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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1915)
TUB 31QRMXG OREGOXIAX. TUESDAY. SOVEMRKR 2 " . - , - j ' ' 15 TV -I - M I " I K A T EST4TR I . 1 , I IS?? T rrr T" 11, r , k..-i,. : . . .vvnaju-Bi. i5IJIE. ros sale. I 1 1 ; i , i 1 1 Thin 1 - ... . . . kl T . ' ' sor m rawrmmon or the public, to sriv. an -, .,,. i dl"e"n' Un business wtUch the average person mfy tSaZSZ t.JtM11! Any InformatlonwhichciDnot be found her. wi "e tSdly (krolshed by phoning Main 7070 or A C095. Hons. 40 Siaair ABSTEACTANDTITLES, E1 SERVICE at reasonable prices. Pacific Title & Trust Co. 7 C a. of Com. ACCORDION PLEATING. K. STEPHAJf, hemstitching, scalloping, ac cord. . side pleat, buttons covered; mail orders, aca pittock block. Broadway loua. Pleating. hemstitching, buttons covered. eastern Jiovelty Co.. 85 Vi Sth. B'way SUM ADDING MAClIXMi8. THE Adder Machltta Co., mfgs. Wales Ad ding and listing machines, 107-s .N. W. -Manic bxdg. .Main 549. AsBKsTOa BOOtlXG MATERIALS. Inquire about Asbesto Rubber Roofing and ftsoesto Cement. Rate &. Co., Mum bldg. ASSAVEKS AND ANALYSTS. M siHASrJAY oiiI-'1i. 2d. Uold, ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW. 11. Y. KREEDMAN . Consultation free. Wild Chamber of Coin. CANCER. ri MLf' M- .JONE;i. M. Practice limit gtxclusiveiy to cancers, 312 Morgan bldg. CARPET HEAVERS. Si(Z?ilHES'I: HUci CO- Kugs from old car Pcts rag ruSs. it-s E. Sth. Both phones. CELLULOID BCTTOXS. BAOGES. THP i-it... . Washington St. jlaln 312 and A 1251. CHIROPODISTS. William, Estelle and wiiiium 17 nvv- pLrwiy f1a,aotinc chiropodists in the city! u- OwJinser bldg.. southwest corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CIHRrfrJ?Y an1 Pedicuring. Mrs. M. I. - CHIROPRACTIC 1I1VSH IA" I'fak?nMAHO-N "xth ear- chronic cases tasting time ai treatments. worth S..Q, save the difference. lai 3th St. COLLECTIONS. ? of any description collected on per. ni,BO ?yw,n"e- Ushest class reter tv he Jiaraen Mencantiie Agency, - Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 4M. COLLECTION ACiENtV. 3r. .u Worcester bldg. Main 1730. No collection, no charge. Established 1!X0. DANCING. t. SiIIER, dancing Academy, 854 0th St.. bet. fctark and Oak; spl rates. 4 pri vate lessons $2. morning, afternoon, even--iiT' ,u.'"c" dances guaranteed; class ' hurs.. Sat, evenings. 7-S:oU. Bdwy. 2100. 1IITuL'I'tWSCHO Lessons dally; class w, FrL'fve., 8 to 1. i, 2d St.. bet. Aa-sh. and Stark -Main son- t " "ri ,m,EiY BfJ)G- -1 and llorrlson-lo leT """ classes Mon.. Fri. eve. Mar. 313. EN'EE IDE REAL European dance artiste i rivate or class lessuns. Main 10li7. EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. P w ",.7, "Peclalist; glasses fitted. Dr. ' F- -asaday. 517 Dekum bid.. 3d & Wn PIRE INSCltANCE. PACIFIC STATES EIRE INSURANCE CO. LLMIBER. CHAS. n. M'CABMICK CoTU Yeon bldg. MESsENtiER WEKYICK WHOLESALE AND ACTO AND BI GGY TOPS PUBRUILLE I.UGG V TOP C O. 201 !0'j 2d st. n A i . .- i i i , . 7 7T 7z Paggage & Omnibus Transfer. Park & Davis. t,,.i t , BREAD BAKERY. Iioal Bakery A: Conf. Inc. lltn and Everett. BREWERS AND BOTTLEKsI I1KNRY WE1NHARD. loth and Burnslde. T?)???8- NOTIONS, FIR.MSU1NGS. ILrli-CH.NHR. MAYER X- CO.. 2U7"slft. i. kk KI',;tTRlCAl. SLPPLIES. ftubbs Electrical Co.. 6th and Pine sta. GRAIN MERCHANTS. " Alhers Bros. Milling Co. Front and -rshall H. M. HOI SER. Board of Trade bldg. . GROCERS. WADHAMS & CO.. 67-75 Fourth street THAXHAfSEK HAT CO.." 03-55 Front st v- WOP.L-.. CASCARA BARK. iji r ront St. con MP.1A Neckwear Mfg. i-q.. S3 5th st AUCTIONS SALES TODAY. At Raker's Auction House. 166-16S Park St. Furniture, etc. Sale at lu A. M. DIED. BOOS Novernhfr 1. at 403 Rod no y avpnue, Jrtha E. Boos, ape "J7 yars, beloved wife of C corpse K. Boos, tlauc titer of "r. May iallovay. sister of Clifford Richurdsou, Irene iawrencc, Iloyd and Mamie Gallo- ay. funeral announcement later. He mains at A. R. Zcller rarlors, TiO'J Wil- i liams avenue. CORMLET The remains of the late William r.ormlcy will he shipped to Mulrane, Kan.. Wednesday. November 3, from Dunning &, McEa tee's parlors. It RTCK Leonard Krtck, a g;ed 53 years, at the residence, 1S1 Eleventh street. Kovem I'er 1. Remains arc at Holman's funeral parlors. Announcement of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. WILLIAM? The funeral services of Zulu Wttbb Williams, beloved wife- of Forrest B. Wiliiams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Webb, will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at .1:30 P. M. today (Tues- day). Friends invited. Interment Jt'ivei view Cemetery. Service at the grav private. IBHOADN'AX The funeral senlces of the late Robert II. Broadnax will bo held at the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dun-tiing-, Iiat lrde funeral directors. 414 Kni. Alder. Tuesday evening, Nov. L at ;;.( I. M. FriL.nls invited. interment at Lone Fir Cemetery. LKNOTR- A. Lenoir, aped 73 vears, at the residence, 364 Fourteen t h street, beloved husband of Louise Leaoir. Friends invited " to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2 P. M. today (Tuesday , November '2. In terment River view Cemetery. ICTZ The funeral services of thelte Mrs Elizabeth Luta will Do held at Holman's funeral parlors at 10 A. M. tomorrow ' (Wednesday). November '2. Friends in vited. Interment, Rlvervlew Cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. The only residence undertaaing establli neat In Portland with private drive a ay Main 0. A liua. J. P. FINLEY & ION. Montgomery at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN. the laadlai funeral director. 220 Third street, corner fealmon. t-ai assistant, a X511. Mala oo. F. S. DUNNING. INC. East Bide Funeral Directors. 414 East Al der street. East 52. B ibii. A. K. ZliLLLEH CO.. 5U2 WILLIAMS A.VO. East 1U&8, C 1US8. Lady attendant. Day and night service. DUNNLNO & M' EN TEE. funeral directors. Broadway and Piiie. Phone Maui 43U, a e0o& lady attendant. MILLER dt TRACEY, Independent funeral 4lrectora Funerals as low aa $40, 160 Washington and Ella sta Main 26L A 788 P. L. Lerch. East 11th and Clay Lady assistant. East 78L ' BKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY id and Clay. Main 4152. A 2321. Lady attendant. R. T. Byrnes. William ave and Kaau. g. 1115. c 1943. Lady attendant. BREEZE si SNOOK, Sunnyslde Parlors auto hearse. TP?g Belmont- Tab 1258. B V-ios Phone Yqur Want Ads to THE OREGONiAN Main 7070. A 6095. , , 7-rrrrrrr u u a j. , t ', MUSICAL. Emli Thieihorn, violin teacher, pupil Sevcik. 207 Flledner blag. A 410U. Marshall 1629. OLD GOLD. I BUT OLD GOLD. Old Jewelry a Specialty. B?fVr bo"ht Assayer. f. a. Sen net t. 610 Northwest Blag., 3274 Washington st. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIAN'S. Why pay biff prices for glasses? I can fit your eye with, first-quality lenses In a gold-filled frame, as low as $1.50, lenses diinHjAti at hie saving, satisfaction guaranteed. C. W. Good man. optometrist. 209 Morrison, Main 2124- PATENT ATTORNEYS. R- C. WRIGHT 2a years" pracUce U. S. and foreign patents, tiol Dekum bldg. 1 PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 3189. PRINTING. K.EYSTONB PRESS. J. jj. Gantenbeln. Mgr.. Printing and Ilnotjping. 100, FrOnt St.. cor. Stark. Main or A 1418.. RAG BIGS AM) IXLTF BUGS. New ' rug from old ingrain. Brussels Smyrna. Axmlnster carpets; carpet clean ing, refitting, resizing, country orders prompt attention. Send for booklet WESTERN FLUFF RUG CO, REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P.. 404-405-406 Wilcox bldg. ASSOCIATED INVEST. CO.. 621 TEOX. BENEDICT BROS.. 030 Hanthorne ave. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. ALWAYS PICK THE BEST. Household Goods Specialists, storage. Packing, ship ping and Moving. Horse or Auto Vans. Special freight rates to all points. C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO.. 2-d and Pine sta. Broadway 596. A 1996. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St.. corner 13th. Telephone Main 89 or A 16. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses and terminal tracks. Lowest insurance rates In city MANNING WAREHOUSE A TRANSFER CO. Reduced freight rates to all points. Moving, packing, shipping, storage. Broadway 703. 0th and Hoyst sts. MADISO.V-ST. DOCK AND WAREHOUSE Olfice 1S9 Madison. General Merchandise and forwarding agents. Phone Main 7691. ' TAXIDERMIST. PHEASANTS Trcpared for hats. 60r Swetland bldg. WOOD. S4.25 WOOD J4.25. Dry seasoned second growth fir wood delivered anywhere lit Montavilla or ML Tabor district. $4.25. Tabor 5470. IHST-CL.AMS seasoned fir, 4.50; distant delivery. S4.75. National Fuel Co, E. 2d and Oregon. East 2041. GREEN ana dry slaliwood, blockwood. Pan-r-ma Fuel Co. Main 5720, A 3S09. DRY blockwood, dry slabwood. bark. Mult nomah Fuel Co. M. 5540. A 2116. EOR DRY BOXWOOD PHONE OREGON jere jiru. i MAIM 6563. A 0596. MANUFACTURERS MILLINERY. BRADSHAW EROS., Morrison and 7th at. PAINTS AND LIBRICATINO OILS. w. p. FULLER & CO.. llith and Davis. D .e..,.IPA:?,TS' 01L Alil GLASS. RASMLSaKN & CO.. 2d and Taylor streets. PIPE. PLfE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PLUMBINO AXO STEAM SLPPLIES M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front St. PR1NTEKS AND PIBLISHERS. F. W. BALTES & CO., ist and Oak sts. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS EVEPDINO & FABRELL. 14u "ronL T.o.-.VV1 BINDING TWLNE. rortland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northmn . T,, , SAFETY RAZOR HONING. AT'TOMATIC KEEN EDGE COTT 189 SASH iwwTiJij ft 777T77r, P. E i I LL E R & C O.. 12 1 h He-.. IV All a w. . . MOROAX WALL PAPEKCQ., !!SO 2d st. FLORISTS. MARTIN 4 FORBES CO.. florists S47 Wash- ingtori. Main 269. A 1269. FloWera'Ior ail occasions artistically arranged. CLARKE BROS., florists. 287 Morrison stl Main or A 1803. Fine flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. MAJ7,- SM1TH- Main 7213. A 312L Selling building. 6th and Alder eta. """B Tsf S hJ," a.HLOR.AKwCO" 2S3WashiH,7S5 St.. bet. 4th and Sth. Main 5102. A Xlut. MONTMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-266 4th 5 SL'-.CUy Ha"-.ain 8564. Philip Neu 6 Sons for memorials. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 574 BELJIOAT ST. Phones East 1423, B 2515. K n .1 iviw. Open Day Report 1I cases of cruelty to tills ot L"'a' chamber for small animala. Horat, ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone de sirlng a pet may communicate with us. NHj today. MORTGAGE LOANS fodiy. fc Loan aujckiy closed. ciu RCA, LARGE LOAXS ON s-3 j BUSINESS PROPERTIES O? A. H. BIRRELL CO. 117-219 Northwestern Bank Bnlldlnz. Marshall 4114. A 4118. BONDS MORTGAGES" Large amount of COT on improved in rnoney to loan at O fa side p r o p e rty Residence loans 6 and 7 per cent cordtni? to location. ac Bonds and Mortsraees for Sale. BOERTSOJI & EWIXG, 207-8 Northnewtera Bank BnUdlnir. Western Bond & Mortgage Co, . Own Money al Cnrreat Ritn come to HKADOTIARTFTf C vour MORTGAGE LOANS fAUxt . jT CRONAN PORTLAND, Okrl Y "V a "!tn Properrlea In Aw Amount at Current Bates aAXSKAB-TSCMFSOH; Til films 4 Coiner fourth, and fctaxk etneta. REAL ESTATE. For Bale Lots. HALF-ACRC. JjoO Lfnts. west half lot block 3. CAi.ll-s addition- want loarT le?en,l."ca;0",:er- Stry "idgtrLos10: LAVRELHl'RST SNAP I have the tot buy in Laurelhunst lot for cash. AD li5. Oregonlan. PiR,TijAXD Heights view lot. fine trees: will build tj salt on easv payments Marshall 4S27. BROOKE. A. 3838 For sale by owner, lot 7 in block 10s. Laurelhurst; this Is a beautifully located i .next lo corner m fast growing section of Laurelhurst; if you are looking for a home site or an investment this is your opportunity; must sell. See owner, room 203qregonlan bldg. tiJS SACRIFICE. Southeast corner and inside 8.1st and Sandy Boulevard. Unin cumbered, beautifully located. Owner, 6"S Commercial block. LARGE, beautiful view homesite. West aide, 15 minutes' ride, 5-cent fare. Best value in Portland for r,50. 10 down. So amonth. M. E. Lee. 5o5 Corbett bldg. SACRIFICE $ lojO Laurelhurst corner for SoM. AP 189. Oregonlan. For Sale House s- PORTLAND HElGUTa SNAP. All nw and fresh, s minutes' ride on Portland Heights car from Postoffice. a blocks from Washington st. Perfectly mod ern houj&e, four sleeping-rooms and enam eled and tiled bath In upper story: won derful larg3 living-room with largest cut stone fireplace in city, taking o-foot log; unusua.' dining-room with beautiful view, and fireplace; dream of kitchen, all whits enamel and tiled floor. 3 built-in fi'etess cookers, hooded gas range and all Dutch kitchen conveniences; mld's room, bath and toilet, hfatlug plaut. laundry, wine closets, etc, lu lower story and large stor. age basement below; solid oak stairs, great porch and sleeping porch. This is one of the most unusual places In Portland. Am leaving city, rlll sell for tSOOO. liberal terms to right parties. Phone or address W J. Scott, owner, Carlton Hotel, city, and arrangements will be made for your Inspection. BEAUTIFUL new modern S-room bungalow. - blocks from Hawthorne ave... full cement basement, stationary trays, furnace, hard wood floors, built-in bookcases, beautiful buffet and fireplace, beamed ceiling, pan eled dining-room, Dutch kitchen, white enamel bedrooms, bath and kitchen; dou ble constructed, best of material and work manship; beautiful electrical fixtures, shades on windows, linoleum on kitchen and bath; big sacrifice; small payment ,?T- bal- "ko rent- Call owner. Tabor 1418 or Tabor 619. R. E. Allen. EVER STOP TO THINK that a dollar RIGHT NOW will go dou ble distance in buying a beautiful mod ern honvi? Here's one In Laurelhurst that s a bargain; 7 rooms, all very large; ha-rdwond doors, fireplace and furnace, living a"nd dining-room beautifully fin tfhed In old ivcry enamel and mahogany; built-in effects; right near the park; it's ready to move Into; lot 0x114 ft.: price only $3975; small payment down and bal ance like rent: better see this. J. W. -?.9SSLE"Y- Main 15u3. Sunday call Main a i.i.s. Auto service. NEW and modern 12-room residence situ ated in the heart of Irvington. The rooms and hall are all large and spacious and finished in mahogany, oak and white enamel. This Is without doubt one of the finest residence properties in Portland and w-111 bear the closest scrutiny of the -most critical. Inspection of premises, price and terms only to those actually Inter ested in the purchase of a first-class A-l modern home. AP 181, Oregonlan. FOR SALE--That new house in Irvington on E. 17th North, between Siskiyou and Klickitat. East front, side street, fine trees. large llvlng-foom. 14x25, dining room, cabinet kitchen and breakfast-room downstairs, tbree bedrooms ard inclosed sleeping porch upstairs. White enamel finish, tile mantel, hardwood floors. Cer tain conditions make it possible to offer this place at a very low price. Address tor particulars BF 64. Oregonlan. ATTENTION. HOMESEEKERS. I have $2000, 7 per cent, to loan respon sible party to assist in building home; also have, a fine lot In LAURELHURST. near park, which ypu can have for 1100. S1O0 down and $20 per month: have Urge num ber of up-to-date bungalow plans which yon may use without charge; am not a builder. Mr. Delahunty. During day A lol5. evenings Tabor SS43 THAT VACANT LOT. . .. HY NT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY. BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING; PLANS FREE; WE ARE RESPOXSBLB; WB KNOW USS1 LZAJl 'ITH OUR CLIENTS; SEE OUR WORK. WILL OIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY. CONTRACTING ARCHITECT u24 AB1NGTON BI.DG. WONDERFUL LAURELHURST OPPOR TUNITY Hard times and need of ready cash gives you this- chance to buy a classy modern six-room bungalow, near Laurel hurst Pork, at a tremendous sacrlllce, on very easy terms. Heir's your chance to Ket a home with a future. Tabor 2271" A REAL SNAP. Two lots. 0-room house with attic, new, near school. 5 blocks of car, $2300. Near E. 83d and Clay. Your own terms if re sponsible party. Would consider some trade of vacant lot If properly located. L. R. BAILEY COMPANY, Aomgton mag. 5-ROOM strictly moderr practically new iiome in Rose city farK. This place has every convenience, large fireplace, hard wood floors, all built-in effects, OOxlUO foot lot. fine lawn, fruit trees and flow ers, garage; must sell quick. 2460. LAURELHURST HOMES Before buying, be sure to look at our list of exquisite homes just completed la Laurelhurst, the addition of beautiful homes, from $2500 up, on renx-like terms. LAURELHURST CO.. 270 Stark St. Main loUil. A 1515. MODERN 5-room house, large fireplace "and good basement, located on lot Ooxloo, two blocks from canine, good residence sec tion. $1300. Cost considerably more to build the house, but the property must be Boid. For particulars see attorney, 512 Piatt bldg. .fa-A-LE Modern 8-room residence wlh highly improved quarter block, most de sirable section Holladay's Addition 491 Hassalo. corner E. loth. Price and favor able terms will be made on inauiry to P C Bates. 301 Yeon bldg. "" " IF you are looking for a bajgain In a mod ern home, with fine fireplace, all con veniences, owner will sacrifice 6-room mod ern house in Westmoreland. Make an offer. For particulars see M. E. Lee. iu;, Corbett bldg. MOST beautiful bungalow Hi Laurelhurst hardwood finish and floors throughout, den finished in cocobolo. beBt workman fhip in city; $1000 below cost. Just built 1C20 Oregon st., near 33d. Phone Wood lawn 21.jl. Owner. tt-ROOM bungalow. Rose City Park. L.el me snow you my new and up-to-the-minute bungalow. It is different: terms and price Is right, phone owner. Tabor tiso or come out to 611 E. lst v IF YOU would like to commence the build ing of a new home on your lot and nave It fully financed, come In -nd talk it over. CURTIS. 267 M OAK. it L e,?'d at onc- good 7-room dwell ing. Hawthorne district, hardwood floors fireplace, furnace, sleeping porch and garage, ground 50x115, easy terms. Phone East 8. 5-ROOM modem bunsalow in Westmoreland, im.Noucu, KttiaKe. taae clear lot as first payment. Sell furniture, easy terms. $o0 r,o DOWN, $to a month, buys u three room cottcge. on the West Side 15 min utes' car ride, 5 cents fare. M. E. Lee SO.'. Corbett bldg. ' 5-ROOM bungalow. Rose City Park. S2SU0 terms: new. mnriern nnrt nmr.i i terms; new, modern and complete in every detail; come out to 611 E. 61st N., or pnone Tabor 60. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW Modern, beautiful view, street improve ments In and paid: $300 for short time. .tip,mn ij.i. .&rctili.fc;, A 3S-19. WILI. furnish sketch of home to suit your ideas, and cost estimate without obliga- Z y?v-' x,Tht 0J,eon Home Builders, loJO N. W . Bank bldg. 4-KOOM ' bungalow "plastered, beautiful view, for only $800. $75 cash. $10 a month. M. E. Lee. 305 Corbett hlriir . $10,00050x100. 18th and Lovejoy; modern Improvements, very destrable properfty, for terms phone owner. East 3S99. - 2-ROOM house. Rose City Park, or? . 54th St.- ST!0- tu-vna T-a.1... .On For SaleBusiness Property. CHOICE business lot. 2;x1t3 feet, on hard- lirf!l foil hrllllaioril I I . . which I will sell for J30O on terms, ioee 33ASnMS' Triodern' clears $50 now; price Bum usauc. no agents. .Phone Broadway 481. fekibarbsm Home Z'ropert.T. Good soil, good water, close to carllne asy terms; will build to suit purchaser Pnone Marshall 1585 or Sellwood 47tt, QUARTER-ACRE tracts, only 15ln"uTeV ride, j-cent fare. West RiH -,-.. -. btnbldg.a mDth- E'-Lee- 305'cVr- SUEURBAN HOME, 1 -a acres, St. Johns rood house r,.-, .1. rl ch li ken, $4000 terms! o 1 mLv For Sale Acreage. SPoCwm.,em,?0ny,.nedu,ctlon in th Pr'ce , -" ' land: in dry Summers one irrigated acre does the vork of 2 or 3. easy terms to the right people. Some tracts Improved; sll in cal. tivatlon. J. Hartog. i6 Stark, near 4th INVESTIGATE THIS BEFORE TOU Btii" IS acres near Orenco; best black loam solL all cultivated; $225 per acre; win di vide and give easy terms If desired. See TO dalrj-men only; will cut price to S100 per acre: nothing down for 3 vears- land in cultivation: no bldga. J. Hartog t-tarlc. near 4 th. 1300 ACRE tract at Metsger statlan; near church, school and rtore; SO minutes out a Or. Slec. Inq. 211 Lumber x. bldg FIVE acres, about in culUvatioa, good bafQ- cheap shack, spring water, lies high and sightly, nearly level, 10 H mile aoutb . east of Morrison bridge, near Mt. Scott, nice tract for a Utile home, very cheap price $1000. 1 acre, brush ail cleaned, lies beautiful and sightly, l mile south of end of Wood stock carline. 1-3 mile north from Bell station on Estacada carilne; very cheap at lioO cash. These 2 tracts are fine investments. J. W. OGILBEE, Room 31. 145 First at.. Portland. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES Near Portland, Gresham district; near electric station; 175 to SL'OO per acre, easv terma; best soil, free wood. Farms for sale, ail sixes. FRANK Ai" FAR LAN l3 REALTT CO, SOU Yeon Bldg., Portland. Or. BEAUTIFUL 2 -acre tract, 5-cent fare; make offer. Box 120. Lenta p. O. For Sale Farms. , A REAL BARGAIN. 303 27-100 acres, 55 clearvjd. bal. pasture and timber, plenty of water, all fenced and cross-fenced except 40 acres of tim ber; has a good house. S rooms; barn, granary, wagon shed, chicken house and 2 hoghouses: small rirv-pr -inan. iT . . .. woodshed; about 3 acres in family or- I chard, plenty of small fruit, 3 acres of l -ai i utB en;.; - acres potatoes, 14 acres of corn, 9 acres in clover, 25 tons of hay in the barn, about 00 bushels grain in granary, S cows. 1 Holsteln bull. 3 heifers, 16 hogs, 1 sow, 5 pigs. 9 sheep, 2 horses, harness and wagon, spring wagon buggy, 1 mower, hay rake, l disk plow harrow, cultivator, 1 600 -lb. cream separator and plenty of other small tools; 1 share in rural telephone line; R. K. D. mail close. Price of the abovva, including everything $11,500; will take in exchange $5000 in good residence property In Portland and $1000 in cash, balance mortgage. S. E. Wooster, Estacada. Or. FOR SALE! BY nwvpn 160-acre farm In Central Oregon; 80 acres in cultivation; one and one-half miles from town; attractive bungalow -easy terms. Take good late model auto mobile for part. Address box 207. Red mond, Or. IMPROVED FARM 156 ACRES. Good buildings, good soil, running wa ter, $900 worth of stock and Implements. All $4900. Easy terms or will sell half, with or without personal property. a. ai. nAJiJitJit, jju aiorriaon St. CAN you pay $60 per acre ($19,200) cash for improved 320-acre Willamette Valley farm, worth double? Circumstances com pel real sacrifice. Snap for real money. Nothing else considered. No -agents. No commissions. O 14. Oregonlan 000 ACRES, 460 seeded to wheat, three miles from Condon; good water old buildings. Particulars 31. Fltzmaunce, Condon. Or. FOR SALE Cowlltx County stump lands. $10 per acre up; good soil, well watered. J. R. Sharp. 430 Pittock block. Portland. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT Small Improved acreage close In in exchange for my 40-acre ranch near Jtowe. Has six acres cleared, fine trout stream, is on the main auto road from Portland to Mount Hood. See my agent, B. J. White, 20 Couch st. WANTED, for cash, improved suburban 5 acre tract, convenient to car, school and cood road. Wckefield. Fries . Co., iS5 Fourth st. WANTED Clear city lots for second mort gage of $2400 F. E." Bowman & Co., Com.C!ub bldg 11)16 CHALMERS auto, want good lot Irv ington, Laurelhurst or Rose City Park. Epton. 4o2 chamber of Commerce. GOOD lot Portland Heights. $1200: aUo lot Astoria; want small house, not over $1500. Epton, 4.2 Cham, of Com. WANTHkD A 5-room bungalow within ten blocks of 32d and East Glisan. Phone East 1 5B or B 2244. WANTED Small income business property, part cash, part trade. AO 190. Oregonlan. FOR KENT FARM S- FOR SALE My 8 years lease on 60 acres of good land with good buildings; one year's rent already paid; 6 good cows. 3 fresh ; a new cream separator; 50JG kaie plants, hogs, chickens, wood and. apples and some hay for $500. Address H. R,. Stay ton. Or.. Route No. . FOR RENT Dairy ranch, about 100 acres bottom land, close to city; barn and small dwelling-house. Inquire J. H. Middleton, 424 Chamber of Commerce. WELL-EQUIPPED 75 acres hops, 20 grain, near Portland. o04 Broad wav bid. DAIRY milk route, auto delivery, must sell; place for lease, X 182, Oregon ian. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRA'KEN, 304 M KAY BLDG- FARMS WANTED. SM A LI, ranch, 7 to 12 aero, close in small house, pay cash. AC 198, Oregon ian. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent a small ranch suitable for dairying and hog-raising; prefer one equipped ; may buy later. Address D. L. Peterson. Beach, N Dak. GOOD farm. 50 to 16 acres, i or more yearn. Box 441. Rltnvillo, "Wash. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. REAL BARGAINS FOR EXCHANGE AND SALE. 317 acnes 1 mile from Corvatlis; HIGH GRADE; ineludes 500O personal; price $32,000; terms and up to $18,000 in good property. 6S', acres on electric railroad, all in cutti Aation; up to $6000 in clear property and terms. 19 acres mile Corvallls; Improved; a snap; no trade; $3000. 16 acres. lO bearing prunes; Improved; bargain for S80u. 3 05 acres improved, including stock and implements. $4500; tferras or $2000 In good property. 335 acres, well Improved close to market: a real snap at $19,00; on easy terms. WRITE FOR COMPLETE DESCRIPTION. MORGAN & WALKER. Corvallls. Or. want hood river orchard or good Land near Portland clear for gilt-edged valencia and lemon grove iv miles fkum los angeles; value $30,000. mortgage 70n0. and los angelk5! residence va utb $10.0c0. mortgage s30o0. iirst-class proerty only, oon s1pered. j. b. chaffey. 1102 haas bldg.. los angeles, cal. FOR SALE or exchange for unincumbered Oregon farm or city property in a good lo cation. 56 acres of good orchard land at Wonatchee, Wash.; 35 acres best variety apples and pears, all in bearing except 4 acres of 5-year-old Winesaps; has a $7000 incumbrance with 7 years to run; property will be sold for less than half what it has cost to bring it into bearing. Address S. J. Wilson, 241 jSummitave., Detroit. Mich. EXCHANGE 7 Vii acres improved, only 10 miles from center of Portland, in Clarke Co., Wash., close to carline, no rock, or gravel; price $3000, incumbrance $10oO not due; want house and lot or vacant lots, or what have you? No commission, owners only. 1210 Mac rum ave.. East St. Johns. Or. " EXCHANGES OF VALUE. " " West Side business corner, 100x150, Im proved with stores, flats and cottages; fine future; exchange for acreage within 10-mile circle on carline ; will assume. R. F. BRYAN. 50t Chamber of Commerce. DONiT miss the best 160 acres In Colorado. 1 mile from town; rich soil, 'rrigated. Price $5000. Will sell or trade for Port land property, without incumbrance. Mrs. A. Lust, owner. 4505 42d ave. S. E. WW car. No agents. STRICTLY modern 6-room house, fine dis trict, all conveniences, about $2200 in debtedness, payable $25 a month, includ ing Interest. Would take a lot for equity J. L. Robinson. 5t'5 Corbett bldg. YES. BUSINESS IS GOOD. We deal exclusively In exchanges. We can trade your property; no junk wanted. AYERS & SMITH, Main 72G6 501 Northwest Bldg. 160-ACRE, partly improved farm In wheat belt, Idaho, for 5-room house, prefer Al berta district. Answer quick, leaving for homo next Thursday. 1027 E. 33d North 160 ACRES good land, unimproved. Cali fornia, $o200; want small improved tract S. W. Portland, Would assume. AH lSu Oregonlan. ' $1500 EQUITY in new, modern bungalow for sale or trade for clear lots or acreage in Willamette Valley. Young. 6014 49lii st. S. E. Sell. 1350. - WILL exchange the finest home in Irving ton for well-located citv lots. F. E. Bowman & Co.. Com. Club bldg. WILL TAKE car as part payment in ex change for my equity in modern bunga low. Tabor 3o7. 1713 Oregon st. CAMERA Ansco. $4; folding pictures ux 4J. same aa new. Trade for rifle or guitar Name, make, etc. AF 189. Oregon ian. GOING East, will trade or sell equity in 5-room bungalow. Tabor 387, 17i3 Ore gon st. WILLAMETTE SO, . .substantial improve ments. $6000; want residence. Owner, Chauucey Barney. Oregon City. FIXE saddle and driving pony for sale or trade for good milch cow. Phone East TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. DIAMOND RING (GENT'S). 2 -CARAT. VALUE $450. DIAMOND RING (LADY'6). ABOUT 1 hi -CARAT, $300. "SUNBURST" DIAMOND BROOCH, VALUE ; MAKE 9JCKR. CASH OR TRADE. ALSO SMALL toTOCK. IMPORTED LACE. SILK. AND LINEN SCARFS. TABLE COVERS AND LACE DRESSES, WHOLESALE VALUE -'5. MAKE OFFER. WILL SELL AT BARGAIN. ADDRESS OWNER, AB 115. OREGONIAK. FOB SALE. Horaet. Vehiclens, .Hai-nete, fctc. NOTICE Auction sale of unclaimed horses to highest bidder for feed, bill and other expenses, Mcnday. Nov. 8. at 10 A. M. One white horse, 1000 lbs., about 12 years old : 1 roan horse, 1450 lbs., about 12 years old. Same horses were left in barn Sept. 22, 1915.- L YON S & SON STABLES, Union ave. and E. Salmon. SPAN of matched bays, mare and gelding, 5 and 8 year old. weighing about 23j0 lbs.; good work team, single or double, with set of double harness, $125. Span of mares, 4 and 8 years old, weighing 2300 lbs., sound and true to pull, $15u. Model Stables, 5th and Davis. FARM OUTFIT complete! good sound team horses. 1200 lbs. each, 2 -inch run ning gear, nice lOoO-lb. fat chunk, good saddler, works single and double ; small, medium-sized horses, several wagons and harness; will refuse no reasonable offer. 3S5 E. Market, corner Gra nd ave. $125 TAKES good serviceable ranch team, double harness and farm wagon. 1W67 E. Stark. r HEAD good heavy workhorses. Ankeny (. car-, East 2Mb st,, 3 blocks east to brick yard. FOR SALE CHEAP One team of horses weighine 2500 lbs.; l team of heavy draft horses weighing 300Q lbs. 226 Russell st. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. tt ouuiitwn u. roruapq ttenaering JO. ONE horse and wagon by day. $1.2 5." J. Cf hen, 646 Front st. Main 220S. Main 8&i. DEAD horses and cattle 4aken away tree. Ca'i day or night. Tabor 420$. PASTURE wanted for 3 horses by th month. 1151 Corbett st-, Portland. $40 BLACK man,', 1200 lbs.; sound and true; trial given. 2 'Jo Davis st. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments.' " $05 CASH buys $450 Checkering, old model. " JSO cash buys $375 McCammon upright. 125 cash buys $425 Vose sc Sons up right, $05 cash buys $250 pianola player and $StP worth of rolls, all closed out by Se curity Storage Co. to first caller at-lu'j 4 th st. YOU CAN AFFORD TO BUY NOW $25.0O disc talking machine. ......$ 6,00 $ 35.U0 dlso talking macbln. ...... .S 14 U0 $ 75.00 clsc talking machine $2o.Ou $150.00 disc talking machine yi.uo $1 or more cash, 50c or more monthly. SCHWA N PIANO CO.. Ill 4th St. FREE use of piano or player piano for 2V years. See dicplay advertisement or call Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. FOP. SALE $.s0 diamond disc phonograph with selection of y-ie-es; used one week. Sfi5. "M Drronnlan CITY lot wanted, clear, in exchange for new piano; when answering quote lowest price and locntinn. RC rt r i I HAVE a Columbia leader grafonola on which I am unuble to complete my con tract. .wilt sacrifice. H 1S!. Oreg o n i a a . UPRIGHT piano, beautiful mahogany case; - value $40O. take SI 7ft. 747 E. 11th st. WILL pay cash for your old upright or square piano. Call 111 4th St. Iogs, Birds, Pet Stock. OR SALE Old English sheep dog. male 4 years o!d. Full pedigree. Inquire 25 Burnside. Phone Broadway 4955 WANTED Young pit bull pup. young bull or fox terrier, cheap. Send full particu lars. Box AD 101, Oregonion. GOOD AIREDALES ARE GOOD DOQi LADDIX KENNELS. ESTACADA. QrT CANARIES In fine song for sale. Main 8547. Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE of 8 rooms for sale; a bar gain; 6 rooms rented, pays all expenses. Call between 3 and 5, P. M.. 4J2 Vfe Clay. FURNITURE of 5 -room house fo E. Harrison. la. 13t4 Automobiles. USED AUTO SNAPS. TERMS GIVEN. HERE ARE1 A FF.W OF OUR MANY BARGAINS WE OFFER FOR YOL'H AP PROVAL; WHITE. 6-pass., ;t0 II. P. . $37S MITCHELL, f.-pass., 6-cyl $650 STODDARD. 5-pass .;rto OVERLAND. 'J-pasa SOO MITCHELL, 5-pass s":7ri RAMBLER. 5-pass " 'I'trk MICHIGAN. 5-pass ja7i MITCHELL. 5-pass.. 50 h. p., 6-cyl.. $1100 MITCHELL, 7-pasa., 50 h. p., 6-cyl, take your old car as part payment. This car is nearly new. Several others to select from. Buy now and save money. MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER CO.. East First St. and East Morrison St. I'll ones East 7272. B 1216. FORDS FORDS FORDS 1915 FORD 5 passenger, practically new $395 1913 FORD -Roadster, fully equipped, electric lights and new tires all around $283 1914 FORD 5 passenger, fullv equip ped, electric lights, practically new. $350 3913 FORD C passenger. Master vi brator, speedometer and electric lights $S5 1914 FORD 5 passenger $325 Terms if desired and a year's free service on all adjustments. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., Limited Ford Agent. East 1190. E. loth and Hawthorne ave. GOOD, serviceable used cars are now priced so low that there is no excuse for you not owning a high-grade 'car. Our recent new car sales have brought In to us a number of high-grade cars at prices that will astonish you. See these cars: CHALMERS. STEAHXS-KNIGHT. SCHACHT. OLDS MO BILE. WINTONS. Bring In your small car and we will make a trade. THE WINTON COMPANY. ?3d and Washington. Main 4244. STUDEBAKER STUDE BAKER 1915 STUDEBAKER FOUR 5 passen ger, electric lisnts and starter; run only 200 miles; cannot be told from brand new; cost $1100; our price $675. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., East 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE: Auto truck and established freight route and business; good paying, all-year business; good roads; truck in Al shape; $1400: will take part cash, give terms on balance; no trades; this will stand strict investigation. AE 104, Oregonian. USED CAR BARGAINS. Largest Stock. Prices Right. Liberal Terms. NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, Broadway 887. A 4959. Broadway and Couch. nARiltl'S TV rrsirr. a nTna Large Stock. Prices $304) to $750. OREGON MOTOR CO.. Studebaker- Bldg.. Corner Chapman and Alder. GARAGES elected complete. $30 up; ready cut o- portable houses, $126. T'JCE-DOWN MFG. CO 548 Waftr iu. near Harrison. Main 1167. C. C. LANDY. specializing on Garfords. Willis utility trucks and Studebakera King st. Garage, King sc. at Washington! Main 3412. CLAi'SY roadster, newly painted. 4 new tires, perfect mechanical condition. A bar gain for any cne wanting a good can Lents Garage. DELIVERY auto for sale, in good order or trade for 5-passenger. AD 194 Ore gonlan. FOR ale cheap. 1500-Ib. truck, good run ning order, phone Marshall 2225 or Mar shall 2894. WILL pay cash for used Ford ears. " BEN J. E. BOONE A CO., 514 Alder Street. 1016 MOPEL 6-cyllnder car. run J400 miles $:;nr cash, balance easy terms. No trades AH 193. Oregonlan. 1913 OVERLAND, 5-passenger. $.100 cash worth $400. Broadway 1523. 35 1st sL cor' ner Oak. ' I WILL pay cash for used Forda FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. BEST washing and polishing in city for$T garage. King st. at Washington, Main 3412." THE bes; used-car values are at the Used Car Market. West Park and Stark sts. Iirl4 5-PASS. Overland, fine condition. $550 Phone Sellwood 204 after 6. 5-PASSENGER car for sale; must hae ni'iney. S2QO; just overhauled. 4: N. th. SEVERAL good, high -class cars for sale vary ch cap 4i0 Buraside. Main 6922. Flach FORD, buy, Al condition, master vibrator Presto tank, 180 E. S3d ' NEW 1913 FORD RUNABOUT BODIES, $25; TOURING BODIES. $.5. including cur tains, cushions and top; all styles of Ford delivery bodies. BEN J. E. BOONE & CO. 514 Alder St.. Portland. Or. Automobiles anted. PLACE your car at the Used Car Market, est Park and Stark sts. No commission charged. WILL TAKE car as part payment ;n ex change for my equity in modern bunga low. Tabor 3b7. 1713 Oregon st. IF YOU want to sell that automobile, ca.1 Main 6922. 400 Burnsl d e. Mr. Finch. HAVE grocery. $750, will take auto part pa? meat. K lttu, Oregonlan. WANTED Used roadster. Give full dc scription and price. AL 15. Oregonlan. $1500 LOT to- exchange for auto, 1100 N. W. Bank bldg. . CITY LOT; NO MORTGAGE. $6v0; for auto. Kelly, 7 23 Ch. of Con Automobiles lor Hire. 4-5-7-PASS. cars and limousine, $1.50 up; one rates. A 67yl, Ma:n 515. Poultry. BARGAIN Pigeons; 25 pair of select homers cheap if taken at once. Call, to day, Tabor 6013. . Livestock. FOR cALE i good milch rows, l fresh, 3 coming. Mike Poner, Hillsboro, Or., R, 4. Sewell Sta., Ore. Elec. FOR SALE Fresh young cow. Phone Sell wood 1649. FOR SALE One young calf and cow 777 Vaug h n A 21XJ2. FINE saddle and driving pony for sale or trade for good milch cow. Phone East 7222. Machinery. WANTED Heavy duty CorlUs engine, 2Sx 4S or its equivalent in a twin; give con dition and history; must be in good shape CLEAR LAKE LUMBER COMPANY. i-ietr .La-ste. wash. EQUIP MKNT FOR KENT AND FOK SALK. COAJsT STEEL dt MACHINERY CO.. 1&V0 Yeon Blag. Main 6705. A 3339. Launches and Boats, THREE-ROOMED boathouee for eale. $160 worth of furniture in it, all for $05. Call at Mr. JoeMose, at foot of crossroads. 3-ROOM houseboat, ne ly "built, with 4 li. P. motorboat. floats, etc.. for quick sals. $250. Main 440S. Marshall 719. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany. 8 6 Broad way. Portland Or WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE- SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65 The Northwest Typewriter Co.. 263 Stark st. Main 6o23. EW. rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. p., 231 Stark st. Main 1407. Mibcllaneoas. WE BUY. sell and exchange all kinds of second-hand and rebuilt National cash registers. Easy terms. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO.. 352-354 Burnside, cor. Sth. Broadway 1816, A 1816. BOOKKEEPER'S desk and chal desk. 1 writing table. 1 flat-top oak table. typewriter i wrapping counter. 1 15ov lit. Fairbanks platform scale; ulso a lot of machine tools, propellers and marine engines. Gnu Power jfc Suply Co.. 17Q Front. Mar. 5172. SEWING MACHINES 200 slightly used sewing machines, all makes, v'-ll be closed out. Drop heads. $5 and up: "x tops and up. s. S. Siegel, two stoii SS3 Al ner st.. and 242 AlOer st. SEWING MACHINES, new and second-hand-sale or rent. $2 up. Sewing Machine Em porium. 190 3d U. near Taylor. Main 9431, A 3626. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles aud shotguns; cameras, kodaks and lenses nougat, sold and exchanged. Hocbfeid't. Camera Exchange, E5 3d st. BILLIARDS New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowlnig alleys and accessories: eaav nAvmnnta ni.u Brunswick-Balko-Co Header Co.. 40-48 5th. ELECTRIC MOTORS for sale. trad. nr -.m expert repairing. Walker Electric Works. 413 Burnside st- Broadway or A 6674. CASH REGISTERS. slightly used; our prices are lower. Cash Register Exchange, Sol h Washington st. Main 606, A 3606. ELEC MOTORS FOR RENT, FOR SALE. B. E. DAVIS at C6.. 103 E. Water at. East 3146. B 2339. TWO bicycles (lady and gentleman ) ; both in fine condition. Phone Main 6bt', 6:30 this evening. DIAMOND house paints, SLrictiy pure; made in Oregon; pr Ballon, $1.75. Portland Paint Co.. 23" Front st. Marshall 10j. WANTED To trade beach lot for"" furni ture. Call before 12 o'clock, Marshall 462. FERTILISER; well rotted cow manure for ss-le. We deliver. Phone East 2861. USE latseu Native Hei Is fo. rneutt-atisi. lAt tablets for 2f-c. All Crufglsts. utAKl.NG size apple trees. 50c each, Mi'.cq- ell Nursery, Taeoma, Wash. PLUMBING supplies at wholesale price. btark-Davis Co.. 12 3d st. Main 797. HIGH-GRADE bicycle. No. 1 Grand ave.. corner East Ankeny. Teienhone -ast 61. FINE saddle and driving pony for salo or tratte for good milch cow. Phone East 7222. COMPUTING scales, now and etcond-hand, at the right price. 40 Front st. LAW books. Enclyclopedia of Forms. 18 vols., great bargain. Phone East 240L WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHES We pay the highest price for ladle. and gents cast-olt clothing, bicycles ana everything in merchandise. Call us - p. We need It and will pay for it. GLOBE STORE, 2b5 First, Main 2f 80. Main 2080 V1 CALL PROMPTLY. THE GSVUUTZ FURNITURE CO.. 135-187 First St. Will buy good used furniture, rugs, ranges and household goods; phone for an appointment with our buyer. Marshall 69SL GEVURTZ FURNITURE JiTORE 20, FIRST ST. 207 FIRST ST. r Marshal 587. We buy your second-hand furniture, cloves end other household gocia. Highest Prices Paid. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell household goods or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware & Furniture Co 221 Front. Phone A 7174, Main 9072. MIS LI FURNITURE CO.. 14 1st. Main 768. 1S4 1st. Call on us and get our estimate on your furniture and household goods before dis posing of same. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PHONE MAIM 3.t32i. a. 567. WANTED ALL KINDS OF RECORDS AND PHONOGRAPHS. MAIN 4495. 128 FIRST ST. WANTED Roll top desk, typewriter desk, office chairs, filing devices; send cuts and prices to box 26, Madras, Or. STANDARD FURNITURE CO., Main 4773. 182 1st st Main 4773, Pays best prices for your furniture, etc SECOND-HAND clothing buyer. J. Meyer, tailor, pays more for clothing, shoes. Call Marshall 1229. 229 Madison street. WANTED ALL KIN DSOFM ERCH A N D1SE showcases, office furniture, house hold goods, atuvet?. Main 4405. 3 2S First. WE tint rooms for $2.50; do good painting work. Charles O'Mara. East 323. I BUY ladies' and men's clothes; pay the highest prices. Broadway 3932. WANTED National cash" register" Main 606. 351 Washington st. OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best price for your furniture. 204 1st. Main 4027. HIGHEST prices paid for furniture of All descrlp-Ions. Main 309. Kline's. ::0S Firsf- POOR family wants stove or range; can't pay mucn. a la ( , oregonlan. WANTED graphs. All kinds of records Main 44P5. 128 1st t tnd phono- STRICTLY American dealers In used furni ture; square deal our motto. Sell 1682. HELP WANTED MALE. MAN to work In real estate office ; steady work; can make good wages; v00 re quired. 247 H Couch at. WANTED Three laundry drivers; must have $150 cash bond. Call 553 Vancouver ave.; cash bonds necessary. BOY WANTED Not over 10; $5 per week Write, giving reference and phone num ber. W 313. Oregoniiin. WHY NOT DRESS UP? Uncalled-for suits and overcoats for sale $2 up. ORPHEUM CLEAN E RS. WE PAY highest cash prices for men's st-c-ond-hand suits and overcoats Phone Broadway 1606. WANTED Two high-grade coffee specialty salesmen: must have experience, BF 388, Oregonlan. WANTED Young man to work in lunch- room. 243 Burnside st. BOY on farm. Help with milking and go to school. 921 N. W. nark bldg. MEN to canvass. $2.5d per day and com mission. AH 118. Oregonlan. DELIVERY boy in tailor shop; willing to Icara trade, 158 W, park st. HELP tfaATEU MA EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT- Y. M. C A. loung men seeking employment in oom mtrclaL clerical or techuical line are in vited to consult the employment secre tarj. The service of this department is re to all members. To non-uiembexs. a special membership is issued, costing fj per annum, giving th service of the de partment for a year two months' fuU privilege and a refund of the membership ie if satiatactory eniplymtnt is not C. A AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. w1'T -nd night classes; expert training in repairing, driving and machine work, including forge, lathe, shaper, drillpress, etc; time unlimited. Secure piss at Edu riHlcaal fflc Y. M. a A. bldg., to in rh frur "bops and methods. Competent V,?-: LYJnd Middle-aged men to sell mgn-grade roses, shrubs, ornamental ana iruit trees; complete outfit free; liberal commissions weekly; expense provision m-ovided. Ornamental & Fruit N unary C-k Box 211C. Wapaio. Wash. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. " Oregon's oldest, best equipped and most practical school. Day and night clafse-s 445 HA W T HORN E AVE. PROFITABLE WOOD BUSINESS All-year contract: big paying proposition; estab lished business, with auto truck; S600 cash win handle this; do not appiv unless wou have the cash. AE lt5. Oregonlan WANTED Party to lease well-paying mush room caves while owner goes East; plenty spawn on hand, good market, verv reason able. See Nelson. Rocky ave., Parkrose. R C car. MIDDLE-AGED and elderly men make money selling our hardy, guaranteed orna mental and fruit stock; cash weekly; part expanses provided- Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenish. Wash. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach ou the barber trado in 8 weeks; tools free; position cuaran teed; paid while learning. 232 2d. nr. Main, EXPERIENCED bootblack wanted. SO North 6th. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com rr,lEion paid. 6aruny tudio. Royal blcg. WANTED First-class chef; must" besober. He Id Wanted A stents" MALE or female for a repeat order house hold necessity. Big profit, 1038 Chamber of Commerce, U to l and 5 to 6. AGENT You can make from $8 to $10 per day. special holiday offer. Van Dyck Studio, 404 Washington at. Help Wanted Salesmen. WHY sell inferior? Our hospital policy costs no more. 301 Board of Trade bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. $15 WEEKLY, spare time, addressing circu lars. Experience unnecessary. No can vassing. No scheme. Send 10 cents silver for postage and instructions. Century Publishing Co., Syracuse, N. Y. EPERJEXCED -ova saleswoman; please do not apply except experienced In glove department; pern.aucnt employment good salary; applications from out-of-town in vited. Le noon's. WA NT ED Experienced woman for general housework on ranch. Must be good cook and bo able to taku car? of entire house work. None under ;W need apply. Phono rahor 2702. W A XTED Gil-1 to assist with housework, one child, pleasant home, nice Murrouud 1 n c s . AnMy 1 22-j E. Flanders st. Take Montavilla car, get off 43d st. . WANTED A woman for general house work; one who knows how to cook- refer ences required. Family of two; wages $20 per month. 3 S3 Mill St.. after 10 A. M. EXPERIENCED woman canvasser for well known woman's magazine. Salary and commissicn. Address, giving phone num ber. AH 192, Oreeonian. W ANTED Girl about 25 for chamberwork and general helper in horn for old peo ple neitr Astoria, Must bo clean and neat- ?2Q. 202 11th st. WOM EN Government clerks, $70 month, Portland examinations coming.. List posi tions obtainable free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 7Q3 H. Rochester. N. Y. THOROUGHLY experienced on ladies' and children's garments. Call Tuesdiv morn, in?-. Perfection Garment Co., 1064 Haw thorne. GI Rl or woman for housework, ono that needs a homo preferred; small wages, good home, two in family. AG 11)3, Orc Ronian. WANTED Maid for general housework. No children. Call mornings. 3y5 32d st. North, phone Main 2925. WANTED Middle-aged woman for house -keeper, good home and reasonable wages to right parly A V 294. Oregon ian. Gl R U to artist with general housework. small family, good home, moderate wages. Call i ,525. S04 East Miil. cor. 25th St. GIRL for Ren ral housework, small famllv: good wages for A-l girl, uono other need apply. v,s(: Tillamook st. NICE riri for general housework; must like children. Good wages; references re- quired. 1 1 3 Hasaalo W A N TED At once. 2 girls to learn Mau rine beauty culture; position guaranteed. A Iso nittht students. 203 Royal bldg. SCHOOLGIRL to assist with housework for board and room and emu II wages. Tabor 2S1S. . WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. v tavl Company Pittock block. oS5 Washington, WANTED A neat girl for general house work: references. 275 East loth U N., cor. Wasco. Sanitary Beauty- Parlors Cllepe for ladles only; make yourself independent with good trade. 410-412 Dekum bldg.. 3d and Wash. HINSDALE'S Commercial School, 502 Or pheum bldg. (Empress). Individual in structlons; positions when capable. M. 1542. GIRLS. 17 yearn or older, to learn compto meter. 3 months" course. $-,5, terms: only wide-a-vake girls wanted. t-'U Morgan bldg, NURSE wanted for ihllr-: must speak French. Apartment 47, trinity Place. Mar. -L! ! . MISS M ATTINGLY'S fcCHOOL Shorthsnd. Typ e w r iti n g. $5 mo. 2 6 9 14 1 h- M n. 3892. WANTED An experienced child's nunsc. Apply 654 Everett st. References. WANTED Waitresss for soft drinks at cof-fef-houffc. Apply to 2S1 N. 4th st. DINING-ROOM girl, small hotel. Marshall 3716. . GOOD home, and wages to school girl will ing and neat. East 4S79. GIF. L for general housework and cooking. 447 1 0 1 h e t S. WANTED Middle-aged woman for general housework. $10 per month. Main 7720. LEAR N beauty culture. Summer rate 50 Columbia bldg. Graduate Paris. Berlin. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MOLEH BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to learn the trade: tuition re duced; paid while learning; diplomas is sued to graduates. 32 colleges 22 years in business. Write for catalogue A. 48 N. 2d street. FALL term begins now; men and women to learn the barber trade in 8 weeks; posi tions guaranteed, tools free, paid while learning; tuition reduced; expert instruc tora. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison. EARN better than wagea handling house hold article which almost sells Itself. 402 Labbe bldg., 10 to 3 daily. COMPLETE course stenography, 60 days, night and day classes. M. 8595. M. 4137. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Men to try examinations for Government Jobs. $70 month. Common education sufficient. Apply Immediately. AV 223, Oregopian. RAILWAY mall clerks, P. O. clerks, car riers, exam, soon . parcel post demands many mora clerks; act at once. Pacific State School, McKay bldg.. city. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. TRUSTWORTHY young mau wants clerical position, corporation or wholesale house; good penman; local experience; will be- WANTED Small set books to keep. Ret erences. 513 Y. M. C. A. Mbsceliaiieous. RANCH HAND, all around American, wants Oregon place. Afl 104. Oregonlan. MAN and wife want position on ranch ; no dairy; small wages. AE 193. Oregonlan. YOUNG Japanese wants position aj an auto driver. :iu" Burnside at. CARPENTER foreman wants work day or contract. Sellwood 1359. JAPANESE boy wants to do housework in a family. BD 1U2. Oregonian. JAPANESE if ree Employment Bureau, A 3670. Jap. Assn. of Or. 218 Henry bldg. JAPANESE schoolboy wants position. Phone A .p3. 302 Couch st. PAINTING, carpenter work. remodeling, cheap by contract. Phone Sellwood 87. FREB employment. Japanese and Filipino. A2230. 60 N. 4th St. " DENTAL student desires work of any sort after 4 o'clock. Phone Main 1067. JAPANESE student desires a position as school tioy. Small v. ages. Main 3603, PAINTING nd tinting cheaply done; a'ao t s. Phone vils..n. Main 12-.. f r.-- est Inian JAPANESE boy wants position, light house work and heip cook, 0193, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAX, practical aurse. WdL 567."