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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1915)
TIIE .MORXIXG OREGOXIAV TTTESDA-V NOVEMBER 9. 1915. SUSPECT IN TONG WAR KILLING FREED New Cafeteria and Dairy Lunch in Basement Clean and Comfortable Wholesome, AppetizingFood s Quick Service Very Low Prices. Fresh Cakes and Pastries from our Daylight Bakery Sandwiches A Cup of Good Coffee Bakery Lunch Ninth Floor. . Pricilla Tea Room on the Ninth Floor A Place for You to Linger a While and Enjoy a Refreshing Re past Restful. Prosecution of Louie Hing Is , Dismissed Because of Su preme Court Reversal. Another Big Event of "Inauguration Month" Vunsingwear JJeek at jyfeier J&- Frank's ECHO IS HEARD IN CHINA Cuse Keulting From Hostilities Between Hop Sings and Bow Ijeongs Closed in Hope of Future Peace. 20 ' V J November is here ifs the signal for thousands of Portland folks to don their Winter Munsingwear the protection against Winter ills and colds. Like an endless chain, those who wear Munsingwear pass on to others the story of the comfort, the fit, the economy of this famous underwear. ' 8 Reasons Why YOU Should Wear Louie Hing is free. The last chapter of the tons war shootins at Second and Oak streets on the night of March 16. 1913. was closed when Circuit Judge Gantenbein, at the request of District Attorney. Evans, yesterday dismissed the indictment against Louie Hing. Louie Hing was an alleged gunman of the Hop Sing tong. He was con victed of having shot and killed Lum Fong, a Second-street merchant of the rival tong, the Bow Leong. The dismissal of the prosecution, fol lowing a reversal of the conviction in the Supreme Court, ends a case which has stirred Chinatown to its very depths, has echoed in the tong head -quarters of many California cities and, it is said, even far across the Pacific Ocean in China. Victim Shot Down In Shop. Two years nearly three years ago the Hop Sings and the Bow Leongs were at war. Prominent tong men double-barred their windows and stayed pretty close to their own homes. On the night of March 16, 1913, two men walked into the little store of Lum Kong at Second and Oak streets, di rectly across the street from the yawn inn doors of the police station. They asked for a bottle of olives, a number of witnesses said. Lum Fong turned to get them. As he reached for the olive shelf, with his back . to the visitors, two shots rang out. Lum Fong fell Iead. The two visitors disap peared. At almost the same instant, on Fourth and Flanders streets, occurred another Chinese shooting affray in which another Chinaman was killed. And Fourth and Flanders, too, proved to be a significant spot nearly two years later. Two Indicted by Grand Jury. Detective Tichenor prowled around a long time investigating the tong war. He learned a lot about tongs and gun men and such things, and he told the grand jury. Indictments were subse quently returned against Louie Hing and Huie Tung, charging them with murder in the first degree for killing Lum Fong. But it was one thing to indict Louie Hing and Huie Tung, and it was an other matter entirely to arrest them. They were not to be found. The indict ments hung fire, and many people for got. Not so the Chinese, however. They remembered and they carried their tong Brudnes faithfully. Early in November, 1914, a slumber ing war between the Hop Sings and the Suey Sinss burst out at Fourth and Flanders, which again became a his toric tong battlefield. Chinaman Found In Hospital. This, however, was a desperate en counter. Five Hop Sings had met three Suey Sings, or some such matter the cxart number involved was never en tirely straightened out. Anyway, in the course of :!0 or 30 seconds 20 or 30 shots were fired. Three policemen, less than two blocks away, were on the scene before the smoke cleared away. But there were no dead nor wounded. Every Chinaman in the neighborhood shook his head and blandly declared, "No sabe talk." It was not until the next day that a Chinaman was discovered in St. Vin cent's Hospital. He told detectives he had a pain in his stomach. It was dis covered, however, that he had a bullet hole through his leg.. Although he said his name was Sid Jung, or something of the sort, prac tically all the Chinese identified him as Louie Hing. - Before Circuit Judge Davis he was tried for second degree murder for killing Lum Fong. By the adoption of the anti-capital punishment amend ment, the voters had practically dbne away with first-degree murder. The jury found him guilty of man slaughter and he was sentenced to 1 to 15 years in the penitentiary. Supreme Court Reverse Decision. The Supreme Court reversed the de cision of the lower court and remand ed the case for a new trial. And here the rub conies in, according to Deputy District Attorney Collier. The Supreme Court reversed the case because the prosecution had introduced testimony as to the integrity of one of tuelr principal witnesses, thereby vio lating the law to bolster up their own cuse. And Judge Davis had instructed the Jury that they might find Louie Hing guilty of manslaughter. Four judges did not consider whether this was proper or not. Judge Burnett, however, said that there was not an element of manslaughter in . the case. "The defendant was either guilty of wilful murder or was entitled to an acquittal, said Justice Burnett, Letter From Jeace Society Aids. Now, argues Mr. Collier, Louie Hing was convicted or manslaughter, and therefore cannot be again tried for murder. He must be tried for man slaughter. Four Justices of the Su preme Court said they didn't know whether there was an element of man slaughter in thu case or not. The fifth said it was either murder or no crime :it all. So Mr. Collier had the case dismissed. Another reason for the dismissal was the receipt of an urgent letter from the Chinese Peace Society, and signed by Lee Mee Yinn, Mo Lea Tong, Leong Jen Hing and Wong On. "As you are aware." tho letter says, in part, "this crime was the outgrowth t? a feud among the tongs and. as a result the court proceedings and con viction of the defendant, there is a woeful lack of harmony, in fact, con siderable bad blood between them at this time. We feel that in the event yon see fit to grant our request that this will disappear and conditions be unproved. We also feel that this will huve the effect of not only improving conditions which exist at this time, but that it will have a beneficial effect upon the future of the Chinese people in the City of Portland." The letter is incorporated in the dis missal order which Mr. Collier has drawn. And that ends the case of Louie Hing. Hoseburs: Court Kxlimists Funds. ROSEBVRO, Or.. Nov. 8. (Special.) The expense of conducting the Circui. Court for the year 1915 far exceeded the expectations of the County' Court and as a result the funds appropriated for this department of the county gov ernment last Fall have been exhausted. The unusual drain on the funds of this department was duo to the Koy Far nam murder trial and other important r a . s.viid.'.: - m m -Because -Because -Because -Because -Because -Because -Because -Because better Munsing Union Suits are made to fit. the fit will not wash out. they do not gap or bind anywhere. they are famous for durability and washability. children outgrow them before they outwear them. they are dainty and soft on the skin. buttonholes, seams, edges, etc., are thoroughly finished. they are popular priced you can pay more and get no quality, but you can't pay less and get as good. The Daintiest, Most Economical Underwear for Men, Women, Children If you have never worn Munsingwear you don't know how wonderfully comfort able it is how much underwear satisfaction the name "Munsing" spells! Wear Munsingwear this Winter buy it during "Munsingwear Week," which be gins today in our great new Underwear Stores for Men, Women and Children. Children's Munsing Vests and Pants, 40c -ieavy xieece-nned, cream white and natural. High :olor. High neck, long sleeve. nfoV lnno- kWvp nnrl nrlfi length, drop seat. A splendid Winter weight. 1 to 10 years, 60c Suit. 11 to 13 years, 70c Suit. ' Children's Fleeced Munsing Suits, 60c and ankle-length style, sizes 1 to 14 years. An . unusual quality at 40c the garment for "Munsingwear" Week. Children's Munsing Union Suits, $1.75 -Extra fine quality, pre shrunk, all-wool union suits for children up to 13 years. High neck, long sleeve, and ankle-length white or- nat ural. Wonderful at $1.75. Women's Wool Mixed Munsing Suits, $1.60 Heavy weight, wool and fine cotton mixed; gray and white; high neck, long sleeve and ankle length. Soft and warm. Dain tily trimmed. Regular sizes, $1.60. Extra Sizes, $1.80. W omen's Cotton Munsingwear, $125 Fine, soft finished cotton . union suits, in ten different styles, to suit the individual de- sires of every woman. Regular sizes, suit, $1.25. Extra sizes, $1.50. Women's Munsing Union Suits at 98c An unusual value for "Munsingwear Week" medium weight, cotton union suits, in three styles. High, low or Dutch neck long, short or sleeve less ; knee or ankle length. . Regular sizes, the suit, 98c. Extra sizes, suit, $1.19. TV omen's Munsing Vests and Pants, $125 Medium weight Merino, white and natural. High neck, long sleeve vests and ankle-length pants. Trimmed daintily. Regular sizes, $1.25 each. Extra sizes, $1.50 each. Women's All-Wool Munsing Suits, $3 0 Pre-shrunk, fine wool union suits, in white and natural. High neck, long sleeve, or Dutch neck, elbow sleeve ; ankle length. Regular sizes, $3.50. Extra sizes, $4. MUNSING UNION SUITS FOR MEN-PERFECT FITTING! Men's Union Suits $1.15 Men's Munsingwear, $1.98 An unusual offering for "Mun singwear Week"-fine soft fleeced cotton Munsing union suits, warm and comfortable. Medium weight, cream color. $1.15 the suit. See Morrison-Street Window. , Medium weight worsted union suits for Fall and Winter wear. Soft and warm perfect-fitting, with comfort able closed crotch. "Munsingwear Week," $1.98 the suit. Munsingwear at $3.00 Medium or heavy weight wor sted fabrics, well finished; natural gray color. Perfect fitting, with the famous Munsing closed crotch. $3 the suit.. Munsingwear at $4.00 Heavy weight fine Australian wor sted, in natural gray color. Will give warmth and wear beyond compare! Comfortable closed crotch. $4 the suit. Boys' Munsing Suits 85c Munsingwear for boys of 6 to 14 years. Soft, cream white, medium heavy fleeced cotton. Warm and comfortable, perfect fitting and non-irritating. For "Munsingwear Week," suit, 85c. . Come One, Come All; Come Large and Small! There's a treat in store for you in our Tea Room. You have doubtless heard of Miss Cora- Morris "Story-Telling Lady" We have asked her to come here and tell her most enchant ing tales to all the good chil dren of Portland. She will tell fair; tales and nature stories and Indian stories and some of them in costume every after noon. From 3:15 to 4:15 From 4:15 to 5:15 Mothers are welcome, too, but if they're busy the little ones may be left; they will be well taken care of. N'inth Floor 91 23c S These Specials in Inaugurating a Sample gatejrf That Makes It Profit able for You to Do Your Christmas Shopping Now! Sample jewelry from one of the largest importers and manufacturers in the East. Some pieces imported others of domestic manufacture i-all very beautiful and artistic. Beads Chains Neckbands Hair Pins La Vallieres Combs Brooches Bar Pins Mesh Bags Card Cases Only one piece of a kind. Silver and jade, amber, jet and rhinestones. Exquisite bits of colored jewelry and chains a wonderful assortment beauti ful for Christmas gifts. . 25c Jewelry, 17 . 35c Jewelry, 23 50c Jewelry, 33 75c Jewelry, 47 $1 and $1.25 Jewelry, 63 $1.50 and $1.75 Jewelry, 97 $2 to $2i50 Jewelry, $1.37' $5 Jewelry, $2.89 Main Floor. Sixth Street. J2-89gGa $2.29 Tk Wirthmor Rlouses If you want several dainty yet inexpensive blouses, you ' will not find any quite so attractive as these lovely Wirth- mOrS, at $1. Fourth Floor, Sixth Street. Your Rrassiere Js Quite as Important Wallpaper feat $ale of uto Rugs g One and Two-Room Lots Good, attractive-looking wallpaper we are closing out as remnants. A se lection of patterns and colors that will be sure to please you. Regular $1.00 stock, special, Qfi the roll -. OUC Regular 50c stock, special, the roll for.. UC Regular 30c stock, special, 101 the roll --Y2,C Regular 25c stock, special, the Ifl-, roll for lUC Sale subject to quantities on hand. Come today and save substantially. Seventh Floor. Sixth Street. Underprices that are simply astounding and made right at the time when the inigs ,are most in demand. All bargains at the regular prices $7.50 to $10. About 50 Rugs and every one a wonder at the price. Some all wool from the fa mous Clvase and Oregon. City Mills some imported from far-away Scotland. Sizes 60x 72 and 60x84. '. Select from dozens of hand some patterns. Think of the comfort, warmth and real in trinsic worth $6 will purchase in this sale. You'll never buy more merit in a rug for such modest Outlay. Basement. - Established m 1857 The- Quality Storj& of Portland Fiftrv, -Sbdtv Tlbrrisoty Alder ta. as your corset! Especially is this true with the "new figure" in vogue. The loose, careless effect has been replaced with a trimly rounded waist. Warner's Brassieres are both chic and dainty. They conform to the new est corset lines and combine style with comfort. Priced from 50c to $2.00. Third Floor, Sixth Street Don't Jet the big Semi- Annual Sale of Beds and Bedding end without sup plying your needs! 91 styles in guaranteed Brass and Metal Beds at savings of 20 to 50! Famous Ostermoor and other Mat tresses reduced! Third Floor, Sixth Street III-. i" : . -I 1 cases, H rv