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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1915)
'( 1 ' I 19 ' THE MORXiXG OREGOyiAN, TUESDAY, XOTEIBER 9, 1915. SITUATIONS WANTED MALK. f tore rfvt 1 - , ' I " V M bjcclla neous. Tu- the person giving or securing me a aly- position I will give a deed to a tract of unincumbered Oregon land which obt mo S5: am -'8 years old, had es- , perience on all kinds of construction work as timekeeper, steward and commissary clerk; am alwo experienced grocery, fruit a nd confectionery ck;rk; references. B -12. Oregunian. IIKBT-CLASri milker wants position; is dry, clean milker, uses no tobacco nor liquor, honest young muu, not afraid to work; low wages if congenial place ; f irst-clasa references: small uaity farm preferred. B 214. Oregoniaiy CH A I'KKKUR First-class, experienced ; ref erences. Phone Tabor 91. AG 221, Ore gonian. 6TEADV position by FIRST- LASS MEAT CUTTER; competent, reliable, honest. J 184, Or-goniau. SITU ATI ON S WA XTI5 U HSMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED Stenograph! position by com petent experienced stenographer of pleas ing personality. Marshall ItiO." WANTED Stenographic position w ith without bookkeeping, 'labor -'SSI. TO'.'N'J lady wants work in office. AE -18, Oregonian. "SITUATION- WANTED by experienced copy and file cerk. Call Tabor 577. Dressmakers. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants plain sewing, remodeling clothes or hats; good at cuter- ing and day work; Al references. Main . 7U51, A 1017. HAVE your suits made by a competent tailoress from the East. Prices reasonable. H fi Northwest bidg., Otb and Wash. Main 0155. , I'lRST-CLAiS dressmaker and tailoress will make engagements by tho day. Main . FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable, home or day. 3ol Buchinan bldg. Main i.i.XI'ERlENCED dressmaker and tailoress wishes tngagemenls by the- day. Phone k East 2740. t "WANTED Plain sew ing, crochet, tatting, ; embroidery work, infants' clothing. H 20U, Oregonian. bREsJSMA KKR, 11 years' experience, copy . any design, no patterns required, $3 per - day. East 1837. MADAM SUMMERS tailoring and dress making. Main &935. NEW gowns or old ones remodeled. Call , Woodlawo 4 24. Satisfaction guaranteed. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing by the day. Tabor 2361. COOP sewing, 25-c an hour. Tel C 3189. GIRL wants position us nurse for children; speaks German; can do sewing. C 2147, " Oregonian. II K8T-CLASS practical nurse, references. Ma:eriiUy cae3 a specialty. F 218, Ore gonian. LXPBR1ENCKD nurse, hospital and office experience, confinement, eases a wpecialtv; ready at any time. Call East 3730. , CHILDREN'S nurse, German, experienced, good refs., A. M., P. M. or eve. Mar. I!y2. ,.3'RIVATE room, sleeping porch, trained nurse for invalid; references. Tabor 2213. COMPETENT nurse wants position; prefers hospital or institution. AK 212, Oregonian. . Housekeeper. .YOUNG woman, 30 (widow), wants position as housekeeper in city or country where she can take two small children; ex cellent cook; references. Main 7051, A 151 7. 411 Commv-rcial block. ..COMPETENT woman wishes position as housekeeper In widower's familv or cham ber work; references. Phone A 4302, AO 21 7. oregunian. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants housework or housekeeping (also practical nurse), where can take 13-year-old daughter; $12 to $13monthMain 7051, A 1017. 1VIDOW, first-class housekeeper, splendid cook, wishes position in home of refined widower or bachelor; references. Phone A 1503. A WIDOW, middle-aged, wants housekeep ing poKiMon; capable of taking full charge of home, good euoke. Mar. ii7. 24'J i:;th. st. iWOULD like housework for Wednesday end Thursday; $1.50 day, carfare. Tabor 2028, evenings. NEAT, experienced woman wishes position as housekeeper in hotel or rooming-house. Main 3051. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes position as housekeeper in apartment. Can do plain sewing. Small wages. Phone Wdln. 354ti. JAPANESE girl wants position, housework in family. AD 2 1 4 . O r e eonian. Domestics. " " " WOMAN wants work by day or month; can work in tamily house or boarding-house; would work In good home; small wages. Phone East 4104. CAPABLE, reliable, young woman wants 4 housework in small family on East Side; $35 month; best of inferences. Main 7o51, A 1517, .(SITUATION wanteJ by experienced Ger man girl for general housework. Tabor 4782. EXPERIENCED girl wants general house work in small famll v. Call from A. M. Tabor 1 IbU. .RESPECTABLE, competent young woman wants general housework by Nov. 15; I wages $25. AV 323, Oregonian" GOOD cook wants work In private" home or ; niall boarding-lfouse; wags not lees than fiione i apor 143. COLORED woman wants cook or housework Broadway 3580. Gl N. 0th st. FINNISH pir! wants housework at once. Ad- TOl'NO girl. 19, desires housework; $20 IKEAT German girl wants employment in private family. 528 E. 22d st. YOUNG LADY wishes housework In coun try. small family. t;84 E. 00th N. AN experience'! cook wants work in private - c-ici iviiic'i i;ooa. f amiiv V ' 1 tl t rtrrn f a n ANTED Position as nurse girl or girl, private family. C 235, Oregon r second an. J-.Art.KlLM'KD girl wants general house work. Call Wood lawn 20WI. JAPANESE jou-tig woman, position in pri vate, family. Al, 217, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. lOl'Nii w oman. 23 years, w isln-s position waitress, chambermaid, housework or store, country or city. Tel. Main 4y!3, C :!!: ; city Martha Bronx, 87 Savi-r st. N. TOUNG woman, neat appearing, thoroughly experienced, desires position as telephone operator or cashier; Al references. Main ' 7 it;. I, A 1,117. ..-MIDDLE-AGED woman and daughter IS RusMan, desire to sew in shop or private home; V..0 a day lor both ; references Main 7031. A K.I7. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes ironing, cleaning and take washing home; refer ences. Tabor 3727. NTET Orders for crocheting, tatting and embroidery. Neat and reasonable. . 7.17 E. r.sih N. ITTvI'ERIENCED lady wanus work cleaning, 7 eic. ; both phones. East 5379 or C 141S i room 14. , LADY wlrhes onc?d. good . P. M. ork. hour or dav ; expert worker. Tabor rS!S after 4 Kl.MAPl.K waitress for party work and cooking dinners by day or hour- best ref erence. Woodlawn 310. EXPERIENCED laundress nl houseclcaner yants work bv hour. Woodlawn 32:t, A NT m ork as chambermaid, E. E. lloctor. Gen. Del. experience. JPITILS for piano. 2 lesions a week "5c Mrs. Bernon. 367 6th st. Marshall 55C5. t'ORK by the day or hour by experienced woman. East $175. GIRL wants work !n private family; more for home. Call East SS3. TOT"Njlady wishes position as office girl. CATEHEU, reasonable. Ref. parties, dinners, tews, weddings. Fast iS2. f WANTED TO RENT. "WANTED To rent 30 to 70-room building or apartment. AL 212. Oregonian. -WANTED TO RENT Modern 7 or S-rooxn brume with garaeo by 13th. F 213 Ore- FOIt KENT. Kuru Uhed Rooms. HOTEL LIND. Kor comfort and convenience: modern and c!;aa; 30c up. 44 3d st. Broad wav 48s. j LARRABEE HOTEL Mode l. quiet warm. ean. in-walking distance: I.7i week and up. -2 T S Larrabee. SINGLE room, steam heat, bath, phone! etc., walking distance; t per month. Belkr.ap A pa its.. 1S7 17th. near Yamhill. EAKER HOTEL, 26 H oLh. Marshall 066. ?. Opposite City Uall; modern low rates. -'"STANDISH HOTEL, 5484 Wash. st. Stam- , heated outsiderooms. $2 per week up. M AXWELL Hall, 07 14th f stHctlv modeT n: use of parlor; real home; $3 up. M. 1153. ' VODKR.N rooms, w ith l.ath.$3:" otbersS2 ' 't 3n'1 ?" pf:r M r' k - "' ul- Alder. 4 73 MORRlbON. largw or single front rooms All conveniences; aUo housekeeping. Furnished Booms. TS O of our popular front rooms with pri vate bath are ready for new tenants this morning. Nifty rooms, beautifully fur nished, with free phone and every mod ern convenience at prices ranging up from ?2.50 per week. Special rates by month. Perfect home comfort, clean and decent day and night, and there a piano in the parlor and a happy lot of guests alreadv htre. Come early. Hotel Vernon, 1U3 12th. near Washington THE CARLTON HOTEL i i 9 com'ortable furnished, well-ventilat-a and heated outside rooms at fo a week, week with bath; first-class, popular, priced reetauiant in counection ; servtc and accommodations equal to any down town hotel at a much iess figure. CARLTON HOTEL. 14th and Washington. ROOMS AT Y. M. C. A. List of rooms in ail parts of city, also in the Association fireproof building, with shower baths, at $1.3t to $2.75 per week double, with individual beds; or 2 60 to y " i r tta 011151c. Corner 11th and Stark, $3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat; telephone connection In each room; no xtra charge for two In a room; room and bath $1 day; transient solicited. -Eleventh, between Morrison and Tira nijL Desirable downtowu location. Re spectable and strictly modern. Room rates 1 per day, $4 per week. With prl ' vate tath LoO per day, J5.&0 per week. Large, clean, comfortable rooms, private oath, individual telephones, electric lights steam heat; single rooms $2.00 ptr week and up, with bath 3.50 and up; thor oughly respectable; entrance on 12th. 42 ' Washington; beautiful, clean at tractive rooms, facing street, ?12 mo courtrooms $S mo. up; suite with bath. 518 mo.; five phone; best rooms In city for thu price. HOTEL ROWLAND AND ANNEX w 2pH-204 4 th st. Rooms with private baths, SI per day; special rates to perraa i.ent guests; select now for Winter; plenty of steam heat and hot water HOTEL CONRADINE. 10th st., at Oak. Desirable downtown loca tion; respectable and strictly modern fire proof building, eievator and large lobby -Rooms $3 per week and up HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 632 Washington t. ; fireproof; Ideal location; steam heat, running hot and cold water, phones, baths, all outside, clean. quiet rooms: $2.50 week up; 50c day up. HOTEL OCKLEYi Morrison st. at 10th. , Centrat location. REDUCED RATES. 50c per day up; week ly. $2.50 up: neat rooms, running water free phone and baths, steam heat. ETH ELTON HOTEL. 103 12TH ST. -Modern; special reductions on all rooms' $2 per week and up. Marshall 2790. THE RAMAPO" HOTEL. 14th and Washing ton Large comfortable rooms; extra large clothes closets; with orjvate bath 15 ud without bath, $3.50 to $5 a week. KARL HoteJ, Broadway at Taylor, offers very clean, well-furnished modern rooms with board, at Dorothy Dainty if desired, reasonable. HOTEL. EDWARDS. Grand ave. and E Bel mont Rooms $10 month, $20 up with private bath; large, pleasant lobby cafe in connection. Phone East 323. HOTEL CORDOVA, 269 11th st. Strictly modern; private baths en suite; rooms S3 up. Main 9472, A 4783. NEW brick, G-room, hIgh-class.most "com plete in Portland; 21st and Overton; must b-a seen. Main 89 or 3194. CONVENIENT basement rooms. sleeping 4 7ii Morrison. nr w'ei, uaei v , reasonable. EurnUhed Rooms tn Private 1 anilly. SLEEPING porch with room alsolarge front room, furnace heat, across Mult nomah Club. 232 ii Nartilla st. Marshall PLEASANT, light and warm room in wid ow's home ; reasonable and desirable. Home romforts; modern and close in. East 0252. LARGE. light, front room, close in heaT: mouei n ; test of meals prepared by do- a.n:in.c grauuaLe. mam 4341. NJCELY furnished attic room, modern con veniences, central, reasonable. 404 Clay, near 10th. THE LYNDHURST, 223 West Park Xicelv turnished rooms, single or en suite, with or w uncus meais. TWO nice, pleasant rooms; good beds and clean; plenty of heat. 414 Market su. corner 11th, MCELY furnished apartment, beautifully located, price very reasonable. 223 Lowns Iale st. ONE or two nice rooms in a beautiful home. running water, shower hath. 635 Everett, CHEERFUL front room, modern! house, close in. Phcne E. 4336. DANDY room, very reasonable; references, 211 14h st. FURNISHED room. SI. 23 week; steam heat, 147 13th, near Alder st. Rooms With Board. ELTON COURT. At 11th and Yamhill, onn Pnhii r ihrar.- all oateiue rooms, with or without private bath and shower; private telephone; run ning water; elevator service; steam heat; $3 to $t;.50 per week. Excellent dining- .uwu iu i.uiint'Liiuii loouinern cooaing owunrship management. Main 6953. HOTEL CAMPBELL. A modern FIREPROOF residence hotel, American plan; on carline. 10 minutes irom ousmees center; price in accord witli general business conditions. and Hoyt sta Marshall 881. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sub. An excellent residential hotel; attractive io iransieuts or permanent guesta Phone Main 9233, A 6628. ALEXANDRA COURT. 33 ELLA ST. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites. Single rooms. Excellent table. A 6211. Main 4611. CLEAN, uke, modern room with or without uoaru ; au conveniences. erji reasonable. woi xioi i sc. .vi a in a i a t ARE just opening tne t'lning-room r nd fur nish board ani room for $22.30 month and up at the Rainier Hotel. Broadwav L'413. THE MAMTOL. 261 13TH ST. Under former management. Large, at- tractive rooms. Good board. Reasonable. Rooms With Board In Private 1-amilyf" uiiL iti-LL lare front room with or w iinout Doara, in private family ior one or two ladles. Good home, close in, rea sonable. ,1,312th St., corner Montgomery. i;irsiian ,t. BEAUTIFUL, large room, new ly furnished nrr t ana coia water, steam heat, twin beds, 2 d resst rs. e very t-o n v en ie n c e. ood uuaru. i , mi nutes1 walk to postoif Ice Maiu C3S1. 3d l Harrison, near 14 th NOG HILL. Weft Side, near Washir.cton st w alklng oistanee, niceiy furnished , clean front room with board, suitable for one or iwo. jiome modern. ood home cooking, nil hvme privih-ces. jai;i 3:j4::. cieaa unu warm, bath, phone, pl- itiio. gas auc eicctric lights; s minutes walk from Postofriee. Excellent board. 31 I Morrison. Main 2722. ii. v i.MiiuN Ai! modern conveniences, use of piano, are desirable for married couple or two men; rates reasonable. Call East LARGE, light, front room, close in : bent modern ; bet of meats prepared by do mestic science graduate. Y 214. Orego- YOUNG couple w ill care for child between 3 and 3 years, $10 month. Phone Tabor out,.. LA KG E. uht room, running water, excel lent board, all modern convenience!, geil- iiein-ii uui : eioe ill. .".'I est farK. BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms in moder home. s it able for 1 or 2. Reasonable Mar. 11-20. Ol"NJ LDY will share her room board in a private Jewish family. Ref. re- qii;n t. Mar. 1 1 U. LARGE front room, modern conveniences, board optional; walking diatauce- reason - able Marshall 2424. 451 3V, Park. FRONT ROOM Mod-em conveniences free; ooaru optional ; ciose in; reasonable Mar shall 4410. 474 Salmon St. EXCELLENT mtals and an attractive room ior men. v est rar. i'lioue Mai r.3'.3. FOR business girls or students, $4 w-eek up. "Anna Lewi s" Hall. 5 1 0 F landers s t. PLEASANT front room; board; running wutei, ui ui yianu. .nam 4 1.. liEALTIKLL Ir.rge rooms, with board." $3 up. Juain wi namson, near nth. ROOMS with board, walking distance, mod ern. 712 Flanders Main 1547. MOTHERLY woman will care for child bet. MODERN room and boa rd 1 1 private fam PLEASANT rooms, 'J; with board. $22.30. home privileges: cuse m. Mart-ha'l 270 FURNISHED front rojm, G per month, with or wii iioui L-oarn . i 1 1 1 ii st. Main ."4 33, ITclurnished Apartment s. NEW HART, concrete bldg.. elevator. 1, 2 8 rmi., bath, steam, gas, linen, phones. lights free. $a to j.qu wk. liVM 2d.. 4th floor. CAM A R. 74 Lovejoj : 2 and 3-room front apurtnients. j;ent s w to ?"'. N EW furnithfd apts. ; concrete block ; $10 ana tin 't tnion ave. wdL S12. THKKE-uuuJi iront apartment; private DBio ana pnone; i.i;u. rcoae iiOi. FurnUhed Apartmenti APARTMENTS J. A BOUSE THAT IS q ulet, refined, clean, safe, popular, well known and of the highest standing. A house of quality, com fort and service. New features: BALLROOM. BILLIARD AND CARDROOMS, LADIES' PARLORS. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, 10th and Salmon Sts. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia St a. Five minutes' walk to Meier i Frank store: good turroundlngs. strictly modern. 2 and 3-room furnished apartments, all outside, with French doors and balconies. RATES REASONABLE. PAT WEEK, MONTH KINGSBURY APARTMENTS, IS Vista ave., near 2rd and Wash ington. Attractive, airy, all sunny outside rooms, unsurpassed view, furnished com- j to those having linen or silver. Reason able. Walking distance. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th. and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. Walking distance. References. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS. Cor. Park and Taylor. Har dsomely furnished 2, 3 i nd 4-room suites; best location In city; reasonable. Main IfrgL. THE AVALON. Furnished or unfurnished 3-room apart ments, linen, silverware, private phone and bath, sleeping porch; nearest the Union Depot of East Side apartments. 2S3 car ner Clackamas and Ros3 sts. East 3172. STEAL, 410 3th st. Elegantly furnished and unfurnished 3 and 4-room apts. ; auto matic elevator, easy walking distance, most reasonable rent, day, week or month; $2 to $30. Main 2"79. WASHINGTON GRAND 2 and 3-room fur. apts., $io mo. up. Hot and cold -ater, heat, tight and bath furnished. One week's rent free with first month's rent In ad vance. Grand ave. and K. Wash. E. -U4tt. CARLOTTA COURT, Everett and 17th auc, muuern: fieara neat, private nates, laundry, completely furnished 2 and 3 room apt., 10 min. from business center; save carfare, rates moderate ; references. ALT A APARTMENTS, E. 29th and Ash. 3 rooms and bath, concrete bldg., light, very quiet, $13. If furnished. $16. L. R. BAILEY CO.. Marshall 646. BARON APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia. Two and 3-room aiiartments, furnished, first-class; reasonable rates. Main 7337 4TH AND LINCOLN APTS. 2-room apts., $ls to $23, including pri vate phone, bath, lights and steam heat. Laundry room w ith steam dryer. Garage convenient. Main 1377. A 4132. IONIAN COURT. ISth and Couch, 3 and 4 room apartments. All modern conven iences; walking distance. Rents $22.30 to $32.50. Main 1102. CLAYPOOL ANNEX, Eleventh and Clay. iw lumiio, tini, pieasant ana well iur nished ; walking distance ; $2u to 23.00. Main S737. TWO front rooms and kitchenette, with private bath, furnace heat electric lights, lhone, very reasonable; walking distance. 033 E. Morrisom corner 17th. CH PMAN APARTMENTS 2-room apart- iiieniM. sincuy raouern. nicely lurnished, hot-water heat, walking distance, West i-ioe. Reasonable rent. 355 Chapman st. MADISON PARK APTS. Park St. at Madison. Modern 2, 3 and 4-room furnished a part -mwits, close in , by week or month. HISLOP HALL, cor. East 0th and Haw thorne. 2 and 3-room apts., private baths and phone: also single rooms; well fur nished ; $12. 5o up. Phone East SS2. THE EVERETT. H 4 Everett, bet. 2oth and Ella sts. , furnished 3-room apts.; with or without sleeping porch; modern. D3LAHCNT COURT, 2STH AND SANDY BOULEVARD 3-room apartment, fur nished, including linen, swell. Phone East 33 UP. 563 wXsHINGTON 1 and 2-room fur nished apartments, free gas, electricity, steam heat, phone, bath, $10 month up. FAIRMOUNT APTS.; 2Stf 11TH. Modern furnished 2-room cyanmenta, S2i up; close in. Main 22Srt. " BANNER, 430 Clay st.. 2 rooms, furnished. $S to $10, including heat and light; walk ing distance. Marshall 2074. BJELLAND APARTMENTS, ltfth and Love Joi Choicest 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnished opts.; rates lowest. Main ltt7 GKA N DESTA East Siark and Grand ave. Modern three-room apartments. Greatly reduced rates. Phone E. 208. FOR RENT. Grace Apartments, 24th and Northrup- 4 room furnished apartment. Ma rs h all 1 U7. GRAND-OAK Two and three-room apart ments; prices right, strictly modern Cor Omtid ave.. East Oak. East 3302. HAMMERS LEY COURT. 250 12TH ST. By the day, week or month; modern, close to p. Q reasonable; ref. Marshal! 2052. THE CHELTENHAM Bea-ulful furnlsT-d 2, 3 and 4-room apartments; lowest rate In city. Corner N. lOih and Northrnp. A RDM AY TERRACE, 305 12TH First-Class in every respect ; attractive rates. FURNISHED 3-room apartment, free lights, phone and water. Woodlawn 1529. Unfurnished Apartments, FOR RENT One of Portland's best equipped, most modern and elegantly ap pointed 6-room. unfurnished apartment flit; building fireproof, finest plumbing, shower bath, Iritchen inlaid linoleum, best enameled refrigerator, as stove, vault for your valuables; modern indirect light ing system; one outsiae apartment, rent i'37.50 per month, including heat, water, janitor, telephone and garbago service. Call Main 3104 or Main o0. FOKDHAM APARTMENTS, 170 Ford at., at Washington. The most elegant and best finished 3. 4 and 5-room apartments in the city. Fin ished In oak and mahogany, hardwood lloors, eletunt plumbing, tiled baths and every modern convenience. 3- room and bath. $30.00 up. 4- room and bath, $27.50up. 5-room and bath, $42.50 up. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton. Commodious, attractive. Abundance light ar.d fresh air. Everything modern. Private l-alcomes, fine location, unsur passed vietv. Reasonable. Walking dis tance. LUCRETIA COURT, On Lucretia at., 100 feet north of 23d and "Washington ; most beautifully located high-class apartments, 2 and 5 rooms; all large outside rooms; 2 apartments newly furnished, prices reasonable; references required ; see them before locating. Man ager. Marshall 1513. THE WICK.EKSH.IM, 18TH AND FLANDERS STS. Beautiful 5 and G-room apartments; all outside rooms; ideal location ; see these before locating for the Winter; prices reasonable. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS, 21st and Hoyt. 3 and 4-room Unfurnished Apts. 22.50 to $37. SO. "Exclusive residence district, near schools and shopping district; splendid car service. A LT A APARTMENTS, E. 29th and Ash. 3 rooms and bath, concrete bldg. light, very quiet. $13. If furnished. $16. L. R. BAILEY CO., Marshall 64-6. BRUCE APARTMENTS. 25th and Northrup. G large outside rooms, heat, water, phone, janitor; residence ) cation; reduced rentals. Main 4008. CHAPMAN APARTMENTS Unfurnished apirtmcnts. all built-in conveniences, strictly modern, rent only $17 per montn. 353 Chapman st- K XTCKERBOCKE R APTS.. 10th and rison ; one 3-room apt., corner, private umtouy unu pn one. vpienaia location: $27 50. Main 1320. .SHEFFIELD APTS.. 270 Rroadtvav. 1 4-room apt., 1st .floor, $30; 1 3-room apt.. a noor iront, wan treds. 2 clothes closets. Main 2j')G. FURNISHED suites of 1. 2 and 4 rooms at 244U. Kiliingsworth ave. ; low rent, close o cars. jnone woouiawu 1007. WALDORF COURT, IBVINGTON. E rooms, large porch, everything mod ern. 473 SchuylerEat 547, C 106S. ROSE FRIEND, corner Broadway and Je ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments, first-class service, private phone; ref. KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay eta. Now is the time to secure blgb -grade permanent apartments; references. Mar. 3753. ROOSEVELT, 670 Kearney st. Five rooms. auu ou: a ivrac iiveiy arranged. THE AMERICAN, 21st and Johnson, 3 4 5 rooms, reasonable. Mar. "360. 7S0 IRVING, 6 sunny outside rooms, two sleeping porche Refs. Marshall 173S. THE MARLBOROUGH, list and Flanders L.rgo. light 5. G rms.. reas. M.751t;, A2rtT3. I-ornifJjed or Unfurnished Apartments. 421 WEST PARK Four rooms- steam heat rent reasonable; no children. REX .ARMS, 13 ih and E. Morrison -2 and 2 rooms; reasonable, modern, service. Furnished or I nfurnihhed Apartments. THE BARKER, corner of 21st and Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartment in 2. 3 and 4 room, four-story brick; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds baUt-in buffets and writing desks, plenty of closet room, vacuum cleaners free; "also 4-room basement apt, 13. phone ilar shall 2961. MORGAN, FLEIDNER & BOYCE- 813-821 Morgan Bldg. Furnished and unfurnished apartments . In all parts of the city; great variety of locations, sizes and prices, our free auto mobLe at your service in visiting any of our apartments. Main 2015. - A 2015. HANOVER APARTMENTS. 10 King St.. Near Washington.--Under New Management. Absolutely fireproof building; private balconies and phones; 2 and 3-room apart ments, furnished or unfurnished; from T17.5o per month up. THE DEZENDORF, 208 16th St.. Near Taylor. Mar. 2824 5-room unfur. or furnished apts., waik irg distance, tine view, all outside rooms, everything first-class; re ferences. WELLINGTON APTS.. 13th7and Everett; very central, large, light rooms, corner building 3 r. furnished, $22.50; 2 r fur nished. $20; 4 r. unfurnished. $ 17.30. Main 1243. BUBNA VISTA, 12th and Harriion. Finest apartment-house ol Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strictly modern, walk in gditanejreferences. M 1001, H 1U32. CECELIA APTS., '22d and Glisan Corner building, all outside apts.. private ba' conies, direct phone service, one 3-room. $20.50 furnished ; one 3-room. $22. 3o. un furnished. ROSENFELD APTS. 14th and East Stark Brick bldg., strictly modern; 3 and 4-room apta, all outside rooms, private phones, jaoltor servico. reasonable rent; refs. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS. . THE HOUSE OP TONE, 40-57 TRINITY PLACE. MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL 1101. CLAYPOOLE APARTMENTS, corner 11th and Clay 2 rooms, furnished, $20: 3 rooms unfurnished, $27. GO; close In, splen did w ell - k ep t building. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King St. 3 and4 rooms; high-class; references. Main 2058 MEREDITH 3 anJ 4-room npta, very rea sonable. 712 Wssh.. opp. 2 2d. Main 7134. 4 AND 5-ROOM apts.. with sleeping iiorchtw 185 E. 15th, near Yamhill st. Flats. 5-ROOM LOWER FLAT 782 Gliran St.. hardwood floors, nearly new, good condi tion, fine neighborhood, fireplace and fur nace; $18 per month. Call Main 2015. PRETTY corner flat, unsurpassed location. accessible to business and churches, light. clean, strictly modern, 15 days' free rent. open for inspection. Owner. 00 N. 10th. SWELL modern 7-room flat ; furnace and fireplace: $25. 446 Park st. Tabor 7G3 or East 1431. 10-ROOM flat, close in. West Side, modern, furnace heat and water coil, electricity, rent low." Main 4172. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to school and carline; desirable location. Ogden, 307 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. 6-ROOM lower flat, modern. 1S8 Lownsdaie st. inquire 175 l(!th St. S. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 73 Hoyt at. Inquire 130 6th st. Phone Main G278. 4-ROOM flat, every convenience, lowest rent. near 23d. Washington. Main 80SS. A 2o7. MODERN 5-room flat. 5 th near Jackson, West Side. 10 mm. walk. East 2377. Furnished Flats. APARTMENT flat, 0 rooms, steam heat, $43 Wst Side. Main 3502. 4-ROOM furnished and reasonable. East 1719. unfurnished flat, 604 Williams ave. FOR RENT A 6-room uppr furnished flat; very reasonable. Malu 1511. 182 Glbbs. MODERN. 4-room, lower floor, private rcsi dence, garage. Tabor 190. 4, 5 AND ti-ROOM Hats, dose in. Couch School district, cheap rent. Main 302 tt. $22 NEW modern 4-room furnished flats, porch, walking distance. 5G0 Market. FOR RUNT A G-room upper furnished flat; verv reasonable. Main 1511. !S2i Glbbs. Housekeeping Rooms. $ WEEK up. completely furnished house keeping suites, absolutely cleanest In town; hot water, baths free; large, light iruua, dm wiDfluws; large corner room. disappearing as plate. $2.75; other singles, desirable people onlv; save carfare. The Cadillac. 3d, near Jefferson. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall. fur nished for housekeeping; gas range, rlec tric lights, hot water, bath. laundry free. $H month up: clean place. Phone A 45tii NICE suites of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping iooiuh, paniy lurnisaea, at y JVlinngs- worth ave., cor. Vancouver. Low rent. Phone Woodlawn 19u7. -.ou t. iv. rooms, with kitchenette, gas. t-ictincny, pnaie entrance, tjatn. otione single h. k. rm., $1.75 week. 20S 13th. 401 EAST MORRISON Furnished one and two-room housekeeping apts. Reasonable. TWO rooms, light, heat. bath. $10 to $12 ner mm: t h t-i firand a v-o v Housekeeping Rooms jn Private Family. THREE beautiful furnished front-room apt., piano, fireplace, sleeping porch, furnace heat, electricity, kitchen sink, hot, cold water, laundry, first floor. 123 N. 23d. FINE large housekeeping rooms. East or col oiu , luiuibuea complete ; spienaiu locations, yard, walking distance. 564 E. om si. aenwooQ liua. 3 ROfTMS and kitchenette on ground floor. suitable for 2 families. Also one single room, nue location, close in. 31 4 Colum bla st. WE LiTfuRNISHED H. K. rooms al con veniences; 2 and 4 "rooms, $12 and $14. 3U5 college street. Main 8510. CLEAN housekeeping rooms, everything fur nished, reasonable ; close in, 251 Broad way w. TWO lower rooms, sleeping porch, pantry, $1 1 month. Sink, gas, free electricity, phone; also large single room. 392 4th st. FURNISHED housekeeping apartments, all front rooms, from $7 to $12 per month. At Q w eiuier st., corner Union. TWO and three-room furnished housekeep ing rooms $10 up; free phone, bath, lights, walking distance. 40 7 3d. NICELY furnished front room and alcove. for light housekeeping; very reasonable. lOTM St. JN. Main o467. FURNACE heat, electric lights, phone, '2 front rooms and kitchenette, private bath, short walk. East 4438. THE ELMS. 191 14th st. 2 and 3 rooms, clean, bath, phone. lights, heat. $14 up. 2-ROOM front suite, free phone; $9 month. 350 14th st. 105 N. 20TH. cor. FlandeiJ, neatly furnished nouseKeepmrj rooms. F1UST-CLASS, modern, $12Tabor 1403. 3 -room apartment. ONE furnished housekeeDintr room and sleeping porch; light and bath. Tabor 483. L.VRGE S-room corner house, newly deco rated throughout; rent reasonable. Cail tocay. 11th and Montgomery sts. 6-ROOM modern house. Just papered and painted, gas range and heater, linoleum kitchen floor, cement' basement. Furnace heat, stationary wash tub. Rent reasonable. BJelland's Grocery. Main 1S07. A ls7. FOR RENT New 5-room bungalow on 41st ft., near Hawthorne, for year or more. P. J. Haniey, 28 N. 2d. Broadway 727 or A 220. SEVEN-ROOM modern home In Laurel hurst. Phone Mrs. Carroll. Clark Hotel. Main 8523. Rent reasonable. Location of property 1213 East Flanders. FOR RENT, 5-rm. sunny upper flat. Bleeping porch, automatic! heat. 740 Kearney, near 2."nl. Cheap to steady tenant. Key down stairs. FO It REN T -acre house, for only 95 ; 55 Corhett bldg. tract with 4-room 1 m on th. M E. Lee, SEE the Oregon Home Builders for good houses for rent. The Oregon Home Build ers, 13'iO N. W. Bank bldg. MODERN S-room bungalow, excellent con dition, 760 E. Main. Call today before 12 A. MV MODERN. 5-room cottage. 244 Dixon, two blocks Broadway bridge, reasonable rent. C 2021. WE St SIDE, modern S-room house; sleep ing porch, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-in c-mveniences. 2 GO North -6th. 5-ROOM bui.galow. mod rn. 4 blocks from ear, garage and chicken-house. Phone Tabor 1 63G. NEARLY new 6-room house, 4 lots, garden and lawn. 2 blocks cars; gas, electricity. Tabor 1600. S-ROOM thoroughly modern house in new Couch School district for rent cheap to steady tenants. Phone Main 2474. MODERN, desirable. 6-room house. 302 San Rafael, near Union: close in. East 1C85. 4-ROOM modern house, rent cheap, near W W. car. 831 K. 30th St. $23 E. 12TH ST.. all modern conveniences; walking . distance. 304 Morgan bldg. S-ROOM modern house. 712 Lovejoy near 22d. inquire 130 6th st. Main 27S. 697 EVERETT Six rooms; gas, electricity, furnace, walking Phone East S. 72? E. MAIN. 7 rooms, fireplace' furnace, water heater, yard. close in, deslrible. SEE cottage. 5".2 Davis at Hit " tu for. you move. Modern; cliay. Marshall 340. ti-ROOM house house, firtl-class order; rem $14.50, included. Woodiawa 170U. watt- Hoi HOUSES that are not for sal when rented: 1110 E. 34th N., "A" car $12.50 - 1135 E. 34th N.. "A" car 913. OO 1014 K. 32d N.. "A" car. 5 rooms. .$15.00 23 E. 76th N.. "MV" car. 7 rras..$12.0i STORE with plumbling. Su7 s. Jersey $10. Keys and ii;frmatton, 1021 Yeon bldg. 25 387 11TH KT-. good S-room house suit able for large family, for housekeeping apartments or for rooming-house- Newiy papered and tinted; w aiking distance; good car service. FOR RENT. Residence, 2(i6"16th St., near Jefferson. Residence. 209 Cherry St., near Wms. ave. Inquire of A. B. Stcinbaeh A Co., 615 Cor bett bldg. Phone Main 6716. MODE it N G-reom. in good condition, rent reasonable. 877 E. Burn side. Sell wood 515. Fu mh bed Houwa. FINE, modern home, eight rooms, sleeping- porch, good furniture and carpets. Pianola piano, furnace, fireplace, wood nil in for Winter, garage, fine lawn. Southern ex posure : will rent only to adults and for not less than four months. $70 per month. Has never been rented before, as this has always been a home. Call at 829 East Salmon St.. comer East Twenty-seventh st. A FINE, up-to-date G-room bungalow, on L. Ibth N. near Alberta car. elegantly fur nished with everything needed. Blanchard & Clemson. 702-3 Selling bldg. $0 COMPLETELY furnished 3-room house. gas. electric iignts. vv s car. ou minutes from Postcfflce. 50th ave. and 38th st. S. E. phcne Sellwood 809 -ROOM elegantly furnished modern; fur nace, fireplace and yard; very reasonable. 703 Northrup st. before 2 o'clock. COMPLETELY farniwhed G-room bungalow piano, line view, near cac West bide; reu only $33. Main 84211. FURNISHED house, large garden, $10 mo. Also lower part of furnished bouse, piano. Apply mgr., Gllman Hotel, 1424 1st st. FURNISHED, to adults. $12.30; opp. Bap' tist jnurcn. 4721 t4th st. Arleta sta. Mt. Scott car. ATTRACTIVELY furnished 8-roora house. Portland Heights, for Winter and longer. Main 2094 BUNGALOW FLAT FURNISHED. 4 rooms, porch, 2 beds, etc., heat. 100 E. 30th and Washington sts. IRVINGTON Part of furnished house, C rooms, on carline; entire ground floor. In. cdludInK heat, $30; adults. East 4384. IRVINGTON Strictly modern 6 rooms, close in ; immediate possession. East 5405. FURNISHED 3-room bungalow for rent. Rose City Park. Tabor 3005. Near car. $15 FURNISHED 4-room modern inquire, mornings. 173 Morris st. $16 Cosy G-room cottage; four blocks Broadway priage; -f-itj tose. Broadway 514. TWO stores, each 25x04, Nos. 543 and 545 324 Worcester bldg. First st. O ner. COMPLETELY furnished private office, $10 montn; vacant on ices reasonaoie. stoca Exchange. 3d arui Yamhill. WELL-FURNISHED private office, also desk room, $6 and $7. 23 Chamber of Commerce. OFFICES from S7.50; furnished off'ces. desk room; city a busiest corner. 303 Swet- Iandbldg. - DESK ROOM, care of calls, ground floor. Including new desk, phone, etc.. in light, airy office on 306 Oak st. Balls. HALLS for rent." Ill 2d st.; $2 and up. BtSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. FOR SALE New stock general merchandise, dry goods, furnishings and shoes; a pay ing business in growing town of 15U0; lo cated on Puget Sound ; stock will invoice $'o00; can reduce to suit; cheap rent; in fireproof building; good reason for selling; a snap for right party. Address AV 299, Oregonian. A FEW h tin d red dollars invested in our m-mufacturlnp business, which we abso lutely secure, a position and a large work ing interest, or our money refunded. This will stand investigation. No competi tion. United Stfl tes Besic patent. 300 S wet land bldg. Main 4N71. GOOD, clean grocery, 10 miles from Port land, on Daved count v road : will ell ai invoice (about t5u ) us owner has other business; new, modern building, 2 rooms in, near; rent $12; will take good auto as part payment Main 7070. house 3S, ask for Fowler. SPLENDID opportunity for live man to pur chase best-located hotel with saloon, doing excellent business, at Richmond, best town tributary to San Francisco Bay; Standard OJI works. Santa Fe and Pullman shops stria other industries; big payroll ; terms easy. Aoaress M 203. Oregonian. CAUTION. BUYERS! Before closing deal for so-called interest in established real estate business, get ad- v ice 01 rorcianu rteany uoara. PAUL A. COWGILL. Secy. 816 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NOW is the time. Get the Xmas business. oia-estaniisnetl. reliable jeweiry and nov elty store ior sale. Hest location in city Repairs pay the rent. Substantial receipts every day. Good proof. No agents. 252 Aiaer. PAKTXER WANTED for office business. vv tu be some outsioe "work and owner will guarantee you $115 month; requires a very small Investment. Call room 32V f lorgan hlrtiT. f AKiALK wanted in my central garage; nas big storage, full line machinery, etc. good repair business; - only good man con sidered ; $350 requinad. which is secured. call 2432 Stark st. DELICATESSEN and steam tabled doing ?: daily. Rent $25 mo., which Is traded out. clearing $25o mo. above all expenses. Sickness compels me to sell. Liberal terms. Elmore Co., 431 Chamber of Com. FOR SALE An established road house and cabaret, maple dance floor and piano. 12 furnished rooms, bar and fixtures, rent $50, Ions lease, on the State Highway, In Stockton, Cal. Address AV 311, Oregonian. HOTEL for sale witu entire equipment. In prosperous town in Washington; price $1S.000: term half cash, balance in pay ments to suit purchaser. AV "80. Orego nian. - A GOOD general dry goods business In a town of about Uuu inhabitants, with a good, hi.- steady payroll and good farm ing community, about $.0h cash required. Address W 220. Oregonian. AU TO MOBILE B US I N E SS wants reliable partner tj wait on customers, sell gasoline, etc. Good pay, small investment required. Call room 323 Morgan bldg. POOL HALL and confectionery, cigars and tobacco, and barber shop combined; any reasonable offer accepted; same cash and liberal terms. Call 286 V- Russell st. M A N U FACTUE E R now selling retail and auto delivery, wants to wholesale gcers: increase business: will buy your business articles of merit. G 21 1. Oregonian. CHOICE grocery and coffee store with liv ing rooms, for sale; has living rooms, low rent and good trade; price $650. Call 2 IS Stark st. WILL sell established business handling full line hui'ding material, paints, hardware, lumber, etc. ; about $4000 cash to handle. Ad dress AV 312, Oregonian. GA RAGE and blacksmith shop, good busi ness, onlv garage town of 00. power in shop ; good etock with "Bowser outdoor pump in gara ge. A V 200. Oregonian. RETAIL BAKERY, doing $40 a day cash over the counter, cheap rent with lease. Wjll stand strict investigation. Address AV 280, Oregonian. RESTAURANT Owner busy cooking, wants reliable partner to bo cashier, etc. Pav $1S week and board. $750 required. Cail room 320 Morgan bldg. WANTED Lady partner, good cook and baker preferred, in first-class home baker.- and delicatessen. Small capital re qtiired. Al opportunity. 704 Washington. GARAGE and repair shop in auto district, clearing $300 per month; price $750; owner will take in good man as partner. Call 317 Railway. Exchange bldg. SMALL, cash store for $300; sell groceries. etT. Has 2 living-rooms, ana owner guar antees you can make a good living. Call room S20 Morgan bldg. FOR SALE Laundry, doing good business, at a bargain; $1300 will handle. Phone Mar.- 2O10. BEST paying restaurant. St! Helens. Or?: snap and terms. Grand Cafe. W. C Campbell, St. Helens. CIGAR and confectioner?.- store on old transfer corner, best location In city. A bargain. No agents. East 6353. IT'S a business proposition, acres! 14 tracts. $1 down, $1 week. Cary Co, 311 Panama bldg t MAN or woman to Invest $500 ir mercantile smsinesB that will net you $30XO per year. Money secured. E 20O. Oregoman. SM ALL grocery stock and fixtures. 3 nice living-rooms, rent 910. Price 3273. Room 31.. Lumber Exchange bldg. MOVING picture house In fine location; the best little house in the city for only $1200. Call 317 Railway Exchange bidg. FOR SALE Market and grocery on month ly payments; good security wanted; lo cation good. BC 207, Oregonian. BLACKSMITH SHOP for sale; business good. For particulars apply H. P. Bran da. Trout dale, Or. FOR SALE or part trade, drug store cood location. M 20S, Oregonian. FOR RENT or for sale, moving p-. -ti u everything up to date. Call at 00 N. 3d BUTTERMILK bufiness for sale. 30tli cl PLolic Easl 15o2. FOR SALE Up-to-oate fullv uuiDoed soda water bottling works, in one of the best towns in Northern California. Chlco and suburbs has & population of over 18.UOO and is growing rapidly. Besides this we have a good. larg outside territory. Our plant has a capacity of 1200 bottles daiiy. Ibis is a snap for the right party. The lesson for selling we have other business Interest thai we have to attend to. For full particulars eddress the owners, P. -J, box 7 S3. Chico. Butte Co., CaL WORKING MEN'S hotel, fine locationT fac tory section. West Side, 3 storerooms, 24 sleeping-rooms, larg. uining-room and kitchen, furnished. This place is a bar tcain m 9SO0O, $25U0 cash, 5 ears on the balance at G per cent. Your stores will pay Interest on the purchase, price and ou have got free rent for the balance. It you are looking tor on opening hero is a bargain. M. E. Lee. 3t'3 Coibett bklg. GERSTLE Jacob Gerstle, at family resi dence, 9-15 East Tajlor St.. November 7, age 77 years 4 months 10 days, beloved father of Mras. B. ' F. Watkins. Mrs. H. .eir, Mrs. H. N. Goldsmith. Friends in- I ted to attend funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 2 i M. today ( Tuesday), November 9. ln terment Beth Israel Cemetery. TO the person giving or aecurlng mo a steady position 1 will give a deed to a tract of unincumbered Oregon land which cost me $50 0; am 2 s years old. had ex perience on all kinds of construction work as timekeeper, steward and commissary clery ; am also experienced grocery, fruit and confectionery clerk; references. B 212, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. want rooming-house. Have lu acres, house, bam, good well, lOo choice apple trees, free and clear; will exchange '.or 15 to 2U-roora house; also have cash customers for lo and 12 rooms; also want good apart, house J. H. DIETZ, Main 164. 932 Chamber of Com. WANTED To rent 00 to 70-room building or apartment. AL 212, Oregonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. FOR SALE. One of the best rooming-houses In the City of Centralia for sale at bargain; the owner Is compelled to leave for the East; come and make us an offer; 30 fine rooms, well furnished, location the very best; we mean what we say; the bargain is yours if you come for it. B. S. WOODRUFF CO., IPS -t S. Tower ave.. Centralia, Wash. MRS. M. E. LENT, Leading Hotel-Apartment-House Agent. Both Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 50S-9 N. W. Bank bid., Gth and Morrison. ROOMING-HOUSE, all H. K. and full, close in; M25 cash. 308 6th St. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Ou Vancouver ave., between Emer son st., and Fargo, a gold bar pin with $5 gold piece in center, date 10u5. Reward. 6U9 Chamber of Commerce. LOfcT From automobile Sunday evening, mink fur collar. Return 331 Pittock block or phone Broad w ay 3000 or Main 2560. Howard. FOUND One-half dozen hand-embroidered napkins with initial "C." Owner can have same by proving property and paying for ad. 405 Commercial Club bldg. LObT Boston bull terrier, brown and white; answers to name of Barney. Finder will receive reward. 705 Lovejoy st. Mr. Robert Sarrell. LOST Small breastpin with 3 little birds on It, Sunday. Reward. Phone Tabor 2170, B 1713. LOST Silver mesh bag containing silver frat pin, at Empress Theater, Sunday aft ernoon. Reward. -East 3002. LOST Keys . to finder. on home-made ring; AL 2U2. Oregonian. reward LOST Purso, $5 gold piece and silver. Re turn344 Morrison, care Royal Bakery. LOST Silver bracelet, Vj Inch wide, vaTu able as childhood gift. Main fc.855. LOST Wrij Phone- Ms watch, initials &3U2. Reward. "L. J. B- in SPLCLvL JSOllCEj. Proposals invited. NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. Sealed proposals will be received by ths board of directors of the Suttles Lake Irrigation District, at their offices m Lam bert's store building, near Gr&odview Fostoffiee, Jefferson County, Oregon, up and until the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of Monday, the 2Zd day of November, 1915, lor the sale of th bonds of said Irriga tion district to the amount of Six. Hun dred Thousand Dollars ($600,oouj, which bunds were authorised Issued by vote of said district on the 2d day of October, 1915. No bunds will be sold for less than Su per cent of the face value thereof. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. AH bids should be plainly marked. HARRY J. CHENOWKTU, President. C. 1. HENLINE, Secretary. WILL receive healed bids at my office, 010 Willamette street. Eugene, Or., for a stock of merchandise located at 03 West St'a awtiiue, Eugene, Or., consisting of the follow ing lines: Shoes, $Gb24.27; dry goods and notions. $2Ulb.23; men's cloth ing, $517.00; total inventory valuation, $U3GU. 10. together with fixtures of $334.1o valuation, up to 12 o'clock, noun, of Mon day, November 15. 1015. Inventory may be seen at my office and property can be inspected at the address above given. Terms cash. Certified check for 10 per c-int of amount offered must accompany each bid. Right is reservu to reject any and all bids. S. D. ALLEN, Atty. Dated Eugene. Or., Nov. 4. 1015. WILL receive bids at my office, 740 Mor gan bldg., up to 12 o'clock noon of Friday, November 12. 1915, for an auto garage and r pair shop, consisting principally of auto accessories and supplies of the in ventory valuation $702.99, together with office and store fixtures $366.25, second hand auto $200, shop tools $798.50, total $u67.74, located at 1152 Third street, Hillsboro. Or. Terms cash. Cash deposit of 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid. Right Is reserved to reject any and ail bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock inspected at Hillsboro. - Or., commencing Monday, .November 8. $ Dated; Portland, Or., November 5, 1915. R, L. SAB IN. SEALED proposals will be received at the office of the undersigned, 4Ul Courthouse, until Thursday. November IS, 1015, at 4:00 P. M . for furnishing hardware for Franklio High School, Portland, Oregon. Bids wll! be opened in room 304 Court house at came time. Deposit of $3 Is re quired for plans and specifications, which mav he obtained at the office of F. A. Naramore. suDt. of uro per ties. 303 Court house. . Certified check for 10 per cent of amount ot proposal, payapie to t. m. Thomas. School Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors re serves the rig'it to reject any and all D.-iinusals. R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk. Dated November 5, lolo. Miscellaneous, TO THE PUBLIC : H. Gordon Co., located at 1735 E. 17th St., sold their business on Oct 15, 1915, and we hereby notify tho puonc mat we win not ue responsible 10 anv bills1 contracted after that date either by the new owners or the former manager, u. to. Manny. H, GORDON CO., By H. Gordon. BARGES tor rent, 400 tons capacity. 1110. Mala FINANCIAL. WE BUY mortgage bond and notes "WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO SO 4thSt., Board of Trade Bldg. FIRST and second mortgagee, also seii-i1 interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or WE buv notes, bonds and mortcas-en Ttnu ertson & Ewing, 207-8 N. W. Bank bldg. UORTuAUL loans, notes, contracts, mtgs. purcaiiseu. ucmia at. u Lenu oiug. " Money to Loan on Real Instate! ' 9400 8 PER CENT. $S0O 7 per cent, $4t00 on improved real estate. J isu, Orego nian. MONEY to loan on good property. The Ore gon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank bid. 1000 UP to $5000 to loan on real estar.a Tabor 2520. ,9m MONEY Any amount. 6 to 8 per cent H. Seitz, 310 Spalding. Main 63S4. $20U, $35U, $u(rt. S'JOO, $1200, $1M)U. Fred W German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on good city and Vu property. F. Fuchs. 420 Chamber of Con? 7 MO:.'EY to loan, city and farm-and! j J. Challn, 635 Chamber of Comma row FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS?" A. H. HARDING. 313 CHAM. Q F Com! MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PER CET NT .LOUIS SALOMON & CO., 3O0 OAK St! 9500 UP, 7 and 8 per cent, no cammlsslon. no djlay. Ward. 40 1 Spalding bldg. $1000 TO $5000 to loan at 7 per cent on Portland improved real estate. East 491. $low TO $15,000 to loan. Mr. Munger, Camp bell Hotel. Mar. 881. Call evenings. 20ft. $u."U. $ i'iO, L RGER 44UM3 9GO0, KM)0. $;;00O AND ON REALTY. Main lOys. MORTGAGE loans. 6 to Murton. 267 Oak st. 8 per cent. Main 1743. H. L. MONEY 7; LO.-T- IN ANY AMOUNT. Hammond Mtfr Cu 424 Ctyam. of C'-m. $oTo"tV) VO LOA ' at 0. 7 a"d S e. cent. CODDARD A WIEDRIOK. 243 Wtark bt. BUILDING loans direct to owners with su- pervislng erchltect. Curtis, Z67& Oak sf, Money to Loan ou Real Estate. PORTLAND TRUST & SAVINGS BANK. MORTGAGE LOANS. " Prompt service. Reasonable terms. PORTLAND TRUST & SAVINGS BANK. Sixth and Morrison Sts. MONEY LOANED. Improved business property, per cent. to Improved residence property. 6 to 7 I per cent. Improved farm property. 7 to S per cent. WHITMER-KELLY CO., 711 Pittock Block. GOOD supply of money to loan on improved Portland realty at 6 to 7 per cent- Farm loans 7 and S per cent. MALL & YON BORSTEU 104 2d St., near Stark. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repavuwut privileges. A. H BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bide. Marshall 4114, A 411S. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED REAL. ESTATE ""OH "BUILDING PURPOSES; VERY FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TRUST CO. 2U2 STEVENS "LDG. 5U LOANS will be made on central retail business properties, 6 and 7 per cent on other securities. Edward E. Goudey Co.. Northwestern Bank bldg. TO LO A N $ i 0 0T0 0 0 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. SO 4TH ST.. BOARD OF TRAPS BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANSIN ANY AMOUNT." OREGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO.. INC, Stock Exchange Bldg., 3d and Yamhill. FIELDS & H ONE YM AN MORTGAGE ";U. OUR OWN FUNDS. 1025-1029 YEON BLDG. $1OO0.Uiu AT 7 PICK CENT on choic Oregon farms or city property; fire Insurance. M'KENZIE Ot CO.. 515 Gerlinger bldg. 5 TO S on city and farm property. Mort gages and contracts purchased. It. H. Blossom. 1123 Northwestern Bit. bldg. $200.0uO TO LOAN In sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rules. W. U. Beck, 314 315 Failing bldg: SEE us today for loans on improved city property, 6 to 8 per cent; $-'i0 and up. C'ellars-Murton Co., 825 Yeon bldg. $1200 TO LOAN as first mortgage on re.i I estate. For particulars call at 512 Piatt bldg.. Park and Washington streets. $2(MI TO LOAN on real estate. For particu lars call 512 Piatt bldg. MONEY to loan on first mortgage. The Ore gon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. Money to Loan Chattels and Salaries. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have one of the finest retail Jew elry stores in the city; loan department Is conducted in connection with same, making ousiness STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL; absolutely no sign designating loan business displayed lu Tront of our store; all merchandise pledged is held for period of 12 months, whether or not interest is paid when due; we are licensed and have been established since 1SS0; no connection with any other loan establishment in this city. A, & M. DELOVAGE. JEWELERS, 324 Washington St. MONEY TO LOAN. YOU CAN GET IT TOD AT at legal rates on Diamonds. Autos, Pianos. Furniture. Livestock or Motorcycles. Pay back at $5 per month or more. Interest 3 per cent. OFFICE ABSOLUTELY PRIVATE. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. LICENSED. 311 Dekum Bldg., 3d and Washington. MONEY AT ONCE. LEGAL RATE OF INTEREST. a Diamonds, Jewelry. Musical Instrumenra. All Pledges Held One Year. Se para to Department for Ladies. ELBY COMPANY (Licensed. 220 Lumber Ex. Bldg., 2d and Stark Sta MONEY to loan on diamonds and jewelry at legal rates; all articles held one year; established since 1 sSs. Dan Mark, 74 3d. LOWEST rates ou furniture and household , goods. CJeo. Harvey. East 1172. Loam W anted. FOR SALE $400, monthly payment, install ment note, first mortgage, S per cent, good security, excellent paper; need money; will discount 25 per cent. Pay ments guaranteed. C 231. Oregonian. WANTED Private money to loan on city property; all amounts. 1- inancial dept.. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank bltig HAVE some splendid loans for privato money. The Oregon Home Builders, 133U1 N. W. RBank bldg. WANT $2000 at 8 per cent on modern resi dence and quarter block. E. 23d fit. r. Curtis, 2479 Oak. WANT a loan of 9S0OO on well-Improved property; will pay 7 per cent interest. B 215. Oregonian. $3000 ON well-improved property, 1 per cent interest. C 229. Oregonian. PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS, LOWEST PRICES. 30-inch wavy switches. 3 sep $1.8a 24-inch wavy switch, 3 Sep 1.00 All-around transformation 1. 4o Hairdresslng, shampoo, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 25c. Hair re moved by electric needle; switch made of combings, Ooc. Wo buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors. 400-412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. Marshall 1702. ORIENTAL massage, kind attention, physi ological treatments and sulphur baths; wonderful cure for rheumatism, nervous ness and all sorts of diseases have been cured. Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Ehara, 22 N. 3d st.. cor. Burnside. Pjione A 2S54, At tend your hoihe, no extra charges. FEB VET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers; finest stock human hair goods, switches from 35c up; hairdresslng, manicuring. face and Scalp treatment, combings made up to or der. 147 Broadway, nr. Morrison. Main 5-0. LATEST BE AUTIFIER. Send 10c in coin for saonple package of Madame Agatha's Mask-Facial BeautUIer. Non-injurious and does the work. 212 Russ bldg., San Francisco. LOUISE NETZEL trained nurse and mas seuse, gives treatments for rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, etc.. tub baths, mas sage and electric blankets; lady assistant. 25 11th st. Marshall 5o33. Open Suaday. MM 13. FONEDA, RENOWNED PALMIST Foneda gives instructions in palmistry and card reading daily. 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. Office, 305 Yamhill st., corner 10th. WANTED To know the address of my two boys Charles and Waiter Murphy. H. E. Murphy, 1717 Wanen ave., Cheyenne. Wyoming. SWEDISH and Mag. Massage at your home or R 310. 350 Morrison. Expert manipu lators. Rosen Baylor D. A. T. Main 4521. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, etc,, de stroyed forever; cure guaranteed. 'Mile. De Long. 304 Swetland bldg. SPIRITUALISM Rev. May A- I'ricc. Circle Tuesday 2, Wed. and Sun. 8 P. M. ; read ings daily. 003 5th st Marshall 3060. MASSAGE treatments, nervous diseases, rheumatism, nursing day or hour. Wood- AS-CAP-SO promptly relieves headache, neu ralgia and la grippe. For sale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy. UMBRELLAS, all colors an styles; largest stock ; re-coverings; new tan dies put on. Meredith's, 320 Washington st. NORWEGIAN trained nurse and masseuse, , electric blanket treatment; hours 12 A. M. 8 P. M. 2QSH 3d St.. rooms 2 and 3. MRS. STEVENS, 24 years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant, has her temple open daily. 375 Taylor st. XASTKRN trained operator, scalp massage Hours 4 to 9 P. M. Open Sundays. 1-i 6 th. room 2. SCIENCE PRACTITIONER Treatments given ulgh and day. No medicines. Office 104 E. 70th st. N. I AM motherless girl 11 years old; want h ome with good people. A L 213. Oregonian. MANICURING and electrical treatment. Ethel Burk. l'J Lafayette bldg. GRADUATE masseuse ; sulphuro medicated baths; opep Sundays. 170 2d. 4th floor. MAY IRWIN, electric treatment, 350V' Morrison st. m MADAME MUNZELLA, instructor in palm istry and card reading. 42214 Morrison. OIL Main 8359 for electric treatments for rheumatism, lumbago; reasonable. SOPHIA b! SEIP moved to 613 Turney bldg., Taylor and Id. Main 6SSG. FULL. Instructions in crystal gazing by W'al demer. $1, by mail. Amy Taylor. Gen. Del. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs! M. P. Hill. 429 File 3 n e r 1 d g. M a i n 54 7 9 BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND. RoyafToiiitf Tablet, 504 Davla st. Phone Main 2303. LESSONS in phrenology and card readii; 235 0th st. Phone Al ain 7548. FUR SHOP New orders, remodeling, trin tning. C05 Swetland bldg. FRANCES DE MAYO, scalp specialist, 350 -i Morrison et. Office 2U2. MAY IRWIN electric treatment, 350 Morrison sL 21a, GENTLEMEN Manicure, shampoo, face mas sage. 35c 707 Rothchild. 2S7,.j Wash. fct. MADAME NONO. teacher of palmistry and card reading 387 Yam h til ft. MEDICAL. JSE Bassett'p Native Herb for rheumatism. CO tabuu for 'm 5c All crwikiats. i