to the merits of this
4 S6v"?f;'V?,..
i V i h
Made by the Balboa Producing Company and Released by the Pathe Exchange, Inc., 392 Burnside St., Portland, Or.