TIIH MORNING onnC.ONIAN, TCrSDAT, NOVEMBER Ifi. 191". 9 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF! feaar-e 1 (titer V i-tllt?.. .......... e'"e .iiLir ....... e4ertala4eat u..e :-". "" v :. v ":. ' v... -:. . e : " iea '. ' - lirjtM ir,4lf est Te' Ne ,.me ptr'af l flm mi c J eael lell ei -tr T'rtTIC: e-l V- Xfnui- lur iwi casp-ar ta riijr -t I .is (reus. ' Io e'oe. C'Hr'H.' K Tre4er en4 ternst:! Btreati Pie,. time scel a. 2 J eo4 X. f TA'Si:. l :4r at t!'eade VJe- n;a. larfjraieaeae I . 5 a4 I I-. at. r'rl i sji-aa ar a4 Stars. eiree eSar'e. -frf9r( T aO ea4 f. Ji ll rt.- rU!-f! s4 tark afreet tll:ee a I M" ta wi'jewel cemal. Afteroee 4 '! earfeemaeeea i;r- X : i s Iff.RWAT IKTV R KM TO P T lre;ee-jor.ea color pictures of the lolumblt llishwajr. Columbia Borate. Jortland br merit an4 by day. Crater 1-alie anal etaea of tba mountains of n Xortaeest will be ihowg frea to morrow Blhl In tto Westminster ir-eoyterlan Church. fcaat jeenieentt aei frhuytr streets, under the el.-e, of ! Mm' Current r.ents ci ttHl the Irrtnctoa Club. The '' lainmrnl I for the IrTlnalora cum nunilT. men. emi9 an4 rdiidren. arJ toe arrangements for these rlclurr rra mad br the effwiale of the I ur- km liTioit Claaa and the IrTinctoa Club Joiotijr. K-Mana Nmtiit'l Cmmtim eScainc. Thar haa been no tmpro ml In the condition of e-Meor W. . 'wbury. ho waa atrfa'O with earatjrla I "TO wk aco. II l b In crd for al hta rooms In tho AU-o apartmanta. t'nlon "" ri t ouch iUmI, by hia it and da-jt-Icr ror tao pat taro dM hi con dition haa toB xriou and ho ba bn loatnc otroh. rnlml baa bavoma affctl. Jla h!plaa and r-jotr attonttoa tiijhl and day. ilr. .v.Mrrr u t yaara of aa. C. I. GoODUti K la rCAD Joacph limcht!. taa piooar. who ttl I ioodrKK. of Orrjora aao Itta Crab la. tha ai-tr. hr atari In fo I raaclsco Jar "o. acrtalnad yitarday that- Mr. Godrln la Jal. Ilia ai. a Mrs. Jon. Ixinc at - .j Ttrtrik atraat Jorth. railed up iir. Huctitrl yaatrdy and In form J hm that odrt-a di-d Is yrar (o ir ta jovth. whr ha had coot to 'oma itor cf r"Mr. Mr. Uucntal lost atl lraa of Mr. MXlrUh. f inral arla of Mrs. Warla C. r; h btm. hs dd tooday. asad II. al hrr noma. t IWnton atrat. wra corJ-4-t- 4 ycatcrday from lfn rhapU :aaaall strrat an! t'rw-n ani. In ltrmal waa anada in ltoa t'ttr Tarh ( cmatary. Mra. t;ck1lin born In J ad-n. Noaanb" J. ti. and was ! snothar at Mra. Anna l'lran. Jena t:-kholm and Mra !!, of l ort laad. and i aon In .al'fornia. t.nmt. UtcTinu to ('"'Tun rrivtl mtinca In tha H cMand Hap tiat laf. iat ! and Albarla straata. lonllnm t&ia oaaa until rrvd r nJa-l'. andar Ina tdri of !;. Archibald Markiatoah. Mtxtliil. Mr Macalnto'th waa a railroal jin"l nd coad jctad miaaion a more tha railway amploTsa of t'otlaad and Knj. nd aitccaaKfullr. .M'atma will bo haid at 3 J and I. M. arary day until ri lay. Tt-w r''"" JtLr. n-lan-'o af two da in trio ('try Jail waa laatad upon Hnry t'ocbum ylfdif aiefnirta wban ha appaarad In t'jnl'tpai (tr on cfi'a of dnilJ a ry- cl'--ar whtia intoti-at4 aulJy inl. Ila waa arraiai whlla rulllnj fiauro iSla wi'h hi small ma.hma at Twalfm and Wmt slrt by ratrolman l". Ma had alraady spant hour in Jail so a lisht an-frni-a waa Imposed. Ma T'ja irT Vx-J-rT to Mkt. Tha aw latk i'tata -ity. of ra on. will bold Ita ruiar monthly rr'atin toniihf at IJia homo of lra. Nailsotw :H ortycKhlh olraat Jo';llaat. A proarammo conalstlrsT "t aoal aoloa by !r. tlaoraa KnicM CUrh and lal .oto. , ; ..'cftaurnan of tha comr w.ll bo .n and .ma. and r.fra.h-, .,, , w man., '',':"', N,W ur6rd to at.ar.4. Torkars ara cordially IntiUJ. Kpwsao wwaof" ft anal. ItcLD Taa funaral arfc-aa of reward iiwan .n. alio id .Noaambor I. war hrll yrattrday from IUBBln' chapal. 414 lat Aldar slraat. and tha Inlrrmrnt waa mad In tha M"unt -ott I'imf tary. Mr. Jiwanaon waa :i yaars of aa. Ila was a mambar of Natatl Iadc. of tha ldfaiiowa "trdr. and tha saratca wara cond'i-trd br lha I'ortland .ddfcllows ra!if commltta. JrJnr to Rrrtif It4t Com. Iim with tba many rnual. tha 'aduatlnr claaa of tha Jrffaraon lliih . hool will rapaat Its claaa play at 3 t-lo.-lc th! aflarnoon at tha ahoo aiditortam. Tho play. "Why r-mith f I llofff.'' waa siaan lat Friday and eirday mchia and waa a bia aaaa. c waa srlvrn arMar tia dtra. Imn of William K Moan. dramatU' coach. r "-trr T M'T Tha raju lar maatini cf lha tMo ioii of Oruog will bo hM lonichl al o'clock at tha homo of Mr. and Mra. A. Vclr. j;i Kodnay asanua. All formar raal danta of nio havo baan InviCad. A procramma baa baan praparaW Mam bars ara aJ d to taka tha Wiruams vanna or I'tt'on avanuo car and grt a'f at Maaoa treat. Tnaca rr:r svn Tnirra. rinaa of 1:1 aa'-n wara lav la,) upon iiraa of four younc m n lmpli-atd In lha tliaft of tfhata to tha value of IT from tha llandalt Paiwlnc A'-adamy. whan thay appaarai In M mi. m Court yaararday momma, rldia lu.-rd. a sam-profaa.lonal ballplayar; 11 II Oraham. and torsTa Jhulr wara flna.1. and lo l.dwerds waa lia-hraad. Tatr-lr W-Wra-'t. J3r.jNt-l r kt Tha I'timmnnitr Traiivnc h o 1 for Juo. al lk-ni"l Worhara wl! nat at lha antral IJbrary tonlaht. Tori. -a f..r l daoaaion ara .tupartn canJant s rlaaa "Tha frogra mma ; aacon-oary rlaaa, ampflra Uirla" and -ftoy Kosii": alamantary claaa. "Tha Junior J'roatramma." rn JiryTa. Ari Tor shot n ti from tha tail of an Alra. 4a; that waa annoytntr hta chft-k-ana, w, . M. Ollaar. of l:at Ninataarvth and Morriaon ilr-t. paid a lino of il In Municipal I'ourl yaataroay morn liia? I'atrolman Jonaa mad tha a r- af. in, urn p.jiaa Krrrtti Tha Aid iiociafy. of tha ivhler ii' t nuad analical Church, win hold s, bataar thta af'arnoon and tonisht In ha hall at Kllllnjtsworth aanu and i.ir straat. Tna toavrtT rt.Trr now offara ahol.-a cf two null day. Including rundac dmnar. at l' a waak. ITIailaca rot tranafarabla and doaa not Inclula suaata. No crad l aitaradad for maalt miaaad. -Adv. tVoati T- faar r Miaatoi Tha annual Intardanominaliona? maatlivjr of woman for prayer for miaaluna will Ka hrld thia aftarnoon In room A. of lha Ir.t I'raaby tar-.aa Church. All woman ara lotltad. A i To-a at the C O. rt- k Tranf. A roraca Company'a warvhou'a. M and I'tna ata. tirnliura. af .. to ba told for storage llrns. Kakar ak Co.. aoc- tionaara. Ad. gi ,) wnop r.r. taka ron tract t-r any o,anfiiy Brst-arowth fir wood. ia par cord, daltaerad anywhara alotorook n. r. D. .v. I. Main . Ad. Faajaptta Ix-". S Morrison ft.. B;wsaa d and 4th. l-ood eata al tnod arata prKas. Tabla aar-rlce opaa from I jl. X. U P. M. rraa phoa Adr. J Harr. I JK-ri tcra i'sprt.cr. Trofaa- r Jorman t . oleman w nl la'iura o- Risht al I o . lo k on "Tha f"ntl of l.rarl. the Hook of I'salms." This will b tha aayanih a-iura in axtcnsior ...ur.a -Tha Knclih Bible: Ha lru'-t ire and Minldrancc." and will la citrn In library hall. Central IJ brary. The fifth lev-tore in the rian- lon rouraa In Investments will be surer by rrofeaor Hurt. on Hrtdfe llaatinss loniihl at ( oriock af the Multnomah, maleiir Athlaiic tTub. Trofaaaor ll-t.ns will apeak about "The Melh Ha of AnlsinsT Railroad Keporte." I'rofrsaor Haatinca will lead tha chapel eiervl-ea tomorrow morning at Heed Trx Citra Cat sB or Tnot au. Tea chae. pot a Chinaman, but tho Chlaeaa name for the aan of amoked opium. h residue that la left In the bowl of ara opium pipe after tha opium has been smoked, was found In tha same room with l.e liow. a Chinaman, when hta plaro waa raided not lone aso. Le Uow was Indicted by Federal (rand Jury last week for vlolatinc the liar rnoa art. but h Insisted that ha was not cuilty when arraigned yesterday." Wn cbee la much In demand by opium users, who put It to two purposes. They eat II atraf ht. as It containa mu n opium sulphate, or boll II and mix It wita raw opium to make second er ad e opium. Aoa atib Chimes Threa old Chinamen. Leo Tone. Ton fane and Jo- llrns. aroused lha pity of Kedaral Ju-ice Wolcerton whera they pleaded a-uiity before him yesterday to charea of harlnc smoklnc omium In their noaseaaion. All wero white-haired and forlorn. Judge otverton did hot send them to Jail. Instead, ha said that In consideration for their ae. ha would tmposa on each tha minimum sentence. a ftrve of ti. Tba Chinamen paid and departed. Pcara Talk Uraao E. P. Rosen thai, oraanlter of tho Christian I'raca A-sorlatlon. was the principal speak er at a m-rllne held last ntaht In the l-iUrlm Coixrecalional Church. Mis aourl avenue and r-haver street. The meatinar waa opened with a prayer by lha Hrr A. L. Hutchinson, pastor of t&a I'ledmonl ITesby terlan Church. ir. W. C. KaMner. paalor of tha I'll-s-rtm Church, made a short Introduc tory speech. Brief addressee were made by several TIMtinr pastors. tvBTt-r Tecmb' Aancxa Pra- ti-iico In the .last Issue of tha Indus trial Arts Masssme. published at Mil waukee. Wis., there appears a lencthy article, fully Illustrated, by J. l Ker than, suparlntendant of manual traln Ir In the Portland schools. The r tu-le eiplaina In detail the waya In whtvh ropa la spll-ad. tha various osea made of all the different kinds of knota and the manner of lylnc them, and the practical good resultant from such education. AiLsnro M-wsaixsas Ftnw Mar tin C. Broom and Jamea Williams, who wera Indicted last week by tha Fed eral errand Jury for "moonshlninf." or di.t.tln whisky without a Oovern mn l. ansa, on tha Cpper McKensia Uir. pleaded not "4llty when ar raisnad bafora Federal Judge Wolver ton yesterday. Tha court pel December IT for their trial day. and appointed W. T. aushn aa Hroora'e attorney. WIU lama baa already retained C. V. Kiss Infer, of Kucene. to d-lend bim. Batraia to Ctea roa pat. Pome day In lh pear future tha Hawthorne bridce will be closed tO all traffic. Ii'it It will last only ona day. M. Wrt.'h. superintendent of bridges and ferrlee for Multnomah County, yester day aked tha Commtsetonera for per mKaton to close tb bridge a day or part of a day In ordr to pave tha ap proaches, which are la peed of repairs. Tha day be pot been fixed, but the request probably will ba allowed, IIkihot Pirxtrata to B Heoirv. I'rxler the auspices of the Men's Cur rant Kents clasa of the Westminster I'reabylerian Church, tha famous Ber-grr-Jonea color pictures will ba shown on Wednesday at o'clock In tho West minster Church. The entertainment will bo free and all who wish to sea tneae won-iariul pictures are Invited. laws of the Columbia Itlver Highway. Mount Hood. Crater Lake and other beautiful scenic places will be ehsown. Kvaxor-MaTtc Cairsint Tone. A ma meeting will be held today al : .14 o'clock In tho White Temple In tha interests of the state-wide campaign of evangelism that will open on Le- ember 31. Iter. W. O. hank will pre- commlttee. All orkers art ITMTtb Hurgirra Brrrtii-Postal receipts are picking op again. Re ceipts for tha first IS day of Novem ber, aa computed at Ihe close of busl-n-. al the Portland poatoffica last ntchl. were U:ii:i greater than for lha same period I-year. Ke'ia for Ihe firat 11 days .? yovember. 1:4. were HT:l. to fO Ki.a for 114. Wim Tmrr r!r!Tgvnto The theft bv Jack rrnilh of copper bond wire on the Oregon City ele. trie service last weak caused three hours' Interruption of car service. Ila waa caught with the coo4a by Delectlvea fmith and Cra.ldok and sentenced lo ti days In Jail yesterday afternoon. I'm -it lliKis FaioaT. The annual Chriatmas baiaar of Ihe Kenllworth Treaby tarian o-ietr will ba held Krl day aflarnoon and evening of this weak. Supper will b aerved. as well aa Ice cream, homemade candies, babies' boots and arllclee. Free pictures will bo show a by Rev. 1 K. Richard. parroji Cittac-M llotra Mcrrtxo The nuartarlly confererara of tba Rat ion Methodist Kplscopal Church was held Mat night with a go-l attendanca Rev. li. II. Feesa presided R'i B'arrn Toxioht. A vaudaville and dan. a will be given to nteht by Portland lodge. Independent order of B'nal H rilh. at tha ii'nal U'rlth building. P. Nisamt. htropalhr. massage, elec. traatm'nt. !-: Bwy. bide M. 444. Adr. FUN REIGNS IN PANTAGES THK Cetr.K VF.M V Ml MCl COVI- r.nr with iMiic; iiobi!. Waeaaa Da laswerawaatar f.lvea Classic Bssrk af hejalrrrl Feed'' Jroea to Be Riot. "The Green Venus." a condensed mu slcal corardy with a half doicn prln rlpala and a dashing chorus of young, pretty girls, 1 tho topllne attraction at Pantagea with Bothwell Browne featured In tha act. Both well Is a blonda Julian KItlnge. slender and at tractive, whose Identity Is easily be lleved feminine until he doffs his blonde wig In tha last dance, Tha art la built around Kothwell Browne's personality and ability to Impersonate r i . X4TIVR OF" ORKtiOVj DIKS AT AUK OF as. r , 'N. ar ". si ii Jl . . Al J: Mra Aaaa F- Slarr. Mr. Anna E. Starr, sister of ex-Kepresentattvo J. N. William son, and a pioneer of Oregon, died at her home. To Willamette boulevard. yesterday morning. Mr. Starr was born In Iafayette, Or.. I'ecember 1. 1J3. and waa married there In 1T0. and moved to Portland II year aso. Hhe I survived by three children Chea ter W". Starr. Harvard. Or.: Frn eat f. Starr. Portland, and Mrs. H. It. Richards, of The Ialle; two brother J. N. Williamson. Prinevllle. and J. F. Williamson. Ienlo. Or, and a sister Mrs. harsh Phlpley. of llcppner. tir. Services will be held from tha Chamber mortuary chapel. 1147 Kerby street, today at 2.30. In terment will ba at Falem. a girl. The ftrst hair or in numDer is devoted to a aerie of costume or al most uncostumed dances. A classic bit. "Psyche Prnm. IS beautifully Interpreted with Mr. Brown a Psyche. "Spring B.ossoms. Autumn irapes" and "Barchanalle follow in graceful succession, one pretty dance blending Into another. "Summer But terflies' la particularly colorful and languorous. Kierht dancing girls, each an excellent artist. lornt me cnorus. Associated with Mr. Browne In the story-lelimc are T. B. Loftu and FranrJ loung. comedian. Tna saeicn afford Mr. Browne opportunity lor soma artistic posing as tha Green Venus, a statue com to Ufa In the homo of the comedians. Their natural consternation and ef forts to keep others from learning her IHentltv make the comely, s.enicsny The Man From Missouri! We're looking for the man vho wants to be "shown!" The custom tail Dr's man who thinks we can't fit him. - On with an over coat! Behold the satis faction in the mir ror! Out with the overcoat on the back of our friend. Back the next day to try on a suit. Works that way nine cases out of ten. Clothes of Culture Washington Street, At Sixth. and In costumes, tha act la richly endowed. Joa Whitehead, billed as a "Duncn of squirrel food." is a riot, mo tains II the tlma and every word is a jest or a pun or tejis a nui). " too, new ballads, and dances anything the' audience suggests. Acts like Joe Whitehead's ara what make pecple relish vaudeville. Three chums are a trio or laa wiin pleasing- voire who sing cneeriui mei odle. One of the "chums" play a vio lin nicely and dance while he does it. one I a pianist, the other I the com edlnn. They offer a travesty on movie aiidlenoe that brings laughs. Gertie TODAY SEE MaryPickford in MADAME BUTTERFLY" at the Peoples Theater 500 EXTRA SEATS. h cur Attti -Cru'n.n-rtark inokr. t 0 lut ton. j.b I. Adv. I f 1 a r f taf4T .. t e t TgiM-N mora put ewv.f -. ftnitnatsat OUCH! LUMBAGO! RUB PAINS FROM SORE, LAME BACK Rub Hackache Away With SmalJ Trial Hottle of Old "St. Jacob's Oil Bark hurt you? Can't straighten up without feal'ng sudden peine, sharp aches and twinges? Now listen! That's lumbago, sciatica or math from a strain, and you II get relief lha mo ment you ru your back with sooth ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs OIL" Nothing elaa lake out soren-, lam aaaa and stiffness so quickly. You slmpty rub It on our bark and out cornea tha pain. It Is harmless and do'.n't burn- the skin. timber up! Don I suffer! Get a small trial boll la of oM. honest tt. Jacoba oil" from any drug store, and sfter nsing It Just once, ton II forget thai you aver had backache, lumbago or sciatica, because your back will never hurt or causa any more misery. It never disappoints and bas beea rec ommended Jof tv ytars. Adv. r.' : V !, This Bank Your Servant The management of the Northwestern National Bank regards its responsibility as much broader thanmerely the efficient con duct of the daily routine of banking. It can be your servant in capacities of the highest importance. Therefore, while giv ing you the benefit of its complete equip ment for the handling of all minor details of banking service, it invites you to avail your self of its help in larger matters of business policy and finance, believing in co-operation between the bank and its customers for mutual benefit. Northwestern National Bank PORTLAND, OREGON KVJI m W 1 A j. By Dependable .Announcement cauphe Maid! TO ALL DEALERS: YOU are hereby author ized to refund the full purchase price of DEPENDABLE COFFEE in case you hear any com plaint or dissatisfaction of any sort after a half can is used. TO ALL CONSUMERS: TS NOT this proof positive of the superior 1 quality of "Dependable" at 40c per pound? "HESPO" for thote who prefer 30c Coffee good aa you can buy at the price. r4 as 1 U POaTLAND'SB n 1?4te1?8 Sixth St., Just off UasKinfitcn. A ""Special Purchase" Sale of New Dresses $13.85 These dresses were made to sell fcr $23.50 they are exact copies of the season's best high-priced models. In the lot are- fine taffetas, crepe de chines, crepe de meteors and combinations of taffeta and serge. Colonial and Redingote tunics, pleated effects and tier tunics. Black and navys predominate with a few tans, grays and Copen hagen blues. - This is an exceptional value if you're wise youH come down ear.'y. f l I A Wonder ful Millinery Value Here is an opportunity to buy the fin est Millinery in Portland at a won derful saving $6 and JS values for... One of the largest wholesale houses in the West sold us their entire line of samples at a tremendous reduction. They are all the latest styles excep tionally well made, because they were this jobber's "sample" line. This is ona of the best values we have ever of fered. Don't fail to take advantage of it. $98 Vandyke 1 a versatile lass, who "sings a little baritone, sings a little tenor and sometimes sings a little Dass. she takes hoth masculine and femi nine rolea in a duet, sings a kiddie num ber, dances and changes ner itolks An innnthnn Inst that is a chatty cartoonist, who makes pictures rapidly while he keeps up a une oi merry ble. The Swain Ostman trio, three men. onen the bill in an acrobatic somer- eauHIng. tumbling act that is chock full of comedy departures and actually clever wrhlevemenls. SEE THAT LARGEST PRACTICE IN THEWEST J The Thompson Optical Institute has built up the largest retail optical busi ness in the West. q Dependable Eye Wear intelligent service satisfaction three of the many reasons for our suc cess. CJ We give you highly sat isfactory Eyeglass service because we understand your needs and cater to them. 1 We guarantee satisfac tion because we know that every pair of Glasses we furnish are accurately ground to fit your special needs. J Our charges for glasses are $2.00 or more, depend ing entirely upon the par ticular kind of lenses re quired and the quality of mounting or frame you select. THOMPSON OPTICAL INSTITUTE 2d Floor Corbett Bldg. Fifth and Morrison Portland's Oldest and Largest Exclusive Optical House - y ife BJ" an. w D ir 5 -3 S1 D Equipment '2 H I at nn f4 . ! , pin! t -j X VnT J 13 is the Choice of Big Business Big-Building construc tion involves a lot oi de tail. Contracts, corres nnnrlpnrp. buildinc data catalogs all must bo where you want them when you want them. The filing devices for holding th :m must be the best. That's why the big building contractors use Globe-Wernicke. Cabinets are built in sections they fit any business, large or small they have devhes for holding all sizes and shapes of papers and records and they are made m both wood and steel. We have the exclusive agency and carry the goods in stock. Call, write or phone for salesman. THE J. K. GILL CO. Booksellers, Stationers and Office Outfitters. Third and Alder. TJ&VW Third and Alder. ft Gypsy Button Shoes For Ladies Stitched in White Splendid Values at $3.00 the Pair Steps to Economy Knight Shoe Co. Morrison Street Near Broadway K frf.'" -trO.!- !t'-2 4 :1,i3SB rTi j .iJi . Lt . . : r.r, . Tf -"- m "L'irprra rr,wr r, r., --p.-sga3e;vjrS&--.- The I'KWAiiU la . new, muduia and elegantly appointed hotel, posoesainif one of the must beautiful coiner lob- hia in the Northwest. L.oc-aiea at 10th nd Alder ets opposite Olds, Wortmnn & Klnn'l bis department store. In heart of retail and theater district. Kates, $1 and up. Hue meets all trains. "V car also nint from Union Depot direct to HOTEL SEW'AHD. W. M. SKWAKD. Prop. Byron Hot Springs California Only SO miles East from San Fran cisco on main valley line S. P. R. Ft. between San Kraneisco and Los Aneeles. (Ask any S. P. Agent.) Splendid motor trip . over new state highway. New and abso lutely rireproof hotel with every comfort and convenience. In the Dry Belt average yearly rainfall 8 inches. Wonderful waters and baths for the cure of Rheumatism, Sciatica and other ills. 'Wonderful place for tho tired business man. An Amer ican plan hotel, strictly up to date Under management of H. R. WARNER, for past ten years with Hotel Del ilonte. Ask your Southern Pacific agent for literature. Why Suffer From Migraine or Sick Headache? USE ANTI-KAMNIA TABLETS i Dr J.l Caldwell says that this exceedtnely distressing disease does not shorten life, but does not appear to be curable. Baffer ers from this affliction are condemned to ondergo the periodical attacks every few weeks until they are forty years of age. after which tho attacks are less frequent Siand finally disappear entirely. Palliative meas ures during the attack are all that It Is noaelble to suggest, while care in the diet is . ...... ........... i-n An u r r u ! k me oeL prcvuiio in . .... ... niaT often be prevented by taking two torn appear, and one Antl-kamnla lablet every two hours during the attack ehorteui L eases the pain and brings rest and quleU Antl-kamniaiTablets may be obtained at. aj: drnggista. Ask for A-K. lableU. lOtf oickUr relieve an Pain. PURE COAL DIAMOND BRIQUETS HORLiCK'S The Original MALTED MILK Unless you say "HOFUfOt S" you may get a Substitute Phone Your Want Ads to THE ORECONIAN Main 7070, A 6095 A fA3 4 Ahsolutely the cheap est and best fuel on I he market; three ton lots. 1 per ton delivered. Will Redoee Your Coal Bill One-Half. PACIFIC COAST COAL CO. 249 VASU1OTON" STILKKT. Main aao. A 3-93- WANTED, CHAIRS TO CANE BY SCHOOL FOR BLIND FOR PARTICULAR CALL. MR. I F MYERS, MAIN 548 SAN FRANCISCO iEBV AND JONES STREETS. HOTEL KENSINGTON lirenroof Ownership Management, "iurr.ul. Send tor booklet. English Holly The Vei v Finest Berried Cut Holly for Sale in Large Quantities. I- M. rKMBKUTON. Cromer. Victoria, II. C.