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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1915)
16 THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1915. r SITUATIONS WANTED WAi.t MiM.e I la neo ue. KECOMMtiXDEu, reliable couple, to run apartment-house or hotel; man under stands all kinds of heai. plumbing and repair work. sanitary, ligiit apartment and good people to work for more in riucement than wages. p 108, Oregonian. w XlELIABLE man and wife will manage small apartment-house in exchange for an apart ment, or will do light Janitor work for tame; excellent references. Main 7051, A . - 1517. MAN with 5-p. Ford, job of any kind; will do anything, go anywhere ; wages rea sonable. Write or cali at llo" K. 17th Bt., ' Sellwood station. YOUNG ATTORNEY. Going through starva tion period, is in a condition (of irapecu nlosity) to do most anytning legal, of course; city reference. F 100, Oregonian. YOUNG man, married, able-bodied, wants day work; willing to do anything; is un . able to pay rent unless gets work; refer ences. Main 7051, A 3017. lilDDLE-AGED man, married, butcher by trade, want work; 1 also experienced out side painter; reasonable wages; references. Main 7051. A 1517. CONCRETE worker and finisher wants work; experienced gardener alao ; At references. Main 7or.l. A 1517. YOUNG man, experienced, desires work as night watchman or elevator man; Al ref erences. Main 7o5t. A 1517. YOUNG couple, no children, experienced, want work on farm; can milk; reasonable wage: references. Sain 7051, A 1517. SITUATION wanted by experienced Jap aneso cook who haa best references; ho ller or restaurant. R. Kowata, 208 Everett. JAPANESE, married man, wishes position. Janitor hotel or store or any place, without room. Y 106. Oregonlan. "WANTED Position by two cien as wood cutters and clearing land. Geo Hedrecn. box 2, Lent. Or. JAPANESE wishes to do cooking and wash ing. ironing; good, city or country. I 191, , Oregonlan, MACHINIST, first-class all-round man wants position in or out of city; 18 jeare' expe rienee. E1S5, Oregonian. FfRST-CLASS auto repair man and" driver. touring car or truck. AE 189, Oregronian. felTPATIONS WAN'TKI) FEMALE Bookkeepers and Stenographers, . WANTED A position. Have had year's experience in stenographic work, in ab stract off let, mercantile business and law. Was called to the city to take po sition to fill vacancy of very experienced etenoRrapher but she decided to stay, therefore I am looking for position. " l'7. Ort gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer, 3 year with i- My. Co. ; 2 -t years with elec. and me chanical engineer; 1 '.3 years insurance. Also miscellaneous substitute work. Ex cellent references. Main l:J20, or AG 105, Oregonlan. . COMPETENT steno-rraoher, experienced, will work small salary. AK 181, Ciego " nian. COMPETENT -r'enographer desires tempo rary - or permanent position. Quick - and ' accurate. Understands bookkeeping. Phone East 3t4. DRESSMAKEK, 12 years' experience, copy and desir; n; no patterns required ; $3 per flay. phone East 1 S37. COMPETENT stenographer desires position, -'t years experience; can operate multi- graph and mimeograph, Columbia 1 t4. t EX PERT book keeper and accountant seeks i position, some k now ledge of stenography, t Will go out of rlty. BP 18S, Oregonian. I EXPEKT bookkeeper will audit, close and t straighten out small set of books, reason- abK. s 187, Oregonlan. I D re 8t makers. 1 DRESSMAKER by the day, or will call at i yom- hojiie for fittings and take work J liumu.'a"ctory references. Phone Mar S shall evening:. j LADIES wishing ladies tailoring or drees- making done at their homes phone Main FASHIONABLE dressmaking reasonable, home or day. 301 Buchanan bldg. Main 0013. ' - EXPERIENCED lashihonable d ressmaktrTt home or by the day; price reasonable. Phone Main D472. room 212. A 473. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker ""will make en gagements by day. Main 7651. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, neat and fast Main 8320. M AKE-OVb'H SHOP 2ti2 Ftiedner. Suits, towns t rdt-r nr rtrnodr-'i'il. Niar. wnl. DRESSMAKING Ladles' tailoring by the - a y. $2.50; experienced. Tabor 4$3. WANTED Sewing by day, good reliable dressmaker; references. Main 3330. ; RELIABLE dressmaker wants work at m home-. Obi Glisan. Phone Marshall 124S. f PLAIN SEWING, mending, housework want- ed. Call Main 2274 or Tabor 3170. Nurse. CAPABLE, reliable middfce-aged woman ; wants practical nursing; thoroughly ex perienced; moderate fee; Al references. Main 7051, A 151 7. ' PRACTICAL NURSE will take care of i children -or invalid by day or hour. Phone J Main 3513. 1 CAPABLE young woman wants housekeep- itig for men or widower with children; city or country. East 4732. Fit ACT I CAD nurse wishes more engagements, ' best of rferencts. Phone Wood lawn 4J52. : PRACTICAL nurse, hospital training, wants - to taU care 01" invalids. T 180, Oregonlan. Tit A! NED NURSE wishes invalids or chll dren to board, reasonable. Sell wood 2454. PRACTICAL NURSE wishes work. Terms v moderate. Sell wood 1241. Housekeepers. BEFlNED widow wUh son 0 yrs. of age desires good home and wages; neat house keeper and excellent cook. Can take full charge; city or county; best references. Phone Wood! awn 3330, or AH 1UO, Ore gonlan. DEFINED young lady wishes good home in 't ' private family for light household ser.--' ices; small wages. Marian Laroche, For ' -tlrovci r- Gen. L)el. Dome ties. CAPABLE yung colored woman desires housework in city or country where she can take her 6-year-old daughter; refer ences. Main 7051, A 1517. ; EAT-A PPE A RING young woman, thor oughly experienced, desires second work; xi per month; Al references. Main 7051, - V 1517. CAPABLE young woman desires housework where she can go home nights; $5 per week: Al references. Main 7051, A 1317. EXPERIENCED girl wishes position second . work, private- family; good city references, f Sellwood 620. 1 WANTED General housework : experienced ; ; Tabor 152fi. I FINNISH sirl wants housework. Wood- 1 lawn J W. NT general work by experienced colored oman Broadway 5561. TWO Finnish girls want general housework; good cooks Tabor ;it24. i KXPERTKNCED Finnish-girl w7ants general housework. Phone Tabor 4494. SWISS girl wants general housework; wagts -fjo. 270 Broadway East, near Wheeler. Miscellaneous. liULI A BLE woman desires to cook ar ranee lunch and dinner for people in homes; S hours' work for $1. P Ore sonian. EX PERI BNCED lad w ould like care of ehlldren morning, afternoon or evening, or by the day. Mrs. Fryer. Main tSOo. DAY work wanted Wednesday and Fridav; ?"4o laundress and housoclancr. Main -YOUNG girl wishes to assist vith house w ork and help take care of children. . 41M.. No. 24th st. Tel. Main 453. REFINED woman wants position as compan ion to Ulerly lady, more for good home than salary. V Uti. Oregonian illDDLE-AGED woman wants care of 1 or 2 'Wldren; Al references. Tabor 4071 or A ; MIDDLE-AGED English woman wants work a co jit to men or widower with familv town or country. Main 4336. r.Ariiftit.i.LD. reliable woman wants dav work; -5c and carfare; references. Alain 7051. A 1517. II IG H school .irl wants place in private family to work for room and board; some wages. AD lioO, Oregmiian. C1Ul waius work a chambermaid or wait ing table : haa good exi-erience. Phone - Main 0-J-O. COOL) -wi'Hr.g girl wants second work it urst gi rl. W ood lawn '2 o. WOMAN want day work of anv kind. Kef rrrnos given, phone Co!. liUU.SECLEMXD and washing Wednes day and Thursday. Tabor I'O'JS evenings. WOMAN wants huusework and sewinc AG 1U-, Oregonlan. DAT work for Monday and Tueedav- city reforencea. Tabor t04& YOUNG woman wants day work. 20c hou Phono B -22o3. EXPERIENCED woman w ants day w ork 2O0 hour. Tabor G 7 2"K HUiH school girl v. Ill work for room, board and carfare. E. 7218 WOMAN wants general housework: two in Tamiiy : soimi cook. larsnaii 4Si3. J-A PAN ESE w o ca an wnu position as a houseworker. 2S7 lt t WANTED TO RENT. UouaMi. V. AN f rent 5 or 'j-room unfurnished house, modern. V. est Side or Irving! on. Reade, Main 0.;13. -i7 C. of C. WANTED A 0-room bungalow within ten blocks of 32d ant! East Glisan. Phone Last l.'t; or B 2244. WANT to rent house, Portland Heights. State rmt, location. AE 17, Oregonian. Apartment. ' YOUAG COUPLE want nicely-furnished apt. for Winter ; references ; reply iro toed lately. S Oregonian. Rooms With Board. BOA. tD and room by gentleman in Jewish family, for about $25 per month. Ar V'i. oregonian. Bttelnehs Places. COLLECTOR wants desk room, preferably with lawyer. Location immaterial. AH 1U1, Oregonian. FOB BENT. Furnished Roonis. One of those swell corner rooms with bath is ready today for first comer at HOTEL VERNON, 103 lath, near Washington. Nothing finer in Portland at the low rates w are making. Several fine out side rooms u.t $10 per month, two big in side rooms left at 12 per month; oLber-i as low as 10. Rooms for transients irom oOc up to $1.50. a cheerful, home like hotel, clean and decent, day and nijjht. THE CARLTON HOTEL offers comfortable furnished, well-ventllat-ed and heated outside room at $5 a week; $ti a week with bath; first cla&s. poputar priced restaurant in connection ; service and accommodations equal to any down town hotel at a much less figure. CARLTON HOTEL, 14th and Washington. HOTEL ARTHUR. Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam hill Desirable downtown location. Re spectable and strictly modern. Room rates $1 per day. $4 per week. With pri vate bath $1.50 per day, Jo.iiO per week. ROOMS AT Y. M. C. A. List of rooms in all parts of city, also In the Association fireproof building, with shower baths, at $1.50 to S2.75 per week double, with Individual beds: or $2.5l to 54.50 per week single. HOTEL, BLACK.STONE. , Corner 11th and Stark. $3 week and up; elevator, hot and cold water, steam beat; telephone connection in each room; no extra charge for two in a room; room and bath $1 day; transient solicited. HOTEL BRISTOL, 12TH AND STARK Large, clean, comfortable rooms, private baths, individual telephone, electric lights, steam heat: single rooms S'2 ner wpir n4 - up, with bath $:t.50 and up; thoroughly HOTEL ROWLAND AND ANNEX. 201-209 4th st. Rooms with private baths, $1 ptrr day; special rates to perma nent guests; select now for Winter; plenty of steam heat and hot water. HOTEL CONRADINB, 10th st.. at Oak. Desirable downtown loca tion; respectable and strictly modern, fire proof building, elevator and largo lobby. iiuumo 90 pci ween ana. up. 6o24 Washington. sL. ; fireproof; idea-, location; steam heat, running i.ut and coin water, phones, bat ha, all outside, clean, quiet rooms; $2.5U week up; 5Uc day up HllTRi. i II V T f V Morrison st.. at 10th' -central location REDUCED RATES. oUC per day up; netn ly. ?2.5y up; neat rooms, running water, free phone and baths, steam heat. hotel ford! 735 Washington. Family hotel; hot and cold' water anc phone in every room; rooms without batn. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. c--d E. Bel- iwjiiio i w uiuiuo, up witn private bath; large, pleasant lobby, caie in connection. Phone East 323 ETH ELTON HOTEL, 105 1ZTH ST. Modern; special reductions on all room. ,; $2 per week and up. Marshall 27D0. HOTEL CORDOVA. 2ttl 11th sL Strictly modtrn, private baths en suite; rooms o up. Main 9472. A 4783. NEL.l furnished steam heated single room bath, and telephone; $9 per month. Bel knap apartments. 17 17th, near Yamhiil. NEW brick, 6-room, high-clas, most com plete In Portland; 21st and Overton; must be seen. Main SO or 31 U4. HOTEL LIND. For comfort and convenience; modern " " l-'a" . up. n ou si., -fctroa a way 4 A LARC.ii,, corafortuhlu attic room, suitable for two. $5 a month; close in. 171 u 16th Main 2117. LARRAP.EE HOTEL Modern, quiet, warm clean, in walking distance; $1.75 week and up. 227 i Larrabee. MAXWELL Hall, 207 14th; strictly modem use of parlor; real home; $2 up. M. 1153. S 1ANDISH HOTEL. 548 Wash. st7"steVm heated outside roorna. $3 per v - up. HOVEL NOKKXS. 533 Alder. Modern out rooms, $2 per week up. Furnished Booms in Private Family. 2 LARGE front rooms, nicely furnished with lU'ht. heat and bath. $1 week each; cnuid arrange for light housekeeping. lU 3ith ave. D 142S. THE LYNDHUhST, 223 West Park Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite, with or without meals. WELL furnished room, all modern conve niences. Nob Hill district, for gentleman. NICELY furnished room, $1.30 week; walk ing distance; fine location. 32i v est Park. $6 MONTH Furnished room, all conven- icui-tra, waitiii.g uisiance. 43b 3d St Main 4712. FURNISHED rooms with private family single or suite; rat-dern conveniences', terms moderate. 443 10th, cor. College 475 MORRISON Newly furnished, large or cuicuteB a iso nouseKeep- ing. NICELY furnished attic room: modern con- near 10th. NEWLY furnished convenient basement rooms, sleeping or H. K. 475 Morrison. LOVELY room, refined family. Nob Hill, uoiiie comrorts ; references. Main 374P. LARGE front room private home, nice neighborhood. 2i.4 E. 32d st. Tabor 5JS5. Unfurnished Booms. CHEAPEST rooms, finest location, fifth and Tourtn lioors tioodnough bldg., formerly lodging-house, now utirelv renovated for rent as unfurnished housekeeping and living-rooms. st. am heat, elevator serv ice and free light. See engineer In base ment. Fifth and Yamhill sis. Room W ith Board. ELTON COURT At llth and Yamhill, opp. public li brary; all outside rooms, with or without private bath and shower; private tele phone; running water; elevator service steam heat; $3 to $6.50 per week. Ex cellent dining-room in connection t South -.rn ooking ; ownership management Main W"3. HOTEL CAMPBELL A modern FIREPROOF residence hotel, American plan ; on carljne, 10 minutej from business center: price in accord with general business conditions. S3d and Hoyt sts. Marshall 8SL THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14 th and Jefferson Sts. An excellent residential hotel ; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests Phone Main D2S3. A CG28. ALEXANDRA COURT. S3 ELLA ST. An American Plan Residence Hotel. Suites. Single rooms. Excellent table. A 6211. Main 4611. ARE just opening the dining-room and fur nish board and room- for $22.r0 a month and -up at the Rainier Hotel. Phone 3143. THE MANITOU. 261 I3TH ST. Under former management. Large, at tractive rooms. Good board. Reasonable. Booms With Board In Private Family. CLEAN, large front room, modern con veniences free, board optional; w-alkirg distance; reasonable. Marshall 2424. 451 West Park. NOB HILL, walking distance, nicely fur nished front room, suitable for one or two; strictly modern, best of home cook ing: all home privileges. Main 5G4.I. LA RG V. rvon t roo m . running water, individ ual bed.?, xeellent board, two gentlemen, reasonable, central. 3:1 W. Park. NICE furnished rooms, with or without board; home om"orts: In private family; walking distance. Csli Marshall 301l CARE of one or two ehlldren. lest of at tention given : off carl in e, reasonable, l'hmie Sellwood 2114. FIRST-OLA SS table board and neat room for 2 gentlemen, 1 '-i blocks from cariine. 22 East 10th ct. South. UA Li room arm uoaru in mooern home. onl' youne peopl in family, walking dis e. Main 7720. t&nce. FRONT ROOM Modern conveniences free; board optional; close In; reasonable. Ma hall 4410. 474 Salmon st. NICELY furnished rooms, modem conven iences, close in; reasonable. 214 llth, cor, Salmon. ROOMS with board, walking distance, mod em. 712 FlT.ndrrs. Main 1547. BEAUTIFUL large rooms, with board. $5 tip. Main 03S1. !'t Harrison, near 14th. FOR business p.irl or students. $4 week up. "Ami Lewis" Hall. 510 Flanders gt. PLV'.vsaNTj warm room : board ; Tunning water; use of piano. 361 10th fit. FOB KENT. Booms mth Board in Frigate Family. TWO g 1 i emeu willing to room together can hate room and board for price of board in private family ; bath adjoining room; best car. service In city. l"02i; E. 4tfth S. K. Ph6ne Tabor 20iD BEA UTIFUL, large room, newly furnished ; hot and cold water, steam heat, twin beds, a dressers, every convenience, sood board, 15 minutes walk to postotnee. i Main 6"S1. 501 Harrison, near 14th Furnished Apartmen ta. APARTMENTS IN A HOUSlfi THAT IS quiet, refined, clean, taie, popular, well known aud of tbe highest standing. A house of quality, com fort and service. New features: BALLROOM, BILLIARD ANl CAitDROOltS, LADi ES' PAitLuRS. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. 10 th and Salmon St a. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sta. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank store; good surroundings, strictly modern, 2 and 3-room furbished apartments, all outside, with Frencn door and balconies. RATES HEAbU.MABLE. DAY WSK MONTH KINGSBURY APARTMENTS 186 Vista ave., near 23d and Wash ington. Attractive, airy, ail sunny outside rooms, unsurpassed view, furnished com plete. Everytning modern. Special rates to those having linen or sliver. Reason able. Walkino distance. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast; furnished complete. Roof garden in connection. W alktug distance. Reference. GLEN COURT APARTMENTS Cor. Park and Taylor. Handsomely luruished 2, a und 4-room suites; best location iu city; reasonable. Mam 1ihi. THE AVALON. FurnUhed. or unfurnished a-mnn F h16,18, fieu' "ilverware, private phone and XJepot of i.ast Side apartments. 2So cor nrr Clackamas and Ross sts. East 3172. 4TH AND LINCOLN AFTS. 2-room apt., to including pri vate phone, bath, lights and steam heat Laundry room with a team dryer. Gaiaice convenient. Mn 1377. a 41&3. WESTFAL, 4lo 5tb et. Elegantly furnished aud unfurnished 3 and 4-ioom apis - auo. matic elevator, etuy walking distance, most reasonable rent, day, week or month 20 to $30. Main 107M. ' WA6HLNGTON GRAND a and 3-room fur apts.. $10 mo. up. Hot and cold water heat, light and bath lurnislied. one weeK's rent free with tirst mouth's rent in ad vance. urand ave. and E. Wasu. E. i-i-iv THE DEZENDUUF, 2us ICth St., Near Taylor. 5-rcom furiiieneu apt., walking distance fine view, all outside room, evcritmns llist-class; reference. Mar. 2324 DELAHUNT COURT, 25th and Sandy Blvd. S-room apartments, completely fur nished, t.le bath, hardwood floors, white enamei; swell. f,,u. Phone East 33O0 CAR LOT DA COURT, livrett and Utii New, modern; sieam neat, private batns laundry, completely furnished 2 and 3--ruum apts., lu juui. irom buaine&c center, save cariare, raies nmUerate ; references MADISON PAH K APTS " rark st.. at Madison. Modern aua 4-roo.u luiiiiahed apart. men La. close in; by week or month. CLAYPOOL ANNEx7Elventh andCiay Two rooms; iiglit, pleasant and well fur nished; walking distance; to 2a uli Main S757. -a.uu. H1SLOP HALL, cor. liUut 6 th and Haw thorne, z and 3-ruom apts.. private baths and phone; also single rooms; well lur nuihU. t!3.oO up. Phone East 82. IONIAN COURT, lbth and Couch, 3 and 4 room apartments. All modern conven iences; walking distaucts. Leut S23.5U to o2.oU. Main 11U2. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett, bet. 20ta and Ella sta furnished 3-room apts.; witu or without sleeping porch; modern. KN I C K E li-BOCKER APTS., 10th und ' HaT nson; one 3 -room apt., corner, private uajcony and pnone. splendid location. 1.27.0. Main JJ2U. FAIRMOUNT APTS.. 230 11TH. Modem xurnisutd, two-room apartments S20 up; close in. Main 2386. BANNER. 483 Ciay st., 2 room, furnished, $8 to $lt, including neat and light; waik- ir.g distance Marsnali 204. BJ ELL AND APARTMENTS. 16th andLove Joy Choicest 3 and 4-room furnished and unfurnisned apts., rates lowest. Main l&OL 505 U WASHINGTON 1 and 2-room fur nished apartments, free gas, eieutriulLy stum heat, phone, bath. h month up ELM WOOD APTS., loth and Hall Lobby s cial hail, modern 3-room furnished and unfurnished apis., reasonable. THE C H E LT E N H A M Beautiful fumlsned 2. 3 and. 4-room apartments; lowest rate In city. Corner N. lDih and Northrup. THE CLARK ETON, 3 outside rooms with large aicove; free phone, steam; 3 ca r lines. suu E. Ankeny. Kant 572L GRAN DESTA East Stark and Grand ave. Modern three-room apartments. Greatly reduced rates. Phone E. 206. FOR RENT Grace Apartment, 34th and Northrup; 4 roum furnished apartment. Marshall 107 U GRAND-OAK Two and three-room apart ments; prices right, strictly modern. Cor Grand ave., East Oak. East 3303. HAMMERS LEY COURT. 250 12TH AST. By the day. week or month; modern close to fc. 0 reasonable; ref. Marshall 2053. ARDMAY TERRACE. 395 12TH trrt-iHMt in every respect; attractive rates. CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy; 2 and 3-room front apartments. Kent $20 to $30. NEW furnished a pts.; con ere te b" I oc kT$ 1 0 and $12, 1114 rs Union ave. N. Wdl. 5F2. APARTMENT flat, t( xurnished roomsrsteam heat. West Side. Main 3uU2. Un.'iuuis 1 ed Apartments. IRVINGTON, 17th and Tillamook Sts. One coi ner 5-room apartment, hardwood floors. t;le bath, private front porch sleeping j;orch, steam heat, best janltoi service in the city, ijas range, electric fire place; among the liuest homes In Irving ion, ono block to cariine; rent $50; no children. F. E, BOWMAN &. CO., 1 ".roadway iU2a. A 1251. FORD HAM APARTMENTS. 170 Ford st., at Washington. The most elTgant and best finished 3. - and 5-room apartments in the city. Fin ished in oak and mahogany. hardwood floors, c legant plumbing, tiled Laths ana ery modern convenience. 8-room and bath. $30.00 up. 4- room and bath, $27.50 up. 5- room and bath, J42.50 up. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 136 Vista ave.. near 23d and Washing ton. Commodious, attractive. Abundance light and fresh air. Everything modern. Private balconies, fine location, unsur passed view. Reasonable. Walking dis tance. LUCRET1A COURT, on I.ucretia at.. U'u feet north of 23d and Washington; most beautitully located high-clt-ss apartments, -2 and 5 rooms; ail larg-3 outsiue rooms; 2 apartments newly turrit shed, prices reasonable-; references re quired; seo them before locating. 51an ager. Marshall 1513. t THE WICKER SHAM, 1STH AND FLANDERS STS. Beautiful 5 and 6-room apartments; ail outside rooms; ideal location ; see thes4 before locating for the Winter; prices rea sonable. ST. FRANCIS APARTMENTS 21st and Hoyt. 8 and 4-room Unfurnished Apts. $22.50 to $37.50. Exclusive residence district, near schools and shopping district; splendid car service. SHEFFIELD APTS.. 270 Broadway St. 1 4-room apt.. 1st floor, 920 ; 1 3-room apt-, -id floor front. 2 wall beds, 3 clothes closets. Main 2506. BRUCE APTS.. 25th and Northrup. amldt Portland's select residences; six outside rooms, veranda, hard wood floors; modern service; references. Main 4O03. ROSENFELD A PTS., 14th ana East Stark Brie!: bids., strictly modern; ft and 4-room apts., all outside rooms, private phones, janitor service, reasonable rent; refs. FOR RENT 2-room strictly modern apart ments, only $17 a month. Chapman apts, S55 Chapman st. WALDORF COURT. IRVINGTON. & rooms, large porch, everything modern. 475 Schuyler. East 547, C 16s. STEVENS APT. 6 large outside ' rooms, front, back and sleeping porch es, heat, aot water and phone. 7'J1 Northrup. near 24th. ROSE if HIEND, corner Broadway and Jef ferson Elegant unfurnished apartments. first-class service, private phone; ref. K.EELER APTS., 14th and Clay sts. Now is the time to secure higb-grade permanent apartments ; references. Mar. 5753. ROOJEVELT. Kearney l Five rooms. 25 and $30: attractiv tly arranged. THE AMERICAN. 21st and Johnson, 3. 4, rooms, reasonable. Mar. 3360. . 7&0 IRVING. 6 sunny outside rooms, two 1 e e p 1 ng pore nes. jtteis. Mars hall 1758. 1 HE MARLBOROUGH. 21st andFlandere Large light 5t 6 rm&, re a a. 51. 7ol0 Aoid. FOB RENT. Unfurnished Apart meets. KNICKERBOCKER APTsT10th and " Har- rison; one 3-room apt, corner, private balcony and phone; splendid location; MAYO APARTMENTS. 503 Union ave. N.. near Broadway new. strictly modern 3-room apts.. reasonable. Furnished or Cntitmi-ned Apartments. MORGAN. FLIEDNEK & BOYCBL 413-321 Morgan Bid. Fomlsbed and uof uxnienea apartments in ail parts of the eUy; freac variety of locations, sizes and prices. Our free auto mooile at your service in Visiting any of our apartment. Main 3015. a 20 15. THE BARKER, corner of 21st aud Irving Furnished and unfurnished apartments in 2. 3 and 4 rooms, four-story brick ; elec tric automatic elevator, disappearing beds, built-in buff eta and writing desks, plenty of closet room, vacuum cleaner free; also 4-room basement apt., $15. Phono Mar shall 39 6 L HANOVER APARTMENTS. 170 King St.. Near Washington. Under Ne w Management. Absolutely fireproof building; private balconies and phones; 2 and 3-room apart ments, furnished or uniuxniahed; from $17. 5u per month up. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. : 22D AND GLISAN, Largest, most homelike, high-clasa apartments in city; furnished and unfur nished; sleeping porch; walking distance. MARSHALL 31SL ST. CLAIR Apartments, 170 St. Clair St, near 22d and Washington. One 3-room un furnished, 1 furnished ; clean, good serv ice, ery homelike; call and see them and you will be pleased; main line phone In each apai t merit. Marshall 3005. WELLINGTON APTS.. 15tband "Everett: very central, large, light rooms, corner building, 3 r. furnishea. $22.50; 2, r. fur nished, $20; 4 r. uniurnished. $17.50. Main BL'ENA VISTA, 12th and Harrison. Finest apartment-h juse on Pacific Coast, beautiful location, strictly modern, walk ing distance; references. M 1UU1, il 1053. CECELIA APTS.. 22d and Glisan Corner building, all outside apts., private bal conies, direct phone service, one 3-room, $20.60 furnished; one 3-room. $22.60 un furnished. , ' TRLNTY PLACE APARTMENTS THE HOUSE OF TONE. 49-57 TRINITY PLACET MANAGER. PHONE MARSHALL UOL CLAY POOLE APARTMENTS, corner 11th an a Clay 2 rooms, furnished, $20; 3 rooms, unfurnished, $27.50; close In. splen- did. w eil-kopt building-1 FURNISHED suites of 1, 2 and 4 rooms at 244 i Killingsworth ave.; low rent, close to cars. Phone Woodlawa 1907. THE WINDSOR 3 beautiful front coraer moms, rooms turnisneo. E.-i:iOT. KING-DAVIS APTS., 54 King st. 3 and 4 rooms; high-class- references. Main -OoS. MEREDITH 3 and 4-room apts., very rea- " opp. u. main q4. 4 AND 5-ROOM apt., with sleeping porcheZ 185 E. 15th. near Yamhill at aouMisit;. Ill VV MO, OpD. aiU. Alain 7134. REX ARMS, 13th and E. Morrison and llata. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. " " Nice 4-room flat ; sleeping porch, front porch, heat and hot water, gas range, wall bed; only $25. 303 E. 21st. at Haw thorn. Tabor lit3. tt ROOMS, well lighted, fireplace, hot-water . 1U(iu.G, -iu3!. 111, juiniur auu scav enger service free. Rent $25. Key at news stand, ItiLh and Washington sts. Phone Marshall S540. FOR KENT Two 5-room flats, upstairs and downstairs furnace, newly tinted and painted 10S7 Hawthorne ave.. Phone Wallace Drug Co., H 2527 or Tabor 773. 5-ROOM LOWER FLAT -781 Glisan St., hardwood floors, nearly, new, good condi tion, fine neighborhood, fireplace and fur nuce; $la per month. Call Main 2015. PRETTY corner flat, unsurpassed location, accessible to business aud churches, light, clean, strictly modern, 15 days' free rent, open for inspection. Owner, 00 N. 10tn. 5-ROOM flat, all outside rooms, front porch ana duck sleeping porcn; good steam heat and janitor service. Mar. 2700. 10-ROOM flat, close In, on West Side; mod ern; pleasant location; rent greatly re- uuu-u. .vi u i il -fit.. SWELL modern 7 -room flat; furnace and fireplace; $35. 446 Park sL Tabor 76$ or East 1431. $12 A MONTH Newly tinted 4 rooms, close to school and cariine ; desirable location. Ogden. 107 Shaver. Woodlawn 202. $11, INCLUDING -a ater. modern flat, gas range, near Steel bridge. Main 4.m1. B-ROOM lower flat, modern. 188 Lownsdale at inquire 175 lth st S. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 73 Hoyt st inquire 130 ttth st. Phone Main 6278. MODERN 6. and 7 -room flat, close in. In quire 189 16th st. 4-HOO' flat, every convenience, lowest rent, near ?3d, Washington. Main 8988. A 2676. MODERN 5-room flat, 5tb near Jackson. West Side, 10 mln. walk. East 277. MODERN 4-room upper flat, gas range, water heater, furnace. Sellwood 515. NEWLY tinted 6-room flat, with or without garage. 23014 N. 13th. Furnished Flats. 2 -3-ROOM FLATS, furnished or unfsr nished; sleeping porch. light, phone, fuel. Irom $10 up. oOO Chapman St., cor. MilL CORNER ti rooms, newly fumislnd flat, centrally located; cheap rent. F 10b, Oregonian. FOR RENT A 5-room lowerf urnished"" flaT; fireplace, furnace heat, sleeping-porches; rent $2U. Apply Mrs. Boyce, SU7 Water. MODERN 4-room furnished flat. 10 minutes' walk to Union Depot. ISO flalsey st. FURNISHED modern 4-room flats! porch, walking distance. 500 Market. $20 4-ROOM. completely furnished, phone! nguLa, wiiief , wttimiig uisiancx. niast 3310, 549 TAYLO!";, near 17th. nicely furnished 4-room apartment; piano ; $2. Uouekeepiug Rooms. $3 WEEK UP. completely furnished house keeping suites, absolutely cleanest in town ; hot water, baths, and every con venience, free. Desirable people only. Save carfare. The Cadi Hue, 3rd, near Jef ferson. NICE suite of 1-2-3 and 4 housekeeping rooms, partly furnished, at 244 h Killings worth ave., cor. Vancouver. Low rent. Phone Woodlawn 19U7. THE HEAVER, 12b and Marshall, fur nished for iiouskf ping ; gas ranse, elec tric lights, hot water,, laundry free; SS month up; clean place. Phone A 45tj 260 BROADWAY, ntar Madison; beautifully furnished, lare front room, with kitch enette; $1". 1 URNISHED boustrkeeping rooms cueap. Cambridge bld.. ad. er. Morrison. 461 EAST MORRISON Furniahed one and two-room housekeeping apts. Reasonable. OILMAN HOTEL. 1st and IdelFurnished housekeeping rooms cheap; $1.00 week up. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. $12 LARGE, beautiful, sunny front rooms, first floor; sleeping porch, fireplace, porches, yard, fur. complete, and others; walking dist. 5o4 E. Sellwood 1100 or Main 3572, Ycon bldg. TV H. K. rooms, cu suite, $10; single sleeplns room. $5; all three, $14 ; 'J. blocks from- east end Broadway bridge; easy to waik. 327 Larrabee. Phone Mar shall 202. NEWLY papered front housekeeping rooms, 10 minutes' walk from PoBtoffice; free electric lights, phone, bath. Main 1517. 410 4th st. THREE beautiful, furnished, front-room apartment, piano, fireplace, sleeping porch, furnace heat, electricity, sink, hot and cold waur, laundry, fitft floor, $30. 12;; N. 23d. $10 AND $15 Two or 3 large, clean, newly papered, completely furnished H. K. rooms; A xm luster carpet, linoleum; chila taken. 7?--0 E. Yamhill, near 2d. TWO or three large, sunny H. K. rooms, private bath, porch and entrance, adults only. C-72 East Cth st. Phone Sellwood 3 65. WILL share my house, renting 4 large, fur nished rooms for housekeeping; close in. 453 12th EU A 5227. CLEAN, furnished housekeeping rooms, with sleeping-porch, $2 per wek; three rooms, $3; light, water, bath. Tabor 4S3. 2 -ROOM front suite, free phone; $0 month. 350 14th et. T II S ELM S . 101 1 th st. 2 and 3 room s! clean, bath, phone, lights, heat, $14 up. ONE p.r.d two vury nice largo front-H. K. rooms, 420 Main s.. HOUSEKEEPING 402 y- Clay. room with kitchenette. 3 ROOMS First floor, close In, modern; 120 . 13th at Washington. Main S315. TWO well-furnished housekeeping, including wood. 14 Main st. 8-ROOM modern house. 712 hovejov near 22d. Inquire 130 cth st. Main 0273. 607 EVERETT Six rooms; gas.IectHcTty, furnace, walking distance. Phone East 8. WEST SIDE cottaye, 5 rooms. 541 Sherman at. Walking distance. Main SO". 7 ROOM'S Furnace, fl rep '.ace. water heater, yard; clos-j in; desirable. 722 E. Maiu. 1 74 ST AFFOP D ST.. new bucgalow, 5 rooms. SS month. "Main 1375. $10 6-room house. ."0 Oriou st. 3Otf. LLEGAI.'T 0-ri'oiu house. k!io ;r bath, Laurtliiuxst, 35. ; phone Tabor OTOi, FOB KENT. HoU4N BARGAINS. 6-room house. East uth and Morrison. $io. 10-room house. Grand ave. and Oregon, $2o. 10-room house, 321 Montgomery, near Cth. $35. Phone Main 344. $2o RENT for $12.50 Fine, modern eight room house, corner East 01st and Oregon streets; repainted inside and outside, looks like uer; hardwood floors, lights, bathroom. Get the key across the street o-i the corner 6-ROOM modern house, just papered and painted, gas range and heater, linoleum kitchen floor, cement basement. Furnace heat, stationary wash tub. Rent reasonable. Bjelland s Grocery. Main 1867. A 1S67. $2.. 3S7 11TH ST.. good S-roora house suil able for large family. for housekeeping apartments or for rooming-house. Newly papered and tinted; walking distance; good car service. NEW 7-room bungalow, furnace, sleeping porch, built-in conveniences. West Side, 3 curs, jitneys, close in. large lot, east front, fine view. $22. ."o. Bancrolt ave and First st. Key iSl First. WEST SIDE 7-room house with garage, corner 10th and Clifton; modern, $35. 20 t-tock Exchange bids., 3d and Yamhill. Marshall 205. A 4144. ABSOLUTELY modern 6-room residence and inclosed sleeping-porch; best part Rose City Park . $25 ; open for inspection. 424 . E. 40th st. N. a HOUSE, 6 rooms, good condition, wide lot. some fruit or will sell cheap; with sxnaU fash payment, rest like rent Woodlawn 53. C 2432. LOST Black enamel monogram Jiin, family Marshall" 4114. " MODERN 0-room house, in fine neighbor hood, 1 block Sunnyside car. luOO E. Yam. hill. Rent $20. I? OR RENT Nice, cleun 5-room cottage; lawn and fruit trees. 5S9 East Couch st. $12; enquire one door west. LARGE S-room corner house, newly deco rated throughout; rent reasonable. Call today. 11th and Montgomery sta ATTRACTIVE 5-room modern bungalow at R.yerdale. $25, lease if desired; commu tation fare 5c S 200. Oregonian. 6-ROOM $16 and i-.'ooin $22, on Portland Hfigh.s. Postal to Ooi Hoil msi a for infor matlo:i. MODERN six-room house in good condi ti n, 20th aud East Burnside. Sellwood 515 VI L L rent a small house on pleasant lot with bearing fruit trees for $5 a month. MODERN 4-room house with all conveni ences, $6 a month. See owner at 512 Piatt bldg. 7-ROOM HOUSE, 742 Irving St., near new Couch School; rent reasonable. Main 5724. G-ROOM house, strictly modern, furnace. etc.. $15. Phone Woodlawn 197. 1S4 N. 18th st.. 8 rooms modern. Phone Sellwood 1640 5SS FIRST st., 7 rooms, also 500, 8 rooms, desirable modern houses. Sellwood 1040 -ROOM clean house. 2i8 14th St., near Jef ferson. Main 3870. NEW 7-room house. 415 14th st. IL M Tomlinson. City Hall. 9 ROOMS, modern. 70u Northrup st. ?vFH yT-. "ear Jefferson. S rooms, good t"1'u,u". -f-o. o -- nai i way Kxcnange. - ' Furnished Houses. MOST attractive, elegantly furnished tight rooms, basement, garage, lawn ar.d flowers, everything complete, fine furnace; lease s:x months or more to responsible parties. J45 per month. 481 Tillamook, cor. yth. Phone East 6505 or call Reed-Frencn Piano Mig. Co., 10th and Stark sts. IRVINGTON Part of Turnished house, 5 rooms, on cariine; entire ground floor, ln- i-mmug neat, ; UUUItS. 1-jast 4o84, $20 b-rm. fur. house, fireplace, electricity, gas, bath. 13th. nr. Port. Academy. Mar. 4215. 351 W. Park. $22.50 Modern, pretty home, six rooms; unusual conveniences; unequnled at ttiis price. Key 843 East 7th North. IRVINGTON. new, beautiful 0-room house, furnished, rent $40. 21st and Brazee sta. No. 525. E. 49O0. BEAUTIFULLY f-jniinh. rf it-.. strictly modern; rent reasonable. Phone 6-ROOM modern clean bungalow, nice yard and flowers; Richmond district. Phone Marshall 2at, apt. C. WEST SIDE. 6-room bungalow, well fur nished, piano; fine View; reut only X3a Mrtin S4J9. $25 8-ROOM house, partly I urnished, suit able tor 2 apartments, wa living distance. all in the morning. Phone East 1230. 0 ROOMS, extra well furnished; references. 70 1 Northrup st. $18 5-ROOM cottage. 4 blocks Broadway bridge. 420 Ross. Broadway 514. W E L L-FU P.N ISIiED 0-iooni cottage. 34S Tillamook st. Store. ONE of the best corner stores for business in -t he city. If you are i-oniemplutint going inr transferring your business to any other part of the city it will pay you STORES FOR RENT. Three stores for rent In Elks bldg.. on Broadway, near iStark st. Apply secre tary's office. Elks Club. 20 BY 00 brick store, best East Side corner. $40. It! by 00 framo store, same location. o nuimay exenunge. TWO stores, each 23x&4. Nos. 543 and 540 First st. Ownur, 34 Worcester bldg. 4VELL-FURNISHED private office, also desk room, $6 and $7. 723 Chamber of Com merce. OFFICES $10 up: furnUhed offices and .desk room; free phone; very reasonable; Port land's busiest corner. 303 S wet land bldg DESK ROOM, including new desk, phone. car) of cans. etc.. in ugnt airy office ou ground floor. 306 Oak st. BUSINFSS OPPORTUNITIES. WILL sacrifice on account of other busi ness one of the best located pool nails in popular office building, doing good busi ness, terms very reasonaoie. ijay nan down, bal. easy terms. L 181. Oregonian. GROCERY Good corner location East-Side, will invoice stock and fixtures; about $00u required; rent $12. Call 315 Lumber Ex change. 2d and Stark. B. K ERY and confectionery ; ideal West Side apartment district: fine cash cus tom: b".jsy every day; no delivery; a dandy for $050. 310 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Partner in beauty parlor, cen tra 11 v located - small capital required; worth investigating ; references. Give phone nuribT. A D lO.t. Oregonlan. CASH grocery" with living-rooms; good trade, low rent, not too many fixtures. Owner- will sacntice 6U0. Call 248 Stark st. GARAGE owner wants steady, honest man as partner: will guarantee $100 per month; requires .u lor one-nan interest, t;ai. 317 Railway Exch. PRINTERS, READ $20n0 ti-column news and iob plant at half cost; $20u down, balance terms il taken at once. Phone Co'umbia 2it2. SOLID wood and coal business; has auto truck, wagons, etc. i-st.tDiisned long time; a big sacrifice at $200o. Call room 3-". Morgan mag. UP-TO-DATE grocery, fine suburban loca tion, doine better tnan lw daily busi ness; fine stock; invoice, and might con sider some trade. 319 Lumber Exchange. MUST sell butcher shop slaughter-house, il cood town. Eastern Oregon; price rignt have orhe businers; might trade. Address A v 26J, Oregonian, FUEL company doing a large business: own. er wants active man as partner to attend office, etc ; investment $1800, which is fully secured. Call 317 ttaiiway Exch. PARTNER wanted for busy garage, sells . accessories, coea repairing, large storage: .wtii stand iuii investigation. oaii 43 tat st PANiTORIUM. dye works for sale at In dependence. Or. Very good trade. Apply t. jacouson, Mgr.. inuepenaenca. FOP. ,SALF at big sacrifice, the best con fectionery. Ice cream parlor, cigars, pe riodicals, etc., that $4500 will buy. A 4831. GROCERY Doing better than $25 per day; good location, $550. Owner, Main 3005, or P 100, Oregonian. FU RN ITU R K. etc .. in O. A . C. board! n rz he use. reivsonnble ; good opportunity. o Jo. oreg"uian. CIGAR and confectionery ; best proposition; vc-t feme, jbuj . winner, owner, o 102 Oregonian. FOR. SALE Millinery stock and fixtures fine location; would consider part in trade. AD !'. oregonian. HARDWARE for sale at invoice. about S2-.oo. Doinx good busings. Address AJ 1M. Oregonian. CHANCE tor reliable man as partner in Dav ing office, some outside work; requires sma't Investment. Call 248 H Stark st. BUSINESS paying $4 to J10 per day. Am leaving city: $50 cash, $300 bonds. AC 10O, Oregonian. FOR SALE Evaporator plant; new; ;,-ood condition; party changing occupation, must sell. AK 188, Oregonian. PARTNER in established business; small in vestment: money secured. KImore Co., -131 Chamber of Commerce. DrtESSED .skina from Alaska! mink! er mine, fox and sable, at a barguin. T. H Phillips, 201 McKay bldg. BUSt'fcS OPPORTUNITIES. i?OR SALE Up-to-date fuily equipped soda water bottling works, ia one of the best towns in Northern California. Chico and suburb has a population of over 18.WU and is growing rapidly. Besides this we havt a good, large outside territory. Our ptant baa a capacity of 1UO0 bottles daily. Ibis is a snap for the right party. The leason for selling we hae other business interest that we have to attend to For lull particulars c a dress the owners. P. box 7s5. Chlco. Butte Co., Cl. RIGHT NOW is the time we want a few live, enuigotlc men ot anility and ;rogre jvcnes to take an active working interest in our new, modtrn manufacturing enter prise, aud to assume a part of the re sponsibility of the management of the plant. Only men of good nigral charac ter, who can invest a few hundred dol lars ana oe satisfied with a lair salary and part of the profits to begin with are solicited. 418 Lumber Exchange bid. FOR SALE Auto truck and established freight route and business; good paying, all-year business; good roads; truck In Al shape; J14o0; will take part cash, give terms on balance: no trades; this w ill stand strict in vestiga tion. A 104. Oregonian. LIGHT groceries, candy, etc. This is a splen- um iniitj cusn store lor only "f-ou; lias -living-rooms and owner is making more than a good living now and the business can be increased. Call room 30, Morgan building. FOR SALE General merchandise store n suburbs of Tacoma. This is a good chance for an experienced merchant to step into an established business with, a fine fu ture. See Mr. Day at Y'ounglove Grocery Co.. Tacoma. "WANTED Energetic man used to cow. nogs. etc. ; ouu required ; secured ; prefer man and wife, as I have a furnished house, free rent; will guarantee good pay and glvo bank references. Call room 32U, Mor gan bldg. CAUTION, BUYERS I Before closing deal for so-called interest In established real estate business, get ad vice of Portland Realtv Board. PAUL A. COWGILL. Secy. S16 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RESTAURANT Everything new and in gooa snape. win sacrifice at io lor cash. deal. This may be a good proposi tion and it may not. It don't cost any thing to investigate. WHITE, 220 Couch streeu HOTEL for sale with entire equipment, in prosperous town in wasningtou; price XJS.OOU; terms half cash, balance in pay ments to suit purchaser. A V "0 Orego nian. PROFITABLE WOOD BUSINESS All-year contract ; Dig paying proposition ; estab lished business, with auto truck; $000 cash will handle this; do not apply unless you have the cash. AE 195, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE business wants a steady partner; experience is not necessary, and small Investment required. Can make large profits with energetic partner. Call room .;20. Morgan bldg. A GOOD general dry goods business in a town of about O0O inhabitants, with a gqpd, big steady payroll and good farm ing community; about $,"00O cash required. Address AV 220, Oregonian. SOLID BUSINESS Owner wants a partner ne can aeueuu on to tena in Olllce, check goods, etc.; pay $u0 month at start; requires small investment. Call room 320 Morgan bldg. BOO. MING-HOUSES. MRS. M. EL LENT. Leading Hotel-Apartment-Mouse Agent. Both Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency in City. 503-9 N. W. Bank bldg.. oth and Morrisoa. 30 ROOMS and large hall, maple floor, best ust riae corner, -in is no use nus been overhauled and is in first-class shape, $00 325 Railway Exchange. ROOMING-HOUSE for sale cheap; rooms all full. inquire 3U0 1st. APARTMENT-HOUSE. 51 rooms, rent $185. long lase, full; paying. Marshall 294o. BUSI NESS OPrORTlMTl K S WANTED. WANTED Management first-class apartment-house. Would rent; might purchase; best references. D l?rf2, Oregonian. WANTED Investment with services in reputable business; state business, amount required and salary. AH 170, Oregonian. LOST AD FOUND. FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light Sc Power Company, and owners thereof may claim same at the First and .Aider street station. Marshall 5100, A 6131: October 30 -3 suitcases, 'Z books. 1 book ear- tickets, 'J single gloves, 1 pair uuio gioves, x luncn Ijox, s umbrellas, 2 purses, 1 eiect i ic heater, sack of bat teries. 1 necklace.. M packages. 1 tool bag, 1 bundle, broom and tin, 1 bundle rihbofi in envelope, 1 letter, 1 shawl, 2 grips, 1 basket, l jug. 1 pair gloves. October 31 12 umbrellas, 2 pairs gloves. 1 roll papers, 1 bundle canvas, 1 sack, 1 prayer book, 1 book of car tickets, 1 loaf bread, 1 purse. 1 package remedies, 1 red sweater, l pair shoes. 1 package dry goods, 1 hand grip. 1 raincoat, 1 bundle. 1 book, I lunch box, 1 ring. 1 hairpin. LOST Near 12:h-st. bridge and Holladay Park, red fox scarf. r mder please re turn to 13S Laartfl hurst are. Phono Ta bor 3184. Reward. FOUND Near Postoffice. woman's handbag. containing money - and other articles. Phone city editor. Main 7070, after noon too ay. LOST -On Baseline road, coat and over coat. Reward if found. T. R. Alter. Phone Main 47S3. 104 Second. . LOST A black-and-tan dog, about 0 months old, license No. 1503. Return to owner at 265 Clay st.. receive a reward. LOST Pocketbook. postal telegraph card .with name and S9. Return Hotel Ben son. Cashier will reward finder $40. PARTIES taking umbrella from Globe The ater Sunday will please return to box office, as they are known. HAND carved coral brooch mounted with small pearls. Finder please call up E. 3037 and receive reward. SPECIAL NOTICES. Propolis Invited. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the undersigned. 401 Court house, until 4 P. M.. December 2, 1015, for automatic sprinkler equipment, and for general work of fireproofing of furnace rooms, in various schools, Portland, Or. Bids will be opened in room 304. Court house, at same time.. Deposit of $5 is required for each set of plans and speci fications, which may be obtained at the office of F. A. Naramore. superintendent of properties. 303 Courthouse. Certified check for lo pej- c. ni of amount of pro posal, "payable to R.a H.- Thomas, Schoo. Clerk, must accompany each proposal. Board of Directors j eservej? tho right to reject any and all proposals. This supersedes .-.ills for bids for the above dated October 0 and 14, respectively. R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk. . Dated November , 1015. - NOTICE OF SALE OF IRRIGATION DISTRICT BONDS. Sealed proposals will be received by the board of directors of the Suttles Lake Irrigation District, at their oft ice In Lam bert's store building, near Grand view PoBtoffice, Jefferson county, Oregon, up and until the hour of 10 o'clock A. M- of Monday, the 2-d day of November, 1915, for the sale of the bonds of said irriga tion district to the amount of Six Hun dred Thousand Dollars t&tSOO.OOO), which bonds were authorised Issued by vote of said district on the 2d day of October, 1915. No bonds will be sold for leas than 90 per cent of the face value, thereof. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. All bids should be plainly marked. HARRY J. CH ENOW ETH, President. C. L HEN LINE, Secretary. M Isoe llaneou s. BARGES tor rent. 400 tons capacity. Mala mo. FINANCIAL WE BUY mortgage bonds and notes. WESTERN BOND t MORTGAGE CO., SO 4th st.. Board of Trade Bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers' Interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. II. S. Noble. Lumbermen's bldg. WE buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Rob ertson & Ew ing, 207-8 N. W. Bank bldg. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mtga, purchased. Lewis At Co, 4 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan on Real Estate. MONEY Any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. W H. Seitz, 310 Spalding. Main 6584. $200, $.;5U. OW. $V)00, $12O0, $lMo. Fred W German Co., 73- Chamber of Commerce. T MOr-EY to loan, city and farnrTland J J. C.haltn, 635 Chamber of Commerce. ' BUILDING loans direct to owners with mi- pervising M.imn.i.. .m nn. io Oak St. $iuoo UP to $5QuO to loan on reaiestate. Tabor 2520. FARM AND CITY MORTGAGE LOANS. A. H. HARDING. ::13 CHAM. OF COM. $50' TO LOAN on real estate. Call for par ticulars ai, 512 Plctt bldg. LOANS on good first mortgages. The Ore gon Home Builders, 1330 N. W. Bank bldg. $ilboo AND $40O to loan on improved-property, 7 per cent. AE T.H. Oregonian. S730O OR LESS, improve-1 farm or city prop erty. B 106. Oregonian. - LOOK NOW U. L. Murton has money to loan. 267 H Oak st. Main 1743. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOU IS S A LO M ON A CO., 30t Q A K ST. $50o UP, 7 and S per cent, no commission. no ueiay. waio. ci'dmiig mug. MONEY TO LOAN IN ANY AMOUNT.T Hammond Mtg. Co., 424 Cham, of Com, VINANCL-VL. Money to Loan on I weal Lta: PORTLAND TRUST & SAY INGS BANK MORTGAGB LOANS. Prompt service. Reasonable terms. PORTLAND TRUST & SA INGS BANK. Sixth and Morrison sta MON K Y LOAN ED. Improved business yioperty, & to per cent. Improved i evidence property, $ to I per cent. Improved farm property, I to S par cent. WH1TMEK-KELLY CO, 711 Plttock Block. TO LOAN AT 7 PER CENT. $3ut0, $JU0, $37ut, $40o0. $5MtfU to $15,004 On P-rtlana improvea property ar close in acreage and improved laruis. GOOUSKLL DUOS. . iOl Lewis Bldg MOKTGAUK LOANS. Any amount, ow rate, promptly closed Attracts e repa nient privilega. A. U. HLKRELL CO., . 217 Nortn w estern JUank tads. Maisnull 4U4. a 4118. MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPRoVEO KEAL LSTATE FU.t BC1LDING FCriPUSis. iiKV FLEXI BLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSION COLUMBIA LIFE Ar TRCS1 CO. 202 STEVENS IbDO. $1200 TO LOAN at 7 per cent, $1500 at 7 , per cent. $2wu at 7 per cent. Only good residence property considered. F. i-. Bowman &. Co., Com. Club bids. Broau way U26. A 3251. GOOU aup;; of money to loan on im proved Portland leatty at ti to per t--. r arm loans 7 aud & per cent. MALL At VON B OUST EL. 104 2d St.. near stark. $30u TO LOAN on first mortgage real estate teeurity. Full particulars at 512 Piatt building, south w est corner Park and , Washington sts. w LOANS will bo made on central retail tousiuesa properties, i and 7 per cent on oth-r securities. Edward E, Goudey Co., Northwestern Bank blag. TO LOAN 4iK,uwj uit L&Ssi. FA BRING TON, 80 4TH ST.. BOARD OF TRADE' BLU. MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOLiNV. OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGES CO.. INC, Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and iahUL, $5oo, $O0l and upwards on improved reai estate; favorable terms: no delay; no proKeragi. jonn aiu, ,nt tpataing blag. FIELDS Ae HONE V MAN MOK1GAG& oJ! rn u Air ki b'TTnjrih: 1025-1U2U YEQN BLDG. $ To LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 314 31o Failing bldg $1000,000 AT 7 PER CENT on choice Oregon farina or city property; fire insurance. M KKNZ1E t CO.. 515 Gerlinger bldg. 5 TO 8 on city and farm property. Mort gages and contracts purchased. R. H. BloSbom, 1125 Northwestern Bk. bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Properties handled for non-residents. Coe A. McKenna & Co.. 727 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEE us today for loans on Improved city property. to S per cent; $200 and up. Cellars-Murton Co.. 8:5 Yeon bldg. TO J-OAN $2oo. $300, $loo0 and several larger sums. Main 1955. Money to LoanChattels and Salaries. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES, We have one of the finest retail Jew elry stores in the city; loan department is conducted in connection with same, making ousiness STRICTLY CONFIDEN TIAL; absolutely no sign designating loan business displayed In trout of our store; all merchandise pledged is held for period of 12 months, whether or not interest is paid when due, we are licensed arid have been established since 188; no connection with .any other loan establishment iu tuts city. A, & M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS. 324 Washington St, MONEY TO LOAN. YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. at legal rates, on Dlamonua. Autos, pianos. Furniture, Livestock or Motorcycles, pay back at $5 per month or mora. Interest 3 per cent. OFFICE ABSOLUTELY PRIVATE. . PORTLAND LOAN CO.. LICENSED, ail Dekum bldg.. 3d and Washing ton. SALARY LOANS O.N PLAIN NOTES. QUICK SERV1CS. BUSINESS STRICTLY. CONFIDENTIAL YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL WEEKLY OR MONTHLY PAYMENTS. . STATU SECURITY CO, LlCttNSl&D. IPS FAILING BLDG. MONEY AT ONCE. LEGAL HA 1 OF INTEREST. Diamonds. Jewelry, Musical Instruments. All Pledges Held One Year. Separate Department for Ladiea, ELBY COMPANY (Licensed. 320 Lumber Ex. Bldg., 2d and Stark sta MONEx to loan ou aiamonus and jewelry at legal rates; all articles held one year; esatblished since 188.- Dan Mark. 74 3d. LOWEST rates on furniture and household goods. Geo. Harvey. East 1172. Loa n V anted. LOAN of $2500 on 5 full lots, corner, with house. East Side, value $0OUO. No iucun brauce of any kind against them. Firi mortgage. Address P. o. Pyx G4Q. city. WANTED Private money to loan on city property; all amounts. Financial dept.. The Oregon Home Builders. 1330 N. W. Bank blog. WISH to borro w from- private party, with -out commission, 2lK0, 7 per cent, 3 yearj. Security ample. O I'.'j. Oregoniuu. WANTED At once, $1500 on city property worth $10,000; will pay S per cent. E. J. GEiSER, 417 Chamber of Commerce. AT ONCE $10,000 on high-grade Income bearing property worth ttiO.ouu ; deal only with principals. AE 108, Oregonian. $3000. 8 PER CENT, city income property, worth $7500; principals only. P 205, Ore gonian. WANTED Lean of 5S-00 on close-in acre age, worth $2000; pay 8 per cent. BC 137, Oregon ian. ' PERSONAL. HAIR GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. SO-lncb wavy switch, 3 sep. .........$1.85 24-inch wavy twitch. 3 sep. ........ l.uo All-around transtormatiou 1.45 HalrdreEsing, shampoo, face massage, hair bobbing, manicuring, 25c. Hair re moved by electric needle; switch made combings,- 05c, We buy your combings. Sanitary Parlors, 400-412 Dekum bldg.. d and Washington. Marshall 1702. FEB VET & HANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; tin est stock human hair goods, switches trom 85c up; nan dressing, municuriug, face and scalp treatment, combings mad 3 up to or. dcr. 147 Broadway, nr. Morrison. Main 54&. LOUISE NETZEL. trained nurse and mas seuse, gives treatments for rheumatism, j urn bug u. neuralgia, etc.. tub baths, mas sage and electric blankets; lady assistant, 256 11th st. Marshall 5u3-i. open Suncai. AN l ONE! knowing the whereabouts of John f'uhaty, late of Vancouver. B. O. piease writti or call pearl Puhaty, Hotel Medford. 122 N. 5th. M ME. FON EDA, RENOWNED PALMIST. Foneda gives Instructions in palmistry and card-readings. Daily, lo A. M. to 8 P. M. office, 31 to Yamhill st., corner KHh. SWEDISH and Mag. Masaage at your home or R 31, 350 Morrison. Expert manipu lators. Rosena Taylor D. A. T. Main 4521. WHEREABOUTS, dead or alive, wanted by daughter of C L. Friable. Mrs. L. L. Evans. Tacoma, Wash. MRS. STEVENS, 24 years Portland's re nowned palmist and clairvoyant, has her temple open dally. 373 Taylor st. SFIUITL'ALISM Rev. May A. price; Circle Tuesday 2; Wed. and Sun. 8 P. M. ; read ings dally. 603 5th st. Marsnali 5U60. NORWEGIAN trained nurse and masseuse, electric blanket treatment; hours 12 A. M., p. M. 208 3d st.. rooms 2 and 3. FROM ALASKA Mink, sable, ermine and fox skins; save the miodiemnn'N profits. T. H. Phillips. 201 McKay bldg. AS-CAP-SO promptly relieves headache, neu ralgia and la grippe. For salo by Portland Ho tel P harmac y. IMIiRELLAS. all colors and styles; largest stock ; re-covering ; new hajid les put on. Meredith's. 320 Washington st. FRANCES DE MAYO, sculp specialist. 3o0 Morrison st. Office 2o2. CALL Main 8359 for electric treatments for rheumatism, lumbago; reasonable. - MANICURING and electrical treatmeu Ethel Burk, 1'J Lafayette bldg. DR. iLTHEL A. SACIiV. painless chiropodist. Room 307, U8 Graud ave. East 4785. MAY 1R WIN. electric treatment, room 21 5. 350Vs Morrison street. SOPH I A B. SEI P moved to 013 Turney bldg.. Ta.vlor and 2d. Main C.NMi. MOl.ES. superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. P. Hill. 42M Filed n ?r bld. Main 3473. EASTERN trained operator gives facial, scalp massage. 125 Bth at., room 2. BALM OF FIGS COMPOUND. Royal Tonic Tablet. 504 Davis st. Phono Main 2393. LESSONS in phrenology and card readings, 2:;5 6th st. Phone Main 7548. FUR SHOP New orders, remodeling, trim ming. O0 5 Swetland bldg. GENTLEM EN Manicure, shampoo, face mts sage. 35c. 707 R"thchird. 2S7 u. Wash st. MADAME NONO. teacher oC palmistry and card readings ;; 7 i ainliili tt. LAWYER. Contultation free, US PiLLuk Block. v.