14 THE MORNING- OREGONIAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1915. PASSENGERSTIEAND BOB JITNEY DRIVER IMPOSING CHURCH EDIFICE WHICH HAS BEEN CLOSED TO SATISFY DEBT, AND PASTOR WHO WILL LEAD FLOCK TO MORE MODEST HOUSE OF WORSHIP CHURCH ES CLOSED IL-ZL Th Qj-MU.rrV 3 to' Final Services Are Held at Central Christian Edifice. Victim Left Helpless on Va cant Lot by Highwaymen, Who Drive Car Off. ORGANIZATION IS RETAINED i r-sM Vi... " jryW' i i "Mr-.. o. ..v:- . 11 TWO MEN ARE ARRESTED Confessions Declared by Detectives to Have Been Made by Andrew Thoniasson and Kd Johnson. Leader of Trio Sought. Tl.re passengers on a Belmont jitney at midnight Saturday attacked the driver, J. S. Taber, bound, gagged and blindfolded him, robbed him of the day's proceeds, amounting to about J 12, commandeered his machine and escaped. The abandoned automobile was found yesterdpy morning at Twenty-eighth and East Stark streets. Two men were arrested yesterday afternoon and the police say they have made complete confessions. Detectives Hellyer. Tackaberry, La Salle and Leonard made the arrests. Kd Johnson, a waiter, aged 23 years, and Andrew Thomasson, a laborer," aged 23, were the men placed under arrest. Johnson was taken Into custody at M est Park and Morrison streets from the description furnished the police by Taber. Johnson, it is alleged, con fessed to being one of the men who threatened Taber with a gun, and when he was searched a revolver was taken from him. Johnson is said to have implicated Tnomasson. who was arrested at First and Yamhill streets two hours later. Both men had $3.60 on them. Pistols Pressed on Neck. The police knew nothing of the rob bery untu Taber walked into police headquarters at Second and Oak streets with his story. The three men boarded the jitney at Bixth and Washington streets, he said about 11:30 Saturday night. They asked to be taken to Eighty-second street. One took a seat beside the driver and the other two occupied the rear seat. At a favorable moment on a poorlv lighted street, near Gray's Crossing, -the men commanded the driver to turn to the curbing and stop his machine. He did not obey with alacrity, and felt the cold muzzles of two revolvers pressed against his neck. The guns were in the hands of the man in the rear of the automobile. Seizing Taber. the three men appro priated some rope they found in the machine to tie him hand and foot. A handkerchief was thrust into his mouth and tied behind and a dirty napkin was bound about his eyes. His rings were stripped from his fingers, his pockets rifled, and Taber. himself, was flung into a vacant lot nearby. The highwaymen climbed back into the machine and drove away rapidly. Man Frees Self In Two Honrs. . After two hours of painstaking la bor, suffering from exposure to the cold and his cramped position, Taber managed to free himself from the bonds. Taber boarded another jitney, which took him to police headquarters. His description of Johnson led to the arrest of this man shortly before 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and later Thomasson was taken into custody. Hoth the men refused to divulge any information with regard to the third person, who is said to have been the leader, as he received the lion's share of the tl2 taken in the division of spoils. Taber's knife and one of his rings were taken from the two men arrested yesterday. CHURCH DAY OBSERVED ItliFORMATIOX SERVICES HELD BV ST. JAMES' CONGREGATION. Itev. J. A. Leas Declares Present-Day Keed Is for Men With Spirit of 1 Reformers of Old. In honor of the lire and work of llartin Luther, reformation services were held at St. James' Lutheran Church yesterday morning and the Sun day school participated in the render ing of the services prepared for the occasion. The history and the influ ence of the reformers from the time of Wyclif were traced by the members of the Sunday school, a plea for men and means for carrying on the work of the present day was maao. Kev. J. A. Leas briefly summarized the principles of the reformation and mentioned that Luther emphasized the ppiritual fact that Jesus Christ is the way of salvation to all believing souls. He said: "We are justified by faith, without the works of the law. through the free grace of God. The Bible is the only rule of faith and practice, and the word and the sacraments are the only means of grace." Dr. Leas mentioned such men as Ejork, the Swedish pastor on the banks of the Delaware prior to the times of 1 he Revolution, who read the entire Hiule to the congregation in a period of 10 years: Bolzius, who labored among the Salzburgers in South Caro lina: and Henry Melchoir Muhlenburg. of Philadelphia and vicinity, who was considered the Luther of America. The need of the hour was declared to be men of like talents and consecra tion. PASTOR WARNS OF WORRY JIcv. Henry Marcotte Declares Anx iety Should Be Banished. Anxiety and worry impair effective ness and -should not be tolerated any more than other evils, said Ilev. Henry Marcotte, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church, in his sermon on "Pon't Worry." last night. "I do not mean that we should not take reasonable thought for the fu ture." he said. "I would distinguish fcesween reasonable thought and wor 2 :. however. The former improves our ertectlveness and the latter impairs it." Kev. Mr. Marcotte referred to Christ's sermon on the mount and told how he three times in nine verses urges his hearers to "be not anxious for the morrow." "If you add tomorrow's burden to to day's, that is too much." said the speak er. "You and your w-ork must neces sarily suffer." Summing up his philosophy, he said: "Don't worry, trust in God. do your duty and know he is going to take care of you." Chamber oY Commerce members, notice: Meeting set for Monday night postponed until later in the week. Adv. s -fc. " S J. jaW -:";': " ? inI imMiii.t yininj i m 1 n. I-- ' il jj ft-, "KV if I t . M ft -V REV . A. " CRIM. PASTOR. A.ND CENTRAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH, EAST DENVER WATCHING PLAN COMMERCIAL LNION IN PORTLAND MAY BE FOLLOWED. Business Interests Enlist Aid of F. W. Hlld in Similar Enterprise Plan ' Outlined at Luncheon. Encou.-aged by the success of Port land in uniting all its commercial bod ies under one organization the busi ness interests of Denver have callad upon F. W. Hild to assist thera" in a similar enterprise there. Mr. Hild re cently resigned as general manager of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company. He had an active part in perfect ng the new Chamber of Com merce in Portland Recently, at a luncheon attended by S?8 t?- env?r's le"ng business men, Mr. Hild spoke on the merits of the Portland plan He outlined it briefly and urged it upon them for their con sideration. lt is probable that Denver will embark on a campaign similar to the one successfully concluded a short time ago in Portland. Commenting on the success of the Portland enterprise, the Denver News in this connection says' nlte results in th upbuilding. The merVer gave to Portland the largest commercial organization in the world. The nlan was worked out after weeks of careful sfudy ?o JrnlSt-?; l.'" "d la thls "f mod- the result that line frequently crossed and much needless ex pensrt incurred, ifJM"!?;'1" tliT taintcst tinge of political affiliations, this organization has resulted in F. t0 P?rt and a v,I"tua' business admin. An d'""ratton where the best inteiests of the community as determined by t.ie best citizens of the community, repre sentatives of labor and capital, farm and ractory alike, have been almost Invariably flCn iJVa. -Ze. ldfIs ?f h, organization, as set rortn In tho platform on whirh it nm nr. TWO THEATERS .kJL . .. , plan has been on trial only a short time in Portland it already has ac compHsl ed wonders in the wa? of re.ufts lt stimulated business, and h v.;.f5ui ' "'P""" .,n " c"y- It has destroyed for "",er ,rlc""? nd Jealousies and overlapping of effort that existed when the dozen dif ferent ornanlzatlons were striving to do with .Tii mil in ine nev.iinmAn . .1 A MASTER WORK in grand opera, visualized In motion pictures; a grand opera star who for one fleeting engagement lent her distinctive per sonality and charms to the screen, and an arch-priestess in moving picture trick-wickedness are the center of attraction in the Portland moving picture world this week. "Carmen" is the grand opera. It is on at two theaters. At the People's a production, featuring Geraldine Farrar.- a grand-opera star whose great S.tS8x, lsJ,ot Questioned, is given. At the Majestic a presentation is made with Theda Bara in the immortal role of the Spanish cigarette-maker. Both pro ductions are costly ones and both convincing. The opportunity to see Far rar on the screen is an event in itself. To see the interpretation given an already famous role by Theda Bara is also interesting. "Carmen" is a now erfully dramatic study, and it lends itself to the screen. The People's pro duction is an artistic triunph and noteworthy because Farrar nlavs Carmen At the Majestic the Sunday patrons did not overlook the opportunity to view the exotic Theda Bara in her conception of the immortal role Peoples. GREAT prima donna yielded to the fascination of immortalizing art divine, and lent herself for one picture to the screen. She A her just was ueraldine Farrar, whose name will go down in grand opera and film annals inextricably interwoven wtth "Carmen," playing this week at the Peoples Theater. Geraldine Karrar first added to fame of the role with her voice, and in the motion picture all her' dramatic genius is played up and pictured in the guise of the fascinat ing Spanish cigarette maker. The beautiful settings of mountain scenery are supplemented with the fantasy of gypsy life, and great bands of bearded outlaw wanderers and their spangled senoritas. of whom Carmen is one, roam through the film. The pro duction is really an artistic triumph. ' The well-known plot with its nu merous tragedies is worked up with a delicacy that holds and magnifies every thrill, yet in no instance re pulses. A number of excellent types are worked out in this Paramount film with such skill that in the accurate Spanish setting there is such realism that it is only with difficulty that one realizes that the great cities, the bull ring and the remarkable street scenes were but the products of master archi tects and producers. When Carmen dies after her destruc tive career that brings to all who love her death and disaster we feel no con tempt: for the strongest and most sym pathetic acting is done here by Ger adine Farrar and Wallace Reid. In side the ring is her toreador and out side Don Jose, mad with jealousy, traps her. They quarrel, they light. Don Jose flashes a great knife and Carmen, "killed but free," lies dead by the man she jilted. The inn of the bandits, who keep and protect the disgraced officer and Carmen, is typical of the southern Bo heniian life, and the dances and quar rels and murders that occur there are so in keeping with the weird setting mat tney are fully expected. An event in motion picture produc ing was accomplished when the bull fight in "Carmen" was affected with an animal brought from Spain and matador professional was engaged to ns"- j u.i.ii is rrai ana me norse is actually wounded and the bull killed, Kanized. express as nearly as anything can the ideals which are prompting the better and mor- progressive citizens of Denver to uree a simitar organization here. TRILBY PICKFORD OFFERING Clara Kimball Young and Wiltou Lackaye Are Starred. "Trilby." a play of romance, mystery and tragedy, is proving an unusual drawing card at the Pickford Theater this week. Clara Kimball Young and Wilton Lackaye are starred in the pro duction of the well-known dramatic success. Most of the plot is laid in the latin quarter of Paris, where two Eng lish artists are painting. In the same building are an Eastern magician and violinist and his disciple and in another part are a sculptor and his beautiful model, "Trilby." Trilby and the English Billee fall in love. Svengali. however, sees through Trilby a chance for a fortune, so hyp notizes her and uses her as a medium for. making a great contralto. His spell on her is so strong that he ab sorbs her very life. In an absolutely fantastic scene, poor little Trilby dies the same instant that Svengali is killed by Billee. GRAND JURY TO BE DRAWN Provident Trust Company and Bay Ocean Park Investigation Due. Among the important matters await ing action of the new- Federal grand Jury, which is to be drawn Tuesday, are investigations of the affairs of the ProvidentTrust Company, of this city and of Bay Ocean Park, the Summer beach resort fronting on the ocean and Tillamook Bay opposite Garibaldi and Bay City. A delegation of investors in the Bay Ocean Park property recently called on United States Attorney Reames to pre sent alleged grievances, which was headed by L. E. Latourette, in the ad ministration of the receiver appointed by Judge Gatens. There are more than 60 cases pending grand jury investigation. Thirty-one colleges and universities in this countrv give courses in the various phases of journalism. SHOW "CARMEN" Majestic. VTEVEn before has William Fox pro- duced a film equal to "Carmen," starring Theda Bara, which is at the Majestic this week. The marvelous de tail work, both in selection of tvpes and settings, is secondary only to Miss cars, s acting. She who is schooled to allure, to grieve and to ruin, with eyes as dark with sin as color, with subtle grace, is well fitted for the role of the enticing Carmen. The production abounds In sinister appeal and thrills. Don Jose, the young Captain whose knell was rung when "first her eyes beheld him." is played by ZMmer Linden.- Mr. Linden is known r the most daring of all motion-rjicture stars, and in "Carmen" he not only ex- -.r, as in iormer teats, but distin guishes himself as a thespian. The gypsy camps of Fox' "Carmen" are re alistic and beautiful, and many humor ous incidents are blended with trage dies that have their beginning at the nome or the nomadic outlaws. The bullfiirht. ittapMl in a n..ninn- that is the replica of the famous Sevll lian course, forms one of the greatest sensations of the film. After Don Jose has stolen, has killed and suffered for his charmer, she becomes Infatuated with a notorious and popular toreador and goes with him to Seville. Don Jose follows, and in the midst of the fight Carmen is summoned to the gate to save her suitor The quarrel that follows brings out the highest type of tragedy. She must go with Don Jose, But she will not; rather than be "a man's property" she would be free or die. And Don Jose stabs her. and just as the hero of the bullfight reaches her she dies. Down the highway rides Jose, and without an instant's stop he plunges over the 60-foot cliff, horse and all. To accom plish this realistic closing sensation Elmer Linden suffered a broken leg. but the daredevil stunt was marvel- " - . ' a h 1 1 na Eunns out as me nrat 01 its Kind that was ever ac complished. The gypsies used by Fox in "Car men were real gypsies, descended from Andalusian nomada of Sr.ni., i the cigarette factory, with the mobs of girl workers, are photographed, not in VLion-oiciure flrirKSK.-i t.nt -.tun. types ot tpanlsn girls used for the oc casion. TWENTIETH AM) SALMON STREETS. MAIDS TAKE EMPRESS "THE BONNIE SEXTET" CAPTI VATES WITH CLEVER MELODIES. Billy Rice's Production, Booked After Tryous, Entertains . Well and Arthur Dentine's Jokes Amuse. "The Bonnie Sextet," offering a musical melange of solo and ensemble numbers, and an act that carries a most artistic setting, headlines an un usually attractive bill at the Empress this week.' Six pretty girls, dressed in Scotch costumes, open the act with cornets and trombones; xylophone, horn ana cornei solos are featured and the act concludes with a drawing-room set and the six pretty maids in handsome gowns playing catchy melodies. A big place on the bill is given a locally recruited act booked for a week as a result of Thursday's night's try out, Billy Rice's musical comedy pro duction. The 15 members of the cast, despite the fact that their act has had little rehearsing, demonstrate that they are worthy of a place on the Em press bill. The act is titled "By the Sea." and Billy Rice, Wheeler Romig, Harry Stratton, Dorothy Lewis and "Babe" Fowler, local comedy and musical favorites, have their dialogue and musical numbers brightened by a pretty and well dressed chorus. The inimitable Arthur Deming, with the infectious smile and the jokes with a "punch." again is delighting Empress-goers with his black-face comedy. There is but one Arthur Deming, just as there is but one George Primrose, and the ribald laughter is wrested from the most dignified member of his audiences. Novelty pentomimists. with an act that is named "Is He Charlie Chaplin?" keep the crowd in an uproar watching their silent antics. Charlie Chaplin, Mabel Normand and "Fatty" Arbuckle are cleverly pantomimed and "Fatty" comes in for the usual amount of punishment when the fickle Mabel "falls" for the eccentricities of Charlie. The act is full of life. Paul Francis and Rose De Mer late of the Ziegfield Follies, offer 'some "nifty nonsense and pianologue." The male member of the double does the pianologuing and does it cleverly. Miss De Mer sings, and dances and wears some dazzling gowns. Dick Henry and Carrie Adelaide present a feature or two in novelty dancing. Dick Henry dances and makes a complete change of costume while doing so. Miss Adelaide sings and the act ends in some whirlwind dancing by the duo. Billy and Edna St. Allen do a turn titled "On the Wire." HORSE BURNED TO DEATH Bnrn Belonging to Michael Budnah Destroyed by Fire. Fire of unknown origin burned to death one horse early yesterday, when it razed the barn of Michael Budnah. a peddler living at 1337 Detroit avenue, and damaged to the extent of 1100 the home of Carl W. Wass. a ioner- slioreman. at 1339 Detroit avenue. There was a nign wina, ana Derore the fire department, which had a mile run to make, could reach the scene, the walls of the -barn had fallen in. Budnah had insurance of $250 on his barn, and the loss to the adjoining bouse was covered by insurance- The "Old-Time" Cake Walk is now the rage "Back East" and will be depicted this week at Ye Oregon Grille Miss Anuta Osgood the Vital Spark, and girls will sing in "Black Face" and Southern costumes, the song hit from Town Topics. Broad way's latest success, "Wake Up. It's Cake-Walk Day" The All-Star Cabaret will also include MLLE. ISABELLE, Prima Donna; DONALD M.AC VREGOR, Scotch Comedian, and SIG. PIETHO MARINO and his Famous Orchestra. Busy Men and Women Should Try Our 40c Noon Lunch. UNSURPASSED. Ye Oregon Grille -Hotel Oregron, Broadway at Stark. X. K. Clarke, Manager. E. E. Larimore, Assistant Manager. Rev. A. U. Crim and 1 4 Members In corporate New Body Burden of Debt Tor Stone Structure Too Heavy for Congregation. The final services of the Central Christian Church as an evangelistic organization were held yesterday in the stone edifice at the corner of. East Twentieth and East Salmon streets. and the new East Side Christian Church will hold its first meeting next Sunday in the former Hawthorne-Park Presbyterian Church, Last Twelfth and East Taylor streets. The new churcis has been incorporated by 14 members. Rev. A. L. Crim will be the pastor of the new church. There was .a tinge of sadness con nected with all the services of the day. as the church associations of the past years came to a close, and the church edifice, erected under most favorable circumstai ces, goes into the hands of the owners of the mortgage, which aggregates more than $35,000. Rev. A. L. Crim preached in the morning on "The Past." and in the evening the topic was, "The South Wind Blows Softly." No special ref erence was made to the passing of the Central Christian Church. Chunk Will Not Dissolve. It is announced that the Central Christian Church will not dissolve its organization at present, but will hold no public services. It will hold to gether for the present to close up all its business in an honorable manner. Its members may enter the new church, or go to other Portland churches In time. Profiting from the experience of the Central Church, the new church will endeavor to steer clear of the rock of debt that wrecked the- Central Church. ' However, it may in time pur chase the property of the Hawthorne Presbyterian Church, owned by the Central Presbyterian Church. Debt Burden Too Heavy. Rev. J. F. Ghcrmley, former pastor of the First Christian Church, or ganized the Central Christian Church about 10 years ago with a large mem bership, "built a tabernacle at East Twentieth and Esst Salmon streets in which services were held until the stone building wes erected at a cost of nearly $80,000. The burden of debt was heavy. but the congregation struggled manfully to meet it. Rev. Mr. Richardson succeeded Rev. S. Ghormley and he made efforts to pay off the debt, but the task was too heavy, and he resigned. Rev. A. L. Crim was called to face the burden, but It was finally decided that the congregation could not meet the debt, which had accumulated, amounting from $35,000 to $40,000. The structure is solid stone. It passes into the hands of the owners of the mortgage, but disposition of the prop erty remains for the future to develop, lt has an auditorium that will seat about 1500 people. LYRIC BILL SPARKLING PIPE DREAM" IS HIGHLY AMUSING COMEDY. Presentation of Leadlns Role by Will Klnir, and Singing; ot Actresses Good; Dog; Is Feature, Too. Snarklinsr with comedy and clever songs and with the added charm of pretty girls in clever dances, the mu sical comedy "The Pipe Dream," staged by Dillon and King for the first per formances of the week at the Lyric yesterday, made a strong bid for pop ularity. The pipe dream of Ike Lesh inski, presented by Will King, was cleverly brought into the plot and made a good culmination for the story. The scene of the comedy, laid as it is on the farm, was given a touch of local color by Ike's pet dog. Octav ius, whose timely squeals added to -the merriment of the theatergoers. Ike's efforts to feed the animal from the bottle, were also ludicrous. "Jack o Lantern Moon," t sung by Miss Vera Lawrence and chorus, proved a - particularly popular number with the crowd. With the lights turned low and each member of the chorus carrying a jack o'lantern an eerie, but altogether delightful effect was pro duced. Miss Grace Allen's song, "Come Back to Dixie." was good, but she appeared at her best in "Rose of Kll larney," which he sang in costume and with the addition of some catchy steps. The plot of the comedy hinges around the efforts of land speculators to buy Mr. Leshinski's farm for the location of a city to be named "Paradise." Mr. Ieshinski's pipe dream is that the city has been built tnd that all his hopes of wealth have been realized. The appearance of his wife on the scene, however, spoils the dream. Mill Anita Osgood The Vital Spark. . -.tec-Si 3 " r i 'Our Monday Bulletin of t Sales Advertised Sunday. Just a reminder of some of the money-saving opportunities that await you today at Meier & Frank's. Details in yesterday's pa pers. This is "Inauguration Month" in our great new store watch our ads daily to see how we celebrate it. 50 women's new DRESSES at $12.95 that would sell ordinarily at 1 20-$25. 100 modish new HATS for women $7.50 regularly priced $9.50 $15. Girls' PARTY FROCKS (4 to 16) $0.95 for the 59.75, and $10.75 for $15-$16 frocks. ' TltL.651 EMBROIDERIES (18-27-inch) $1 for new $1.50 $2.19 for $2.95 Ostrich BOAS $3.50 grades are $2.85 $5 graces $3.9S. Also, as advertised in Sunday papers, specials in women's "Kavser" Silk UNDERWEAR TOWELS Scrim CURTAINS BLANKETS, Etc. ' And many other worthwhile reductions not advertised. Skirts Cut to Measure FREE in our Woolen Dress Goods Department if materials pur chased here Second Floor. pure pood gection THE GROCERY: No lessening of enthusiasm on the part of those who visit this wonderful store more and more people look to it daily for all their grocery supplies. It is well worth YOUR visit today. THE BAKERY: Fills a long felt want in many homes. Most modern equipment, expert bakers, best ingredients. Every precau tion taken .to ensure cleanliness and purity. Freshness always the watchword. ICE CREAM FACTORY: Ice cream made in full view. Inspec tion invited. Bring the little ones. THE CANDY SHOP: Where toothsome sweetmeats of purest quality are made and packed. Clean candy kitchens that are models of their kind. Adding Zest to Your Appetite For those who delight in foods of purest quality, deliciously pre pared and well served in pleasant surroundings we recommend: The I'riscilla Tea Room for the Gentleman who lunches with his wife. Also for the busy Shopper. The Dutch Room On the ninth floor for the Man who likes to mingle w,ith other men and smoke after his lunch. The Black and White Tea Room For the lady who enjoys afternoon tea. The Dairy Lunch Counter On the ninth floor Grocery Section for those who like good, rich milk coffee with cream a cheese sand wich and some dainty pastry or cake from our own Model Bakery. The Cafeteria and Soda Fountain In the basement for those who want a wholesome, quick and inexpensive lunch. Lights Go Panama -Pacific Exposition OX Saturday, December 4th Are You Mining Agriculture Horticulture The latest developments in all industries can be seen here. You cannot afford to miss it. Low Fares for exposition travel are in effect until November 30 via the Shasta Route Write for booklet "Wayside Notes" Tickets, reservation or further infor mation at City Ticket Office, corner Sixth and Oak Sts.. Union Depot or East Morrison-St. Station. Phones Bdwy. 2760. A 6704. Southern Pacific John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent Portland. Oregon. m By 0? Get The Genuine BU Lessons in Knitting Crocheting, embroidering, art needlework of all kinds daily on the Second Floor FREE! THE DELICATESSEN Well worth a special visit and inspec tion on its own account. An ob ject lesson in what a delicatessen should be. The choice and appe tizing products displayed in such quantities and varieties here lose nothing from their setting. The glass-inclosed cases, shelves, re frigerators, containers, etc. all are kept scrupulously sweet and clean. No promiscuous arrange ment of different varieties no disagreeable odors. The ap proved brine system and other expensive safeguards insure against .deterioration. A delica tessen in short that adds ap preciably to the uniqueness of this wonderful Ninth Floor. Out at the Interested in Art Science Manufacturing