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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1915)
BIG ESTATE "GOD'S" j HIGHBALL FREIGHT ON THE MILWAUKEE EOAD IS WRECKED NEAR ELMA. WASHINGTON MIIiTO FOR Stamps Given on Charge Accounts If Paid in Full bit the lOth of Each Month t i Promise Made by Heirs to Give Half to Christianity. Penitentiary Inmates Must Aid Olds, Wortman & King Dependable Merchandise by Helping Selves. SERMON GIVEN IN WILL MANLY ACTIONS DEMANDED REFORM AVi dew and Five Children Will Re ceive Equal Shares After All Debts Against Property Valued at $,000,000 Are Paid. ST. IiOUIS, Mo., Oct 26. Piling of the will of James H. Allen a document embodying many unusual provisions revealed that the late cotton broker bad obtained from each of his heirs a prom ise to devote one-half of the property to charitable and Christian work. The first page of the will Is in the nature of a sermon, in which the testator set forth that "all we have belongs to the Lord." The will directs that his estate, the Value of which Is estimated at two million dollars shall go equally to his widow. Mrs. Loraine Wisdom Allen and their five children, Sallle Ruby Blckel. Henry W. Allen, Hettle Ethel Grover, Presly R. Allen and Terry W. Allen. The will states that Allen had In tended to make some special bequests, but did not do so, as he had a promise from each of his children to use one half of the property received frlm his estate for charitable and Christian work. With the remaining: one-half, the will states, the heirs promise to "make or earn," other property to be Used "for good Christian purposes." Testator Preaches Sermon. The first typewritten page of the will after statins; that the testator was 70 years old, the last March 4, and "at nest cannot expect to live much longer." because his family Is not a long-life family, preaches a sermon to the heirs. The will proper directs that the widow receive all of the household furniture and furnishings and personal effects and that after the payment of debts and . expenses of administration, all the personal property remaining shall be divided equally among the widow and children. In ascertaining the value of the per sonalty which is to go to each of .the children in the will directs that any amounts advanced to the children shall be charged against their portion. On September X, 1914, the will states, Allen had advanced to Sallle, Hettie and Presley $25,000, and had guaranteed to the Allen-West Commission Company advancements of $25,275.66 through his son Henry, and $109,411.80 to his son, Terry. In addition, the will continues. $167, 420.56 was on the first day of Septem ber charged against Henry on the books f the commission company. "This amount, with interest," states the will, "if not paid prior to my death, shall be paid out of the interest of my said son in my estate. These indebted nesses of my sons Henry and Terry were lncurrred contrary to my wishes and advice and I therefore direct that Interest be computed annually upon the above-mentioned advancements." The will states that Allen held in surance policies for $30,000 on the life of Henry, one for $10,000 on the life of Presley and one for $10,000 on the life of Terry. Any sum which may be realized on these policies, the will directs, shall be credited to the son upon whose life the policy was writ ten. Son-ln-Law Made Executor. The will provides that all of Allen's real estate shall be turned over to the St. Louis Union Trust Company and James Hamilton Grover, a son-in-law, to be held In trust. The net revenue Is to go equally to the widow and chil dren. Allen says that he desires the trustees as soon as posssible to convert the real estate Into cash. The trust is to continue for seven years. The son-in-law and the St. Louis Union Trust Company are named ex ecutors, without bond. The will was made December 16. 1914. The will was signed by Thomas H. West. Jr.. R. C. Wafer and John F. Shepley. Allen, who was president of the Allen-West Commission Company, tfied August 29 at St. John's Hospital. He lived at 6061 Undell boulevard. One Submarine and Another. Pittsburg Gazette-Times. Blmon Lake, the American Inventor and builder of submarines, ought to know. He has made a study of them since he was 16. Referring the other day to his advices that Germany Is building- 160 big submarines and declar ing that he believed Admiral von Tlr plta could make good his threat to blockade the British coast. Mr. Lake continued: "There is no war possible between submarines. They might pass within 10 feet of each other and never know it. Consequently England's 100 suEma rlnes, France's 100 and Russia's 20 can do little or nothing toward keeping commerce open for England." You would suppose that opinion to be conclusive. But isn't It possible that even what an inventor considers Impossible may be possible? For ex ample, this wireless of yesterday: "BERLIN, July 27. The French sub marine Marlotte was destroyed by a German submarine on July 26 in the Narrows of the Dardanelles, according to a dispatch from Constantinople to the Mlttag Zeitung. Thirty-one mem bers of the French submarine crew were captured." So there Is at least one submarine that has made war on another subma rine and done a complete Job. Recrudescence of Paganism. Christian Herald. After the Chinese revolution, mul titudes seemed to lose faith in their Idols, and many developed iconoclastic tendencies. Temples were desecrated and idols torn from their positions and thrown in the river or trampled under foot by jeering crowds. However, al though the temples were swept of their idols, the missionary force was not adequate to take advantage of the new conditions, or to meet the opportunity for Christian teaching, which the new order afforded. Gradually the old cus toms have been revived. New temples have been nullt. old ones repaired, and the Idols, once despised, have been res cued from their places of banishment, repainted, rerobed, and amid great pomp, carried by admiring crowds to their old temple homes and. again placed in the seats of honor. At Liuchow recently an old idol that two years ago had been pulled from Its ancient seat, badly battered and then thrown In the river, was recently patched up, repainted and placed in the seat of honor In the renowned temple of the Southern Plains. Hundreds have flocked daily to do it honor. Cold Storage of Lame Ducks. Connersville News. A Holland doctor, after long and ex haustive experiments with fish, finds that it is possible to suspend life in human beings, put them in cold storage and then set them going again after an indefinite lapse of time. The scheme, if practical, would work fine with po litical "lame ducks," who could be put Into retirement in this manner when thrown out of office, and kept there A Y?T? rr-rr: N - , - 1 - y - v.. BROKEN BRIDGE WITH CARS LTO6 IN CRBEK. golngt,W,ashwckedLwl.?nP VheLbT;frly SatUrda,y morning the "highball" freight on the Milwaukee, the bridge Tad piled U, a w & ?J f?" a Delezene Cre 8rave way. Twelve cars went through chandise. " P " cr6ek- An er empty except one, loaded with general mer- ablaistfce'SntuYt sSSck ThSbrI?T n le " th.e tracK havlns rT,n tnit tor a consider ing crewomacomVwTe hurt. The wreck- WAR TALK ON STAGE "Garrisohn und Rosenfeld" Fight Is Explained. WEBBER AND FIELDS PLAY 'Dcr Two Oorrespondence" Front Rival Armies Meet and Disease "Swivel Chairs, der Standing Army and Sam Jewan Figbt." CHICAGO. Oct. 26. A Chicago dis patch to the New York World says: "This evening a small person in khaki ran wearily up Michigan avenue to the Garrick Theater, dropped in a fatigued attitude and sat panting heavily. He gazed with a tired yet vigilant look up Randolph street, where, presumably, the theater-going throng parted in mad haste. Through this gauntlet ran an other man, taller than the first. He trotted wearily up to the Garrick and dropped In a heap. "So," hissed the small one. "it's Lew Fields. Vy hef you been chasing me all der vay from Yonkers?" "Chased you?" hissed back Lew. "Joe Webber, I voodent chase you. I chust been runnin' on my own hook." "Say, you been haf a mile behindt me all der vay from Noo York. Vy didn't you tell me it vas you, an' I voodn't run so hardt?" How "Rosenfeld Opened Fire." "I couldn't git close enough. Vy should you run so fast?" "I'm a war correspondence. That's y I'm running." "But dere ain't no war out here. Der war's in Plattsburg, Noo York." "Veil, dot's vy I'm runnin' west. I'm a war correspondence mit der Rosen feld t army." "No? Den ve should be oldt chums, rm a war correspondence mit der Gen eral Garrlsohn brutes." "Troops, you mean." "It's all der same." "Veil, sir, you shouldt hef heard Col onel Roosenfeld ven he opened fire on General Garrlsohn. He set to his army: Boys, I von t see you no more ven der war iss over." "Over where?' set Gen eral Wood. 'Over here,' set Roosenfeld, and efferybody set 'Thank, you.' " "Yes, en dot remindts me ven Gar rlsohn set to Roosenfeld: Teddy,' he ses, 'Teddy, you voodent fight for your country, anyhow." " Yah, dot's right, en Teedore he ensers back: "Veil, vot's der use, dey voodent give It to me, anyhow. " Rest Need Explained. "I like Garrisohn's army der ' best. Ve always opened der battle mit prayer. Any army vet opens up a battle mit prayer vlns." "I don't see vot good vould do der Chinese army." "Vy not?" "Nobody could understandt vot dey was saying." "Say. Joe, vot started diss war?" "Veil, Roosenfeld told der business soldiers over by Plattsburg he was goin' to give God a vacation and run things himself a vile." "Veil, vy did Garrlsohn get sore?" "He didn't git sore. He chust told Roosenfeld dot he needed a rest worse n God. and. anyhow, if he didn't, der United States did." "Yass, sir, and Roosenfeld is like der measles, he says, and iss liable to break out at any time." "Sure, but Garrlsohn hain't a board of health." "Veil, der reason Roosenfeld don't like Garrisohn iss because Garrisohn iss against der standing Army." Respects Paid Bryan. "Vy shouldn't he be? He's got a nice svlvel chair to sit in. ain't he?" "Chust der same like Roosenfelt. Ain't he a hero vot charged Sam Jewan Hill, and didn't he come back mit a lot of medals?" "Oh, chess, but I got a friend vot's got a trunk full mit medals and he didn't charge anybody. He's got a cash business." "Anyhow, diss iss a country of free speech." "Yess, all except Villiam Chennings Bryan. He gits $500 ven he talks." "Roosenfeld can talk all he vants to." "Oh, dot wasn't vot Garrisohn ob checked to. He dondt like Roosenfeld used firearms in der city limits." "He didn't use firearms." "Sure. Wasn't he shootin" off bis mouth?" SOCIETY Tl rE. AND MRS. CHARLES F. AD- IVI AMS have returned from their 1 trip to San Francisco and are entertaining for the Winter Miss Daisy Adams, of Baltimore, sister of Mr. Ad ams. Since her arrival several affairs have been given in her honor, among them a tea for which Mrs. A. D. Katz was hostess last week, and the dinner party presided over by the Adams on Thursday nieht. Saturday night at the Waverley Country Club Halloween party one of the gayest groups was that for wrflch Mr. and Mrs. Adams were hosts honoring their house guest, who is a very attractive maid. An urnnt nf .-ttotl.. . s, Cfit for tomorrow nlcrht will KA v. Auction of "Much Ado About Nothing," wmcn win do given in St. David's par ish house by the dramatic department of the Portland Shakespeare Study Club. A short musical programme will supplement the dramatic treat. Mrs. S. E. Josephl is president of the Guild of St. David's, under whose auspices the affair is planned. A number of prominent society women are members of the guild and the cast includes the best talent of the Shakespearean or ganization. Mrs. Adna Sharpsten and daughter. Miss Helen Sharpsten. who have been summering in Seaside, arrived In Port land yesterday and will be at the Stel wyn Apartments for a week before proceeding to California for the. Win ter. ' Mrs. Seneca Smith has returned from n extended Eastern trip, coming via San Francisco and San Diego, where she attended both expositions. Mrs. Smith is again domiciled at the Vir ginia Hill Hotel. For the benefit of the Irvington playgrounds a card party will be given Thursday afternoon at the Irvington Club by the mothers of the neighbor hood children. Among those who are keenly Interested in the project are Mrs. Norman Pease, Mrs. David Good sell, Mrs. E. F. Lawrence, Mrs. N B Gregg, Mrs. Park, and Mrs. Hoeffer. Members' night at the Rose City Park Club has been changed to Tues day evenings and there will be an in formal party Tuesday from 8:30 until 11:30 o'clock. Cards, dancing, billiards and bowling will be the diversions of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. D. B How ell and Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ritter will act as hoBts for the club. A delightful event of the past week was a Halloween "500" party given yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. H. Jones. 604 East Forty-first street South. After cards a dainty luncheon was served. The table deco rations carried out the spirit of the season, wtih Halloween favors Au tumn leaves and asters. Those Invited were Miss Helen Buckley, Miss Ethel Buckley, Mrs. J. P. Doyle, Mrs. George Harris, Mrs. Van Hoomison, Mrs. Roy V: Trine, Mrs. Henry Pflaun and Mrs. t rank Regner. Mrs. D. A. Dunsmoor, who has been visiting her parents in Quebec and relatives in New York and Vermont, returned to her home on Colonial Heights last evening. Miss H. Bowe. of the Chesterbury Hotel, was hostess for a delightful Hal loweeen nartv Fririav .t,kt i- and cards were enjoyed until a late mong mose present; In addl l'n toh,? hotel patrons, were Mr. and Mrs. William R. Boone, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C Wilson and Mr. and Mrs Junius V. fthmart. Miss Helen S. Husted, of Miss Fitch's School New York, is stopping at the Nortonla indefinitely. The members of a newly organized card club were entertained by Mrs. W. M. Rice at her home at Oak Grove last Tuesday. A most delightful and satis lying luncheon was served. The rooms were beautiful and original in Hal loween decorations and Autumn foli age After lunch 500 was played the high score fell to Mrs. H. F. Brandon, the second to Mrs. Douglas. Those present were: Mrs. T. F Cos tello. Mrs. J. A. Harbke. Mrs. Hart, Mrs. H. F. Brandon, Mrs. F. W Clif ford, Mrs. T. S. Nisbet, Mrs. Frank Espenhain, Mrs. H. X., Starr, Mrs. Sun- Mrs. WMt Rice'1"- DUIa8 "d Perhaps the largest attendance of the year gathered In the Oddfellows Han at First and Alder streets Friday night, October 29. on the occasion of the seventh annual homecoming of Hassalo Lodge No. 15. An interesting and varied programme was carried out. Several musical .numbers were pro vided by Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Staples, Miss Pearl Staples and Carpenter Sta ples; two humorous recitations were given by Mrs. G. E. Hall. The ad dresses included those by Richard Tunk noble grand; L. E. Carter past Ir wd' .tnd the ch,of Caress by Henry S. Westbrook, deputy grand master, on "Home. Sweet Home." "- ' K.Tter2 JeweIs were presented In be half of the lodge by the warden, Ham ii. J,ohnf,tone- to the following: J. MirBlHSt0l'J-J-Hardy' Thomas Tifcker Alfred Anderson. Roscoe Chapln. J F DTte STimon. Harris, P. G. ; Vincent Cook, C. L. Intermella and A. N. Gam Die. t iTe comml"fe in charge of the eve ning s entertainment consisted of W 1 ure,ns' G'Jatavus Anderson. Rich ard Tunk. S. W. Stryker and John Q. c.rickson. . . . Miss Nell Bevans and Miss Ora White t?X?ln w Frlday nlht at an at tractive HaUoweeen party for their pupils in the Parkrose School. After games and frolic the children entered the wltchs den. whra leaf-strewn floor, they partook of a dainty repast and heard the proDheclea of the fortune-teller. ' propnecies Mrs. L. H. Slade entertained recently in her home in Sellwood, honoring Mr"lAW- McBrlde at a luncheon? fol lowed by a reception. The latter func tion was attended by several of the women of the Spokane-avenue Presby terian Church, who called to welcome Mrs. McBride. who has Just returned from an extended visit in Olympia. W ash. GERIVIANSPLAN BQOM After War Teutons . Expect South American Trade. DERNBURG COUNSEL OUT Preparations Under Way in Berlin, Where "Trade League' Is Formed. Members Told They Must Overcome Rivals. WASHINGTON. Oct. 24 tions already are under way in Ger many for an aggressive trade cam paign to be waged in South America at the close of the war, according to a report of the American Association of Commerce and Trade in Berlin made public here by the bureau of foreign mu auuiesuc commerce. German man ufacturers, the report says, have or. ganlzed a "Trade League", for South America," headed by Dr. Bernhard Dernburg, who attracted much atten tion in the United States last Spring Dy nis activities as an exponent of Ger. man opinion. Dr. Dernburg is quoted as declaring that Germany must look to South America for compensation for trade tosses mat may Xollow the war. Ad dressing the first meeting of the new league in jtsenin, be said: Make I'd for Lost GmtmJ. 'South America, as a foreign trade territory, is of special value to us, be cause we do not know how relations to our enemies or today will shape them selves after the war, and for this -rea son we must eventually look there for compensation. "One advantage to Germany is her wiaespreaa ana well-organized mer chant marine and her methodical bank ing system. For this reason w nn1 not fear foreign competition for many Bcuemuona 10 come, jjut lr the war should last a lonr tlmn foiAio-n tnii. finally will be obliged to seek other channels, and then a re-capturing of lost export territory will be rendered difficult. In addition, it should be re membered that our foreign trade in ooutn America lacks the fortunate po sition which our opponents enjov be cause we lack the. base in the form of extensive investments. All Told Not to Be Presnmnrnana. "Of importance is not only the strengthening of our economic influ ence, but also the gaining of a certain spiritual influence. No doubt Ger many's energy and pluck are remark able, but Latin and Anglo-Saxon peo ple do not like to be made conscious of this fact, or to have it 'rubbed in. The less presumption is asserted in making our influence felt the more friends we shall make. And If we do not change our attitude In this respect our opponents will get the better of us In spite of our smartness." The bureau of foreign and domestic commerce has for the past year con ducted a vigorous extension campaign in South America. A dozen special com mercial agents have toured the south ern continent, and since the beginning of the European war aggressive steps have been taken to get for manufac turers and merchants of the United States the markets left vacant by the belligerent countries. Bankers have established branches in various South American cities, and al ready the trade of the United States witn boutn and Central American coun tries shows a steady increase. Breaking the Road. One nan with the lrfttH of a runner erles out for th nntrod road. The stodges and men are gathered, and the dogs shall carry the load. t The whips are cracked and the lashings set; forward the eager pack. But only the one who drives them is praised when they bring him back. Ah, forgotten eh&ll be the heroes who answer another's call! They are servitors, dumb if loyal, to be noth ingness, one and all. Bat the roads cannot be broken except through the helping hands Of the nameless, nnthanked toilers who do but their lord's commands. L. -W. Smith. MEN AND WOMEN'S "Freak" Broad-toed Shoes $3.00 . the pair Steps to Economy Dept. Knight Shoe Co. Morrison St., near Broadway New Superintendent to Require Strict Discipline Among. Employes and Prisoners Firm and Fair Dealing Is Insisted On. SALEM. Or., Oct. 31. (Special.) Any method of reform that will help the man behind the bars to help him self is favored by John W. Minto, new superintendent of the Oregon Peniten tiary, in a. formal announcement of his attitude toward the prisoners, which will appear in the November Issue of Lend A Hand, the prison publication. "I desire to say," writes the superin tendent, "that the address recently de livered to the men of the institution by Mrs. Maud Ballington Booth cov ers my Idea of reformation among pris oners exactly. She has made a care ful study of this subject and has had considerable experience. Her sngges- tions are very valuable for every per son who gets into trouble. The re former cannot reform without the as sistance and help of those to be re formed. "Prison officials are not to blame as a rule for persons being in the pen! tentiary. They are employed to guard and control prisoners placed In their charge, without being brutal or In human, hut prisoners must be kept un der strict discipline .in order that the best results may be obtained. Discipline Held I aa port ant. "I am a firm believer in rigid and strict discipline, both as to employes and prisoners. One Is Just as impor tant as the other. The employe that comes in close contact with the pris oner should, and must, be firm, fair and honest. There is nothing that ap peals more to a person in trouble than Just and impartial treatment by these employes with whom he comes In di rect contact. He must be firm, hut at the same time kind and considerate of the unfortunates under his control, but the prisoners must ever keep In mind that they can, and they alone, by strict observance bf all rules and regulations, shorten their terms and make the best of their own error and wrongdoing. "Do not harbor the false idea that the world is against you, for the pub lic is generally more than willing to help any man that has an honest desire to help himself. This is entirely and absolutely up to the prisoner. Parole-Breakers Hart Others. "The public, parole board and prison officials are sometimes slow to take up cases, for the reason that so many have been returned after having been given a chance. Every time a prisoner breaks his parole he has shown himself to he dishonest, and has made It Just that much harder for the next man that applies for a chance to make good. "I wish to say that I am in favor of any method of reform that will help the man behind the bars to help him self. They must remember, however, that they are sent here by a court hav ing authority to do so, as a punishment for some crime they have committed. I shall insist upon the strictest dis cipline both as to the employes and the prisoners. The employes must be kind and Just, never harsh or brutal, and the prisoners must be courteous and civil and answer all questions in a manly and civil manner. You will al ways find me willing to help a man when he shows a disposition to help himself. His future depends entirely upon his own actions." Hiring and Firing Employes. Engineering Magazine. Personnel is, in fact, the all-Important element of plant equipment. Se lection of employes should rightly re quire more study than selection of boilers and generators. Unfortunately the art and science of hiring is so young and the basic principles yet so vague that the great majority of com panies operating plants still continue to waste enormous amounts of money and dissipate natural resources in addition to doing a great social in justice In this respect. Time-honored habits of "hiring and firing," building up an organlzatfon by "hit or miss" method, have generally two immediate results: Men, hired because they did not want to starve, perform their tasks indifferently, merely avoiding gross neglect, and. therefore, the actual ef ficiency of equipment; and frequent changes of employes; either because of their low efficiency or because of a fancy to advance a good fireman to a position of bad engineer, results In lack of thoroughness, lack of pride In their profession and in extra expense in training unfitted men. Xon-Rruistlng Iron. Engineering Magazine. Whether it will be possible some time so to alter the characteristics of iron, by the addition of some other metal or combination of metals, that it win not rust at ail or only with difficulty, and at the same time not change its mechanical properties ob jectionably, seems to be doubtful, al though further advances along this line will probably be made as time goes on. Just now the best available material of this sort is .copper-bearing Bteel, which is finding a wide and rap idly growing use; anyone can make it and the present output is very large. PORTLAND'S BIGGEST SHOW Manufacturers' and Land Products Show The Elks in charge assure a riot of pleasure. The manufacturers and exhibitors VALUABLE PRIZES GIVEN FREE Bands, Music, Vaudeville, Movies, Street Parade and a Hundred Spe cial Features Await You on the Day You Can't Afford to Miss Armory, 10th and Couch eI TOMORROW IS TRANSPORTATION DAY With Salem, Eugene and Albany folks as our honored guests. BABY SHOW entries for Thursday close tomorrow. Register your winner at Lipman, Wolfe & Co., Meier & Frank or by phone to Broadway 440, East 141, East 2864, East 4343. R hank , Linen Sale Starts This Morning THE MOST IMPOR. TANT LINEN EVENT of the Year. Our En tire Stock of Table Linens Damasks. Napkins, Linen Sets, Pattern Cloths, Doilies. Centerpieces, etc Have Been Specially Reduced for this Sale. See Sunday Papers for Detail List of Offerings. Other Important Sales Beginning Today All Hat Shapes at Vz Price Sale of French Lingerie la1 Men's 50c Hose, . 29c Pair SSi. $11.50 Metal Beds $7.98 JSJ. $23.50 Rugs, Only $17.85 gg. Women's Suits at $18.65 sZd KITCHENER IDOL YET Native of Oregon Talks About British Situation. CONSCRIPTION IS RIDICULED W. H. M. Fitzpatrlck, Liverpool Bar rister, Declares English Confi dent That Offensive Begun Re cently Will Mean Victory. WASHINGTON. Oct. 25. "What a relief to be in a country that is not at war," exclaimed W. H. M. Fits Pat rick, a barrister of Liverpool, England, at the Shoreham. Mr. Fits Patrick, a young man, was born in Oregon. His father was an Englishman and his mother an American. He has lived In England nearly 20 years. "The question as to my citizenship was raised by the English authorities," added Mr. Fitz Patrick,- "because my father had always claimed to be an American, though he had never com pleted his naturalization. He died In England. The English authorities have been exceedingly active in running down the nationality and antecedents of every person with a foreign name or suspected of being a resident of an other country. "The British people are not slow 'In enlisting." continued Mr. Fitz Patrick. "I don't see how this can be charged in view of the fact that there are close to 3.000,000 British soldiers, exclusive of the colonial troops, equipped and ready for the field. When it is consid ered that England had no soldiers at the beginning of the war and that the military system is voluntary, I think Britain has done wonderfully well. That is the view held by most English men, though, of course, the conserva tive leaders have tried to make polit ical capital out of the situation, mak ing a campaign for conscription. Con scription, I believe, never will be I adopted, nor will it be necessary. One cannot imagine invasion of England, but should such a situation arise all Englishmen would rush to arms. "One never can accept all that Is sent out of Europe. It seems impossible, for instance, tnat tne King should have had the alleged stormy interview with Mr. Asquith. I have observed no serious differences among the leading men in the government and the commanding officers at the front. Lord Kitchener has the utmost confidence of the Eng TODAY; Manufacturers' and Exhibitors' Day A. J. Kingsley, Chairman. Elks' Night You know what that means at the will make special efforts to show how the comforts of living can be increased at a lower cost by studying the offer ings and advertising of our producers. sgiving lish people. They believe in him, and are patient. There is not only hope but confidence In England that the general offensive begun a short time ago will prove the beginning of the end. "But it surely is a relief to j out of the fighting countries for a time." con cluded Mr. Fits Patrick. "One has quite enough of war in a year. "The English view of America? Our people seem to think that it would make no difference how many ships were sunk, just another note would be sent." Xew Lahoir-Saving Device. Touth's Companion. A simple plan that virtually makes ushers superfluous has been adopted in some of the theaters of Vienna. In the back of each seat, countersunk so that it cannot be brushed against and damaged, is a small electric light, upon which the seat number appears in black. As long as the seat is turned up. as it regularly is when not oc cupied, the light burns, but it goes out automatically the moment the seat is turned down. When entering the theater, all the theatergoer needs to know Is the general situation of the seat, which he can then readily find by its illuminated number. A master switch turns the current on at the opening of the theater, and turns It off at the close of the performance. Chamber of Commerce members, notice: Meeting set for Monday night postponed until later In the week. Adv. COLD WEATHER RHEUMATISM W hy should rheumatism, a disease of the blood, be worse In cold weather than in Summer? The rheumatic poison in the blood Is the predisposing cause of the disease. If you have the taint in your blood you may have rheumatism whenever the' exciting cause stirs it to action. Cold weather and dampness are exciting causes of rheumatism. They excite to action something already in the blood, something that you must get rid of if you would be free from rheumatism. What this something is, nobody knows. Not very long ago it was thought to be urio acid. Many doctors now think it Is a microscopic organism of a specific bacillus, but they cannot find the bacillus. It is a known fact that in rheuma tism the blood becomes thin rapidly, that building up the blood relieves the rheumatism and that there will be no return of the rheumatism as long as the condition of the blood is main tained. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are recommended for rheumatism because they keep the blood rich and red and free from rheumatic poisons. The free book, "Building Up the Blood" tells all about the treatment. Send for a copy today to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y. Tour own druggist sells Dr Wil liams' Pink Pills. K. K. Kubli, Chairman