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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1915)
PRUNE RISE SUDDEN -Advance Comes Too Late Benefit Growers Here. to PACKER STOCKS ALSO GONE fiaract Advances Sharply Vllder Heavy Buying for Shipment to I.'urojc ISumiicss Done to Uuto Is Largcbt on llecord. The prune market has had a sudden and anarp advance, but at a time when it does iiiis section of the country but little good. urn, is me jaio pack out of first hand out., practically all out of second hands, as null. me course or the market; which is due solely to the export demand, has been a great "'""B o tno trade. Prune dealers and aa anticipated a slow demand be UWI or tne war, and consequently low prices, instead of this, the business has as. eumed very large proportion and prices are advancing at a rapid rate. It is estimated that tho trade in the United States, slnca the season opened, has been 50 per cent larger than ever before in the corresponding A few small lots may remain in packers hands, but practically the entire output of northwestern prunes has been cleaned up. The heavy early movement Is ascribed in part to the fact that prices were consider ably lower than for tha past three or four years. The strong foreign demand that has ocveloped Is now sending prices upward. In the past week, tho advance in tho Coast markets has been about 1 cents. t-ommentlng on tho effect of tho riBe on xne Eastern prune trade, the New York commercial says: in a advance in prune prices has been Sudden, end the trade has been rudely waKenea to a realization that foreien buv ers have been doing a tremendous business. while domestic jobbers have been content to hold back for possible breakdown of tiolder. on the Coast under tho weight of the biggest crop In the lato history of the Coaujt. In connection with the statement of advances it was announced that further operations of the packers have reduced the Holdings of California prunes in the hands of tho growers to 16.000.000 pounds. The xigures given are estimates. in addition to an export demand that liaa taken under contracts upwards of 70,- iuu.vuu pounas or prunes out on an estimat ed 173,000,000-pound crop, short interests operating for months on the assumption that growers would ultimately be forced to lower their ideas, have now been forced to cover on October shipment commitments. Many of the unfortunate shorts are said to have covered ut advances over actual contract Bales of from one-hair cent to three-quarters of a cent a pound rise. In tho last tew weeks a long Interest developed and support ed by the large export movement began a campaign that forced shorts into the buylna Held. "What is giving tho domestic buyers most concern Just now is their position cover ing purchases made for October Bhipment lrom short Interests. New York buyers fcave received delivery of but a limited proportion of their eariy purchases, and as practically all stock coming forward is wanted for immediate distribution to re tail buyers they are short of stock to move on new business. It is not expected that any California rperators will welch o con tracts, but It is the impression that manv of them will be In no haste to hi r,.n final ettlcment of the Coast market con- ' ditlons: OVERLAND MOVKMKXT TO BEGIN SOON Wheat for Kurope Likely ( Be Shipped by Way ot Xew York. Unless there is soon a cbango in wheat market conditions, ether materially higher price, in Kuropo or easier buying here, it is likely that grain will begin to move overland ZZ W rOC'f' """"i- "All indication point that way. Most of the dealers have figured out the matter and wh.le there are obstacles in the way. they are small a, corn ered with the difficulties in the wav of "hipping direct to Kuropo by water. When U Br.h?".,1'9 obta'n,,d on the Atlantic. I, Is provable the movement win start In the meantime tne market is quiet here trv w"'.""'0. bU1"""' " d0n " t '. -IV neat prices bid at the exchange ranged irnt ,ouer io 1 ccnt S n "Tuesday. Barley offers wcro reduced 2.-. cenls to 70 Z','r.,,n the preceding day's figures. Two S - In h l,:c"" t were sold at ri! i,dv.Mni of SO cents over Tuesday's Bradstreeta reports the visible wheat'ln crease at lft.000.0o0 bushel., the corn de frea.. at Stnon bushels, and the ota in- I'he t-,'70S-H" bl,i'h"'S- Snow Tr-T' lrn rrP at 3 - bushels J , "'Pt.. ir. cars, were reported 13 the merchants' Exchang as foli.. Wheat. Barley. Flour. 0at j,mv rortland. Wed io i ear a t'O .... fceasen to date. Year ago. . . . TH'Oma. Tuos. Year ago. . . . Fesson to date. Year aaj. . . . Kcftttl. Tue 4 flL'tl II l! ::s 4,0 i :. i oUtll n." 7ys it 4I!L' loua in 4 8 3 371 307U in -?1 4 Hit tiuo Year ago. . .'. s'l Ecann to date. x Year ago 4L-I0 70 :-.4t oos 1S7.J EASTERN MARKKTJTVOOL SAI.KS HEAVY TTeek-. Transaction K.tlmaled at About 10 -000.000 Pound:.. Wool trading In Boston In the n,,.t ,. .ran on n i,,.. . i- ' " ' ' K Mniuwi ' - ' aggregating about 10.- --. " oomewtic and foreign ro "'0ne U "ai,, to have pur! chased S.000.O0O pounds Vt.hM" M"!l!:- W'0'ml". Colorado and T.tah clips have been moved in the transac- Irb.W Ch h"V ,nl',U,,", luL h k Era,1Cd- Buin-a n medium clips has been confined largely to flnn line med,m am a!f ,bIo0(1 , J tcl basis or 0 to S cents. Reported sales or lerntory wool are a. follon , "-,o .;rp,:Vo;taL-at"rnrr72r73er clean; T.-..000 pounds Soda Snrin. b,ood at y 3 Vi cents, or o ,0 & i""'!?:: 100.000 pound, new Mexican .T , b" of 4 to C5 cents, cloan; about lt ooo M, miscellaneous at private terms Small lot of scournrt i ' w or! choice fine white and 0J to 3 cents for cents for mauiuw .Tli aggregate of the busl- , mount very hlch iod Dnute ter get.hles. lesetablc. weren oelWp deri,and fruit on ront streekyesterd.v t.1 a - ... ... generally cteadv. car of fine Cullfi ra tomatoes in lu uoxes arrived and th will be put on sale iquallly Casabas was as soon aa they color. A straight car ot gooj secured. There was a plea, and oranges and i; ropes dragged. r domand for ap- ions sold well, but Tone of Hop Marl dy. Hop buying keep: r op in Wir arket fortbe irsons. orKe' . to the vLf Aurora lol d volume, which Is holding the m better grades teady. John (.'arsons, or' day mo'.a 147 bale, to the V ewberg, yeater. If HOD Cnn.. at 11 cents. ,An Aurora loUf , bales was sold at 10H cent, and 11 ceU Lou.. Lch Country rrcxluc ij Weak. The poultry an1 dresscv meat market rontinoe weak, poultry rva t wer liberal "'"j na sales were slow all day. i ssssM Dressed meat arrivals continue in excess f local needs.. Fresh eggs were scarce and firm at un changed prices. Butter and cheese are holding steady. Bank Clearings. Clearings of the Northwestern cities ,v..ciuj were as follows: ' Clearings. Ba'ances. l-'.'-:sn.ii7S $-'S-74l a.030.I."7 l'.4.8!4 TilO.IIMI el. 0711 Portland ... Seattle Spokane .... a. .".KlllG K9.olo PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Gr Flour, Feed, Ktc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session. Wheat Bid id. .! f Ask. .116 i Bluestem ...... Kortyfold Club Red fife ' Rfd Russian .." Oats .o. 1 white Barley No. 1 feed X 1 9y j ,s 2t0 Ji.T.H ii.oo ij.ou . . . . .!.-. ..... .04 . .01 Sill ..... .80 .... 25.00 -. ... 26.7." .... 8.0O l.Ou .... 22.00 .- ;! .ot .t"i 24.75 liM.OO 1'1.2.' .!T ;;vs .1 i;s!oo 29. SO 23.00 24.00 feed. orewing Bran Shorts .". 'm't Futures December blueFtem .... December fortyfold .... December club ........ December fife December Russian December oats December feed barley.. December brew barley. . Bran December shorts r lui, rt Patent per barrel: straignts 4.30(s.4.0; exports, 4.10; whole " ' l. Kranaai. if.aa MILLFEED SDOt prices: Ttron fa ton; shorts. 2o; rolled barley. $20030. CORX Whnle ::7 r.A ... . 93S.U0 per tnn -ir.ViAY-T,East'?rn Oregon timothy, 15la; 14 -i??" tJmotlr- 12W13: altaltk: 13"os " ' T Fruits and Vegetables. IBUHCAL PRTTITR nn. r-i .-- T per oox; lemons, $2. 23 4.50 per "nanas. oc per pound; pineapples. 4V4 Per pound: a:ranefrult M'Affit VEGETABLES Artlehokn 7.imin.l - . . w -w.u; tomatoes. BOCSS 11.23 ner hoi: nlihau lo per pound; BarUc. 10c per pound: peppers. 4DO Per DOUnd: Ocru-nlon A .1 . owxoc per pouna: norseradlsh, loo v"c pouna; cauliflower. 30c1.23; celery, 0070c per dozen: beans, afflloo. GREEN FRUITS ApdIm 7r.i1 Tr. ... JEear .ool.5 per boi; grapes. 85v If i . .1 0 dsl crate: igQhaB 1 1 . . - - Tv.vuaxrAV UCr UUTCL Per i ! L- - - . . . .. . Bhippins point. . Dairy and Country Produce. TOCal lobblnir niint,llnn.. BOGS Oregon ranch buying prices: No. 40c: No. :;ftp- n ! -.i -4 POULTRY Tlena ti&ini.. o s turkeys. 174718c: duel,. jThT.J , ored. 10llc; aeese. 8loc ' selling- at 31c; firsts, 20c; prints and car tons, extra. Prices paid to producers: Coun try creamery. 222se, according: to quality: butterfat, premium aualltv. xac: K i aire quality. Sic; No. 2. 29c Tir55EiSE reson triplets, Jobbers' buylns 1JUUI1U i. O. D. Unfit Port anH Xoung Americas, 10c per pound. " AiTr ancy. sijfso per pound. PORK Block, 7iiSc Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia River, 1-pound talis .aO per doz'n: nno-Hai . 1-pound flats. 2.S0: Alaska r.i.,1, tails, asc. S,,i'l:T"Cho,oe' 3 23 Per case. IMJTfa Walnuts, sack- lnt it nuts, ice; filberts, i.hii.- c; peanuts. 6Sic: c.ic,,.. ,. t - i pecans, 10i820c: chestnuts, lOo. f''As femall white, 5.65e; large white, 'He; bayou S.SOc; pink. 4.85c. r.E.SB Roasted, in drums. 14 33c SUGAR Fruit an.l .anX. . 10: extra c. s.l T.i: ,aVS ,Z Tl- $8.45; cubes, barrels. 8.60. "-rr'- feALT Granulated. nee -.. grounds, 100s. J10.50 per ton; 60a. $11 5o per ton; dairy. $14 per ton. RICE Southern head. euaiu. P .Ullroken' 4c: Japan style, 4HQSc. DRIED FRUITS Apples. So pr pounj apricots. 13luc; peaches, Sc; prunes. Ital- ans, ei.c: raisins. Ioora Unnar.i. c. ..- bl-anclied Sultanas, 7c: seeded, Sc; dates. Persian. 10c per pound: fard. si cuirants, Siaiac: fls in t-,,,n 7i -ounce. $3.25; 3S 10-ounce. 2.40:' tV'lo- unce, Soc; bulk, white, 7Sc; black. 6c Hope, Wool, Hides, Ete. HOPS -81.-, crop, Si2c per pound HIDES Baited hides, lr.e: lt.S vi salted calf, ISo; green hides. 1314c: m.n kip. loc; green calf. 18c: dry hid., ... y caii, 27c. ' ' WOOL Eastern Orea-on. IBa"-..- v-m-.. 72Sc; Fall lambs' wool. 23c ' MOHAIR Oregon. 27 30c per pound CASCARA BARK Old and new. aiii,. per pound. - iB-LTa Dry long-wooled pelts. 15V-c: dr ort-wooled pelts, llte: rirw h---tt. ' . . ffllOo each: salted shenrllnn i each; dry gnat. Ion hair. V.h. j- goat bherlings. IOiSOc each: salted long, wooled pelts, September, 75cSl.5 each- Provisions. HAMS All sizes, choice. oc: standard. Vjc; skinned. 15iS.lsic: nlnnlr. mu.! cottage roll, Iflc; boiled. 1728 BACON Fancy. 23330c: stand. i-rt 4c: choice, l."V. fi.22c. DRY SALT Short, clear hacks. 11 ',S6l4c porti". HH1!c; plates, 104illHiC ' LARD Tierce, basis, kottle rendered c; standard, lltc; compound lOUc " BARREL GOODS Mess h..r fix. plate beef, $22.00; plate pork. t;0: trine' iu.oo4j-ii.oo; tongues. $30. Oils. KEROSENE Water white drums. hrr.l or tank wasotts. 30c; rases, 17fii20Uc GASOLIN E Bulk. 14 fee: oases SUA,,. ii uiiiiitti: uiuma. sc: r&fti't 1.. tha, drums, lic; cases, 20c. nap raw. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels 7'c- caeea. iic; boiled, barrels. 74o; boiled lUKfUMIXB in tanks. 87e: ln cases. 4c; 10-case lots. 1c lesa l'ANCY ITllNES 1IBAW ORDER Sheridan product Termed "Reroliittnn" i Kast. SHERIDAN. Or.. Nov. !. (SDecial. lA umber of fancy packed boxes of prunes. Kent to the Eastern market recently by Roy Graves a large prune grower ot this place wer termed "a revelation" of Oregon's prune industry by the purchaser.. The prunes wore packed In ten-pound boxes con taining nine layere of 35 prunes to the layer They brought :o cents a pound on the East ern market, whilo here tho value is between S and 9 cents. The prune crop around this section this year was unusually light, but of exceptional quality. rew contracts were made, most 'FZi d ns.ut '"h ,h aapectatlon of big prices in tlira market later. A sample of prunes irom th, vicinity were lira sent into Kansas and Colorado. The request came back for a carload. Preparations are being mado here for a cannery and by-products factory. The first unit of the bulldlnss has been erected Prunea alone are not receiving all tho at tention, ns walnuts have been raised satis factorily around Dundee with the result many acres have tx;en planted over the en tiro country. Some or these acreages will come into full bearing next year. WOOL (iROWERS WILL CONVENE Oregon Association to Meet in Pendleton December t To 11. PENDLETON. Or.. Nov. S. (Special) The call for the ISth annual convention ot the Oregon Woolgrowens' Association has been made by President F. W. Falconer to me-c-t in Pendleton December 9 to 11. The woolsiowers of Oregon have -experienced the beat year In the history of the or ganization, and at tlila meeting subjects will be discussed as follows: -islWfp Breed ing and Wool Growing, .-sheep Feeding" "Preparation and Marketing of Wool"; "The Remaining Public Lands": 'V.n,l na tional Forests"; "Destruction or Pr.Aii.,. Wild Ice" : Animale": Railroad Rates and Serv "Livestock Financn -. , lsiatlon." " With ewe. selling at 7 a head on ranges and with lamb, being contracted for at S3 U more than a year ago. the sheepmen ap preciate th- fact that losses from c.rnlverous wild animals win be more serious than ever In tile future. Weoatcliee Apple Movement IUIa, WE NATCH EE, Wash.. Nov. 3. (Special Following the predictions that apple move ments would begin to decline this week re-ff!pl- th arehoua. are dwindling rap Idly. The apples are all off tbe tree, and the growers are busy packing out th. last picking. Many already have finished The outlook Is now that the total tonnage of good appV?s will be somewhere between 3000 t "rd 4000 car3- For,y cars were shipped yes- llried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Nov. 3. Evaporated a pules, steady. Prunea, firm. Peaches, steady. . THE MORNiyQ OREGOXIAy, THURSDAY. WAR SHARES LOWER Entire Stock Market Is Nerv ous and Unsettled. FOREIGN NEWS DEPRESSING .t..ny issues Generally Are Stead, na Utilities Tlrm Bonds Are Strong on Henry Vol ume of Trading. NRW Viiot- h..-.i '1 -"'ov J- forin ripSibi. ,;vJT A?0"" chief .y tied marketJ h. 7 - nervous and unset Brlt:sh PremleT tnJ,anrff "erance of the slon of thl ?Jir J"? Iud"'Bivlrtual admis danelles anrt Vh .,.he allies In the Dar- Teutonic ? cnt""le'1 success of the dltyona llm,M ,.'n he Balkans, caused ad of peailnl?. at'n f.ndon. The feeling rSrthe? ?.i W55 h h'"l Britain'. lstry. oriips or American reg- l?h"v?J? ".!s?i"' today. h trend taken Alt A.Z "i"""10"' were r.ot seriously clect?on. h l8,u,ea. connected with the havlr.a- n k. i r 80 by Wa" "feet with Waf il.j bearl"K Ypon National affairs. atGr.UMCtr0u?.b,Ce0r8et1eeT iST,' fl. I?0P?4';t' nnl.'VP?tP"bIlc1?t'on " th'company-Jts: . ". .JT5". a of August SI last, showing surplus v..-- I J?-00.000 In place of the jears deficit of $7S3.00O previous cline of iTT;', '"-. maoe an extreme de. br .(Vm Overland was low- 55i , 4 8'0' Maxwell lost 5 at 73 and increase of ol,", 182' the 'er-s dividend increase of on,y 1 per cent bel .omethlng triaf PP0lr.tment. Other heavy indus- Can cinfl;, Am?rican Can. Continental T-.V: -Gencral Klectrio and Westlnghouse presseureStrtaer, ,S'Cel u"d f?om steady ?IfaTecove?yn,t Plnt t0 Wlth O"1'' Railroads of high and low derree were nt Tflfava of the market though ylet Ing at times. Canadian Pacific waa the tnolr 8landar'', ,ssu " that division 'to to r actlonar5r tendency, declining 6 .?. 1 1 Thl VB' fu!1y offset, however, by folk ln?lh ot th" "alers. including Nor folk & Western, which rose to O's'h'a'rVi0"- Ttal -'" amounted-to All-around strength was shown bv utili t nLm"i,r American Telephone. Western Cois?" TKUy comP8nie. and Pacific Sinti ?h"'-.. Central Leather broke -V- points from Its high record of Monday (romTrr' f th" addend Increase irom 3 to 4 per cent. trading" ZZ,:.n"a. on a heavy volume of ill .Jl. P eclaI,y m speculative Issues. To. t-nltM Vu UeJ aggregated $t5.7.-ir.,00O. cal Stat bonds . were unchanged on CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. 2.000 10.8OO 4.700 13.700 5.O00 S.800 Alaska Gold Allis-Chalmers. Am Beet Eugar. American Can.. American Loco. Am Sm & Itefg. do pfd Am Sug Rofg.. Am Tel & Tel.. American Tob.. Anaconda Cop.. Hish. Low. bid. 8 42', B24 40 "4 Of.'i no e.7 1MM 3 13'i 128 231 3 6a' 3 23 MH 423 8ST4 lli4 1S MH 1 i 3 (It, 04 4 333',(, -1874 r2 53 Vi 74 23 4H 43 177 4 i30 70 3 Ofl ii 2:1 y. 43 i.i, ion is 33 -?4 81 'A 32S S7 3. :;4u i;4 7V4 131 10;;' so 1 101. 113 SO i,4 44 no 14 274 84 iii 1SJ'4 2'i Iflfl l.iS'i 41 07 H r.n a !0 100?4 313 74 127?4 231 82 3 IKHi 320 03 1,4 4SS IH 1!t4 38S4 is et! 3074 02 iio' 12S e;u ioo' " 331 40.-. !1 l'.j 191 li fll 62' 17S 3-i 133 t. mi S3 23 44. 1S2 2 '4 .11 ! 72 V, 310 24 4.T4 310 34 82 U 3:!04 34 3S H'.i B7 U" 13 11)4 i.i 2'i 12 11 - ?.l 4 01 M X.-.lj. r.4 102. 211 3 7o 3!l 3.10 i R7H Hn-Ts 74 71 H KO'4 SU3 7.000 Sl.tlDO 2.000 AtcniBOn goo Baldwin Loco.. 3S10O Rait & Ohio 8 200 Bethlehem Steel 1.40O Br Rap Transit. 2ft,400 reiruieum., 2.100 v. iiinuiiui t'ac. Central Leath.. Chee & Ohio Chi Grt West.. Chi Mil & ai p. Chi & N W C R 1 p Rv. 17.100 22..W0 s.sno 7.30O 2.200 J.0O0 P. 700 7,100 r.,fioo a,!Ho l.otw 0.400 S9.2II0 4.IIOO 1S.200 S.lOO 0.7Ot) 400 21.000 S.2DO 2.0OO 7.50O 11.400 2.1(M 7.100 4.20O BOO 13,t00 Chino Copper. . . Colo Fit & iron. Crucible Steel. . " it a pfd. .. Dlst Securities. . Erie ; Con Tlntfl 41H4 44 37St4 120 4 30 V4 714 lo 5414 43 14 300", 33 81 -"Hi 3 20 l 87 "4 38 7V4 323 Oti ir.. 103 81 ha 32094 110 no 4 o4 2 1.4 stu 33 T. 102V, 23 a, 2-i IOS 3 3 "ili 8" 7rt 8v4 31 72 H 8(1 u Wl 00 S3 Grt Nor pfd Gr Nor Ore ctfs. Guggenheim Ex. Illinois Central. Int Cons Cop. . . Inspiration Cop. Int Harv, N J.. K c Sotithern.. Lehigh Valley.. Louis & Nash.. Vex Petroleum Miami Copper.. M K 4 T pfd. . . Missouri Pap Natl Biscuit... Nat'l Lead Nevada Cop..., N Y Central J. 000 S.0O0 O.4O0 2.000 N V. N H H. Norfolk Vel ll'enA CBniijc, .. Pacific Mall Pac Tel & Tel. . .. Kay Cons Cop.. Reading R"P Ir t: steel" 6, .too ;;oo 1.400 2 i ,r,i S.100 57.000 ft 'J toil ovmiiern t'ac . . . 3..-ulO Southern '-Ry.... s .-,00 stndebakr Co.. Tennessee I'op.. 2.KOO Texas t'ompany. 7.0OO Union Pacific... 17 -mm do pfd tu,n L Steel 10(. Hon do pfd 2 -joo Itah Copper.... I. loo estcrn . Union, ti.400 JVest Electrle. .. 43,100 Montana Power. oo General Motors. "oo Wnbash -fd... 1400 83 fi i 32 4 31 Vi -cvicti sal - ..., u.j , ifUUV sliares. BONDS. U S Ret 2s reg OS do coupon ... s U S 5s reg .101 Nor Pac 4s rtti Nor Pac 5s ol 2 Pac Tel & Tel Ss PS T4 fenn Con 4s . .104 so Pac Ref 4s.. g- Union Pao 4s .. oait Lnion Pac rv 4s !12-Ti U 8 Bteel Ss .." bo Pacific Cv os.107 do comion to I U H 4s reg 109 do coupon . . .110 Am Smel s 103 Atch Gen 4s . . . U3V4 D & R G Ref Ss til N Y C G S'.is.lOOH - MlnlDg Sln-ks at Boston AN: .fr''lrth.-''- i V Sm-'" B??i2,U dominion": ;rl,2.0I". 7 Osceola Lai tic Aria .... Cs-.QUincy Cal & Hecla ... do Shannon IVntfnnlal 1XSuPerlor Cop Rge Con Co 5014 ISup Boa'Vi' H Butte cop lln 13Tamafack M" ran klin 9 USSR 'i" Granny Con 86! do pf" & M" " Isle Roy (Cop). 28;rtah Con Kerr Iike SHIWinona . ' Lake Conner llti. Wni...-. 54 87 S8 ?& 43 4144 134 6SV4 ". '.';" e tutte & Nipisslng Mines. iit I Sup Sloney, F.ichange. Etc. le-. J.ORK; -Nn a Mercantile paper Sterling. 60-davs bllli $1 ssr.l): cables. l.425. St. 60; demand, Bar silver, 4 9 44 c. Mexican dollars, SSc. strong?rnmCnt bDds "eay- railroad bonds Time loans firm: 60 days, 90 day and f months, 3 per cent. 7 " Call money steady. High. 2 per cent; low 1 per cent: ruling rate. 14 per cent; last loan. 2 per cent; closing bid 1 per cent offered at 2 per cent. cent, AN FRANCISCO, Not. i. BteHin e r4H."-5,"! demand- 4M" "abfe! Mexican dollars. 41e. Pl."nU,ight 2o' telegraph 4e. LONDON. Nov. 3. Barsilvcr. S4Ud-nr ounce. ' p Money, S Vi 9 per cent. COFFEE VISIBLE supply ESTIMATES Early Predictions Are for 700,000 to 800,000 Bags Increase. NEW YORK. Nov. 3 After opening qui-t at an advance of 3 to 6 points, the market for coffee futures becamo a little more active, with the prices selling some 1" to 14 point, above last night's closing figures on covering and some further foreign or cotton trade buying, which seemed to be Inspired by the continued steadiness of Brasil m.JtS contracts sold up to O.XOo -and Mav to 8 00c with the market closing steady 'at a ' net advance of 12 to 13 points. sales "7 ',.10 bag.. November. o.81c: December' as'ic January. February. March. 6.S0c- l'nrii' 8S4c: May. B.eOc: June. o.04c: Julv August, 7.04c; September. 7.08c; "October' Esrly estimates point to an Increase or about 700.000 to 800.000 bags In tho world", visible supply for the months of October compared with an Increase of 248.000 for th same month last year anT"of 537,000 two years ago. " " " Spot. Rio 7. "He; Pantos 4s 0H4e Cost and freight offers were firm with quotations ranjinff from about 9.10c to 23c tor Santos la. l-RANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Butter. Fggs, Fruits, Veg etables, ;tc-. at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 3 Butter Fresh extras, ,c; prime firsts, i-ic; fresh fruits 24c. Esgs Fresh extras. Bier pullets, 41e. Cheese New. I."i4l7c; California ched aars. 13 tic; young Americas. ISc Vegetables Summer squash. B0fi5c: string beans. 2H434c: wax, 5c: Umn. 4ftc; bell peppers. S0ia63c: cucumbers ".-.a 4uc: toinatoea, o0cel; eggplant, 40S50C; garlic. lOSjllc. Onions California. 83c ft $100 f "'t Lemf""- oranges, S3.7J 4.50 grapefruit. 2.304.50: pineapple.. !Ja,?'".l '-&- bananas, Hawaiian. 50c 6S1..3; apples, 8090e. Deciduous fruits 1 okay grapes. 75fbJc; peara. Winter Nelia, Potatoes Delta, 73ceSL16 l.uO; sweets. S1.23. sallnas, SI. 23 .i-t?.J l"l-roar. 13.032 quarters: barley. 14, .824 centals; beans. 22.16S sacks; pota toes, 165 sacks; hay, 673 tons. Stocks Quiet at London. tloToN?.;- K?"-,!--In the American sec tion of the stock market the low-priced shares received the most attention Mls tU,;,.aa'i'U' .& Ta leading. Canadian fiU ,M. fctlV and weak. The market closed quiet In. the absence of a lead from New York. HOGS SELLING LOWER MARKET SETTLES TO Uj.0 FOB LIGHTWEIGHTS, BASIS Receipts So Far This Week Total Ah most 7500 Head Cattle and Sheep Are Steady. The hog market settled down yesterday 10 1 no oasis for average weirfit to-i. The weakness was the consequence of the big run this week, which totals 7400 head so far. and the Indifferent quality of more or less of tne stock now coming forward. The bulk of the sales yesterday wera at Sb.Sa. There was a moderate amount of business in the sheep house, where lambs were sold - " 11U f Cattle trading was of small proportions. Receipts wre 77 cattle, S calves, 703 bogs Ann ,h... ci 1 ... -- " -'. cuifiyen were: tti.h hogs Btegmaa & Baker. Enterprise. 1 car. , With mixed loads J. W. Davis, Kelso, 2 -.v u tiogm; v. a. ADrabam, Qaston. 1 car cattle md rlv, .t t, Portland. 1 car hogs and sh-eep; M. M. Hoc- vioiuciiuaie, z cars cattle and hogs: C H. Farmer. McCov. . K .r. rI- j. i-eopom, iiount Angel. 1 oar cattle and h 1 il A'ecBer, Silverton, 2 cars hogs The day's sales wens as follows: V---"ic.".- Wt. Price. 35 hogs . 3 hogs . 9S hoga . 5 hogs . 1 hog . . 84 hogs . 2 hogs . 1 cow .. 1 cow . . 1 cow . . 1 cow . . 1 cow . . 1 bull .. S calves S6 hoga . i .X "f"l 2 hogs .... 125 1&.5U tt.60 e.o 7.00 7.16 7.00 4.00 6.10 . 200 e.53 6S hoga . 21 . 150 . 1S3 . 335 .1000 ..1070 ..1230 ..1070 ..12S0 ..1240 .. 160 . 20S 5.25 8 lambs 6.33jl01 lamb. 6-331 4 ewes 4.00 5 ewes . 2.73! 47 mixed 86 73 105 126 133 170 20O 370 200 4 3 nogs 6. ji, 6.3S 6.75 38 hogs 2 hogs 3S hogs 13 hogs 31 hogs 3.5o 4.23 7.00 e.r.5 5.63 6.6S 3.T.i 132 S.D5 6 hogs Current prices the local stockyards of tho various classes of livestock are as fol- Cattle Choice steers . . tiood steers . . . . .S6.50fDS.73 . . 6.O0)ti.23 . 0.2&4P3.73 . 5.0035.50 . . 4. 30 'a 4.75 .. 3.7344.2i .. 3.305(1.00 . . 3.004.30 . . 4.50 4p 5.25 Medium steers Choice cows .. Good cows .... Medium cows . Heifers Bulls Stags Hogs Light .................. E ttiafl, Heavy tvEOfus'Kit She Wethers . . 4. 73 6. 23 . . 4.00i 5.30 . . 5.604117.5 Ewes . . Lambs Omaha Livestock market. OMAHA. Nov. 3. Hera l!wln. lower. Heavy. $6.SO(a6.D6; light. S 93 r' 7.10: piss. Sti.50ru.7l bulk exf Kuta (....r.. S.93. ' " ' -r vw Cattle Rx?cctDt. 8200. KtMrfv steers. H.OOn lil: cows and heifers ' Is mm,, i- Western steers, 6&S.50: Texas steers, Si.75 Shcen R-celnts 14.300. hls-hni- Vcriiti-. $0(17 6 60; wetheis,; lambs. ts.oO Chicago Llventock Market. CHICAGO. NOV. 3. Shinning rifmot,.! too feeble today to prevent a decline in the hog market. Cattle arrivals proved more numerous than expected. Thora was no uisciii can mr sneep or lamos. Hogs Receipts 30.OOO, full. 3o under yes terday's average. Hulk. $6.70g'7.3O: light. S6.r047.SO; mixed, 1.45g.7.65; heavy, ti 3J 7.55: rough. JG.35J3j6.55; pigs, 44i7. Cattjy. Receipts 20,000, weak. Native beef cattlo, f6ji10.40; Western steers, SB. 50 : cows and helfcrb, S2.S0 4tS.2u; calves. J7.25HC11. Sheep Receipts 3 8.000. steady. Wethers t5.90tae.45; ewos, $3.7Sty5.70; lambs, 6.60 4lS.90. Metal Market. YOF.K. Nov. 3. Copper, s'tcady. NEW Electrolytic. lS.12Hcl8.2bc. Iron Steady uud unchanged. Metal iXxcl.ange quotes tin firm. 30.000 00. JOC. The Metal Exchange uuotcaMnad nffererl at 4.90c. Speller, not quoted. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Nov. s. Turpentine, firm, 4Sc; sales, 248 barrels; receipts, ;;5t barrels: shipmouls, 208 barrels: stock, 11,055 barrels. Kosin, firm; sales, 1004 barrels; receipts, 1300 barrels; shipments, 203 barrels; stock, 50,t;24 barrels. Quote: A. B, C, D, T5, F G S4.60; II. I. $4.63; K. S5.10; M, S5.50; n! S5.80; WG, 80.23; VTW. $a.30. New Vork &usrar Market. NEW YORK. Nov. :.-R,w sugar, easv. Centrifugal. 4.30c: molasses. 3.00c. Refined, steady. Tho market for sugtir futures was quiet early today. Prices 'at noon were unchanged to 2 points lower. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Nov. 3. Butter, unchanged Eggs, receipts 4023 cases, unchanged. Mops at New York. NEW YORK. Nov. it. Hops, quiet. CLUB PLANNING INVASIONS Walla Walla Show Boosters to Visit Surrounding Towns. , WALLA. WALLA. Wash., Nov. 3 (Special.) The Commercial Club today announced a series of auto excursions to surrounndin- towns, including- Day ton and WaiteburF, Milton, Kreewater for the- next two weeks. These trips will ba all-day ones, with meetings at the Commercial Club headquarters and individual vlsit3 by merchants to mer chants of the city. The purpose will be two-fold, to ex change ideas and to foster a friendly spirit, and also to boost tha corn show to be held here early in December More definite plans, with tho dates o( the excursions and otlier details will be announced later. Plana are' also under way for a series of excursions to all the surrounding- towns this Winter. Storm to Increase Salmon Run. NEWPORT, Or., Nov. 3. (Special.) The storm that swept up the coast last Saturday night waa the first of the sea son and accompanied as it Waa with a heavy downpour of rain will increase tha run of salmon in Yaquina Bay So far this season but few salmon nave como into this bay, although there have been heavy runs at fclletz and Alsea bays. Plenty of Kih k.v Just outside all season, for local sports men nave crossed out in small boats and caught large numbers -with a troll the highest catch being 43 silversidea! Aberdeen Elks to initiate Tonight. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Nov 3 cial.) Aberdeen Elks will hold a bie celebration hero Thursday ntzht, when imM 01 some 20 neophytes will be initiated. Elks from Centralla and Chehalts are expected to gather here (or the festivities. NOVEMBER 4, 1913. WORLD STOCK GAINS Big Increase in Available Sup ply of Wheat. LOWER MARKET IS RESULT Expansion In Visible Supply During Tast Week Is Nineteen Million Bushels Corn Firm on Large Export Demand. CHICAGO. Nov. 3. Announcement of a large increase In tho world's available sup Ply sta'ted a sellins; movement that more PHce "o'ne's", bulge today , ,e clo-ed heav?. I'c.-t'.o, "'"i11 "" market cember at iiei?"s J'0 down, with De- lo lVo" th' UtCOme SnchanJSS tra,enknbeRaneV0utPa1Jhn Wbeat ensued K'" ?t lcklT me world's aviihi. V. , "1,e'8 increase in corresponding- time last year. quWes Tor"!??.. litt,e Wlth whea- n" demttnHeaV9 'ay lth otber "" Export Prov-falo n0t " keen as hertofori: u" .lT.reKd t0 more close- cereal. TJJ to cnn In the value of effective tf prtce" ,or """ . also Leadinsr futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Dm. . "i'o! ivJ.'i 10'H 1.04i l.OSVi I.OI14 CORX. - .S01 .591, " .81?, .0H OATS. - 3'4 .SSH .S6H -94 .10 .28154 Close. 1.03H 1.04 H .5V4 09i Msy . Dec. . May . Dec. May . MESS PORK. Dee. Jan. "5 "-60 14.50 .18.62 I8.75 18.17 X.ARD. - T 9.10 s.o; -2 .0 s."5 SHORT RIBS. o no n - - - - 14.60 K.1T . t OS Jan. May Jan. Cash price.' . .7 red. iiottof-,,. '"' i-iW-isy .:. No. S hardT ,ll.o3. ' 1"1'01-07: 55c!i0- 2 -Ve"w"' 6Si4c: No- 2 wlte. "ye No. , $1.011.0S. Barley 55 C.1c Timothy $5ip s. Clover- f 10 20. 5 foZm heC,olpt" W1,e- 3.US.0OO va 5 30..t)oo bushels: corn, tiOO.OOO vs. 1 07 000 bushels; oate, 1.759,000 vk " Y4 ilft A., t.' 1 Shipments-Wheat ?."0 luoo o',8 W v-t:M0O 'busle0! . - ' i.ii,uuu ousneis. P'n KSr.S'h,eat- 1.S04.0O0 bushels; flouV. Ys',000 barrels." ' axs-mo Bushels Vorelgn Oraln Markets. T.nvnnv i.- .. Wheat. M W li i.lsS"50CS n ilLlPP?h -Vor- 3 Cash what. nn- oai. unohane'od. UC"anSea ,0 ld hih" linneamill. nmiM 1. lr i7o ukrf. u eat Dem- ley. O0&57C: ilV a,'ieri?W1'U1: "r- dttt TTS;r W"!' stares. ber. ITS. -asked; "Olasked5 cewoev: .fsru: De- DjceArrrbSer.S Tl' "Cd: ST. T.OTT1S X.,r ber, u.03 r roi: c,osca: Dcccm- ritiFTiiV" "h Markets. hlBhor: corn. ll i,i;:'r.'!- '.". .He . " ua-tv, nigber. RT" T niTic; -v- - t IVer:'; '"i !?. ch.nBed oats. i.c to c h'lgher. " " a,ri , 'n Saa lranclsco. May. $1.41. . ' i-sasi: Iuget S.und Orain Markets PKATTLU, Nov. 3. Wheat, bluestcm 4c ?:kV' rcd' f?rty-fold. 92c; elu?: Sic . ' """S""1. 'Sc: barley. t;r per ton. Vtt. .irl !i v t . . . . 1 oats 6. barley X coT flour ,2"""'' -3' Mul'Sjc'fVfe ?.? car receipts: Wheat a, barley s. corn tiuluth Linseed Market. TVfY TTTU Va- . 1 -A ' I' t-inaeeo, cash tl.ljn 1.3ol4; Decemoer, tl.90; May. 1.5. W Cotton Market. ,':"'', , ,: ' ' sPt cotton quiet. Mid-uplands. 11.80c. Sales, 200 bales. TAB KEPT ON GRADUATES MAJOIHTY COXTIJIUE STUDIES, IS SHOWJT l.V THREE COfNTIKS. Washington Superintendent of Instruct tion Gives Partial Statistics of Education Survey. OLTMriA. Tm u Nf. o , x -u iZlt ' loiieciaij -..o. rreston, state Super intendent of Instruction, has announced partial (statistics, from King, Pierce and Kitsap counties, gained In a state wide educational survey, intended to determine what becomes of the thou sands of boys and girls graduated an nually from the eightli grades of the public schools. Roughly, the investigation indicates that of every 10 leaving the eighth grade, seven continue their . studies principally in high school, two stay at home and one (toes to work. . Of 738 cases tabulated in King County, 505 eighth-grade graduates, or 69 per cent, engaged iu further study 499 in high school and the others in commercial courses or special training Seventy,four, or 10 per cent of the totai number, went to work, including only three learning a trade. One hundred and thirty-three, or IS per cent, are listed simply as "at home." Tho re maining 2. or 3 per cent, includes those who have married, died or moved out of the strte. In Pierce County generally similar conditions were found. Of 632 cases investigated. 356, or 67 per cent, went On with their studies; 116, or 22 per cent, are "at home." and 42, or8 per cent, are working, including none learning a trade. In Kitsap County the proportion ran much the same. Factory work, saleswork in stores housework and general manual labor in the order named claimed the greatest number of eighth-grade graduates. Operation of Jitney busses claimed sev eral, both in Seattle and Tacoma, other occupations listed including messenger work, circus performances and. caddy ing. Kunauajr Victim's Condition Critical GENESEE, Idaho, Nov. 3. (Special.) i . : Miss Margaret Hosoboam, -who was Hurt noy a .1..1 . .- . . ''" viino ago in a run away accident, yesterday was taken to Jvewiston overland in an auto by T. Driscoll and Mrs. George Carbuhn. She is not expected to lire. She was taken to the hospital at Lewiaton. COMMITTEE TO BE CALLED Polk County Republicans to Plan Campaign of 1916. DALLAS. Or., Nov. 2. (Special.) I. M. Hampton, chairman, and Lew A. Cates. secretary, of the Republican County Central Committee, will soon issue a call for a committee meeting in Dallas, to outline a campaign for next year. An effort will be made to have precinct committeemen elected in all the precincts of the county during the primaries next Spring. Although an active campaign will not be opened until after the primaries are held next year, it is planned to carry on a campaign of education in the meantime. The flsht next year will be one be tween Republicans and Democrats, and from present indications it appears that Polk will duplicate past performances and line -up strong in the Republican column. Many leading Democrats in the county have already slarnined their RipSo'ltcan"! nexTa?.8 " " ROAD TO MEIMDOTA ASKED Centralia Club Investigates Trans portation Facilities ot Town. CENTRALIA, Wash., Nov. 3. (Spe cial.) Preparatory to launching a movement for the construction of a road Into Mendota, a delegation of about 60 members of the Centralia Commercial Club made a booster trip to the coal-mining- town today on the invitation of B. H. Johnston, president of the Mendota Coal & Coke Company. The Centralia & Eastern, with one train a day each way. offers the resi dents of the town the only means of transportation. Only one automobile has ever appeared on the streets of Mendota, and that after a hard tussle through four miles of practically im passable road, strong pressure will be brought upon the Lewis County Com missioners to improve tho road next Spring. DEER REPORTED SCARCE Twenty Killed Just Before Season Ends Near Estacada. ESTACADA, Or., Nov. 3. (Special.) TVMth the ending of the deer season Saturday, parties of Estacada and nearby resident hunters returned Sun day with reports that deer are scarce in the mountains. Twenty deer and three bears were killed, with probably as many more earlier in the season. Amoncr tha hn.b v. .... . , -. . .. o - - - -- "u"m'h were n.. . vvomer, of Estacada, one deer: Virgil - -" mtaua, one aeer; Kichard Davis. Garfield, one deer; Tom Carter, Garfleld, two deer; John Howland, Up per Dam, one deer; Henry Warnock. Sprlngwater, one deer; R. K. Palmateer and Ira -v ills, of Garfield, live deer: i red and Elmer Davia. of Gartield. four M,'; rhKUXJ.?y' GarnelJ- one deer; Matt Dibble, Elwood, three bears. RIDGEFIELD CLUB REVIVES Citizens Meet and Form Sew Com mercial Organization. RIDGEFELD. Wash.; Nov. 3. (Spe cial.) On Monday night a meeting of w. v-i ulceus or Kiaselleld was held in the high school auditorium for the purpose ot reviving and reorganising - v VUUllllQJUIill C1UD. The following officers were elected: H.( J. Potter, president: Carl Lin guist, vice-president; J. Keith, secre tary, and Ed Sachtler. treasurer A big opening night is being planned Tor November 15. Resolutions wore passed asking the County Commissioners to repair tho road between Ridgefield and Sara, also the road between Ridsrefjeld and Pio neer, and that the mouth of Lake River be dredged before AVlnter high water. ICE LAKE JS ENLARGED Xorlli I'owdcr Company Completes Addition of K Acres. NORTH POWDER, Or., Nov 3 (Special.) The Pacific Fruit Express Company has just completed an addi- h.-'L ki u acre" to lho old Joe pond It hlch was formerly 17 acres company will- employ 175" to 300 men during ico harvest at this ?.ia , The htuses . here will store 12.000 tons. This plant will also fur ?I?;,C6 Ior tho Wallula house of .000 tons capacity, which house Is now under construction, and will furnish also the house at Huntington, Or. Oregon to Return lo Pngct Sound. SEATTLE. Nov. 3.-The Puget Sound Navy-yard has been advised that the battleship Oregon will return to the yard at the close of the California ex positions. The Oregon and the cruis ers South Dakota and Milwaukee, now at Ban Francisco, will sail for Ban Diego next Friday, and all three will depart from the Southern port for Bremerton January 2. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. Nov. . Maximum temper ature. 1,4 degrees: minimum. 50 decrees l.Vsr.Ieair.5l S.A- M,. 2-1 feet. Chanze lii fa!. ,5 t M. .," pOO1UI0eb.Tn'chl Total rainfall el nco September 1, 1914. ! 04 inlhea' normal. .09 Inches; deficleney, t.ul inches" Total sunshine, 23 minutes; possible id hourn. I aromeier (reduced to soa level) S THE WEATHER. Wind STATIONS State at Weather Baker Boise Boston Calgary . 52:0 0 0 60 0 54,11. 540 soo 64 0. 4-J'O 0. 76 0 56 0. 72.0. 70 o, 70 0. 62 0. 1(0, 54-0 44 0, 70 O. to 0. ICIoudy Clouily Pt. Plnltrftf Chicago wo; . . r 00 la sh OOl. .XE Cloudy uenver Dee Moines ... Duluth ft. cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Cloudy O0'13 B 06 K .'.v .00 10,i?H f h). 1 a i Eureka Galveston He ena - JaeksonvtMe . . OOilS XE IClear Kansas City .. Los Angeles . . Marshfleld ... 00 10S Clear o,..ih fPt. cloudy 0 4 .. W Clear T Oil.. B Cloudy .00114 SB Clear 00 18;.W Clear 00, . .Ink Iciear 00 30 xtv'pt. cloudy 02 14.VW ri..,, J Medford Mlnnoacolls Montreal New Orleans .. New York North Head .. North Yakima 4 0 HO .06. -NWlcioudy Phoenix Pocatello .wvj. .jiNBi iciear .00;.. W JciOud .Oil . V V-ln.. 64 0 Portland Roseburar ..... 4 0. SS o 68 0 6 1.' - V7 V,. -Y'. Sacramento . . . SS';.;'2;wiPt- c'dy jt. Ixmla Salt Lake San Francisco Heattle oo!? 70 0 0 s: 0 C20, 52 0, 64 0 18 0 64 0. 46,0 .oo!i; sb .Oo;..lw 00 .. .v .01. . XE .00'. . XE .00110 E 041. . W on'..'jiW .00 ..aa: Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudv Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Spokane Tacoma Tatoosn Island alia walla . Washington , . Winnipeg . . . . . "WEATHER CONDITIONS. ... A lare MsR-pressure area overlies the Atlantic States and the ,n rm atively low over tno canadlaa N.orthwi!!t - A. FACTS A recent report from the Department of Agriculture shows that Oregron has a land area of 61.1SS.000 acres and only 1 1.685.000 acres, or 19 per cent, is In farms. Of J.",, farm land only 4.2T5. 000 acres are improved, or i.-pT cent of the total. Washington, a neighboring state, has 15 per cent of tne farm land improved Improved roads, transpor tation facilities, will speed ily place Oregon in the front rank of agricultural communities. This all-important form of develop ment can be achiewed by hard-surfacing the rural road with Bitulithic Warren Brothers Company, Journal Building. Chanie. l5. heP the l''"a States. beVn" SunlmnportantratUre wsssiigarss, p5s.i? xr1 FORECASTS. rr,tIan.1 and Vanity Unsettled, probably occasional rain, winds becoming soutberlv. ernIIlIiTlJn"tt''''1 nA occasionally threat w." port?oCC"'onal rala "--obable nor,"- wX3hlnBTon T- t'neettled and threatenlne with occaaional 7-aln west portion B ening ttI!i nd occa',lt"lttIIy threat- EDWARD A. BEALS. Forecaster, Dallas Makes Kecord I,evy. DALLAS, Or.. Nov. 3: (Special.) At Its regular meeting last night the Dal las City Council adopted a resolution providing for the tax levy for next year. Eighteen mills, tho largest levy in. the history of this city, is the total This will raise approximately 18,000. Some of the outstanding indebtedness of the city will be paid. TRAILERS' GCI11E San Francisco Los Angeles (Without Change En Ronte) Uljr, Clean. Comfortable, t Klesrnitly Appointed. Seagoing S. S. ROSE CITY Sails From Alaamrlk Dock 3P. M November 7. lOO Uolden Miles on Columbia It Iter. All Kates Include Bertha and Meala. Table H nd ber v Ico Unexcelled. The San A Portland S. 8, i;J'i,ri,"d JM"Mngton streets (with o.-W. It. A ti. Co.) TeL Broad way 4500, A Blxl. riniB-. .Twin" "Palaces- t titer Vaettlc," "W 1 slillibH"" -slIgarMPlMnj li 1 . 'GKRAT vn i,Tt, 1 ... NUlt'llLEUN l'ACIrit; Tuesday 7 For San Francisco TtM nt trin In -t- - ..... r'P.,'ly till Nov. 0. On.".,, !nj h Ji A" Cmr "elud meals and berths. steamer express (steel parlor car. and eooehi.l leave. North Bank Elation :;J0 A. M . ar" ua? l:idayP- M' SUnday' UU-tU I UASIK TICKET OFPICB 11HU AU rABK Phones Broadway U20. A BtJIl. Tlcketa also at Third and norrtson. 10O Third fau and S4. WaahiLi?toa" u f NllllTM Mrinn t-M.-iKc... . Mm. anvil.iv aiEil.HDmr VV. San Francisco EANTA BARBARA, T.OS AXOBLBS AM) HAN CIEUO. S. S. ELDER Sails Wednesday, fior, 10, f. 31. COOS BAY Kl KKaA AND BAN FRANCISCO S. S. KILBURN Sail. Thursday, Norember 4, e p. Jf. . Ticket Offiee. Ii2 A Third St. rhones aialn 1314, A 131. FRENCH LINE Comn.cnle (lenerale Traaaatlaatio.o 1'OSXAl. KtKVlCE. Sailings From NEW VOilK to BORDEAUX LAW VKTTE Not. 13, 8 T.M. L.k IOIK.UNK an. 3(1. g V.M. Th. New Quadruple Screrr B. 14. At SaXXli., M.lden Trip from X. y. ot. 13. FOR INFORMATION APPLY C. IV. l loser. K0 Sth St.. A. 11. l,Brwn- 3.f Morrison et-i t.arri tou, c. il. A bs. i . .(.v., iiflrery . riunn iiti u st.: r. I. ii.i.h 1 1 ii, -j .1 . . , 1 1 - i ... . Inirtoa t. 1 North Bank stoad, 4th and btartt ata.t F. B. McFarlsnd. Kd aofl WaslilnEto. t.; K. It- Duffy. Jil 3d st Fortlaad. Friday. X.Tember 5. 2:30 1. M.. San FranriHco. Portland at Loa Ans;eies tsteanihliip Co., Frank Bollam, Ast., 12 Third St. A 4598, Main SS. DailyBoattoTheDalles Str. DALLBS CITY and STRANGER Lea. 1'ortland dally, 7 A. il., ex cept Friday. Leave The Dalles dally, 7 A- SI., ex cept Saturday. ALDKK-SI'. DUCK. rORIXAXO Wwa Mai. tin. A Clin. ,J Str. GEORGIANA H&rkins Transportation Co, Leave. Daily (Except Mondays), 7 A. M. Sunday 7.30 A- 5l. for ASTORIA and w.3H,.11i?s;'J- R'turnlngr. leaves Astoria, ftt 2 P. JL. arriving- Portland 9 p. AL l-andln loot of WashiriB-toii street, Main 1422. A . A USTRALIA Honolulu, Suva, New Zealand TRB -PALATIAL FAsbE X (i E It NTK AMFKS (Ju.OoO tons dia.1 lia.OOO ions ui. Aail from A.X I VKR. I!. -., tu t. tl. 'o 14. Dec. 2S. Apply Canadlaa l'acific Rail way. ..J 'liilrd ht.. Fortiaud, Or., or to the (.n.di.ia Au.tral.siaa Koj.l Mail Line. 110 ejniour btreei., ullcouver, B. C. .