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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 6, 1915)
15 DIED. WMAK November 5. Charles Newman, aged 52 yars. Remains at Running & McEntee'i parlors. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. KREBS The funeral of the late Mrs. Cor delia Krebs, beloved mother of John, Frank, Conrad and Myrtle Kreb. Mrs. Paulina Thiel, Margaret Krebs Matson. Cordelia Keppinger and Mrs. A. D. Gillis, win leave the residence. C64 Williams ave nue, today Saturday). November 6, at i S:45 A. M., thence to St. Mary's Church, Williams avenue and .Stanton street, where services -will be held at 10 o'clock. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. Friends Invited, BARNES At the family residence, 610 E. 19th st.f November .". Hannah Elizabeth Barnes, aged 23 years 7 months 16" days, beloved daughter of J. W. and the late Mary A Barnes. Friends invited to at tend funeral services, which will be" held at Holman's funeral parlors, od and Sal mon sts.. ax 2 P. M. today ( Saturday), November ti. Concluding services at the Portland Crematorium. Take the Sell wood car for crematorium. DJMICK In this city, November 4, at the family residence, 331 Tenth street. Milo M. Dimick, aged 01 years. The funeral services will bo held today (Saturday at 2 o'clock P. M. at tho above residence. Friends invited. Services at the Port land Crematorium. fl.NEKAL DIRECTORS. v. -vi. bmu In Portland with private driveway. , jaain a. a ioh. J. T. HNLEi & -OH. Montgomery at Flith. UK. SO WARD HOLM AN, tho leading funeral director. 220 Third street, cornet Ealmoo. laAy assistant, A 1011. Main ouj. IT. 3. DUS.MSa. INC. East Bide Funeral Directors. .14 East Al Her street. Em t2. B 2S3a. A. R. ZKbLLtR CO., &U2 WILLIAMS AV4 ast 106s, C lobo. Lady attendant. Day anQ night service. it M't.NIiiS, funeral directors Xtroadway and Fine, liiuuo Alain A 4d.a Lady attendant. MILLER TRACEY, Independent funeral directors. funerals as low as $20, $40, too. .Washington and Klla t Main 28HL A Taaa. P. L. Lerch. Kast 11th and Clay streets. a.ady assistant, iaat 78L SKEWKS INDEKIAKINO COMPANY. 3d ad clay. Main .162. A itaa. Lady attendant. R. T. Byrnes. Williams ave. and swntt. B. 1115. C lU4a. Lady attendant. BREEZE & SNOOK. Sannyslda Parlors; uto hearse. 1028 Belmont. Tab. 12S8. ii MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WOllKS. :34-269 4th St.. opp. City Hall. Main S064. Philip Neu c Sons for memorials. FLOIUSTS. IMART1N & FOUBltS CO., florists. 347 Wash ington. Main 2UW. A 12SU. Flowers lor all occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists, 287 Morrison st. Main or A 1805. Fine flowers and flora, designs. No branch stores. 11AX M. SMITH, Main 7215, A 31 2L Selling building. 6th and Alder sts. TONSETH FLORAL CO.. 285 Wasntncton St.. bet. 4th and 5th. Main S102. A 1101. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 674 BELMONT ST. I'honesj Kast 1423, B 2315. Open Day and NlBht. Report all cases of cruelty to this of t oce. Lethal chamber for small anlmala. llordb ambulance for slcle or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone de- siirinK' a pet may communicate with ua. NEW TODAX. MORTGAGE LOANS on unproved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans Quickly closed. Call today. (KcL LARGE LOANS ON fid. BUSINESS PROPERTIES t A. H. BIRRELL CO. II7-210 Northwestern Bank Bvlldlaz. Marshall 4114. A 4118. BONDS MORTGAGES Large amount of CO? on Improved In money to loan at O IO side p r o p e rty. ltesidence loans 6 and 7 per cent, ac cording- to location. Bonds and Merlgagn for Sale. ROEBTSOS & EWIXR, 8Q7-8 Northwestern Hitnlt Hnlldlng. WE WILL BUILD AND KIXASCE HOMES Flats and Apart ments In any part of the city costing: from S2000 to 420.000; , payments like rent. - Call and see us. V. B. BOWMAN & CO, Room 1. Commercial Club Bulldlns;. Western Bond Sr Mortgage Co. Oar Own Aluury at Lsrrest Hatea jaU.MClPAL AND tOHI'OKlTIO.I BONUS, V-ARM AND CITY LOANS. BO FoTlh St.. Board of Trade Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. A. W. M'LUUHIJX & CO. New York City. Vnllmlted Funds Quick Service. Large or Small Amounts. IBANK A. STEELE, Keurefentative. SOS Spaldinic Bide. Main 3282. come to HEADQUARTERS MORTGAGE LOANS JOHN DnVilV SPALTJTNG BLDG, l -KUiA.JN PORTLAND. ORE, On Cltr and Parxr nnvrtlni tn Anj Amount . eunent Kates MORTGAGE loans on favorable terms: lartre loan on business property. 5 Vis to 6 pr cadi. jonn itiaiu, ou tpaiaing oias. REAL ESTA1X For Sale Lot. SARTFlCli. Southeast corner and Inside 81st and Sandy Boulevard. Lnin cumbertd, beautifully located. Owner, 00S Commercial block. i . SACR.IFICE. Southeast corner an intsfde Slst and Pandy Boulevard. Unln cumbered, beautifully located. Owner, sos Commercial block. LAUREL-HURST SNAP. I lave th best buy in Laurelhurst lot lorcajn. au oregonian. J4T."i GRAND AVE. CORNER 4T.V Valuable ifw0 lot goes for $475. Fhone tORTLA.NO Heights view lot. fine trees; will r-uiia it sun on easy pa menu. Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A 3S3. lIAl.h -PRICE for cash, beautiful Laurel nuirt iot uwncr, o at't. Oregoniau. CORNER Broadway and 30th aU, all cl 2.V n 209, Oregon lan. For Sale -House. ABSOLUTE SOUND INVESTMENT Jirt Brand new 5 -room Piedmon rmngraiaw. permanent income, shows per cent: must be sold; inspect iunda at i j urana ave. .n. w oodl n car Holman, ihen 1 block eat,. Flione for appointment, r-euwooa J'ORTl.AND H FIGHTS BUNGALOW". Modern, bautitul view, street Improve' mt-n!s in anu r-Hld; $:isno for short time. Ttio oqIv resldenc. undertaiLinz establlsn This directory is for the information of the public, to give as far as possi ble the ditferent lines of business which the average person may find occa sion to use. Any information which cannot be found here will be eladly furnished by phoning: Main 70T0 or A 6095, House 40. ABSTRACT AKD TITLES. PROMPT SERVICE at reasonable prices. Pacific Title A Trust Co., 7 Ch. of Com. ACCORDIOJf PLEATTXU. K. STEPHAN", hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord, side pleat, buttons covered; mail orders. 209 Pittock block. Broadway 1093. Pleating-. hemstitching. " buttons covered. Eastern Novelty Co., S5 6th. B'way 20OU. ADDING MACHINES. WALES visiole adding and listing machines. A. II. Workman, mgr., 107-8 -V.W. Bk. bid. ASBESTOS ROOFING MATERIALS. Inquire about Asbestos Rubber Roofing and Asbestos Cement. Rate & Co., Dekum bldg. ASSAYERS AND ANALYISTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 112$i 2d. Gold, silvr and platinum bought. CANCER. LOWELL M. JONES, M. D-. Practice limit ed exclusively to cancers. 312 Morgan bldg. CARPET WEAVERS. NORTHWEST RIT, CO. Rugs from old car pets. rag rugs. 18S E. 8th. Both phones. CELLULOID BUTTONS. BADGES. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANT. 387 Washington st. Main 312 and A 1254. CHIROPODISTS. William, Estelle and William. Jr., Deveny, the only scientific chiropodists In the city. Tarlors, 302 Gerlinger bldg.. southwest corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, Office, Fliedner bldg.. Main 3473. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIA'S. DR. McMAHON", sixth year, chronic cases taking time, SI treatments. $ir; worta f". tne airierence. !i2l 4th st. COLLECTIONS. CLAIMS of any description collected on per- i-cumso auiiere, nignest clase refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency, 426 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 480. COLLECTION AGENCY. ETH & CO., "Worcester bldg. Main 1796. IS'o collection, no charge. Established 190O. DANCING. MANCHESTER Dancing Academy. S5i -. ' - etarK ana iiRK. sp'l rates. 4 pri vate lessons $2, morning, afternoon, even ing, all latent dances guaranteed; cluss Thurs.. Sat. evenings. 7-8:30. Bdwy. 2160. HEATH'S SCHOOL Lessons daily: class Tues. Frr. ev 8 to 30. 109 2d St.. bet. Wash, and fcitark. Main 3205. Lessons 25c. Mt-LKEY BLDG.. 2d and Morrison 10 les sons y.: classes Mon., Fri. eve. Mar. 313. GEXEE DE REAU- European dance artiste. private or class lessons. Main 1067. KVE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialist; glasses fitted. Dr. r. r. v assaaay, 517 Dekum bid.. 3d Ac W n. FEATHER RENOVATING. WE make feather mattresses. Summer and inter sides. We renovate any kind bed ding good as new; cash for old feathers. 27( E. 20th. Tabor 2624. EIRE INSURANCE. PACIFIC STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO. INSURANCE. EROME R. STEIXBACH, gen'l insurance lire, auiomopiie, oi& corbett bid., Mn. 716. LAWXER. LAWYER Consultation free. 61S Pittock ti Y" uorvnv i ,n r ; I delivered anywhere in Montavilla or Mt. C'suTtatorf?rel'' Chamber of Com. Tabor district. $4.25. Tabor 5470 c . - . 1 1 GREEN and dry slabwood. blockwood. Pan- . . . . ama Fuel Co. Main 5730, A 3899 CHAS. R. M CORMICKCO., 914 Yeon bldg. DRY blockwood, dry slabwood. bark. Mult- MESSENGER SERVICE. nomah Fuel Co., M 5540. A 2116. HASTY MESSENGER CO. Motorcycle and FOR DRY BOXWOOD PHONE OREGON bicycles. Phone Main 53. A 2153. BOX MFG. CO.. MAIN 6863. A 5596. WHOLESALE AND AUTO AND BUGGY Tors. DUBRILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer. Park A. Davis. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & Conf. Inc. 11th and Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEI.NHARD, luth and Burnalde. DRY GOODS. NOTIONS 7 FURNISHINGS. FLE1SCHNEK, MAYER & CO.. 07 Aeu SL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. Stubbs Electrical Co.. 6th and Pine sts. GRAIN MERCHANTS. AlSsrs Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall. j-i. m. HUtbu, lioara or iraao ttitig. grocers" WADHAMS & CO.. 67-75 Fourth street. HATS AND CAPS. THANH A USER HAT CO., 53-05 Front St. HIDES. WOOL. C A SCAR A BARK. KAH.N BROS.. 191 Front street. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mg. Co., 113 5th st. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. PORTLAND HEIGHTS SNAP. All new and f rcsh, 6 minutes' ride on Portland Heights car from Postoffice, 6 blocks from Washington st. Perfectly mod ern houte, four sleeping-rooms and enam eled and tiled in upper story; won derful large living-room with largest cut stone fireplace in city, taking 5-foot log; unusual dining-room with beautiful view, and fireplace; dream of kitchen, all whit enamel and tiled floor, 3 built-in flreless cookers, hooded gas range and all Dutch kitchen convenience; maid's room, batn and toilet, heating plant, laundry, wine closets, etc., in lower story ind large stor age basement below; solid oak stairs, grei porch and sleeping porch. This is one of the most unusual places in Portland. Am leaving city, will sell for $6000, liberal terms to right parties. Fhone or addresj W. F. Scott, owner. Carlton Hotel, city, and arrangements v 111 be made for your inspection. FOR SALE That new bouse in Irvington on E. 17th North, between isKiyou mm Klickitat. ast front, wide street, ir.e trees, large living-room, 14x20, dining room, cabinet kitchen anu wreakfast-roora downstairs, three bedrooms and inolostd sleeping porch upstairs. White enamel finish, tile mantel, hardwood floors. Cer tain conditions make it possible to offer this place at a. very low price. Addrcs for particulars B F 54. Oregonlan. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTD INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPONSBLE; WE KNOW HOW; TALK WITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY CONTRACTING- ARCHITECT. Hill ABINGTON BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK. Corner 4tith and Sandy blvd. A borne like you would build yourself, come this afternoon and look it over. I am not claiming a sacrifice at someone's misfor tune, out promise you real value. A bun galow of 7 rooms breakfast room, den and 5 other rooms on first floor. 2 and big hall upstairs. Full high basement. First floors all hardwood. Many nuiit-in conveniences. Will be there all afternoon. A. H. Hick man. ft'll.L sell at a sacrifice to close an estate. 40 feet with one small house, 40 feet with one large house and 70 feet vacant; cor ner of t&th and Oregon sts.. March mon: Addition; about one block from streetca. line and 20 minutes from center of Qity Address F. W. Porter, 1014 Campbell st., Kansas City, Mo. . LAURELHURST HOMES. Before buying, be sure to look at our list of exquisite homos Just completed in Laurelburst. the addition of beautiful homes, from $2000 up, on rent-like terms. LAURELHURST CO.. S70 Stark st. Main 15Q3. A 101O. &-ROOM strictly modern practically new home In Rose City f arK. 'inn piace nas everv convenience, large fireplace, hard wood floors, all built-ia effects, 50x100 foot lot, fine lawn, fruit trees and flow ers, garage; must sell quick. $2400. Tabor 434. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. $-900 $175 CASH, $0 MONTH. ltj blks. north Sandy blvd.; fine garage, 5 rooms, reception hall, oak floors, fire place, ti-ft. buffet, attic, screens, fixtures, naaes. ir'none owner, laoor isuw. FOR SALE Modern 8-roora residence with hiehlv imoroved auarter block, most de sirable section Holladay's Addition, 4U3 Hasalo. corner E. 10th. Price and favor able terms wl.l be made on Inquiry to C. Bates. 301 Yeon bldg. W ILL submit you plans and cost estimate for your home without obligation to you. We are the largest builders of homes in the city. The Oregon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bant bldg. if vni t would like to commence the bull !ng of a new borne on your lot and have It fully financed, come in and talk it over. CURTIS, 267 H OAK. 14(Vi I -ROOM bungalow, sell for $300. In quire aoor Alder st.. room 20. No agents. FOR SALE JOi'OO equity in Irvlngton borne. $20M. HD ?07. Oregonlan. -Business Property. 33 LOOMS, modern, clears $M) now; price $10OO some trade; no agents. Phons Broadway 4&L. MUSICAL. Emil Thielhorn. violin- teacher, pupil Sevclk. 37 Fliedner bldg. A 4160. Marshall 161-9. OLD GOLD. I BUT OLD GOLD. Old Jewelry a Specialty. Ores bought. Assayer. F. A. Sennett. iilu Northwest Bidg.. 327H Washington st. OITOM KTRISTS AND OPTICIANS. A fight on high prices. First - quality lenses per fectly fitted to your eyes in sold - filled frame for $1.00. Toric and double vision lenses, $2.oU and up. w h v pay more Lenses duplicated. 3000 satisfied customers as reisreuce. ilail orders. CH As. W. GUUU- jaa, optometrist. 206 Morrison. Main 2124. YOUR EYES fitted with best lenses, gold-filled frsiFM mounts. X1.50 un: torlcs. duplicated; mail orders. -Lr. J. u. ai?redith. ai20 Washington Ft. PATENT ATTORNEYS. R. C WRIGHT 2 2 years practice U. S. and joreisn patents. tui ueKum niag. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and orrice near 24th and York sts. Main 319. I RIN TING. KEYSTONE PRESS, J. E. Gantenbein, Mgr., Printing and linotyping. 100 Front st., cor. Stark. Main or A 1418. RAG RIGS AND FLUFF RUGS. New rugs from old ingrain. Brussels nmyrna, Axminster carpets : carpet clean lng, refittlrig. reetztn, coftntry orders prompt attention. end for booklet. WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO. 54-56 Union ave. N. Phone E. 6516. B 1475. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO. Wilcox bldg. P. 404-40O-4O6 ASSOCIATED INVEST. CO.. 621 Yeon. BENEDICT BROS.. 930 Hawthorne ave. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST. Household Goods Fpecift lists. Storatre, Packing, Ship ping ana Moving. Horse or A uto V ans. Special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. dand Pine sts. Broadway 09b, A199S. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St., corner 13th. Telephone Main 89 or A 119. We own and operates two large claes "A" warehouses and terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates in city. MANNING WAREHOUSE & TRANSFER Co. Reduced freight rates to all points. Moving, packing, shipping, storage. Broadway 7Q3. 9th and lloyt sts. MADISON-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Office 1S9 Madison. General Merchandise and forwarding agents. Phono Main 7691. $4.2 -WOOD $4.25. MANUFACTURERS MILLLNERT BRADS HAW BROS., Morrison and 7th at. TAINTS AND LUBRICATING OILS. W. P. FULLER &. CO., li!th and Davis. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. RASMUSSEN & CO.. 2d and Taylor streets. PIPE, PIPE FITTING AND VALVES. M. 1. KLINE, S4-&ti Front street. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, S4-8fi Front street. PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS. F. W. BALTES & CO., 1st and Oak sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVEKDING & FARUELL. 140 Front. ROPE AND BINDING TWINE. Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SAFETY RAZOR HONING. AUTOMATIC KEEN EDGE CO., Is94th. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER &. Ct.. l-'th and Davis. WALL PAPER. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d BL REAL ESTATE. For Sale Business Property. FINE working man s hotel with 29 rooms. 3 store rooms, completely furnished, build ing, furniture and ail for $soQ0. $20OO cash. long time on balance. M. E. Lee, 05 Corbett bldg- Suburban Home Property. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, good water, close to carline ; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15S0, or Sellwood 476. JOHN GIBSON, OWNER. For Sale -Acreage. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. Near Fortiana, wesnam district; near electric station; $75 to $200 per acre; easy terms; best soil, free wood. Farms for sale, all sizes. FRANK MFARLAND REALTY CO.. 300 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Or 15 MILES from Portland; unequalled op portunity to buy l bU-acre home claim ; nothing but absolute necessity causes this sale, which I am willing to make at a sacrifice; timber alone is worth the price asked. A widow. Call 294 16th, cor. Co lumbia. Marshall 32S3 ; $4500. SPECIAL temporary Deduction In the price ot w uiameiifl vaney irrigaiea lana; in dry Summers one Irrigated acre does the Y ork of 'I or 3 , easy terms to the right people. Some tracts improved; all in cul tivation. JHartog, 269 Stark, near 4th. INVESTIGATE THIS BEFORE YOU BUY. 15 acres near urenco; best black loam soil, all cultivated; $225 per acre; ill di vide and give easy terms If desired See Mr. Handy, owner. 201 Stock Exchange bldg. Marshall 205. TO dairymen only; win cut price to $100 per acre; nothing down for 3 years: land in cultivation; no bldga J. Hartog, 2 b tar it, near in. 4 ACRES, near Oregon City carline. $400 per acre; might consider some trade. Mas- terson. jvj wiicox bKig. 1 300 ACRE tracts at Metzger station; near church, school and store; 30 minutes out on Or. E lee Inq. 211 Lumber Ex. bldg. 1 ACRE 2-room shack, Powell Valley road. ow, lei ii i. jiia . w . uauK mug. BEAUTIFUL 2-acre tract. 5-cent tare; make offer. Box 1ZQ., Lents p. O. Homesteads. FOR SALE Good homstead relinauish ment in Douglas County, eight miles from railroad station 1 mtJe rrom county road. 12 acres cleared. 5.0o0,0u0 feet of timber. Price $700. For full particulars write W. a. uogara. .ttoseourg. ur. RELINQUISHMENT. Eastern Oregon, one mile to town, $;t00. Allison, OuO Corbet t bldg. For Sale -i'arms. FOR SALE IOO acres choice land. 3 miles north of Camas, Clarke Co.. ft ash.. ; acres under plow, large 10-room house, bam, 62xi-S, silo, 12x26, chicken-houso and., tool shed, wagon, hack, baggy, binder, mower, rake, gas engine, feed grinder, ensilage cutter; fanning mill, plow and harrows; 4 horses. 2 cows, 50 hems. Price $10,000, 1- cash. Address Felix Van Vleet, Cama s ,W as h . , R.f P. No. J . FOR SALE 10-acre place. 0 miles from town and R, R.. close to school and neigh bors, all level, no rocks, best of soil, house and furniture, barn, wagon and some small tools; 1 acre in cultivation, more burned over and seedad; good, well and running streaih; price $400; am in town Wed. and Sat. H. C. Harrison, owner. Castle Rock, Wash. 600 ACRES. 4C0 seeded to wheat. three miles from Condon; good water, old buildings. Particulars M, Fitzmaurice, Condon, Or. 40 ACRES lowr Columbia, some cleared, some fenced; fine trout stream, $12.50 acre. 107 Flfst; studio. FOR SALE Cowlitz County stump lands, $10 per acre up; good soil, well waterea. J. R. Sharp. 430 Pittock block. Portland. FERTILE farm of IrtO acres in Clarke Co.. Wash,; worth 10,000. will sell cheap for cash. Brown, Main 5969. WAMED REAL ESTATE. WANTED By careful tenant, modern house, about T rooms, not over $40 rental, or will buy. distinct bargain, under $4500. 4 174 coniaa WANTED RE AX ESTATE. WANTED 3 good homesteads, south of Co lumois, itiver, in vicinity oi Astoria pre f erred. Might consider relinquishment. H. C. Thompson, s24 Morgan bldg. W A NT to lease lot within mile of Armory xor snort; term or years; win erect small building. Main 1077. FOR RENT FARMS. BEST dairy farm In Clatsop County, on Maie roau, oeiween as tor i a ana warren ton; 300 acres, more or less, of grass land, capacity for 200 cows; all fenced and well equipped; good building, hay in barns, roots in ground, sufficient for To or 100 cows. Will furnish 0O cows and horses. Cash rent. Approved bonds re quired. Come, telegraph or telephone, lr. Owens Adair. Warrenton, Or. FOR RENT Dairy ranch, about 100 acres oouom tana, ciose to city; barn ana small dwelling-house. Inquire J. 1L Middle ton, 424 Chamber of Commerce. FOR 6ALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. M CRACK F.N. 304 M KAY BLDO C. J. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. THREE buildings, Portland, good lncom; 2 farms, 3 houses, to exchange for tim ber. C C. Shay, 7 Cham, of Com. bldg. FARMS WANTED. WANT to buy small tract Improved land; muut be good so it aU can be tilled; not far from town; about 40 or 60 acres; give full description, price and terms. Address William Peterson, Silverton, Or., box 214. WANTED Farms worth SSOOO-to $40,000 'to trade for income property. M. A. BitgooL GOti Stock Excnange, Portland, Or. WANTED TO RENT FARMS, WANTED Land clearing; have power ful portable steam equipment. W. K. W., Lents. Oregon. FIVE to 40 acres between city and Gresham, cultivated; buildings no object. AB 180. Oregoniun. GOOD farm. 50 to 160 acres, 1 or mora years. Box 441 Rltuvllie, Wash. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. WANT HOOD RTVER ORCHARD OR fiOOD LAND NEAR PORTLAND CLEAR FOR GILT-EDGED VALENCIA AND LEMON GROVE 2v MILKS FltuM LOS ANGELES; VALUE $30,000. MORTGAGE $70410. AND LOS ANGELES RESIDENCE VALUE $10,000, MORTGAGE $3000. FIRST-CLASS PRORTY ONLY, CON SIDERED. J. B. C1IAFFEY, 1102 HAAS BLDG., LOS ANGELES. CAL FOR SALE or exchange for unincumbered Oregon farm or city property in a good lo cation. 66 acres of good orchard land at Wnatchee. Wash. ; 25 acres best variety bp plea and pears, all in bearing except 4 acres of 5-year-old Wlnesaps; has a $7000 Incumbrance with 7 years to run: orooertv will be sold for less than half what it has cost to bring it Into bearing. Address S. J. Wilson, 241 Summit ave., Detroit, Mich. EXCH ANGE Yamhill County dairy and stock farm. :tH acres, ho acres unaer cultivation, balance more or less covered with tim ber, good pasture, fair buildings, running water, nearly all fenced, clear of Incum brance, for good city property. Se own er, 412 Chamber of Commerce. Main :;iS. TO EXCHANGE $500 equity in approxi mately 3 lots on Oregon City rarline, di rectly at Lakeside Station. Will take al most anything of approximate equal value. Property has $900 mortgage, 7 per cent interest, with year ana naif to run. ziu. ureponian. FINE little 27-acre farm, highly im proved Douglas County, nicely located on Pacific Highway, near station, scnooi. stores. Trade for city home, clear lots or acre age. Incumbrance. Warwick, owner, 312 E. Madison. Phone Last 1391. YES. BUSINESS IS GOOD. We deal excluslvei In exchanges. We can trade your property; no junk wanted. Main 7SC6 501 Northwest Bldg. 15 ACRES, near Oregon City, on good road and railroad ; water and buildings; mort gage $KK0, to trade for House and tot in Portland, value to $150u. Sell wood. 1181. AD :M8, oregoman. ACT- QUICK FOR THIS BARGAIN. $400 earth for one day only will take my $i!00o equity In Rose City Park home; it will nav you to investigate. Call Mr. Dcmmer. Main 481. WHAT have you to offer for 1tV acres un improved level wheat or grazing land in -Malheur county, ureson : t tear ot in cumbrance, value $1000. AD 'J07, Ore gonian. ROSK CITY PARK SNAP. I will take & clear lot or acreage or rnnH antrt if in cood location for my $20u0 equity in modern Rojse City Park home. Ask for Mr. uemmer. Main iM. Tr vTH ANGE 5 acres fruit land about barber shop. Inquire H- L. 121 Vs Grand ave. MODERN C-room house on small lot near Alberta carline. tsko gooa iot ior pan or all. Will pell cheap on terms to suit. N STOl. Oregonlan. FOR EXCHANGE Will exchange four lots on carline in v ancouver, w asn., iur goou residences; will assume or pay casn. Worcester bldg. WILD exchange the finest homo in Irving ton tor weii-ioi neu cy i i . . jl. Bowman & Co., Com. C:ub bldg. wit.t.ameTTE SO. substantial improv- ments. scooo; want resiuence. uwner. Chaunfey Barney. Oregon City. 8-ROOM modern house, Mt. Tabor, E 61st ana tseimoiii. irnpiuouieniB in. j. roue ior vacant lots. Tabor evenings. GOING East, will trade or sell equity in 5-reora oungaiuw- i uuut uo . j. i gon st. EXCHANGE 280 acres. Crook County, al falfa. stock and hoe ranch, partly irxi gated, buildings, fenced. Owner, AN 209, Oregoniaoi I HAVE a new house and 4 lots. Will trade part or all on acreage in v niameue ai ley. Masterson, aa w ncox umg. ?cKw ninnn in exchange for clear city lot state location and price. AP 30. Oregonlan WHAT have you to trade for b arg a in. Main 3043. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. FINE COMPLETE MOVIXG-PICTURB OUTFIT -will be sold for storage charges. 123 1st. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles, Harness. Etc. FOR SALE Heavy work team. 3-ton wagon. erooa harness ana raincovers complete si your own price for cash. Can you use them? Call E. L. Fraley. Marshall 4022. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Woodlawn 20, portiana enaering nvw hnru nnri waEon bv dav. $1.20. J. Co hen. 46 Front st. Main 22oS. Main J9y5. HORSES for-hire by day or month. C. W, Towusend Co., 380 Front. Main 1571. DEAD horses and cattle taken away free. Call day or nignt. xaDor ud. WANTED Horse about 140o lbs. to use for his keep: best of care. Jabor 420. $4o TAKES $1200-lb blocky-bullt workhorse. BOUnu. K.., near c $30 TAKES 1000-Ib. fat, chunky mare; good worker. -su urana ave. Pianofs Organs sod Musical Instruments. $65 CASH buys $400 Checkering, old model ritrht; Sl-20 cash buys 4425 Vose & Son; upright; $o0 cash buys $20O pianola player and $84 worth of rolls, all closed out by Security Storage Co., to first caller at i)ii 4tn SL TALKING MACHINE INDUCEMENTS. $lu Marvel. 1110 model, 5uc weekly. $17.50 Mettor. lUld model. 50c weekly. $25 Eclipse, 1916 model. 75c weekly. 75 Leader. 1W18 model. vl-50 weekly. SCHWAN PIANO CO., 11 I 4th St. FREE use of piano or player piano for 2 years. See aicpiay aavenisemcai ur c Schwan Piano Co., 111 4tn st. riTv int wanted clear. In exchange for new piano; wben answering quote lowest price ana location. A3J oa. 'regonian. BEAUTIFUL Victrola and records, like new, Va price. Write P. J". CUilfi. it. iso. Gresham, Or. WILL pay cash for your old upright or square piano. can 111 m st. $600 BEHXING piano, fine tone, $150; terms. w zus. oregoman. Dogs. Birdt. Pet Sto-fe;. GOOD AIREDALES ARE GOOD DOGS. LA DDI X KENNELS. EST AC AD A, OK, WHITE French poodle male puppy. E. 1st N. PEDIGREED Boston Terrier. Feal-brtndle. Marshall 4419. Furniture lor Sal. FURNITURE of ft-room house at bargain easy terms, player piano; answer today, leaving city. -iu, uregonian. FURNITURE of an 8 -room flat for sale a bargain ; call Between 3 ana 5 . 402 Clay SL Marshall 303L FURNITURE for sale cheap; apt. for rent. Marshall 44ti. Automobiles. NEW, rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. Jr. D.. bt ark st. Mala iiu. FOR SALE. Automobile. BUY FROM A RESPONSIBLE DEALER. OVERLAND 1913 ;. 1914 1915 1910 Ii5 Model Model Model Model Model ..$400 573 . . GOO ..-p.. hl "SO" "SO" 1915 MODELS have 6 months' factory guarantee yet to run; also includes free service. BL'ICK "40" 1913 $000 E. M. F. 290 ELMORE IOO MAXWELL. 4-cyl. roadster 325 TERMS. MONTHLY PAYMENTS. COME AND INVESTIGATE. J. W. LEAVITT &, CO., PaciTic Coast Distributors for Overland and Willys-Knight Automobiles, COR. BROADWAY AND DAVIS. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. MITCHELL, 5-pass.. 6-cyl $650 STODDARD. 5-pass $0O MITCHELL, 5-pass $375 RAMBLER, &-pass $375 MICHIGAN. $375 MITCHELL, 0-pasa., 50 h. p,. C-cy1..$110O MITCHELL, 7-pasa., 50 h. p., tt-cyl.. take your old car as part payment. This car is nearly new. Several others to select from. Buy now and save monev. MITCHELL, LEWIS 4: ST AVER CO., East First St. and East Morrison St. Phones East 7272. B 1216. jV"TOMOB1LK AUCTION. Saturday. Nov. 6. commencing 9 o clock; a collection of cars wo have on our hands and want to dispose of. To high est bidder for cash.- Locomobiles. Reos, Hudnni. Chalmers, Detroita, Overlands and Fords Are in f lrjt-class condition, suhjert to demonstration. AH cars to be paid for before leaving place. Remember the place. 490 Bumslde. STANLEY GARAGE. Main S3 A 341 GOOD, serviceable used cars are now priced so low that there ia no excuse ror you noi owning a high-grade car. Our recent new car sales have brought in to us a number of high-grade cars at prices tha-t will astonish you. He these cars: CHALMERS STEARNS-KNIGHT SCHAi-UT OLDSMOBILB WIN TON 3 Brinar in your small car and we will make a trade. THE WINTON COMPANY. 2"d and Washington. Main 4244. USED CARS FOR SALE. Win ton roadster cheap. Warren 30 roadster, new tires. $350. Case 40, 1913, everything as good as new. Cadillac 30, delivery car, $275. Pierce-Arrow, light 6, good running con dition. m Buick Model 10. at a snap. $175. Everett 30, 5-pass., new casings, good running condition, very cehap; make us an offer. AUTO EXCHANGE. 15th and Alder. Phone Marshall 1976. FOR HUNTING AND FISHING. Stearns 4 or 5-pass., In the best of me chanical condiion. good tires, etc.; will consider small cosh payment, balance easy terms; price is right. Phone Broadway 8 ST. , NEW 1915 FORD RUNABOUT BODIES, $25 TfHIKlMl n ll 1J 1 12.B. Alit. 1ULIUUIUK VUr tains, cushions and top; all styles oi Ford delivery ooaies. BEN J. E. BOONE CO.. 514 Alder St.. Portland. Or. BARGAINS IN USED AUTOS. Large Sicck. Prices $300 to v0 OEflGON MOTOR CO.. Studebaker Bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. 4-FASSENGER FRANKLIN auto. 1910 model, for sale; cyanucr regrouna anu overhauled by Cook & Gill; price $250; $50 down, balance mommy 10 auu. J. H. COE, Palmer, Or. r;F,n A It BARGAINS. Largest Stock. Prices Right. Liberal Terms. Broadway KS7, A 41K9. Broadway and coucn 1012 APPERSON JACKRABB1T. 5-pass. completely ovcrnauicu i.ii -u. high-grade touring car. low firuie; some terms, way S7- will sell very Phone Broad 1915 TXZIER roadster. 30 per cent less than factory cost, dj .0 f l"J at Northwest A uto Co.. Broadway and Oojrh st!. Both phones. ELECTRIC coupe, new tires and batteries, tfonnoriv Auto Painting Co.. 21st and Washington. Mar. 5301. 194 5-PASSENGER CAR Electric lights end starter. . nui-jus. ? tinn S1T.0. broaaway uarage, , e.. -in and Broadway. GARAGES erect t-d complete. JSO up; ready CUt OT pilniii'io Ii'uni:a, fiiv-R.DOU'V MFG. CO. 548 Water st.. near tiarrieon. aiain hdi. LEONARD MERRILL, expert washer, of Indianapolis, located a-v rwm -.-1 l. fca.a8-. Ivct me show you my work. King st., at Washington. Main 3412. UP-TO-DATE TOURING CAR, worth $750. to trade ior uiamonu, on, mortgage or equity In improved real estate; please de scribe AN 207, Oregonlan. iii-Ml. with owner: 1911 Ren In fine c dition. new tires, aiso extra luoes ana casing. $220. Phone Tabor 6Q67. WILL pay cash for used Ford cars. 514 Alder Street. HAVE lot and some money or diamond ; will trade tor seconu-nana a mo. ab, .ui, Oregon ian. MODEL I locomobile, newly painted, in ex cellent conamon. a. b fucnuce, ewu Burnside. Main S3, call Finch. 5rT.T-. for reoalrs. fl-passenger auto S200: A-1 condition. ounaay morning, jaain 1K44. I WILL pay cash for used Fords. FRANCIS MUiun la c.vriAAUC, E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. NEARLY new 6-eylinder Studebaker touring . car. wim 1 6 cm m. m nar- ga:n. crown, jmm oi-d-j. WANTED Ford touring car in good condi tion; win give casn. Appiy iats Maw thorne ave. REO Roomy 5-pass.. 1012. foredoor, $325, terms. woodlawn .100. 101O MODEL auto, value $400. What have you to traae r au uo. uregonian. THE best, used-car values are at the Used Car Market, west. rar ana stark sts. FORD roadster. Al condition. $225. 4&,' Burnsiae. .tiain bo. ljii r men. BEST washing and polishing In city for $1 garage. King st. at Washington. Main Sl: SEVERAL good, high-class cars for sale very caenp. 1 tj ouiubius, iuom o.i, J? men. 5-PASS. Havers Six, a Call at 120 23d North bargain for cash. Automobiles Wanted. TV VOTT have a good or chean car for sale. put it in our iisi waay at your own price and no commission cuavrgeu. uu iJurnside, Main 83. A 2341. PLACE your car at the Used Car Market. West Park anu Jb'-arK sts. iso commission charged. WANT 7-passenger, 35 to 45 horsepower, not older than 1910, for $100 cash and lot. Marshall 4y. WE pay Garage. cash for used cars. Broadway Hj. i-t lii sua cru&u V7y. WANTED Good second-hand car; Cadillac or other good car. AV 2i, Oregonlan. IF YOU want to sell that automobile, call Main 0U22. 40 Bumslde. Mr. Finch. M otorcycles. 1912 INDIAN, 2-cyI., in good condition, $75 A 1 istn. Automobiles for Hire. NEW 0-pass. Dodge, $1.20 per hour. Phone Woodlawn iob. 4-5-7-PAES. cars and limousine. $1.50 xone rates. A 67il, Main 01&5. 7-PASSENGER Cole 50, $1.50 an hour. Mar. Li vest oca. ' LIVESTOCK. For sale or exchange a 2-year-old re; tstered Moistein ouii: also 2 cood wor horses; would exchange all for good cows. neirers or sLeers. Aaaresa j. m.. Relton, Waehougai. w asn. FINE lot horses, cows, heifers, calves ( 7 altogethr, all or any part; splendid chance for profit; also wagons, harness, dalrv and farm implements; answer quick. r . w. jooeiman, t j.. a i tn ave. S. i, Portland 20 DAIRY cows, fresh and coming fres soon. Durhama and Hoi steins; 6 2-year-old heifers, 9 calves S months old ; terms. Bruce, Union fetocityaras. FOR SALE cheap. 12 fresh cowsr lake Van couver car to Columbia boulevard sta., go two D jocks norm. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 month for 5 and up; e noniur rent applied on pur cnase price, nemingion typewriter com pany, o uroaaway. roruuo, ur. FOR SALE. Typewriters. WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on alt makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department VVHOLt sale typewriter co,. 321 wash at. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $60. The Northwest Typewriter Co., 262 Stars: st- 1 PHOTO agents, something new; extra corn Main 552S. mission paid. Saruny Studio. Roiat bids. Machinery. WANTED Heavy duty Corliss engine, 2dx I 46 or its equivalent in a twin: kiv con dition and history; must be in good shape CLEAR LAKE LUMBER COMPANY. Cler Lake. Wash. EQUIPMENT FOR RENT AND FOR SALE. COAST STEEL Ac M AC HINERY CO., 1500 Yeon Bldg. Main 6705. A 3339. Miscellaneous. WE BUY. sell ana exchange all kinds of second-hand and rebuilt National ca registt-rs. Easy terms. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. 852-354 Burulde, cor. Mh. Broadway 1M6, A 1S16. SEWING MACHINES 20O slightly used sewinc machines, all makes, will oe closed out. Drop beads, $5 and up; box tops. 2 ana up. a. a. aiegei. two si ores, saj Ai der st.. and 242 Alder st. SEWING MACHINES, new and second-hand, sale or rent, $2 up. Sewing Machine Em porium, 190 3d St., near Taylor. Malu 0431. a att2s. SAFES New and second-hand, also some I used desks and chairs; genuine bargains in second-hand safes. N orris Safe fc Lock Co., 105 za mu , HIGHEST cash price naid for rifles and shotguns, cameras, kodaks and lense bought, sold and exchanged, Hochfeld' Camera Exchange. 85 3d st. BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom nd pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys ana accessories; essy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co. 40-4S 6th TRAPS HOOTERS. ATTENTION White Flier trap machine, riarrcll clay Dbxeons: a bargain. Marshall 4244. Call 02U Xorth- rup st. FOR SALE 10OO sound cedar fence posts. 7 feet long ng. Call 174 K. 4 1 th. corner ' aiu- hill st. Tabor 64. CASH REG 1ST F its, slightly used; our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange, Sbi Washington st. Main 606, a 3606. BARGAIN 1915 model Evlnrude detachable boat motor; first-class chape; used only 6 weens, uooanca, o 1 v in 11. ELEC. MOTORS FOR RENT, FOR SALB B. E. DAVIS A CO.. 103 E, Water st. East 3146, B 2330. CHANCE for 2 sportsmen, to take interest I in fine duck lake, close in. AL 205. Ore- gonian. ELECTRIC MOTORS for sale, trade cr rent: expert repairing. aiker Electric Works. 413 Burnsiue tt. croaaway or a out 4. ELECTRIC MOTORS for sale, trade or rent; expert repairing. alKer Electric Works, 413 Bumslde sl. Uroaaway or A 5674. DUCK shooting rights let out for Sunday ana. ennetuaj- ou 11110 auca iSKes. It iiva. uregonian. WELL-ROTTED fertilizer. cow or horse. I Phone East 4K32. MAGNIFICENT diamond horseshoe brooch. cost win sacrifice, i -jw, uregonian. COMPUTING scales, now and second-hand. t the risht price. 46 Front st. FERTILIZER; well rot tew cow manure fori tale. We deliver. Phone East 2ttil. FIN E upright piano at big bargain. liUmoer exchange, d and stara. USE Bassett's Native Her be for rheumatism. of tablets for oc. All druggists. BEARING size apple trees. 50c each, Mitch ell Nursery, Tacoma. W ash. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale price. I Stark-Davis Co., 212 3d st. Main 707. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES. We Dar the hignest orice for ladles and gents cast-oft clothing, bicycles and everything in merchandise. call us up. we need it ana win pay xor it, GLOBlfi STORE, lla5 First. Main 2O80. Main 208ft. WE CALL PROMPTLY. THE GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO. Ib0-lb7 First St, Will buv Eood used furniture, rugs. ranges and household goods; phone for an appointment with our buytr. Marshall 5'JSL GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE, 207 FIRST ST. 207 FIRST ST. Marshal 587. We buy your second-hand furinture. stoves and other household goods. Highest Prices Paid. FOR a thoroughly rIiab,e house to buy or sell household goods or anything In the hardware line, can me ievin .tiara ware Furniture Co., 221 Front. Phone A 7174. Main 072. M1SH FURNITURE CO.. IS 1st Main 5768. 184 First- Call on ns and get our estimate on your furniture and household goods before dis posing SECOND-HAND CLOTHING BUYER- Meyer, the tailor. Pays you more for clothing and shoes. Reliable buyer. Call Aiarsnan li'.f. u ladison st. , STANDARD FURNITURE CO.. Main 4773. 182 1st St. Main 4773. Pays best prices for your furniture, etc WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIM 3332. A 250 1. WANTED ALL KINDS OF MERCHAN DISE showcases, otflce furniture, house- hold goods, stoves. Main 44U5. 128 First. WILL purchase three scale second-hand ammeter. W eston preferred. 1'hone Kiee, Main 3S;;6, mornings. BUY ladles' and men's clothes; pay the! highest prices, liroaaway OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price for your lurniture. ai4 1st. .dam 407. WANTED National cash register. Main 6u6. 3ol W asnington at. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture of all descriptions. Maui iuy. Kline s, OS First. WANTED All kinds of RECORDS and PHONOGRAPHS. Main 44'Jo. 12S 1st St. WILL pay cash for tho furniture of resi dence, v 210, Oregonlan. WANED Morris canoe. Call East 19S8, day A. M. I HAVE 75 to invest in a diamond if It's a bargain. AH 20 1, Oregoman. WE PAY tho highest prices for Junk of all Kinds, uail Jdain tst. -jso Front st. STRICTLY American dealers In used furni ture; square deal our motto. Sellwood 1682. HELP WANTED MALE. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT Y. M. C. A. 1 oung men seeking employment in com mercial, clerical or technical lines are In vited to consult the employment secre tary. The service of this department is free to all members. To non-members special membership is issued, costing $: per a.ium, giving the service of the de partment for a year two months' full privilege and a refund of the membership fee if satisfactory employment is not se cured. Y. M C A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night classes; expert training) m renairinr. a riving and macnine worn, including forge, lathe, shaper, drillprees. etc.; time unlimited, becure pass at Edu cational Office Y. M. C. A. bldg. to in spect our shops and methods. Competent I cnaunr.ura aim mecn antes suppneo. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money sell in our hardy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit stock; cash weekly; part expenses provided. Washington Nursery Co., Toppenish, Wash. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, Oregon's oldest, best equipped and most practical school. Day and night classes. 445 HAWTHORNE AVE. PORTLAND RARBER COLLEGE Exoert Instructor to teach you the barber trado in s weeks; tools free; position guaran teed; paid wniie learning. -a, nr. an a in. WANTED Educated person to represent us durine snare time, salary or commission. Technical School of 1 ndustrial Chemistry. M. A. Gunst bldg. San Francisco. WANTED Flrst-ciass coatmaker on men'sl and ladies' coats. R.. L. Storms. 446 Burnside, near E. Sth st. cnoi) min to handle new auto lock: pre vents theft; lightning seller. Some cash. Exclusive territory. 224 tee ward Hotel. WE PAY HIGHEST CASH PRICE for mens second-hand suits and over coats, Fhone Broadway 166. FINE COMPLETE MOVING-PICTURE will be sold for storage charges. 128 1st. ABLE-BODIED men to qualify for fire men, brakemen, $120 monthly. Railway, Oregonian- CARD writer and window trimmer. Apply to Brownsville Woolen Mills Store, 3d and Stark. WANTED Young man stenographer. Under- WAVX work- general all wood, and lumber experience necetwary; I w WHY NOT DRESS UP? Cncalled-for suits and overcoats for sale $2 up. OKI lie. i .M rM.. ouo EstarK. w ANTED Man and wife, no children, to take charge of small rooming-house for their apartments. Fhone betlwood 148a. TWO car loading tallymen, $2.25. Pacific Em p loyment Co.. --- couch st. BARBER WANTED Good job. 200 Morri son st. WANTED A coatmaker. Apply Chas. B. Turlay at uo., -i f lttoca, Dioca. BOY with bicycle to deliver; must furnish references. Apply 610 . Morrison. BE independent; $15 to $25 weekly selling for liana prouucis. it jtienry oiag. HELP WANTED .MAIJ), ELDERLY, and mlddle-aced men to sell high-grade roses, shrubs, ornamental and fruit trees; complete outfit fnee; liberal commissions weekly; expense provision u iumj. ornamental & Fruit Nursery Co. Bx 2 17C. W a pa to. Wash. Help Wanted Agents. AN unusual opportunity la op n for a saJes- man with a gooa record and few thous and dollars to become interested In a o ing manufacturing business, staple, to dealers only; great possibilities. For inter- view address o. 2Q. Oregon ian. READ wisely, etiance of a lifetime. We will put you next to something that will piece you above want as long as you live, com plete instructions 25c. Address Exchange Co.. Pacific Roach. Wash. AGENT You can make from $S to $10 per oay; special holiday oiler. Van Dyck, Stu dio. 404 Washington st. Help Wanted Salesmen. 1 EXPERIENCED wholesale dru salesman in Seattle territory. Give experience, ref erences and earning capacity to receive consideration. M 222. Oregonlan. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more, sui tsoara or Trace bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. $15 WEEKLY, spare time, addressing circu lars. Lxperieuce unnecessary. No can vassing. No scheme. Send 10 cents silver lor postage and instructions. Century Publishing Co.. Syracuse, N. Y. WOM EN Government clerks. $70 month. Portland examination coming. List posi tions obtainab; free. Franklin Instltut-a. Dept. 703 H. R ochester. N. Y. LADIES can make much money daily sell ing a guaranteed, household articie wmn almost soils use it. Call between IO ana 1. 402 Labbe bldg. THOROUGHLY experienced on ladies and cnnarn s garments, t ail Tuesday morn ing. Perfection Garment Co., 1004 Haw. thorne. GIRL to assist with housework and care of children in country; good home, small wages. Address Mrs. R. fc lecper. A loan y, Oregon. R. No. 4. WANTED Woman to do general house work, cooking and assist with children; munt give good references. Phone Sell wood WANTED Refined, eatable woman for re- sponsioie position. v lavj company, 4.8 Pittock block. SS5 Washington. Sanitary Beauty Parlors College for ladles only; make yourself Independent with good iraue. u-lJ ijeKum o.Qg., aa sna nun. HINSDALE'S Conunerclal School, r.02 Or- pneum bidg. t fc-m press . inoiMdual ln structlons; positions when capab Ie M. 1542. GIRLS. 17 years or older, to learn compto meter. 3 months course. 5. terms; oniy wide-a.vake girls wanted. tO Morgan bldg. WANTPD High school girl to do light housekeeping for room, board and cloth inc. Call evenings. Tabor 2026. WANTED Girl for general housework. 420 10th st. GOOD home given in exchange for anslit- anc with housework- 6l2 Schuyler. LADIES to du crocheting at home. Call bet. -. Al , , i-.i 1. m. otn, room 'J. YOl'XCt girl wanted for waitress. 34 N. 4th st. A SCHOOL GIRL to assist morning and evening for room and board. ol0 Flanders. SCHOOt, girl to work for room and board. Tabor 1U3. CHORUS girls wanted. Call or phone Frank Rich. Congretws Hotel. WANTED A younc girl to assist with light housework. 043 S Second. WANTED A girl to do houeowork for room and board and small wages. Sellwood YOUNG woman to assist with housework;. pleasant home, small family. East 2i26. MISS MATTINGLY'S SCHOOL Shorthand. Typewriting. $5 mo. 2t9 14th. Main 3s95. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, country. Av 2. Oregonian. ELDERLY woman wanted to do llRht w orK for 100m and board. Cull i4tf Aider. LEARN beauty culture. Summer rate. 50b Columbia blug. Graduate Fans, Berlin. HELP1VANTKI MALE OK FEMALE. MOLER BARBER COLLEGB wants men and wonwn to learn the trade: tuition re duced ; paid while learning , diplomas is sued to graduates, 32 colleges; ZZ years In business. Write for catalogue A,. 48 N. .'d. street OREGON Barber College, 233 Madison. Fall term begins now; men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; positions guaranteed, tools free, paid while learn ing; tuition reduced; expert instructors. COMPLETE course stenography, 60 days. 'night and day classes, ju. JoVo, u. 4J3I. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. 10,000 M UN and women to become L. S. government emp.oyc; u monin; vaca tions. Common education sufficient. Write immediately free list position now ob tainable. Franklin Institute. Dept. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Men to try examinations for Government jobs. $ 0 month. Common education sutticient. Apply Immediately, AV 22a. Oregonian. RAILWAY mall clerks. P. O. clerks, car riers, exam soon ; parcel post demands many more clerks; act at once. Paciflo Stat 3 School, McKay bldg., city. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Book keepers and Clerks. ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper. compelled to leave job in Mexico, seeks immediate posi tion. Knows foreign markets. shipping work, etc. Salary moderate until proven. W v b s t er. 7 " Y . M . C. A.. C i t y . SITUATION wanted by registered druggist 3 J years old, married; nave had 14 years experience; can give best of references. Address Box 227. Eugene. Or. POSITION by grocery man of IS years" ex perience, years roriiaiui, cupauie 01 11 ing full charge if necessary. .Phone B 20ft 1. WANTED Position by experienced book keeper-stenographer, local references, t. 2o7, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. MARRIED man, thoroughly experienced. wants janitor or elevator work ; A-1 rer erence. Batscn. Marshall DO 10th street South. CHAUFFEUR w ho can take care of own car, 10 years' experience with all makes of cars, desires work; A-1 references. Main 7051, A 1017. MARRIED man with 4 children, experienced carpenter, wants work; win take any oaa. job: references. Mam 7O01. A 1517. MIDDLE-AGED man, married, wants ele vator or janitor work; experienced; ref erences. Main 7001, A 1017. YOUNG man, single, experienced on farm. wants work, iu month; rererences. tain 7051, A 1M7. 411 Commercial b'K. M1DDLK-AGKD man, married, experienced gardener wants work ; also carpenter ; A-1 references. Main 7001, A 1517. EXPERIENCED young German cook wants permanent position ; gnoti reierences. au Main llbO. Ask for Henry Koerdel. BO V 1 0, neat appearing and active, wants denverv work; will do anytnmg; iamiiy destitute: references. Main 7Q51, A 1517. YOUNG Japanese desires position of school boy In family. Main rfuua. Japanese Hus sion. YOUNG Japanese desires position of school boy in family. Main as'.Ks, Japanese mis slon. I COMPETENT. reliable hardwood finisher desires work in hotel, store or eisewnere. Best references. T 26, Oregonlan. YOUNG, experienced, handy man wants po sition, porter or janitor, neeueo very oaa. N. 14th. BOY 19 years wants work in private house for board and room ana smaii pay. Appiy S. Nlek. 352 6th St., city. YOUNG man, 20. wants room and board in some good hotel In exchange for work: references. AN 210. Oregonlan. CARPENTER foreman wants work day or contract- Sellwood 1309. PIANIST wants work, vaudeville, movie or o r cheatra. experienced. t 'jns. uregonian . JAPANESE school boy wants position In family. X 20 , oregonian. CHAUFFEUR ReliaM. desires position in private family. AJ . u;egonian. BOY wishes position; will do any kind of work. Address txigar nucmer, .v jam st. FIRST-CLASS auto repair man and driver. touring car or trucit.Ac- isa,urfgonian. YOUNG Japanese wantb position as an auto driver. -iu. nurnsiae m. around farm hand; AL 206, Oregonlan. PA PERHANG1 NG 20c bolt; painting and tinting cheaply done. Tabor ti'jlit. EXPERIENCED painber wants work by day or contract; reasonable. AL 200, Oregonian. TWO men would Mke a contract of cutting cordwood. K. 200, Oregonisn. JAPANESE COOK wants position In private family or boarding-house. Phone A 4nfrt. PAINTING, carpenter work. remodeling, cheap by contract. Phone Sellwood 87. EXPERIENCED barber wants work; A-1 references. Main 751. A 1017. WANTED 4 Oregonian to 1-karat diamond. X C03. JA PANKSE boy wants position, any kind. Pboua A 2871.