Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 01, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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Assaulting Force on Front of
Five Miles Said to Have
Suffered Heavy Loss.
Acres of Stretchers, Streams
of Ambulances Follow Big '
Drive at Germans.
vkWW4-'m w wwfw nil) flip
Paris Reports That Heavy Masses of
' . Troops Recently From Russia
AVerc Engaged Berlin Records
Taking 1400 Prisoners.
J?ART.5. Oct. 31. German troops In
Important masses made a thoroughly
cryani.ed attack last nifrht along a
front of nearly five miles in the Cham
pagne district and were subjected to a
serious c-ieck with heavy losses, the
T- rench War Office announced today.
It Is asserted that the assaulting forces
were hurled back along the entire
front of the attack, extending from the
vicinity of Hill 1S5 to the position of
La Courtlne. except that they succeed
ed in reaching the summit of Butte de
Vulen Bombardment Bckub.
The ofiicial statement reads as fol
lows: "The enemy bombardment reported
last niKht in the Champagne developed
witn t;reat violence on a front about
live miles long, bounded by the woods
on the side of Hill 195. Butte de Ta
hure. the village of Tahure and the
trenches to the south as far as and in
cluding the works of 'La Courtine.'
"This preparation was followed along
this entire front by thoroughly organ
ized attack by importnt masses of in
fantry, formed in the major part from
troops recently brought up from the
Russian front.
"In spite of the vigor of the attack
and the extreme ferocity of the assail
ants, the enemy was again subjected
to :i serious check. The assaulting
waves, decimated by our fire upon the
entire front, succeeded only in attain
ing the summit of the Butte de Ta
hure. Many Dead Left on Kleld.
"Everywhere else, and notably be
fore the villaKe, where the lighting
was particularly stubborn, the Ger
mans were completely repulsed and
thrown hack into their trenches They
left on the scene of the struggle a
large number of dead bodies."
f'?,1'1' via wireless to Sayvllle,
1001 7 e Etormi"S of Height No.
i- in the Champaigne district and the
capture of about 1200 yards of French
trenches in the Artois region was an
nounced officially today. More than
1400 prisoners were taken and four ma
chine guns captured.
The loss in an attack by a superior
force of French of a salient trench
north of Le Mesnil in the Champagne
Is admitted.
Ii. P. McCialian Tells of Work Before
Portland Congregations.
Lawrence P. McGahan, who arrived
in this city recently, on his "hike" over
the United States boosting for the Na
tional prohibition convention that will
be held at Mineapolis next Summer,
was the attracton at several of the
Portland churches yesterday. He spoke
' the Pilgrim Congregational. First
Methodist Sunday school. First Pres
byterian Sunday school, Westminster
Presbyterian Christian Endeavor and
Hodney-avenue Christian Church.
Mr. McGahan, who is but 18 years of
age. told of his desire to "do something
worth while." . He declared that all the
members of his father's family are in
terested in the liquor traffic and he
said that his duty is doubly plain, to
set a precedent, and to do something
for the cause of temperance.
Council Will Go Over Budget Again,
Starting on Water Bureau.
Final jabs at the city budget of pro
posed 1916 expenditures will be taken
by the Council this week. It is expected
the Council will finish Its task of trim
ming in about two or three sessions,
and will then call in the citizens' ad
visory committee appointed to advise
the Council on the more important
The Water Bureau is on the schedule
for consideration at this afternoon's
session. It already has once been gone
over and trimmed. The Council- is now
fioing over the budgets again picking
up loose ends and slashing oft wher
ever it seems possible.
The budget has been cut down to a
y'oiVt wi?ero a total leyy of 8-9 mills
will suffice. This is 1.4 mills higher
than the levy for the present year.
Hood River County Judge Sees Op
position Ahead.
HOOD RIVER, "or.. Oct. 31. (Spe
cial.) The meeting of the County
Court and members of the advisory
board may have gone but little way
toward definitely fixing appropriations
in the budget, according to County
Judge Stanton. "The action of our
meeting." says Judge Stanton, "was
merely tentative. 1 expect numerous
attacks to be made on proposed ex
penditures. I think further opposi
tion is going to materialize against the
proposed appropriation of 32000 for
the experiment station."
From'approximately X45.O0O it is pro
posed to raise a fund of $60,000. A
movement has been begun to have this
figure cut in half.
Husband, Arrested, Declares He Has
license for Negress.
She was a large negress and quite
well known to Police Court officials.
They never had entertained the idea,
however, that she was married. There
fore, it was a distinct surprise when
Charles Sheppard. colored, and under
arrest on a charge of vagrancy, Satur
day declared In court that "Big Lu
is his wife.
Municipal Judge Stevenson seemed
incredulous. At least he said to the
"Do you mean that she is really your
Sheppard's reply "floored" the court.
"Yo' bet she's man wife." he stoutly
asserted. "Ah got a license foh her."
Bryan Expected in Norway.
PARIS. Oct. 31. The correspondent
of the Havas. News Agency at Geneva,
transmits a dispatch to the Frankfort
Gazette from Christiania, Norwav
which says that William J. Brvan will
arrive in Norway in mid-November.
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Enver Bey Hints Turk Will
Make It Objective.
Prediction Made That Severance of
Communications Witli Central
Powers AVill Be Repaired
and Equipment Assured.
BERLIN Oct. 10. (Correspondence of
the Associated Press.) Enver Bey, the
Turkish War Minister, assured the
Turkish Parliament that all was going
well with the Turkish arms, in a speech
delivered shortly after the reassem
bling of that body. His speech, according
10 me accounts which have reached
here, was constantly interrupted by
outbursts of applause, which became
deafening when he declared that the
expedition to Egypt had resulted in
"the firm conviction that an expedition
against Egypt is possible, and that it
will be crowned with complete suc
cess." Last year's "preliminary"
Egyptian exrieriiHnn Ha nntA , .,
cessful to the extent that the Turkish
troops had' occupied and continue to
occupy territory in the vicinity of the
Suez Canal, which is regarded as in
dispensable for the future operations.
The total number of troops thus far
recruited by Turkey, declared Enver
Bey, exceeds 2,000,000.
Reorganization Follows Defeat.
The speech began with a reference to
the work of reconstruction carried on
by Turkey after the loss of prestige in
her last previous war.
"After the last war." he said, "which
led to a loss of territory and to an
attack on our dignity, the War Min
istry followed the example of the other
departments in working for the rebirth
of the Fatherland, by endeavoring to
assemble the scattered portions of the
army. Events followed in an unex
pected way. The general "war broke
out when it had least been foreseen.
The geographical position of our coun
try and the old relations with our
neighbors, whose attitude might influ
ence us, obliged us to be on our guard,
while the lack of means of communica
tion made it a necessity to get to work
at once.
"Meanwhile the Sultan ordered mobi
lization. The whole nation hastened to
arm itself with. an enthusiasm which
had scarcely been looked for. A great
army was mustered. The war went on.
and the trend of events followed us!
We were doing all we could to avoid
being drawn in. but the first gunshots
In the Black Sea compelled us to take
part in the war.
Itirlon Xear Sues Occupied.
"Important events were foreshadowed
in the Dardanelles, but before we had
made an expedition to Egypt. After the
preparatory steps had been taken for
this expedition, which had been con
sidered impossible, we crossed the Suez
and occupied territory in the vicinity of
the Canal. -
"In a few days we shall reach the an
niversary of our entry into the war.
The patriotism displayed by the nation
far surpasses the highest expectations.
Thanks to this patriotism, the nation
was able to muster an army worthy
of it.
"The material resources remaining
after the Balkan War were insignificant
and as our foreign communications
were cut off we had to be satisfied
with the products of our own country.
I am able to inform you that the sever
ance of communications, which would
signify no danger even if it continued
will finally be made good, and In con
sequence thereof the supply of our armv
wlth weapons, ammunition and other
necessities will be assured. The army
will be more strongly equipped and
armed." v
(Continued From First Page.)
begin at any moment perhaps to
night, probably tomorrow.
That it will be begun quickly as pos
sible is the general opinion here, based
on the condition of his men. thousands
of whom were thirsty tonight, in posi
tions miles from water and all with
scant supplies of food, according to
Villa's own testimony and reports of
three Mexican ranchers who arrived
across the border tonight, stripped of
everyming tney possessed.
The border line was closed tonight,
but arrangements were made by United
States immigration authorities to ad
mit under guard thousands of more or
less destitute refugees Xrom Aua
Prieta, whose number was augmentea
today by women and children camp fol
lowers with the Carranza contingents
arriving over American territory from
Vanjruard Continues Advance.
Villa's forces appeared within five
miles of Agua Prieta shortly after 2
o'clock. Fifteen hundred cavalry ad
vanced from the Slaughter ranch. 18
miles , east of here, along the border.
Three thousand other troops, mounted
and afoot, and driving pack animals
apparently loaded with machine guns
or mounted cannon were tonight at a
point four miles east of Douglas and
about the same distance south of the
international boundarv.
Camp fires were visible tonight both
from Douglas and from the east
trenches of the Calles stronghold,
which were filled with riflemen, machine-gun
operators and gunners man
ning field pieces.
The main force of Villa's army was
still at the Gallardo ranch. 12 miles
east, this .afternoon, but it was ex
pected that Villa, following his favor
ite tactics, would move them into posi
tion tonight.
Precautions Taken Against Reac
tion at Juarez.
EL PASO, Oct. 31. The 3500 men of
the garrison of Fort Bliss are stationed
along the border east and west of this
city for 30 miles tonight as a precau
tion against reaction in Juarez, Mex.,
acioss the border from here, should
Villa and United States troops clash in
the Douglas district.
At Ysleta, 12 miles to the east. Troop
K of the Fourth Cavalry is co-operating
with Texas rangers and patrols the
Rio Grande to the vicinity of El Paso.
Back of the city on a mesa are em
placements ready for six batteries, to
which the guns can be rushed within
five minutes. It was said in military
quarters that all the range from the
mesa has been charted and instruc
tions issued to the particular target of
each g'jn.
-A-t-Fort BIIfs a small party of cav
alry is held in reserve, while an aug.
mented provost guard patrols the Mex
ican sections of the city.
Carranza General Trying to Drive
Enemy Toward Border.
NOGALES. Ariz.. Oct. 31. A battle
has been in progress since 4 o'clock
this morning at Torres. Sonora. be
tween Carranza forces commanded by
General Dieguez and a Villa column un
der General Flores, according to reports
received at Nogales. Sonora. opposite
General Dieguez. who recently cap
tured Guaymas. on the west coast of
Mexico, has been advancing with his
troops toward Hermosillo in an effort
to drive Villa detachments in toward
the international border. Torres is a
short distance south of Hermosillo.
Mexican soldiers of the Nogales. So
nora, garrison, began today to tear up
the tracks of the Southern Pacific
Railroad of Mexico, south of the bor
der. This action was taken as a re
sult of the notice given Carlos Ran
dall, acting Villa governor, that the
railroad no longer could serve him.
Judging; Baaed on Beauty, Health and
Mental Acntrncsa, Rather Than on
Eugenic Standards.
Entries for the baby show, which will
be the special feature at the Manufac
turers' and Land Products Show. Thurs
day afternoon, November 4, have been
received in large numbers.
The show Is to be under the auspices
of the Lavender Club and the Daughters
of the Confederacy, and is to be held
along the old-fashioned lines, the judg
ing to be on the basis of beauty, health
and brightness of the babies. While no
eugenic tests will be made, the commit
tee in charge holds that the Judging on
these three attributes will bear witness
to the efficient methods of feeding
clothing and training of babies quite
as well as the straight eugenic show.
A special class in the show will be
babies used to demonstrate articles
manufactured for infants.
' The grandmother and grandchildren
will be another attractive feature and
many entries in this group have been
received. One entry has been made by
a great-grandmother and two great
grandchildren. The ladies who are
booking the entries are looking for the
youngest grandmother, also.
Entry booths have been opened at
Lipman, Wolfe & Co.'s store and at
Mier & Frank's, the Land Show, Main
1400: Mrs. Hoplin. East 141; Mrs. Thrall
East 2864, or Mrs. McGuire. at East
, i313.
With 15,000 Shells Available for
Each Gun, "0-Hour Bombard
ment Is Kept Tp Where S
Hours Once Was Marvel.
(Copyritht. 1915, by the Chicago Trtbunj.
Published by arrangement.)
PARIS, Oct. 13. I have just been
talking to various ambulance men who
go every night to the station of La
Chapelle or Aubervilliers to get the
wounded who are coming from this of
fensive. The stories they tell are too
awful. You can see the horror in
their eyes.
For five days and nights now these
men have worked without stoppings
one of them told me he had had two
hours' sleep in the last four days.
Every ambulance in the city is being
pressed into service, and every driver,
not only to transport wounded newly
arrived, but for the evacuation of men
.who no longer need surgical aid and
can be removed to private hospitals
and convalescent homes.
These two stations on the outskirts
of Paris receive a large proportion of
the wounded. The men have already
had a first dressing at the field am
bulance, although to see them coated
from head to foot with Champagne
mud and clay you would think they
had not been touched. Those wno are
likely to move a greater distance are
dressed again at the stations and put
Into less comfortable sanitary trains
for the outskirts of Paris.
Acre of Stretcher Seen.
There is a huge hall a sort of open
shed, with bright arc lights illuminat
ing an acre of stretchers, tossing fig
ures, burning eyes, mangled bodies. At
the sides are temporary dressing rooms
and from these come groans and cries.
"The wounds ae terrible." said one
of the brancardiers to me. "but because
they are fresh, with no blood poison
ing or gas gangrene, you feel that they
are not nearly as serious as those we
attended to a few months ago, when
it took so much longer to get them
from the lines to the hospital. Why,
I talked to scores of wounded who
had been in the line that same morn
ing. They were all smiling, every sin
gle one of them. No matter how badly
shot up a man was, he would smile at
you and say with a satisfied sigh,
Enfin ca marche!' Things are mov
ing at last. They told mo some of the
most tirrible things I have ever heard.
Did you know that they have started
using cavalry?"
"But how?" I cried. "How can they
move forward over that ground?"
"That is Just the horrible part," an
swered a doctor, who had been help
ing the wounded. "They say that they
called for volunteers to ride in the
first line and those men went out
knowing that it -was their last breath
ing minute. For the duty of the first
line cavalery has been to fill up the
front line German trenches. Over the
mangled mass of horses and men their
comrades rode on to the German sec
ond line, charging down all enemies."
Reaerve of Sheila Prodlarlons.
"In some places the shelling hadn't
been efficient for the second line of
barbed wire," an armless captain told
me, "and the men simply got hell. They
have a lot of the second line trenches,
though, and there isn't any third line
there you hear, there isn't any third
"A gunner who got an obus pretty
nearly on top of him told me," inter
rupted a third man, "that each gunner
all along the tentative line of offensive
about 45 kilometers, in fact had
10.000 shells to use, and In reserve, so
that they could be brought up in 10
minutes, another 5000. Think of that.
15.000 to a gun!"
"Out at our hospital." said the doc
tor, "we have 34 cases of deafness
alone some of them with absolutely
broken eardrums, some only temporary
deafness, caused by the 70-hour bom
bardment Seventy hours! And four
months ago they thought that three
hour bombardment they had up by
Neuve Chapelle was tremendous and
unheard of."
"I saw German prisoners come in
there, little boys, 15 and 16 years old I
tell you. and they were starved. Their
cheek bones stuck out and their eyes
were in great hollows."
Exclamations of surprise went up
from the rest of the company.
"What do you expect?" answered a
man. "Our artillery cut off all supplies
from coming up for three days. Not
a thing got into the trenches except
the food they had with them, and what
with the lack of food and the terrible
nerve strain of the bombardment I
don't wonder they looked starved. And,
of course, you couldn't expect a boy of
15 to stand the wear as well as a man
of 30."
However, one thing all these men in
sisted on was that they had seen with
their own eyes these little boys taken
as first line prisoners. As they were
mixed English. American and French,
I think they may be believed.
KtndneM to lr!aoner Punished.
They also told another remarkable
thing which I did not like. A wounded
Frenchman, capable of moving around
after having his wound dressed, gave
a German prisoner two cigarettes. He
was arrested and sentenced to serve 12
days for it as a warning to others.
I can see perfectly why American
ambulance men or civilians should not
be allowed to speak to the Germans,
but if a man who 12 hours before had
been fighting those Germans, had been
wounded by them. and still had
enough of the spirit f comradeship
left in him to offer the prisoner a cig
arette. I think it is something to be
commended, not punished. I can also
dimly picture the hue and cry that
would be raised here if news of such
an arrest should come back from Ger
many for similar treatment to a French
"How many wounded would you
think had passed through that one
station?" I asked the man who had
spent every day and night there.
"I should think 25.000." he said, "but
I have no real way of estimating."
"And what would you say from what
the men tell you would be a fair esti
mate of the French losses?"
He disclaimed any knowledge of the
numbers, but finally gave as his per
sonal idea of dead, wounded and pris
oners about 180.000. The men with
him were inclined to think it a little
1 is, nuuui isu.uuu. out none or thpm
a put the figure lower than th&L
ltw Bay's UUspk (Sheer
Life takes on a rosier hue when you let
the Spearmen comfort you. Vlrigley's is
JOY IMMENSE for 5 cents. The longest
lasting goody you can buy.
It keeps the teeth clean and bright. It prods a
lagging appetite. It puts a poor digestion right.
Aavent of Department of Commerce,
After Trip t. Orient and Australia,
Will Visit Portland.
ington. Oct. 31. The Department of
Commerce announced today that Com
mercial Agent F. H. Smith, of the
Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Com
merce, who has just returned to the
United States after 14 months in the
Orient. Australia and New Zealand,
making an investigation of the markets
for American lumber, will tour the Pa
cific Coast cities to confer personallv
with lumber producers and exporters
and give them the benefit of informa
tion he has collected.
He is now in Seattle, but will leave
for cold
gggjipk De aesirea man tne odors of SN.
fflX dining or smoking so
i. Two delicious flavors. JAAfj
k, Write to &
X-SSRP Wm' Wrto'eyJr. Co., APAV
1 232 ffestter 0. r5Sy0x
Vgjgk Chicago for A&jtJ
jli meai,
Perfection Oil.Heafer
A sure remedy for the cold,
damp days. Inexpensive to op
erateeasily carried from room
to room. Smokeless and odorless.
Dealers everywhere.
For best results use Peart Oil
Standard. Oil Company
agreeaoie breatn is
desired than the odors of
J . m .
uinmg or smoKing
delicious flavors.
tomorrow tor Portland, where he will
spend the remainder of this week. He
then will go to Sai Francisco and
proceed to Spokane November 14.
Mr. Smith's investigation covered all
phases of the lumber markets in the
Far East and Australia, including the
sources of present supply, satisfaction
of consumers with their present ma
terial, prices - which American pro
ducers would have to meet; the extent
to which wood-using- industries have
developed and methods by which pres
ent trade is carried on. His work led
to certain definite conclusions and he
will emphasize these points in his talks
with American producers.
As the lumber industry in the United
States is much depressed and the pros
pect of increased export trade is partic
ularly alluring, the Bureau of Foreisn
and Domestic Commerce, through Mr.
Smith, is endeavoring to supply precise
ly the information and advice needed to
increase this business.
Jorfre Returns to France.
LONDON. Oct. 31. General Joffre, the
French commander-in-chief, concluded
'V Av
f " ''
more to
his visit to England and returned to
France Saturday.
A Weak, Nervous Sufferer
Restored to Health by Ly
dia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound.
Easota, Minn. "I am glad to say
that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
(compound has done
more for me than
anything; else, and I
had the best physi
cian here. I was so
weak and nervous
that I could not do
my work and suf
fered with pains low
down In my right
side for a year or
more. I took Lydia
table Compound, and now 1 feel like a
different person. I believe there is
nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table ComrjOUnd far wnlr urnmon onY
young girls, and I would be glad if I
turn i muuence anyone to try the medi
cine, for I know it will do all and much
more than it ia rlnimrl tn An " M
Clara Franks, R. F. D. No. 1, Maple-
crest rarm, iLasota, Minn.
Women who suffer from those dis
tressing ills peculiar to their sex should
be convinced of the ability of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re
store their health by the many genuine
and truthful testimonials we are con
stantly publishing in the newspapers. .
that Lydia JE. Pinkham's Veereta-
1.1. a ,
uicvuiuimunuwiu iii'i i you,wnte
to Lydia K.PinkhamMetlicineCo.
(confidential) Lynn, Mass., for ad
vice. Your Jetter will be opened,
read and answered by a woman,
and held in strict confidence.
A Social. I- ra tenia i. iietieric.u so
ciety ror men and women. Four
pinna of insurance u&seu upon ade
quate rates, and backed by a sur
plus of nearly one in '.11 ton dollars.
20 lodges iu forilanti. uver 11 -J
tncniiifrs in Oregon. lt us ti
vuu aOout ir. I'hone Mnit. !2u
C t-. M KK W
uprfnif Scrrpt.-irt
51 B KlJtt- IWllnutl tir